#I’ve stoped trying
profecional-dreamer · 2 years
this blog is not dedicated to complaining about my annoying ass theatre director he sucks ass
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itssliyahhxoxo · 2 months
“Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up”
𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐅𝐈𝐓: https://pin.it/1Zw4U5kuF your welcome to imagine something else.
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Paige’s eyes were on you the whole time you too were getting ready, you were done with makeup and hair now you’re were getting dressed in the room next to Paige’s. Her attention was on her phone when you walked back in her room, her eye snapped up.
Your head was down as you fixed the bracelets on your wrist,due to that you didn’t notice Paige’s eyes on you. She bit her lip when you looked up your eyes meeting “hi” you smiled “hi” she smirked standing up.
She walked towards you pulling you in by your waist about to pull you into a kiss “don’t even” Brittany your and Paige’s stylist stoped her “you’re gonna mess up her makeup” she walked over and pulled you too apart making you laugh “but-“ Paige pouted “no puts the car will be here in five minutes” Brittany cut her off.
She walked out leaving you too alone, the second the door closed Paige walked forward “no” you smirked putting your hand oh her chest stopping her form coming closer “no touching”.
“I can’t make any promises” Paige smirked, she took your hand from her chest and placed kisses on it “car’s here” Brittany walked in.
“What did I say” you whispered removing Paige’s hand from your thigh, you too were sat in the back of the car ”and what did I say, I can’t make any promises” Paige smirked placing her hand back on your thigh rubbing it softly.
“Paige it took me 45 minutes to get all dressed up, if you think your about to ruin my makeup and dress your wrong”.
“Ok,ok but I can’t control my hands or what happens tonight” Paige smirks leaning down to place a kiss on your neck, you let out a sigh at the filling of her lips on your neck.
“So Paige you excited for next season” the interview asked, Paige didn’t reply due to her eyes on you. You were being interviewed and were laughing and smiling at something they said.
“I’m sorry what” Paige looked down at the woman in front of her “are you ready for next season” the woman asked again “oh yeah, uh I’ve been practicing a lot and been really focused” her eye moved back to you. You smiled at the reporter and told her something before making your way towards Paige.
Her face lit up when you did, “hi” you smiled warping your arms around Paige’s arm “hi” the reporter smiled back “I was just asking Paige some questions” you nodded “but if you don’t mind, could you answer a few” she asked.
“Sure” you replied, you were answering questions as Paige just looked down at you, admiring you “thank you so much, have a nice night” the reporter smiled then walked away.
“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight” Paige looked down at you “no” you giggled “well you look fuckin amazing” she whispered trying to pull you into a kiss “no, remember no touching” you stopped her making her pout “when we get home..right” you smirk.
She smirked back “right”
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lovelyjj · 10 months
you can use any prompts but can u do reader and jj breaking up, mostly because he can't communicate well and he's to reckless ( maybe you could add something we're he flirts with other girls at bonfires when he's drunk) and she's not all for that ecspecially since they are starting to get older
Break Up
jj maybank x reader
wc: 1.1k
I chose “don’t do this” and “we’re done” from this prompt list! i’m still accepting requests!
warnings: kinda mean jj
a/n: sorry if this sucks
(not my gif)
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“JJ I can’t keep doing this,” you voiced.
“Doing what?” JJ asked.
“Putting up with your bullshit,” you responded.
“My bullshit,” JJ laughed.
“Yeah your pulling guns on people bullshit. Stealing from drug dealers, and being reckless.”
“I’m not reckless I’m perfectly fine.”
“JJ, don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
“Don’t do this,” JJ begged.
“You know what whatever i’m leaving.” You stormed out.
You were trying to break up with JJ but you just couldn’t do it. You don’t know if it was his blue eyes looking into your soul or his sad face but you just couldn’t do it. You were putting it off.
The bonfire was electrifying. People were drinking and dancing, and talking it was wild. You we’re having a good time with your friends.
JJ was on his third beer and he wasn’t planning on stoping anytime soon. It was safe to say he was a little drunk. He enjoyed drinking and being drunk, it made everything easier. He could just forget all his problems and let loose.
JJ saw a group of girls by the fire and decided to go up to them. He had liquid courage, therefore went up to them pretty confident.
“Hi ladies,” he spoke.
A tall blonde in a short black dress smiled at him and said “Hello, your JJ Maybank right?”
“Yeah that’s me,” JJ gave her a goofy grin.
“I’ve heard about you.”
“Oh yeah and what have you heard?” JJ asked.
“That your a handsome guy who knows how to have a good time,” she smirked.
“Sounds about right.”
“You have a beautiful smile,” JJ laid on the charm.
JJ continued to flirt with the blonde as he drunkenly slurred compliments at her.
“Don’t look now,” Kiara warned.
“What?” you turned around and saw what she was referring to.
There was JJ in all his glory stroking hair out of some random girls face. You were livid. How dare he in his drunken state think to hit on other girls.
You were about to walk over there when something stopped you. Kiara put a hand on your shoulder holding you back from leaving.
“Are you sure you want to do this now?” she asked.
“Yeah I’m sure.”
You marched up to JJ and demanded answers. You tapped him on his shoulder and he turned around all wide eyed.
“Listen Maybank I don’t know who you think you are, flirting with other girls right in front of my face, but you got another thing coming.”
You were getting older and you didn’t have time for all these games.
“Y/N?” He slurred.
“I was just talking to some friends, no harm in that right?” JJ asked.
“Wrong. You’re being disloyal and unfaithful,” you hissed.
“How do you know? I’m just having fun.”
“Right well JJ i’m so tired SO tired of having to deal with this!”
“Then go away,” JJ casted you a unimpressed look.
“Maybe I will,” you shouted.
“Go, nobodies stoping you.”
You were pissed at JJ. He was acting like a child. You were not gonna control him, if he wanted to act like that you were gonna let him. But you couldn’t promise you will be by his side through it all.
The day was bright and sunny. The sky holding the sun as it shined on you.
JJ walked into the château littered in bruises on his face. He was dreading the encounter with you because he didn’t want to worry you.
You were sat on the couch with the other pogues when JJ walked in.
“Hey J- Woah what happened? Are you ok?” You were frantic and scared for your boyfriend.
“Relax I’m fine. I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“JJ you have- you’re not gonna give me a explanation,” you sighed.
“I said I don’t want to talk about it,” JJ said through gritted teeth.
“Ya know I would really love it if you could communicate with me sometime,” you frowned.
“Yeah well we don’t always get what we want,” JJ smiled rudely.
“Why are you acting like this?”
“Suck it up princess.”
You pushed pass JJ going going out the door and onto the porch. You didn’t know what has gotten into JJ but you hated it.
You and JJ weren’t on the same page. Everything seem to be crashing down. It was a disaster. JJ wasn’t communicating to you at all. All he did was blow you off and dance around your questions.
You stormed up to the château where JJ was currently staying and wanted to talk.
JJ came stumbling outside when he herd your knock and shouting. He wasn’t impressed but he showed up none the less.
“I need to talk to you,” you started off.
“You want to do this here?” JJ questioned.
You sighed, “works for me.”
“Ok what do you need to talk about,” JJ cringed he hated talking.
“I think you know,” you moved your lips inside your mouth forming a line without showing your lips.
“I don’t.”
“Ok well I think we need to have a conversation about us.”
“Which entails…”
“What? You wanted to talk so let’s talk,” he gritted his teeth.
“Ok look this isn’t working. You don’t treat me right and i’m tired of it.”
“So you’re breaking up with me,” JJ put his tongue to his cheek.
“Yeah I guess I am.”
“I can change,” JJ’s voice broke.
“No JJ I don’t think you can.”
“Please give me another chance,” JJ begged.
“You don’t talk to me, your reckless and you flirt with other girls, I can’t handle it. how am I suppose to compete with them?”
“Sorry I’ve been such a shitty boyfriend.” JJ apologized.
“Well you should of thought about that before.”
“I know I don’t deserve it but if you could find it in your heart to forgive me and make this work, I would be eternally grateful,” JJ expressed with a sense of urgency.
“We’re done.”
“Goodbye JJ.”
You turned around to walk away and since you weren’t facing JJ you let a tear slip down your cheek. You didn’t want to do what you just did but you had to. JJ was hurting you, hurting your heart and you couldn’t stand it any longer. You loved him more than anything and not being with him was going to be a challenge.
JJ was your first real love. He was your person for so long until he started being careless and irresponsible. On top of that he didn’t communicate his feelings or give you any idea to what he was thinking which drove you mad.
JJ had his flaws but you loved him desperately regardless. You just couldn’t let him hurt you anymore as much as it hurt you to break up with him. So, as the tears streamed down your cheeks and with a heavy heart you said your last goodbye to JJ.
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fatkish · 1 month
Demon Child Pt. 2
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After the meeting, Gyomei walked back to his estate with you snuggled in his arms asleep. Using your healing abilities takes a lot out of you so you slept. When Gyomei got to his estate he walked through the house, to his bedroom where he gently set you down on the floor before grabbing a blanket and laying it on you and putting a pillow beneath your head. He then left the room quietly and went to inform Genya about their guest.
He walked through the house and out the back through the shoji doors. He walked until he felt Genya’s presence. “Genya” he called. “Yes Himejima?” Genya replied. “I’ve told you you can call me Gyomei, also, we have a guest staying with us tonight.” Gyomei informed. Genya stoped his training and walked over to Gyomei who then pat Genya’s head once he was within reach. “Who’s the guest?” He asked. “Their name is y/n, and they are a half demon child.”
“A half demon? I didn’t even know that was possible. Do half demons eat people?” Genya asked. Gyomei wasn’t an expert on half demons, seeing that he didn’t even know they existed or could. “I don’t know but that is why they are our guest. We are to keep an eye on them, but I truly believe that this child doesn’t mean any harm.” Gyomei replied. “It should be about evening yes? Why don’t we make dinner?” Gyomei suggested. The two of them went inside and began to make dinner which consisted of rice, fried vegetables, miso soup and fish.
You woke up to the smell of something good. You had no idea what it was but decided to follow the smell. You walked out of the room you were in and down the hall into the main room where you found the giant man and another boy together doing something. You didn’t know what they were doing so you sat down and watched. Genya turned around and nearly yelped when he saw you sitting there staring at him and Gyomei.
By the time they finished making dinner, Gyomei set some food down in front of you as well as a cup of tea. Once everyone was served, Gyomei and Genya began to pray before they ate. You just watched. When they started eating you watched them. They were eating with sticks and you had no idea how. You looked in front of you and saw strange stuff but you did recognize one thing. The fish. Genya and Gyomei noticed that you weren’t eating, which had caused Gyomei to be concerned.
