dianaisnice · 1 month
Demonic betrayal (Yandere Demon X Reader)
I was comfortably in bed reading an exciting book. The peace was however destroyed by my twenty-two-year-old sister, Georgie, who flung the door open with full force. I flinched in shock and gave my little sister an angry look. "Can't you knock?" I hissed at her, annoyed. I had been busy all day and I wanted to have a little time for myself before I went to bed. But of course my sister had to burst into my room at that very moment.
She pulled her head in a little bitt to the side so that her black hair covered her face. "I'm sorry. Next time I'll knock. Can you come with me to Adrian's grave tomorrow? I'd like to bring him new flowers," she told me the reason why she had invaded my privacy without permission. Adrian was her boyfriend, who had died in a car accident a few months ago. They were together for over five years and by chance I heard that Adrian wanted to propose to my sister at a romantic dinner, which unfortunately was no longer possible. If it had happened, they would have my blessing.
"Of course I'll go with you. What time did you have in mind?" I asked her. I needed to know what time Georgie was going to the grave. I'm currently looking for work because I quit my previous job. Before that I lived a two-hour drive from here, in my birthplace and hometown. I didn't really want to leave there, I had a great job and a big apartment there. I was also in a relationship before Adrian's death, but I ended it because I didn't want to be in a long-distance relationship. At first it was hard for me to accept the breakup, but the pain subsided over time. There were times when my ex's number appeared on my display. I didn't have the heart to delete his number or even block him.
"Tomorrow after breakfast would be good," she said quietly. She threw her tousled hair over her shoulders and looked at me sadly. Her eyes were red-rimmed and glassy. Her nose was red from sniffling and crying. She must have been crying all day again while I was busy writing applications after applications. When I realized this, I immediately felt guilty because I hadn't heard anything of it, but had preferred to put earplugs in my ears and listen to music at the loudest volume. I was overcome with shame. As an older sister, I had failed completely.
"For me, that's fine. Afterwards we have to go shopping. The fridge needs to be filled again," I told her my thoughts. I couldn't bear to look at her for long, so I looked away and played with my blanket instead. "Yeah, OK, I wish you a good night," she said quietly and left my room without waiting for a reply. "I wish you a good night too," I murmured in the same tone as my sister. In truth, I knew that my sister would be awake all night again. She doesn't cry as much as she did at the beginning, but the tears still come in many situations. Some things remind her of Adrian. Sometimes she wants to be comforted at night and sometimes she locks her door at night. On the nights when she couldn't sleep and her door was open, I lay down next to her in silence and let her cry on my shoulder.
Sighing, I put my book on my bedside table, turned off the reading lamp and lay down. With my face to the open door, I racked my brains about how I could help my sister better. To be honest, I was starting to run out of ideas. I was considering whether I should seek professional help. Lena can't drown in her grief forever.
Even if it sounds cruel, life goes on without Aiden. And who knows, maybe she'll fall in love with another lovely man. With these thoughts I fall asleep.
The next morning I woke up without a problem. I sat up straight and looked around my room. The noise didn't come from my room. Grumbling, I threw the blanket aside and got up from the bed, slightly sluggish. I padded to it on bare feet and tore the window wide open. Fresh air immediately flowed in on the early summer day and a bird chirped happily on a branch in front of me. The bird looked me in the eye for a short time and then flew away. Smiling, I watched the bird fly away into the next tree. A cold gust of wind hit my face. Autumn replaced summer a few weeks ago. When I looked up at the sky, I saw dark clouds gathering. It looked like rain. Maybe it will storm.
I quickly went back to my bed and made it neat before grabbing some fresh clothes and disappearing into the bathroom one door away. First I did my morning business before I got into the shower and let the warm water flow over me. It felt so good to shower early in the morning. You feel more awake and fresh afterwards. I shaved straight away in the shower because I didn't feel like to it yasterday. I didn't like the fact that my hair grew back so quickly. And unfortunately I was unlucky that the hairs were dark. Because of this I had to reach for the razor several times a week.
I put on my underwear immediately after drying my body. Then I put on my dark brown turtleneck sweater, black socks and dark blue jeans. After getting dressed, I grabbed my toothbrush and reached for the toothpaste. I looked in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. The sight in the mirror shocked me a little. I had slight dark circles under my eyes and I looked a little pale. Not surprising when I'm busy looking for a job and when I'm looking after Georgie. Then I blow-dried my (H/C) hair and brushed it through thoroughly before tying my hair back. Then I applied mascara to my eyelashes.
The first thing I did in my room was to close the window. I took out my jewelry box from the drawer of my nightstand. I put my gold earrings in my earlobe and put my gold watch on my right wrist. I got both of these a week before Adrian died.
In the kitchen I met Georgie, who was holding her cup of coffee in her hands and staring absently into space. "Morning," I greeted her as soon as I set foot in the kitchen. "Morning," I heard Georgie mumble. I went straight to the pot of freshly brewed coffee. I took a cup from the cupboard above and poured myself a half-full cup. The smell of fresh coffee immediately filled my nose. Sighing, I put my cup next to Georgie's and sat down next to her. I took a sip of the hot drink and at the same time looked over at Georgie out of the corner of my eye. "Would you like some scrambled eggs? I'll make some right away," I told her. I took another sip before leaving it on the table and getting up from the chair and walking to the fridge. When I looked in the fridge, I grimaced at random. It looked pretty empty. We really need to fill the fridge today.
"Yes, of course. I want to leave as soon as possible,” Georgie said, speaking a little louder. I knew then that she was feeling a little better than last night. I slept so soundly today that I didn’t notice anything going on around me. I didn’t know whether Georgie had cried last night or hadn’t slept a wink. I bit my lip.
After I took out the eggs, butter and the pan, I turned on the stove and put the pan on. While I had to wait for the stove to heat up, I sat down next to Georgie again and pushed my cup towards me. "Did you sleep better today?" I asked her when she made no attempt to talk to me, so instead I picked up the lead and started a conversation. Georgie drew indistinct patterns on the surface of the table with her index finger. Before I got up again, I took another sip of my coffee and walked over to the stove. With the wooden spoon in my hand, I started cooking, humming.
My sister still hadn't answered me, so I turned my head in her direction and started speaking: "The neighbor told me yesterday that a new shop opened near the cemetery a few days ago. Apparently the shop owner is a witch. The neighbor is pretty sure she worships the devil because she had a petagram tattooed on her neck. She was supposed to have babbled something about how they brought her cat back to the living from the afterlife…” I laughed at the thought that there was supposedly a dead cat running around the area and causing trouble. I can't imagine the animal being anything other than a zombie. The scratching on the table stopped for a moment before Georgie continued.
"As if there's some kind of magic here," I grumbled and scooped the contents of the pan onto two plates. I sat down next to my sister and started eating. My coffee had gone cold by now, but I still didn't want to throw it away. It would just be a waste not to drink it. Besides, I really need it to wake up properly. "Thank you," Georgie said quietly, poking at the eggs with her fork. I watched her silently as she ate, taking bites. Under my stern gaze, she had no choice but to stuff the food into her mouth and choke it down. I'm definitely not going to let her leave the apartment without eating.
"You can't know that for sure. I do think there are some things we can't explain," my sister replied, taking another bite of her meal. A satisfied smile graced my lips with every success my sister said one more word. "Last night, the news said that a very large wolf was spotted in the woods in the neighboring village and that scratch marks and torn, bloody clothing belonging to a missing woman were found," she added after a short break from eating. I looked at her questioningly at the news. "What does it have to do with magic?" I asked her. I pushed my empty plate and cup away from me and looked patiently at my sister with curious eyes to see what answer she had. I had no idea what she was trying to tell me with her statement. "Besides, I think it was a wolf, but a bear. Wolves don't get that big and they certainly don't attack people," I told her my concerns about all of this.
I stood up and collected our dishes and put them in the sink. After visiting the cemetery, I'll wash them and put them away. "It certainly wasn't a bear, because they haven't been seen in this region for many years. I think it was more likely that it was a werewolf. You know, like the wolves from Twilight," I heard my sister say behind me. I almost cut myself with a knife when she said it. When my surprise had passed, I tilted my head back and laughed. "You don't believe that yourself. You don't know how ridiculous that sounds," I snorted and held my stomach, laughing. I started to hurt from laughing so much.
"You can laugh at me. But you'll see that I'm right," she replied immediately and disappeared into her room. "We'll meet in the hallway in half an hour," I called after her before I heard her door slam. I looked in her direction for a short while and left the kitchen to return to my own room. There I dug my handbag out of my closet and hung it over the bedpost so that I could pack a few things more easily. In any case, I put my wallet in my pocket. A tissue and a small umbrella are a must. Chewing gum for in between, hand cream and of course my keys. My cell phone goes in my jacket pocket. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. Satisfied with how I looked, I nodded at my reflection and was about to turn my back to the mirror. But I stopped abruptly because I saw a figure scurry past behind me. No idea what it could be. I was hoping it was just my imagination.
I turned around very slowly. I was afraid of what might await me. With every heartbeat my heart pounded against my chest. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the shadow disappear into my wardrobe. With small steps and on silent soles I crept towards my wardrobe. I kept an eye on it the whole time, in case the figure changed its mind and attacked me suddenly. It took a lot of effort to put one foot after the other. My legs felt like lead. I stopped right in front of it and put my shaking hand on the knob. I didn't open it. My eyes wandered restlessly back and forth. From one moment to the next the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. My instinct told me to leave the wardrobe alone and get out of there. In horror films, following your curiosity never ends well. Most of the time you were killed by the monster behind the door.
I took deep breaths through my nose before gathering my courage and opening the door with a swing. I kept my eyes closed the whole time because I didn't want to look my murderer in the eye, no matter who it was. My last thoughts should only be about my loved ones. And I'm afraid of dying.
When the door was open, I waited outside for a few minutes. My eyes were shut so tightly that they hurt. The silence in the room was oppressive. Never in my life has time seemed so long.
For a long time nothing happened and no unusual noises came from the closet, so I hesitantly opened my eyes. First I peeked through my eyelashes and opened my eyes as soon as I couldn't see any sign of a person, animal or anything else. Phew. I didn't even notice that I had held my breath out of tension. Now I bravely pushed the clothes that were hanging up apart with both hands. Half to the left and half to the right.
My eyes wandered restlessly back and forth. I took a close look at the corners and the darkest parts of the closet. "Thank God I only imagined it," I murmured and closed the closet, shaking my head. I left my hand on the handle and stared at it, lost in thought. Absolutely nothing was going through my head.
"(V/N), are you coming? I'm ready to go," my sister called up to me. I wasn't prepared for that, because I flinched and my heart jolted. Startled, I put a hand on my chest and sighed. Because of the tension from earlier, I wasn't paying full attention. "Yes, I'll be right there," I replied in the same tone. I quickly rushed to my bag and swung it over my shoulder. When I got to the door, I turned to the closet. Satisfied that there was nothing unusual there, I grumbled and smiled and closed the door behind me. She had thrown a thin coat over herself. It was buttoned from top to bottom. She didn't wear a hat, but instead wore pink earmuffs. The corners of my mouth twitched at the sight of her. Georgie had usually worn black or dark clothes since Adrian's. So I was very surprised to see her in something colorful. At least a step in the right direction. An improvement.
