depressedb-tchlol · 3 years
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{I tired my best}
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depressedb-tchlol · 3 years
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{credits to the artist}
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depressedb-tchlol · 3 years
"you won't care when im sad, it'll easier to leave me to my sadness and carry on with your night"
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depressedb-tchlol · 7 years
sat in work trying not to cry lol
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depressedb-tchlol · 7 years
I sometimes punish myself for wanting attention. I want people to notice how I feel, but it seems wrong.
diary of my journey (via fvckedupdragon)
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depressedb-tchlol · 7 years
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Изгнание.  Они нашептали что-то ветру… Злые слова их, словно сорные семена пустили ростки и корни. Ей бросали камни во след, словно пытались отыскать дно в бездне ее отчаяния.  Черствый ветер сбил ее с ног, очернил платье комьями грязи, разум - проклятиями. Топь замедляла ее шаги, манила в свои объятия… И неслышные колыбельные сонма рыб усыпляли изгнанницу. К дыханию забытых рек присоединился ее шепот, полный горькой усталости. Ветер позабыл ее имя, но все еще рвал клыками льняное платье, дрожащее от его рыка.
They whispered something to the wind… Their evil words, like weeds have taken roots. They threw stones at her in the wake,as if trying to find the bottom in the abyss of her despair. The cold wind knocked her down, blackened the dress with lumps of mud, mind - with curses. Swamp slowed her steps and lured into the arms… And inaudible lullabies of fishes lulled the exile. The breath of the forgotten rivers was joined by her whisper, full of bitter fatigue. The wind has forgotten her name, but tore the linen dress - gray cloth trembling of his roar. Tale by Natalia Drepina (Your Schizophrenia) Model: Irina Nazarenko Music for inspiration:  Hildur Guðnadóttir – Líður
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depressedb-tchlol · 7 years
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depressedb-tchlol · 7 years
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depressedb-tchlol · 7 years
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depressedb-tchlol · 7 years
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depressedb-tchlol · 7 years
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depressedb-tchlol · 7 years
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Melania Brescia
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