defiant-blood · 6 years
Continue from here. @mastervlasta
A bizarre mix of indignation mixes with the growing knot of desire coiling in his stomach. The very idea of being told to beg, like some common pet, pfft. His pupils dilate, honing in on Vlasta's tongue as it laps at the blood on his fingertips, making him wish those fingers and tongue were on him instead.
“Like fuck I'm going to beg like some prissy housepet--mmngh.”
His hips twitch upward, seeking Vlasta's finger, unconsciously trying for more friction. But he keeps his face as placid as possible, watching his partner carefully. The teasing curl in Vlasta's tone sends pleasant tingles clear down to his groin and his incredibly impatient erection. What he wouldn't give to wipe that look off his face; have that smart mouth on his dick-
He returns Vlasta's smirk with a toothy grin of his own, baring his fangs for effect. “What if that word isn’t in my vocabulary?”
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
Continued from: here - @mastervlasta
Yavik looked at him, then nodded.  “I could see that would make one uneasy.”  Today wasn’t a bad day.  He only had one or two problems, but his mind was unnaturally clear.  It made him a bit more sharp, why he decided to come down to the district to see if he could find anything else on those disappearances.  If Yavik were honest, the authorities sort of bothered him too.
The sandwich was turkey.  With some sort of vinaigrette on it, lettuce on the bottom, and swiss cheese protecting the wheat bread.  Interesting combination with the lemonade.  He seemed to be in a good mood, taking in the food carefully and examining it on his tongue.  His idea of a good time just seemed so far fetched from everyone else’s.
His eyes turned to the streets.  It wasn’t as busy, as it were a weekday.  To be expected, but why were they patrolling now? “You would think they’d come back in the night, unless... have you heard if disappearances were happening during the day too?” It was just on his mind, he wanted to just meet the person and learn how they made the bodies disappear so easily.  Was it magic? Maybe they had an animal that ate it.  Or perhaps they had a pact with a demon.  That would be something to see.  His eyes shined with the possibilities, but then came back down to Earth, shaking his head and taking another bite.
“Would you care for a refill, sir?” The waiter asked.  Yavik looked at his drink then readily nodded as more lemonade was poured into his glass.
“Thank you very much,” Yavik replied, with a smile.  The waiter took a glance at Vlasta’s water before moving on.  The blonde man finally finished his sandwich then began tracing the rim of the plate.
“Oh, reason I wanted to have lunch with you,” he said suddenly.  “I’m thinking about leaving town in a day or two if I don’t find the person.”
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cosmic-epiphany · 7 years
✤ (mun's decision)
Hewanted to bite. Raven knew this man, Vlasta, was a dangerous,manipulative individual, capable of untold amounts of cruelty. But as the curve of his neck was revealed, Raven felt hyper-focused onthat bare column of flesh.
Thoughhe knew being associated with Vlasta was an easy one-way ticket totrouble, he still felt himself salivate at the thought of sinking histeeth in.
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raimpire · 5 years
What Is Your Muse’s Love Style? // Link
Tagged by: @gadian-shin
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Your Love Style is Manic
For you, love is the ultimate roller coaster And you love to hold on tight and enjoy the ride Every time you fall in love, it feels like the first time And while it's exciting and exhilarating... It's also stressful and scary!
Tagging: @mastervlasta @swimmingforthegold
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defiant-blood · 6 years
RP; Blood on the Pages
The steady rhythm of raindrops against the window was the only sound to fill the silence, other than the subtle clicking of the keys beneath his fingertips. It had been a quiet evening thus far, though his eyes were starting to burn from staring at the screen of his computer for hours on end.
Leaning back in his chair, Shiki removed the glasses from his face, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. Stretching his back further, he sighed as he felt—and heard—a pleasant pop in his spine, letting his arms fall to his sides. Blinking rapidly, he brought the pair of lenses into view and turned them over a few times, as if trying to find some sort of secret hidden in the frames.
