dougiehp-blog · 7 years
alternative depression tips for when you read the ‘depression tips’ post and laugh hollowly, bc only in your fondest dreams could you manage to do any of those things
dry shampoo and face wipes are your friend. if you can brush your teeth you’ll feel maybe 2% less disgusting. wash your hands.
smelling nice is gr9, rubbing moisturiser in is Exhausting. perfume, scented candles and linen sprays are way quicker.
try to change your clothes at least every other day. wear sweats or pjs as often as you physically can.
you don’t need to put on underwear if you’re not leaving the house (that goes double for bras and binders)
drink any water that hasn’t been sitting out on your desk for a week. dust doesn’t taste good. stay hydrated. I fill one of those 2 litre bottles in the morning and keep it with me so I don’t have to get up and walk to the sink.
re: cleaning, try and keep one room vaguely clean. if everywhere else is a shit hole that’s fine, but you can go sit in your one tidy space and chill for a bit. it’s fine if that’s the bathroom or just the corner of your bedroom where there’s no crap on the floor. find a tiny space that isn’t horrifying and sit in it.
music helps.
eat a thing. +5 points if it has a fresh fruit or vegetable in it. take out is acceptable if it comes with veggies.
if your creativity curled up and died a long time ago try and find something that at least reminds you what it was like to feel inspired. watch a film, look at some art (probably not your own), read a thing. if that makes you feel worse, just?? don’t think about it??
grounding yourself is actually really helpful. open the window and breathe for 2 minutes. lay down on the floor and feel your whole body (unless you don’t want to in which case: lay down and don’t feel anything except the floor) 
human interaction is Good. text a family member you don’t hate if you have one. message a friend. reply to someone’s personal post with ‘SAME’. make your own personal post asking the void for validation. stare out the window at people and remind yourself that life exists outside of the black space inside your head. whatever works.
pets are amazing, agreed. watch some funny animal vines if you don’t have one.
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dougiehp-blog · 7 years
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I am so elated to be living at the same time as Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams. In a world rife with hate, with blatant racism, with outright human rights violations, these two angels have come to save us with their grace and the power inherent in simply being themselves. Constantly critiquing the dumpster fire that is Donald Trump and having frank conversations about race and gender, these two dope ass queens are role models for a generation of young people who are as uncertain about their own futures as they are about the future of their world. They are proud black feminists in both a career and a society that systematically discriminates against them for being any of the above. On a weekend when all I wanted to do was bury my head in my pillow, I went to the Women’s March on Denver and spent the rest of the day bingeing Two Dope Queens instead. Hearing Jessica mispronounce Bono’s name just to get an annoyed laugh from Phoebe, but then agreeing to go to a U2 concert in the same sentence because she knows how much Phoebe loves them is #friendshipgoals defined. They are the Oprah and Gail of our time. They share a playful love for one another on (and I imagine off) stage, a love that is built out of trust and mutual respect. It is that very same love marking the people pouring into the streets today. Friends, parents, lovers, people coming out to support one another, trusting in one another, and encouraging one another with chants, with clever signs, with #tinyhand jokes. People building community in a sea of more people, all united, at the very least, by the common goal of caring for the wellbeing of other people. This day has given me hope because like Phoebe and Jessica, there are so many millennials who are woke af, who refuse to sugarcoat our nation’s problems and our racist history, and who refuse to blindly accept our country as righteous and all powerful. After all of the jokes, when the laughter has subsided, there is a genuine fire in the hearts of so many people willing and ready to fight. Cheers to 2017 💖🥂💖
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
me next year in the animation class
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
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Dark times all around but there are still people out there who love you
Do not hurt yourself, do not hurt others, get help, talk to someone, anyone. Humanity has survived before and we can do it now if we all just support each other. My country and my people let me down and endangered my life but there’s nothing I or anyone else can do about that so let’s try to spread the love that is so clearly lacking.
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
I am insecure and sensitive and I ruin everything I love
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
LGBT actually stands for Lady Gaga & Beyoncé - Telephone, which is when they ended homophobia worldwide
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
reblog if you think trans women belong in female and lesbian spaces .
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
Roland Martin Destroys The Leader Of The Racist “Alt-Right” Neo Nazi Group That Hailed Trump
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
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When he says he studied biology
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
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When you got the thumbs too close to flag emojis
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
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reblog while you still can
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
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dougiehp-blog · 8 years
I’m at a crossroads. On the one hand, I’m on Grindr, and talking to boys is sweet like when you put too much sugar on plain Cheerios because they aren’t honey nut. When I think about the things I could be doing: covering a lamp, finding a job, binding a book, or being an activist, I suddenly recoil. Why? Why do I hide from who I could be and why do I retreat into myself, the one-eyed wall of dicks looking back at me? If only I knew that sugar comes from within. If only I knew that I have the sweetness of one million bees humming inside of me.
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