You picked up the fish with your hands and ate the head much to Genya’s horror. He watched you eat the fish, bones and all. He saw that that was the only thing you ate and that you were sniffing the other food, inspecting it. Genya realized that you probably didn’t know what that food was, having heard from Gyomei that you were found alone in the woods. “That’s rice, that white fluffy stuff. Try it, it’s yummy” he told you as he pointed at the small bowl of rice. You looked at where the guy was pointing and since you didn’t sense any ill will, you decided to try the ‘rice’.
You picked up the bowl and ate some of the rice similar to how a dog eats out of a bowl. Genya sighed then grabbed your chopsticks and handed them to you to use. You just stared at them like they were some strange creature. That’s when Genya realized you probably don’t know how to use them. “Here, I’ll show you how to use chopsticks, just don’t eat like a dog.” Genya said as he gently grabbed your hand and positioned the chopsticks in your hand the right way. He then began maneuvering your hand and used your hand to pick up rice and put it in your mouth using the chopsticks.
With a bit more of Genya’s help, you clumsily but slowly got the hang of using chopsticks. After you finished your rice, Genya told you to try the other foods and you did. You came to the realization that Genya is a genius who knows what everything is. He introduced you to yummy things so he must be a genius. You realized that you didn’t know what their names where so you pointed at yourself and said y/n. You pointed at Genya and waited. Genya realized he hadn’t told you his name. “My name is Genya”
Gyomei realized he too had yet to introduce himself. “That’s Gyomei” Genya said as he pointed at Gyomei. You looked at Gyomei, then Genya, then Gyomei, then back at Genya. You pointed at Gyomei and said “Gyo!” Gyomei smiled as you attempted to say his name. You pointed at Genya and said “Gen” “close, it’s Genya.” “Gen” Genya realized his full name must be hard for you to say so he left it at that.
After dinner, Gyomei and Genya cleaned up and you watched, not really understanding what they were doing. After cleaning up, Gyomei and Genya decided to get ready for their patrol. Gyomei decided to have Genya stay behind with you tonight while he patrolled his territory for any demons. After bidding you both goodbye, Gyomei left leaving you and Genya together. Genya decided he was going to take a bath before bed and got the water going. Once the bath was ready, he got in and started to relax, only to find you staring at him a few minutes later scaring him.
You stared at him, wondering what he was doing. You decided you wanted a closer look and tried to climb up the side much to Genya’s horror, he didn’t want you to see his ‘little friend’ and have to teach you about the differences between boys and girls. Genya then grabbed a towel to cover himself up and tried to keep you out of the tub but that didn’t work. You fell in and freaked out, acting like a cat that fell into a pool of water. Genya then saw how dirty you actually were and decided he would give you a bath. He helped his younger siblings before so he didn’t really mind cleaning you up and just pictured that he was helping one of his late siblings clean up.
Once you were clean and dried, Genya got you dressed in a clean robe and decided that he would fashion something to fit you better. After your warm bath you got sleepy and Genya noticed. He brought you back to the bedroom and got you all settled in before he got to work, fixing you up some clothes to wear. You crawled over to him and laid your head on his thigh, wanting to be close to him. Genya smiled as he continued to work late into the night. By the time he was finished, he was tired. He then scooped you up and went over to the futon and crawled in with you in his arms and went to sleep.
When Gyomei returned in the early morning hours, he smiled sensing the two of you snuggling together. He then took out his own futon and went to sleep. When you woke up later that morning, Genya and Gyomei were already up and had made breakfast and started training. You sat and watched them, curious about what they were doing. You kicked your little legs and clapped whenever you saw them do something you thought was cool.
After a while, you got bored and decided to wander off whilst Gyomei’s crow kept an eye on you. You ended up wandering in the forest and finding the waterfall that Gyomei trains with. You stared at it and decided to walk into the water to look for fish. You had started to catch fish and had quite a small pile of 7 fish when Genya and Gyomei came to check on you. Genya chuckled cause you looked like a drowned rat with your entire body soaked. You smiled as you held up a fish to Genya. Genya was amazed that someone so small could catch so many fish.
“You seem to have been busy little one, how did you catch this many fish?” Gyomei was curious. While closely inspecting the fish, Genya found small teeth marks on each fish. You walked over to Genya and proceeded to try and feed him a raw fish until a noise caught your attention. You saw a strange creature hop out of the water and hid behind Gyomei before pointing at it. “What that” you looked at Genya for an answer. “That’s a frog” “fog?” “No frog” you struggled to properly pronounce the new word Genya taught you.
As you walked back carrying the fish you caught, you happily hummed as you walked side by side with Genya and Gyomei. When you got back to Gyomei’s estate, Genya and Gyomei started to cook lunch while you watched. While Genya was gutting the fish he accidentally cut himself, you walked over and stuck his finger in your mouth before pulling it out. Genya was worried until he saw that his cut was healed. “You fixed it, how? Do you have healing spit?” You just tilted your head and smiled at Genya. Genya went back to cooking as you watched them.
After lunch, Kyojuro came to visit, Gyomei told you that he and Genya both had missions and that you would be staying with Rengoku. You walked over to Gyomei and cried into his shirt as he rubbed your head. “No go. Gyo, Gen no go” you cried. Gyomei smiled and pat your back as he held you. “It’s alright little one, we’ll be alright. Once we are done I’ll have our crows let you know.” Gyomei said as he rubbed your back. “Promise” you demanded. Gyomei chuckled and promised you.
You then crawled out of Gyomei’s lap before hugging Genya and Gyomei goodbye before latching onto Rengoku’s pant leg. You waved goodbye as you two left Gyomei’s estate. Gyomei cried as you left, and Genya waved back. “Don’t worry young y/n! I promise that you’ll have a good time with me. I’ll introduce you to my little brother Senjuro, you’ll get to taste his delicious cooking. I promise you’ll have a good time. Now let us go!” Rengoku shouted happily. You waddled behind him, still missing your Gyo and Gen. You followed him as you both began your journey to the Rengoku estate.
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ornii · 8 months
Bitterly Beautiful: Tame The Stress 🍋
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Writers Block was a serious detriment to artists of literary all over the world. It even hampers the writing of Wednesday Addams, as invincible as she portrays herself. You sat gingerly on her bed, listening to her type away on the machine she uses near on her desk, you gently polished your cane, feeling the smooth wood along your palm and the slight sleek feel of the rag in your other. You were fairly content with how you spend your time with Wednesday.
She was the definition of Anti-social but you weren’t necessarily a people person either, that made spending time together just effortless. You both stayed in the room but mostly did your own thing, it’s the company she had is what made you so enthralled.
Your Blindness made reading her novel basically impossible, but it didn’t stop you from asking her to read it to you, still wanting to listen to your Girlfriends work. Knowing her in and out, you could always sense if something was up, the Octave in her vocal ranges goes up or down a pitch, her increased heartbeat, telltales of stress or anxiety. You could almost feel her scowling at the Typewriter as she stoped and typed spastically. You heard a sigh of annoyance and you knew she was hitting a block.
“Having trouble?” You asked, placing the cane down to prop yourself up on it. Wednesday wasn’t one for expressing feeling or even discomfort, she always kept aloof and distant. But lying to you was nearly impossible. Wednesday kept her nightly clothing simple, a pair of short black shorts and a desk black nightgown that lacked any flair, it looked more like an oversized t-shirt, but you obviously didn’t complain.
“It seems I’ve hit what weak minded writers call a “writers Block” she explained, she raised her hand to type once more and you could sense it just from her body movements.
“It isn’t Weak minded to be mentally stumped. Take a break, talk with me, or play your Cello.” You approach and knelt down slightly to be on her level. Wednesday turns her head to you, you could never truly understand what Wednesday looked like but you always had a general idea and sense, regardless she was beautiful.
“I don’t need your pity. especially from a blind man.” She huffed and went back to her work. But Wednesday wasn’t going to listen to your advice. There was always one thing that did really take off the stress from people, and it was your Boyfriend duties to make sure Wednesday was accurately taken care of. You calmly got down on all fours as she ignored you, and slipped under her desk. She continued to fumble with her writing, your hands gently poked her foot. She ignored it until you gently traced it along her shin and up to her knee, and softly kissed it.
“(Y/n), I’m not in the mood for your—“ she attempted to reprimand you, but you casually and gently placed your head on one of her legs. “Babe, just enjoy yourself.” You said in a loving whisper, you used both palms to softy grip her thighs, right below the Shorts, her skin was always soft and well taken care of.
You slowly and carefully went up her legs, feeling the tensing of her body. She was trying to ignore you, ignore your hands but it was slowly melting her icy resolve. Your fingertips gently brushed higher and higher right to her thighs, and trickled back down her shorts. You felt a sudden shift and you slowly crept closer and closer, palms gently closing in to her underwear. You felt her toes curl and a sigh of slight surprise come from her nose.
“Just relax, and enjoy yourself, Enids not here.” You spoke so softly but deeply, something about it almost made her shift switches in her brain. Your palms felt her legs spread a bit almost inviting you to get her off.
Wednesdays brain began to flow a bit more, this time typing on the Story she’s doing, your fingers reached slightly under her gown and to the waistband of her shorts and underwear, with a little pull you felt her clothes slip off. Your warm breath gently brushing up against her slightly aroused clit. You heard a slight shiver from your Girlfriend as she typed. More aggressive.
“You only have a few minutes before I— ooooh~” You leaned your head in and didn’t hesitate to give her inner lips a warm wet greeting. The suddenly shift of your warm wet tongue on her body made her demeanor shift to a woman in actual pleasure. You lapped your tongue all over and made sure to gently nudge her clitoris every time to tease her.
You shifted your body lower, letting Wednesday rest her legs on your shoulder as you worked your way inside her. Oral wasn’t something you both did since she viewed normal sex as more than satisfactory, and you didn’t particularly complain about it either. Being with her was more than enough, she obviously underappreciated how good you were, Wednesday at this time had completely abandoned her story and leaned on her arm, trying to hold it together as she felt you breath, tongue, saliva, all over her exposed privates. Her other hand rushed under the table to grip your hair. Wednesday wasn’t an aggressive lover on purpose, she just didn’t know how to be gentle.
“Move your.. tongue an inch to the right, yes.. there.” Wednesday was breathing much heavier than expected, she began to lean back, slowly coming to an orgasm.
“Keep going, don’t you dare stop..” she ordered, but it didn’t sound like authority, more like a woman telling you how to make the next few moments really matter. Your tongue slipped inside and the slightest gasp of air from her were music to your ears.
