dopewriters · 11 years
Okay, a serious question right now!
Who that follows my blog or just randomly sees this post is a writer? Do me a favor please, and tagg someone who has the ability to write whatever, stories, poems, fan fictions, etc.
I have a writing blog that I’m ready to start getting things up and running with this page dopewriters. I will be posting myself, along with others who submit a piece of their writing to this page!
So if you would, please tag someone who you know can write! Thank you!
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dopewriters · 11 years
I was starting to get very irritated. I sat back and huffed in my chair as I continued to listen to this deceitful story my husband was telling. I looked around at all of our friends and they were really, seriously enjoying this. The buffoonery made me die inside! Although I will admit, my husband has the best poker face ever mimicked, but the words coming out of this mans mouth is unbelievable. I sat up to take a sip of my drink. "It was incredible! He said the deal was pretty much mine if I want it! I said well, I'll move in tomorrow!" My husband, Christopher explained. Everyone burst into laughter like it was a Kevin Hart joke. "He did not say that, Chris." I chimed in, fed with the bullshit. Silence immediately fell. He looked at me and I knew instantly knew that that was a mistake. "What?" He asked as he looked directly into my eyes. I remained silent. "What did he say, then, Eliza?" I gained my composer as I looked away from him and onto the floor. I was going to back down once again, but I was tired of his shit. "He said you still had to interview like everyone else." "Yeah, but he also didn't treat everyone else like me, now did he?" He grabbed my hand. " No, I suppose he didn't, babe." I backed down. One of our friends interrupted our bickering. "Well, that's amazing! I'm sure you'll get hired on the spot! I mean, come on, you're a multi-millionaire with a self-made business owner, of course he'll get the job, Eliza!" Everyone agreed. "Oh!" My best friend Keri said excitedly. "How was your vacation in Aruba?!" she asked me and Chris. "It was so peaceful. If I could have stayed I would. We really enjoyed ourselves, didn't we, baby?" He asked me with a smile. We did! I was so beautiful out there. But all his work calls made him really busy, so we couldnt do too much. But overall it was amazing." Keri asked, sounding surprised, " you were out there for two weeks and all you did was work, Christapher? Are you crazy?!" My husband picked up his drink and took a sip. I knew once again I had fucked up. I tried to save it this time. "No, I just meant we couldn't do as much as we would have liked to." Keri's house phone rang before she could say anything else. She rushed to get it. Everyone created their own little conversation, while my husband created ours. He slid close to me and put his hand around my waist. He squeezed my side with all his might and I winced quietly in pain. He sneakily whispered in my ear. "If you ever pull some shit like this again while we are around them, your're in for one rude fucking awakening when we walk through those Cherrywood doors, do you understand me?" He gripped my side even harder and I winced even more. "Ahh, yes!" I said as quietly as I could. "Good. Now if you say something else wrong you're ass is gonna be sorry. Okay? Matter of fact, don't say shit else while we are here. Don't speak unless your ass is spoken to!" He gripped me a little harder then let go with force. I sat completely still for seconds. After I processed what had just happened, I gained my composer. I sat back in my seat and clutched my drink. As conversations passed I casually laughed and answered questions I was asked, but I mostly drifted off. And just like my husband said, I didn't speak. I was so tired of being controlled. I was so tired of being humiliated. I had lost my voice in this relationship. My hip was aching. My husband had bruised my body, and this wasn't the first time.
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dopewriters · 11 years
Hello! I know it’s been SO long since I’ve posted anything and I sincerely apologize for that! 
I want to make this a strong writing page. A page where writers can be free once they press that submit button. 
So please, submit things! No matter what it is. Poetry, short story, a chapter, fan fiction piece, it doesn’t matter! 
Let all your writing friends know about this page, there isn’t much followers on this page so lets make that possible! Ill start by submitting something I wrote not too long ago. Lets get it going!!
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dopewriters · 11 years
Hello! I know it’s been SO long since I’ve posted anything and I sincerely apologize for that! I want to make this a strong writing page. A page where writers can be free once they press that submit button. So please, submit things! No matter what it is. Poetry, short story, a chapter, fan...
