#meme violent text
sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 8 months
Smash or Pass: Merlin
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Merlin characters as tags from this poll
(BBC Merlin & Text Posts [i guess] 13/?)
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reikurusu · 9 months
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Buddy Daddies + Text Posts [Part 17/ ??] Christmas Edition
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traumatizedjaguar · 5 months
Awe poor baby man has a puny fragile ego and can’t handle women rejecting him or criticizing him or having boundaries or just living our lives :( so sad. he’s the real victim. the real victim is the “man” with a big dainty ego who emotionally manipulates women. :( his poor childhood is to blame not him :(
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drabbles-of-writing · 2 years
Frothing at the mouth okay everyone I’m mostly speaking to myself but we need to put the Caleb and Golden Guards down for two seconds because oh jesus christ on a cracker do you understand how much content we can write now. In just two forty-five minute episodes do you understand how much we could create.
Look at the first ten minutes of Thanks to Them. Look at literally everything that happened off-screen in For the Future. Do you understand. This is not a tragedy but a silver platter of unfathomable proportions of writing material. We never got to see all those episodes of the kids learning to adjust to the human realm. We never got to see all those episodes of the Boiling Isles crumbling apart and people getting turned into puppets. I’m 95% certain we were never supposed to know the full story behind Caleb or the Guards, and so there’s physically nothing to miss. What could we possibly write, knowing the creators likely never had the intention of it being written in the first place?
But everything else? Oh baby that’s a GOLDMINE of content right there. There is no canon, therefore we can craft it with our own two hands. Do you see it. Everything we ever wanted the kids to do in the human realm, we can now create it, and canon cannot tell us it didn’t happen like that. Everything we thought would happen in the demon realm we can create, because canon cannot tell us it didn’t. We can write what didn’t get the chance to be completed. We can shape it. We can literally make our own canon. I’m going to start biting the wall
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clown-clitoris · 3 months
"men cant get pregnant" they can when im done with them (violent surgery)
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phonemixer · 9 months
annoying person: *really bad take*
me: man that sure was annoying. at least it was mostly only that person saying it so i can just block and move on
one million people: hey guys. have you seen that really annoying take? i cant believe everyone has that opinion and not just that one guy. lets spend the next week dunking on it so you all have to see this stupid shitty take some more
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thefiresontheheight · 2 years
What we know about Goncharov so far:
PRODUCED by Scorsese, but DIRECTED by Matteo JWHJ 0715, get it right.
Robert De Niro, Al Pacino star, along with Cybill Shepherd. Released in 1973.
About Soviets in Naples dealing with the mob. Greatest mafia movie ever made, natch.
Ice Pick Joe is under rated.
Homoeroticism between Goncharov and Andrey is extremely popular in the modern day, bordering on explicit text and desire even through their rivalry and sublimated competing for Katya.
Katya is underused in the movie, and is a complicated character who is both the femme fatale, the center of a love triangle between Goncharov and Andrey, Goncharov’s wife, and also manipulating everyone.
There’s also a scene where Katya kisses Sofia? Tumblr lesbians go crazy.
Had political undertones and commentary, possibly about the failures of the Soviet Union, or leftist ideology vs. realpolitik.
Is over three hours long and kinda slow at times. Violent. Not as easy to watch as the memes and shipping would have you believe.
However conversely film bros who reduce to a badass gangster movie are missing so so much.
Has clock symbolism. Themes of how the characters are trapped in cycles of violence, revenge, hubris, tragedy. Lots of Catholic imagery.
Snubbed at awards, lack of official releases has turned it into a bit of lost media, despite how influential it was.
There have been talks of sequels/remakes through the years but nothing has ever come of it.
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edenesth · 5 months
[2:36 PM]
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"Holy crap, I'm stuffed! I feel like I've eaten enough to last a week," you exclaimed, embracing your bloated belly in amazement as you glanced at Seonghwa, who was still happily devouring his meal. You'd been indulging at the all-you-can-eat buffet for hours, yet he showed no signs of slowing down. "Thank god one of us has a black hole for a stomach; I swear, Hwa, you make every buffet meal so worth it."
Your boyfriend chuckled, "You say that now, but I bet you'll be craving convenience store snacks by tonight like always," he teased, feeling a rush of affection for you as you stuck your tongue out playfully.
It was your fourth anniversary together, and he had let you choose the venue for your date. You opted for the Japanese buffet near your shared apartment, knowing it would make him happy. And it did; he was over the moon, utterly in love with you for your thoughtfulness. So much so that he could propose to you on the spot. In fact, he had a ring ready and was eagerly planning to seize this perfect moment to pop the question.
As he finished his bowl of ramen, his heart warmed at your immediate response—reaching over to delicately wipe the corner of his lips with your napkin. You smiled, asking, "Was it good?"
He nodded, holding your hand and planting a kiss on your wrist after you finished cleaning his mouth. "Everything tastes better with you around, my love. Now, be a good girl and wait here while I go get us some desserts."
You giggled before exclaiming, "Ooh yes, I want to come with you!" as you began to rise from your seat. But he panicked and stopped you, "N-no, please, let me take care of you today. I'll be back real quick, I promise," he said before darting out of the private room you had reserved. He had plans to hide the ring in one of the cakes for you to discover later, and if you were to go with him now, he wouldn't be able to execute his plan.
