dnddumdum ¡ 5 years
If you make and sell DnD products please like and reblog.
I want to support small DnD businesses rather than big corporate companies.
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dnddumdum ¡ 5 years
Sleuthing the Sleuths: Vanishing Act
Check out our brief chat below as we unpack the thoughts and feelings in our last session, Vanishing Act! Please note, since Baelsar has exited the game, a new character has joined…
Always-be-Theivin’: Two things (one thing to share, one question) before I sleep and forget them:
1) Scrapped backup character idea (was designed purely to antagonize Brinne): a Fighter with the Gunslinger archetype originally from Samar. Was going to be a defector who specialized in long-range combat and tried to hide his gun from the party for as long as possible, and
2) When talking to Baelsar, Brinne said something like, “you die your final death when nobody remembers who you were.” This is an interesting concept about life and figurative immortality that Brinne has never really mentioned before, as far as I can remember. Was this a value that was taught to Brinne as she grew up, was it something that developed in her mind as she lived through a war, or something else entirely?
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dnddumdum ¡ 5 years
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cinemagraph artist on instagram
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dnddumdum ¡ 5 years
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This has to be one of the most beautiful sets I own–the Helix Nebula <3
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dnddumdum ¡ 5 years
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Critit is back again with another gorgeous dice kickstarter! This time it’s Spirit of the Arctic, dice with a cold climate theme and two kinds of glitter–chunky clear glitter that looks like snow, and a delicate green-blue borealis shimmer ✨ They were kind enough to send me a set of their Orca dice to check out, as well as a matching box! It’s no secret that I’ve adored their past dice collections, and these are even lovelier. I’m absolutely head over heels for the delicate pastels and iridescent glitter in these! Critit did an amazing job 🥰 Check them out at the link and pick up a set or six of your own!
(They also included some yummy-looking British sweets in the package, which I can’t wait to dig into! Glacier mints and snowballs 💖)
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dnddumdum ¡ 5 years
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My borealis collection finally complete! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖🖤 Just call me Thanos cause I’ve got all the infinity stones 😎
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dnddumdum ¡ 5 years
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Starlight and deep space 🖤💜✨
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dnddumdum ¡ 5 years
Stuck at home during the lockdown?
Can’t hook up with your gaming group?
Going bored out of your demended skull?
THE FUNKY GROGNARD HAS YOU COVERED!! The Funky Grognard is pleased to unleash THE COVID COMPENDIUM, a 100% F-R-E-E mini-project designed to keep the grognard in you sane during the Covid-19 lockdown!  Included is…
The Covid Compendium 2020:  A 30+ page homebrew magazine chock full of awesome content including original monsters, one-page dungeons, articles, art, and an interview with one of the greats of the RPG industry!
CAF-3:  Escape from Daggerpoint:  An all-original level-0 AD&D-1e module from Brandon Gallant and Chris Larr.  Originally a free module for VIPs at CafCon 2019.
Ravages of the Mind:  From THE legendary Lenard Lakofka (a former writer at TSR and author of the ‘L’ series of modules)!  Over 100 pages of excellent 1e dungeoneering excellence!  Includes new, original monsters, magic items, pregen characters.  For character levels 3-5.
Download and enjoy!  No strings attached!  Courtesy of The Funky Grognard and all those who contributed to this awesome project (and to whom I am eternally grateful).
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Download here:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nrjsRht263mMosSfbfAtVvkArp0Y8xfN?usp=sharing
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dnddumdum ¡ 5 years
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We've returned from the hunt with new creatures for you! Nyarlathotep, Yig, Ei'lor, B'gnu-Thun, Thunderbird, and Gossamer are at the shop now!
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