diego-ice-age ¡ 3 years
@sidthesloth :
“Oh…So now you’re saying you’re concerned for me, is that it, Diego?” Sid let out a cold scoff while shaking ether from fear or anger at the tiger, Diego can’t tell.
“After all the times you and Manny were annoyed and mad at me, how you often wish that I would just disappear from time to time? Now you say you’re worried about me? Forgive me if I don’t believe you, Diego” Sid harshly scoffed.
At first, Diego was alarmed by the other’s reaction. All he did was just try to encourage him. He even ended up being way too sappy for his tastes for the sake of his friend and all Sid was doing now was snapping at him. He didn’t need much time to return the favor..  “OH YEAH?? FINE THEN, if THAT’S what you think, that’s not my problem! And if you want to leave so badly, then DO IT! What’s holdin’ you back, huh, Sid?? You know the way! But don’t you ever come back cryin’ because THEN it will be too late!!”
The outraged sabertooth tiger bursted in anger. He was so mad at that moment he couldn’t think clear, and the true was he’s never want Sid to leave. That’d be a huge loss for the herd... for him.
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diego-ice-age ¡ 4 years
Sid X Diego RP~
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diego-ice-age ¡ 4 years
“Don’t say that!” Diego snapped in a strict tone, almost cutting him off as if he was afraid to even want to hear where that sentace would end up and he seemed to get angrier as he continued.  “Manny told me what happened earlier that day! You took those eggs because you found them alone in a icy place and decided to adobt them! Yes, you were out of your mind but your heart was in the right place! How can you blame yourself for such a selfless deed? You tried to save three lives and protect them at any cost while I was just giving up on our herd and you’re talking about being pathetic?? You did it because you cared about those eggs. Because no one else would probably do. Because it was the right thing to do and because we weren’t there to-....” But then he realized.  “....You did it... because you were feeling left out, weren’t you?” He stopped for a moment and sighed as he sat down in disappointment. “It was my fault.. I know I should have never thought about leaving.. I thought that if I left.. I would find a place where I could blend in.. A place full of adventures and action!.. And then, you reminded me that.. I already had all that.. ever since I met you and Manny and then the rest of the crew.. I know I’ve told you that before, but you’re the one who’s keeping us all together, Sid, so, don’t hate yourself ‘cause we would be nothing without you. And if being pathetic, screw-up and nuisance means to care about others and put everyone else’s needs above yours ‘cause of your pure heart.... then this wolrd needs some more Sids to make it a better place..” The tiger now looked back at the sloth next to him with a slights smirk on his face. Diego hated talking about emotions and such, as he always knew how to almost hide his sensitive side, but all those words came naturally to him in the heat of the conversation.
Sid X Diego RP~
(CLOSED RP BETWEEN ME AND @sidiceagesloth)
A brand new day was dawing for the creatures of the Ice Age. A peaceful day. The sun would raise to touch the snowy lands and when it reaches the one weirdest herd, the world’s sweetest giggle could be heard. It was the first dawn little Peaches has ever seen, out of Dinosaur World, and her parents never been so proud before. They had the most special gift they could ever ask for. Ellie was holding softly the baby in her trunk. Crash and Eddie were still sleeping on each other, snoring a bit. Manny nuzzled against their daughter’s small body, tickling her a little. It was the most precious moment for the mammoth family..
Diego was just a few meters away, sleeping, but he heard the family’s voices and woke up. He yawned stretched out his forth and back legs. He was now standing up, and he turned his head back to where the voices were coming from. The beautiful sight of love was warming his deep-down soft heart and he couldn’t help but smile affectionately at that sight. He chuckled.
“Look at them… Hard to believe that just a few hours ago we were running for our lives trying not to get eaten by a bunch of prehistoric creatures. Huh, Sid?”
But when he looked at where the sloth was sleeping for the night, no one was there.
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diego-ice-age ¡ 4 years
"You mean putting all the herd, including pregnant Ellie in deadly danger, trying to survive giant carnivorous plants, riding wild pterodactyls and dealing with a hungry, bloody white beast?" Diego summarized their sdventure. "...Nah, we're used to that stuff. We're a herd after all! We help each other. Did, snap out of it!"
Sid X Diego RP~
(CLOSED RP BETWEEN ME AND @sidiceagesloth)
A brand new day was dawing for the creatures of the Ice Age. A peaceful day. The sun would raise to touch the snowy lands and when it reaches the one weirdest herd, the world’s sweetest giggle could be heard. It was the first dawn little Peaches has ever seen, out of Dinosaur World, and her parents never been so proud before. They had the most special gift they could ever ask for. Ellie was holding softly the baby in her trunk. Crash and Eddie were still sleeping on each other, snoring a bit. Manny nuzzled against their daughter’s small body, tickling her a little. It was the most precious moment for the mammoth family..