With a satisfied hum, he admired how perfectly he had hidden the ring in one of your favourite cakes. Oh, he couldn't wait to see the look on your face when you realised what was inside. Walking back to the room, his heart raced and his mind swirled with all the possible romantic outcomes of this surprise. If all went well, you'd be his fiancée by the end of this meal.
It's going to be perfect.
"Yay, you got all my favourites! Thank you, Hwa, you're the best," you cooed, pulling him down by the collar to give him a chaste kiss on the lips before allowing him to return to his seat across from you.
He grinned, biting his lip excitedly as he watched you begin to eat, "Anything for you," he murmured. His attention was momentarily diverted when his phone chimed with a few texts from his friends in their group chat. He clicked open to find a couple of silly memes, offering a quick 'Haha' reaction before returning his focus to you.
"Hwa, say ahhh," you said, holding out some cake to feed him. Absentmindedly, he looked up from his phone and accepted the bite. "Thanks, babe. You enjoy it, I'll get more later," he said, his words slightly muffled as he spoke with cake in his mouth.
Wait a minute, I—
His eyes widened in horror as he realised the ring was in his mouth. He was dangerously close to swallowing it when he attempted to push it back out, causing him to choke violently and startling you in the process.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" you rushed over to his side immediately, lightly slapping him on the back. Your concern intensified as his body shook. "Cough it out, Hwa!"
And he did, eventually spitting out remnants of the cake onto his trembling hand. In the midst of the mess lay a shiny object. You didn't know what it was, but one thing was certain: it clearly was not meant to be in a cake. "Wh-what's that? Why would they put something like that inside a cake? Are they trying to harm someone? This is unacceptable; I'm going to file a complaint."
"N-no, babe!" he called out, gently grasping your wrist and pulling you close before you could scold anyone for his own mistake.
"But Hwa, you could have died—"
He sighed, "It was me, I put it in there." He grabbed a few new napkins and cleaned up the mess in his hands, and your eyes rounded, your breath catching when you recognised what was in his hand. It was a ring you had once jokingly shown him, telling him how pretty it was and that you would love it if he could propose to you with it. You didn't think he would actually do it.
"God, this went way differently in my mind. You were supposed to discover it on your own; it was supposed to be so romantic, and I ruined it all because I'm an idiot—"
You silenced him with a kiss, pressing your lips to his and cradling his face while you caressed his cheeks, tears tracing down your own. Pulling back slowly, you rested your forehead against his with a soft chuckle.
"Well, I think it's rather romantic."
"I swear, I'll redo it properly—wait, really?"
"Mhm. Oh and, yes, I do."
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ATEEZ Masterlist
Look what you made me do, @itstheghostofmypast😭 this was a little something my pookie and I came up with while we were talking hehe ilysm istg pls never stop feeding me these ideas.
Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this random little timestamp and as always, let me know your thoughts! <3
General ATEEZ Tag list:
@aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 |
@evidive @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @ho3-for-yunho |
@the-kpop-simp @itstheghostofmypast @vantediary @green-agent @skzline |
@sharksandminhos @writingwieny @heyitsmetonid @tinyteezer @hollxe1 |
@pandabur666 @vampzity @tournesol155 @lilactangerine @oddracha
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angie-words · 1 month
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Thanks again to @prinxlegolass for helping with some text post suggestions!
I accidentally posted the usual Friday meme dump a day early because I'm bad at technology the Tumblr app hates me. So, as I've been up since 3 am for no good reason and had some time, here's a few extra with a couple of angsty ones that aren't quite as violent as the last lot 😎 Angst beneath the cut!
last meme dump next meme dump
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year
it probably says something either sad or deeply unfortunate about me as a person, but I'm darkly amused to see some people react to the reveal of the ultimate permeability of souls in tlt as a triumphant thing -- the "you can't take 'loved' away!!!" side of it all -- when my first reaction was such an immediate wave of 'oh, oh so this is why this series is horror, I truly understand now' distress haha. ngl the final confirmation of the self not being inviolable in the deepest way freaks me the fuck out far more than any moment of body horror in the series has managed. (these two elements are of course the two sides of one thematic coin; it's about the horror of our bodies and minds and selves not being inviolable things, and about the effect of violence on them on so many different levels. violence psychological and interpersonal, physical, subtextually sexual, emotional, medical, political, a whole unlovely smörgåsbord of indignity and violation a person can be exposed to, and on a broader scale the spectrum of violence colonialism wields). The world and other people being capable of leaving indelible marks on us for good or ill through their presence in our lives is of course a pretty self-evident demonstrable truth in the real world, but somehow having it be proven metaphysically just uh. Fucks me up! 
It also drives home to me just how perfectly Muir has captured the dilemma at the heart of human connection and intimacy: the fact that the thing that gives us life and meaning is also capable of harming us so deeply. the same thing that can be so beautiful — even in a bittersweet, violently transformative form like with the creation of Paul — when done mutually and consensually and compassionately, is the same process that means someone like John can touch someone else's soul and 'after he's put his fingers on something, you'll never find anyone else's fingerprints on it; too much noise'. I think the text itself — the whole series, because to me this is what it is ultimately about, this tension between individuation/self vs. love/connection/enmeshment — is far more ambivalent in its treatment of it than saying it’s inherently a good thing or inherently a bad thing. The only thing it says for sure is that it is always a thing, that thinking you’re ever getting away from it is the height of futility, and that through being alive (or even through being dead lol) it is something you have to engage with in some way no matter what. Contact with other people is deeply necessary — without it we sicken and die. it can be the most beautiful and meaningful thing in a human life, and the most unspeakably horrific. All of these people are searching for some way to be whole, whether in total self-contained sufficiency on their own or in melding with someone else as their ‘other half’, and stumbling around in the dark they reach for each other and score deep wounds into the thing they’re trying to touch even when they don’t mean to. Taken to horrific extremes with the form of lyctorhood John guided his disciples to when they were ‘children — playing in the reflections of stars in a pool of water, thinking it was space’, because while people hurt each other all the time with differing levels of intentionality behind it, what John did was deliberate. It weaponizes the misapprehension of what closeness must be and destroys everyone involved in the process… and all because it leaves John the one sun their ruined lives have left to orbit around, because that’s the closest thing his soul will allow to connection. He doesn’t understand that to truly touch something you have to truly let it touch you back, and then wonders why he’s never satisfied.   
