Adaliah, why did you gift your son a weapon and not directly give him the ability to cut through time? Is there a reason the ability comes in the form of a weapon? Did you anticipate a violent future for your son?
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The figure stares down at you relentlessly. “It is not often I am impressed by a mortal.”
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“It is not an absurdity to predict a violent life for my children, being what we are. Violence is sometimes necessary for peace, ask many a human in myriads of realms and they would somewhat agree with that morbid reality.”
“I presume you inquire as to Dominic’s axe?” The eyes trained back upon you, a blinding glow of brilliant green. “While him and his brother do have powers of their own, it is only fueled by the devotion to them that they can use such. Their weapons allow them to use the most necessary abilities without religious strings tying them back. It could also allow one worthy to use that weapon should the occasion arise. Not that it has, of course.”
“I deigned it as such should they be incapacitated and unable to perform their duties in a critical moment.”
One question remains…
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distorteddiamonds · 3 days
(From @sinnohsiblings Abbadon to ???) "So tell me...are you a member of my kind who holds a healthy and beneficial relationship with their underlings or are you another repeating link in a long pathetic chain of our kind who view their offspring and creations as objects to be cast aside?"
The figure watches carefully, eyes narrowing at your words.
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“Bold words for one who has not inhabited my world.” A pause before continuing. “I would like to think I have a meaningful relationship with those who created this world. If you don’t believe me, ask them yourself. Their opinions are their own.”
“My sons are beings whom I have always treated with respect. Should either one ask for my aid I would gladly give it. I do not come into your home challenging your parenting skills to your own children, tread your words carefully sir.”
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“Congratulations. Our relation was obvious.” A hand raises to the figures chest. “I am his mother. My name is Adaliah. Speak it with meaning, should you utter it at all.”
1/3 Requests Asked.
Choose thy words carefully…
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distorteddiamonds · 3 days
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You awaken in a room of shimmering light, a figure looms over your small form as green eyes bore into your soul. The immense light blinds all features except for the edges of golden hair.
A voice echoes in your mind.
“Interlopers.” An authoritative sound. “I hope you have been enjoying the company thus far.”
“Since you have been civil…I shall grant you 3 requests from me. Be it a wish or information, think carefully.”
??? is open for questions?
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distorteddiamonds · 8 days
Response to: Post
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Dominic watched as the older man left, in awe of the meager power he had allowed the younger legend to witness. The warmth along his scars longered for a moment, his chest feeling fuzzy until he saw the man leave. The portal was a welcome invitation for him to begin his work, however he knew better than to rush headfirst without allowing his body time to heal.
 Patience. He would have to be patient in order to serve to the best of his ability. Even so, a feeling stirred within him that fought with his reason. To be allowed in to another realm, truly the legend felt he was important to gift him such access.
  He would listen to his advice, ensuring that he would heal. Train his body and mind to be fit, hone his skills to be a truly great asset. 
Restore himself to glory through servitude, a truly fitting way to return to godhood. Dominic would work harder than he ever had before, he would not make any callous mistakes.
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Renewed vigor filled his veins. The morning sun was dawning, the future looking bright.
Quest 1: Return Home complete!
Dominic gained experience!
… … … …!
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Dominic grew to Level 89! Stats have increased!
Dominic’s Profile has been updated!
Relationships page is unlocked!
Dominic is open for questions and interactions while he heals…
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distorteddiamonds · 23 days
Previous @singularity-and-co
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"My boy, your plight has caught my attention.”
Dominic’s head shot up in an instant, turning towards the man quickly. He listened to him go on, eyes widening slightly as he proceeded onwards.
He was going to help him? Such a graceful figure wishing to extend a hand to offer aid? Dominic had been by himself for so long it was a foreign feeling that dawned in his head.
The hand clasped on his shoulder made him flinch. None of the guests and strangers he had met thus far even wanted to lay a finger upon him, yet this man did with such ease. The Dialga could feel the warmth radiating from the man, nothing short of an aura an Arceus brought along with them.
As he listened to the god’s offer, he took it in with curiosity in abundance. Were he a child, perhaps he would have bounced upon his feet. He was mature however, able to keep his emotions in check.
”Perhaps, and this is if you're interested, if you were able to perform this simple task for me, I could give you a portion of your following back to you.”
His breath hitched. A power long lost to him, a way opened. He could finally live again.
