diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
Vlasta lets slip a sharp bark of laughter, startling a nearby gaggle of teens, when he receives the kitten picture.  Not exactly what he’d had in mind when he asked for a distraction, but this is somehow hilarious to him.
… He is actually fond of cats, so Miru has that going for him.
[Vlasta]:  Hanging out could be nice. [Vlasta]:  Thanks for the kitten pic btw, it was cute [Vlasta]:  I’m at the coffee shop, I needed some caffeine after last night [Vlasta]:  sends the location of the coffee shop
Miru smiled at the texts; at least that seemed to be a success.  Good, his method of distracting individuals was still better than his first attempt.  He didn’t realize that people didn’t find fish attractive or beautiful most of the time until then.  It never really occurred to him that to be the case, but when his co-worker told him never to show him that again that was all the context he needed.  Since then, he had the weird nickname of “fish boy” which really didn’t bother Miru as much as it probably should.
[Miru]:  I have an entire album for kitten distraction.  Glad you liked.
[Miru]:  I’ll see you soon!
He secretly hoped that the cafe had outside seating.  Yes, it was the night time, but as said, the warmth of the store had suffocated him.  The night air was much better.
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
Vlasta is mildly surprised it was that easy to talk Miru into it.  Here he was, thinking he’d have to wheedle him into it, and Miru just up and agrees right away.  Less work for him, he guesses.
He’d had the foresight to wash up in the bathroom at home until his highly sensitive nose couldn’t detect the scent of blood.  If he can’t smell it, Miru shouldn’t be able to either.  Vlasta doesn’t know if Miru’s sense smell is as good as his, but he doesn’t want to take chances.
He puts some thought into where to lure Miru to.  Probably not any of the houses of his previous victims.  The moment word gets out it’s the home of a recently dead person, that’s a very incriminating bit of evidence.  He doesn’t want to drag him off to Beastly lab just yet either.
After some mental debating, he settles on the mansion.  It’s not the home of a dead person, but it’s also not a place Beastly spends most of his time at, so Vlasta won’t have to worry about the surgeon putting an end to his little game of pretend.
Vlasta texts Miru the location of the mansion.
Miru looks at the address then enters it into his maps application.  From the appearance of it, this was a section of the city he hadn’t been to.  Instead of feeling unease like a normal person, he just set off in that direction, walking and not thinking to take a bus.  It shouldn’t take that long right?
After an hour walk, he glanced at the screen of his phone.  Not too much further.  The buildings were changing from city to more open areas, larger houses, manicured lawns, fences, gardens and fountains.  It was an interesting change and it made him extremely curious as to where Vlasta lived.
The mansion in front of him did match the description, but Miru stared up at it a bit slack jawed.  It was huge! It could fit maybe a hundred of his apartments in it from a gross estimate just staring at the facade of the place.
[Miru]: I’m here.
That was all he could think to put.  He almost wondered if there were a pool in the back, but shook his head.  No time to think about swimming! He was there to see if Vlasta was alright, not indulge in his favorite hobby.
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
Vlasta scowls at the claim of not all human men being that way.  He’d believe that once it’s proven.  He’s met a few half decent human women, but generally most of the men are scum.  Greedy, selfish, disgusting… not often much to look at.  Working at the brothel most definitely had not improved this opinion.
Furiously, he types back a response almost instantly.
[Vlasta]:  Try telling me that after working in a brothel for a month.
The seething reply is followed up with a more calm and collected one, providing a little more context to the situation.
[Vlasta]:  I’m fine now, just frustrated.  My boss dealt with him.
[Vlasta]:  A distraction would be appreciated if at all possible
Surprisingly not a lie.  Vlasta avoids killing ‘clients’ if he can.  He waits at least a few months after they stop seeing him before doing something so brash.  Killing someone who frequents him is a lot more incriminating than someone he doesn’t associate with.  Miru doesn’t need to know all this, of course.
He’d meant for his first text to the… interesting anomaly of a man… to be something of more substance.  Something more alluring, perhaps.
But at the time, he’d been frustrated and sore and honestly just needed someone, anyone to vent to, and Beastly wasn’t available and Rai wouldn’t care so the obvious next choice is Miru.  Of all people.  He was nice and well meaning enough from what Vlasta had seen, so the rakshasa had gone out on a limb under the assumption he’d be understanding.
[Miru]: A brothel...?