Diego was just a few meters away, sleeping, but he heard the family’s voices and woke up. He yawned stretched out his forth and back legs. He was now standing up, and he turned his head back to where the voices were coming from. The beautiful sight of love was warming his deep-down soft heart and he couldn’t help but smile affectionately at that sight. He chuckled.
“Look at them… Hard to believe that just a few hours ago we were running for our lives trying not to get eaten by a bunch of prehistoric creatures. Huh, Sid?”
But when he looked at where the sloth was sleeping for the night, no one was there.
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diego-ice-age ¡ 4 years
That was even more surprising. If it wasn"t Sid's nostalgy for his kids, then why he wanted to leave..? He stayed silent for a few moments. "Then what it's all about?" His voice was calm now but still the same strict tone. His ears down despite his serious look as he didn't liked all this..
Sid X Diego RP~
(CLOSED RP BETWEEN ME AND @sidiceagesloth)
A brand new day was dawing for the creatures of the Ice Age. A peaceful day. The sun would raise to touch the snowy lands and when it reaches the one weirdest herd, the world’s sweetest giggle could be heard. It was the first dawn little Peaches has ever seen, out of Dinosaur World, and her parents never been so proud before. They had the most special gift they could ever ask for. Ellie was holding softly the baby in her trunk. Crash and Eddie were still sleeping on each other, snoring a bit. Manny nuzzled against their daughter’s small body, tickling her a little. It was the most precious moment for the mammoth family..
Diego was just a few meters away, sleeping, but he heard the family’s voices and woke up. He yawned stretched out his forth and back legs. He was now standing up, and he turned his head back to where the voices were coming from. The beautiful sight of love was warming his deep-down soft heart and he couldn’t help but smile affectionately at that sight. He chuckled.
“Look at them… Hard to believe that just a few hours ago we were running for our lives trying not to get eaten by a bunch of prehistoric creatures. Huh, Sid?”
But when he looked at where the sloth was sleeping for the night, no one was there.
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diego-ice-age ¡ 4 years
"Look I'm not gonna-.." but what Diego was told was unexpected and say worst then he could ever imagine. His green eyes widened in surprise. "..Leave!? Sid, you can't be serious!" Diego was trying to make sense out of all this.. "Know if your ingenious plan is to go back down there where we all risked out lives to get you away from, and live with a prehistoric family, don't even think about it!" He said in an strict tone.
Sid X Diego RP~
(CLOSED RP BETWEEN ME AND @sidiceagesloth)
A brand new day was dawing for the creatures of the Ice Age. A peaceful day. The sun would raise to touch the snowy lands and when it reaches the one weirdest herd, the world’s sweetest giggle could be heard. It was the first dawn little Peaches has ever seen, out of Dinosaur World, and her parents never been so proud before. They had the most special gift they could ever ask for. Ellie was holding softly the baby in her trunk. Crash and Eddie were still sleeping on each other, snoring a bit. Manny nuzzled against their daughter’s small body, tickling her a little. It was the most precious moment for the mammoth family..
Diego was just a few meters away, sleeping, but he heard the family’s voices and woke up. He yawned stretched out his forth and back legs. He was now standing up, and he turned his head back to where the voices were coming from. The beautiful sight of love was warming his deep-down soft heart and he couldn’t help but smile affectionately at that sight. He chuckled.
“Look at them… Hard to believe that just a few hours ago we were running for our lives trying not to get eaten by a bunch of prehistoric creatures. Huh, Sid?”
But when he looked at where the sloth was sleeping for the night, no one was there.
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diego-ice-age ¡ 4 years
Diego walked even closer in an attempt to meet the other's eyes. "..To think about..what?" He insisted as he really wanted to know.
Sid X Diego RP~
(CLOSED RP BETWEEN ME AND @sidiceagesloth)
A brand new day was dawing for the creatures of the Ice Age. A peaceful day. The sun would raise to touch the snowy lands and when it reaches the one weirdest herd, the world’s sweetest giggle could be heard. It was the first dawn little Peaches has ever seen, out of Dinosaur World, and her parents never been so proud before. They had the most special gift they could ever ask for. Ellie was holding softly the baby in her trunk. Crash and Eddie were still sleeping on each other, snoring a bit. Manny nuzzled against their daughter’s small body, tickling her a little. It was the most precious moment for the mammoth family..
Diego was just a few meters away, sleeping, but he heard the family’s voices and woke up. He yawned stretched out his forth and back legs. He was now standing up, and he turned his head back to where the voices were coming from. The beautiful sight of love was warming his deep-down soft heart and he couldn’t help but smile affectionately at that sight. He chuckled.
