disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
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In the mid 1960’s the happy town of Disney you know and love today was anything but happy. The city was divided into two sections: The Greasers and The Socs. A war broke out between the two factions of Disney, leaving nothing but devastation to all in its path. What if someone didn’t want to fight, though? What if there was a chance for peace if only someone had spoken up? Travel back in time with us, to a time where you will decide what happens when your favorite Disney princesses, villains, and heroes collide. And remember: nothing gold can stay.
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Please message the main about a character, if you’re interested in applying for an OC application.
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
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In the mid 1960’s the happy town of Disney you know and love today was anything but happy. The city was divided into two sections: The Greasers and The Socs. A war broke out between the two factions of Disney, leaving nothing but devastation to all in its path. What if someone didn’t want to fight, though? What if there was a chance for peace if only someone had spoken up? Travel back in time with us, to a time where you will decide what happens when your favorite Disney princesses, villains, and heroes collide. And remember: nothing gold can stay.
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Please message the main about a character, if you’re interested in applying for an OC application.
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
what other movies are coming out?
I’ve been a little distracted lately so I haven’t had a chance to think about what new movies will be coming just yet, but if you have a suggestion on something you would like to see come out sooner rather than later then just let me know and I’ll try my hardest to make it happen as soon as possible! 
I know that I still have some characters in Tangled to finish up. I was also looking into more Frozen characters and Toy Story ones! 
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
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In the mid 1960’s the happy town of Disney you know and love today was anything but happy. The city was divided into two sections: The Greasers and The Socs. A war broke out between the two factions of Disney, leaving nothing but devastation to all in its path. What if someone didn’t want to fight, though? What if there was a chance for peace if only someone had spoken up? Travel back in time with us, to a time where you will decide what happens when your favorite Disney princesses, villains, and heroes collide. And remember: nothing gold can stay.
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
Let’s see some amazing applications for this lovable character, guys! 
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
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In the mid 1960’s the happy town of Disney you know and love today was anything but happy. The city was divided into two sections: The Greasers and The Socs. A war broke out between the two factions of Disney, leaving nothing but devastation to all in its path. What if someone didn’t want to fight, though? What if there was a chance for peace if only someone had spoken up? Travel back in time with us, to a time where you will decide what happens when your favorite Disney princesses, villains, and heroes collide. And remember: nothing gold can stay.
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
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Welcome to the roleplay, Hollis! This application was thorough and flawless, and I have no doubt you’ll do Celia justice here in OD! We can’t wait to see what character development you bring to her, so send in her blog as soon as possible! Or within the next 72 hours, and take a few moments to check out our welcome message too!
Name: Hollis Timezone: cst Activity (1-10, 10 being the highest): 6 or 7 (mostly at night) Desired Character: Celia Mae Secondary Character: n/a Character Ships: CeliaxMike, possibly CeliaxSulley Paragraph Sample needs to be a minimum of 300 words and from the roleplayer’s point of view on one of the following writing prompts:
Celia Mae couldn’t play any instrument nor did she have the voice for singing, but that didn’t stop her from developing a love and appreciation for music. A love that only grew stronger when she started working the front desk at AristoCrats Records. Celia had wonderful bosses and the atmosphere was great. Her only real downfall when it came to music was that she could never settle on a favorite song, artist, or even genre. To her, every song had its own magical influence and reason for being, just like every artist or band had a reason for existing. And with so many great musicians in the world, why did she have to settle for a favorite? Every few days Celia would gravitate to a different band or artist, listening to any and everything they had to offer (or what she could get her hands on). She’d make note of the songs that particularly pleased her, going back to those when she was having a bad day. Most of the songs on the list were mostly upbeat, and mostly The Beach Boys, but Celia still never called them her favorite. If anything, it just meant the group was very good at releasing songs that made her feel smiley.