“There, I feel it, coming… I… I feel it…” Wednesday cocked her head back, gripping your scalp she wrapped her legs around your head and neck, pulling your tongue and face in deep, feeling her pussy convulse and drip right on your face, slowly trailing down your chin.
Her legs were shaky, exhausted from getting a very good workout. She finally relented and let your breath as you pulled back, taking a deep breath. You couldn’t see it but the sound of dripping on the door and Wednesday silence but heavy breath told you that you were doing just fine. Coming back from the desk you crept back up behind her, your face next to hers. “Feeling better?” You said into her ear, all of this intensity caused your cock to harden like stone and make it pretty obvious what’s next.
Standing up your bulge was nudged against her face, Wednesday looked up at you, and attempted to stand up but got a bit wobbly. She didn’t hesitate to shove her lips on yours. They wrestled for control as her hand pressed firmly on the outline of your cock. With a fumble and tumble with your clothes you both stripped down, taking a break, you felt the girl yank you to her bed, getting on all fours and bending over, she looked back at you.
“Do not make me beg..” she said, but you didn’t have to ask. Your hands grip her waist.
“Don’t hesitate to— Fuck!~” Wednesday tried not to make that kind of sound but it was too late, the sudden impact of your cock drilling into her made her cry out in please. She gripped the bed as you pulled out of her wet insides and went back in for good measure, giving her a heavy hammer to her insides as you thrust away.
Wednesday didn’t try to fight you in this, she wanted to be taken, to let you give it to her the way you wanted, the way you knew you both liked it. The way her insides squeezed around you, the way the sweat dripped off your chest and onto her back, the sounds she makes when you give her slightly pale ass a good slap. Her face buried into the pillows as she gasped and tried to hold on to some control but it wasn’t easy for her.
“I’m, gonna cum.”
“Do it… inside me… p-please… I can’t take it anymore.” Wednesday for the first time begged so softly for it. You gave her exactly what she asked, you gripped her pigtails and yanked as your legs grew numb, hitting the climax you let as much of it inside as you could. Reorganizing her insides to only fit you. Panting like a dog you almost fell on top of her, you held yourself up as she slide off your cock and collapsed into her bed, you fell next to her, feeling her breath brush against your neck as you slept.
You had woken tired, But somehow also more lightweight. Like you really took a load off, you sat up to sense where and what was going on. You felt something along your stomach and chest, a body, Wednesday was sleeping on you. Well she was awake.
“Hey sleepyhead?” You joked, Wednesday was silent, until she tilted her head to face you.
“Thank you for, letting me see reason, I needed to relax and you gave me what I needed, even though I thought I knew better.” She admits, your hand softly caressed her head as she put it back down to sleep.
“It’s okay, you were stressed, at least you tamed it.” You reassured her, and she sighed.
“No, you tamed it.”
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mysunshinetemptress · 11 months
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Heart Eyes
Leah Williamson x Reader
Warnings: none
You had been dying to meet Leah’s family from the minute she first started talking about them “there is loads of us and when we get together we are just big and loud and the atmosphere is always amazing and I just love spending that time with them.” You loved it anytime she talked about them it’s what you had always wanted yourself coming from a big loud family yourself, but the want of staying just the pair of you in your nice little bubble had stopped you from meeting her family on numerous occasions until today.
You had been watching the Euros since they kicked off in Manchester at the start of the month but now you where finally here about to enter Wembley and hopefully watch your girlfriend lead her country to a victory they so desperately deserved. You had talked every night about how they had played what they could improve on who you where taking to the next match, mostly going with your friends before she asked you one night in Brighton “if we make, no change that when we make it and we get to play the final in Wembley, my entire family is going to be there aunts uncles cousins grandparents Mum,Dad and Jacob.” You nodded along listening to her intently “I want you with them for it not sat separate like you have been, I want you with my family if we win this thing Y/n because one it’s about time you guys met finally bringing my world together and two because I want all the people I love in the one place.” You smiled at the phone letting it slip that she had just hinted at loving you before speaking up “when you win it darling.” Leah nodded smiling like the Cheshire Cat down the phone at you.
That led you to this moment of walking around the food stalls as the back of the seats looking for your stand before feeling your breath catch in your throat at the sight before you, Wembley Stadium was almost full with still an hour before kick off, it was a sight every person who worked in women’s sport would kill to see, it showed that they had made it through the countless hard times of trying to get people to take them seriously to believe they where just as good as the boys and it was Leah who had helped get them there leading England to it’s dream win “teared up the first time I saw it as well.” You turned looking at the captain of the Swiss team “even if it wasn’t for my team this shows that we are a lot closer to what we wanted then we thought no.” You nodded pulling Lia into a hug “I’m so proud of you Wally you where amazing really.” Lia smiled giving you a squeeze “would haven been better if I had you talking numbers in my ear but I get it girlfriends before everyone else.” You laughed pulling away “it’s easier to read when it doesn’t come to you in three different forms to be translated.” You both laughed Lia understanding that her sending you stats to read in Swiss German, Italian and French was not easy to break down however many times you tried for her. “Who are you waiting on.” You shook your head you had introduced all of the Arsenal girls who had attend the matches to all of your friends you had dragged along to watch and couldn’t help watch their reactions with a smile at the introductions “no one I’m eh.” Lia looked at you confused “well then where are you sotting I can’t believe you came by yourself to the final of all matches.” You shook your head laughing “I’m not going to be alone Wally don’t worry I’m meeting Leah’s family.” Lia looked at you shocked before a smile took over “oh my god today of all days she wants you to meet them I swear she doesn’t think sometimes how do you feel about it.” You smiled “nervous but I can’t wait I’ve wanted to meet them since she first told me about them.” You both stoped talking as a voice interrupted “we have wanted to meet you too since the minute she mentioned your name.” You turned taking in the three people in front of you and the gang that stood behind them realising it was in fact Leah’s family. “Oh your just as gorgeous in person.” You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks begin to redden as you looked at Lia who smiled at the family in front of you both “hi.” You held your hand out to shake “it’s lovely to meet you Mrs Williamson.” Leah’s mum shook her head pulling you into a hug “please call me Amanda darling.” You gave her a squeeze before letting her go and nodding before she turned “this is Jacob Leah’s younger brother.” You went to shake his hand before he pulled you into a hug as well “we finally get to meet instead of over the phone.” You laughed letting him go remembering all of the times he annoyed Leah robbing her phone and talking to you for a few minutes before handing it back. “Yeah finally get to meet my favourite Williamson it’s taken to long.” He laughed before stepping to the side as you looked at Leah’s dad “Y/n.” You let out a shaky breath before reaching out to shake his hand “Mr Williamson, it’s really great to meet you.” You looked at Lia nervously as the older man looked at your hand before breaking out into a smile and pulling you into another hug “it’s nice to finally meet you.” You smiled before stepping back and turning back to the family in front “how are you feeling about today.” You nodded “nervous but excited I’m so proud of her.” Amanda shook her head “no not about the match love about meeting the crazy lot behind us.” You smiled at the group behind Jacobs head “no better time like the present.” You smiled as Amanda grabbed your hand leading you over to crowd of people you spent the 20 minutes getting to know.
Leah sighed entering the pitch getting ready to warm up for the most imp match of her international career, looking around in aww she could have sworn her heart stopped as she watched you laugh with her family her mums arms wrapped around you pulling you into her as everyone looked so relaxed. Her smile seemed to widen as she took in her England jersey Williamson plastered on the back you were right where you belong where she wanted you to be most “oh skipper get your heart eyes out of the stands and on to the pitch.” Leah shoved Mary laughing as they ran a few drills her heart happy at what she saw.
Leah’s cousin Jordan had recently had a baby and wanting to experience this family moment altogether brought her daughter clad in an English jersey and shorts with bright pink ear mufflers to block out the noise. Ellie had been quite content sitting beside you on her Mims lap laughing as you talked to her babble nonsense as well as allowing her to play with your ring and bracelets as you talked to the adults around her. What she didn’t like was the noise or how her sleep was being snatched away by the fierce battle happening on the pitch. You had been on your feet screaming with everyone else when Ella had chipped in a gorgeous goal as well as cheering on Jill as she went after a German player for knocking her down. You had taken Ellie into your arms at the the time the penalty was being checked for a potential handball by none other then your girlfriend, Ellie had been trying to grab your attention placing her hands on your cheeks and babbling “hold on darling I’m watching Le I’ll give you all my attention in a second.” Amanda beamed beside you feeling herself get slightly emotional at the way you had fitted in so well with them all and how you spoke so kindly to Ellie. The match had been tied and was plunged into extra time as you hoped they wouldn’t have to do penalties as the anxiety they cause you just from watching on the couch most definitely would crash into you ten fold but you had been sat quietly praying that the girls scored once more to bring it home cursing yourself quietly as you looked down at the sleeping baby in your arms realising you wouldn’t be able to jump up when it happened, Jordan had offered to take her multiple times but the young girl had cried every time she was taken out of your arms. You regretted the decision when Chloe Kelly had put the ball in the back of the net in over time and had taken off down the pitch jersey seining behind her that didn’t matter when you looked down at Ellie and how content she was just lying there asleep. You slowly raised from the seat hugging Amanda’s side as you all slowly realised this could be it England could win euros with only five minutes left on the clock.
You didn’t jump when the final whistle blew you just bowed your head closing your eyes in relief they had done it the lionesses who had been banned from playing football 50 years ago had done what the boys had been trying to do since Bobby Charlton in 66 only they had never been told they weren’t allowed they had brought it home a major trophy with Englands name on it forever immortalised in history. You sniffed trying not to cry but when you turned looking at Amanda, Jacob and David hugging celebrating Leah the way she deserved you couldn’t help it trying to do it quietly as possible to not wake Ellie “oh Y/n they’ve done it.” You nodded resting your head on Amanda’s shoulder as she pulled you into her side “thank you for coming.” You shook your head “I would have missed this for the world but I’m so happy we got to meet today because I couldn’t imagine celebrating her with anyone else.” Jordan squeezed your shoulder grabbing your attention before you turned looking to the pitch to see Leah approaching you shifted Ellie slightly in order to wave at your girlfriend as she turned to look at you blowing a kiss before you noticed her eyes softening. “I’m going to marry her.” Georgia turned looking at Leah smiling immediately “yeah Le your heart eyes sort of give that away.” Leah shook her head ignoring Georgia “I told her I loved her by mistake I wanted to do it romantically but it sort of just spilled out when we where talking about stats on the phone the other night.” Georgia looked at Leah surprised “but now ready i mean look at her G.” Georgia smiled looking at you before waving beaming happily when you waved back “can I officiate the wedding.” Leah laughed nodding her head before blowing one last kiss to you and walking off to collect her medal.