‘The horrors of love’ has been memed to death, I know, but… yeah. That is what it is, isn’t it.
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thewertsearch · 4 months
FUTURE terminallyCapricious [FTC] 0:42:00 HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo. […] FTC: HEY BEST MOTHERFUCKING FRIEND. FTC: what all seems to be the motherfuckin problem? :o) […] CCG: OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD FTC: i'm in your future, best friend. FTC: I KNOW WHERE YOU MOTHERFUCKING ARE. FTC: and what you'll motherfuckin do. […] FTC: and also. […] FTC: i'm all about to be meeting up some friends. :o) […] FTC: i wonder if you can all be at with me in time and make me get my reconsider on?
... is it just me, or does it kind of sound like Gamzee's asking for help here?
Instead of directly threatening his friend, he's asking if Karkat will help him 'reconsider' - almost as though there's a piece of him that doesn't want to be trapped in a murderous rage, and it's trying to make itself heard.
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Do I spot some ominous purple text in the corner?
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I do.
Well, Terezi isn’t the worst person for Gamzee to run into on his rampage. A Seer like her will immediately understand that he's snapped - and she's no slouch in the combat department, either, so I don't think she'll be easy pickings.
Things might get dicey, however, if Gamzee pulls out the power he used against the Black King. We have no idea what that even looks like - but Terezi does, so she at least shouldn't be blindsided by it.
Anyway, what does our resident detective make of the dearly departed Tavros?
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Before the full investigation is underway, a legislacerator will always have a chief suspect in mind. The one she will hold guilty until proven otherwise, a process customarily taking place after the execution.
That sounds about right for the Alternian ‘justice’ system. I’d ask what happens if a suspect is proven innocent after their execution, but that presupposes that Alternia even has a concept of 'proving someone innocent'.
In any case, a stopped clock is still right twice a day, and Terezi's corrupt methods have lead her to the correct culprit. What's her next move?
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Above, you detect faint traces of what you reckon to be special stardust, such as the kind left behind by the flapping wings of a mischievous fairy.
I knew Terezi’s sense of smell was impressive, but I didn’t think she could go full bloodhound. She really is the most well-equipped troll for this new, more dangerous Veil.
And not far from that, you detect bright trails of white light. It smells... hopeful.
All three killers are in the vicinity, then.
... look at me, already calling Gamzee a killer. To our knowledge, he hasn't harmed anyone thus far - but I'm fully convinced he intends to, based purely on the strength of his most recent Pesterlogs.
The writing there was genuinely impressive. In just a few dozen lines, Hussie has completely sold me on the idea that the funny meme clown is dead fucking serious about violently murdering his friends.
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mysterycitrus · 8 months
i saw that user's reply to your jtodd post and wow were they projecting hard, it's one thing to feel a personal connection to a character through your own subjective read on them it's a whole other to act like that's the objective point of the actual character and his storylines
yeah look everyone interprets characters in different ways but i think it’s pretty out of pocket to reply to a meme post and talk about how a character who is explicitly, specifically portraying a radically violent “the punishment fits the crime” ideology is intended to be a competent metaphor for victims of sa? if that’s ur interpretation of that character more power to u, but positing as though that’s reflected in the text to smack down on people who are talking in the tags is pretty wild. that’s not even getting into denying that in fanon dick is crucified to make jason look better, whether it be framing him as the bad brother (to jason and tim) or reframing jason as the independent, powerful, and competent person that dick is established as in canon.
he does act differently in the lost days, sure, but even then he is singularly driven by a personal vendetta. u can make the argument that when he allows himself to actually act morally he can make tangible change — he acts selflessly to protect others. but that is not the norm when he arrives back in gotham.
i really wish people would stop trying to justify jason’s actions when they were never supposed to be justified! acting as if bruce is somehow the same or worse because what… he beats people up and then puts them in hospital? how is that remotely comparable to decapitating people and seizing control of the drug trade? the entire point is that he’s working differently to batman in a way that does not actually change gotham for the better! when the kids of the people he’s murdered grow up they’ll be going to the martha wayne foundation for housing and social support, or to leslie’s for free healthcare. they’re not going to be looking for college scholarships from the guy who shot a bazooka at black mask — and that’s fine! that’s what makes jason interesting as a foil to bruce!!
anyways like i said to rus
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
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[ID: The stick figure violence meme, six stick figure cartoons that are bloody, gruesome and committing violent acts of murder and cannibalism against each other, with text in the middle that says "Girls when characters experience character development and as they develop, their physical appearance also changes with them so by the end of the series both their physical appearance and personality are completely unrecognizable to who they were in the beginning/End of ID]
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Headcanon/Preference # 24
Gifs NOT mine.
