dismaster18 · 16 days
'Beth'anie "Dalia azul".
Age: 24
Singer that normaly performes in casinos and obscure restaurants that someone sane wouldn't go.
She wants to be reconiced and be in a better than she is right now.
(Yes she has short horns but she hides them)
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dismaster18 · 28 days
Little skecth of one por soul and doll face
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Poor thing he Is not gonna suevive after this.
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dismaster18 · 28 days
"You want to see my face, of course since you ask so nicely and cute, only for this time..."
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"well like theres gonna be a Next time for you, silly"
This man IS going to be in some more post IDK I like to draw him XD
A yes
Something more...
His intrusives thoutghs got to him.
Sowyyy hihihihihihi
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dismaster18 · 30 days
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a mystery of not knowing
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dismaster18 · 1 month
Nuevo comic que he sacado
Melodías de Kaifka
Este comic lo estoy escribiendo con una persona más y lo estamos subiendo por Faneo.
Dejo el link aquí para que echéis un vistazo:
Yomoko una chica joven que cuida de su anciana abuela se ve atrapada tras que la caja de música familiar la teletrasportara a un mundo de fantasia.
Sigue la historia de Yomoko y su aventura en busca de una forma de volver a casa junto a su abuela.
De momento solo está en español /castellano.
I'm making a new comic with some help. We upload the frist chapter in the web site Faneo.
The link IS below in the spanish versión.
Yomoko is a young adult that takes care of his Elder gran mother when suddenly is teletrasported to another reality after the family music box started to play a song.
Follow the journy of Yomoko in order to find a way of going back home to his gran mother.
For the moment IS only in spanish.
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dismaster18 · 1 month
"The stranger and his little little toy"
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Just a creepy design of a character that could be or a Slasher or Batman villain.
I Will just put in slasher.
A his name is "Doll face". Maybe I will change the name un the future.
Maybe I could do something with this character...
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dismaster18 · 2 months
David bark to the Void, nothing happened
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dismaster18 · 5 months
They are coming to bring caos to town.
Coming soon
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Some characters of a little story that I am making.
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dismaster18 · 5 months
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"I'm tired Astra , I wanna go home"
Practise with this character for a oneshot.
Just some back story of her.
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dismaster18 · 5 months
"Father found him, the light of his eyes was extinguish. Every death he expirience over and over again was a dark mark imprinted in him by the ones who hurt him. Father is trying to cure him, move with us. He says I'm a good help for this poor soul. I just doing not that much ... But Father seems happy, Eso es mi luz"
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Hi guys, I just wanted ti draw using other type of lighting and shading. Hope you like It, something more to the Lore of David, Father Reed and Roger.
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dismaster18 · 5 months
Wilson and Lavander
Just my character my old dnd character interacting with Wilson.
Poor Wilson lost the food he got for the night Lavander Is trying to confort him the they can.
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dismaster18 · 5 months
The six Horrible virtues
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A drawing of the dnd party that Im in with some Friends.
Just wanted to draw all together in a bar having fun before their misión.
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dismaster18 · 6 months
My Guy just didn't see him for a little bit on a party and Bro just rizz up a monster
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Sam: Bro I just ... Leave like 5 minuts💀
Roger: Oh sorry I leave I didn't..
Sintia: *in the room* Is everything ok there ?
Sam: ... Oh oooooh *realizeces* my bad man, see you later have fun
Roger: Im sorry
Sam: don't , go for It man *leaves* (my pookie IS growing so fast)
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dismaster18 · 6 months
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Little Skecht of Sintia posing
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And Roger and Sintia having alone time
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dismaster18 · 6 months
Roger Treating his girl like a queen
He wanted to bring her to her home like this because she was tired but well... He became tired as well after this desicion.
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He tried, Sintia just help him afterward.
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dismaster18 · 6 months
The Monster and the human
This two meet in a disguise party and after that they are dating.
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dismaster18 · 6 months
Little redraw of oc and so many drawings of a duo.
I made a redraw One of my character naked Samuel. Here It Is with some references of his old desing.
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So once I made this redraw I started to imagen him with Roger another oc. This two been Friends and coworkers. Here I left some of the drawings, there a lot in spanish so I'm going to translate some of them.
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-Roger: Bro, I have an Idea
-Samuel: spit It out
-Roger: ok, I'm going to tell you but firts we need a shopping cart
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Roger: ays, well alright but firts the pizza you hihihi
Roger: man... Im so hungry I eat a all ah Horse
Samuel: I knew It, so I save some pizza to eat
Roger: oh thanks, Bro .. I didn't-
Samuel: what "thanks"? You have to pay me with flesh?
Roger: uys, you silly ok but firts the pizza jijiji
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