Nomura, his editor, had claimed blue light lenses would reduce the strain on his eyes from prolonged computer use. But honestly, he couldn't tell if there was any difference. Then again, she was always prone to giving him strange advice sometimes; Nomura didn't like to admit it, but she would often buy into infomercials. His vision was fine otherwise, perfectly 20/20, but Nomura had said that if his vision were to start going, then so would his career.
Sliding back over to his keyboard and placing his glasses on the desk, he quickly saved the document he'd been working on and backed it up to the nearest flashdrive before shutting the computer down. There was a growing problem he'd been struggling with in this manuscript, one that still weighed on his mind as he stood up and left the study, flicking the light switch behind him.
He wrote novels, most of them of the horror variety. While they did sell well, he was dissatisfied with the depictions of death he had written in his previous works; they felt disingenuous, unrealistic or downright B-grade. Growing up watching slashers had been one of the reasons he'd wanted to write this genre, but that didn't mean he wanted his work to mimic it.
The stairs creaked slightly under his feet as he made his way down, turning into the living room and sinking down onto the couch, flipping the tv on. He wasn't really absorbing what was on the screen, but it was nice to see something else other than a blank screen and lines upon lines of text.
Shiki eventually looked away from the screen and pulled his phone from the pocket of his jeans. After unlocking it, he found a message from Nomura, asking him how he was doing, a few notifications from social media, and some unread email. He quickly went through all of them, saving Nomura's text for last, as he wasn't sure how he wanted to formulate his reply just yet.
When he opened the messaging app, his finger paused over Nomura's name in the message history, eyes falling on the conversation below. A half-smile crossed his face as he read it and he bit his lip, briefly pondering something. He quickly tapped on Nomura's name, replying to her before returning to the other conversation below hers.
[Shiki] What are you doing now? I just finished writing. I have writer's block. >:/
His conversational partner, Vlasta, was a man he had gone on one date with, but whom he had seen a few times previously. He was not one to lie to himself about many things in his life, so he did not try to fool himself into thinking he was not incredibly attracted to Vlasta. Naturally they flirted with each other at the drop of a hat, yet nothing truly physical had happened yet.
Though he was in just a bit of a teasing mood after working for most of the afternoon. He could really afford to blow off some steam. He flipped the right side of his hooded sweatshirt from his shoulder, allowing the black tank top to slide down his skin and expose his collarbone and a teasing peek of one rosy nipple. Shiki angled the camera to capture this tantalizing view, along with his tongue poking out of his mouth, piercing glinting in the low light.
He attached the photo to his message and wrote teasingly.
[Shiki] You busy now~?
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
@mastervlasta || Reunion
Miru sighed, walking down the road after dark.  He was running into dead ends with his search for Raimundo.  However, Miru had helped an elderly couple and their cat.  The night before, he tracked down someone who stole a purse and gave it back to the owner.  Even earlier in the week, he was able to prevent a mugging.  Despite his failure in finding the brother of Vlasta, Miru did have an eventful week.
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But it still bugged him that he couldn’t figure out where this man was.  He looked down at the glowing screen in front of him a bit perplexed.  Marking off another area as lacking evidence of this missing person, Miru continued down the street.  The young dragon just looked toward the river that ran through the city and a strange urge wanted him to go for a swim.  Miru shook his head; no time.
Winding his way through back passages, Miru was starting to get antsy.  He was looking for anything at this point that wasn’t chasing a cat to get it back home.  But it seemed all was quiet, still.  Had the bars let out yet? Probably not.  He pushed his glasses up his nose quietly and let out another sigh.
“I probably should go get something to drink,” he said to himself.  Miru was feeling rather parched, after all.  And he had his job, so it wasn’t like he didn’t have the currency to pay for something.
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
@mastervlasta - Starter
It had been a mere two days since Yavik had been staying with a friend of his that lived in town.  Or well, insisted that he stay with him.  Yavik believed that Elvorian was lonely, despite his unemotional mind.  Either that or he really did care for Yavik’s well being.  Yavik opted for the former, though the latter clung to the back of his mind.