Year posted - 2023
📝Note(s) - Blue text is them talking to ya.
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| Bo Sinclair |
• Initially he's at a lost for words... Like wtf just happened?
• "What the hell does that even mean?" He asks after getting over his initial confession/shock.
• He's even more confused when you explain what it means, and why you decided to say it.
• "That's really stupid darlin'." He deadpans before dealing with the victim himself.
• He kinda doesn't think you're mature enough to handle it now because of this. 🙄
• Don't let him fool ya, deep down, like really deep down, Bo thought it was kinda funny.
• Wonders to himself why exactly he is so in love with you.
• Totally oblivious to the fact that it's because you do silly shit like this, that make him love you so much.
• You're a total breath of fresh air for him, but he'll never admit that.
• If you do it again, he might slip up and snort.
• He'll totally cover it up with a cough, and totally insist that he didn't laugh...
• He's better than that (Y/n), you should know better by now... 😒
| Vincent Sinclair |
• You thought Bo was confused, Vincent is looking at you like you just grew two heads.
• "What was that?" He'd sign, tilting his head to emphasize his confusion.
• When you explain what it means, and why you said it. He just pats your head affectionately.
• He's still beyond confused, but if you thought it was cleaver/funny then he's happy to humor you.
• Vincent finds it funny that you got such a kick out of it though.
• Wonders how he got so lucky to have such a cute/silly s/o. 😇
• If you do it again, he'll clap proudly before patting your head affectionately again.
• He is honestly proud of you, even if he doesn't always understand your humor.
• Thinks about this encounter every time he sees a bat now.
• Smiling to himself when he remembers just how happy you looked. ☺️
• Wonders to himself what crazy thing you'll say next.
| Lester Sinclair |
• He has no idea what that means, but he's laughing almost as hard as you are.
• "You're so clever sunflower!" He's complimenting you before kissing your temple.
• Proud af despite not knowing what the hell vibe check means.
• Doesn't even question it, he doesn't need answers.
• Lester loves your scene of humour, even when it goes right over his head. 😝
• He's like a dog, he's happy when you're happy, and when you get hyped he's getting hyped with ya!
• Will butt heads with Bo if he tries belittling you for it. No one talks bad about his sweet little sunflower!
• Despite not usually getting into the killing part of things, he was very happy watching you protect him against the tourist.
• Loves how badass and silly you are. The perfect combo in his mind!
• Totally fell deeper in love with you for protecting him, and for making a joke while at it.
• Depending on your size, he might have even jumped into your arms, looking up at you with wide doe eyes.
• Bo was gagging at the sight.🤢
• Wants you to show him what these me-mes are.
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| Bubba Sawyer |
• *Tilts head like a cute puppy.*
• What does that mean, and why are you laughing so hard?
• Nudges you until you calm down enough to explain what just happened.
• Laughs softly despite not entirely understanding the joke.
• Wonders if vibe checks are always so violent?
• Bubba totally thinks of the phrase randomly while dealing with a trespasser.
• Queue him wondering if it still counts to vibe check someone with a chainsaw? 🤔
• And he's totally asking you the next time he sees you if it still counts.
• His hands shaking as he writes his question down, making his handwriting kinda hard to read.
• Babbles excitedly when you agree that it counts.
• Blushing when you praise him for it.
• Loves having this little inside joke with you.
• Asks you to show him your favorite memes, so you can bond more over that.
• Doesn't entirely understand most of them, but he dose still enjoy them. 🙂
| Nubbins Sawyer |
• Queue goofy laughter and an excited gremlin man jumping around whooping.
• "That was real funny (Y/n)!" He laughs before taking a quick picture to immortalize the moment.
• Knowing he had no idea what it means you explain it to him, doesn't exactly understand, but he gets the idea... Sorta.
• He yells it all the time when Drayton is chasing him with a broom.
• It infuriates Drayton btw.
• Which makes Nubbins all the happier tbh. 😅
• Sometimes even hollers it before aggressively stabbing his food.
• You think that's bad, if you show him more memes, God himself couldn't help y'all.
• Begs you to vibe check Drayton at least once.
• Giggles everytime he sees the bat.
• Warns trespassers that you'll vibe check their shit, as you once so eloquently put it. 😈
• Gets so so so fucking excited when you grab the bat, even of you're just moving it while cleaning up.
• Yells it with you the next time you go to get someone with the bat, and I mean yells!
| Chop Top Sawyer |
• Just like Nubbins he's laughing his ass off and jumping around excitedly.
• "Ha! You just got vibe checked!" He taunts the victim, weather their dead or alive, and weather or not he even knows what the hell that means.
• It honestly doesn't matter what you say, Chops gonna get hyped and laugh alongside you.
• Does eventually question it after like a week goes by, having gotten distracted from asking about it until now.
• Gets all hyped up again when you explain it, and it honestly makes perfect sense to him. 🤗
• He totally gets pissed one day and vibe checks Drayton with his own broom.
• Bubba had to break up the fight, and he was freaking out the whole time... It was interesting to say the least.
• Yells it over and over again in victims faces while whacking them with a fucking femur bone. 🤦‍♀️
• Makes up little rhymes about you vibe checking people. It's both dark and hilariously fitting.