Celia might not ever choose a favorite, but there is one song that means everything to her. Just before she was a teenager, Celia went through a short period of waking in the middle of the night and not being able to convince herself that it was safe to go back to sleep. At first it was a struggle for both her and her parent, but eventually they found a solution. Whenever she had trouble sleeping, her mother would sing Mr. Sandman by The Chordettes. The sound of mother attempting to sing all parts of the song would instantly calm Celia and put her to sleep. After a few months of midnight serenades, the young Celia sleep troubles seemed to vanish. Even though she doesn’t listen listen to Mr. Sandman, the song still puts her in a calm mood and will always have a special place in her heart.
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
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Meet Pascal, an 18 year old Soc who looks identical to Dylan Minnette....
Pascal has always been someone who could easily blend into the crowds if he really wanted to. He is one of the shyest socs the Disney society has to offer. One could blame it on the fact that he grew up in a very strict household and up until recently he wasn’t allowed to venture too far from home. In fact, it’s why he feels so attached to his good friend Rapunzel. Throughout his time at Disney High he may have been one of the most laid back students there, so laid you could sometimes miss he was even there, yet had a vast variety of friends. He would often bring a pair of clothes to change in and out of while at school, but he always went back home dressed the way he had left. Even now that he attends the local Disney Community College he continues to do it. He’s known as one of the most quiet and politest students on campus. He can often be spotted hanging around his closest and best Rapunzel. When he isn’t at school or around his friends, he is either taking time for himself somewhere around Disney or working a shift at the local Disney Drive-In Theatre. 
Rapunzel --> Close/Best Friend Disney Drive-In Employees --> Fellow Friends Disney College Students --> Fellow Friends
Pascal is OPEN
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
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In the mid 1960’s the happy town of Disney you know and love today was anything but happy. The city was divided into two sections: The Greasers and The Socs. A war broke out between the two factions of Disney, leaving nothing but devastation to all in its path. What if someone didn’t want to fight, though? What if there was a chance for peace if only someone had spoken up? Travel back in time with us, to a time where you will decide what happens when your favorite Disney princesses, villains, and heroes collide. And remember: nothing gold can stay.
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
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+1 Application 
Primary Character: Celia Mae Secondary Character: N/A
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
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In the mid 1960’s the happy town of Disney you know and love today was anything but happy. The city was divided into two sections: The Greasers and The Socs. A war broke out between the two factions of Disney, leaving nothing but devastation to all in its path. What if someone didn’t want to fight, though? What if there was a chance for peace if only someone had spoken up? Travel back in time with us, to a time where you will decide what happens when your favorite Disney princesses, villains, and heroes collide. And remember: nothing gold can stay.
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
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Meet Flynn Rider, a 19 year old Greaser who looks identical to Ross Butler....
If there was one thing Flynn hated more than anything in this entire world it was the way the Disney Police never got his nose right in his wanted sketches. If you asked Flynn he would proudly tell you that he ‘worked hard’ to get his face splattered everywhere and they should at least get the nose right. Besides, who else was going to give that pesky Officer Max a run for his badge? Flynn had never grown up with structure or guidance. He picked up the way of the streets, and ladies, fairly quickly. He loves to live life on the edge and without a care. That lifestyle is how he came to cross paths with the infamous Don Karnage. One night, after having one too many, Flynn made a bet with the Don. It was a bet that Flynn could not pay up once he had lost and since then has been working to repay it. It’s not out of the ordinary to see Flynn hanging around the Lovely Ladies strip club or occasionally with the Oogie Boogie himself. While he is known for hanging around rough crows there is one small, yet very big thing, he is not known for and it’s because he chooses it to be that way. He’s been sneaking out every other night to meet up with a young soc girl named Rapunzel. There’s something about being around her that allows Flynn to drop his walls and be himself. It’s a feeling he’s missed and treasures dearly. He looks forward to their nights more than he would care to let himself think on. The reason behind that is because he’s scared to get attached to just about anyone, but especially her. He knows his reputation. If he were to be the reason something happened to her he knows he would not be able to handle that type of guilt, so he will do anything to protect her from it. Or at least he’ll try.