You had all waited patiently in one of the boxes with the rest of the lionesses families for the girls to come in before you would all head off to celebrate. Jordan had taken Ellie back who was still napping quietly. You had mingled with Leah’s family before spotting Viv and going over and chatting about the season ahead and the short holidays planned before getting back to training. Standing with your back to the door you explained your job and ultimately how you and Leah met to her family “I’m a Statistics analyst for Arsenal.” They all looked at you so confused with what maths had to do with a sport like football “anyone know the movie moneyball.” David piped up clapping his hands together “yeah the one with Brad pit and Chris Pratt.” You nodded your head “basically that movie is a true story on how the Athletics created a baseball team using statistics so they looked at statistics like how fast they through the ball how hard they hit it to see who they wanted to sign from current teams as well as future prospects, my role is kind of the same I look at our current players our academy players and players who are benched that can do more for our team then they are doing sitting on a bench for 90 mins.” They all smiled impressed in your role “so how did that lead to you meeting Leah.” You smiled at the memory “she went wandering around London colony one of the days with Lia Walti who’s stats I was reviewing and discussing with her after her injury they ended up outside my office. Every morning after that she was stood outside every morning with a hot chocolate and that slowly changed to her waiting for me after training and then on the last day of Summer break last season she finally asked me out.” You jumped before relaxing feeling arms wrapping around your waist “and the rest is history darling.” You smiled at her nodding her head before moving forward as you knew her family would want to congratulate her on such a win.
Leah had been making her way around her family talking mostly about the win or you before she stopped watching you sat with her Nan playing with Ellie “oh Le.” Leah turned looking at her mum “hmm.” “She’s absolutely perfect in every way she adores you.” Leah smiled “not as much as I do her.” Amanda smiled squeezing Leah’s shoulder “I think you might have to fight her on being Ellie’s favourite.” Leah laughed “as long as it’s not the other way round and I have to fight Ellie.” Leah turned to her mum gully now “it’s her.” Amanda looked at her eyes softening “I’m going to marry her.” Amanda nodded “I know Bubba.” Leah looked at her mum confused “how.” Amanda laughed turning to look at you interact with the family “your heart eyes love.”
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sukioyakio · 2 months
‘Dumb love’
An:another thought or idea I saw on Twitter,I hope y’all I like this.
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It was a sunny day with the perfect weather for anything to do outside.The tress glowing it lively greenness of theirs leaves.
And here you were in a mall walking with megumi and the others,but you were mostly walking beside him while Yuji and nobara were walking a bit ahead talking about fashion trends.
while you and Megumi were just company each other with comfortable silence.As you carry your purse,as you watch Yuji and nobara laughing together and seeing how nobara looking at yuji with such love it made you smile for them. Even if there idiots in love.
You broke the silence between you and Megumi.
“Look at them idiots,They such love birds” You announce with a small smile,Knowing the black hair man next to you heard you speak. In which he hummed in response.
Megumi who was glancing at your face and then at what you said;His Emerald eyes looking now at the pair and took a good look at them,and saw how they were in love. And then he immediately imagined himself with you looking at him with the same loving eyes like nobara was looking at yuji at.
Which he cheeks painted a color of redness on them at the thought of you.He had been pinning his own feeling for you for so long.He knew that he wasn’t going to get you (STUIPD ass!God If you don’t try your shot on her then she gone).As he took a deep breath and decided to asked you something.Something he isn’t a big fan of talking with you.
“Hey (____) . . .Are you in-love. . with someone like that?” He asked you,trying to keep his composure while saying that,but it wasn’t like he wanted to sound like;he sounded a kid asking in worried tone about how there parents would react to there bad grade.
You turn your head to look up at Megumi with a raised brow.And you saw him staring away awkwardly from your gaze as you huff out in a amusement.As your gaze return to looking ahead.
“Yea I have someone in mind like that,but I don’t know if he’ll want me like that” You replied with a low sigh of annoyance as you just slumped your shoulder down dramatically.
Megumi saw this and his eyes brow furrowed down in anticipation as he think about how could a guy not see that.
“Have you tried to be more vocal about it with him?” he asked again with a stern tone. “Yea,I even gave him that same look of love in my eyes yet he doesn’t seem to notice;I’ve tried everything in the book,but hey. I’m still trying my shot” You said with a sad smile, you respond.
Before he could get something out his mouth you began to talk once again. You looked at the pair stopping at a clothed store looking at certain items as the both of you stoped infront of the store but not where they would be a problem for other people wanting to enter the store.
“But would you like to see how he looks?” You asked with a smile on your lips,turning your head towards Megumi face,as you see him nodded in response.”Yea” he said quietly.He wasn’t really ready to look at someone you were in love with,it already teared his heart but if it means to be a great friend then so be it.
He see you taking out your phone out of your purse as the glow of the store lights makes your face shine,showing all the little details he always admired but never showed.He was quite a loser and he didn’t need his friends tell him that. You finally found your phone out and you look at him with a big mischief smile that made his lips slightly turn up. You hid the phone away from his eyes view after a few seconds later you began to talk.
“Ok close your eyes now so I can give you my phone and then once I saw open you can open your eyes” You explained softly as he hummed softly and closing his eyelids shut. As he extended his hand,having his palm open so you could place your phone.He felt something heavy which has to be your phone and now waiting for your word so he could open his eyes.
“Ok! now open your eyes,Megumi” You announced with a radiant smile. As you watched him open his eyes and start to stare at your phone to see a picture of him smiling with the background behind him a sunset Making him look majestic.As he pauses to relook at the picture.
And then he starts to realize that he was the guy who you were talking about.Heat rose color painted across his face and into his ears.He turned the phone off and as he hears you giggling at his reaction. He covered his red face with his other hand.
”I guess now he knows that I love him,don’t you think Meg-umi?” You asked with a cheeky grin,giving him a knowing look,as he look at you and just grumbles and ruffled your hair as you laugh softly.
“shut up idoit” He says with a sigh but lanced with softness.He face still having his redness but now has calm down a bit. As he laughs a bit with you,before he leans down to land a kiss on your forehead.
“I guess,but it now seems that he needs to bring you to a date? So he could show you how much he loves you,huh?”He says carefully and gently,he looks attentive at you with his beautiful green earthy eyes.As you looked at him attentively staring him with such love in them.His eyes stares down your soft pink lips as you start to speak.
“I guess so” She says so softly and quietly that it could be mistaken as a whisper.
Yuji and nobara were looking at them with a smile,while taking pictures of them and whispered to each other. “Dumb love” nobara says with a smile. “yep,dumb love” Yuji says in agreement.
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I hope y’all I like this one,And I see you in the other one.
If you have any suggestions or ideas pls share them with me in the comments.Belogs are always welcome.
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
Give us a chance
W Rafe Cameron
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Series- outer banks!
Summary- He’s been ignoring you lately? But now you and Rafe get stranded in the middle of the sea. Just you two. Alone. You can’t both hide your feelings foreverrr.
Warnings- swearing, kissing, Rafe saving your character from boys taking advantage.
(No season three spoilers in this)
Request are open for all and anything🫶
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“Are you serious right now” Rafe stormed over to me pulling me away from some guys lap. I don’t even know who he was but- alcohol makes you do stupid things. “Rafe- get off me” I giggled pushing him away from me. “Are you serious y/n” “what are you moaning about now” my eyes rolled as my arms folded. I tried to look at him but my eyes began falling shut.
“Your fucking hammered- you can barely stand up” he stepped over catching me with one arm around my waist. “That’s because you dragged me up from my seat too fast” I raised my eyebrows at him. “I’m taking you home” “Rafe no! I’m havi- having fun” I shook my head trying to pull back.
“Y/n!” “Why! Why are you taking me home why are you looking out for me- you do it all the time I see you watching me at parties, you’ve been watching me all night here” I frowned raising my voice slightly. “Because we’re friends” he frowned stepping close to me again.
“We were friends!” I scoffed, turning away from him as my eyes filled up with tears. “Before you so randomly started blowing me off and ignoring me- I’m not leaving with you unless you tell me why”. Rafe stared at me blankly before bringing his hand up to rub the side of his head. “Fine we will talk but on the way home” he bargained with me throwing me a stern look.
I gazed around at the rest of the party on the little near by island we had found. “Fine- how did you get here” “my boat” Rafe nodded his head towards it. “Come on- on then” I stirred spinning around a bit too fast, as I took my first step my legs began to wobble. Rafe lifted me in one Swift move, holding me in his arms walking to the boat.
“Unnecessary” I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck, kind of liking being up here. He stoped at the steps of his grand yacht to look down at me with his baby blue eyes. Holding the eye contact. Hot. How easy it would be to lift my head up right now.
“C-can you climb up?” Rafe shook his head tearing away from me. “Yes- yeah” I nodded gripping the ladder as rafe put me down on land. We both climbed up and went to sit in the wheelhouse. “I’m going to make you a coffee first- sober you up” “are you just delaying your answer?” I curled up in a ball on the sofa removing my shoes. Rafe looked at me with a knowing look and smiled before disappearing.
The music was fading when Rafe closed the door, the sounds of the party drowned out while I waited for him to return. He took about ten minutes before coming back with a blanket, slippers and a coffee in his arms for me. I smiled when I saw him, that was cute. “Five sugars?” Rafe smirked putting the cup down on the side table. “You remembered?”.
“How could I forget that, I’ve never met anyone else that takes five sugars” he chuckled, laying the slippers on the floor and opening the blanket for me. “Thank you Rafe” I nodded my head once. The boy kinda brushed past it, he wasn’t much of a sappy person and he couldn’t take a compliment or a thank you from anyone. Ever.
He started up the engine on the boat and slowly we started sailing away while I sipped my coffee and watched the island fade away. “So tell me” I looked over at him after a few minutes of silence. “What did I do wrong” “nothing” he replied bluntly staring into the pitch black ocean. “So what happened then? Why did you start pretending like I didn’t exist”
“We’re not doing this, I just said that so i could get you home” “I know” I answered softly. “it was worth a try” my shoulders shrugged sadly. “I also know I haven’t done anything wrong, because I’d never do anything to upset you rafe” I told him truthfully. “What ever it is you can talk to me we can sort it out- I don’t want you to stay away from me”
“That’s easier said than done, even if I wanted to I clearly couldn’t stay away from you” he told me in the exact same tone and facial expression. “Did- you want to?” I asked lowly hoping for a no. “No” Rafe turned to look at me now for the first time in this conversation. “I had to- I have to”.
“Why?” I questioned feeling full of confusion. “Why” Rafe laughed looking back into the night. “Why did you get so drunk tonight, there’s many why’s” he replied.