The text conveyed Miru’s confusion immediately.  What exactly was a place like a brothel? Was it better to work there than a convenience store? Miru was better at using the text message and map apps than the internet one.  He personally struggled to find anything useful on it.  But why not.  Let’s try.  It seemed his first search for the term was highly enlightening, but it made sense to him.
[Miru]:  I see now.  Brothels do tend to attract the worst, I’m afraid.
[Miru]:  But yes! We can hang out if you want.  I just got off work.
[Miru]:  Are you still at work?
[Miru]:  *sends a kitten picture*
[Miru]:  I don’t know what qualifies as a distraction for you, but it’s cute, right?
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
Responding from here: @mastervlasta (manipulative, gruesome murder)
It was odd getting text messages in the middle of the night.  But here he was, doing so when he was trying to find someone crying for help.  It was a quick deed to be done; grab the man who stole the item, bring it back to the person, smile then be off without much of a word, even if they insisted to know if he were a hero.
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Oh.  It was Vlasta.  He’s at the bar? Well, it didn’t say where he was.  Miru hadn’t heard about the murder, but he wasn’t about to dispute it.  He prevented a murder the other time.  He began to text back.
[Miru]: Sure! I would be glad to hang out if that makes you feel more safe!
[Miru]:  Where are you? I can be omw.
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
Responding from here:  @mastervlasta (Angry, violent message)
Miru had just gotten off work, the night air was a welcome to the warmth of the store.  It typically made him weak to work in such conditions, but he was able to sneak off to the coolers every once in a while to regain his strength.  So, when he heard the ringtone of his cell phone go off he was curious, as typically only work messaged him regularly.  Miru stared down at the screen after swiping.  His lips pressed together in thought, as he knew it was Vlasta’s number. [Miru]:  I can’t say all human men are like that.
[Miru]:  Did something happen? Can I help?
He felt it was in reference to something, yes, but he didn’t want to leave his acquaintance (friend?) in this state.  Though he couldn’t tell the tone via text as he hadn’t acclimated to technology that well, Miru just wanted to make sure.
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
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Rangárþing eystra - Iceland (by Bernd Thaller) 
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
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Arctic Light. By - Nicholas Roemmelt
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
“Very well,” he says, playing the part of a concerned, but understanding individual, “I’d imagine rest would do you a bit of good after an altercation like that.  You seem to have a saving people problem,” he says, then from seemingly nowhere produces a card with his phone number from his pocket, and hands it to Miru, “call me if you ever need help.  Or… if you just want to chat.  I don’t really get much sleep, so I’m generally available.”
Correction, he almost never sleeps.  So long as he eats regularly, his body is incapable of sleeping.  So essentially, it’s not really a lie.
“See you around.”
A ‘saving people problem’? What exactly could that mean? Miru wasn’t too sure it was a problem.  If anything, that’s what his entire life has been centered around.  Saving humans, no matter what the circumstance.  Life for them was so short, it was cruel to just let it go out prematurely.  At least, that’s what Miru believed.  It was precious, something to be treasured and admired by those who couldn’t understand being part of that.
“Oh, thanks Vlasta,” Miru said, with a smile as he took the card.  He vaguely remembered that Vlasta didn’t have a phone, but maybe he did finally? It’s possible.  He looked at the number and eagerly put it into his contacts.  Other than work individuals and emergency personnel, Miru didn’t have anyone else.
“Erm, see you.  Have a good night! Stay safe,” he said, with a quick nod.  Miru left the alleyway, making his way through the maze of buildings, in search for his apartment.  He knew it was somewhere in this area, as it wasn’t a good area the dragon had found out in post.  Which was fine; Miru could make it a good area for people to live.  That was his hope anyway.
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
Vlasta watched him calculatingly as he spoke, trying to gauge whether this was the truth or not.  Miru seems like an honest person.  He gives off that innocent vibe the makes it hard to lie properly to a person who’s perceptive toward dishonesty.  No shifty eye movements or other tells indicating he’s lying about keeping the secret.
He nods, satisfied with this response.
The next curious revelation comes in the form of the dragon coughing up a bullet.  He’d turned away to try to hide it, but the sound was unmistakable, and Vlasta has perfect night vision.  That’s the same bullet he was shot with moments ago, and had very clearly his him in the shoulder.  Not the stomach.
How curious.
Vlasta of course plays dumb just a bit.
“Everything alright?” he asks, as if he hadn’t just seen Miru vomit a bullet.