The door was wide open behind her and a cold wind had crept into our house. It was spreading throughout the entire hallway. "So little patience, sis?" I giggled to myself and followed my sister outside. The incident from before was as good as forgotten. I locked the door after we left. Although the neighborhood was considered safe, we still didn't want to invite thieves into our house. In the cold, the windows weren't open during the day, but we opened them now and again to air the house.
Outside we were greeted by a strong gust of wind. The cold practically slapped you in the face. The cemetery was not far from the house, so we set off on foot. On the way there, Georgie will buy a bouquet of flowers for her deceased friend. "I want to visit Adrian's grave as soon as possible. It's been a long time since the last time," she told me, explaining the reason for her impatience. I glanced at her sideways because what she told me didn't make sense. She had only been at the grave yesterday. No more than twelve hours had passed. I won't say a word about her statement. I had no intention of hurting my younger sister's feelings. The difficult times were far from over.
"Don't forget that we still have to go shopping after the visit. Our fridge is pretty empty and could use some refilling," I told Georgie. "I was thinking of making chicken soup tonight," I continued as we turned the next corner into the shopping street. There were all kinds of shops on the street. From grocery stores to electronics stores. Our first stop was the flower shop next to the jeweler, which had only recently opened.
Georgie pulled her coat tighter around herself and put her shaking hands in her coat pocket. I don't know if it was because of the cold or because of something else. She doesn't deserve to suffer like that. I would have loved to take away her pain, but unfortunately I couldn't. "For me. I just want to buy the flowers and go visit Adrian's grave. I don't want to do anything else right now," she said coldly. Hurt by the cold shoulder she had just shown me, I winced. Sometimes her feelings change from one moment to the next.
"Of course we'll go to the flower shop first and then straight to Adrian's grave," I tried to calm her down with my words. To reinforce my words, I put my hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently.
The people around us took no notice of us, but went about their daily lives. Since the fall break had just started, there were a lot of people out and about. Tomorrow is Halloween, so some children and young people are dressed up and causing mischief at the market. Every now and then you could see masks of monsters or murderers from well-known films like Scream or Friday 13th. I actually didn't like horror films, but my ex-boyfriend at the time insisted that I watch some with him. In my opinion, the worst films were those with demons. There are no worse creatures than these. If I ever meet one, I'll run for my legs and disappear immediately.
As soon as we left the market behind us, the way to the flower shop was not far. We still had a good hundred meters to go. A cold wind blew in our faces. I immediately got goosebumps and lifted up the collar of my coat to save myself at least a little protection from the bitter cold. I think it's about time to get the winter coat out of the attic and exchange it for the coat.
The vibration of my phone in my pocket made me jump because it happened out of nowhere. I was firmly convinced that I had switched it to silent last night because I kept getting texts from my ex. Sighing, I fished the phone out of my pocket and swiped the screen with slightly stiff fingers. I wanted to know who the person was and what they had written to me. Rolling my eyes, I realized that it was none other than my ex-boyfriend. Ever since I left him, he had been trying to contact me nonstop. Before I left him and moved in with my sister, I had a great time with him. I was happy in the relationship.
Please come back (Y/N). I miss you so much.
The message he wrote me gave me a little pang of pain. I don't like to admit it, but I miss him too. After the hospital where my sister ended up after the shock of Adrian's death called me, I told my ex. I told him that I wanted to move closer to her. Not alone, but with him by my side... But he refused and said that his life is here and not a three-hour drive from here. Shortly afterwards, I gave him an ultimatum. It was either me or his work. You can see how he had made his decision. That same evening, I packed my things and, streaming with tears, got into my car and set off to see my sister. On the way to her, I kept stopping and crying my eyes out in silence in the car.
It took me a while to answer because my heart told me that I should call him right now and apologize for forcing an important decision on him. But another part of me didn't owe me anything and didn't want to know anything about him. My head tells me every time I think about him that he deserves it because he left me alone with my problem.
I'm not coming back. My life is here now.
At the exact moment I pressed send, my sister stopped immediately. Surprised, I looked up from my screen and looked around. We had reached our destination. Without waiting for me, my sister entered the shop and waited for me with the door open. "Are you coming, (Y/N)? We don't have long before it starts to rain," she pointed out the lousy, disgusting weather. What I would give for a warm summer day.
"I'm coming," I replied grumbling and put my phone away with a sigh. One last time, I allowed my thoughts and shared memories of my ex to wander through my head before I locked it in the furthest corner of my being. Today, I wanted to concentrate exclusively on my grieving sister.
I looked around the shop curiously. Lots of flowers and plants were either in pots or vases. Beautiful arrangements were either hanging on the walls or lying on the tables. My sister, however, went straight to the bouquets and stood with her index finger on her chin. Her eyes wandered deliberately from one bouquet to the next. She skipped the bouquets of roses. At least her eyes didn't stay on them for long like they did with the others. Since I had nothing to do with flowers, I ran over to the garden decorations and looked at them instead. Stone statues of Buddha, angels made of marble, pots made of brass and many other objects made of all kinds of materials and shapes. I was amazed at what this shop had to offer. From the outside, the shop didn't look that big. Don't let appearances fool you.
Not far from here, there was a large vase of sunflowers in a corner. For some reason, it started to wobble dangerously, for no reason at all. So much so that water was spilling over the edge and a small puddle was forming on the floor around the vase. I looked around the compartment in fear, but there was no one else to be seen. Large plants and decorations obscured my view of my sister or the salesperson. I couldn't see anything other than myself and my sister when I entered. It was probably because it was quite early.
For the second time that day, I stood there frozen in fear. My legs wouldn't move from the spot despite my instinct to flee. It wasn't just because the vase was moving as if by magic, but because a black shadow had formed behind the vase and glowing red eyes were staring at me from there. At least I imagined they were eyes.
"(Y/N), I'm done. Let's go," I heard my sister say not far from me. When she didn't get a response from me, she had to look for me in the maze of plants and garden decorations because I could hear her footsteps behind me. I, on the other hand, didn't take a single step. I was shaking like a leaf and my skin was as dry as the Sahara dust. Even though I couldn't see myself at the moment, I'm sure I'm as white as a ghost. "(Y/N)?" Georgie's voice could be heard behind me. She then put her hand on my shoulder, which she shook vigorously when she once again got no answer from me. Her face moved into my field of vision and covered the vase, which had stopped shaking since Georgie appeared, but the strange figure was still visible. "What's wrong?" she wanted to know.
Before she got an answer from me, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I didn't want her to see the panic in my eyes and I didn't want to worry her. I was glad that Georgie's face was in front of me. The proximity of my sister and the sight of her calmed me down immensely. After a while I realized that I still owed her an answer. When the strength returned to my body, I raised my arm and pointed with my index finger behind Georgie's shoulder. "There was something behind the vase over there," was my only answer to the question she asked. Georgie could certainly read the shock on her face. Normally not many things can throw me off track or even scare me. But since this morning, I have been startled again and again by something. From the cupboard to the wobbling vase with the shadow behind it. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't the last time.
Georgie followed my outstretched arm, which pointed in the direction of the vase. In order to follow my index finger, she had to turn around first, which she did immediately. With the bouquet full of irises and daisies in her arms, she turned around and looked carefully at the vase. She even took a few steps towards it and to the side. This meant that I could also see the vase.
"There's nothing to see," she said after a while of silence. Surprised and confused by her statement, I was able to move my limbs again. Before I knew it, I was standing next to my younger sister and also looking at the vase. I wanted to reassure myself that the black shadow with the red eyes was no longer there. Blinking, I realized that Georgie was right. In fact, there was no longer any sign of the figure. Should I be relieved or should I fear that I had just imagined the whole thing? "How can that be? Have I gone mad?" I murmured quietly and shook my head violently. I turned my back to the vase. I was so embarrassed to have been afraid of my imagination. "Let’s go“ I added sheepishly. Annoyed at my own stupidity, I bit my lower lip and scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment.
"Oky," Georgie dragged out the word unnecessarily. She pressed the bouquet of flowers close to her chest and marched towards the exit. I followed her outside in silence. The clouds above us have thickened. I could see the threatening black clouds on the horizon. It won't be long before it starts to storm and pours down like buckets. I estimate that the clouds will be above us within an hour.
"We have to hurry," I advised her and picked up the pace. My sister matched my quick steps. Before we reach the cemetery, we have to leave two blocks behind us. "What perfect weather for a cemetery visit," was my comment. As we walked, I looked around the area, because we fell silent on the way. I quickly realized that Georgie needs peace and quiet. I don't want to disturb her thoughts. And especially not when her emotions are going crazy. One moment she was in a good mood and the next she was sad, or angry. I was never angry with her for that. Everyone processed the grief differently.
Before I knew it, we had reached our destination. There were only a few parking spaces in front of the cemetery, some of which were already occupied. As I entered the cemetery, the iron gate squeaked unpleasantly in my ears.
An elderly couple was just getting out of a car. The woman had a beautiful bouquet of flowers in her right hand. In the other she held a walking stick. Her husband gently grabbed her forearm and helped her walk. Her steps were small and she walked very slowly. Despite everything, she did not want to hand the bouquet over to her husband for a single moment. The woman and the man strolled past us and nodded gratefully at us because we were patiently standing at the iron gate and holding it open for them. We returned the gesture just as politely.
Georgie sighed with relief when she finally arrived at her friend's grave. In the vase by the grave was already a bouquet of blue flowers whose name I didn't know. The heads of the flowers were already hanging down and they looked a bit dry. As my sister said this morning, she was there a few days ago. In her case, it was usually exactly two days ago.
While she was exchanging the bouquets, I watched her silently. Tears kept flowing down her cheeks, which were red from the cold. Silent. Not a sound came from her lips. I didn't say a word either, because I didn't know what to say. There was nothing I could say to her. Healing would only come in years. "(Y/N)", I heard Georgie whisper my name after a few minutes. She was kneeling in front of the grave and wiping the engraving on the gravestone. "Yes?" I replied curiously. I wiped a tangled strand of hair behind my ear. "Have you ever wondered if it is possible to revive a loved one?" she asked unexpectedly. I raised my eyebrows. "I have never asked myself that question. But I am sure that it is not scientifically possible," I answered her question honestly. How did she come up with that question?
My sister's shoulders sank in disappointment at my answer. Her hair was ruffled by a sudden gust of wind. My hair was no better. "Maybe you are right," she said, still with her back to me. Maybe? Should I worry about her? I decided not to.
I looked around the cemetery because I couldn't find anything better to do. My sister was busy picking up the fallen leaves from the trees on the grave and throwing them into a pile next to the grave.