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dopewriters · 11 years
I scurried through a crowd full people, trying to get as far away as my Balenciaga Ceinture Cut-Out Ankle Boots would get me in that moment. The cool night air portrayed an ugly image and a really bad vibe. I noticed my hands were trembling because I was struggling to wipe the tears from my blood...
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dopewriters · 11 years
A Violent Night.
I scurried through a crowd full people, trying to get as far away as my Balenciaga Ceinture Cut-Out Ankle Boots would get me in that moment. The cool night air portrayed an ugly image and a really bad vibe. I noticed my hands were trembling because I was struggling to wipe the tears from my blood shot red eyes, with one being blacked. I pushed people out the way. I was in a frantic, but didn't want to draw too much attention to myself. My hair swayed back and forth as I continuously looked behind me. Just when I thought I had gotten a good distance away, I was wrong. My ears perked out and my heart pounded with fear as I heard my name being screamed out in the nightfall. "Zyna, get your ass back here!" A deep, slurred voice in the distance ascended into the air. I immediately pick up my paste looking straight ahead. Everyone around me looked back to where they thought the voice had come from. But I didnt have to look back anymore. I knew that voice. That strong, stern, voice. I knew exactly who it was. I could hear people asking their company who Zyna was. I saw another point to me and ask, "is that Zyna?" "You ain't going no damn where, get you're ungrateful ass back here before I drag your ass back here with me!" I was afraid for my life. My heart had now completely exploded in my chest. Behind me I could hear a bus driving down the street. As I could hear my husbands voice getting closer and angrier by the second, I knew I had to catch that bus. I picked up my pace because the bus stop was just at the end of the street. I didn't care what bus it was, I didn't care where it was going, I just knew it was safe for the time being. I smashed into the strangers staring at my face. My tongue was completely white and dry, and my red, busted lip was burning. I stopped at the bus stop extremely out of breath. It's headlights flashed on my face, it was covered with sweat. I noticed a space forming quickly in the crowd coming my way. My eyes couldn't have been bigger at this point. As the bus approached the edge of the street I saw his face. Full of anger and determination to catch my skinny ass. I banged on the windows of the bus until it stopped. The bus driver cursed at me through the doors as he came to a complete stop. My husband was within 50 feet of me. The bus doors swung open as I continued to bam on the doors. I struggled onto the bus and eyes automatically flew to me. All I could do was scream, telling the driver to close the doors drive off. Within a blink off an eye, his face appeared through the doors as he tried to rip it off. "Drive!" I screamed to the bus driver. My husband effortlessly lifted up his leg to kick in the door just as it drove off. I fell to the floor, crying, out of oxygen, and beat up. When I picked my head up, one thousand eyes met mine. In a flash I wiped my face, picked up my bag, and rushed to the back of the bus to an empty seat. I dug my quivering hand into my purse and pulled out my Ray Bans Sunglasses and laid my head on the side of the window. I imagined Keith's eyes as he continued banging on the bus. The look he had once our eyes locked was brutal. If he would have got his hands on me, he would have killed me. Tears ran down through my sunglasses as I envision everything that had just happened. My head was throbbing out of control. My thoughts were changing every two seconds from scene to scene, play by play. I ignored the stares I remained getting. I just wanted everything to go away. I tightly shut my eyes until I saw nothing.
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dopewriters · 11 years
Think Twice
Bullying should not be a way of life You never know what that person is going through You wouldn’t want it to happen do you too, Would you? So why would you do it to someone else? Making their life a living hell Because something in your life isn’t great You might just cause them to take their own fate And even if it wasn’t just you; It was a group of your friends too, Who said it cool and it was alright Probably went home and slept all night But that one kid that you choose to pick on Stayed up all night long Thinking about what you said in school That day you thought you were just so cool Went down to the kitchen and got a knife And that is where he took his life. During the next day at school, you see some police One of your buddies comes running up to you Crying and saying dude what did you put me upto? You know that kid from yesterday? The one we made fun of in the hallway? He killed himself last night They found him with a knife Stabbed through his heart with a note by his side Saying lord please help those who choose to hide From those who pick on them and think they are cool And to remind them this is only high school That you will get through it and to stay strong Because you really do belong But for me myself I know I did belong And I really tried to stay strong I new I shouldn’t give into what they say But I did it any ways And I know I will regret it so very much But you don’t understand I had enough Tell my mother I’m sorry and I love her That I will be okay now There is no need to frown For I am safe here So don’t shed a tear For God loves me and I will stay near So as for you who choose to bully I just ask you one thing please share my story To the other kids around the school Who think they are so damn cool Now, your friend has come to you To share what he knows But really hes the one that chose To tell the police that he wasn’t guilty That it was you that said those filthy Words to that child Even though they were quite mild It still made an impact on his life So next time just think twice
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dopewriters · 11 years
Society's Battle
What are we fighting for? An acceptance of society? Who opens and shuts that door? Who decided what’s propriety? When did we become so depending on each other? That we can’t think for our self? When did we stop respecting one another? We are not just objects on a shelf. We have our own minds. Our own thoughts and dreams. No two are the same kind. When did we all become so mean? What’s so great about being the same? If you ask me, I think that’s pretty lame.
