doltdoodled · 4 days
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redesigning // time skip designing an extremely minor Fairy Tail character !! og design here !! I can't believe Mashima dropped the ball with such a cute girl like her. SO MUCH WASTED POTIENTIAL oh well I'm adopting her now. more outfits under cut that I drew a month ago !!
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doltdoodled · 1 month
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would you let her play you a song? would you let her cast a spell on you?
Olexa art for the first time in a year!! why do I ignore her like this
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doltdoodled · 2 months
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Oh captain my captain !!
happy birthday to @episodeofdee !!
I hope this new chapter of your life is full of wonderful new experiences and adventures && I hope I can tag along for the ride.
I love your birthday because it is the day one of the best people in my life was born (obviously) but also we started becoming friends around this time of year so it is also a reminder of that. This year you are turning into a new decade and also marks a decade we have known each other. I just want to say thank you for being with me for so long. Your friendship has been a gift to me. I'm happy and grateful to have someone like you in my life, and I want to make sure you understand how special of a person you are. Rare like our name meaning.
I'm so happy we met in person this past summer. It was the most fun I had in a long time. I liked drawing us together to make up for the space between us but I feel so much closer to you since June. I keep my fingers crossed school lets me see you again in a couple years.
This new decade is going to be the start of many great things for you, I can tell. I can't wait to see what new doors you open. Happy birthday once again twinny. With all the love in my heart.
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doltdoodled · 5 months
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live on kickstarter now !!
Pledge to help bring this design to life. A combination of a plush bear and cute moon purse. With an exchangeable moon pouch included ☆
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doltdoodled · 7 months
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redraw of outfits X X X X X from 2016
my one piece oc in every arc she is apart. This took me months (since about June). It is nice to see how much my art has improved/ changed. I tried a few new things while working on this. Overall I am very proud!
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doltdoodled · 1 year
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HAPPY BDAY 18.04.23
@episodeofdee​ // @mocnblush​
to my twinny who is like an angel that lights up my sometimes gloomy life, happy birthday ♡ another year has come and gone so fast I can’t believe it. I use to say it feels like yesterday we just met but I can’t anymore. These past 9 years as your twin friend has turned into an eternity and I know that it will continue on that way. You are a rarity, a human that radiates such kindness that heals another, a blessing. I am so happy to be lucky enough and have you in my life. Just as the world is lucky that you were born into it. 
Thank you for all the joy you bring me, for all the support you give me, and all the warmth you send my way. I always smile when I think of you. My inspiration, my motivator, my rock, my light, my angel, but more importantly my twinny. Thank you for all that you do for me. I hope the world this year is kind to you and that you have a lovely day today. I love you with all my heart ♡
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doltdoodled · 1 year
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Did an outfit meme on one of my other blogs! A few people sent prompts in for my ocs, these were the results! I took this as a way to practice chibis and maybe making bases. I want to do more outfit related stuff in the future. 
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doltdoodled · 1 year
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new arc new camilla !! I already LOVE egghead island !! I saw a few manga colorings when I was looking up the other’s outfits && a few did everyone in a different color. I really liked that idea rather than going for the normal black & white future theme. Its more fun this way !!
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doltdoodled · 1 year
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a very hb to @amcthystt !! character belongs to her !! redraw of this
Happy 01.02 !! This post is filled with a years worth of good wishes to the brightest star in the universe 💖💖💖 I haven’t been on tumblr much but lately since I’ve been coming back it makes me feel a very specific type of joy seeing your posts on my dash. As it starts to inch closer to the 10 year mark of us meeting and becoming friends, I feel so grateful that even with space I can still call you that, my friend. 
You will always have a special place in my heart, and so with all my heart I wish you a very happy birthday. Hope you day is as lovely as you. 
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doltdoodled · 1 year
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It’s been YEARS since I drew this oc! Decided to give her an outfit update ♪(´▽`)
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doltdoodled · 1 year
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Been about a year since I have draw Camilla! I want to draw more arc outfits for her. I have a sketch of egghead island I will work on next hopefully! 2023 the year I draw more and return to what made me happy *★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。aka my ocs
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doltdoodled · 1 year
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Aphra v3
My third time drawing Aphra for my dear friend @metnoia // Kai ♡ thank you always for supporting my art !! I’m also just glad I get to redraw her bc I cringed seeing my old art. 
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doltdoodled · 1 year
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Been a long time since I posted. So I thought I would share what I’ve been working on! Designing a very sweet cardigan to be released soon! 
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doltdoodled · 3 years
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some doodles I did to promote my etsy! Most of the items the girls are wearing you can order here! Be sure to check it out!
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doltdoodled · 3 years
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@episodeofdee // @mocnblush 
Honestly surprised that another year has past, and what a year! I am kind of in shocked over everything that happened and everything that has changed. But it makes me appreciate this friendship even more. I know that no matter how much time will past I can always rely on my twinny to be there for me. 
In another universe we are real sisters who get to casually go to a cafe and show each other memes. I like to imagine that. The idea of hanging out with you one weekend knowing I’ll see you again very soon. It makes me feel bittersweet because I wish that was our current reality. But regardless of how you are in my life, one fact stands that my life is way better with you in it. 
It has been 7 years since our friendship started and it amazes me how far we both have come. My admiration for your grows with every passing day, and you never stop inspiring me to be better and to keep moving forward. You are wonderful human being that I am luck to have met, and I truly believe you are a one in a life time kind of person. Your kindness and love has shaped me in more ways than you know. You have picked me up from so much and I only hope I show you a fraction of the care you give to me. 
I really like calling you my twinny because to me, you are closer than a sister. I can connect with you so easily and there isn’t anything I can’t come to you with. People talk about twins having a sixth sense and despite you being across the world I feel like we have that. I am very bad at putting feelings into words so even if this is short, I hope you can use that sixth sense to understand just how much I love you and how much I wish to celebrate many more birthdays with you. 
I will always be happy you were born, and I hope you have a wonderful day full of warmth and love. Have an amazing birthday twinny, and a great year to follow. I know I am excited to see what you do.
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doltdoodled · 3 years
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Camilla: Beast Pirate Disguise  
Last year I sketched out Camilla in a whole bunch of wano outfits. This was my fav so I thought I would redraw it! I had a lot of fun might do others! 
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doltdoodled · 3 years
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                       Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? 
I have nothing to say other than this took me a long time to draw. I tried a bunch of new things with it and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out! I worked really hard on this so drop a like/reblog if you’re a Carmen fan! appericated
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