I know it sucks right now but one day you’re gonna be 25 and you’ll be sitting on the back porch with the woman you’ve been trying to become friends with and you’ll realize that she’s trying to become friends with you too. You’re both scared of being rejected and you’ve both got scars the other will never know of but right now all that matters is the way the moon is reflecting off the water and you’re both a little wine drunk and she’s laughing at something absolutely ridiculous you said. A few weeks later she sends you a picture of something that only you would like. She knows the weird niche things you’re into and even though they don’t mean anything to her she notices them and sends them to you because she knows it will make you smile. She doesn’t think loving you is hard or only for the brave. She doesn’t love easily but she doesn’t have a problem loving you. And then you realize she isn’t the only one. One day you’re 25 and you’re crying on your bathroom floor because you just broke up with the guy you thought was the love of your life and you open your phone to see who you can call because you feel so empty and so alone and you realize you have choices. There are so many people who care about you that you have a hard time deciding whose shoulder you should cry on about this. One day you’re 25 and you have people who love you beyond measure and you’ve finally realized you’re enough. It’s okay that right now you’re 19 and alone in your room. One day you’ll be 25. I promise.
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i am a perfectly nonchalant person. except on days where i crave love. then i choke up and go insane and begin howling at the moon
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I do want more Supernatural actually. There's things, characters, feelings that I want to experience differently than I have before, or maybe even for the first time. Like a beach episode.
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Maybe YOU don't want a Supernatural revival. I am gay and built different
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sorry not sorry for supernatural posting. but sometimes my brain reminds me that the bunker had communal showers.
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The first rule of Fight Club is that fights can neither be created nor destroyed
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I hate saying this bc it’s something I only realized a few days ago, but I don’t think I’ve ever been crushing this hard on someone I actually dated. Like I definitely wasn’t uninterested in the people I’ve dated. I have been in love and had good relationships. But fuck idk the last time someone had me feeling fluttery and checking my phone immediately cause they texted and I want to know every single thought that runs through his mind. I want to cook him breakfast. I want to *know* him in a way I’ve never wanted before. I feel like the fanfic is being written from my perspective and I’m not used to this feeling. I wish it wasn’t happening right now.
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I just wanna lay my head on his chest and kiss him on the nose and hold his hand at the movies
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december???? what next??? 2024?????
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It finally hit today that the two people I’ve called my best friends for years really just….. don’t care anymore. An hours drive away after years of long distance is enough for me to basically not exist. Idk the last time she started a real conversation with me. I’m always lucky as hell if she replies to anything I send. I literally feel like a desperate dude in her inbox. I broke up with my bf of 4.5 years this week and she hasn’t even checked on me. I feel like I’m gonna fuckin puke. I sent her a 3 minute voice note earlier talking about my life and everything going on and she left me on read. I feel so goddamn alone. I have other closer friends now but she’s still who I lean on and she doesn’t care anymore. She probably hasn’t for a while. She left me on fucking read again. All my other friends have Bigger Problems ™️ right now and I don’t want to bug them with this on top of the breakup and them think I’m just sabotaging relationships left and right. I just want to surround myself with people who actually give a fuck about me and as I’m doing that I have to grieve the loss of the people who don’t.
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I love reading a good slowburn fanfic but fuck I hate living one
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My writing abilities when I have an entire free day: twelve words. Take it or leave it
My writing abilities when I have to be somewhere in fifteen minutes: I got six thousand more in the pocket
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You laughed a really specific way in my car the other night that was louder and harder and more pure of a laugh than we normally get. It definitely made me feel something. And then you told me you love how much I enjoy things and that you don’t “feel happiness that much” and I know that’s not completely true but fuck do I want to spend every second I have trying to make you laugh like that again and making you as happy as I possibly can
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i hate when i get so sleepy at the end of hanging out like hey sorry gang unfortunately they tolt me its time for me to put on my nightgown and light my candle now
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Really curious cause there has been some talk in a Writing Server I'm in and I really want to know other people's thoughts. This is for ANYONE who likes to read fanfic, even if you only read it sparingly. I will make one for writers too, linked here.
If you vote! please reblog so I can get a good sample size <3
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