Not far from here I spotted a woman dressed in black who was also looking over at us curiously. Our eyes met. She came over to me as if I had invited her with my eyes. I quickly lowered my gaze and shifted from one foot to the other. I hoped fervently that she wasn't coming over to us, but was walking past us or even going in a different direction. Unfortunately, my hopes were dashed because I heard footsteps coming towards us above the leaves. I was just about to tell my sister about the woman's appearance.
The footsteps made my sister prick up her ears. The footsteps above the leaves were hard to miss. My sister stood upright again and turned towards the spring. A short time later, I leaned over Georgie's ear and whispered in her ear: "Do you know why she's coming in our direction?" She shrugged both shoulders without question. It seemed strange to me that someone was coming straight towards us. Nevertheless, I hope that she walks past us or even goes in a different direction. Unfortunately, we were not lucky in that regard, because she stopped in front of us with a smile and a wave.
"Good morning, Georgie. I see you're back today. It's nice that you're still visiting your love despite his death. You can practically feel how much you still love him," she started talking. She hadn't even looked at me for a second. I was ignored coldly. As if I were air. Annoyed, I gritted my teeth and stuffed my hands into my jacket pocket. It's not that I have anything against her. But you can at least say hello to me. Out of politeness, at least. The stranger took another step towards Georgie and put a hand on her shoulder and leaned towards her ear like I had before and whispered, not exactly quietly: "I urgently need to talk to you. You know with the -" Before she could continue, she stopped my sister by quickly putting a hand on her arm and looking at her intently. Even a blind person could understand the hint.
For me that was the cue to leave the two of them alone. "I'll leave you alone for a little while so you can talk," I said, my voice getting quieter and quieter. I turned my back on the two women and put a few meters between us. Since I didn't know where to go, I randomly walked to various gravestones and looked at the inscriptions, information, and photos if there were any. This cemetery wasn't as big as the one in our hometown, but there was still something eerie about it. It was in the middle of a forest, so the sun couldn't shine properly on some of the gravestones. And every now and then I saw overgrown gravestones that were a few years old and no longer cared for. The cemetery must look creepy in the dark. No amount of horses could get me here at night.
I had left a few meters behind me and was so busy reading the dedications of family and friends on the gravestones that I didn't notice. I hadn't noticed that I was wandering deeper and deeper into the forest cemetery, so that when I looked around I couldn't see a soul. I was alone with the dead. On top of that, it was getting dark. Not because it was late, but because dark clouds were increasingly blocking out the sun.
A cold, strong wind was blowing through the trees and making the branches sway dangerously. Crows had gathered on some branches and were staring at me with their black, button eyes. I shivered because their gazes seemed to pierce me. They watched my every step very closely as soon as I set off on the way back. No matter how fast my feet carried me, I always heard the birds' wings beating and felt their piercing gazes on my back. I didn't feel comfortable. For this reason, I picked up the pace. "Stupid creatures," I muttered and made my way to the gravel path, which I found after a while despite the overcast sun. Apparently I underestimated the birds' ability to hear because they all suddenly flew towards me, screeching. They pecked at me with their beaks and you shouldn't ignore their wing beats either. I had to endure both at my own risk.
Screaming and waving my arms, I tried to get rid of the annoying animals. Their claws grabbed at my hair and clothes. Luckily, thanks to the cold autumn day, I was wearing thick clothing. Otherwise I would have been overlooked by the bloody scratch. "Leave me alone!" I screamed and tried to run away from the birds. There were at least twenty crows that hooked on me and followed me like a shadow.
I couldn't get rid of them quickly, so I tried running in zigzags. When that didn't work right away, I ran as fast as I could and barged into a monumental tomb in the shape of a building, which to my surprise was wide open. I pushed the heavy doors shut as quickly as I could. Now it was dark except for a small window. I fished my phone out of my pocket and turned on the flashlight app. Even inside the stone buildings, I could hear the crows screeching outside. I'm one hundred percent sure that I'm going to be stuck here for a while. Hopefully it won't be long, because I don't want to keep Georgie waiting for long... although I just remembered that I can call her. So I unlocked my phone and dialed my sister's number, but it didn't work because I had no signal in here. "Damn," I cursed quietly and ran my hand through my hair in annoyance. I kicked a pillar that stood in the middle of the building.
"You don't have to get angry right away," I heard a male voice saying not far from me. The shock of my life spread through me. My heart stopped for a moment and I flinched so violently that my cell phone fell to the floor with the display and made an unpleasant noise. It sounded as if the screen had shattered. Unfortunately for me, the flashlight also stopped working, so I was now stuck here with a strange man. On top of that, I didn't know why anyone was in here.
My mood sank to rock bottom when my cell phone broke. I just rolled my eyes at the man's statement. "I'm sorry I'm not in a good mood. Today is not my day," I snapped at the stranger. I don't care what he thinks of me. I'll never see him again anyway. So why should I care about the man's opinion?
I couldn't tell what the man looked like, because I didn't have much light except for my pocket lamp. Very little light came in through the window. The sun wasn't much help today, because I could hear the first rain of the day pattering against the window pane.
"The day isn't over yet. You should never count your chickens before they're done. A lot can still happen," he replied. He apparently had a lighter or matches with him, because he used them to light some candles that were scattered around. Still, it was strange that all the candles lit up at the same time. Thanks to the light, I could finally see the man. Unfortunately, I couldn't see much except his face. But one thing was certain. He was very good-looking with his black hair hidden under a hood. He was wearing a hoodie, also black. I assumed he had brown eyes, although they seemed to glow red in the light. He probably has brown eyes in normal light.
"That's true. I just hope my streak of bad luck is over soon," my voice had become calmer now. There was something lulling about his voice. You immediately feel calmer and somehow it draws you in. "The crows seem to have something against me because they just stormed at me," I explained the reason for my appearance. I slid to the floor with my back against the wall. Even through my coat I could feel the cold of the stone beneath me. I picked up my broken cell phone from the floor and looked over at the man. "What's your excuse?" I asked him. Even though I didn't like admitting it, I wanted to hear his reason. Maybe one of his relatives is buried here and he wanted to visit the grave and enjoy the peace in here until I showed up and disturbed his solitude. My body was turned towards him. I definitely didn't want to sit with my back to a strange man. He could attack me out of nowhere and I wouldn't be able to be there. There was nothing inside here that I could defend myself with. The only option would be the door to the tomb.
The man was already sitting on the ground when I appeared. He had pulled one leg up to his chest and was leaning his elbow on his knee and was looking at me intensely. My body shuddered. I put it down to the cold and the creepy atmosphere in here. "I wanted to meet a certain person here," he revealed without hesitation. The expression on his face looked as if he wanted to explain something to me that I couldn't interpret. With a smile, he flashed his white teeth. His canines were slightly longer and tapered. That was nothing unusual. I once heard that it can often be seen in people.
I looked at him in disbelief and twisted my face slightly at the thought of what he could do with this girl. Not a very nice thought. "Not a particularly nice place to have a date," I replied tonelessly. I slid away from him as far as I could until I hit the stone wall. Now cold air was creeping out from every direction imaginable. The stones also emitted cold. Ever since I arrived here, goosebumps had stuck to my body, as if my body wanted to warn me of an impending danger that I did not understand. "She doesn't want to meet you here?" I teased him. I gave him the same smile as he had before, only my teeth were not as sharp as his.
From outside I heard the birds stop, because hundreds of wing beats could not be ignored even here. They left with a croak. Hopefully Georgie will find me again quickly or at least get help to look for me. Should I dare to take a look outside? I slowly got up from the ground and put my hands in my jacket pocket to check if my phone was still there. Unfortunately, I had left my bag at Georgie's grave. I took out my phone and wanted to light up the screen by touching it with my finger, but it didn't work. Then I remembered that I had dropped the phone earlier. "Could I borrow your phone for a minute? My screen is broken and I want to call my sister," I asked him for help. I know it wasn't my place to ask him for a favor, since I wasn't exactly nice to him earlier.
"I don't have one with me. How about I shove my tongue down your throat instead?" he purred as he stood up and took a step toward me. His eyes seemed to glow in the candlelight and his sharp teeth flashed briefly. Suddenly the aura around him changed. It went dark. All the candles flickered in unison with my racing heart.
I grimaced, disgusted by his words. "Are you crazy or what? I've only known you for a few minutes and you're asking me to make out with you?" I snapped at him. I clenched my hands into fists. If he tries to attack me, I'm ready to defend myself. Not a moment later, I jumped to the door. At that moment, I didn't care if thousands of crows were waiting for me. I just wanted to get away from the weirdo. I closed my hand around the door handle and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. So I tried to push against it with all my strength. Unfortunately, it didn't work either. "Damn it! Why won't you open the damn door?" I cursed loudly. Behind me I heard the boy, whose name I still didn't know, approaching. With every step he took, my heart rate increased. Behind my ears I heard the rushing of my blood. "(Y/N), why do you want to leave me when I can finally hold you in my arms?" he whispered. I could hear that he was smiling from his tone.
"Stay away from me!" I growled at him, angry and afraid at the same time. I didn't dare look over my shoulder in his direction. But I could still feel his gaze on me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. In panic, I shook the door handle. "Help! Is nobody there?! I need help!" I screamed in panic.
"I don't have one with me. How about I shove my tongue down your throat instead?" he purred as he stood up and took a step towards me. His eyes seemed to glow in the candlelight and his sharp teeth flashed briefly. Suddenly the aura around him changed. It went dark. All the candles flickered in unison with my racing heart.
The madman came to stand behind me so that I could feel his breath on my neck. A shiver came over me. Now tears came into my eyes and I had to bite my lower lip so that I didn't start crying. I knew that it wouldn't get me very far.
An animalistic growl sounded behind me. It didn't sound like that of a human, but more like that of a wild animal. An animal that stalks its prey and wants to tear it down with a loud growl. "Nobody. Absolutely nobody will take you away from me," he hissed against my neck. At his proximity, I flinched and squeezed my eyelids as tightly as I could. My lower lip trembled dangerously. Please, God. Please. Let the door open. I don't want to end up dead in the cemetery. Not like that.
As if the almighty Lord had heard my prayer, the gate was opened. Not by me or the madman, but from outside. Relief washed over me as soon as I looked into my sister's surprised face. "What are you doing in there?" she asked me with wide eyes. Her hair looked disheveled and she was breathing heavily, as if she had been looking for me for hours. Over her shoulder I could see that the sun was just about to set. Without my phone I completely lost track of time. "Crows followed me here for some unknown reason and then there's this crazy guy in there," I explained to her briefly.
Before my sister could follow me in here, I put a hand on her chest and pushed her back a little roughly. Away from the building. Just away. Preferably very, very far away from here. "Don't go in there, Georgie. Otherwise you'll end up like me and be trapped in there for a while. And there's a madman there" I began to describe the events of the last few hours. I rolled my eyes at the thought of the madman. Why was I wasting a second tot hink about him?