• Damn near looses his mind if you ever do it again, you'd think he was going on about Nam Land again with how excited he got.
| Tex Sawyer |
• Smiles despite having no idea what the fuck you said even means.
• "Good job angel." He's complimenting with a proud smile. 🤠
• He's happy you're able to deal with victims, and have fun doing it.
• "So what exactly does that mean angel?" He'll ask a little while after dealing with the victim.
• You end up asking what he's talking about, because you honestly weren't sure.
• "Vibe check." He clarified with a chuckle, thinking about how excited you had looked while yelling it.
• When you explain what it means, and why you said it.
• Tex is kinda just like. "Seems a bit odd, but if it makes you happy angel I'm happy." kissing you lovingly afterwards. 🥰
• Gifts you a reinforced bat some time later, just in case you need it again.
• His sense of humour is kinda cheesy, so he really enjoys how silly your humor gets.
• Teasingly warns his brothers that you'll vibe check them of they don't straighten up after themselves.
• Convincing them just how bad a vibe check is, when it involves a bat covered in metal plates.
• It's his way of making sure your chores don't get pushed to the side, in favor of cleaning up after them, when they can do it themselves.
• Gushes with so much pride when if you do it again, especially if it was a rather tough victim.
| Vilmer Sawyer |
• Laughs like a fucking lunatic, taunting the victim, dead or alive.
• "You get 'em baby doll!" He encourages with vigor, his eyes wide and wild.
• Doesn't matter in the slightest bit that he has no idea what it means, he himself says some pretty wild stuff so. 🤷‍♀️
• Gets the gist that it isn't exactly a pleasant thing, considering you nearly caved a dudes skull in after yelling it.
• Subconsciously makes a mental note to not piss you off when a bat is nearby.
• While also subconsciously wondering if he could take a vibe check. 🤔
• Threats pretty much everyone with having you vibe check them.
• Probably got turned on by it in a weird way as well.
• You're hot when you're acting a bit wild, so can you really blame him?
• Ends up building a serious collection of bats for you, in case any of the others brake or get lost.
• Encouraging you to do it again the moment the opportunity arises.
• And nearly creaming his jeans when you actually end up doing it again.
| Thomas Hewitt |
• *Stands there with chainsaw in hand, completely baffled by what you just said and did.* 😮
• Follows you around until you explain what just happened.
• Finds it very funny once he understands.
• Sometimes secretly wishes you'd vibe check Charlie.
• So beyond happy knowing you can and will defend the family if needed, while also remaining true to yourself.
• Though he can't help but feel like the bat isn't the sturdiest thing to use. 😰
• Asks you to show him some more memes, relating with some of them and coming to understand your humor more.
• Ends up collecting enough bats to make sure there is one in every room of the house, including the attic that no one uses.
• Smiles so bright when or if you do it again.
• He's seriously so proud of you and your almost carefree nature.
• Shows you the most ideal spots to hit in order to properly incapacitate your victim.
• Rewards you with kisses when you pick up these little lessons rather quickly.
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| Billy Loomis |
• He stares at you with a completely unamused look.
• "Are you fucking serious right now babe?" Queue him rolling his eyes at your grin.
• "God that was so corny." He'll sigh at your "lame" joke.
• Secretly finds it rather amusing, and even cute that you did it.
• Would rather fight God himself than admit that though, especially to you.
• He'll never boost your ego when it comes to your sense of humour. 🙄
• Unfortunately knows what it means because of you and Stu sending him stupid memes all the time.
• Not so substantially leaves the bats he had at his house, from when he was in baseball, in random places around your home.
• Annoyed that your humor is just as cringy as Stu's, at least that's how he acts.
• Y'all know better though.
• Caught himself smirking when you did it again, quickly wiping it away before you had a chance to notice. 😐
• Takes the time to show you proper form with swinging a bat, and how to effectively put more power behind your blows.
• Is honestly happy you take so much enjoyment out of it, regardless of how you do it.
| Stu Macher |
• Wheezing with laughter, so much he's crying, and now his sides hurt.
• "Fuck yeah! Get 'em cupcake!" He'll cheer before bursting into a fit of giggles again.
• He's a shit poster, he knows exactly what meme this is from, and he loves it.
• Begs you to do it again so he can record it. 📹
• But his hands are shaking so much from trying to hold in his laughter that the video quality is shit.
• That doesn't stop him from wheezing every time he watches the video however.
• Randomly says it every so often after you did, when he's dealing with a victim. 🔪
• Gushes about it to Billy all the time, completely oblivious to Billy's growing annoyance.
• Giggles randomly in classes sometimes when he's suddenly reminded of it.
• Fucking adores how in tune your humor is with his.
• He's also so beyond happy he was able to convince Billy to let you in on their secret, and that you took to it so freaking well.
• Reenacts you doing it every once in a while, making you giggle at his excitement.
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| OG Michael Myers |
• He just stares at you with unimpressed eyes.
• Walks away before you even have a chance to explain the joke.
• Secretly found it amusing.
• But you'll never know that.
• Wonders why you are the way you are, like he's got any room to talk. 🙄
• Honestly proud of the swing you gave when you hit the victim.
• Therefore glad to know you can take care of yourself if need be.
• Thus wondering if you'd always say stupid shit like that even if he wasn't around to see it.
• Sighs dramatically when or if you ever do it again.
• But he'll pat your back reassuringly.
• He's trying to be gentle while doing so, but he's failing miserably. 😭
• Acts all grumpy when you try showing him other memes you enjoy.
