destinymoxley · 11 years
God he looks so good in this video!! I love how he dose not care what other's think about him..
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destinymoxley · 11 years
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I love the shield
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destinymoxley · 11 years
Just one of my chapter's for a preview if you want to read it :)
The look was only a second before a bell went off, the other guy tapped out.
Walking backwards into the cheering crown I run. Not really knowing where I was going because I was being pushed and elbowed. Finally seeing a door I run to it and cross to the other side. I know its not the same way I came in because this hall looked different.
Still I walk, trying to find a way out. All the doors I try to upon were locked so I just keep going until a door that was cracked upon itself. Running to it I sling the door open and run in. Looking around I stop for it looked like a locker room. Stepping more into the locker room I look for another door, but so far there wasn't one. I was about to turn around and go back until I hear people enter the room. Gasping I hid behind a wall of lockers and put my hand over my mouth to stay quiet.
"I knew that pussy would tap out, i'm telling you Jon that your a beast. Haha you might just run out of opponents here." A older mans voice say's.
'Shut the fuck up Dan. I don't give a shit, how much this time." Another mans voice said, more younger.
"Almost five hundred, you want me to put you down for a match for next week also?" The older man say's.
The sound of one of the lockers opening sounded. "Yea, sure."
"Alright Moxley, see you next week then." 
Eye's widening i jerk back, my head hitting the wall behind me. 
Moxley, shit. I should of known where I was!
'What the fuck was that?' The one I assume was Moxley said. 
"Probably nothing other then a rat. But hey, ill see you. Got to settle the people out there down."
"Sure, whatever see you next week." Then I hear the door to the room shut.
Damn damn damn, what the hell am I gonna do now!
Listening closely I don't hear anything for a while. So I peek out of the corner of the wall. Seeing nothing I sigh.
Thank Go-
I was grabbed around my throat and pushed hard into the wall I was just on. Looking up I see the face of a angry man named Moxely.
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destinymoxley · 11 years
I like to feel alive.
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destinymoxley · 11 years
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destinymoxley · 11 years
OMG i LOVE this video!
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destinymoxley · 11 years
This boy is so fiiiine
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destinymoxley · 11 years
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destinymoxley · 11 years
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destinymoxley · 11 years
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destinymoxley · 11 years
Beauty is in the inside not just the out. 
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destinymoxley · 11 years
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destinymoxley · 11 years
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So true!
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destinymoxley · 11 years
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Omg funny as hell!
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destinymoxley · 11 years
Cute other side of Ambrose :p
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destinymoxley · 11 years
You’re gonna have to run me over with a car to get rid of me, Sunshine
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destinymoxley · 11 years
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