Red eyes focused on the hand before him, taking it eagerly with his own. A firm handshake followed as Dominic looked back up to the Arceus.
“Sire, I would be honored to serve should you have me. Allow me to show you what I al capable of, I will not dissappoint.”
Raising to his feet, he took a few steps away from the Arceus. Sliding back down onto one knee, he bowed his head and placed a hand upon his chest. The wounds ache ebbed away as his excitement coursed through his veins.
“I swear to you my duties will be completed to the highest standards under your watchful eye!”
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distorteddiamonds · 1 month
Previous @singularity-and-co
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Dominic felt a rush of pride at the man’s words, looking away to avoid embarrasing himself. To have an elder acknowledge his strength was certainly a blessing. He didn’t want to appear weak.
“I’m sure the answer is obvious, as I’m certain it is rather large, but how great is your following, if you don’t mind me asking?”
The warm feeling in his chest faded as quickly as it had come, a cold as steel grimness replacing it. Dominic sighed, knowing his answer to the man’s question would only be a disappointment.
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“…I suppose you missed the conversation earlier. My following has all but left my for my mother.”
“When they discovered my brother and I were neither ‘Almighty Sinnoh’ they deigned to worship the true heir to the title. Whatever prayers they gifted me have trickled to a stop as the rivers of time paced on.” He explained more, avoiding the mans multiple eyes as he focused more on wrapping his wound. The warm cape shreds acted as a gauze as he pulled them taught.
Dominic made a mental note to later go out to get herbs. He wasn’t sure which ones would work precisely, however something would be better than nothing for the ache.
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“If I had them back, I might be able to leave this place and do something meaningful.” A hiss escaped his lips as he laid back against the icy wall. “Not like that will ever happen. There are no true miracles in the world. Just skill and survival.”
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distorteddiamonds · 1 month
*Arceus (Singularity-and-co), with hands clasped behind his back, approaches the hybrid with a confident stride. He looks him up and down, thoughtfully judging what he witnessed this Pokémon do.*
Arceus: I don't say this often to other Pokémon but that was an impressive display. Being able to tackle a strong opponent like that is no easy feat for most. Especially with your bare hands. Tell me, is it a regular occurrence that you have to face foes like that?
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Tearing the fabric from his cape, he begins to wrap the strands around himself methodically, wincing every so often due to the pain.
“Unless you have something to discuss, I would prefer the time alone to dress this wound.” His red eyes pierced the man before him, curious as to what his aim was. He was grasping at something, yet Dominic wasn’t sure what.
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distorteddiamonds · 1 month
(from @sinnohsiblings Parisa) Oh my, it seems you've taken quite the nasty hit! And from a ghost type of all things...how strange? I'm surprized it had the gall to try and challenge you and succeed in landing a blow. Are you still coming into your powers or something?
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“They all left my worship after discovering that neither I, nor my brother were the true Almighty Sinnoh. Rather it is our mother who holds that title.”
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“Though you are right…A blow like that should not hurt me that much.” His eyes scanned the fellow legend with curiosity. She caught on quickly. “Do things work differently for you where you live? I’ve found experiences from others may sometimes prove fruitful in learning more about my own world.”
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distorteddiamonds · 1 month
( @ask-world-of-distortions Chronos @ Domi )
“Sorry to interrupt you young man but are you alright? Hungry?” He held a basket of sandwiches
Pants materialized in the chilled air as the dialga gathered his composure. Hearing a voice he jumped, fists raised once more for a fight.
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“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!” The young man’s voice echoed off the walls, fading into silence as his glare loosened its grip on the figure. Eyes moved from the basket in his hand to his face. Contemplating. Considering his next move.
He took a step, then another towards the man infront of him. Dominic took a sidestep, keeping his peripheral in view as he approached. He gave the man a long stare, before his demeanor finally loosened. Something about him felt familiar.
“I-…Sure.” He took one of the sandwiches hesitantly. A moment of silence followed. “Thank you.”
Food wasn’t something that came easily. A sandwich even less so. Taking a bite, a quiet sigh left his body. He let himself have this one moment of relief, eyes closing as he ate.
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“What are you doing here?” He grumbled between bites, turning back towards the elder. “The Icelands are far more dangerous at night then in the light of day.”
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distorteddiamonds · 1 month
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Dominic has gained experience!!
It seems like he is awake once more…and wounded. Do you approach??