Rapunzel --> Close Friend/ Possible Love Interest Max --> Potential Friend/Nuisance  Don Karnage --> Boss Oogie Boogie --> Friend/Sometimes Boss Lovely Ladies Employees --> Fellow Friend
Flynn is OPEN
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
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Meet Rapunzel, a 17 year old Greaser who looks identical to  Lili Reinhart....
Rapunzel was never intended to be a greaser. It’s surprisingly not due her naive, friendly, and overly trusting personality. She was born into a family of class and a good name They were also very kind hearted soc.. but sometimes bad things happen to good people. When Rapunzel was only seconds old she was stolen by a woman who had impersonated a fellow nurse . She was known as ‘Mother Gothel’ but she was anything but motherly, at least when no-one else was around. Despite the misfortune the young Rapunzel faced, she was a happy girl. She was very well taken care of by her ‘mother’. The only problem she would say if you were to ask is that..she never got to go outside. At least not without having to sneak out when her mother was at work or asleep. She loved her ‘mother’ dearly but she never understood why she insisted on keeping her locked away from the world. All she has ever wanted to do is roam the city streets freely, and see the other side. She wasn’t too sure what it was about it but the right side of the tracks seemed to call to her. Not in the sense that Rapunzel wanted a rich lifestyle but more in the sense that there was something waiting for her. She’s found herself sneaking off to the side of the tracks with a fellow greaser friend by the name of Flynn Ryder. She didn’t cross over though, she just enjoyed watching the night sky and gazing over at the little lights the houses illuminated. No matter how many times Flynn has tried to get her to step over the tracks and venture a little to cure her curiosity, she is always too scared to disappoint her mother. When she isn’t sneaking off to the tracks, Rapunzel is usually hanging around her bestest and closest friend Pascal. She has also made good friends with the young Ariel. 
Pascal --> Best Friend Ariel --> Good Friend Flynn --> Close Friend/ Possible Love Interest
Rapunzel is OPEN
If a player chooses to pick up this character they may (once having developed the character enough and asked the main) eventually switch from a ‘Greaser’ status to a ‘Soc’ status. 
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
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In the mid 1960’s the happy town of Disney you know and love today was anything but happy. The city was divided into two sections: The Greasers and The Socs. A war broke out between the two factions of Disney, leaving nothing but devastation to all in its path. What if someone didn’t want to fight, though? What if there was a chance for peace if only someone had spoken up? Travel back in time with us, to a time where you will decide what happens when your favorite Disney princesses, villains, and heroes collide. And remember: nothing gold can stay.
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Now OPEN and  Accepting Applications! 
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
Thanks for being really nice about the faceclaim change!
Of course!
-Mod S
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
I remember Treasure Planet being a pretty solid movie, but to be honest I haven’t seen it in a few years. As for gender, it’s probably up to you (or who decides to apply)! Ive kinda got my eye on Ben. I just need to make sure i can be active before I start an app.
I’ll give it a watch tomorrow! I’ve only ever heard positive things about it, so why not? Btw you gave me an awesome idea for Morph’s gender. If you end up applying I’ll make an edit in the bio and give you credit for the awesome idea! It would be cool to have the player pick the gender.  I don’t think a faceclaim for Morph would be too hard to change either ^.^. 
Also, it excites me that you’re interested in the rp! I hope you do apply! The roleplay is currently a little slow, so you don’t have to worry about being super active at the moment ^.^.  But please don’t feel pressured to join until you’re ready! We will be here to love ya when you are.
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disney-outsiders-rp · 4 years
I love the idea of Morph fitting in with both Socs and Greasers.. I just always picture Morph as a female character..
Thank you so much! I’ll be honest....I’ve never actually seen Treasure Planet. Ahhh I fail. I know! Do you think I should switch it to a female character? I’ll happily do it if you think it would fit the character better c:
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