A short time after my explanation, she looked over my shoulder into the building. She raised her eyebrows and let her eyes wander around the room. Not long after, skepticism crept into her eyes. "Did you get enough oxygen in there? There's no one in there," she said, pointing with her index finger. In disbelief, I jerked my head back to see if she had been mistaken. Like my sister before, I looked around searching for the stranger. A shiver ran through me when I realized that he had actually disappeared. Goosebumps covered my whole body as all the candles were blown out at the same time. Hopefully from the draft that came through the door. "Georgie, I swear there really was someone in there with me! He was crazy!" I swore that I had told her the truth. I wasn't imagining it! Or was I?
I didn't want to stay here a minute longer, so I grabbed my sister by the hand and pulled her with me. "Let's get out of here. I don't want to stay any longer," I told her how I felt. To be honest, I didn't really know which direction we had to go, which is why I stopped after a hundred meters and asked my sister for directions. Of course she wanted to know why I didn't take out my phone and open Google Maps. I explained and showed her that my phone was broken. After my explanation, she took over and led us out of the cemetery.
On the way back to the exit of the cemetery, I felt eyes on us the whole time. But every time I looked around, there was no one to be seen. It was getting dark and most of the visitors had already visited their loved ones who had passed away.
As soon as we left the cemetery behind us, I stretched myself up with a smile. "We've finally left hell behind us," I sighed contentedly. I straightened my clothes and ran my hand through my hair. I wanted to have at least a little control over it. "(Y/N), I don't want to go shopping. Can we please go home quickly? I have to do something urgently," Georgie asked me as a favor. I nodded in agreement. Because of my experience today, I really didn't have the nerve to spend the last few hours of the evening shopping. And I couldn't say no to my little sister. "Then we'll just go shopping first thing tomorrow morning. Let's see what we still have. Then we'll have scrambled eggs tonight," I decided on our dinner tonight.
It took us about half an hour to get home. Each of us disappeared into our own room. I got clean clothes from the closet and disappeared into the bathroom to take a shower. I did just that. As soon as I dried myself off and combed my hair, I put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. Back in my room, I opened my window to let in some fresh air. Outside, the sun had already set and a strong wind was blowing through the trees. Because of thick clouds, no stars could be seen and the moon was also not visible. Now I was sure that it was going to rain today.
I went down to the kitchen and found my Georgie at the table. She had a steaming cup in front of her and another one was in front of it. I sat down on the chair opposite her and leaned against the back of the chair. I wanted to rest for a moment before I started cooking. "I made you some tea. Drink it while it's still warm," my sister said. I smiled gratefully at my little sister. "Thank you," I thanked her as I closed my hands around the cup. I enjoyed the pleasant warmth that emanated from the tea.
"What did the woman want from you earlier?" I wanted to know what my sister had to discuss with the woman at the cemetery. I can't really imagine that it was anything important. I looked outside. On the way home, I kept asking myself this question. I couldn't get it out of my head.
My sister bit her lower lip and looked anywhere but not in my direction. "She did me a favor," she replied briefly. Skeptical about her statement, I raised an eyebrow. Should I believe her or not? Normally I could always believe my sister. She has never lied to me. Well, until now anyway. I don't know whether I should probe her brief answer or not. After a while I decided against it, but a thousand other questions were on my lips. Instead of filling her stomach with questions, I took a big sip of my tea. For some reason, my sister was watching me very closely.
"You know, (Y/N). I will do ANYTHING to get Adrian back. No matter what or who I have to sacrifice for it," my sister continued. When she said what she had said just now, she looked me in the eyes. Her gaze was so determined and serious that I shuddered. I couldn't hold my sister's intense gaze for long, so I preferred to look into my cup while I drank the rest in one go. Luckily, the tea was no longer hot, but lukewarm, so I didn't burn my tongue. I hadn't noticed it before, but the tea tasted different than usual. It had a bitter aftertaste.
A flash of lightning lit up the kitchen for a few seconds, followed by a loud clap of thunder. "Georgie, I know how much you miss Adrian, but you can't bring him back from the dead," I replied, yawning. From one moment to the next, I was overcome by tiredness. My head grew heavier by the second and I let go of the cup in my hand. The sound of the crockery breaking sounded dull in my ears. But I could hear my little sister's voice very clearly: "I will bring Adrian back. Even if I have to sacrifice you for it, dear sister." Then everything went black behind my eyelids.
A vague murmuring brought me out of my unconsciousness. I opened my eyes with a groan because I could feel severe pain behind my eyes. I wanted to grab my pounding head, but I couldn't because something was stopping me. Still sluggish from the dreamless sleep, I looked to see what was preventing my arms from moving. To my horror, I realized that my arms and legs were tied up. I was confused as to when this could have happened. The last thing I remembered was drinking the tea my sister had made... Even if I have to sacrifice you for it, dear sister. Oh no! No, no, no! Please let it be my imagination!
I ignored my pain and tugged at my bonds instead. Little by little, my eyes got used to the darkness that reigned in the room. I don't even know where exactly I am. It could be anywhere else. I let my eyes wander, looking for my sister. I immediately spotted her in a circle of candles around her. I felt fear, terror, and horror at that moment. She was sitting in the middle of a pentagram. Flickering hearts were placed on each point of the star. Next to my sister I saw a body lying in a sheet covered with a sheet. From there I could see a badly decaying hand. When I made this discovery I noticed the stench. Why did my sister have a corpse with her?
"Georgie?" I croaked. I coughed because my throat was dry. My sister's murmuring stopped at my voice. She turned her head in my direction and looked at me with a very big smile. Goosebumps spread across my arms as I saw a shadow next to my sister. At first it was misshapen, but the more seconds passed, the more it took shape. First the legs and lower body were formed, and then the arms. Then came the upper body, which certainly belonged to a man with broad shoulders. Then the creature got a head. Horns sat on the shadow creature's head. The worst part was not watching it turn into a human-like being, but rather that it had red, sparkling eyes that looked at me with a devilish grin. Even in the darkness you could see the sharp teeth. To make matters worse, it was slowly coming towards me. Whimpering, I tugged at my bonds and rocked the chair back and forth, causing it to tip over on its side.
At that moment, I thought my heart would burst out of my chest in fear as soon as I saw the creature's feet standing in front of me. Inside, I was dying of fear and I wanted to squeeze my eyes shut. But fear paralyzed me.
Tears ran from my eyes and dripped to the floor. Sobbing, I had to watch as my sister fell back into her summoning. Pale skin grabbed the back of my chair and lifted it upright again. "Where are you going in such a hurry, love?" a voice trilled cheerfully in my ear. For some reason, it sounded familiar. As if I had heard it just a short time ago. After a few seconds of thinking, I realized. It was the stranger in the cemetery. I looked up at him with wide eyes. There were indeed horns on his head. His eyes not only looked red, they were red.
Courage rose in me. "I'm not your love! And who the hell, or rather what the hell are you?" I snapped at him. I finally wanted to know who or what I was dealing with. He stroked my cheeks with the back of his hand. The icy touch made me jerk my head to the side. I definitely didn't want to be touched by him!
"Don't be so shy, (Y/N). You'll learn to accept my touches soon enough,"
he whispered and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Then he continued speaking: "To satisfy your curiosity, I'll answer a few questions for you. Not without a price, of course." He laughed darkly at the last sentence. Since I didn't know how to react, I looked in my sister's direction. My gaze was filled with pleas for help, which my sister ignored.
I was roughly grabbed by the chin and turned towards him. While he spoke, he held my chin firmly in his grip. "I am known by the name Amon. But you, my dearest bride, may call me husband," he purred, his eyes greedily fixed on my mouth. He also had to run his thumb over my lower lip. "W-what? I'm not married to you! When did that happen?" I screamed in his face. I tried to bite him, but of course luck was not on my side. "Oh, of course we are, LOVE. From the moment you rescued me from my prison in the mirror a few months ago," he began to explain. To my annoyance, he had to emphasize the word 'love' letter by letter.
When he mentioned it, I had to dig deep into my memory to come to a conclusion. I sat there for at least half a second until it suddenly dawned on me. Before Adrian's accident, I found a covered mirror in the attic. At the time, I went upstairs because I heard strange noises and assumed it was vermin. And since it was moving behind the covered mirror, I thought the vermin had hidden behind it. But as soon as I uncovered the mirror behind it, I couldn't see anything behind it and went back downstairs. A few days later, Adrian had his fatal accident.
I gasped in disbelief as one thing dawned on me. "A-Are you responsible for Adrian's accident?" I stuttered. Shocked, I put my hand over my mouth. I hadn't even noticed that my hands and legs had been freed from the restraints. "You don't need an answer from me for that, do you?" he whispered in my ear. "Why do you think I caused the accident? Of course, only so that your sister would have a reason to lure you here. I wanted you here and not to see you in the arms of the worthless person you call your friend. Every night I put ideas for an incantation into your sister's ear. Like every incantation, a wish has to make a sacrifice. The sacrifice of your dear sister, my love, was you," he continued, whispering in my ear.
I pushed him away with all my strength and staggered over to my sister. The anesthetic made me quite unsteady on my feet. Sobbing, I fell to my knees in front of my sister. I tried to ignore the corpse as best I could. The stench made it difficult.
The ritual or summoning could not be stopped despite my presence. With shaking hands, I took my sister's face in my hands. It hurt me deeply that my only sister had betrayed me to a demon. She put her boyfriend before her own blood relative, her sister. "Did you hear what the demon said? He caused Adrian's accident. Let's get out of here while we still can," I tried to persuade her.
Before I could realize it, I was thrown to the ground. For a moment I saw Georgie's raised hands. My own sister pulled me away from her. As if I were a pesky insect that had to be gotten rid of.
Shocked by her rejection, I saw her face twisted with anger. She pointed her finger at me. "No. You are to blame for his death. Only you! If only you hadn't freed him, Adrian would still be alive," she screamed at me. The desperation and sadness in her voice was unmistakable. At the end she sobbed and hid her tearful face behind her hands. Tears ran silently down my cheeks. Betrayal. Betrayal, betrayal. "I want him back," she sobbed uncontrollably. So much sadness and anger were packed into her crying fit. I just realized something. My sister lost herself after Adrian's death. She cried much more about the loss of her friend than about the betrayal of me.
"You did too," Amon interrupted our conversation. He had placed his cold hands on my shoulders. I didn't dare make a wrong move. I was too afraid of the consequences. As we know, demons are not known for their empathy and understanding.
We both looked at him for different reasons. I out of fear and Georgie out of hope.
At his cue, Adrian's body rose. It could only be him. The paint fell off of him. Inwardly, I was already preparing myself for the terrible sight of his decomposing corpse. Surely he could be compared to a zombie. So it wasn't like that. He looked exactly the same as he did in the last hours before his fatal car accident. As if nothing had ever happened.
Very slowly he turned his head towards us. His eyes were still slightly sad. "G-Georgie?" he cracked. His voice was rough. Without thinking too much, my sister threw herself around his neck. "I missed you so much," I heard my sister whisper very quietly.
The pressure on my shoulders grew stronger. He started to pull me away from the two of them. "Now that you've got your wish, I'll get my part of the deal. My bride," I heard Amon speak behind me.
