domineering-light · 1 year
Are you accepting requests right now?
Not yet, but just send what you'd like me to write, and i'll start working on it when i can.
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domineering-light · 2 years
Can I request romance headcanons for Arlecchino, Signora, and Sandrone?
{Romance _ headcanons}: Arlecchino, La Signora, Sandrone.
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-First noticed her significant other working around the children in her orphanage.
-Cold at first, likes to keep her distance.
-Once she gets to know them better, she’s very affectionate, although physical affection isn’t her strong suit, she wouldn’t be opposed to it. She much prefers acts of service such as giving gifts, she also like to pamper them.
-Incredibly gentle, especially if they've fallen ill, she has worked around sick children many times, so she knows how to properly tend for you.
-She may be known for her temper, but she is very patient with you, and tries to resort problems as amicably as possible.
-Likes apples a lot for some reason, give her any apple related pastries and she will be very very happy.
-Overall great, but she snores and tosses around at night and will always steal the blankets for herself.
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-Her current significant other was her best friend since Mondstadt, they were the only thing she had after Rostam’s death.
-Just like Arlecchino, she is very affectionate, except she isn’t so hesitant to show it and will shower them with kisses and hugs at all times.
-Contrary to popular belief, she always wanted to settle down in a cottage house with them and stay there for the rest of her life.
-Very protective, will attack anyone who hurts them or even insults them in anyway.
-She likes being pretty, she also like them being pretty, so guess what, a lot of going shopping!
-She also likes to do their hair and choose their outfit for them.
-She likes anything with chocolate! Whether it be fondant or chocolate chip cookies, she’s always up for it.
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-Met her significant other while they were working in the ruin guard factory.
-Was always interested and watching from a distance, she likes to observe them and note down their habits, likes, and dislikes.
-Made a doll that resembles them to keep her company when they were gone.
-Her love language is very unique, she likes to show her affection by making small robots of animals such as rabbits and birds for them.
-Calls them “Darling” or “Dear” all of the time, refuses to use their name.
-Overworks herself a lot, has to be dragged out of her office to go rest all of the time.
-Likes the good ol’ vanilla snacks, such as plain cookies.
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Enjoy your piece, dear anon!
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domineering-light · 2 years
Greetings, Cyra! I saw your post, and I would love to request an Arlecchino x reader. Enemies to Lovers trope, Reader is Tsaritsa's adopted child that "fell from the stars" (a descender? fallen angel? Who knows) and only wishes to change the world. And free it from Celestia and the Abyss, we could say that Reader somewhat resided in Khaenriah for a long amount of time enough to witness the downfall and a survivor. Although, they aren't cursed like Dainsleif.
Another motive would be freeing Tsaritsa from the burden of fighting Celestia themselves, and is readying up to become a weapon willingly.
Arlecchino and Reader would have this "I despise you, but fine I'll help you." Dynamic, they could be chaotically bantering when they're fighting something. Fake polite sarcastic remarks towards each other whenever it's a diplomatic matter, they'd even end up dancing together in a ball related to the fatui. (Maybe, Tsaritsa ordered or threatened Arlecchino to do so. Does she know? We'll never know.)
Since Arlecchino and Reader would end up together, Reader asks the question. "Are you absolutely ready to lose me when the time arrives? It's impossible for me to survive unscathed by then." (Hurt and Comfort)
In hindsight, the Tsaritsa is well aware of her child's intentions and it pains her to know that her child's ambitions include her. Hence, she does not interfere in the Reader's journey even if they meddle with hers and the fatui harbingers'.
Reader could also be on friendly terms and know the current Genshin characters, heck even Traveler. Lends them a helping hand every now and then, though would remind the Traveler they might use them but won't harm them too much. (Traveler's fine with it.)
Lastly, Arlecchino's love language is acts of service. From gifting and being a gentleman to literally annihilating people that is after the Reader.
The request is long, but I don't mind a short one. Just idea dumping, hehe. Peace!
{C u r t a i n - C a l l} _ Arlecchino
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Skies, the endless clouds that folded into each other, the darkness speckled by timeless spheres of light, stars.
You did not know where you came from, what you were, you had no parents, you did not know your beginning. But She told you that you fell from the stars, that you were exceptional, a celestial, a god.
And so, you followed Her, she adopted you, you became her daughter.
You remember your homeland well, the land of khaenri'ah, it was beautiful. It sought for knowledge, knowledge that would soon destroy it. You remember well when "Gold" unleashed a terrible curse on the people that made them into monsters. This further drew the ire of Celestia, who razed the entire country to the ground after years of holding a grudge against the godless nation.
But that was five hundred years ago, and yet, even then, your Mother still held a grudge, and you were more than ready to do everything you could to aid her, even if it meant for you to give your own life, sacrifice everything, become a weapon.
This is how you got here, next to the Knave herself, whomst you despised greatly, and the feeling was shared, to say the least.
You had to go on a mission together, much to your chagrin; you had only observed her from afar. There was no need for interaction. Yet she seemed to believe otherwise, expressing such thoughts through unneeded insults and attempts at gauging a reaction from you, failed attempts considering you always remained silent then walked away, to which she would scoff and continue her duties.
One mission passed, and another, and then another, you tried to get to know her, simply because you had to.
But you still despised her, to you she was just some heartless person who deceived and brainwashed orphaned children into becoming mindless soldiers; and to her you were just some spoiled brat who is favored by the Tsaritsa for no apparent reason whatsoever.
Time passed, so so much time, enough time for you two to make amends, enough time to fall inlove.
And when the white winds of winter began to blow, underneath the pale glow of the full moon, as you swayed on chalky snow, you asked her:
“Are you absolutely ready to lose me when the time arrives? It's impossible for me to survive unscathed by then.”
“…What are you on about exactly?”
“When you decided to get together with me, you made the choice with full awareness that someday, I’ll be gone. So let me ask you once again before we proceed, are you absolutely sure you are ready to lose me?”
No response came.
You waited…
And waited.
“…I won’t let it happen, if you go, im going with you.”
“What if it was today, then…?”
More silence.
“Why are you asking me this, darling?”
“…Because I must.”
A Tear.
And then another.
You watched silently as the drops raced down her face, her face which you then held gently, starting to cry too.
“It’s okay Alrecchino, it’s all fine, you’ll get over it, you’ll find someone else, someone better.”
“No, I won’t, I made a promise to stay by your side until the bitter end. I will not leave until the curtain call.”
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Enjoy your piece, dear anon!
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domineering-light · 2 years
Salutations, dearest reader.
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Welcome to my blog. Here you may request me to write anything for your favorite harbingers! So long as you follow the rules that is, but we'll be getting to that later.
As for now, allow me to introduce myself.
I am called Cyhiraeth, but you may simply address me as "Cyra.", you need not know anything else except for the fact that I am of age (according to japanese law.) and that I do not tolerate rudeness. That will be all.
You may send dan ask or a request whenever you wish, but only if you respect the following:
I- NO requests of SEXUAL CONTENT.
II- NO verbal abuse.
III- REQUESTS must be sent through ASKS, I will not take requests from comments.
IV- In the case of a READER fic, said reader must be EIGHTEEN OR OLDER.
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{C_H_O_O_S_E _ W_I_S_E_L_Y _ }
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