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dopewriters · 12 years
Love Making.
I stood face to face with the man that I loved. My eyes furiously stared at your pink, moist lips and I was automatically disgusted. I could see every lie escape your tongue as you looked me dead in my eyes and my adrenaline reached its peak. I raised my caramel hand and swung it upon the right side of your cheek. I instantly felt my hand tingling. Before I could blink, my back was pushed against the wall with such force, and my hands were pinned above me. As much as I struggled to get my wrist free, your manly strength wasn’t enough for me. I noticed your neck bulging with veins as you spit all your anger in my face. I couldn’t hear anything. The way the light on the ceiling illuminated your athletic muscles made me wet. The way your jaws clenched together each time you paused to breath, the way your eyes stared holes through the hurting depths of my soul made me want you.
Your lying, filthy lips, I now wanted on mine. I quickly locked lips with my man. I felt his grip loosen up around my wrist. His tongue made intimate love with mine as he grabbed a handful of my ass. He slowly caressed his left hand on my face. I quickly slapped his face cheek again and he pulled away with a confused look. My eyes locked with his and I gave him the most seductive look I could give him. I wanted him to need me the way I needed him. He smirked and instantly grabbed my face firmly with both of his strong hands. I began to feel my juices slide out my pussy and down my thigh as he slapped my ass. He knew I wanted it rough. He pulled me up around his waist as I put my legs around him. Our lips did not disconnect until he threw my voluptuous body on the bed. Without hesitation he took off his pants and boxers, and I couldn’t get out of my bra fast enough. He grabbed my ankles and pulled me to the end of the bed. I moaned at his aggression. That’s exactly what I needed from him.
His fingers roughly but smoothly grabbed my C cupped breast and placed it in his mouth. The warmth of his mouth was almost orgasmic. He flicked my hard nipples with his tongue as I moaned sweetly. He rubbed his hands all over my brown skin with passion and lust. He suddenly ripped off my panties and dove straight into my valley. I was so turned on by his urgency to taste me I could have climaxed at that moment. His tongue slipped and slid over my pearl. I ran my fingers through my lovers’ hair as I arched my back. I couldn’t help but wrap my legs around his head as he slurped every inch of my ice cream.
Then, without warning, I felt his hard crown ready to enter my castle. He moaned as he slowly pushed into my secret walls. I moaned with pleasure as his strokes became stronger. Our lips met once again and I couldn’t help but bite his lip. I wanted every inch of this man on top of me. My head tossed and turned with enjoyment. I bit his shoulders and nibbled on his ears as we made love. Everything was in sync. The bed began to rock harder and I began to scream. His body was so warm on top of my body. I ran my fingers up and down his back as my nails made trails along the way. All the anger we had previously was now gone and put into this intimacy. I no longer hated him. I no longer wanted to hurt him. I no longer wanted to fight with him. I just wanted to make love to him the way no one else could.
He moaned in my ear and shouted how good I felt. There was no shame in his voice, there was no pride blocking his words. I knew he meant it. No other pussy clinched his manhood the way mines did. When he went in, I never wanted him to leave. No other man could fit as perfectly inside of me as my man could. I’d never heard him in this much bliss before, but I had to admit, this was pure ecstasy and I was into the era just as much as he was. The sweat on our bodies made us cling to each other as we screamed out each other’s names. The room was steaming with vulnerable words of love that only we understood.
