disadinosaur · 2 years
Actual commentary on capitalism bestie
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tag yourself
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disadinosaur · 2 years
There's not a single thought behind those eye~
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disadinosaur · 2 years
My amusement can only be expressed by awkward wheezing or full-body cackles that send me to the floor. I am either possessed or crazy. There is no in-between.
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disadinosaur · 2 years
Danny Phantom but Ghostbuster Remix
I ain't afraid of no ghost~
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disadinosaur · 2 years
Bim bam bum I just sold my soul for some rump dump diddlely dumb stuff...
Don't forget kids! College takes away people's futures with lifelong debt and gives them flimsy tree corpses instead. :' )
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disadinosaur · 2 years
If this Tumblr profile is not a fever dream and a half, I have failed.
no schedule, random thoughts go brrrrrrrrrr
no filter, the gloves were never put on and the short attention span with the mental stability of a faulty bar stool guides thy hand *Shakespearean uwu*
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disadinosaur · 2 years
So... Jujutsu Kaisen
I'm currently listening to random playlists on youtube and if that isn't a great start idk what is. (note the sarcasm) Grammarly is shouting at me and I'm ready to play with fire.
Jujutsu Kaisen is mid.
I don't hate the anime or manga, mind you. I actually really liked it in the beginning! But- then I started reading the manga because I am nothing if not impatient when I find something new that catches my attention and... Well it didn't meet expectations. What I was expecting wasn't what I got. Which isn't usually a bad thing; in this case sadly I couldn't help but feel let down.
SPOILERS AHEAD!!! I complain about the manga randomly so if you haven't read do not continue through this post!! <----------------------
My youtube playlist would never lie to me, okay? My late night vibe ain't vibing with Jujutsu Kaisen which I will affectionately name actionanimeangst#94 or A3#94. It starts out great. Concept: Interesting. Protagonist: Pink hair boyo gives you fuzzie flower reaction.
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There is this man who almost everyone either says "owuga owuga" or >:P. Either "Daddy Gojo-sensei!!" or "daddy gojo-sensei~~~~~~." Which fair valid, have a nice day. The mans funny and has nice eyes I'll give him that. But it makes me kinda feel that those were the main selling points? Weak, boring, missed opportunities, sadge.
The idea of curses is creative enough in this day and age where everything you thought or created has probably already been created before or similar enough to something else that it gets criticized ruthlessly.
Protag gets possessed by eating a crusty beet-looking finger with amazing nails after centuries which is not fair as my nails just break. Slay I guess. We got some cursed energy that powers up people giving them abilities to fight these negative nancys. Apparently, you can't defeat curses without cursed energy which is then proven to be FALSE when we are introduced to emo hitman- which settle down guys. I can already hear it; he fights with cursed weapons meaning he uses cursed energy >>>:((((
Simply hush, not only is that a huge plot hole in my eyes it is irrelevant because my point still stands that he himself doesn't have cursed energy and yet is able to go toe to toe with 28-year-old Casper the morally grey man child aka giga chad of all sorcerers (why is that so hard to spell.)
Protag has to have the Vingt des doigts de la main meal while Sasuke-look alike's dilf just exudes Saitama vibes and KOs the art class color wheel god. I see how it is. At least he has respawn mechanics and in round 2 he teaches the man how to create secondary colors. Too bad emo kid's middle school OC is physically allergic to the visible spectrum and combat logs only to reappear later in front of his son on a totally missed out "Luke I am your father" scene. He needs to keep his K/D ratio and decided it was a good idea to change careers from a hired gun to a kebab cook.
Back onto what I was saying, Protag possessed- and BOOM cursed energy acquired time to fight fire with fire which is what the plot basically is especially when you learn Dori-bro ain't exactly all that human and it related to curse-human people like what you would see on those pairings if they had kids posts. So like he's only like half a regular guy?? Or what?? Maybe I missed that part when I was speed-running the manga... hmmm...
Suskuna comes into the picture and apparently, that was one of his 20, count it, 20 fingers that apparently are spread across Japan because although he's the king of curses he never actually left the country to pursue his dreams of world domination because his parents wanted him to become a lawyer.
Protag, Side farming tools, and daddy Young Yoda person acquired!! Now have some cool fights and get slowly introduced to the plot that will become irrelevant after season 1 of the anime because Blindfold and pronouns gets trapped and everything goes to s c h i s t.