“I- had another argument with my parents” I told him after a few seconds looking at the floor. “That still happening?” “They want me to follow in the family business- I don’t want to, it’s never going to be solved” “well, I want to be in the family business- I feel like my dad doesn’t want me there sometimes” Rafe laughed to himself.
I looked over at him smiling at our similarities, just as I did the boat engine began to stop. Rafe frowned and hit the petrol sign on the panel like that was going to solve something. “What the fuck” he whispered to himself turning the key again and again. “Out of petrol?” “No I’ve still got half a tank- something must be caught it’s too dark to go out and see” he sighed putting his head in his hands.
“Fuck!” The boy slammed his hand into the steering wheel making me jump and spill the coffee down the blanket. “Shit- im sorry” Rafe jumped up when he noticed to grab a pack of tissues. “It’s- its okay, we just have to wait right? until the morning” “yeah” he nodded wiping the coffee off me whilst knelt down. He looked up at me and chuckled raising a hand with his thumb out.
He dragged it across my cheek wiping the splashes of coffee off me. I caught his hand when he tried taking it back. In this moment it was just me and Rafe in the world. The sounds of the sea were the only thing that could be heard. He was staring into my eyes and I did it back. I didn’t want this moment to end.
But something had to ruin it. A boat noise appeared and it sounded like someone was parking next to us. “Who’s- that?” I whispered feeling a sense of fear take over me. “Stay here” Rafe rubbed my hand with his thumb before standing up to go and see who it was. He opened the door peering down the side of the boat.
“Rafe? That you?” A voice yelled up “yeah” he called back down. “It’s just Tommy” Rafe told me when I stood up. I walked over to the side of him to see a very drunk Tommy, Daniel and Carl in the little speed boat beside us. “Y/n? What you doing here” Tommy asked loudly. “going- home” I answered.
“So Why are you guys parked in the middle of nowhere- you Two been up to something?” Carl giggled swigging the bottle again. “Nah engine is fucked we’re just waiting it out” Rafe told them taking precautions it looked like. Seeing Rafe looking at them like that made me feel kind of scared. What was he thinking, what were they up to?
The three boys started giggling and whispering to each other about something. “Tell you what, we will take y/n home, take real good care of her for you so she’s not stuck out here huh” Tommy offered up with a grin. I didn’t want to go with them something was off, but I didn’t know how to say no. I moved forward to go down the stairs but Rafe cut off my exist with his arm. Thank heaven. No thank Rafe Cameron.
“Yeah i Don’t think so” he shook his head with a smiled on the corner of his mouth. “What’s the problem Rafe? Don’t you want her safe at home” Carl laughed wiggling his eyebrows “she’s safe here, you can go now” “all kinda threats out here” “I said you can go, or are we going to have a problem? Because I promise you will lose” Rafe leant over the rail of the boat.
“It really should be the ladies decision- we could have some real fun together” Tommy smirked undressing me with his eyes. “Of course that part probably wouldn’t have been the ladies decision” carl shrugged and the three boys laughed. Rafe slammed his hand down on the pole before racing down the stairs. Tommys face dropped and he tried starting the boat up again.
Rafe reached over the side grabbing Carl by the neck. “You talk about her like that again I’ll fucking drown you” Rafe spat, as he drew his arm back to punch Tommy started the speed boat and Daniel held onto Carl. Rafe dropped him watching closely as they sped off panicking. My heart pounded against my chest and when Rafe turned around he saw it in my face.
“Your okay there gone” he told me walking back up to me. I ran down the stairs meeting him half way. I’d hugged rafe a thousand times but this time, he instigated it. His arms were open. And I hugged him tight as a tear fell onto his top. “I won’t let anyone lay a fucking finger on you y/n, ever” he whispered into my hair running his hand though it.
“How can you say that to me when your never with me anymore” “I’m always watching out for you, I’d never let anything happen” Rafe told me pushing my head up by my chin. “But yet you still can’t tell me why you can’t even be seen with me” I pulled away drying my eyes. “Y/n it’s in your best interest if you don’t know” he told me sadly and tried to walk up the stairs.
“No it’s not Rafe! I need to know what’s going on it plays on my mind constantly!” “You don’t, you think you do but you don’t want to know” he shook his head gently moving my arm so he could ascend to the top. “How can you possibly know that!” “Because if I tell you y/n! Everything is ruined everything changes!” Rafe shook his head, I noticed his eyes were a little watery too.
“I’m a big girl rafe, i might take you by surprise” I called out desperately still waiting on the steps. “You really… you really want to know?” Rafe chuckled shaking his head. But I just folded my arms and raised one eyebrow up. Rafe looked at me for a second before bolting it down the stairs. He stopped inches away from me, inches away from my lips. “Do you get it yet?” He whispered looking at my lips and then back up to my eyes.
My heart pounded against my chest as I leant in hitting his lips. Rafe pulled back instantly and looked at me with wide eyes. I held my breath waiting for him to say something but instead he came back to me pulling me towards him by my hip. I held onto his neck as we kissed for the first time ever. Rafe was right, this had ruined something. But this could be way better than what we had, change can be good.
He moved a hand to my faces as we pulled away breathless. I didn’t know what to say, neither did he apparently. So we kissed again until one of us knew how to react. “I’m still going to need an explanation here” I told him smiling not letting go of him. “Only if I get one too” Rafe shrugged holding onto me tight. “Can we sit down?”. He nodded taking my hand and we made it to the sofa. Rafe pulled me down by my waist on top of him as I squealed.
“We just kissed” he giggled like a boy with his first crush. “I think I’ve liked you for a long time rafe, I just didn’t realise until you stopped talking to me” I ran my thumb up and down his arm. “That’s why I stopped talking to you” “that doesn’t make sense? Why didn’t you just tell me?” His eyes dropped as if he didn’t want to talk about it. “Didn’t think I stood even a one percent chance really”
“What?” I frowned pushing his face to look at me. “I’m fucked up y/n, you can do better” “your not fucked up rafe! I won’t have you talking about yourself like that- I don’t want anything else I- I only want you rafe” I whispered playing with the bottom of his hair. “Your sweet you just don’t let people see it, but I see it and I always have” “so I haven’t ruined anything?” He questioned holding my face too.
“You made it better- presuming you make me your girlfriend of course” I giggled excitedly. “That was a given the moment I kissed you- I don’t kiss anyone like that” Rafe told me seriously. “I want you, your all I want all I’ve ever wanted” “I want you too rafe” I leant our foreheads together.
“You’ve got me”.
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2mny-glockis · 8 months
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Express your love my love >ᵥ_ᵥ<
Light Yagami x Black fem reader
(I was thinking how I use to hate Light but the I realized all the guys I’ve had a crush on are exactly like him…)
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁.
Academic student! Light Yagami who since he was a little boy, only cared about his grades.
Academic student! Light Yagami who, even in his senior year of high school, never held a girls hand.
Academic student! Light Yagami who does have a lot of girls that want him and yet he pays them no mind.
Academic student! Light Yagami who met you when a you got paired together for a project.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁.
“Nexted, let’s do…” your teacher scans the class, trying to figure out who doesn’t have a partner. “Light and (y/n).” Light scans the room for a “(y/n)”. He’s pretty self centred, forgetting peoples names after 3 seconds off knowing them.
Finally he finds you, looking at the work sheet your teacher previously handed out. Light wasn’t going to lie to himself. You are one of the most beautiful girls he set his eyes on but his main focus is his grades.
Once your teacher said begin, Light walked towards your desk with some of his notes in his hand. He takes an empty chair and pulls it to the opposite side of your desk. “Hi” A warm smile forms on his face. “Hey. Um let’s get started.” ‘Very straight to the point.’ Light thought as you pulled out both a blank piece of paper and the rubric.
“So what topic do you want to do?” You asked, placing the pieces of paper on the desk. “I think we should do this one.” Light points to the topic section on the rubric. “since it’s seems simple, but when you look more into it, it’s more complex than what most people think.” He continues. “Yeah I agree but…” Light rises an eyebrow. “Don’t you think that there are limited things we can write for it?” You question.
Light is confused. Because he’s so smart, no one really question his better judgment, especially when it comes to projects. “Well what do you think we should do?” He asks “Well..” you look at the paper. “We should do it on the death penalty. Reason being, there is so much we can do for examples. We could reference crimes that didn’t deserve to have the penalty. We could reference ancient be headings. We can also contrast and compare certain ones and use out better judgment to determine if they were deserved or not.” You continue.
“Hey..” He’s impressed. “I really like that idea. Yeah let’s do that.” He smiled. A slight blushie smile appeared on your face. You were kind of rambling yet he was still really engaged. Usually people just tune out what your saying.
Academic student! Light Yagami who became more fond of you during and after the project done.
Academic student! Light Yagami who would help you with your work, if you help him with his.
Academic student! Light Yagami who started to come home later because you two would spend the weekends studying together.
Academic student! Light Yagami who suggests that after you’re done studying for the day, the two of you watch a movie before he leaves.
Academic student! Light Yagami who gets all red when you move closer to him.
Academic student! Light Yagami who when you fell asleep on him, stoped watching the movie to watch you. He admired every single one of your features. From the braids that he pushed out the way to see your face. To your lips that he stared at, imagining they were kissing all over him.
Academic student! Light Yagami who immediately stoped himself from thinking these thoughts but he couldn’t help it.
Academic student! Light Yagami who finally realizes and accepts the fact that he’s in love with you<3
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A/n𐙚🧸ྀི: sorry this took so long (˘•‿•) I had exams lol. Also I think I will start doing death note fics
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lloromanic0 · 8 months
Finally finished this hope you like it because I was giggling and kicking my feet writing this.
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Professor Tom Kaulitz wants to talk to you after lecture (fem!reader)
“You can read more on these types of speech acts on the article I’m going to send to everyone’s email, other than that you’re free to go. Thank you for your presence.” Announced your linguistics professor.
Finally. You desperately needed to go out for a smoke and maybe eat something, linguistics lectures were always a pain in the ass, your professor’s voice made you feel sleepy and to be honest learning about speech acts wasn’t the most intriguing thing.
As you were getting up you heard your name being called
“Excuse me Y/N if I’m not mistaken. I would like to see you after you’re done with classes, I have some matters I would like to discuss with you.”
Your professor was the one calling your name,his strong eye contact made you feel intimidated and nervous.
“Sure Mister.Kaulitz…”
“Good. 5pm my office on the first floor.” He said smiling at you.
You lighted up your cigarette as you just finished telling one of your colleagues what had just happened.
“You just got called to the office of the hottest professor in this university and you’re complaining?!”