His breathing increased as he warned me he was about to release. I pulled him as close to my body as possible and danced with his lower half. I could feel his penis hitting every inch of my nature. We both yelled out our satisfaction as he released inside of me and his body collided with mine. I wrapped my arms around him, not wanting my king to leave my castle. When he finally did, he pulled me close and held me tightly. We lay in silence as he kissed my naked shoulder. No words were needed. Everything we had to say, we showed each other through our intimate action. We knew each other’s soul and read each other’s minds, there was no need for concerns. 
By: Tiya C. 
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dopewriters · 12 years
whats up girl submission 
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dopewriters · 12 years
Cruel Moon, Where's The Sun?
Cruel Moon, Where’s The Sun?
My heart aches tonight.  But not because of you. But because of these new pains that continue to grow from the past.  The unhappiness is always the strongest. Then comes the loneliness,  Then the fear. The skies are gorgeous, and the moon is bright, but my emotions are blissful. The night tells a pitiful story of a girl with a powerful mind, and a damaged heart.
My heart burns tonight. But not because of you. But because of the old memories that will not surrender. There will never be credits until my instrument takes its last beat.  There are no smiles today. That was yesterday, and there’s no moon out. The world is as dark as a family secret.  As dark as a toddlers room.  As dark as these lovely hidden scars.
My heart crumbles tonight. But not because of you. But because of the things I’ve been through.  Sucked in to the disgust of these people that are full of hatred, I was never pretty enough. But the moon was. Captivating earths beauty, I blow grey smoke to the sky. Because my heart hurts, but tomorrow will get better. And this time, I’m hoping to see the sun.  Because sometimes the dark is terrifying and vacant. And for once I’d like to wake up to hopes that today the world won’t be so cruel. - Tiya C
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dopewriters · 12 years
Submit Your writing!
This is a blog where you can summit all your writing. Fan-fictions, short stories, series, poems, slam poems, songs, and your form of thoughts in artistic form. 
You will be able to summit your own work, or the work of others that you may want to share, BUT you have to be sure to give them credit, we don’t want any plagiarism here or accusations of theft. 
Now, there isn't one kind of writer, there are plenty different genres. This blog will be open to all genres. If you feel like you want to write about love, being hurt, political problems, fiction, nonfiction, or a funny piece of writing, by all means, feel free to do it! 
This blog will be a nonjudgmental environment! I will not stand by and let someone criticize someone else’s work. If you don’t have CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, then don’t even comment. There’s a fine line between critique and disrespect, and i know the difference! 
So, if you write, please join this blog and summit! If you know of a blog that involves writing, please let them know! 
I look forward to seeing submissions from everyone!
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dopewriters · 12 years
Hey Followers, New blog!
Hello, all my beautiful followers! I want to thank all my loyal ones for all the support and such. I have started a new blog, its a writing one. dopewriters.tumblr.com This blog is going to be a page where you can submit any kind of writing, such as short stories, poems, fan fiction, artistic thoughts, etc! I am even contemplating on having videos of people performing their work! 
I know all of my followers aren’t writers, but i would appreciate it if you would help support the page anyway by subscribing and letting other people that do write know that this page is available! Please help me out, that would mean a lot! 
Here’s the blog again, please follow and submit!!
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dopewriters · 12 years
Welcome, all writers!!
Follow this blog and submit your writing to the page! I would love to see your artistic abilities. It doesnt makket what kind of writing you do. Weither it be a poem, or a short story, I want to hear it all! 
And tell your friends about this blog, so we can get some followers and submissions!
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dopewriters · 12 years
Lets fall in love. Lets do drugs together. Lay under the stars and get baked while watching the beauty of life. Seeing stars in double vision : Under the influence. Lets have a bad argument. Scream and holler at each other, telling the other how much we hate each other. Storm out of the room. And...
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dopewriters · 12 years
It will be a blog where you can summit all your writing. Fan-fictions, short stories, series, poems, slam poems, songs, and your form of thoughts in artistic form.
You would be able to summit your own work, or the work of others that you may want to sure, BUT you have...
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