diabolicalcunt · 4 months
You want to, without consent, replace a woman’s music with the music made by man who raped multiple women, abandoned his child and expected WOC to clean up his literal shit cause they were the help and he was too enlightened to bother. Soooooo progressive!
i know i shouldn't get angry, okay? i know i should just live and let live...
but i want to personally hack into the computers of every single Shanin Blake fan and replace all their downloads/saves of her songs with Beatles music and George Harrison's solo stuff.
these people need some real hippie culture and spirituality not some fakey narcissistic tiktok hippie toxic positivity bullshit.
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
I'm starting to hate the term "radfem". There should be nothing radical about wanting to live in a world that doesn't want to kill you.
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
A TERF reblogged this. Suck my organicly grown clit. 🖕🏻
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
Like I said, absolutely adore the work you’re doing here. This is literally the best parody account I have seen in years. I absolutely love how you’re getting misogynist porn sick men an outlet to give radical feminist receipts. Really appreciate what you’re doing. If you ever decide to make a YouTube, let me know. I will be your first follower and Patreon.
receipts for terfs grooming or abusing minors. send asks or DM screenshots. use anon if needed.
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
Two unrelated screenshots is grooming. Yea that seems like typical man. They never put any effort into the world building for their fetish erotica.
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23 year old grooming a 14 year old
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
It really is! Oh no you felt unsafe! Wow we wouldn’t know what that feels like! 😂😂😂
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terf admitting it gets off to rape
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
Oh god this reads like a incel fan fic. ‘She said she hated me so much she HAD to fuck me.’ 😂😂😂 ok MOID I can read between the lines. This is HIM admitting to rape. Another receipt.
when i was 17 i was r@ped by a terf lesbian (19) in our friendgroup and then she told everyone i r@ped her and they all believed her. she even told me she was going to the police.
i thought she just had trauma or something and didnt like penis which was fine. i was nice to her bc i wanted to convince her not all transgender people are bad and she kept saying i was flirting with her so i backed off and apologized and thought that was the end of it but she didnt like that or something and she cornered me and forced herself on me at a mutual friend's party
she told me "nobody is going to believe you" and "youre going to get me pregnant and then youre going to go to jail" even tho im pretty sure im sterile and apparently she didnt get pregnant.
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
Because I don’t spend almost every day of my life being told I’m too pretty and intelligent to be ‘retarded.’ Fuck you! You’re a hateful Cunt. Get the fuck off my dashboard you ablest bitch. Learn how to swallow, learn how to do a homemade abortion or shut the fuck up.
high functioning autistic people truly need to shut the fuck up about how offended they are by scientists trying to find the cause of autism so that it can be prevented and I'm saying this as a high functioning autist myself. it's so easy for you to go "uwu celebrate our differences! autism is awesome!!" bc you are not a nonverbal permatoddler who screams 12 hrs a day, physically assaults others, smears their shit on the walls, etc, nor are you the parent or sibling of one (if you were you would not be saying this nonsense). genuinely there needs to be a different word for high functioning autists (like how we used to have Aspergers...why is that not used anymore in psychiatric circles) bc the lack of differentiation between the two groups is literally warping high functioning people's perception of what severe autism actually looks like.
stop throwing a tantrum every time a single mother who's being beaten up by her own kid on the daily and has literally no help says "I just wish he was normal" as if that's unreasonable. how dare you judge these parents who are trying their best to cope with an impossibly stressful and demanding circumstance. oh and it's so funny how you hypocrites get so ornery when those parents speak over autists then turn around and do the exact same thing by speaking for those who can't speak for themselves on account of their 45 IQ, and assuming that they're going to somehow live a happier life in their current state than they would if they were neurotypical. you are totally devoid of basic empathy and I know you'll try but you can't blame it on your autism
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
One of the things that makes arguing with men so much more draining than arguing with women is the unequal distribution of credibility and contribution.
Somehow, whenever I argue with men, it always falls upon me to both prove my own claims, and to disprove his, while he does neither; his only obligation seemingly to dole out whatever ungrounded assertions he conjures up on the spot. Somehow, it is always wordlessly established that anything I say is false until proven true, while anything he says is true until proven false.
This same dynamic happened again over on tiktok, when a man claimed women are just as violent as men. Automatically, almost as if by muscle memory, I offered up the usual statistics on male depravity: men constituting 99% of rapists, 99% of mass shooters, 98% of killers, 95% of serious domestic abusers. And his only response was to say those statistics were wrong. No elaboration; wrong simply because he said so.
I already knew how the entire conversation would pan out: I’d give him my source, he’d find a reason to discredit the source, then I’d scour the internet to find a source that suited his standards, which he’d inevitably find a reason to discredit too.