… He’s definitely keeping this one…
Miru just stood, huddled for a moment.  Wait, did the other not hear it? Or see it? The dragon slowly straightened his body and turned around with a smile.  Perhaps he can play it off? One less thing for to be exposed for after all.
“I just felt a bit ill,” he replied, trying to wave it off.  That wasn’t a lie, he did feel ill.  “I think I’m going to head home, lie down a bit,” Miru replied, looking down the way and hoping no one was in the shadows.  He didn’t see anyone, but his vision was much better in water than out here.  Wait.  He took out his phone and squinted at the screen.
“Yeah, I have work in a couple hours,” he said nervously, with a quick scratch to the back of his head.  Miru had seen other people do that too, so it made sense to copy the movement.  His eyes looked up at Vlasta and he smiled.  “Sorry for the trouble and cutting things short.  I’ll see you around?”
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
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by Yukihito Ono
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
He feels a strong wave of amusement at Miru’s attempts to hide what had so obviously just transpired.  What a secretive little creature he’s found.  This one will surely amuse him for a while to come.
There’s something about him that makes Vlasta just want to… keep him.  Take care of him, keep him, watch him, never let him escape. He halts those thoughts the moment they come.  He must contain himself.  Now is not the time to let his desires and urges reign free on his impulsivity. 
Vlasta can’t very well just drag him off and toss him in a cage. Well.  Actually, he could.  But that destroys all the fun of it.
He quirks a brow at the questions, smirks, “Come now, don’t play coy.  You ain’t the first individual of the supernatural variety I’ve met out here… I’ll tell you what.  A secret for a secret.”
In a generous gesture of good will, Vlasta makes a show of pulling up his coat sleeve and lifting his own wrist to his mouth.  Rips serrated teeth across deep ash colored skin, easily slicing into the flesh.  He holds up his forearm so the dragon can see viscous black ooze slowly from the wound.  A few dark droplets hit the pavement below before the wound pulls itself shut as if it had never been there.
Pulling the sleeve back down, he gazes coolly at Miru, “I won’t tell if you won’t.  Sound fair?”
This is much more of investment he’d normally give into someone he’s known for as short a time as Miru.  But this one is just too intriguing to let slip away so soon.
Still.  This is a big risk he’s taking.  He’s just spilled very crucial information about his true nature and identity.  He hasn’t really thought through on what he’s going to do if Miru reacts negatively to the revelation.
Miru’s internal panic stopped when Vlasta began talking.  His eyes just stared at the person in front of him, as if this was news to him.  Well, it was and wasn’t.  The dragon had a gut feeling that Vlasta wasn’t human.  He’s had that about a couple people now, if he truly considered it.  Like that creature that was stealing his bowls.  Problem was, could Miru trust him? He didn’t know.  Vlasta had been nothing but kind to him, however.  This caused a weird conflicting feeling in his mind.
His hand reached forward instinctively when he noticed the sharp teeth ripping the skin.  Miru unconsciously took a step back, watching with wide eyes as the black ooze dripped.  This gave Miru an uneasy feeling; it was just like him.  Other than his was bright green and his wound had healed already.  His hand dropped, exposing the already healed gunshot wound, but his clothes were readily stained with what looked like a splash of paint.
“I... won’t tell,” Miru promised, smiling uneasily.  “I mean, it’s not like I want... anyone to know I go around bleeding green and can shoot water from my hands.”  He cringed a bit to himself; he said that as if it were a bad thing.  It was more Miru wanted to protect people.  That was all.
If anything, he had forgotten about the bullet that he was trying to keep down.  For a moment, he felt it caught in his throat and he placed his hand there to avoid any abnormal skin movement.  Miru’s eyes widened and he turned quickly to not face the other.  Oh no.  Oh no no no no.  He coughed and heaved until it finally hit the pavement with a ping ping; the bullet that was in his shoulder.  Miru breathed, huddled over the bullet.  Well, there was another secret exposed.  Why tonight? He got what he wanted, sure.  But this was unwelcomed, too much.
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
He follows the dragon out at a leisurely place, not at all in a hurry to help the person around back, but also not wanting to lose sight of Miru.  He supposes if worse comes to worst, he’ll save him if he ends up in a spot of trouble with his saving people problem.
Although as the boy happens to spray water of all things from his hands as if they’re a garden hose, Vlasta deduces his assistance won’t be required.
Then again, with that wound oozing like that, he might need a tiny bit of help after all.