“Look at them… Hard to believe that just a few hours ago we were running for our lives trying not to get eaten by a bunch of prehistoric creatures. Huh, Sid?”
But when he looked at where the sloth was sleeping for the night, no one was there.
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diego-ice-age ¡ 4 years
The tired tiger was relieved when he found Sid there safe and sound.. but he couldn't see him like that anymore. He was almost standing next to him when he talked.. "Sid... what's going on? You've been acting like this for..... well, since we left the dinosaur world, why??" He asked strongly with no more patience.
Sid X Diego RP~
(CLOSED RP BETWEEN ME AND @sidiceagesloth)
A brand new day was dawing for the creatures of the Ice Age. A peaceful day. The sun would raise to touch the snowy lands and when it reaches the one weirdest herd, the world’s sweetest giggle could be heard. It was the first dawn little Peaches has ever seen, out of Dinosaur World, and her parents never been so proud before. They had the most special gift they could ever ask for. Ellie was holding softly the baby in her trunk. Crash and Eddie were still sleeping on each other, snoring a bit. Manny nuzzled against their daughter’s small body, tickling her a little. It was the most precious moment for the mammoth family..
Diego was just a few meters away, sleeping, but he heard the family’s voices and woke up. He yawned stretched out his forth and back legs. He was now standing up, and he turned his head back to where the voices were coming from. The beautiful sight of love was warming his deep-down soft heart and he couldn’t help but smile affectionately at that sight. He chuckled.
“Look at them… Hard to believe that just a few hours ago we were running for our lives trying not to get eaten by a bunch of prehistoric creatures. Huh, Sid?”
But when he looked at where the sloth was sleeping for the night, no one was there.
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diego-ice-age ¡ 4 years
If by now Sid eating slow was a tiny bit suspecious, his next reaction was worrying as hell. Sid seemed like something was really bothering him. Something.. more serious than usual. Old Sid would be the first one to tell his friends what was bothering him, without even the need of the others asking him. The confused tiger watched the sloth walking away. He thought that giving Sid some space would be enough for nowas he looked like he wanted to be alone for a while. He probably needed some time to get over his underground family..  
Late at night, Diego was lying on the ground out of their cave like he always liked to do. It was a cold night, so they had made a campfire earlier and the lonely tiger was now looking through its’ flames, thinking what had gotten into Sid and wondering why he still wasn’t there. At that time, Manny walked out of the cave and sat next to his friend and he sighed. “Hard time to sleep?” Diego asked. “Nahh... Just.. wanted to enjoy the cold breeze” He played cool, not wanting to admit the truth. The tiger chuckled. “Raising a kid can be hard. It’s time-consuming, requires affection, patient.. and lack of sleep is in the program too-” “Hey, I can handle a little baby, I am the biggest thing on Earth!” But his face changed to a more serious and worried one. “.......Peaches just slept..” He sighed again. “...but now it’s MY eyes that are wide open..” He admitted. “Look, I know you’re tired and I know things seem to be difficult now, but I know you can make it. We.. have been through that before and we handled it just fine” He smiled slightly to comfort him. “Yeah, but then it was three of us and-” “You won’t be alone, Manny!” He assured him. “I’ll be here for you, no matter what! I..can see now that’s the right thing for me to do. I belong here.. and I am not going to leave again....”
Manny was feeling a littlew better now, knowing he’d have his friend by his sid. “Thanks, Diego~”|
“You will find the way with your daughter. And my advice is.. to enjoy every single moment with her as long as she’s still a kid. It might.. seem tedious now, but she will grow up before you know it. So try to spend as much quality time with her as you can and live it” “Wow, Diego! What was that? I didn’t know ‘Mr. Tough Guy’ had such romantic and affectional thoughts!” He teased him, impressed by his good advice. “Huh, I’m not emotionless, ya know..” He looked away before turning his head back at the mammoth. ”Just keep in mind that we’ll be here to stand by you. You can count me and Si-...” But at that word he stopped, remembering that Sid was still missing. “For real now, where’s Sid? He is not used to staying up this late”
“I saw him earlier in the morning.. He was acting.. weird..” “Weird, how?” Manny looked puzzled by the other’s sayings.
“I don’t know.. I’ll go take a look around to check on him..” “I’m coming with you! Who knows what trouble he is in now while we’re talking?!” He said in determination. “No!.. You need to rest! You know that” “What are you talking about? Sid might be-” “I bet Sid is safe.” He interrupted the bigger one. “If he wasn’t, we would have heard at least a scream of him by now.. I’ll be back before the break of dawn..” Manny sighed. “...Okay.. I trust you..” “I know..” And with those words, Diego hurried up to start searching for Sid.. Diego searched around, but he couldn’t find him anywhere. Worried now, he stopped for a moment to take a breath. As he was panting after a long run, he remembered... A place where Sid used to go when he was feeling down.. Yeah, he has sawn him there before and he would go to that place again, hoping to find him there..........
