devilsguacamole · 9 years
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exciting art update 
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
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Chainmail Bikini preview: Pocket Worlds ⊟
All week, we’re featuring samples from Chainmail Bikini, the ”comics anthology celebrating female gamers”. The upcoming Kickstarter-ed book features a number of portable gaming-themed stories, like this preview page from Anna Rose (Tumblr / Quick bio: “Anna Rose is an illustrator. Her favorite game is Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, and her favorite food is a cheeseburger.”).
Chainmail Bikini will offer 200+ pages of comics about video games, tabletop RPGs, collectible card games, and more from 40 cartoonists. It sounds like a really awesome project, and we’d be happy if you pledged some cash to get a copy of the book and to help the participating artists get paid even more!
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.
Federico García Lorca, “Blood Wedding” (via misswallflower)
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
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Garnet and Pearl. My love for this show has no bounds. Here's a low quality photo as I try to figure out how I'm going to draw Amethyst.
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
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Pretty self explanatory.
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
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These are my Oscars predictions for this year. 
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
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This year I decided to actively seek help for my depression and anxiety, which have been a plague on my life for years.
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
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Today is Palentine's day and I get to see my favorite goobs, which include Awellroundedman, Marinashutup, and Merrywise. I realize that I need to learn how to draw aforementioned goobs better.
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
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More expression studies, and dang lady eyes are hard to draw.
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
astronaut: we've landed and its time to wake up from our 400 years in cryosleep
me: 5 more minutes
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
Let me break it down for ya: Despite high praise from viewers and critics alike, inexplicably low ratings are currently throwing Agent Carter's future into jeopardy. We all remember what happened to Firefly, so if you’ve been curious about this new series but haven’t quite gotten...
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
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One of my favorite new superheroes. I think Kamala Khan is incredibly important and I hope she gets even more exposure.
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
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Something I've needed to practice. My face game feels pretty weak right now so I'm trying to fix that.
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
Thank you all so much for joining me! I appreciate it so much and I promise you that I am working hard to start posting as regularly as possible!
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devilsguacamole · 10 years
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I'm new to the whole internet art thing and would like to use this as a progress journal that includes art I like, fan art, and little comics here and there and everywhere. There is a little "get to know the artist' thing going around right now and I decided to make my own. 
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