diaryofatucute · 6 years
Are you guys aware that reblogging the images that I've deleted and discoursing on them is just spreading the images
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
Thank. God.
I can’t do it BYEYYEYEYEG
i tried it
there ain’t no way i can even pretend to support pedophiles
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
I forgot their name and reported them as spam but some asshole transmed kept spamming me with unneeded discourse for no fucking reason. I continuously told them to fuck off but they harassed me. If you're reading this you piece of shit, message me again, and I'll gut you like a pig
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
It's alright. I'd make fun of me too.
@diaryofatucute is a beautiful blog filled with self indulgent fetishizing of transman, claiming dypshoira is self hate, and overall refusing to respect trans men as real men by fetishizing their tits. Overall a beautiful piece, either a complete uneducated child or a really dedicated troll but either way I was laughing the entire time scrolling through their blog.
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
Please read my post. I hope you will forgive me for my actions.
@diaryofatucute is a beautiful blog filled with self indulgent fetishizing of transman, claiming dypshoira is self hate, and overall refusing to respect trans men as real men by fetishizing their tits. Overall a beautiful piece, either a complete uneducated child or a really dedicated troll but either way I was laughing the entire time scrolling through their blog.
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
Of course I disagree with most Of the things I've said in the past now. I still think dysphoria is not required and I'm still anti map and still nb but I've realized now that I've said bad things to people I don't really mean and I want to make up for it. I'd like to apologise entirely to the lgbt+ community. I will delete my transphobic and disgusting posts.
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
Abnormal? You're calling us fucking abnormal? You're a sick fucking asshole. Even if you're tucute like me you can shut the hell up fucking pedo.
✨ MAPs do not deserve positivity ✨
💕 MAPs are not a part of the lgbt community 💕
🌸 A MAP’s feelings are not more important than a minor’s safety and comfort 🌸
🌟 MAP = 💩 🌟
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
I would like it if you weren't alive
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Transphobes and maps burning in hell
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
I'm choosing to ignore the people who try "calling me out" as a troll. Sheesh. The nerve of some people!
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
Cutie pie drinking his tomato juice
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
I know right!
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So I made a few changes and alix is now A VAMPIRE! He’s vegan so he doesn’t drink blood but instead lives off tomato juice! He’s not wearing his normal binder since it didn’t fit with the color palette but I think he looks even cuter with an accidental flat chest!
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
Ok guys change of plans
I've been told Its not good thing to give your trans boy boobs so I guess I won't. Fiine. He looked so cute with them tho
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
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So I made a few changes and alix is now A VAMPIRE! He's vegan so he doesn't drink blood but instead lives off tomato juice! He's not wearing his normal binder since it didn't fit with the color palette but I think he looks even cuter with an accidental flat chest!
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
Because I don't wanna date cis people. Can trans bois even grow fat?
Asexuality Isn’t LGBT
And in fact, a lot of asexual people have incredibly low libidos, or are affected by other factors, but that’s beside the point.
If you are not sexually/romantically attracted to the opposite sex, and do not experience gender dysphoria, you are not LGBT, because you fit none of the requirements.
You can’t say you’re ‘qweer uwu’ or LGBTDESPACITOQRS+ because the community isn’t for everyone who wasn’t born a cisgender, heterosexual, or neurotypical person. We are NOT the ‘weird guys club’. We are a community for homosexuals, bisexuals, and transsexuals. Nothing more, nothing less.
-Mod Big Gay
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
Ew no I only like trans bois
Asexuality Isn’t LGBT
And in fact, a lot of asexual people have incredibly low libidos, or are affected by other factors, but that’s beside the point.
If you are not sexually/romantically attracted to the opposite sex, and do not experience gender dysphoria, you are not LGBT, because you fit none of the requirements.
You can’t say you’re ‘qweer uwu’ or LGBTDESPACITOQRS+ because the community isn’t for everyone who wasn’t born a cisgender, heterosexual, or neurotypical person. We are NOT the ‘weird guys club’. We are a community for homosexuals, bisexuals, and transsexuals. Nothing more, nothing less.
-Mod Big Gay
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
Yeah but I think a boy with boobies is cute :3
Asexuality Isn’t LGBT
And in fact, a lot of asexual people have incredibly low libidos, or are affected by other factors, but that’s beside the point.
If you are not sexually/romantically attracted to the opposite sex, and do not experience gender dysphoria, you are not LGBT, because you fit none of the requirements.
You can’t say you’re ‘qweer uwu’ or LGBTDESPACITOQRS+ because the community isn’t for everyone who wasn’t born a cisgender, heterosexual, or neurotypical person. We are NOT the ‘weird guys club’. We are a community for homosexuals, bisexuals, and transsexuals. Nothing more, nothing less.
-Mod Big Gay
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diaryofatucute · 6 years
And yes, alix is wearing his adorable binder. Usually it has hearts but I forgot to add them
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Transphobes and maps burning in hell
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