do-not-consume · 2 months
Sanders Sides predictions!! (On my burner account just in case anyone takes this too seriously) this is just for fun, don't sue me. (Includes all characters... Uhh in some form, there is no violence except threatened and I do realize at least some of it could never happen due to being too complicated to film in an apartment.) It starts very vague and then gets to dialogue for the really good part. DLDR
The video starts with Thomas. He's really struggling to put together a video. Logan immediately jumps to the opportunity to talk about the healthy schedule he proposed. Patton is summoned pretty early (pops up for a pun) but after he stays uncharacteristically quiet. When he's pushed, he admits he'd rather be quiet than wrong.
Logan assumes it's an anxiety problem then and summons Virgil. Who, for some reason, is avoiding Thomas like the plague. He tells them he has nothing to do with it, which immediately calls up Janus. Virgil leaves asap. Janus explains that, actually, he's not here because of Virgil, he's here to watch what Remus is about to do. Turns out Remus has been walking around all excited about this new change in process that's supposed to happen today and since he wasn't in his room, Janus figured he would find him up here. But there's no Remus.
Janus also looks confused as to why nobody went to get Roman. Logan admits he still doesn't like him very much and would have preferred if he stayed out of the picture for what is clearly a Patton related problem, because Patton is very soft spoken right now and Roman would just talk over him like he always does (and he had plenty screentime in the last video anyway). Both Thomas and Patton feel too bad about last time to talk to him first. But alright, if it will help the case, we'll summon him... Exept he doesn't show up. Thomas isn't scared, he's got complete creative block.
Roman must've ducked out.
They decide pretty quickly that they should go to his room (at least once Janus reminds everyone that they don't know where Remus is and what he could do if he's alone with Roman)
So they get into his room.. but it's dark. There are torches on the walls, beautiful paintings of Prince Roman, slaying the Dragon Witch, slaying on the stage, royal portraits of him and Mrs Snuffles. A single painting of two young boys, playing together in the garden, one dressed in black and one dressed in white.. And there's a throne.
"Well well, look who decided to finally show up." A man gets up from the throne. His voice sounds ice cold. And as he steps down into the light of the torches, they turn green. And they see a man with a big crown, worthy of a king, with a white streak in his hair and a sword by his side.
Janus looks like he'd just seen a ghost. "We have to leave. Right now. This isn't safe for any of us"
"Awwwh, Janus," the man before them slips into a Remus-like voice, walking closer and closer"don't spoil the fun." His voice turns cold once again. "You know.. I've been thinking about what you said to me last time we met. That I'm just the same as my brother. That we're both evil and cruel.. and it hurt me. It hurt me very very deeply," he grabs Janus by the cape. Others try to help him but he dismisses them. "I never wanted to leave my room again, how much it hurt. I couldn't believe you would say something like that... Something so.. true. I was too blind to see it before, but you were right. I am just as bad, as my brother is. And if I'm just as bad.. there's no reason to stay split apart."
Logan finally gets between him and Janus. He lets him go willingly. "Falsehood. You all have your own specific purposes in this system. So please, Roman-" a deep chuckle interrupts him
"Roman? Oh, haha, no. Roman's dead now. Me and my brother are one once again, no prince, no duke, but King. No Roman. No Remus. I am King Romulus, and you will address me as such. Now, get out of my room. Before I feed you to Mrs. Sniffles."
Behind the throne, a large plume of smoke emerges.
"Well, that ain't a cat" Patton is still quiet, staring down a giant silhouette of a dragon witch rising up.
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do-not-consume · 3 months
Everybody say thank you David Tennant
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do-not-consume · 5 months
Ok can we talk about it tho?? I (as a trans person) don't find it offensive
Because guess what
I'm personally only attracted to people with vaginas. Don't care about gender. In the slightest. But seeing a penis makes me PHYSICALLY RECOIL and I hate them I hate them I hate them.
