dmysterygirl · 5 years
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dmysterygirl · 6 years
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Happy Birthday, Mikan !!
You deserve all the love in this world my baby girl~ <3 
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dmysterygirl · 6 years
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Happy Birthday, Angie !! 
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dmysterygirl · 6 years
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Submissive Jumin Han 💕
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dmysterygirl · 7 years
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⚠ Iruma Miu GIF ⚠
A respond to Kiiboi’s GIF 😂😂😂
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dmysterygirl · 7 years
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Sai-chan GIF  ❤
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dmysterygirl · 7 years
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💕 Best Boy Kiiboi GIF 💕
Kiiboi : How's *vibrates* m-m-my new function? Iruma-san *vibrates* i-i-i-installed a vibrating function on me *vibrates* a-a-and I have no idea *vibrates* w-w-what purpose this is for Me : Uhhh . . . 😂😂😂 ------- I seriously never thought I'd be able to draw Kiibo's body I'm so glad it looked okay  
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dmysterygirl · 7 years
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🥑 A V O C A D O  G I F  🥑
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dmysterygirl · 7 years
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💕 Maki Roll GIF 💕
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dmysterygirl · 7 years
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💜 Ouma Kokichi GIF 💜
Yayy~ It’s my first time making a GIF and it took me a whole day because I got overwhelmed of the idea of animation @.@’’’ 
I made too much expressions and ended up using only 2 hahaha! But at least I learned and had fun making a GIF of my baby X’’D
P.S Inspired by Yoosung Kim’s crying GIF
Oh yess . . Cry you adorable little shit . . WAHAHAHA!
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dmysterygirl · 7 years
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This is how I imagine Yoo when you reset after his route ;w; 
A crying yandere Yoo ;w; <3 
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dmysterygirl · 7 years
JuSung >w< <3
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I thought jumin would look cute with his hair up uvu 
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dmysterygirl · 7 years
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It's my first time drawing Saeran/Ray and I had fun coloring his pinkish hair~ hahaha!! 😍😍😍
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dmysterygirl · 7 years
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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ My first fan art for 2018 ♥♥♥
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dmysterygirl · 7 years
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I've been trying to make a messy art style that's simple and stuff but- I still think it's too much... ;-;'''' 
I miss drawing something ; w ;'' I'm always not in the mood- WHYYYYYY? 
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dmysterygirl · 7 years
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<3 Zen Icon <3
Made lovely Zen’s icon~ >w<
I was supposed to be 707 but it looked flirty XD
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dmysterygirl · 7 years
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Juju Icon 
I made a Juju Icon~ Hihihi <3 
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