depthlesscanyon · 2 years
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Happy ides of march everyone 🗡🗡🗡
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
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the worst father imaginable
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
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Seems harmless enough, just put him out the back.
Conversation I had with my partner last week: "What kind of spider would each of the characters in Trigun be?" (I put our answers under the cut, but feel free to share your own for the fun of it)
Vash - Daddy-longlegs: Lanky, goofy, fleeing from humans 24/7, subject of many myths and false accusations. Wolfwood - St Andrew's Cross: Huge cross, 10 points for style and effort. Pretty chill. Milly - Huntsman: Big friend, gentle giant, high intimidation stat. Concern spikes when she's no longer visible. Meryl - Redback: Small, kinda grumpy, packing way too much heat. Knives is a wasp (the kind that kills spiders with ease)
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
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I may be making stuff up. But. I'm just saying.
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
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[ID: A redraw of the "Grim Reaper knocking on door" meme with Cecil Palmer in place of the grim reaper. Behind him are doors with portraits of Slenderman, Herobrine, and Nagito Komaeda on them.  He is knocking on a door with a portrait of Reigen Arataka on it. There are experience points coming out of Herobrine's door and the blood coming out of Komaeda's is pink, matching the blood on the microphone Cecil is carrying. /End ID]
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
Storm Bringer Spoilers!!
One of the most jarring moments of reading Storm Bringer was finding out that the Sheep are being used to indefinitely blackmail Chuuya into staying with the Port Mafia.
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(pg. 115)
It seems like an unnecessary action on Mori's part. The use of trading the Sheep's lives for Chuuya to join the PM at the end of 15 worked out fine, ending with Chuuya realizing what he was missing as an important figure within the Sheep and swearing his loyalty to the PM.
The Sheep were disbanded, so Chuuya wouldn't be able to return to them even if he wanted to, continuing to keep tabs on them in case they need to be Strategically Killed (and especially using someone who they know was close to Chuuya as the first to die) feels excessive. So I am really wondering if there is a greater motive for these measures to be necessary.
Also, because there is no mention of this deal after this, (unless I missed something) it is very possible that this is still ongoing, which is wild considering the power he has in the organization.
We already know that Chuuya has no interest in leaving the PM but I think that it is significant that he physically cannot without sacrificing lives of multiple people he grew up with.
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
Stormbringer is a buddy cop comedy between a British robot detective and a sixteen year old mafia member. It’s a horror story about being hunted down by someone who wants to control you entirely through the guise of love. It’s a tragedy. It’s a cautionary tale about properly expressing your emotions before it’s too late. It’s written like a YA novel. Most of the major characters never even show up in the main story.
It’s the best piece of media in the entire series.
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
The brief appearance of Light's friends in the Death Note manga is such an interesting difference from the anime,,
Something that I found very striking about the high school scenes in the anime is that Light is almost always by himself. He doesn't walk to or from school with anyone and he eats lunch alone.
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We know that making friends isn't something that is difficult for him, ( for example, he writes down his plan for the busjacking in the Death Note BEFORE asking a girl out, having no doubt that someone will go with him ) meaning that all this time alone is what he prefers and chooses.
This is significant because it is reflective of how he acts for the rest of the series, only getting to know people or surrounding himself with people when it is directly beneficial to him, rather than for any actual enjoyment.
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( We never see any of these people before or after this episode lmao)
In the manga, however, even though they only appear in the first two chapters, Light has friends that he walks home with, an interaction that is lacking any visible ulterior motive.
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Even if it is a pretty small difference, I think it arguably creates two alternate perspectives on Light's character.
Anime Light's pattern of interacting with people only when necessary is present from the beginning and seems to just be a part of his personality. Although having this ability is useful to him when acting as Kira, it wasn't created due to necessity.
However, you could argue that this isn't true for Manga Light, as this pattern begins after he starts using the Death Note. These friend characters do not reappear in Light's life after he takes on the role of Kira. Meaning you could say that he possibly loses a previous interest in connecting with people without anything significant to gain, a clear line separating his behavior from before and after finding the Death Note.
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
he’s like if a rubber chicken were a person
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
!!!!!! TW discussion of child ab*se and s*lf h*rm !!!!
Maybe someone has pointed this out before me but I’ve been thinking about illumi and killua’s nen abilities. Killua’s stems from his abuse and it’s debatable to whether his ability electrocutes him too. And illumi’s shape shifting canonically hurts him. It makes me wonder whether illumi’s also originates from being tortured as a child. Either way, it’s an interesting parallel.
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
here are my favourite recurring light yagami behaviours:
- *hysterical screaming tantrum* *sudden perfect calm* literally no transition between the two
- responding to a direct question by staring at his hands for five minutes while he thinks of the perfect non-suspicious response, then not actually saying the response out loud
- putting on a performance for the truman show
- alien emulating human behaviour by reading the wikipedia page, convinced he’s doing a bang-up job
- the sincere and unironic belief that adultery will make him look less suspicious
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
Thinking about the fact that the idea to put a needle in Killua’s head wasn’t originally Illumi’s idea, it was Silva’s. (Not defending Illumi of course, because it is exactly the kind of thing he would do if he had thought of it first lmao)  
Although I could be wrong, I don’t think that Killua knows this. I wonder if Silva deliberately set the situation up this way so that he could benefit from being able to control Killua, but keep the blame off himself. Because although Killua has expressed extreme resentment towards the majority of his family, it’s Illumi who he seems to despise most. I can’t help but think that Silva is trying to direct Killua’s dislike of the Zoldyck family onto Illumi and therefore away from himself, so he can have a better shot at Killua listening to him in the future.
Another example of this is when Illumi gets Killua to return to Kukuroo Mountain, Silva immediately tells him that he can leave as long as he does not betray the family. Directly creating a contrast between Illumi’s crushing need for control and his own apparent leniency.
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
The true horror of Death Note is that Light's explosive desk is still Real and Out There
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depthlesscanyon · 2 years
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this fucking guy
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