Sid X Diego RP~
(CLOSED RP BETWEEN ME AND @sidiceagesloth)
A brand new day was dawing for the creatures of the Ice Age. A peaceful day. The sun would raise to touch the snowy lands and when it reaches the one weirdest herd, the world’s sweetest giggle could be heard. It was the first dawn little Peaches has ever seen, out of Dinosaur World, and her parents never been so proud before. They had the most special gift they could ever ask for. Ellie was holding softly the baby in her trunk. Crash and Eddie were still sleeping on each other, snoring a bit. Manny nuzzled against their daughter’s small body, tickling her a little. It was the most precious moment for the mammoth family..
Diego was just a few meters away, sleeping, but he heard the family’s voices and woke up. He yawned stretched out his forth and back legs. He was now standing up, and he turned his head back to where the voices were coming from. The beautiful sight of love was warming his deep-down soft heart and he couldn’t help but smile affectionately at that sight. He chuckled.
“Look at them… Hard to believe that just a few hours ago we were running for our lives trying not to get eaten by a bunch of prehistoric creatures. Huh, Sid?”
But when he looked at where the sloth was sleeping for the night, no one was there.
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diego-ice-age ¡ 4 years
(( OTP <3 ))
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My Ice Age OTP… Sid X Diego! 
I did this drawing recently cuz I felt like watching Ice Age 4~ Been meaning to draw this couple for YEARS but never did.. until now~
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diego-ice-age ¡ 4 years
Diego walked up to the slowly-eating sloth. Should he be worried about his unsual behaviour? Could it be something really important? It was Sid after all.. But then he thought Sid probably missed his three dino-babies or something. He didn't want to make things even more difficult for Sid, so he thought he could use some humour, as it was something he was feeling more comfortable with when it came to dealing with Sid and so he figured out something to say to break the ice... "Did the ride with the pterosaur gave you a jetlag or somethin'?" He asked mockingly, but only when he did he realized how bad it sounded. He sighed. "...What's with that behaviour? Sid I know would have binged on those berries" He asked in a more caring tone.
Sid X Diego RP~
(CLOSED RP BETWEEN ME AND @sidiceagesloth)
A brand new day was dawing for the creatures of the Ice Age. A peaceful day. The sun would raise to touch the snowy lands and when it reaches the one weirdest herd, the world’s sweetest giggle could be heard. It was the first dawn little Peaches has ever seen, out of Dinosaur World, and her parents never been so proud before. They had the most special gift they could ever ask for. Ellie was holding softly the baby in her trunk. Crash and Eddie were still sleeping on each other, snoring a bit. Manny nuzzled against their daughter’s small body, tickling her a little. It was the most precious moment for the mammoth family..
Diego was just a few meters away, sleeping, but he heard the family’s voices and woke up. He yawned stretched out his forth and back legs. He was now standing up, and he turned his head back to where the voices were coming from. The beautiful sight of love was warming his deep-down soft heart and he couldn’t help but smile affectionately at that sight. He chuckled.
“Look at them… Hard to believe that just a few hours ago we were running for our lives trying not to get eaten by a bunch of prehistoric creatures. Huh, Sid?”
But when he looked at where the sloth was sleeping for the night, no one was there.
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diego-ice-age ¡ 4 years
Sid X Diego RP~
(CLOSED RP BETWEEN ME AND @sidiceagesloth)
A brand new day was dawing for the creatures of the Ice Age. A peaceful day. The sun would raise to touch the snowy lands and when it reaches the one weirdest herd, the world’s sweetest giggle could be heard. It was the first dawn little Peaches has ever seen, out of Dinosaur World, and her parents never been so proud before. They had the most special gift they could ever ask for. Ellie was holding softly the baby in her trunk. Crash and Eddie were still sleeping on each other, snoring a bit. Manny nuzzled against their daughter’s small body, tickling her a little. It was the most precious moment for the mammoth family..
Diego was just a few meters away, sleeping, but he heard the family’s voices and woke up. He yawned, stretched out his forth and back legs. He was now standing up, and he turned his head back to where the voices were coming from. The beautiful sight of love was warming his deep-down soft heart and he couldn’t help but smile affectionately at that sight. He chuckled.
“Look at them... Hard to believe that just a few hours ago we were running for our lives trying not to get eaten by a bunch of prehistoric creatures. Huh, Sid?”
But when he looked at where the sloth was sleeping for the night, no one was there.
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