"Since I've answered three of your questions, let's start our wedding night right away. And in hell the nights are very, very long," he purred in a lust-soaked voice. One of his cold hands wandered from my ankles up my legs, so that he came dangerously close to my intimate area.
I tried with all my might to free myself by throwing my upper body forward, but to no avail. "Please Georgie. Please don't do this to me. Not to your own sister!” I sobbed and tried to cling to every object that came my way.
My sister took her face away from Adrian and watched as Amon pulled me behind him into the darkest corner. “I'll keep my part of the deal. You can have her,” she stated coldly. I've never seen her so emotionless before. “She's yours,” was the last thing I heard from her.
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dianaisnice · 2 months
The Dark Fairyking (Yandere X Reader)
Description: One day, an injured man came out of the magical forest, which normally only the bravest and most foolish would enter. (Y/N) and her younger brothers were alone at home while their father and older brother were out hunting. She came to his aid and tended to his wound... and fed the stranger. This was to have repercussions for her, as it sealed her fate. "Let never a stranger in. And above all, never let him eat out of your own plate and sleep in your own bed."
Word Count: 2023
(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name
(H/C) = Hair Color
(E/C) = Eye Color
Today was a particularly difficult day because today we spent our last money on food at the market. Our chickens were all torn and eaten by wolves last night. The wolves hadn't even left a little bit Luckily the wolves were killed by my father and older brother after they returned from a trip from my aunt's. My younger brothers and I couldn't do anything because, they were very young. I couldn’t do anything with a knife against a hungry pack. From the wolf's skin I made a cloak for my little brother, since he grew out of it. The men were only able to catch a few wolfs, as some were smart enough to flee.
Our little hut stood on the edge of a forest, which separated the humans and the fairies from each other. You were allowed to enter the forest, but you were never allowed to enter the other realm. The forest itself was already dangerous, since it was very large and dangerous beings dwelt in them. Magical beings, as well as dangerous animals, including wolves. Every now and then a person wanders in who is either never seen again or is found dead.
Some nights you can hear the magical creatures calling. Men are lured in by beautiful fairies and drowned in lakes, children are devoured by witches, and girls dance themselves to death.
There are even nights when fairies come into the human kingdom and get up to mischief. Fairies were hard to tell from humans once they used magic. The king is said to be the most powerful of the fairies. King of the fairies, Zephyr is said to be cruel and evil according to stories and rumours. It is also rumored that he was darkness itself. That's why they call him the dark king.
On such a night I dared to look out the window and there I saw fairy knights in black armor, armed. As long as you stay away from them and look at them from afar, they won't hurt you, otherwise they can be killed. However, the forest is a neutral territory.
My family had known the magical forest for generations, so the voices didn't bother us anymore. Nevertheless, one had to be always on guard, because danger lurked everywhere. The hunters always carried a sword with them, which can be dangerous to the fairies. The swords are made of pure iron and is soaked in blood. I don't want to know who or what the blood is from.
A hundred years ago there was peace between us and we lived in harmony with each other. But one day the peace was broken by a war and the war raged for fifty years. Of course, the fairies won the war and the human kingdom became smaller. After the war, poverty reigned for some time, and hunger and death were always present.
Since that day we have had a wise king, who will soon abdicate and give the crown to his grandson. Before that day will come, he must first marry and have an heir to the throne. Unless the reigning king slays death first.
The king managed to get the people out of poverty and negotiate a deal with the fairy king. What it could be for an agreement, none of the common people knew. It is rumored that every year the king brings young girls to the other side and gets treasures from the fairies in return. A rumor that has not yet been used or filed.
My older brother, named Henry, was the oldest of our four children at twenty-one. With his wild blond hair and his deep blue eyes, he cast a spell over every girl. His back was broad, and he could carry a dead boar with his bare arms. He was very conscious of his good looks because every now and then a hand landed on his cheek. But Henry was always there for our family. Every day he helped our father by accompanying him on hunts and chopping wood for the winter or other tasks reserved for men.
Unfortunately, my mother passed away a few years ago giving birth to my youngest brother, who was just three years old. His name is William. A true whirlwind of the family. It's exhausting to get him under control. Especially when he discovers something new. Arthur was a smaller image of Henry.
I also have a ten-year-old brother who inherited my father's wild brown hair and brown eyes. He is called by the name Arthur. He also helped me with the household and the care of the animals. Next summer he will accompany the men in their daily work and help as best he can at his age.
Since the death of my family I am the only woman in the family. Exactly three days ago I turned eighteen and now count as a woman. At my age, most girls will be or have already been married and are already raising their own children. I can't leave the men and boys alone because they couldn't cook, wash clothes or do other housework properly. Also, someone needs to look after the little ones while they were out.
"(Y/N), you are responsible for your younger siblings," my father said to me as he walked to the door and unhooked his jacket. My brother, who is three years older, was already standing next to him, who opened the door with a grin. Immediately the cold made its way into our hut. Fall will make way for winter in a few weeks. But the cold could already be felt and it's getting colder by the day. The winter will be even harder if you don't have much to eat. I'll try to conjure up a soup from the leftovers. So that we could continue to survive, the oldest men had no choice but to go hunting.
I pressed my lips together angrily and narrowed (E/C) my eyes at Henry. "You're doing that extra," I hissed at him and hit him in the arm. He grabbed his arm and pretended the blow would hurt him.
I put my hands on my hips at my father's statement and looked at him, shaking my head. "Don't worry, dad. Like every day, I take care of the two rascals. You can count on me,” I said, my voice shaking slightly as the cold slowly tugged at me. Henry grabbed a crossbow and disappeared outside. Not before he messed up my hair. My teeth chattered from the cold and I wrapped my arms around myself to protect myself.
My father just laughed at this behavior and watched Henry with me. From the corner of my eye, I saw a sad gleam come into his brown eyes. "You do your work really well and conscientiously...since your dear mother left us, I'm glad to have a woman here. William and Arthur need a female role model to both look up to,” he said with a few sighs. "I miss your mother every single day," he added with a sad undertone, sadly handing his thick hair a few times. I couldn't help but hug him and bury my face in his chest. The familiar smell of forest and autumn sun filled my nose. "I miss her too," I mumbled against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He put his hand on the back of my head and hugged me. At that moment we enjoyed the time between father and daughter.
A throat clearing sounded from the front door. Of course, it can only be Henry. "We've got to get going before it gets dark," Henry answered the word. His heavy steps moved away from the hut again.
My father broke away from me and put on a baggy hat. He grabbed the two swords that were propped up by the door and kissed my forehead goodbye. I saw Henry impatiently leaning against a tree. "We'll be back before the sun goes down," he announced. He was just about to close the door behind him, but before he did, he said to me explicitly: "Don't let strangers in and certainly not give them something to eat."
I heard this one sentence from him every day when he left me alone with the little ones. "I won't, dad. Take good care of both of you and yes, get back on your feet,” I said goodbye to him and kissed his cold cheek. With a smile he shouldered the crossbow and sauntered over to Henry. Before I saw the two disappear into the forest, I waved to them one last time.
I held my arm in the air for a few seconds and watched the magical forest. A sudden shiver came over me. Shaking my head, I closed the door behind me. The shiver was probably just because of the cold.
To get a little warmer again, I rubbed my hands together and stoked the stove again. Humming, I hung a kettle full of water over the fireplace. Now dedicated to me a small basket with potatoes and carrots that stood under the table in the middle. Unfortunately, the vegetables were not particularly large. For the little money we couldn't have afforded anything better. It hurt me every time the little ones go to bed with little on their stomachs. There were days when the hunt was not crowned with success.
Our hut wasn't very big. It consisted of three rooms. The largest room is the back room where the two boys and men slept. I, on the other hand, had a small room next to the kitchen. In the two bedrooms were closets and other things.
I heard small feet stomping on the wooden floor behind me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Arthur walking past me, his hair sticking out wildly in all directions. I chuckled softly at his looks and gave my little brother a loving smile. Arthur sat across from me without saying a word, grabbed cheese from the table and gnawed at it.
Because not a word escaped his lips, I put the knife aside. I glared at him with raised eyebrows. "Good morning, Arthur. Don't you want to wish your sister something too?' I grumbled, slightly offended. Yawning, Arthur wiped his half-open eyes with the back of his hand. "Sorry. Good morning," he sincerely apologized to me. He yawned once more. With a nod, I was satisfied with his apology.
"Would you like mint tea?" I offered him something to drink while using a rag to get the steaming kettle and fill myself a cup. Before that, I put some peppermint leaves in it. Arthur nodded lazily, taking a bite of the cheese this time. I got two more cups, one for Arthur now and one for William later. Again, I filled a mug with the hot water and peppermint leaves. Then I put it in front of him. "Is William still asleep?" I asked Arthur. I stirred my steaming mug with a spoon and inhaled the refreshing scent deep into my nose. There is nothing better than starting the day with a hot cup of tea.
Arthur shoved in the rest of the cheese and blew into the cup. "He's still sound asleep. Even the Dark King couldn't wake him up,” Arthur quipped, taking a sip of tea. I giggled softly at his sentence so as not to be loud. William is said to be sleeping longer at three years old.
Sighing, I sat down next to Arthur and cupped my mug. Just like Arthur before, I blew into the cup to avoid scalding my tongue and mouth. "After you're done with the tea, do you want to help me with the housework?" I suggested to him. I allowed myself a generous sip of tea. I watched the little one with every little reaction. "Yes gladly. I want to peel and cut the vegetables”, Arthur determined and emptied the cup with one sip. I smiled. "Let's start then."
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dianaisnice · 1 year
A hairy problem (Yandere Werewolf X Reader)
“We have arrived at our destination. You must know that I don't come here often," the taxi driver talked to me, but he got no reply from me. A sad circumstance brought me back to my hometown. A small quiet village in the deepest forest. The village was surrounded by beautiful forests and mountains.
The driver stopped in front of my grandfather's house and kindly held the door open for me. I smiled at him gratefully, climbed out and immediately tucked a strand of hair behind my ear because a strong wind had blown through my hair and tangled my hair a bit. The taxi driver was a middle-aged man with black hair that had already started to gray. "What brings you here?" he asked me a question. Did he expect an honest answer from me?
With a sad expression I looked at the building in front of me and sighed deeply. The house wasn't very big, but it consisted of two floors and was mainly decorated in shades of brown. A small porch made the house visually cozier. There was even a rocking chair on the porch and next to it a small table and two chairs were placed neatly in front of it. The plants that were standing around here weren't in good shape. Either they were withered, or they grew out of the pots. Apparently, before his death, my grandfather had not found the strength to take care of his plants properly. He could at least have asked someone for help.
I didn't know what it looked like inside because I hadn't been to my grandfathers for several years. The last time it was during the summer holidays ten years ago.
“Unfortunately, my grandfather recently passed away. I inherited his fields and house,” I told the taxi driver, not taking my eyes off the house. The taxi driver heaved my two suitcases out of the trunk and placed them next to me. "My condolences," he announced, getting back in his car and pulling away from the driveway. I broke my sight of the house and turned to the driver. I handed him the requested amount and a tip. "I wish you a pleasant day," I wished the driver and watched him drive away.