“Not everyone wants to fuck him you know?” You replied, inhaling the smoke of your cigarette once more.
“Well I’m sure he you like to fuck you.”
“What do you mean?” You looked at her with a worried expression.
“You’re oblivious, he literally stares at you the whole lecture. He’s not even trying to hide it, I’ve seen him check you out while you walked to your seat once.”
“What a creep...” You rolled your eyes, you couldn’t lie he was attractive but still,it felt a little weird to think about him in that way.
“Whatever. What even is that he wants to talk to you about?”
“No idea.” You responded while exhaling the smoke from your cigarette.
“Well good luck with that. I’m going to my next class see you later.” She waved at you as she got inside the building.
You threw your cigarette on the floor and stepped on it, heading inside to get an espresso before your next class.
You walked to the amphitheater and sat on the back seats, placing your bag down taking out your laptop in case you needed to take some notes.
As your professor began the lecture your mind kept wondering thinking about professor Kaulitz, did he really stare at you that much? You started to recall some images of that in your head, that one time you went for a smoke and saw him sitting in a balcony in front of the campus he kept looking at you so you decided to challenge him by making eye contact,he just smiled and walk away. You felt naïve remembering that you told your friend that you never noticed him staring at you. The way he kept asking you to answer his annoying questions during lecture so you were forced to pay attention, the times when he called you at the end of class to scold you because you kept leaving in the middle of class and coming back 30 minutes later, that one time you wore a top with a V neckline and he ended class earlier than usual because he kept loosing his reasoning while he was speaking each time he looked in your direction. You really were oblivious to all of this and never gave into his little signs, mainly because you really didn’t see things that away or never really payed attention to the stuff happening around you. Probably why he stoped doing those things recently and being dry and a little rude when you did ask him questions. “What a jerk” you thought to yourself. “He can have me if that’s what he wants but I’ll not make it easy for him.”
The lecture finished so you got up and walked to his office. As you approached the door you suddenly got very nervous for some reason.
Dr. Professor Tom Kaulitz (office 1.111)
After calming down you knocked on his door.
“Come in.”
You opened the door and sat down in front of him.
“You’re late.”
You looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall.
“It’s 5:02 pm.”
“Which means you’re late, young lady.”
“Is that a German thing? Like you can’t stand tardiness at all.”
He laughed at your observation.
Silence filled the room for a minute.
“So…why did you want to talk to me Sir?”
He looked at you, gulping hard.
Tom’s pov
Now that she’s here in my office I can’t bring myself to talk to her. I know this is a risky situation, what if she starts go crazy screaming at me telling the whole university that I’m a pervert, I’ve tried to hold myself back for so long but she messes me up I need her for myself.
Narrator’s pov
“Oh sorry I got carried away.”
You stay in silence fidgeting with your hands, now that you were in his presence you started to get nervous, his office had minimal lighting and all the windows were closed it felt hot and humid but taking your jacket off at the moment felt inappropriate.
“I wanted to talk to you about your performance in my classes.”
“What do you mean?”
In his class the performance you had during the lecture did not reflect in your final grade so it was odd of him to talk about this.
“You’ve been skipping a lot and you’re missing some assignments.”
“Sir I apologize but I’m passing so it doesn’t really matter to me, I have other classes and responsibilities to take care of.” You could feel that he got a little angry at your answer.
“Miss, unfortunately to actually pass a class attendance is almost mandatory, and if I do say so myself your grades aren’t the best even if you’re passing.”
Who did he think he was talking to you like that,this is university not high school, why the fuck does he care if your grades are bad or not you just wanted to pass.
“And why do you care so much?” You asked starting to get annoyed.
He sighed.
“Look Y/N just come to class, please.”
“And what if I don’t?”
You asked while leaning over,placing your arms on his desk. He hesitated to answer.
“Do you want to see me that bad, Mister Kaulitz?” You questioned in a sultry tone. His heart was racing, he fixed his posture making eye contact with you.
“So bad.” He boldly replied.
“I didn’t know you were like this Sir.”
“I’m not. You just drive me insane, you can’t imagine how pissed I get when I don’t get to see you or when you leave my class and take ages to come back.”
He got up from his chair walking in your direction.
“I want you Y/N. I’ve tried to hold myself back but my body keeps calling for you.”
You got up from your chair, to stand in front of him.
“Why should I let you have me?” You said while poking his chest.
“Because…” he grabbed you by your lower back “I’d say you want me too. Am I wrong Y/N?”
You placed both hands on his chest.
“Hhmm maybe I do.”
“If you didn’t want me I know you would’ve left my office ages ago.”
“Maybe I’m just teasing you.”
“Don’t you think you have teased me enough all these months?”
“I can always play with you a little longer sir.” You replied placing your arms around his neck, his large hands massaging your back as he lowered his face closer to yours, you lean in capturing his lips in a deep wet kiss.
“For a boring professor you do know how to kiss.”
“You know I wasn’t always a “boring” professor.”
You giggle at his answer. He grabbed your hand guiding you to his desk.
You complied with his request sitting on top of his desk pushing away whatever papers and documents were on the way.
He placed his hand behind your neck as you lean into his touch exposing your neck for him, his teeth graze against your skin and you can feel his hot breath against it.
He sucked lightly on your skin licking the spot he has just marked, you hummed in response.
“May I take this off?” He asked his hands already under your shirt.
He removed your shirt placing it on his chair, he admired your upper body making you feel a little embarrassed but not letting it show.
“You’re even more beautiful like this Y/N.”
You give him a soft smile as he reaches for your back to unclip your bra, freeing your perked up breasts from it. His hands immediately reach to cup both of them, giving them light squeezes and twisting both your nipples, you let out a high pinched moan at slight pain he inflicted on you.
“Shh keep it down baby, as much as I would love to hear your moans it’s better to keep quiet here.” He whispered giving you a small kiss on your lips.
His mouth was now wrapped around your right nipple sucking lightly on it making you bite your lip so your moans couldn’t escape, his beautiful brow eyes looking up at you as the tip of his tongue licked over your nipple gently and his hand toyed with the other. You rubbed your legs together the wetness between them becoming overwhelming, the boner in his pants also making it impossible to stay still.
“Fuck…ich brauche dich.“
“Then have me Mister Kaulitz…” you murmur.
Tom reached for his belt undoing it, unzipping his jeans and finally pulling out his throbbing hard cock, you admire his length, his pink tip, the veins that adorned his shaft and his size that looked like a perfect fit for your aching hole. He lifted up your skirt, his fingers brushing over your clothed pussy feeling your wetness through them.
“Tell me you want this Y/N.” He almost begged.
“I want this so much Tom.”
Satisfied with your answer he pulled down your panties the cold hair hitting your wet cunt making you feel goosebumps all over your skin.
“So wet for me baby…” he said while brushing his tip between your damp folds little moans escaping both of your lips, Tom slowly inserted himself into you, giving you time to get adjusted to him despite his neediness to fuck you.
He then proceeded to grab your thighs lifting you up a bit so that he could get a good angle to penetrate you, you hug him tightly your hands wrapped around his shoulders, he moves his hips at a steady pace making sure to hit your g spot repeatedly, feeling his tip brush against that spot makes your legs tremble. It’s hard not to moan at the overwhelming pleasure so you bite down on his shoulder making him grunt lowly, his hips keep thrusting upwards as you clench around him multiple times making him curse under his breath.
“You feel so good fuck mmhmm~” grunted Tom.
“Mhhm don’t stop Tom oh my god-“ you replied.
His thrusts now deeper making sure you feel every inch of him moving in and out of your tight pussy, your grip on his shoulders so hard he will be bruised for the next few days, his never stopping movements driving you closer to the edge as your need to cum grew with each thrust.
“Tom m’gonna cum-“
“Yeah cum for me baby, cum on this cock yeahhh~”
With a few more of Tom’s powerful thrusts you came all over his cock, you wetness coating his length as he kept fucking you desperately wanting to reach his orgasm.
“Oh mmhhm yeah m’gonna cum on this pussy oh fuck yeah-“ he moaned.
Slapping his hips against yours repeatedly hitting your cervix with his tip a few more times he came deep inside you letting out a low moan, his movements becoming slower as he rode his high.
“You did so good for me…” he whispered next to your ear placing a small kiss on your lobe.
You smiled back at him looking at his handsome face in pure adoration. He helped you get clean with the few tools that he had in his office, and later that day he drove you to your dorm.
After this day you and professor Kaulitz maintained a private relationship.
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youmakemyhearthowl · 2 years
The first time Steve and Eddie actually get to hang out alone after all things Upside Down have been handled, Eddie leaves feeling justified in the fact that to him Steve Harrington is still a stuck up snob. It isn’t until after he runs his dilemma past Uncle Wayne that it really starts to set in that maybe, maybe Eddie was being the stuck up snob and not Steve.
“He’s got a point Ed’s.” He says it in that soft tone he only uses when he knows he’s saying something that might upset Eddie.
“What? Wayne you’re supposed to be on my side here.” Eddie’s arms fly out as he speaks, shooting a glare at his Uncle.
“Eddie, you of all people know how hard it can be to find your place, especially as a freshman, and basketball is important to Lucas. It was kinda a dick move the way you responded to them boys asking if they could postpone your game for one night.” Eddie let out a groan at his words, his face falling onto the table with a loud thud.
“We don’t postpone Hellfire Uncle Wayne. It’s literally never happened in the years I’ve run it, I wasn’t about to do it for a stupid fucking basketball game.” Wayne grunts.
“And that’s where your problem lies Eddie. It wasn’t some “stupid game” not for Lucas. It was important, and you brushed him aside and punished him for having an interest you don’t agree with. Which is exactly what everyone else was doing to you about your dragons game.” Eddie’s head snapped up his eyes landing on Wayne, wide and suddenly a little glassy. Because Wayne had a point. He had a really important point that Eddie hadn’t even stopped to really consider before. Which, fuck it was the exact point Steve had been trying to make, but Steve had a hard time with words and talking about feelings, he’d fumbled over them and stoped and started his explanation so many times that Eddie had just gotten mad and annoyed and didn’t really even try to listen.
And Eddie had been mean to Steve. Telling him to stop stuttering over it and to just “Spit it out Harrington, Jesus it’s not like it should be hard for you to be an asshole about my hobbies.”
Fuck Eddie was a dick. He’d been a dick to Lucas and Dustin and Mike too when they’d just wanted one night to support their best friend and he threatened to just kick them out of the club if they bailed. He’d acted just like the people he detested at school, the bullies and the jocks.
He had some apology’s to make.
Standing abruptly Eddie squeezed Wayne in a quick embrace whispering his thanks as he scrambled out the door of the trailer to his van.