• He'll never understand any of it, or your humor.
• He's totally a hypocrite btw, remember his little joke with the sheet with holes for eyes, and glasses perched upon his sheet covered face?
• If you're aware of this little joke he pulled, and you bring it up, he'll sulk off for a while.
• How dare you call him out?
| RZ Michael Myers |
• He tilts his head in confusion, watching you with curious eyes.
• After dealing with the body, and ensuring you're alone, he'll slip off his mask and rest his forehead against the side of your head.
• It's his way of asking you to explain what you meant. 🥰
• He's still hiding behind his hair, but through those blond locks, you can see his shimmering eyes, full of child like wonder.
• When you explain what you meant, and why exactly you said it, he's chuckling softly under his breath.
• He doesn't exactly know what it means, but it's still amusing, especially considering the context in which you said it.
• "Silly." He murmurs so quietly, you almost missed it.
• And before you could say anything else he pulled you to lay against his chest, lovingly stroking your hair.
• If it happens again he's chuckling softly before patting your head affectionately.
• Indulges you when you want to show him more of your favorite memes.
• Loves that childish humor, and sometimes uses it himself, even if he's only quoting it in his head.
• Rewards you with candy every time you say something funny. 🍬
• He knows his mother would have adored you if you'd ever had the chance to meet her.
| Corey Cunningham |
• He was totally caught off guard by that one, but once he focuses again he's snickering with a shake of his head.
• "Really babe?" He asked with a grin, pulling you against his chest, just smiling at you.
• No explanation needed, Corey was familiar with the meme. Mostly because of you, as of late, showing him all sorts of memes.
• He found it silly that you used it in such a serious situation, but he doesn't disapprove in the slightest.
• Mindlessly thinks about it all the time, smiling softly to himself.
• He's beyond happy you approve of his new lifestyle, and have embraced it as wholeheartedly as you have him with all of his faults.
• Found it incredibly hot the way you looked as you swung the bat. Fierce and sexy. 😱
• Finds out that he is in love with your aggressive side, which leads to experimenting in the bedroom.
• Anytime he comes across a stray bat he'll snag it for you, you can never have to many bats!
• He is so proud of you when you do it, it's just so you, and in his mind, adorable.
• Praises you for being able to do something so brutal, and yet making it a fun experience for you.
• Covers your face with kisses everytime. 😘
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| Brahms Heelshire |
• He totally jumped when you hollered, he wasn't expecting that don't tease him!
• Like yeah screw the MF that broke into the Heelshire estate, but did you really have to yell like that? 🥺
• Pouts at you from behind his mask, crossing his arms childishly, waiting for you to comfort him.
• Soaks up that attention once you start giving it to him, forgiving you for startling him only if you pepper his now unmasked face with kisses. 💋
• "(Y/n) what does vibe check mean?" Brahms asks in his child's voice, tilting his head with wonder.
• Snickers with delight when you explain it to him.
• Demands you show him more memes, finding them greatly amusing, even the shitty ones.
• Goes around vibe checking his toys for a while.
• Looking to you for approval every time he does it, and pouting when you aren't paying attention.
• Sometimes you'll hear him in the walls hollering vibe check followed by a loud thump.
• Looses it when or if you ever do it again, clapping his hands all excitedly.
• He's tackled you atleast once while shouting vibe check.
• He thought it was hilarious. You? Not so much.
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(Victims being deadites)
| Ash Williams |
• Snorts like a fucking dork, regardless of the fact that he has no idea what that means.
• "That was groovy baby, but what does that mean exactly?" He questioned before pecking your lips.
• After you've explained it he's still completely obvious to what it means.
• Queue Ash quoting it all wrong all the freaking time. 😒
• And totally brushing it off when you point that fact out.
• Probably insists that you don't know what it means, despite the fact that you're the certified meme Queen/King. 😤
• Acts all cool whenever he says it, beaming with pride even when you face palm in response.
• Finds memes on his own, and shows them to you with excitement.
• They either suck, or you've already seen it.
• Sasses other deadites, and threatens to vibe check them with his chainsaw, or better yet sick you on them.
• He's so fucking proud of you for being able to take on deadites, and he gushes about you all the fucking time.
• When you do it again he ends up crying from laughing so hard.
• "Did you see the look on their face?"
| Pablo Simon Bolivar |
• Falls into a fit of giggle once he realizes what you said.
• "Good one babe!" He compliments with a wide grin.
• He ends up having to explain it to a very confused Ash. 🤨
• Ash mutters about how weird you both are, before walking off to try and find some "tail".
• Beyond happy that you can handle yourself.
• Maybe even a little jealous of how clam you were.
• When on the road you both show eachother memes back and forth, while Ash tries desperately to strike up conversation.
• Never fails to fall into a fit of giggles whenever you shout silly shit like that before dealing with the deadite.
• Wonders to himself all the time as to how he got so lucky to meet someone so badass and fun, let alone to date them.
• In awe every single time you do something so awesome, falling in love even more.😍
• Ends up cracking similar jokes whenever he gets the courage to deal with a deadite himself.
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| Otis Driftwood |
• Looks at you like you just said the dumbest thing in the world.
• "What the hell is wrong with you?" He'll ask with an annoyed huff.
• Very unimpressed when you explain what it means, and why you said it. 😑
• "That's gotta be the stupidest shit I've ever heard." He shook his head before walking off.
• Acts like he ain't ever said stupid shit before.
