demosthenes70 · 1 year
….and then there was nothing again and I could breathe
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
Man knows of nothing that can astringe the tag ends of love. Nothing that permanently heals the wounds of heartbreak or the loss of love to deception.
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
I can melt faces using only a fraction of my bitterness.
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
They wish me dead
That’s okay. I say
Give me some death
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
“I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.”
— Oscar Wilde
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
I admire intelligent, kind people.
“When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people.”
— Abraham Joshua Heschel
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
You want love? Prove thine self worthy!
//known, but shy
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
So very true. Take a moment and think about it. It’s undeniable.
“I learned not to trust people; I learned not to believe what they say but to watch what they do. I learned to suspect that everyone is capable of living a lie. I came to believe that other people - even when you think you know them well - are ultimately unknowable.”
— Lynn Barber
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
The anger, I’m afraid, is indelible. As is the disgust, distrust and woe. This is my place now in the world, my station in life. Those raw, permanent emotions are my furnishings. I find it quite comfortable.
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
““Why should I be sad? I have lost someone who didn’t love me. But they lost someone who loved them.” - Unknown”
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
I had imagined death thrillingly:
Mary Szybist, Granted; from 'The Technique of the Lifelike'
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
I had imagined death thrillingly:
Mary Szybist, Granted; from 'The Technique of the Lifelike'
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
Colossal desire to escape, retreat, not talk to anybody.
Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath ⁠— July 1950 - July 1953
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
Oh piss off/can’t you see I’m dying?
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
I could wretch/ “live your life”, “spread your wings”, “every day offers new hope”/ don’t you realize we’re dying? Death started at birth, maybe conception! /We are witnessing, vividly, the death of us and they would have us celebrate? Rubbish! /Life is simply a protracted death. Nothing at all to rejoice in./But carry on, dolts and fools. Carry on.
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
I dread the dawn's recurrent light;
Dorothy Parker, Enough Rope; from 'Symptom Recital'
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demosthenes70 · 1 year
Trying desperately to forget. Unable or unwilling to forgive. Perhaps when all the land is swallowed by sea, when the pyramids go back to dust. Maybe in a trillion years.
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