discoveringrealgreeks · 6 months
Moving to Greece: Greek Bureaucracy
There is no bigger integration course than going through the process of getting all the documents needed to officially live in Greece. The Greek bureaucracy you face while moving to Greece, will teach you the meaning of siga siga, the use of the word “malaka“, and the value of a husband in Greek culture. Most importantly, you will learn that some things are only solved with money or a night of…
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discoveringrealgreeks · 9 months
What is the culture and history of Greece?
Greece has a long and rich culture and a history that dates back to ancient times. The country is often referred to as the birthplace of Western civilization, as it was home to some of the world’s greatest philosophers, artists, and scholars. Greece is located in southeastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. It is a country with a varied and rugged landscape, with mountains, forests, and…
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discoveringrealgreeks · 10 months
A traditional Greek wedding through the eyes of a foreigner
I vividly remember the first time I was invited to a traditional Greek wedding. It was a day full of cultural shocks and confusion. From gunshots to throwing rice and from writing my name on the bottom of the bride’s shoe to countless traditional Greek dances. A Greek wedding is full of rituals, religious as well as cultural. Although I enjoyed many of them since the first wedding, there were so…
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The cave I will (n)ever see - Everything that went wrong lately
There is a cave just 80 kilometers away from the place I am right now. I heard about it a year ago and have been wanting to go ever since. The universe, however, seems to do everything to make sure I will never see it. My imagination of the Fraghthi cave  My idea of the cave experience is like a dream. I will drive a winding mountain road with stunning views. This road will take me to an…
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Greek hospitality
When you enter Greece by car, cab, or bus, your first impression of the Greeks might be far from friendly. The busy streets of this country get the worst out of every person. The Greeks seem rude and impatient, honk their horns, push other cars off the road, and yell at each other out of their windows. However, this is merely their way to navigate the chaotic traffic. Once these same Greeks get…
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Travel in Greece with a dog?
I recently adopted a Greek stray dog called Persa. Although she is quite big for the van we live in, she is a lovely travel companion who really enhances my time in Greece. Persa is a great hiker, a good cuddler, and loves driving the winding Greek roads. However, some things in Greece have become more difficult since I travel with my dog. Like visiting archeological sites, doing groceries, or…
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I can float here forever
I am now about three months into my journey to and through Greece. Month nr. 1 was about learning to drive and live in my van, while almost every day had set my destination. In the second month, my plans started to disappear, and I struggled with my new dog, the empty days, and living by myself. But I got through it and started on month number three, a month that I gave to myself. I no longer set…
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Travel through history at Philippi
A visit to the ancient site of Philippi has been on my bucket list for years. Why? Well, it is one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Greece. But what has truly drawn me to visit this site, is that it tells a story of multiple eras. From the ancient Greeks, to the Romans, and the early Christians. Philippi is one of the few archeological sites in Greece that allow you to travel through…
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A fresh start
It has been a while since my last update. Many of you have asked what’s happening or if I’m ok. And the answer is yes, I am good. Really good, even! However, it took me some time to get here. I traveled 1.000 km (600 miles) to end up back at the beach I began, to give my journey the start it deserved. A start that needed some disconnection and inward honesty, a moment of letting go and creating…
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1 Hour alone in Greece
The past three weeks have been the trail run of my journey Together with my boyfriend, I traveled 4.000 km (2.500 miles) through eleven countries to reach the starting point of my trip, Thessaloniki airport. Yesterday was the day I dropped him there and continued my journey by myself. This is the story of the 60 minutes of that journey. Because it took 1 hour of being alone in Greece to make me…
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The guardian of the bears in Greece. Arcturos
Europe is famous for its cities and their architecture. From the Eiffel tower to the Colosseum and the Acropolis. Cities and building that shows the continent’s rich history. However, Europe used to be more than its metropolises. Before the arrival of those cities, European wildlife was widespread and diverse. Then, agriculture, mining, and construction (amongst others) took over, and the area of…
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Home sweet ... Van !?
Today is officially the seventh day I left home to live in my self-converted van. And I can say a lot has happened in those days. Friday last week, I was overwhelmed with anxiety and sadness. It was a day of goodbyes and leaving the familiar behind. Not knowing what my life would be like the next day. Today I still don’t know what my life will be like tomorrow. However, I no longer feel anxious…
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4 off-the-beaten-path summer road trip ideas around Athens
As Athens airport is the biggest international airport in Greece, it marks the beginning of a Greek getaway for many. From here, discovering the Acropolis, Santorini, or Mykonos is part of many itineraries. But why travel the path many have taken before you? Or probably even doing with you! Greece is a versatile and beautiful country, with much more to offer than just the popular tourist…
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What are those small churches along the roads in Greece?
When you have been to Greece, you have probably seen them. The small dollhouse-like churches along the roads in Greece. Often they come with a magnificent view of sea-side cliffs or rough untouched landscapes. You might think they mark a holy place, so beautiful it became divine. However, their true purpose is slightly more bitter than you expect. The kandylakia The history of the kandylakiaThe…
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Limin Gerakas. Fresh fish at Greece's fjord
While you’re traveling, you sometimes find a rare and perfect place. A spot so peaceful you can just sit there and let time pass by. Limin Gerakas in Laconia is one of these places. A village that has managed to escape mass tourism, disconnected and surrounded by a unique landscape. Limin Gerakas is the perfect off-the-beaten-path destination in Greece. Location Overview Laconia,…
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What are the top cultural festivals in Greece?
Cultural experiences offer a unique glimpse into the history, traditions, and culture of Greece, and are a great way to fully immerse oneself in the country’s rich cultural heritage. Attend a Panigiri On the 15th of August, the Orthodox Greeks celebrate the Virgin Mary, Panagia. However, on the night before something special happens. In all the villages in Greece, a huge night market is set up,…
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The first post from my van!
I decided it was time to test the experience of writing in my van, parked in a lovely alley in the center of Rotterdam. I’m breathing second-hand air from shop-owned air conditioning outlets. And I have a view of bumped business cars and years-old trash. However, I feel nice! Because I know that the view through my windows will only get better from here. The date is setSaying…
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