So instead I simply said, “Prove the statistics are wrong.” And that was the only thing I responded with henceforth: prove it, prove I’m wrong, prove you’re right. Thus reversing the dynamics and positing that anything I said was true unless he demonstrated otherwise; unduly putting all the onus on him while I did nothing other than decide whether he was convincing me of claims thoroughly enough—and if he wasn’t, it just meant I was winning, of course.
He blocked me, and so far so have all the other men I’ve used this approach on. I don’t know whether it’s because they couldn’t actually disprove my claims or because they couldn’t stand to be treated the same way they treat women in debates. But I think more women should do this. Stop wasting energy proving your points to men, and start making them prove theirs to you.
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
‘Don’t tell me what to do! Let me murder children in peace!! God why are you so hateful!’
That’s you. That’s what your baby killing racist sick twisted ass sounds like. It wont be me, but some day you are gonna get your due. And when you lay there asking why me, remember what I said. Baby killer.
Don't you just love it when someone who isn't Jewish explains "Jewish History " to you 🤔
Tells you what Genocide is while having no idea themselves what that word even means 🤔
Tells you why the Jewish state shouldn't exist 🤔
These people have absolutely know idea what they are talking about .
💯 Brain Worms 💯Brain washed
💯 Anti semitic 💯 delusional
Mind your own business and leave Jewish affairs to the Jewish people.
Thank You 💙
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
Again, this is another example of you not understanding that I’m not saying you’re bullying ME. You’re so narcissistic that you don’t understand how someone of a different culture could stand up for children of a race they do not belong to. Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth right now. You are so fucking self-absorbed that you think I’m telling you that you’re bullying me by saying please don’t kill children in Palestine. How far gone are you?
I hope Israel knows that many people love and support them and Pray for them .
Most Americans do support Israel but main stream media only shows the Anti semitic Americans .
I am ashamed as an American with how my country is treating you Israel .
This American ( along with many others ) support you and love and believe in Your right to exist 🙏
Praying for the Jewish Nation 🙏
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
Imagine being such a narcissist that you don’t understand how someone could call you out for bullying some one who is not themselves. Imagine being so self-absorbed that you don’t understand why someone would go out of their way to defend someone other than themselves. Please by all means keep responding because you just keep giving me receipts.
Oh, and I also wanted to thank you for the bonus receipt that you didn’t even mean to give me. Apparently being asexual is now homophobia yall! I told you there wasn’t a place for us in the community!
If your life revolves around bullying people because they are Jewish or of the LGBTQIA community or any other reason ?
Stop it
It's sad and pathetic and wrong and I see so many Anti semites on here it's horrible !
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
‘STOP BULLYING ME!….and hand me a rocket to kill those kids over there. What? They are brown! Fuck ‘em! Gimme money to kill them or you are antisemitic. I mean yea they are Semitic too…but what about ME!!!! I want till those kids!!! I’ll give you oil if you hand me a gun. UwU’
If your life revolves around bullying people because they are Jewish or of the LGBTQIA community or any other reason ?
Stop it
It's sad and pathetic and wrong and I see so many Anti semites on here it's horrible !
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
‘The murder of children and young adults only matters if they are children and young adults of your specific racial identity. All other kids can get fucked and die. It’s not like her parents literally supported the events that led to her deaths and the deaths up thousands of other children! Protect the kids….As long as the kids are of a specific racial minority. If they’re not kill them.’
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Karina Ariev 💔💔💔💔
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diabolicalcunt · 4 months
Here’s another receipt. You posted a violent picture to picking Palestinian children as screaming brats. Yes they’re totally brats for not understanding why adults of a different country what to kill them for their skin color. You can sit here and talk about how you’re right everyone else needs to shut up but everyone with a brain can see that you’re trying to victimize yourself. This picture right here. This artist rendition. Depicts how you feel about the Palestinian children who you support the deaths of. YOU killed those children and you’re sitting there calling them brats. YOU are a violent baby killer. My government may be OK with giving you money to kill children but the citizens of this country are not. You’re gonna get yours. Whether it be in this life or the next, you’re gonna have to fucking answer for why you went on social media and praise the deaths of children and made fun of their pain. You’re a fucking monster. Go ahead hide behind your holocaust. The fucking holocaust you are desperately trying to recreate today. You’re a fucking baby killer. You’re nothing but a violent piece of shit and it may not be me who does it but someday someone’s gonna give you your due. And when they do, I want you to remember me Because I’ll be there in spirit, watching your teeth get shattered on the sidewalk you racist child killing piece of shit
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Not my art 🎭 source : Instagram
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