Dressed in tailored slacks and a light yellow button down, Yavik closed the umbrella to enter the shop.  He wasn’t accustomed to actually owning things.  And he told Elvorian this, but this just prompted the other to get him a suitcase.  With wheels.  The wheels had fascinated Yavik, as he really didn’t know why it required them.  Not that he wasn’t grateful; Yavik had a tendency to lose things.
Waiting in the queue, Yavik listened to the two individuals in front of him, gossiping about something at work.  Everyone else was engrossed in their phones... which reminded him that he now had one too.  So he pulled it out to blend in with the mortals, though he had no idea what to do with it.  He pressed on the text messages, looking at the ones Elvorian insisted he try with him.  There was a new one though; Elvorian was going to be late today due to an emergency meeting.  Yavik henpecked a response slowly: okay, will likely be there when you get back.  His texting was so slow, he didn’t realize the queue had moved and he was next in line.
Apologizing profusely to the counter individual and the person immediately behind him, Yavik ordered, paid, then took a step off to the side.  It was weird having a card too.  If anything, it just seemed like Elvorian wanted to track his movements.  Which, to be fair, was probably wise if something drastic were to happen.  Yavik never thought about having someone know where he was and that he was still alright; he didn’t want to inconvenience anyone with his presence.  However, how would they know if the counsel got him or not? They wouldn’t, which caused problems for them in the long run.  And the anxiety that Lelouche most likely felt.
“Anton’s” drink was delivered to him; a nice hot chocolate with a mound of whipped cream and chocolate drizzle on top.  Yavik’s eyes lit up at the drink and thanked the man once more before moving out of the shop and back into the drenched street.  Once again, he popped the umbrella as he slowly drink the chocolate as he made his way through this shopping district.  
Today was a good day.
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
Responding from here:  @mastervlasta (Angry, violent message)
Miru had just gotten off work, the night air was a welcome to the warmth of the store.  It typically made him weak to work in such conditions, but he was able to sneak off to the coolers every once in a while to regain his strength.  So, when he heard the ringtone of his cell phone go off he was curious, as typically only work messaged him regularly.  Miru stared down at the screen after swiping.  His lips pressed together in thought, as he knew it was Vlasta’s number. [Miru]:  I can’t say all human men are like that.
[Miru]:  Did something happen? Can I help?
He felt it was in reference to something, yes, but he didn’t want to leave his acquaintance (friend?) in this state.  Though he couldn’t tell the tone via text as he hadn’t acclimated to technology that well, Miru just wanted to make sure.
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
Responding from here: @mastervlasta (manipulative, gruesome murder)
It was odd getting text messages in the middle of the night.  But here he was, doing so when he was trying to find someone crying for help.  It was a quick deed to be done; grab the man who stole the item, bring it back to the person, smile then be off without much of a word, even if they insisted to know if he were a hero.
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Oh.  It was Vlasta.  He’s at the bar? Well, it didn’t say where he was.  Miru hadn’t heard about the murder, but he wasn’t about to dispute it.  He prevented a murder the other time.  He began to text back.
[Miru]: Sure! I would be glad to hang out if that makes you feel more safe!
[Miru]:  Where are you? I can be omw.
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defiant-blood · 6 years
Bind, Beast, Veins, Shame
Thetesting tug he gave against the rope binding his hands was met withsteady resistance; the rope was rough against his wrists and heldthem firmly to the bedposts on either side. A whisper of hot breathpoured down his neck, chasing a burning, tingling line of pain.
Shiki’stongue darted out to wet dry lips as he felt another in reply, slickand probing along the gash, thin fingers tracking up his sides andacross his chest, wringing a strangled groan of need from his throat.The hands paused for a moment, Shiki staring up into the one visibleeye of his captor, his lover, and his tormentor.
Asa bead of sweat slid down his face, Shiki leveled him with a cockysmirk, rolling his hips upward pointedly into Vlasta’s. He made ashow of displaying the column of his neck, still smeared with blood.“Heh, a few little noises going to make you lose your nerve?”
Oneslender, pale leg curved upward, knee brushing the side of theRakshasa’s hip as Shiki tried his best to emulate a purr in the backof his throat. He looked up at Vlasta with hooded eyes, biting hislip coyly before rolling his hips upward again, growling sharply whenhis erection brushed against the other man’s. His fingers twitched ashe groped uselessly at the air…fuck.