His first stop needed to be the kids, because honestly, he wasn’t even sure where to start with his apology to Steve.
Because Eddie had been hanging out with Steve for weeks now in the group. Him, Robin, Steve, Nance and Jonathan as well as Argyle, hung out almost everyday. And Eddie knew Steve. Knew how fiercely he loved his friends and those kids, and how he tended to not talk a lot in big group settings because he always struggled to find the right words to articulate what he wanted to say. Needed extra time to sit on them to get them out the right way, and would shut down as soon as someone talked over him because he was taking too long.
The first time they’d finally gotten to hang out alone, Eddie had been so excited to really pick Steve’s brain, let him talk and give him the space to find the words or ask questions he needed to. And Steve and him had been having a great time until Steve had brought up the championship game. Stumbling and trying to tell Eddie that Lucas had felt isolated from the group now and like sometimes he didn’t fit with them anymore because Eddie had been a little mean to him because he was a basketball player too. And Steve hadn’t even been mean to Eddie about it either. Now that he thought about the few sentences Steve had been able to tumble through. Throwing in ‘I know you love that game and it’s important to you and the kids look up to you so much man, they love you.” And Eddie has just been an absolute monster back because he just assumed Steve was still King Steve and had been waiting and biding his time to come at Eddie. Fuck.
What was he even supposed to say to Steve now? He’d tried so hard to always make sure Steve felt he could still speak , make him feel safe and comfortable around Eddie and never stupid, because Eddie watched and paid attention to Steve way too much (it’s not a crush shut up) and then he’d just gone and ripped that rug out from under the poor guy, for standing up for his kids. Their kids.
“Eddie? What are you doing here man?” Lucas’s voice pulled Eddie out of his head as he parked the van in front of the Sinclair house, where Lucas, El and Dustin were apparently attempting to learn how to skateboard from Max.
“Hey uh, can we talk for a second man?” Eddie hadn’t felt this nervous since DMing his first campaign. Lucas nodded, coming over to stand next to Eddie who’d gotten out of the van and was leaning against the side now, arms crossed over his chest.
“Listen, I wanted to apologize. For how I acted in Hellfire, about you being on the basketball team.” He watches Lucas’s face closely, a look of surprise crossing the younger boy's face before he composes it.
“It’s cool Eddie, I mean I get it.”
“Nah man, listen. I was a royal dick to you. You were just trying to find your footing in high school and I didn’t make it any easier for you and that wasn’t cool of me. You’re always gonna be one of my lost sheep, and a member of Hellfire, and you’re allowed to have more than one interest . I shouldn’t have let my own insecurities and biases let me treat you like that. And I’m really sorry man.” He watched a myriad of emotions cross Lucas’s face before he settled on a small but happy smile.
“Well thank you Eddie. That really means a lot to me man. Hellfire’s really important to me. You are too. So thank you.” His smile grows as he speaks, before giving Eddie a quick hug and then running back off to join the others in their lessons. A sigh of relief makes Eddie’s whole body Sag.
One down, Steve to go.
Part Two here
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beautifultypewriter · 7 months
Hi! I love your account, I’ve been reading your Game of Thrones stuff (I actually just finished the show for the first time!) and I was wondering if you would write another Podrick x reader work? You can take it however you want, maybe the two of them having feelings for each other and dancing around it until something/someone makes them admit it? Pod quickly became my favorite character, he’s too good and trustworthy! Thanks for reading all this! :)
Hi!! Thank you so much and I’m so sorry for the delay! I love this concept though! So cute and so perfect for Pod. I love him. Before anyone comes for me, I know this is not how the dynamics were in the show, but I don’t care. I’m doing what I want. Hope you like it!
*Also this kind of has spoilers for the later seasons, so proceed with caution I guess*
Sansa had stopped talking when she noticed that you had stopped responding. She followed your line of sight and smirked as she saw what had taken all of your attention. She cleared her throat and your eyes snapped back to her, your cheeks heating up as she gave you a sly smile, “Something distracting you?”
You scoffed, looking away from her, “Not at all, my lady.” Slowly you turned back to her and she shook her head.
“You should just say something to him,” she looked off into the distance, her face turning grim, “life is short.” You slipped your gloved hand into hers, squeezing it gently. She forced a smile and met your gaze, squeezing your hand back.
You gave her a soft smile, “I really appreciate your advice, but I think it’s best,” Sansa’s smile turned into a smirk as she quickly glanced at something over your shoulder before meeting your gaze again. Your eyebrows furrowed, but you continued, “If I just-”
“Sorry to interrupt,” you froze as the voice reached your ears, the man seeming not to notice as he went on, “but I wonder if I might have a word.” You turned your head to see Podrick looking directly at you and you felt your heartbeat quicken. He turned quickly to Sansa, “If it would not be an inconvenience, my lady.” He looked between the two of you, waiting for one of you to reply.
Sansa continued to smirk as she pushed you towards the man, “Of course not.” She nudged you again, “Please take all the time you need.” Slowly she turned to look at you, her brows lifted slightly as she waited for you to say something.
Holding up your hand, you opened your mouth, “Um…” Closing your mouth, you looked at Sansa and then at Podrick, “Actually, I have forgotten that I am meant to meet with Arya,” you pointed over your shoulder, taking slow steps backwards in the snow, “so I really should get going.” Your pace quickened slightly and you hoped you would stay on your feet as you forced a smile to your lips.
Podrick was frowning as he reached towards you, though he knew you were too far away for him to reach, “Perhaps we could speak later?”
You waved a dismissive hand, “Sure!” Spinning on your heel, you hurried away, stoping briefly to turn back towards the disaster you left behind, “I’ll find you.” You spun around again so quickly that you missed Podrick’s wave. Once you were out of the courtyard, he deflated. His shoulders sagged and his frown deepened, a million thoughts running through his mind, as he rubbed the back of his neck. Sansa stared at him, her own frown forming as she looked at the spot you had just disappeared from. Podrick glanced at her, the tips of his ears turning red as he remembered that she was still standing next to him.
He cleared his throat, “My apologies, my lady. I should…” He looked around the courtyard, trying to find something to get him away from his embarrassment.
Sansa gave him a soft smile as she gently patted his shoulder, “Don’t be discouraged. You should still tell them.” Podrick’s ears burned as he stuttered, trying to deny whatever the Lady of Winterfell was implying, but she only shook her head and walked away. Podrick was frozen in place, words still failing him as he watched her go in the same direction you had gone only minutes ago.
The hour was late when you got word that Sansa had wanted to speak with you. You rushed to her Solar, not wanting to keep her waiting. As you pushed the door open, you breathed heavily, “I’m here, my lady. What did you need…” any other words caught in your throat as you stared at Podrick. He was stood by the fireplace with a bunch of wildflowers clutched tightly in his fist. Sansa was no where to be found. The door fell shut behind you and your mind went blank. Pod smiled at you and you returned it, at least you hoped you did. You might have grimaced.
You were snapped from your thoughts as Podrick cleared his throat and held the flowers out to you, “Might we have that word now?” You could see the redness creeping up the back of his neck and a true smile broke out on your lips.
With a nod, you stepped closer and took the flowers from his outstretched hand, “I would like that.” Pod grinned and moved closer, his fingertips brushing gently against your knuckles.
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mxyee445 · 9 months
Rant #6
Hello my loves, this gonna be a calm rant(maybe).
I want to first say stop searching. Reading or interacting in this community doesn’t mean you are searching unless you are reading to find an answer.
For me I find calmness and silence in reading posts on here about nd and seeing how everyone interprets it.
I have been very cautious of how I use words on here as I don’t want to confuse people with the words used for the reason that if I use some words you might take it literally and over complicate what I’m trying to say.
There is no reason for me to put in the effort to keep myself in check of how I speak/write. Why? Because words are merely words. There is no one definition or explanation or example on how to “just be”.
I found myself constantly wanting to explain things to you about nd, what I learned, how I can help you learn, how I could prove this to be true but soon realized I was doing that for myself.
Even when I thought “I understand everything, I am nothing, I am the silence/awareness/nothing.” When in reality words can’t describe what I am.
I started to take “do nothing” seriously, I live in the now because there is no past to live again and no future to experience yet. There aren’t predictions to be made about the future or trauma and sadness to be held from the past. The “past” despaired the second I stoped thinking about it the same with the future.
I don’t know how to put it but I’ve found so much calmness in my mind that had a million thoughts of future in plans and assumptions well also dwelling on the past. I didn’t do anything to get rid of them because there was nothing to get rid of from the start.
I would honestly recommend to stop reading posts for answers but treating them as diary entries from you to yourself. The pointers/the advice/ the stories, they are yourself giving answers to your questions.
We are all one.
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ieatedyourcrayons · 2 months
Askin for a Jeff the Killer x Male!Reader fic where the reader mirrors Jeff's personality quite a bit, im talkin cocky bastard with a joker laugh type shit, and at first he DESPISES the reader but quickly turns into a touble trouble duo :3 🔪❤🔪
Got you! hopefully you like it! kinda went on a yap session
no trigger warnings
Double trouble. Jeff the killer x male!reader
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You were new to the slenderman mansion. Your cocky and straightforward demeanor fit right in with the others that lurked in the walls of the manor. Your blunt responses and manic behaviors pushed the infamous jeffery woods away from you.
Jeff couldn’t stand having someone like him around, he took offense to it, Does he think he’s better then me or something? is something Jeff thought everytime you opened your mouth.
Jeff didn’t bother giving you a chance at introducing yourself to him nor did he care for your introduction. He went out of his way to avoid you until one time you guys both wandered into the kitchen at 3:46 A.M.
You walk in the kitchen with the hopes of finding something to eat, you’ve been up playing your games all night, not caring to sleep, Jeff was doing the same, neither of you knowing.
As you’re rummaging through the fridge, a sudden voice startles you, causing you to jump, hitting your head on the fridge. “Oh it’s you.” Jeff mutters rudely as he grabs a bowl out the cabinet.
“what’s your problem?” you ask as you hold the spot on your head that you hit, your voice rough from the lack of talking and water
“My problem?” he scoffs, “what’s your problem?” He adds with a rude tone
“what are you even talking about?” you ask with genuine confusion as your stare at him dumbfounded.
“Oh cmon. don’t act like that, you think you’re better then me, you may have a pretty face but you’ll never be better then me dude” Jeff says rudely, his jealousy leaking through every word.
“What are you talking about? I don’t think i’m better than you. Two people can have similar personalities ya’know? You haven’t even given me a chance and I could care less about being you” You spit back , saying the “being you” with a mocking tone as you push your hair out of your face.
