doves-of-aphrodite · 25 days
So I’ve been making moodboards representing Lady Aphrodite’s different epithets. I’ve already made:
Aphrodite Areia
Aphrodite Antheia
Aphrodite Ourania
Aphrodite Pandemos
Aphrodite Anadyomede
Aphrodite Erototrophus
Aphrodite Chrysea
Aphrodite Aphrogenia
Aphrodite Nymphia
Aphrodite Philomides
Aphrodite Androphonos
Aphrodite Pontia
Aphrodite Melainis
I am also in the process of making some for each of the Erotes. I’ve already made
Pothos (queued)
Anteros (Queued)
The Hesperides (Queued)
Are there any more you’d like to see? Or any moodboards dedicated to other love gods or Her family?
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doves-of-aphrodite · 1 month
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doves-of-aphrodite · 2 months
bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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doves-of-aphrodite · 2 months
Explaining that I’m a pagan to one of my friends who I’ve known for 10 years after not talking to her for a good half a year was definitely an experience- this is how it went (not even dramatised in any way - she was the one who I talked to about Greek mythology for years and we’re still both really into it, so I explained it in the Percy Jackson terms)
Her: Are you on tumblr?
Me: Yeah I am
Her: I knew it!!! You give off tumblr vibes!
Me: thank.. you? Oh but I’m on pagan tumblr so you might not find me!
Her: huh? What’s that?
Me: well.. I worship the gods, like the ones in Percy Jackson? Greek mythology?
Her: Oh?
Me: Yeah and sometimes I communicate with them and they give me signs.
Her: *gives me a look*
Me: I promise I’m not doing drugs.
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doves-of-aphrodite · 2 months
My favorite way to incorporate worship into my daily life is to associate certain drinks with deities, so whenever I have them it’s a devotional act. Oh, I’m having orange juice with my breakfast? That’s for Apollon. I’m drinking a Sprite? That’s for Zeus. Sipping on a matcha latte? That’s for Demeter. If you’re struggling with making daily devotion a habit, I definitely recommend this, especially if you are a sensory learner.
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doves-of-aphrodite · 2 months
Tips for Travel
As I’m in the middle of my summer holidays and am about to leave for a road trip in two days, I thought I would be able to talk about some tips I have for when you travel if you’re going somewhere where you can’t have an altar or candles. This is a long post so buckle in!
First off, I’m a huge advocate for having a mini altar you can carry around, with wax melts. Although I know that’s not a choice for a lot of people (for example - me), I do think that if you can, you 100% should!
If you can, I’d recommend getting an LED candle, since if you’re staying in a hotel, you can’t use any candle in there unless specified otherwise (which I don’t think will happen in a lot of hotels) and if you need to buy batteries for it, you can buy those pretty easily!
Something I personally do is I bring at least one crystal which reminds me of each deity worship/work with! This along with a tarot deck and a few things for cleansing go into a small bag and then I take that with me.
Overall, travel can be really stressful, especially if I can’t light candles while I’m gone. This means that I do get antsy and think my relationship with the gods isn’t good enough. I want to remind everyone who feels that way that the god love you. They will not get mad at you for this. I promise.
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doves-of-aphrodite · 2 months
hey, im really new to gellenic polytheism and im wondering where good places to research are because there is lots of misinformation and contradictions in lots of places thank you in advance if you respond 😊
This is gonna be a long ranty post with a brief summary at the very bottom, so you can skip to that if you’d like (but you would miss the reasons as to why I do research the way I do!)
First off, I’d like to mention that a lot of the time in my experience, people tend to be the best resource! Learning their beliefs, how their experiences are, help a lot. However, obviously this wouldn’t be enough on it’s own, especially since each person’s relationship with Hellenic polytheism is different and unique!
I’d also recommend checking out some myths, some books about it, etc. I personally have read the Iliad (and am about to start the Odyssey) and it gave me a greater understanding of how the deities existed in their original mythology and religion so I’d also say that while reading overviews of the myths are always nice and simple, I think you should at least try to read as close to the original as possible. Good places to get big books on the myths for free online are gutenberg.org and the Perseus Digital Library.
Then there’s the actual history of their worship. For this, I’d recommend just going on as big of a deep dive as possible on the internet anywhere you can. My personal rule is 3 websites have to agree and if they don’t then I cross that off the research as inaccurate. When I first started deep diving into this topic on Lady Aphrodite for example, I went to a YouTube channel called ‘OverlySarcasticProductions’ and watched any videos they have about Lady Aphrodite. Then I went and fact checked them with different websites and books I found on Lady Aphrodite and learnt even more that way.
There are obviously websites, and I think everyone knows a lot of them! theoi.com, worldhistory.org, greekmythology.com are some good first base ones, but when going deeper, I’d recommend reading things to do with the deity anywhere you can. For example, some of my research on Lady Aphrodite came from someone’s thesis which was posted online and then I went to check their bibliography and checked those sources as well. Never forget to check references because if there is an option to have references and citations and they don’t give them, I’d say not to trust them.
Listen to other people’s experiences in the community on social media (don’t base everything off what they say though)
Read the actual myths (in as close to the original format as possible if you want to go that extra deep step - check out the links in the section for resources on that)
YouTube can be your friend! Just make sure to triple check anything they’re saying (this goes for every piece of research you do!! Don’t just take things as facts)
Check out people’s theses on topics and check out their citations and bibliography
Remember to go back to the roots and check things like theoi.com, worldhistory.org, greekmythology.com, etc. Just because they might seem like ‘middle schoolers websites’ sometimes doesn’t mean that they’re not valuable
And just remember, your research is never over! This is such an ancient religion and we’re still finding out things about how it worked, and I doubt it’ll ever be fully learnt about. Always keep researching, because you’re never done learning.