But MY SEXUAL PREFERENCE has NOTHING to do with respecting other trans people! Trans women? Love them! Definitely women! Just not THE WOMEN FOR ME. IT'S A PREFERENCE. HAVING A PREFERENCE ISN'T TRANSPHOBIC
Edit: Obviously as a trans person I've been at the other end of this situation, MULTIPLE TIMES MIND YOU and NOT ONCE was I offended that it's a transphobic thing. It's preference. You don't have to automatically find everyone in your preferred gender attractive. I thought we got over this harmful stereotype in middle school. You're allowed to have different tastes. You're allowed to have preferences.
woah, what was the comment?
whilst marisha was in the hot dog costume that looked more like a vulva, Liam said "this is orym's form of dread" (making a joke about him being gay so ew pussy terrifying to him/implying men don't have them)
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do-not-consume · 5 months
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''Doesn't know what it's like to receive love''
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do-not-consume · 6 months
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Yes I'm serious, no I'm not okay
(I'll be tagging this and further parts as #buzzkill aquatic so feel free to use that tag too if you use my aquatic expansion in your art/animations/fanfics etc)
Next part (tail edition):
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do-not-consume · 6 months
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do-not-consume · 7 months
*Reading the Importance of being Earnest*
"Today we are calling rich people dumb by making the book about them be insanely annoying to read.
Tomorrow?" *Checks syllabus to see we have Gatsby for next week* *sigh*
"More of the same"
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do-not-consume · 7 months
I can't wait until you're not the person who knows me the best in the world anymore
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do-not-consume · 8 months
That's actually not true, I can tell you from personal experience
I have a TikTok account (ye ye sue me or whatev) and I can tell you
1. Every time you write a word like this in a comment it is immediately removed and handed back to you with "inappropriate language"
2. With post this happens as well but not as often, the main thing is that TikTok algorithm just won't push your video at all.
My views average is like 200 which is little for TikTok but who cares, but if I don't censor words the views drop to 10 or less, basically only showing the video to those that follow me or watch it on your page. Not only this, but it affects roughly five other videos I post after, keeping them all under 20 views
There's definitely things TikTok doesn't want spread around and will prevent them and punish you for them.
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babe wake up! new booktok nsfw censorship term just dropped
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do-not-consume · 9 months
Are you probiotic or antibiotic
I'm sick of these woke questions
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do-not-consume · 9 months
When you kill a deer
You put a leaves in their mouth
It's their last meal
It's what they'd eat
The dead of the ancient Greek were buried with gold coins in their mouths
Before it was for Cheirón
Before it was for safe passage
I wonder who killed them all
I wonder if they thought we ate gold since we chace after it our whole lives
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do-not-consume · 9 months
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do-not-consume · 10 months
Mmm picrew of Donan Gay
the picrew of dorian gray
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do-not-consume · 11 months
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do-not-consume · 11 months
Ahaha yeah, that...
*gestures vaguely at the pile of animal like qualities of my stimms and behavior that suggest I'm probably a furry or a therian*
That-uhhhhh, that we will deal with when we have time for a new identity crisis
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do-not-consume · 1 year
Yes, but
I am kind of suspicious of the correlation between Joan leaving and Sanders Sides stopping
It's been YEARS
And yes the wait has been long before but never YEARS
I'm not saying that's like bad or anything, life happens
I'm also just suspicious because the first years long gap started right around the time Joan left
This may be controversial but people who berate Thomas Sanders for not making Sanders Sides as much as he used to are not. Nice.
he's just a guy. Sometimes burnout happens. Sometimes people lose motivation to create. Hell, we even know now that he's been really sick and anxious about being on camera due to his sickness. I keep seeing posts that are like "Thomas is such a bad person he doesn't care about his community because he keeps making merch videos and Asides instead of main story stuff" and its just. It rubs me the wrong way.
I dunno.
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do-not-consume · 1 year
reblog this if your icon could kill a man
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