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distorteddiamonds · 2 months
Taking the cold metal into his hand once more, Dominic pressed forward into the chasm. The walls of the canyon stood the the tests of time, snow covering the tops as the ice cascaded down the sides of them. Nothing could match the beauty of the frozen waterfall that lay nestled between the rough pillars.
Stilled by the weather, the water held a crystalline sheen that sparkled in even the worst of weathers. Trudging closer, he felt the was the snow clung to his boots and how exhausted he felt. It would be nice to finally rest.
The path leading up the the falls was covered in snow as well. As he climbed it, he could see stronger pokemon behind him seeking shelter in homes they had made for themselves. It wasn’t uncommon for strong pokemon to live in the Icelands, it was typical for them to stick to themselves and not bother him. There was always an odd instance here and there, yet most of the creatures had become accustomed to his presence the longer he resided here.
Quickly he slipped behind the frozen falls, finding a hidden entrance into a cave. Through weaving walls he walked a path only he knew, until the walls opened up into a frozen crystalline cavern. The frigid area was large, a simple makeshift bed of pelts and tattered blankets settled into one small area of the room. The ice was melted in one area, that of a stone fireplace he had built himself. It wasn’t that he needed light, or the comfort of warmth for that matter, yet it was nice to have. It helped to cook food every so often.
Resting his Axe against the wall, Dominic sighed, eager to have his privacy and to b so close to slumber. Loosening his cape, he set it to the side of his bed, laying back. Aching muscles finally relaxed into the thin comfort as he slowly began to feel the lull of sleep take him. He would have more to deal with in the morning, he was sure. That would be for the legendary to worry about then, though.
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distorteddiamonds · 2 months
(@the-last-of-alto-mare) Zipporah@ ??? : The young Latias, shivering in the snow storm, slowly approaches the Dialga. "If you don't mind asking, why you have a large axe like that? I have a feeling it's not just an ordinary weapon." she asked sheepishly.
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The axe shimmers in the snow like a gemstone of the highest caliber. The grip of the weapon looks inviting, almost begging one to take hold.
“As for why I have it? It was gifted to me by my mother when I was old enough to handle it.” He elaborates a bit. “My brother has attempted to pick it up a multitude of times in the past but has always failed. Quite sad really.”
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distorteddiamonds · 3 months
Purple-tinted fire swirls around her, keeping her warm easily
‘What are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere snow? On patrol? Or lost?’
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“With night falling though, there would be little use to patrol further. Too many strong pokemon roam about. Taking one or two alone is no issue, however they can quickly pile up.” He says trudgeing through the snow.
The forest begins to dissipate into steep cliffs bathed in an icy sheen. It’s quiet save for the sound of his footsteps, and voice.
“The blizzard would make it harder to see. I want to sleep.”
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distorteddiamonds · 3 months
Dominic, what's your brother like?
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“He works hard by himself to keep Ultra Space intact, but that’s the last I’ve heard about him. I’d like him as far away as possible if that’s alright.”
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distorteddiamonds · 4 months
@askthehoenngods Kyurem @ ???: "Hm." An environment he enjoyed, the mountains and a raging blizzard. He almost smiled. "So, what's a Dialga such as yourself doing on the top of a mountain? Thought your kind preferred your own dimension rather than here."
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Edit: Lol i forgot to out the highlight for his bottom text on the rift panel!! It reads “Then it went quiet…” my bad
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distorteddiamonds · 5 months
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Used @distorteddiamonds Domi for a little practice ✨
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distorteddiamonds · 5 months
Reblogging here cus this is important to note!!
⏳ Dominic is NOT the brother of the Giratina and Palkia and Shimmering Tidepools. He just... doesn't seem right to me.
11!!! This is 100% correct!!! Dominic is actually in a completely seperate universe from Light of Unova and Shimmering Tidepools all together. He has his own world with dofferent characters and story all together
Simply put, while Light of Unova and Shimmering Tidepools may share a universe, Distorted Diamonds is a different universe all together and as such the characters will not know one another.
As a little bit of extra knownledge! Light of Unova and Shimmering Tidepools DOES share a universe with @ceruleancavesmonster and the mod who owns it has created multiple characters alongside me! She is my bff and she is the owner of the worlds Dialga and Mewtwo(obvs <33) She is extremely talented and her storytelling is amazing so I recomend you check out her blog!!!
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