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doves-of-aphrodite · 2 months
I don’t think we are meant to fear the Gods. Not even Gods of storms, death, or war. To believe in them is to accept them as they are. Don’t let anybody convince you that polytheists should fear the Gods. Be awe-struck, be humble before them if it feels right, but in this modern day and age, spirituality shouldn’t feel unsafe.
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doves-of-aphrodite · 2 months
Is the discord server open? It seems really interesting and I’d love to join :3
Hiya!! Okay so, for the discord server, I’m still working on it (because carlbot is an actual pain to figure out and I can’t figure out how to do roles) but once that’s done, it’ll be open to the public!! Right now it’s called ‘Ace of Wands’ and I’ll post the link to it as soon as I can!
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doves-of-aphrodite · 2 months
I want to thank Lady Aphrodite for helping me make it to today. It’s been a really hard time for me, and with her having been in my life, it made everything so much easier.
Today is my 16th birthday, and when we first started work with Lady Aphrodite, we thought we wouldn’t get to this time in work with her. We’ve struggled so so much, but she’s helped us remember that we’re amazing. Of course we’ve also had the help from our wonderful partner, who stood by us the entire time and heard our many rants about everything to do with paganism and polytheism as well, which I will be forever be grateful for.
I’m glad to be here, I’m happy for the support I get here, and going into this new year for me, I can’t wait to see what it has in store.
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doves-of-aphrodite · 2 months
I feel like this is an important post to make, not only because my blog will now go into a different direction - it will still keep the same purpose, educating people on hellenic deities and keep the same name - but also because I always feel as though people talk about the good and almost never the bad or sad in deity work.
Last night I finished work with Lady Aphrodite.
Almost everyone goes through this in their practice at one point or another, and I know that if I was going through this without support of my friends, I would feel horribly guilty for getting so upset. That’s the main reason why I made this post. You aren’t wrong for getting upset. It’s all going to be okay, I promise.
I’ll always miss Lady Aphrodite in my space, and I know she will come back eventually, as she said so herself. But right now she’s gone, and I’m sad about it. For once, I don’t mind it. She’s taught me so so much about how my emotions will always be valid, and I need to remember that. My emotions about this are valid, and so are yours when/if you finish work with deities that have been in your space for a while.
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doves-of-aphrodite · 3 months
do u ever get interested in a deity just bc of their devotees' sheer enthusiasm and reverence? i've never been intrested in aphrodite but now that i'm on pagan/polytheist tumblr where y'all love and post abt her a lot i'm like. damn she Is pretty cool lmao i get the hype
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doves-of-aphrodite · 3 months
Feeling the warmth presence of my deities>>>>
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doves-of-aphrodite · 3 months
So I’m Slavic, and I have done deity work with Yarilo in the past and oh my god there’s like so little info on him?? Honestly the entirety of the Slavic pantheon has a tiny amount of info on them!! I’ve recently started getting ready for work with Aeronwen as well, a Welsh deity which has basically NOTHING on her!!
Yarilo is such an amazing deity, he’s a trickster deity and is a Slavic deity who has the themes of rebirth and is sorta like Persephone in a way (god of springtime, kidnapped by the god of the underworld (in this version it was because Veles wanted a son), comes back every spring and goes to the underworld every winter).
My work with him has been very insightful, and honestly I’ve felt much more prepared to deal with issues, with moving on, and I feel absolutely accepted by him, he was so amazing to have in my space and I’ll always miss him, hopefully he does visit from time to time. But he left to make space for his biological father, Perun, and I’m honestly excited to see what my experience of working with Perun is.
Now, Aeronwen has EVEN LESS INFO ON HER. Everywhere I looked there was so so little info, it’s driving me up the wall!!!! But her official information is that she’s a Welsh goddess of war and fate, she’s associated with the colour black, the number 3 and ravens. She might be considered the same deity as An Morrígan.
Since having her in my space, I’ve felt a lot more confident and been a lot more stable, seeing that the light in the darkness isn’t the only thing I should look for, but also look around the darkness and feel it. I’m starting work with her soon, and even though I know it’ll be intense, I absolutely cannot wait!!! Id love to share more about my personal practice with her, however I’m very private about it.
This post is a space for anyone who worships a lesser known deity to reblog and talk about the deity, their experiences, etc.
Share away!!!
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doves-of-aphrodite · 3 months
Hello dears ! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me to reach my goal. I am now in bad need to your support to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place either on the level of livelihood or on the level of souls. I need your monetary support to ensble me to get the basic needs for my family till Rafah crossing point reopens to move my family to safety and peace.Pleasd help a family be alive through your small donations or througn your shares to others.Thank you so much for your stand beside people in need .
Go check them out, I don’t have money since I’m broke but I’m putting this out here so more people could find it.
All eyes on Rafah 🇵🇸
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doves-of-aphrodite · 3 months
Guys, reblog this and tell me your favourite baneful ingredients that not a lot of people might use and why you use them!
I’ll go first! Mine is liquid tipex corrector! Personally, I think it’s an amazing one to use because it’s toxic to people normally, so I use it for people to have toxicity attracted to them!!
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doves-of-aphrodite · 3 months
Guys, reblog this and tell me your favourite baneful ingredients that not a lot of people might use and why you use them!
I’ll go first! Mine is liquid tipex corrector! Personally, I think it’s an amazing one to use because it’s toxic to people normally, so I use it for people to have toxicity attracted to them!!
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