• Refuses to indulge you with checking out memes together, says their childish, and therefore stupid.
• He's such a grumpy old fuck.
• Facepalms if you ever do it again.
• Probably even taunts you about them while he's fucking you stupid. 😂
• "How's this for a vibe check?" He'd hiss before thrusting into you so hard your head hit the headboard.
• That's the only time he'd ever even acknowledge the damn meme, or any others for that matter.
• Tells you to read a fucking book instead of looking at a bunch of "useless" memes.
• Rants about your ridiculous humor to his victims when you're not around.
| Baby Firefly |
• Queue her contagious laughter.
• "Get 'em sexy!" She cries out, followed by more giggling.
• Doesn't even question it, and she already loves it.
• Praises you for being so fun and dangerous.
• Reenacts it all the time with shrill laughter, much to they annoyance of Otis.
• Jumps around clapping excitedly when you do it again. 🤩
• Mocks the fuck outta the victim, and playfully warns the others about what's coming their way.
• Sometimes says it over and over again while whacking a victim with a doll.
• Gets so so excited when you show her more memes, and runs around quoting them all the time.
• She got pissed once and vibe checked a drunk Otis, knocking him unconscious until morning.
• "Say it again! Say it again!" She'll demand every time you say it.
• Smothering you with kisses when you do as she asks.
• Flaunts you around the house for being so amazing, sexy, and badass! 😌
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| David |
• *Exasperated face palm*🤦🏼‍♂️
• Did he find it funny? Yeah but he'll never let you know that.
• Well what was funny was mostly the look on the victims face, but what you said was also kinda amusing.
• "Happy now kitten?" He'll ask tauntingly, a sarcastic smile on his face.
• But as you beam excitedly at him that sarcasm just kinda washes away, you're just to damn cute.
• Always encouraging you to get involved with their hunting after that, weather you intend on turning or not.
• Gets you a reinforced bat and insists you always have it with you, boardwalk or no, just to be safe. 😊
• Silently praising you in his head for such an effective blow. You really are a deadly sight.
• Wonders where you get your sense of humour from.
• Just knows you Marko and Paul are going to be trouble, he can just sense it happening. (if it hasn't already that is)
• When you explained where it came from, and all about memes, he insists no instructs you to not show Marko and Paul.
• Did he find it incredibly hot? Yes, yes he did. And yes you will learn about that as he attacks your neck with nips and kisses.
• "Fucking love you." He growled as he clamped down on your neck, leaving behind one hell of a love bite.
| Dwayne |
• A little to stunned to know how to react. But admittedly there is a grin tugging at his lips.
• "What was that about?" He asked as his smile grew, placing his hands on your hips, just gazing into your eyes with wonder and adoration.
• You quickly explained yourself sheepishly, suddenly feeling incredibly silly for saying something like that in front of him.😅
• He chuckles and reassures you that it was really amusing, placing a kiss against your temple, then your nose, then your lips.
• Then he suddenly gets really excited and starts whooping, praising you for being such a badass, and for protecting yourself.
• He knew you were perfect for him, he just didn't realize how perfect, until now that is. 😍
• When you properly introduce him to memes, he finds them amusing, but he would much rather prefer a book still.
• Though he will indulge you more than David will.
• He knows your humor is different from his own, but not nearly as much as David's, so you both can joke around easily.
• Gets a sturdy wooden bat for you, and carves intricate designs into it, including both of your names of course.
• Smiles at the excitement you show when he finally gifts it to you, big ol' red bow tied around the bat when he passes it to you.
• Melts at the praise you shower him in, although he gets hungry when you start showering him with kisses, leads to a long and tiring night.
| Marko |
• *Literal heart eyes! And swooning so much deeper than he already has.*
• "GET 'EM TIGER!" He shouts excitedly, now flying just above your head in circles, and just giggling like an absolute fiend.😆
• Then like the flip of a switch he's attacking you with kisses and lust, not even realizing that his face was still shifted in his vampiric form.
• Begs and I mean begs you to do it again, even if that means he's gotta go out and lure a new victim out to you.
• Pesters you to know where you got that from, and when you explain it to him he's all hyper again, and he wants to know more.
• Gets so into memes it's ridiculous, once he understands the whole meme thing, he'll start making his own. (mostly for you and Paul)
• He's really good at making them btw.
• Also he can't wait to see how deadly you are with a bat when you're finally turned.
• Gets a bat for you, and paints it so extravagantly, it's honestly magical, and you don't know if you can bring yourself to actually use it.
• He encourages you to use it anyways, promising to make you another bat if this one gets messed up.
• Fucking howls with laughter if you do it again, or if it's even just mentioned. 😂
• He gushes about your scene of humor all the time, and about how dangerous you are, even to his victims before he drains them.
• Y'all have inside jokes like crazy that revolve around memes now.
• "Keep it up and you'll get a vibe check from a literal goddess/god." He'd hiss tauntingly to a victim, already knowing the fucker was deadmeat.
| Paul |
• *Giggles until his sides hurt.*
• "Kill 'em baby kill 'em!" He exclaims with boisterous laughter, flying around like a hyper kid, much like Marko.
• This memory will live in his head rent free for the rest of his life no joke.🙃
• In his excitement he totally pulled you into his arms, and flew up into the night sky. Hope you aren't afraid of heights!
• No need to explain where you got it from, or what it means exactly, he loves it and understands already.