The color of the blood is mildly interesting, and more so is the scent (intoxicating), but it’s nothing he’s unfamiliar with.  His own blood is black, so he’s not in any position to judge.
As the woman scurries off, Vlasta gives an exaggerated slow clap.
“Nice.  Need any help with that?” he asks in reference to the bullet wound.
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Oh.  He was so focused on what was going on, he didn’t realize that Vlasta might have followed him.  Or attempt to help, whatever.  So he stood there as the other slow clapped and asked about his shoulder.  A bit of a panic started and Miru just nervously laughed, placing his hand over it.
“Oh, no, I’m fine really,” Miru replied nervously.  Oh no.  Oh no no no no no.  What was he going to do? He wasn’t supposed to be exposed like this.  Millions of questions ran through Miru’s head as he swallowed, looking down at the puddle of blood.  The wound would have mended by now, by his own magic but that... would seen suspicious.
“I erm... I’m fine,” he insisted again with a stronger voice.  “How... much did you... see?” His voice trailed off, wondering what he should do in this circumstance.  He assumed he should play it off as a trick, but that bullet floating around him in... Miru could feel himself wanting to vomit it up.  He had to hold back though.
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
It’s true Miru didn’t explicitly do anything to deserve his gratitude—and it’s not often he feels gratitude anyway—but he’s good at pretending he does.
“I insist,” he says, “you took the time to keep an eye out for him, and even if you didn’t find him, you tried on my behalf.  Let me make it up to you.”
Unfortunately their conversation was cut short as their came a scream from nearby.  It’s coming from somewhere outside, that much Vlasta can tell.  Beyond that, he’d have to get outside to get a better idea of the exact location.
Honestly, Vlasta could care less about a call of distress.  At best, he’d consider it an easy excuse to eat someone.  Nobody really bats an eye at someone dragging off some felon to give them a roughing up, especially not the person who was being attacked.  He won’t be able to do that this time around though, with Miru around.  Given the dragon is one of Vlasta’s long-term investments, he doesn’t want to muck it up this early in.
Still, it would be a shame to see him scurry off this soon.
Slapping some money down on the bar for the drinks, Vlasta hops off the bar stool and follows Miru outside.  The screaming, he’s now able to note, is coming from around the back of the bar.  Something or another about a purse being stolen and ‘don’t make me shoot you’, so on and so forth.
“That’s fine! I’m so sorry!” Miru replied, still feeling a bit like an asshole for leaving so quickly.  He wanted to look for trouble, guess what.  He found some.  His pace quickened when there was word of a gun involved.  Around the corner, he saw a person with a horribly cut pair of stockings on their head to obscure their face.  A gun in one hand, a purse being pulled with the other and a person clinging on for dear life.
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Not on his patrol this was going down the way the stocking thief thought.  Quickly, the dragon ran between the two, as the thief raised the gun and pulled the trigger.  BAM! Miru felt it as he pushed the victim down, grabbing the purse from both.  However, it went into his shoulder and didn’t come out the other side.  Well, that would complicate things.
Miru slowly stood up, the purse being given to the person, as the guy stared at the person who ran between a bullet and his victim.  Green ooze began seeping from Miru’s shoulder, though he really didn’t feel it all that much.  If anything, he felt the bullet floating inside of him.  That was uncomfortable.
“Wh...what are you?” The guy studdered, cocking his gun again.  Miru turned, bringing his hands in front and spraying the man with a stream of water, with the speed of a hydrant.  Gun flew with the water and the thief eventually relented, running away soaked from head to toe.  The waterworks were turned off and Miru sighed, turning back to the individual.
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“Are you injured?” He asked, a smile on his face.
“N-no,” the victim said, looking at the green coming out of the dragon’s shoulder.  It was now dripping a small puddle on the ground.
“I would like it if you didn’t tell anyone about this, but if you’re okay,” he offered a hand.  The person looked at him, his hand, and the wound.  Finally, they took it and Miru helped them to their feet.  “Are you alright to get home alone?”
“Yes, thank you thank you,” they said, taking off the opposite direction of the thief.  Miru looked toward his shoulder and placed his hand over it.  This made things worse.
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
Time Construct: Meta on Yavik
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Age: Unknown.
Birthplace: Not Earth.
Alignment: [Chaotic] Neutral
Domains: Time, Memory, Astral Travel
Race: [Mortal] Sylph, [God] Coatl Dragon
Magical Preference: Ice
Found: Pathfinder Campaign, Shadowrun Campaign, The Sims 3, The Sims 4, and Fallout 76 main character on account (so, mine).