Blooming bromance relationship with misunderstood movie review ends, angst and dubstep ensue with many fights afterward that lead to n o t h i n g b u t f i l l e r.
But that's a little harsh, isn't it? There is some character development and new techniques learned. There are cute moments and since everyone wields literal cursed energy it's not really a big surprise when the story is also cursed at some points.
We get backstories, more elements added, new characters replacing old characters as well as Attack on Titan flashbacks (no I will never watch that show to completion because it kept killing all my favorite characters and I don't need any more of that.)
And the anime has some really well-animated scenes that are just to die for and ruin older animes for me ;-; As an artist, sometimes an amazing art style and good animation are what draws me in. That makes me very picky when it comes to manga and anime in general so I miss out on a lot. And unpopular opinion... I like the anime's art style better than the manga's which is actually rare.
If that didn't make much sense, which it shouldn't since I'm just letting my fingers type without thinking much about it, basically here's a summary that should be more... coherent.
Basically, what I expected to be the whole plot of the show isn't actually the plot because there is a greater overarching one! Which I didn't even bat an eye at in the beginning because not all stories are what they seem in the beginning. The characters weren't all black and white but actually very unstable in the brain which is always fun and they actually had personalities (even though some are basic the story makes it feel more natural or gives a reason to them instead of leaving them as is. You aren't meant to completely understand them because you simply aren't them. They aren't like us.) Which leads to a natural disconnect for most people.
I loved the different use of weapons! Nobara using a hammer and nails is so cool to me because it's so subtly eccentric to me. Out there in a completely different sense than literal curses. The main characters play off each other well and open many opportunities for ships to blossom. (No we will not mention more because that is a fire I am not willing to play with rn.)
The story has so much potential and I am sticking with it to see where it goes cuz I won't give up on it. But. And its a major but. Sometimes less is more. I believe for now until my mind is changed that some things were forcibly rushed causing a subtle domino effect to take place for me. The story itself feels rushed. Unnaturally so that I got whiplash from reading the manga which you can read at your own pace. There are choices that I would have delayed or changed completely. Characters I felt were either unnecessary or didn't live up to their full potential.
But please note that this is just my first impression of the series. I've read almost all the manga chapters that are currently out rn and nothing else. I haven't read any side bits or notes from the author or anything like that. I'm probably missing information that would change my opinion in the future, but that's exactly why I'm sticking with it. It might get better, I might start to understand more choices the author made. Mostly I watch anime and read manga for the worlds and not the main story. You could do so much with a world full of curses and world build to your heart's content with the excuse that it's just an au. Really stories are just what you make of them. The author doesn't choose how you perceive it. You do. And I choose to perceive an exciting world to dip my toes into and funny characters to mess with.
So for now, my opinion is that Jujutsu Kaisen isn't reaching its full potential thus leading it to be mid. But its not my creation and all I can do is be along for the ride :)
Anyways enough of that. This totally didn't take me like 2 hours to write pshhh what are you talking about? Now that that's out of my system and I've finished praising and critiquing A3#94 (no, I did not forget)
How would people react if I just... made an au on how I would have handled the story and characters? Its fine~ Its just an Au :). I might make the au, might not. Sounds like a lot of work and who knows if I'll attract some unwanted attention :/
Grammarly is furious with me but also telling me my tone is informative, assertive, optimistic, formal, and informal. At least it isn't the Duolingo owl :). With that thought, I'll probably revisit this in a different post in which I might give my updated opinion. For now though I leave you with one final message.
If you actually read through all of that you either have endless patience or run purely off of spite which fair valid, have a nice day.
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disadinosaur · 2 years
Salutations to people of the crackpot that is Tumblr
First impressions are important, but let's be honest, I made this so I could express myself freely. Here to vibe and throw random thoughts out into the aether just to vent some of the dusty rusty mites that have been slowly degrading my few remaining brain cells. Excuse me, I need those. It's not like I can go to the closest local brain cell bank to get more. Which could honestly be a lucrative business from what I've seen on social media.
BACK ON TRACK. This blog could go many ways honestly from me reposting stuff that breaks my already broken humor to posting doodles. This will not only help me express myself but also discover things that I can hyperfocus on :)
D i s a e x i t :)
I need people to rant and ramble with please- I promise I don't bite, I'm just a bit dense and oblivious to trends cuz I'm never on social media.
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