• And no he hasn't really seen any memes, but he understands the humor all the same.
• But when you show him the vast world of memes he's so stoked about it, you both go down a real rabbit hole.
• You mostly communicate in memes now, and the only one that usually understands is Marko, David and Dwayne are just left in the dark.
• He reenacts you hitting the victim over and over, getting more out of hand each time.
• Gushes about how you could literally knock someone's head off when you finally turn.
• Got really serious once with a victim that started talking shit about you, getting all up in the guy's face warning him that you'd kill the prick with a single wing of a bat.
• And he'll dramatically swoon if you do it again to defend him, kissing you fiercely as he yet again floats up into the air with you in his arms.
• How did he get so lucky to have such a badass, funny, and incredibly sexy babe as you to be his mate? 🥰
(This is an old piece that's been setting in my drafts for ages, finally got around to finishing it and so here we are.)
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sincerelywhistler · 7 months
New month, new continuation
✨PART 4✨ of things my husband does that are so violently Asher Coded, I had to compile a written list and turn them into headcanons:
part 1 • part 2 • part 3
• his phone consistently below 20%. Babe has to plug it in every night cause he sure ain’t gonna
• saw the meme image thing on how to break your thumb ligament by flicking your wrist. Sat in quiet contemplation for a few minutes, visibly weighing the pros and cons of conducting this experiment. Moved on with his day without a word (the smart choice)
• “oh, you know you love meeeeeee” when he senses that he’s getting on my nerves, which is all the time /j of course.. mostly
• yoinks our nintendo switch to romance Sebastian in Stardew Valley every single play-through because it’s against his moral code to leave Tsundere characters un-kissed (what does this say about me)
• sends posts of two animals interacting, no matter what they’re doing, and captions it “this is literally us”
• also sends posts of the most scrungliest and disheveled creatures, captioning it “this is you”
• alternating turns of getting one another ‘just because’ flowers. I originally initiated it, so if Babe did the same, Asher would die I think
• does have a thorough skin/hair/hygiene routine, but will wash his face with Dawn dish soap if he’s tired and it’s more convenient
• conks out the second his head hits the pillow like HOW?? Babe lays there awake, wondering what sorts of dark magic he’s really capable of
• makes a questionable decision, and when anyone begins to address it 0.5 seconds after it happens, he’ll jokingly say “it’s in the past now, that was the old me”
• uses the 😳 emoji in the most confusing and unfitting places, so much so it really makes you rethink the original meaning of his texts?? “Can I take your car today? 😳” “Work let us have some of the leftover chicken for dinner😳”
• can and will turn goof mode off at the drop of a hat when needed. It’s actually kinda scary if you get the chance to experience it bc the whole atmosphere of the room changes
• received a uh *noise complaint* and proceeded to bake AND decorate a whole cake to “celebrate the achievement” (photographic evidence exists)
• but that’s not before fully removing the still beeping smoke detector from the ceiling and handing it to me in a panic, asking me to turn it off because he didn’t know how to (photographic evidence also exists)
• can’t cuddle like a normal person, he has to either suffocate you with the weight of his body or you gotta coddle him like he is oh so fragile and the most delicate of waifs— no in between. Great Dane who thinks he’s a lap dog vibes
• gives the BEST advice and pep talks to people. He‘s studying forensic psychology to be a counselor and I think Ash would make a great counselor or advisor of sorts, just in a more lighthearted environment
• knows he has the pretty privilege card, but only uses it for the most unnecessary reasons? Like of course you can have a some of my pasta you freak I literally made you your own bowl, why are you batting your eyelashes and trying to persuade me via brainwave manipulation
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Texting with The Hashira
(Characters Included- All the Hashira besides Muichiro and Gyomei)
(Warning: Modern AU and fluff)
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🔥Kyojuro Rengoku🔥
- He would be a very expressive texter. He always types in all caps and will always add exclamation points.
- He rarely uses abbreviations. He much rather prefers to spell it out all the way (plus he doesn’t know majority of what the abbreviations stand for)
🦋Shinobu Kocho🦋
- I feel like even in a Modern AU she would much rather be out in nature rather than on her cell phone. So she would reply to texts a little late.
- Whenever she does get around to texting, she’s never dry. Somehow she never makes any typos, unless she’s extremely tired or sick.
🍡Mitsuri Kanroji🍡
- She always tries to responds to texts right away unless she’s sleeping or talking to someone in real life.
- She either types a lot in one huge text message or she sends a bunch of small messages.
🌊Giyuu Tomioka🌊
- He honestly much rather call and talk instead of texting someone because he doesn’t want to come off as too dry.
- His texts come off as dry unintentionally so he looks at the text for a while before sending so he can make it less dry.
📢Tengen Uzui📢
- He loves sending memes, especially cursed memes. He somehow has a meme for everything no matter what.
- He’s the type to send a message and if you don’t respond fast enough he’ll unsend it and send it again. He mainly does this to annoy you.
🌪️Sanemi Shinazugawa🌪️
- If he’s laying down or doing something and hears a notification he will most likely ignore it until he’s done with whatever he’s doing.
- If he gets sent a meme or a funny video and it’s not violent and/or someone doing something mischievous then he won’t laugh.
🐍Iguro Obanai🐍
- He’s actually a good texter. He rather text then to call. He does have a hard time texting though because of his eyesight so there’s some typos.
- If he gives someone advice through text, he’ll type a lot but it would take him a while to articulate his words correctly.
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