Pinpricksformed into trails of fire down either side of his hips, drawing morecurses and unintelligible groans from his throat. He glared upthrough his bangs as the Rakshasa lapped at the blood on hisfingertips, feeling a hot jolt run through his belly. “You absolutebastard, do something already.”
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defiant-blood · 6 years
mastervlasta started following you
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diversiformuse-blog · 6 years
“I’m being hunted, and now they’ve seen you too.”
He was only traveling in this part of town just to see what the gossip was about, if he were being honest.  So going into the Red Light district, Yavik didn’t mean to be affronted with a small person (or more appropriately plowed into by).  But the way that he didn’t waver, just seemed more shocked than hurt, probably spoke volumes to whomever was chasing this... child? Man? He wasn’t sure.  Wasn’t going to assume either, because well, he’s had his share of short friends before.“What do you mean that you’re being ‘hunted’?” Yavik asked, his eye brow quirking upward and his accent betraying a Russian heritage or somewhere close by.  He did sense, or his gut told him, that this wasn’t an ordinary human that he would normally apologize profusely to and continue quickly away.  “It’s not like I have a house in this area... can’t... we you know, fight them? In a dark alleyway known for people dying in it?” 
The problem with being a god was, well, humans couldn’t very easily kill one.  The other problem with it is suddenly outing oneself as such and then being pulled into a creepy cult to be worshiped.  Yavik did not want that to happen again.  
“If you know the area, that is,” he added quickly.  Yavik wasn’t going to just abandon the guy, even though this was a shitty way of meeting.  “I’m new here.”
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defiant-blood · 6 years
From here.
He hadn't registered what was playing onthe TV for at least twenty minutes, seemingly fascinated with theceiling. Rolling his head to the side, he stared at the other mansitting on the far side of the couch. Vlasta either did not noticehim looking, or just did not care.
Admiring the way the blue light playedacross his jawline for a moment, Shiki slowly slid down the cushionsuntil he was beside the Rakshasa, dipping his head to nuzzle againsthis collarbone. Pressing small kisses that gradually turned into nipson any bit of skin he could reach, Shiki swung his leg over Vlasta'slap and settled into it, breathing a sigh across his ear as hesettled.
“Mmm, much better.” His voice came outwith a slight lilt as he reach down to Vlasta's hands and graspedthem, placing them at his waist with a coy smile.
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defiant-blood · 6 years
❤ Dating Sim Tropes ❤
NAME: Shiki Akiyama (“Akagi”) THEIR PROFESSION: None WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND: His home, downtown FAVORITE TYPE OF FOOD: Blood/bone marrow, has somewhat of a soft spot for miso and udon FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Vermouth, Cherry Wine, Whiskey; He will drink most types of alcohol provided they don't taste like crap (he will also not say no to a cocktail) FAVORITE TRAIT (romance, passion, talent, flirtation, sentiment): Adventurous, Persistence, Ambitious, Charismatic, Dominant, Confident (only a few listed; there are countless more) WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE: Pretty much up for anything, but does enjoy the night life as far as the streets at night (not necessarily clubs.) He is also fine with just staying in, provided the entertainment is right. You can try a traditional date with him, you just need to put a spin on it. IDEAL GIFT: He enjoys gifts you can use together (typically bedroom related), or something he can wear that you specifically picked out for him. WHEN WILL THEY DRINK ALCOHOL: He'll drink when he's in the mood for it, or when his partner will offer him one. HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY GO TO BED: It depends on who he is with; if he finds the company to be right, he will.
TAGGED BY: @grislyintentions TAGGING: @mastervlasta
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defiant-blood · 5 years
What Is Your Muse’s Love Style? // Link
Tagged by: @mastervlasta
Your Love Style is Eros
For you, love is all about the passion! And chances are, you're currently in love. You have a strong physical response to love... And you are great at committing (As long as the person makes your toes curl!)
Tagging: Anyone~
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