Powers: Personal Regeneration, Recall Memory, Remove Memory, Replace Memory, Slow Time, Speed Time (object/environment), Pause Time, Astral Travel (between dimensions/worlds/lands), Ice Magic, Physical Transformation
Things Cannot Do: Hold a steady job, fire magics, healing magics, stay alive for extended periods of time, accounting, home ownership, keep items, stay fed, not talk to self, stay close to friends, basic mortal things, use his powers extensively (or to their true potential), use dragon form whenever
- Ascended from a mortal, who had a colorful life before hand.  Had a gift to see into futures.  Actually demanded the gods to ascend him (for reasons.)
- Sexual avoidance, due to previous trauma when mortal.
- Likes food (pretzels,) walks, art, classical music, snow, coldness in general, and quiet time
- Dislikes depend on the day, but mostly the voices.  He hates them passionately.  Also, crosswalks.
- Voices are possessions, as they can come, take over, and go as they please.  Yavik has had an ability to commune with these entities since a child, but it worsens on certain realms.  On Earth, it’s horrible.  So many people, so more spirits/demons/etc.
He has similar individuals in the world like him, ten others to be precise.  They might come up in speaking or person.  (If it becomes too much of an issue, I’ll make them OCs as well).
     -  Elvorian has made an appearance in a text post, and he’s been in Pathfinder, Shadowrun, Genesys, Sims 3 & 4.  He is also a god entity, previously an elf: natural law, science, and knowledge.  So, a really smart Storm, noodle Dragon.
     -  Will edit as others come up!
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
Vlasta ends up getting a water too.  It’s basically the only thing other than flesh people he can really consume, and he’d look odd coming into a bar to… not get anything.  He sips at the glass idly.
“I found my brother,” he tells the dragon, “it’s a lucky coincidence I found you here.  I’ve been meaning to tell you, I found him.  I very much appreciate you helping me.”
He pointedly does not answer the question of just why he’s at the bar.  Vlasta gives a cursory glance of the people mulling around the bar.  No one here would have been worth eating anyway.
Well, except Miru himself.  But Vlasta has already decided he’s not on the menu today.  Even if he doesn’t get anything to eat, he’ll still be fine for a few days more.
“I want to show you my gratitude.” 
… Not entirely a lie, surprisingly.
Miru’s eye brows shot up.  “Well that’s great news!” He cried, with a bright smile.  “I was getting worried when I hadn’t heard much about him.  Great! I bet you’re relieved.”  At least Miru was.  So it seemed like his searching was in vain.  Then again, it wasn’t all that bad.  He got steamed buns from those elderly people, after all.
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“You really don’t have to,” Miru insisted slightly.  “I only was on the lookout for him and didn’t find any clues--” Miru paused as he thought he heard something outside.  A scream? It sounded like it.  He downed his glass of water and drank half of the liquor quickly.
“Sorry to cut this sort,” Miru replied in a hurry, his tone apologetic but his face now serious.  He heard it again; it was under the music and those speaking in the place, but he really needed to help that person!
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
It’s been a long while since Vlasta has seen hide nor hair of Miru, or even thought about him.  So long so, he’d nearly forgotten the dragon’s existence entirely.
Suffice to say when he entered a bar in search of a quick snack and instead caught the trail of a familiar scent, he was surprised.  He’d found his brother what felt like ages ago and no long has need of Miru.  He supposes a normal human would feel bad.  Vlasta does not.  But it would give him conversation fodder.
He sidles up along side the dragon, seating himself on the bar stool beside him, calls to the bartender, “His drinks are on me.”
He had come to this small, shady bar, because why not? Not like any human could best him so he felt little to no fear.  Miru sat down, showed his identification (which was forged) and ordered his drink.  With a side water.  If anything, he really required the water, but a bit of alcohol wouldn’t hurt.  He wouldn’t drink it all anyway.
However, the familiar voice caused him to start and look immediately to the person.  “Oh, Vlasta!” Miru chirped cheerfully, then realized he hadn’t finished his mission for the man.  He grabbed the drink and slowly sipped on the water, as if hiding his own personal disappointment in himself.  “I didn’t think I’d see you here! Have you found your brother?”
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If anything, Miru was attempting friendly conversation.  Perhaps the other had found his lost brother, then his mind could be at ease.  “What brings you here?” Just to keep the conversation going.  He was in a chatty mood, after all.
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