 Then I grabbed one of the suitcases with both hands and pulled them behind me. I stopped in front of the entrance and rummaged around in my pocket looking for my house key. While I was searching, many thoughts spat around in my head. I thought a lot about my grandparents and parents. Of my beautiful childhood and my grandfather's funeral. After his death, I regretted not having come to visit him, or at least calling him regularly. For days I cried my eyes out, and as a result I neglected my work and lost my job because of an allegation.
After a while of searching, I finally found it and got it out. With a trembling finger it was not easy to get the key in the corresponding hole. Stupidly, the key fell out of my hand and landed on the floor with a loud thud. "Fucking shit," I swore out loud, stamping a foot on the wooden floor in annoyance. "It always has to happen to me," I grumbled to myself, not exactly in a good mood. Rolling my eyes, I bent down to pick up the key, but then another hand got there first and snatched my key from under my nose.
I looked up in surprise and saw warm brown eyes. He had a twinkle in his eyes that I just couldn't place. That pair of eyes belonged to a handsome man. He was at least two heads taller than me and had a muscular build. He also had brown shaggy hair, which looked like he had just gotten out of bed.
He stood up normally, as did I. "Well, new here?" he asked me curiously and handed me the key with a friendly smile. I smiled back and stared at him openly as I took the key from him. Now he looked at me with two raised eyebrows and waited for an answer from me. "Uh yeah... I sort of am," I replied and finally put the key in the keyhole.
The man has crossed his muscular arms across his broad chest and casually leaned his shoulder against the wall. His proximity made me nervous. I don't know if I should make it up as positive or negative. Nevertheless, I wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible because I finally wanted some peace and quiet after the exhausting journey. Also, I haven't really come to terms with the loss of my grandfather, so I'd like to hide inside. Hopefully I don't have to sleep on the floor because my stuff won't arrive until tomorrow. I paid the movers a little extra to get my things over here as soon as possible.
“My grandfather lived here until he died. As a small child, I loved spending my time here,” I told him, and go through the good memories in my eyes. I pushed my suitcase very close to me and looked at the stranger with a slightly tilted head. "What brings you here?" I asked and opened the door a bit, but far enough that I could push my suitcase in and the man couldn't see in. My eyes twitched briefly inside the house, but I couldn't make out anything because it was dark. The setting sun will not provide light for long, because a few weeks ago it was autumn.
The strange man put his hand on the back of his head and smiled crookedly at me. "I heard that Mr. (L/N) has died and that his granddaughter is coming... That got me curious." There was sometimes a short pause between his words. He clearly wanted to say something else, but I didn't want to ask more. After all, it's none of my business.
“Besides, before he died, I helped him a lot in the fields and I took care of the animals a lot. So if you have any questions, feel free to contact me”, he continued speaking and looked at me intensely. "Uh thanks for the offer, but I'm not sure yet if I'll keep the farm or sell it," I shared my concerns with him. I gave him a friendly smile and pushed my hair back into place because a strong gust of wind had swept over us. My hair was thrown over my face so that it draped over my face like a curtain. "Not again," I muttered, annoyed by the wind.
Once I had my hair under control again, I looked under my lashes at the stranger. My eyes widened in shock because for a second, I thought the stranger's eyes were glowing golden. I shook my head in confusion. The man stood frozen, staring at me non-stop. I was starting to get uncomfortable with his looks, which is why I shifted from one foot to the other.
"Anyway. I would like to lie down. The way was exhausting”, I told him my decision. A loud yawn followed. I opened the door and stepped inside. I hadn't completely disappeared into the house but was standing under the door frame. "I wish you a nice evening. Maybe we'll see each other again”, I said goodbye without answering. With a soft sigh, I closed the door behind me.
Then I pushed the bar in front of the door and switched on the light with the switch next to the door. I stood in front of the door for a few seconds and listened intently into the silence. Waiting to see if the stranger will leave the property or not. Luckily, I heard his heavy footsteps go away. To be sure that he was gone, I went to the window in the kitchen, which was not far from the front door, pushed the curtains aside a little and peered out. I didn't see anyone standing behind the window anymore. The stranger was gone. He had disappeared very quickly, although he had been standing behind the closed door a few seconds before. Was it rude of me to just brush him off? If that's how it felt to me, next time I'll apologize to him.
Shrugging my shoulders, I turned away from the window, grabbed my suitcase and rolled it behind me towards the stairs that lead to the first floor. The house consisted only of the ground floor and 1st floor. As I walked by, I saw that many items were no longer there because our relatives had snatched some away. Like some photos or precious objects like the piano in the corner of the living room, which my grandparents have had since my father's childhood. The rest was covered in dust, white paint was covering most of the furniture and spiders popped up here and there. Once again, I sighed deeply. Today was the day of the sigh, I realized. Surely it won't be the last time either, because later I'll have to do some cleaning. Disorder will surely await me at the top.
 Arriving at the top, I immediately entered the first room, which my father and then I used to live in. The bathroom is opposite and next to it is my grandfather's room. Today I won't be looking in grandpa's room, but rather want to focus on my room, the kitchen and the bathroom. In no case do I want to sleep in a dusty bed or eat in a dirty kitchen. Luckily, I brought a sleeping bag where I'm forced to spend my first night tonight. First thing in the morning I'll drive into town and do some errands. Shopping and breakfast are part of it.
I left my suitcase next to the door. Then I turned on the light, pulled the white sheets off the bed, closet, and shelf, and tossed them in a corner without hesitation. I don't want to get a fright in the dark and mistake the upholstered piece of furniture for a ghost. Knowing myself, I will run away in terror in the dark and bump into something. Dust swirled up and filled my nostrils. Coughing, I waved my hand in front of my nose and had to pinch my nose with my hand because I could feel a sneeze coming up.
As I let my eyes wander around the room, I noticed that very little has changed here since my last visit. The only thing that has changed here are the curtains and bed sheets. I walked over to the window and pulled the curtains open as I wanted to open the window to let some fresh air in. I found the time to air out best in the evening. As soon as I opened the window, my eyes wandered to the forest.
My heart stopped for a moment as I saw golden eyes shining. A wolf's head poked out from between the bushes. Only because of the moon could I see the creatures. Without blinking, we engaged in a staring match. Who turned away first? - Of course, I do. "What am I thinking, staring a wolf in the eye?" I whispered to myself. My grandfather taught me one thing, and that is that you should never look a wild animal in the eye, because that would make you look provoke. I will stay away from the forest for now and if necessary, I will tell the hunter around here the existence of the wolf.
While airing the room, I left the room and ran into the bathroom. I tried to turn on the light, but unfortunately it didn't work. "Too bad," I muttered, pulling my phone out of my pocket and turning on the flashlight app. I put it on the sink cabinet and opened it. I rummaged around in the closet. Looking for cleaning supplies. I found what I was looking for. Unfortunately, there was no bucket here. It must have been in the shed outside, which I won't go to in the dark and because of the wolf. That's why I had no choice but to fill the sink. I was finally able to start cleaning. First I’ll do the bathroom and then my room. Only when the two rooms are clean will I go to bed.
 Two hours later I stood in my room and wiped my sweaty forehead with the back of my hand. I turned off Spotify, which I left on the whole time I was cleaning. I like listening to music or an audio book while cleaning or cooking.
Back in my room I pulled my suitcase to the bed, put it on the floor and opened it. I fished my pajamas and sleeping bag out of it and laid both on my bed. Before I change clothes, I drew the curtains back to be on the safe side. I have no idea what strange creatures were hanging around outside. I put my favorite book out, which I have read several times. Before going to bed, I like to read in bed. I quickly swapped my everyday clothes for my pajamas and slipped into my sleeping bag.
I was suddenly shocked when I realized I forgot my other suitcase outside. Crap. shit shit! I hope my suitcase is still outside!
Groaning, I shrugged out of my sleeping bag, grabbed my phone, and pulled on socks. Certainly, I will not set foot on the dirty ground. Who knows what I might step on.
Downstairs I realized I forgot to turn off the light. I slapped my forehead with the palm of my hand and shook my head at my own stupidity. I carefully crept to the front door and pulled it open very slowly. Just a crack. I peered out, looking in all directions. I wanted to make sure there was no outside threat. The wolf could look out the front door for easy prey and then ambush me at the nearest available one. Once I felt safe, I opened the door wide enough to squeeze through.
My eyes stopped at my suitcase, which luckily was still on the porch. Luckily the stranger didn't seem to care about my suitcase because he left it where it was. Relief spread through me.
Before I slipped through the door, to be on the safe side, I put my cell phone, keys and a small pocketknife in my pocket, which I saw on the dining table and grabbed as I walked past. Fortunately, I like to buy pajamas with pockets. In autumn, warm pajamas are the best choice anyway. When it comes to fight, I will fight back to the last breath.
As soon as I set foot in front of the front door, the cool air hit me immediately. Shivering, I wrapped my arms around my body and looked around again. The darkness just seemed overwhelming to me. Here and there I heard a rustling, or an owl. Fast as I could, I rushed with a few steps, a suitcase over and whether it was off the ground. I didn't find it funny. The wind or some wild animal must have knocked my suitcase over.
 Suddenly, a loud growl sounds not far from me. The growl went through my marrow and leg. I remained frozen in my position and stared down at my suitcase. Immediately, my pulse quickened, and my heart pounded against my chest. I didn't dare lift my eyes for a second. After a few seconds I heard pounding footsteps coming towards me. Fear spread through me. Without wanting to, my body started shaking. I could hear my blood pounding behind my ears. My numbness didn't lessen but grew stronger as the animal approached. I didn't move my body an inch. I am far too afraid of an attack by the beast.
From the corner of my eye, I saw paws come to a stop in front of me. It stopped very close in front of me, the animal's warm breath hitting my head. Luckily my face was turned to the ground because I didn't want his breath in my face. I even held my breath in fear. I took a breath only after making sure I wouldn't startle it with a sudden movement and I would become its victim.
The animal growled again. This time I could practically feel it on my own body, as my body vibrated at its growl. Very slowly and silently, I lifted my head. If I'm going to die, I want to at least know what kind of animal it is. There was no way I wanted to leave the earth ignorant. My eyes got big as tennis balls. In front of me was the wolf from the forest earlier. Now that he was standing in front of me, I saw his full glory. The sight of him sent a shiver down my spine and my hair all over my body stood up. The wolf was as big as me! A wolf his size shouldn't exist! If he wanted to, he could kill me with one aimed bite or rip all my limbs off my body.
His head was getting closer and closer to mine, so I narrowed my eyes in fear and had to bite my lip to keep from sobbing. My hands got sweaty under the handle of the suitcase. I had to keep my hand around the handle so hard otherwise it would slip and hit the floor. This would then mean that the animal could see me as a danger and eliminate it. The animal's wet nose nudged my cheek lightly and let it slowly and painfully travel down my throat. He left a wet trail and only made my goosebumps even more noticeable. The cool night wind made contact with the wet skin.