Jeff stands with an offended look on his face , finding himself unable to say anything realizing you’re right.. he’s overreacting and he really hasn’t given you a chance. Jeff’s expression quickly falls off his face and is replaced with embarrassment.
“…You’re right. i’m sorry bro i don’t know why i’m like this… How are you?” Jeff says with a sigh, hoping that you won’t hold this against him.
You sigh, not wanting to keep this tension between yall any longer. “You’re good, and i’m fine, i’ve just been on the game all night.. how about you?” You ask before turning back into the fridge and grabbing some left overs and bringing it to the microwave.
Relief washes over Jeff after you respond. “Really? same, i’ve been trying to beat elden ring for like 15 hours!” He laughs as he grabs some cereal and pours it in his bowl.
“Dude really? I can help you. i’m like.. a pro at elden ring” you laugh back before the microwave beeps, signaling your food is done. You quickly open the door to the microwave, stoping the beeping , and taking out your food.
“Yo will you actually help? I need it bad” He says, A hint of amusement behind his words. “Yeah dude, gotta help a brother out” you respond with a laugh before bringing a spoon full of your food to your mouth.
“Yes! thank you! oh uhm, what’s your name?” Jeff says hesitantly as he picks his bowl up and grabs a spoon, ready to go to his room.
“it’s y/n, and i know your name, jeffery” you tease as you two begin walking to his room, ready to put Jeff’s elden ring skills to shame.
Jeff jokingly cringes at your use of his full name. You guys enter jeff’s room, his walls littered with posters of movies and metal bands, clothes and other things scattered on his grey floor, the walls a dark red with led lights wrapping the ceiling boards.
You look around the room in admiration, “yo this is a vibe” you stare before shoving a spoon full of you food into you mouth “Fanks” jeff says with a mouthful of cereal in his mouth.
Eventually you two settle on the floor infront of jeff’s small monitor with an xbox controller on the floor infront of it. “Uh.. do you not have a desk?” you ask confused “eh i broke it” Jeff shrugs. You turn and look at him with a confused but amused expression before saying “understandable” with a shrug as you turn your attention to the screen.
You and jeff bond over Elden ring and shared trauma , Jeff realizing he would’ve missed out big time if he never gave you a chance. Now you two are inseparable and cause havoc in the manor, terrorizing everyone and going on missions together.
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cheesysoup-arlo · 5 months
Just a kiss right? (pt. 2)
(pt. 1)
“Ok so this isn’t a prank? and you both actually like me? Don’t get me wrong, I trust you guys but you guys have also destroyed each other’s lives and this would be the perfect way to destroy mine but I’m not saying that you guys would do that I’m just…scared” you said freaking out and rambling “I totally understand why you’re worried but I promise this isn’t a prank, we really like you y/n. we’ve worked past our conflicts and we’re doing a lot better” Janis said with a reassuring smile “there’s still stuff we have to work on and honesty is going to be very important in this- for us” Regina added on “does this mean we’re girlfriends or does this just mean we like each other and we’re gonna see what happens because I’m fine with either but also saying I’m dating the two most beautiful girls I’ve ever met would be awesome” you say smiling like a dork, earning a small chuckle from Janis “girlfriends?” Regina said looking at Janis “you don’t have to say yes, I don’t even know why I brought it up, god I’m so stupid” saying the last part under your breath hoping the girls didn’t hear you “don’t say that y/n, you’re not stupid, you’re smart and kind and funny and so not stupid don’t ever talk about yourself like that again” Regina said a little upset, not at you necessarily but upset that you would think about yourself like that “I’ll leave it up to you Reg because I’d absolutely love it but I don’t want to make you feel lol you have to if you’re not ready” Janis said looking at Regina “I think I want this but I’m scared…” Regina said looking down at her hands, you gently grab Regina’s hands and she looks up at you, her eyes starting to fill up with tears “Reggie what’s wrong, talk to us” you say wiping a tear that fell on Regina’s cheek “I don’t know this is just a lot- a lot of new, it’s a good new but” Regina was cut off by a big hug from you and Janis “can we just not tell people yet I’m not really ready?” Regina said leaning on you “of course Reg, we’ll wait till you’re ready, I’m really proud of you for communicating your feelings I know that’s hard for you sometimes” Janis said kissing Regina’s forehead “So girlfriends but not telling anyone yet?” You asked “mhm” Regina said with a nod “sooo my amazing blonde girlfriend can I give you a kiss” you say with a little giggle “get over here you dork” Regina says pulling you in for a kiss “um I’m feeling a little left out over her” Janis said pretending to be offended “uh oh y/n it looks like we gotta smother Janis in kisses” Regina says trying not to laugh “oh yeah definitely” you say starting to attack Janis’ cheek with kisses and Regina kisses Janis on the lips, when Regina pulled away Janis said “I think I can get used to this” you all started giggling. “Wanna watch a movie?” Regina asked “ooo yes” you said laying on Regina’s big bed “J, can you set up a movie while I get snacks” Regina asks stoping in her bedroom door frame “of course I can” Janis says turning on the tv to find a movie. By the time Regina comes back up you and Janis are snuggled up waiting for her with a movie you guys have seen a million times but still love “aw you two are adorable” Regina says after setting down the snacks and taking a picture “Reggie get over here and cuddle with us so we can start the movie” you three cuddle and eat snacks for most of the movie till you notice Janis starting to dose off “psst Reggie, I think our girlfriend is getting sleepy” you whisper over to her “oh baby I think you’re right, hey bubs you sleepy?” Regina asks Janis “hmm mhm sorry” Janis mumbles cuddling in closer to the blonde “good night J, we’ll be here when you wake up, get some rest cutie” you say kissing her forehead. Janis falls asleep between you and Regina while Regina puts on a second movie. You both eventually start falling asleep too. “Reggie?” You mumble “hmm baby?” Regina replied sleepily “I’m getting sleepy” you say then yawn “me too baby, go to sleep you’re safe here” Regina said reaching over Janis to boop you on the nose “good night babe” you say dosing off “good night baby”
A/N: tbh forgot about so I’m sorry if it sucks lol
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yueisyum · 1 year
giving a handjob to subby jeno
Jeno subby handjob
Honestly I’ve never thought much about a subby jeno- however, now that it’s been brought to my attention…. 🤭
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“Y/n” jeno warns, his voice coming off a bit stern. You don’t respond though, only continuing to run your fingers over the tent that’s formed under his sweats. His cock twitches every once and a while making you smile to yourself.
You lay next to him, resting your head in his chest as he begins to breathe heavily. Your hand gently squeezes his length, earning a moan from the man currently trying to nap. “Y/n” he warns again, this time, he grabs at your wrist, but doesn’t push it way. So, you push down him his boner, lifting your head to look at his eyes fluttering closed. “You’re so hard…” you tease, as if surprised. Jeno’s left had tighten around your shoulder when you repeat the action. “Do you want me to make you cum jeno?”
Jeno practically whines. “Fuck, y/n”
Seems like he likes the sound of your name, it’s all he’s been saying… not that you’re complaining!
Smiling to yourself again, you slide your hand up his pants to his abdomen, then back down into his waistband. Your head raises and falls wit his chest, you can hear his heartbeat speeding up, the closer you get to his girth. Tracing along his v line and stoping when you get to close…
“No? You don’t?” You continue to tease, sitting up to pout at him. You shouldn’t be having this much fun with him. He squeezes his eyes shut and sighs in frustration when you completely remove your hand form his pants. “Please” he whines again, biting back a smile when he opens his eyes to look at you. But it drops when you notice his hand down his pants.
“Well if you’re going to do it yourself, what do you need me for?” You lean your whole body away from him, immediately causing him to retrieve his hand and sit up to stop you from leaving. “No, no I can’t do it myself”
He’s so beautiful, his eyes on yours, he looks drunk on desire. There’s nothing in his mind but you right now, and that turns you on. “Okay jeno, I’ll help you. But you have to promise you won’t touch”
“I promise” he swore, his hips moving up into the hair, probably trying to gain friction form the fabric of his pants. Leaning in for a kiss, he pushes back, holding your face in his hands.
You slide your hand down his sweats again. His body jerks when you wrap your hand around his cock. He sighs and falls back against the pillows. “Yes” he moans. you haven’t even began working him yet, and he’s already becoming a mess. Sitting on your knees next to him, slowing dragging your thumb over his tip, is a scene you would trade for anything. Little whine and gasps escape him, dispute his efforts to hold them back.
“Is this good?”
“Please stop teasing y/n- please just-”
He stumbles out, losing his thoughts as soon as you begin jerking his length from under the fabric of his pants. His hands are gripping the sheets under him.
Deciding you’ve been to easy on him, you pull him out from his sweats, allowing his cock to fly up and twitch in you hands. Now that you can see it, his tip is and angry red, precum practically dripping down his thick girth. As much as you want him in your mouth- you can’t give in to temptation!
“I didn’t jerk off at all- the whole time I was gone”he informs, trying his hardest to keep his hands and hips in place. His cock is hot and veins line the underside of it. It curves ever sos slightly, almost mouth watering. “No? All month?” You laugh at his seriousness. Moaning and whining, he’s so cute.
Jeno is very eager to please in any way you want, he’ll do most if not everything you ask of him. He likes knowing your satisfied, and will go to great lengths to make sure you get there. He’s so shameless when he gets excited or needy enough. Desperately trying to get you to allow him to cum. So whenever he gets all subby like this, it never fails to make you smile.
“I tried to, but I wouldn’t let myself cum” he corrected. You speed up you movements earning a hiss from the black haired man. He can not longer hold his body in place, jerking up to meet your hand. “So you edged yourself for 4 weeks? My poor puppy” you coo, he doesn’t bother responding verbally, instead moans when you gently squeeze him. “I’m close-“
“-already?” You chuckle again, his right hand flying to rest on top of yours as you continue. “Yes” he confirms breathlessly. “I need to cum so bad”
Your fee hand brushes hair out if the poor boys face, he’s panting like a lost dog. Fucking up into your hands, guiding you, and moaning like a bitch in heat. You almost came right there. “Can I?” He begs, Throwing his head back, and his eyes rolling to the back of his head. His cock twitching like crazy, hips stuttering and his balls must be so full- “Say please?” You suggest. But you know he can’t really manage another word, so you let go of him. Depriving him of his release.
“No! Please, please, please, please-“ he drops his hand and falls onto the bed in agony, as if you just robbed him of all he’s worth-
You might as well have.
“Please! Make me come y/n, please” he begs again, forcing his eyes open so he can look at you. His fucked out expression and his puppy dog features are your weakness. “How can I ever say no to you?” You give him another kiss before straddling him.
“But we can’t waste all that cum, can we?”
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