The wolf stopped right at the hollow between my neck and shoulder. Surely, he could feel my pulse under his nose and smelling my fear. He sniffed it noisily. As if it couldn't get any worse, my throat was bombarded with the wolf's tongue. Tears rolled down my cheek and landed on the wolf's snout. My lips trembled under my teeth with the effort. I don’t want die. The wolf must have noticed, because he let go of me. He took a step away from me and looked me deep into my own (E/C) eyes with his golden eyes. Now I couldn't hold back my sobs and I started crying.
Once again, he approached me and licked my tear-stained cheek. I could even hear a faint whine. My eyes closed by themselves. "I-I don't want t-to die," I sobbed, looping through my head the whole time. I would have even found the leak action cute if it weren't for an oversized wolf. If I should get out of this situation alive, I will inform the responsible authorities about it. The hunters and the police should urgently do something about the animal. If not stopped, it will kill many people and animals.
As if sensing my fear of death, the animal took several steps away from me and the house and disappeared into the forest. It becomes one with the darkness.
I stayed like that for a few minutes, until I was sure that the wolf would not come back, I disappeared into the house with my suitcase. Inside, I locked all entrances and pulled the curtains so tight that the moon couldn't shine an inch. I then tiptoed to my room. This time I didn't use a light source to advance but used my hands to feel my surroundings. Rather, I only used one hand, with the other hand I pulled my suitcase behind me. Because of this, it took me a while to crawl into my sleeping bag.
 The rest of the night was pure hell. First I couldn't fall asleep and then I had terrible nightmares. In my dream, the wolf tore me into a thousand pieces or chased me through the dark forest until it caught me and brutally killed me. After that I had had enough of the sheep and preferred to lie awake in the sleeping bag.
My back was against the bedpost and I held the pocket knife very close to me. My cell phone had given up the ghost and I didn't want to get the charger because I was too afraid to make a noise because the wolf had returned and was now lurking in front of my house. I didn't know whether it was on my tail or another victim caught his eyes. Even behind the drawn curtains I could see the outline of the animal. Unfortunately, I was stupid enough not to close the curtains before bed. Now the wolf could pick up my every little noise. Because with every noise I made, whether I chose a different position or just pushed a strand behind my ear. It was quiet outside at first, until a loud howl broke the silence. As if the wolf was calling me.
 The next morning came very slowly, making the hours seem like an eternity. It's so hard for me to keep my eyes open. Even after the wolf disappeared a few hours ago, I didn't dare to close my eyes. The rising sun and the sounds of birds chirping didn't help me get tired. The fear that he could find a way into my room and tear my throat open with his sharp teeth was far too great.
Yawning, I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand and put the pocket knife, which I didn't put down for a second, to the side on the bed. After a nightcap, I peeled myself out of my sleeping bag, gathered some fresh laundry and lazily disappeared into the bathroom. Slower than usual, I needed time for my morning routine, which included a quick visit to the toilet. Actually, the first thing I do when I get up is to go to the toilet. Then I got into the shower for a moment, put on fresh clothes, which consisted of a white sweater that reached over my buttocks. I pulled on black leggings and matching white socks. Then I started brushing my teeth. In my routine, my stomach was constantly growling. Even as I entered my room and packed my bag for the upcoming shopping and plugged my phone into the charging cable, the growling of my stomach was a constant companion in the silence. I packed a pepper spray in my purse. To be on the safe side, of course.
Then I sat down at the dining table in the kitchen. With a sigh, I took my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed the number of a taxi company. I had to get to town somehow. When that was done, I threw on my thick jacket and put on my wool hat with a white bobble. Then I put my phone in my pocket and left the house. After leaving the house, I locked the door and turned around. I almost fell backwards from the shock because a carcass was lying on my porch. One can only guess what kind of animal it could be. At the sight, I slowly became aware of the stench of the animal, which was littered with flies and other vermin. I gagged and slapped my hand over my mouth and nose. The stench was unbearable!
I ran the house behind me as fast as I could. Once I put as much distance as possible between myself and the house, I lowered my hand. I took deep breaths through my mouth, held them in for a few seconds and then let them out through my nose. Unfortunately, the smell in my nose didn't go away quickly. Not even when I got into the taxi and he drove me towards the village. The driver didn't lose a note, which is why I was grateful to him. I didn't feel like talking. In the car, I pulled out my phone and checked my messages. Some of them were from my friends or my parents. Tonight I will call them and discuss the next steps with them. My parents don't think much of country life and want to sell the house and the land. But the decision was not up to them, it was entirely up to me. After all, my grandfather inherited everything to ME. Either I stay here and take over the farm, or I go back to my old life in the city. Then I would have to start all over again from start.
 It took us half an hour to get to our destination. Luckily he stopped right in front of a small cafe. Before leaving the car, I handed the taxi driver some bills and wished him a nice day. Unfortunately, the taxi driver wasn't kind enough to wish me the same. He drove off without saying another word, leaving me standing in the dust that was thrown up. Having a bad day is normal, but at least you should be able to control yourself with customers. At least a little bit.
I turned around and entered the café. The shimmer of a bell above the door welcomed me. Inside I was greeted by warmth and the smell of freshly brewed coffee was in the air. As soon as I walked in, I could see the good vibes among the people. Some of them stopped their conversations and watched me curiously as I walked closer to the counter, which was filled with all kinds of pastries, cakes and sandwiches. At the attention, I lowered my gaze with red cheeks and got in line. Even then, I could feel the eyes of others on me. None of those present dared to speak to me.
After a while, curiosity died down and some of the people went back to their own conversations. While waiting for the line in front of me to get smaller, I took the moment to take a closer look at the café. I tried to hide the prying eyes as much as possible, which wasn't exactly easy. In a big city you tend to get lost in the crowd, but in a small town everyone knows everyone. And you can see and hear immediately whether someone has moved in.
The café was kept in a soft yellowish tone. Here and there are a few boards hanging on which were some potted plants. The furniture was kept in like and beige. The legs of the furniture were white and the surfaces were beige. Most tables seated up to four people. In my opinion, the seats in front of the shop window were the best seats. When eating and drinking you had a good view of the outside. You could watch the people passing by.
I looked outside spellbound. The sun hadn't quite risen, but a few people were already stumbling around on the streets. Not far from here I could see a small market, which was already well frequented. I couldn't see what they were selling there. I'll stop by later and get something when I get a chance. I have nothing against fresh fruit and vegetables. My grandfather's kitchen must have pots and pans somewhere and other things that I will need for cooking. Maybe I'll go shopping again tomorrow when I have to find out at home that not everything is there after all. Although I can hardly believe it since my grandfather was very fond of cooking. I can still clearly remember how we cooked at every evening together and spent the day playing cards by the crackling fireplace. With this warm memory, I couldn't suppress a pleasant sigh.
"What can I do for you?" I was promptly torn from my thoughts and memories. I winced, startled, and turned my head towards the source. Behind the counter stood a pretty woman who patiently looked at me with her dark blue eyes. "Um yeah, I'd like a coffee latte to go and a sandwich would be great," I placed my order with a friendly smile after glancing very briefly at the Inn side of the counter. I wanted to be sure whether I hadn't mistaken it from afar. Even if it wanted to be the case, I would have gotten something else instead... like a strawberry slice I see right now. I was just debating whether or not to include it. With a wry face, I decided against it because I didn't see paying almost four euros for a single piece.
The saleswoman got a tray and put a plate on it and got a cheese sandwich baguette out of the theses. She put it on the plate and looked over at me for a short time: "That would be seven euros together, please." I nodded and handed her the desired amount. Earlier, while the sales lady was busy serving my order on the tray, I rummaged in my pocket for my wallet. I grabbed my tray with the steaming cafe latte. My eyes roamed around the cafe searching for an empty seat and stopped at a seat that had just become vacant. It was a window seat. You didn't sit in front of the window, but next to it, so that you only had to turn your head to see out of the shop window.
I quickly strolled over and sat down on one of the chairs. Then I peeled off my jacket and took off my hat. So that I don't forget my hat later, I stuffed it into one of the sleeves of my jacket. I put my phone face down next to the tray. I took the cup and plate off the tray and put it in front of me and put the tray aside so it wouldn't disturb me while I was eating. Yawning, I took the cup and brought it to my mouth. With eyes closed, I literally sucked in the aromatic scent of the coffee. The smell of the coffee woke me up a little and eased some of the tension in my muscles. As tired as I was, I could have a black coffee just to wake myself up, but unfortunately I didn't particularly like coffee without milk. My grandfather, on the other hand, loved to drink black coffee. No matter what the time, the aroma of the coffee flowed through the house.
 "Is the seat still available?" I promptly blurted out from my memory of my grandfather, which made me smile the whole time. I didn't see it coming, being spoken to, so I couldn't help but flinch. At least I didn't utter a startled sound. But instead, a few drops from the cup landed on my shirt and on the surface of the table. At least the cup didn't slip off my hands and land on the floor and smash loudly. I would have been embarrassed if all eyes were on me again.
Cursing, I grabbed a napkin from the tray and wiped my top with it. Tempted to get rid of the big spots. Of course, this didn't work so well. The stains can be seen very quickly on white fabric.
"I am really sorry. I didn't mean to scare you,” the person immediately apologized and put his own tray on the table. He didn't even wait for an answer to his question. "It's okay. Make sure you go back out there," I grumbled, slightly pissed at the situation. Not a second did I waste my time raising my eyes and looking at the person. All I know is that it's a man and the voice sounds familiar.
I wiped the surface of the table with the dirty napkin. At least the table should be clean. I put the crumpled serviette on the tray and finally looked at my counterpart. It was the stranger from yesterday whose name I still didn't know. He smiled at me with a big grin. His white teeth gleamed in the morning light. As if it had sprung from a fashion magazine. A cup of black coffee was on the table in front of him. My gaze was focused on his cup for a moment and then I looked at him again. "Is it your hobby to scare people?" I asked, laughing at my own joke. Rather, I tried.
"Only with pretty women like you, (Y/N)", he replied with a wink. I picked up my cup again and took a long sip of my cup. I raised both my eyebrows questioningly. "How do you know my name?" I asked him about knowing my name. A chill ran down my spine because I found it creepy.
A smile still graced his lips. "Your grandfather often talked about you," he shared with me. Relief came over me immediately and I let my shoulders sag a little. I nodded in reply and took another sip from my cup. "If you already know my name, can you at least tell me yours?" It would only be fair,” I asked him for his name. I bit my lower lip while waiting for an answer. "My name is Jackson," he revealed to me after a short silence. He used the time to look at me, which made me blush and try to hide behind my cup. Under his gaze I felt like he was looking straight into my soul.
"Have you lived here long? How long have you known my grandfather?” I peppered him with more questions. Intrigued, I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
We spent the rest of the morning talking about our lives, such as our childhood or our hobbies. I told him why I showed up at my grandfather's house. I also shared with him my plans for the day. He listened carefully to my every word. Every now and then he would ask me questions. Curiosity was clearly written on his face.
After a while our cups were empty and I finished my sandwich and cake. "If you want, I can help you with the renovation. I'm good with my hands," he offered his help without beating around the bush. Shaking my head violently, I raised my hands dismissively. "I can't ask that of you," I replied without thinking twice. I didn't plan on bothering him with my problems. Surely today was planned for him, or he had other things to do. "Oh no, I'd be happy to help you. Surely you need a car for your shopping… fortunately there is a car owner in front of you who kindly drives you around,” he trilled cheerfully while holding his arms outstretched. His grin always stayed on his face. The grin has changed a little bit.
A strange feeling came over me all of a sudden. Also, a shiver ran down my spine because I couldn't place his grin. I couldn't say at the time whether it was a good or bad feeling. However, that should change quickly as the day progresses.
 We spent the rest of the morning and afternoon shopping. For the renovation I got paint for the walls. I didn't want to paste new paint on the walls, I just wanted to reapply. For that we had to go to the next bigger city, which is about twenty minutes away from here. Jackson owned a black pickup truck that he lovingly cared for and cherished. I couldn't find a single flaw on the car.
At the hardware store, I picked out paint, a tub of paint, and several rollers of paint and put it in my shopping cart, which Jackson kindly pushed in front of him. When I stopped and asked an employee where I could get wood paint, the sight of Jackson scared him. You really didn't want to be long with Jackson's gaze. You'd think he was planning the next murder. I even thought I heard him growl for a moment. Surprised, I spoke to him about the noise, but he replied with a logical explanation. Namely, he showed in a corridor with a woman and her dog, who watched everyone passing by. For some reason the dog whimpered as soon as we passed and hid behind his owner when we saw him.
 After our shopping trip he drove me to my grandfather's house and helped me unload everything. "Thanks a lot for your help. If you want, you can leave the rest to me. Surely you have plans for this afternoon and evening. I don't want to keep you from it any longer”, I thanked him. Although he had already offered his help, I didn't want to take up his time anymore.
Over my shoulder I saw that the dead animal was still lying on the porch. It was still rotting away. As I approached the carcass, I saw some rats scurrying away. Later I will call the police or a hunter who will take the animal away from here and I will tell them about the wolf. I haven't told Jackson about the wolf yet, and I don't intend to. Who knows what he'll think of me then. Don't know if he would believe me or not.
He picked up several buckets at once and followed me close to the front door. Jackson followed me everywhere. I even imagined I could feel his breath on my neck. "Bullshit. Of course, I will help you with the renovation. Nobody is expecting me at home anyway”, I heard him say behind me. I looked at him over my shoulder and pointed to the dead animal in front of us. The animal's smell slapped me in the face. I pinched my nose in disgust. "I'm sorry about the dead animal on the doorstep. I haven't gotten around to reporting it to the police or the hunter," I informed him, embarrassed, that he had to put up with this sight. "Maybe I should get this over with now," I muttered to myself. I was about to pull my phone out of my pocket when a hand on my shoulder stopped me.
"Leave that to me. I'll just take the boar to the forest. The animals in it will be happy about the animal. Especially the wolves around,” he told me after setting the buckets on the ground. I looked at him wide-eyed in surprise at his suggestion. "Are you sure?" I wanted to make sure. I didn't want to force anything on him. As I opened the front door, I looked over my shoulder at him. Even the slightest emotion should catch my eye from the look on his face. So far I haven't seen anything unusual about him.
He effortlessly tossed the animal over his broad shoulder. No efforts could look at him. Not even a bead of sweat adorned his forehead. If I were him, I'd be out of breath and my face bright red. It could certainly have been compared to an overripe tomato.
"Of course I'm sure. Otherwise I wouldn't have offered you my help”, he pulled me out of my thoughts. I opened the door wide open so I could carry our purchases in right away. On the way home we stopped at a grocery store. As a thank you, I wanted to cook Jackson something good to eat. "You know, sometimes I go hunting. I'm sure you know what happens to the animal afterwards. So I don't mind the smell,” he shared one of his passions with me. At first I just looked at him silently and then I burst out laughing. "Ahh, and I thought you were just a hermit," I giggled, stepping into the house. "Believe it or not, I hear that a lot," I heard him talking behind me.
I put the bag with the purchases on the table and then took off my shoes and jacket. Back in the kitchen, I looked out the window at Jackson. Just as he disappeared into the forest with the animal. I stared at the forest with my mouth open. How was Jackson able to move so quickly with the extra weight? The forest is about fifty meters from the house.
I don't know how long I stared at the forest, lost in thought, but anyway I decided to cook. I would like to have delicious lasagna again. With that in mind, I nodded to myself and rolled up my sleeves.
 An hour and a half later, I was drying the dishes when my cell phone buzzed and stopped me. Curious about who might be calling me at this time, I hung the tea towel over the back of a chair and then saw that my mother was calling me. I took my mother's call. "Hello mum. What is there? Are you okay?” I greeted my mother gently, but I couldn't suppress a worried undertone. I could hear my father talking in the background. My mother and father would have accompanied me and decided with me on how to proceed.
"Hello Darling. Me and your father are fine. We just got a call from your former boss. The misunderstanding has been cleared up and you can resume your old work. We received a good offer for the property and for the house. A young family is very keen to buy it,” they told me as I tucked the phone between my shoulder and chin. “Of course, the final decision is yours. After all, your grandfather left it to you,” she added after a short pause. I listened carefully to each word. A battle was going on in my head. Conflict had spread every second. A quick look in the oven told me it was still some time before the food was ready. "I told you from the start that I didn't steal from the company. I-I want so badly to go back, but I don't want to lose the memory of grandfather. I don't have anything else from him," he said in tears. Sniffling, I wiped my nose with the back of my hand.
"(Y/N), I can really understand you. It's not easy for me to lose my father, but he would have wanted us to live on and not die of grief. He has always wanted one thing for you, and that is for you to be happy and prosperous. Even though he is dead, he still lives on in our memories. He will always be in our hearts”, she tried to comfort me with these words, which also worked. A few breaths later I shared my decision with her: “I want to go back to you. I miss my work and my friends. The house and the country can surely make another family very happy. Please let the family know that they can sign a contract. I'll fix the house and travel back in a few days.” I wiped the tears from my face one more time. I'm sure it's going to be hard for me to let go of the house and the memory in here, but like my mother said, I have to look ahead.
"I will do it. Ahh (Y/N), your father and I will come to you tomorrow and help you with the renovation”, she informed me of her decision. At this news, I couldn't help but crack the smile. At least some good news for today. "That is nice. I'll prepare a room for you and cook something," I said, kneeling down to examine the lasagna. It was time to get it out and serve and eat. "Thanks very much. Your father and I love you. So see you tomorrow”, she said goodbye and was about to hang up. "I love you too. I'm looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow”, I replied and hung up. I sighed and put my phone down on the counter and ran my thumb and forefinger over the bridge of my nose.
 "You want to leave me?!" I heard a voice speak from very close behind me. I winced at Jackson's sudden appearance. I turned and unconsciously took a step back because he was standing very close to me. I bumped against the handle of a drawer with my lower back. I didn't expect him to come so close to me. To be honest, I didn't think it was nice that my personal distance was ignored. After all, I didn't know him enough to let him get close to me. "Don't sneak up on me like that," I hissed between my teeth in pain. The pain swept through my entire body. From the toes to the roots of the hair.
Jackson ran up to me so fast and grabbed my arm not exactly gently. His grip was strong and it hurt me. I tried to free myself from the iron grip, in vain. I tried to pull harder, but my arm wouldn't budge an inch. "Let me go. You're hurting me!” I defend myself desperately. Sheer fear overcame me. As inconspicuously as possible, I groped for my mobile phone, which fortunately I hadn't put far away from me beforehand. My fingertips touched the phone, but I wasn't fast enough as Jackson grabbed it and smashed it with his bare hand. Then he threw it to the ground and, to top it off, stepped on it with his foot.
"What are you doing?" I yelled at him. My patience was finally broken. I just got my cell phone a few months ago. As a small reward for climbing the career ladder of my job, which I had been fired from without notice three days earlier due to false suspicion. Allegedly I have resold company secrets to a competitor. Never in my life would I have mentioned this thought, or even put it into practice. I like my job too much for that and enjoy spending time with my colleagues and customers.
"You want to leave me here alone again, since I just found you!" he practically roared in my face, which was twisted with anger. The sight of him made my heart stop for a second. Golden eyes sparkled at me and long fangs bared in front of me. what was he "I won't let you go again!" he growled, pushing me against his hard body.
"Please let me go. I'm scared," I whimpered in fear and tugged at my arm so hard I feared my arm would tear off. Again I let my free hand wander for a suitable weapon. I didn't care what I got between my hands. The main thing was that I was able to defend myself and free myself from Jackson. Thank heavens my hand was gripping the handle of a pan, which I hit him in the head as hard as I could on the spot. It was so strong it reverberated throughout the house and a clearly visible dent has formed on the pan. Jackson let go. Not from pain, but more from surprise. Without further hesitation, I grabbed my legs and ran to the door and yanked it open. Although the cold immediately crept into every pore and made me shiver, I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. I didn't even have time to put on my jacket and shoes.
 I panted in the darkness for a way. With every tenth step I dared to look over my shoulder. Occasionally I would get caught on branches or trip over exposed roots. My knees and hands were covered in abrasions, I was cold and my legs felt like jelly. My lungs won't last long. Since my escape, tears have been running down my cheeks non-stop. I didn't dare to sob. I was too afraid to make a telltale noise that would reveal my whereabouts to Jackson.
The cracking of branches under heavy weight made me stop abruptly. My pulse shot up. I crouched behind the nearest tree and listened to the darkness of the forest. Not wanting to make a telltale sound, I put both hands over my mouth. "(Y/N), I can smell your fear. I can hear your heart from miles away,” Jackson sang not too far from where I was hiding. A growl was heard afterwards. "Why do you want to leave me? Do you really want to leave your mate behind?” Jackson's voice followed closer to my hiding spot. He wasn't far away. At any time, he could discover me and otherwise I know everything to do with me. For a second there was silence.
The next moment, clawed hands grabbed my bare feet and dragged me across the floor. "I got you," Jackson barked with laughter. I fought like crazy and screamed my lungs out. His eyes glowed in the dark. "Please let me go. i just want to go home. To my family,” I shrieked, clutching a root. Kicking him did nothing. His inhuman strength was far too much for my weakened body. But I quickly pulled away because Jackson dug his claws into my feet. Warm blood flowed down my feet into my pant legs.
He released me, pressing me down painfully and half laying on my body. I lay frozen on the cold floor with fear, waiting for the next cruelty from him. His face came dangerously close to mine. He pressed his nose against my cold throat and sniffed it audibly. He moaned in satisfaction as his tongue ran down my throat.
“Your family is me and our future puppies. It's best if we start  making our little family right away," he growled in my ear and let his hand wander under my sweater. With that, my fate was sealed.
Hello, it’s my first time here. Here can you see a Oneshot. Maybe I will write more stories likes this.
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