#aphrodite deity
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dionysusmybeloved · 2 days ago
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Of revered gold-wreathed and stunnning Aphrodite
I shallsing, to whose domain belong the battlements
of allsea-laved Cyprus where, blown by the moist breath of Zephyros,
she was carried over the waves of the resounding sea
in soft foam. The golden-crowned Horae
happily welcomed her and clothed her with heavenly raiment.
Then on her divine head they placed a well-wrought crown,
beautiful and golden, and in her pierced ears
flowers of brass and precious gold.
Round her soft neck and silver-white breasts
they decked her with golden necklaces such as the gold-filleted
Horae themselves are adorned with wherever they go
to the lovely dances of the gods and to their father’s house.
After they decked her body with every sort of jewel,
they brought her to the immortals, who saw and welcomed her,
with open arms, as each one wished
that he might take her home as his wedded wife;
for they marveled at the looks of violet-crowned Kythereia.
Hail, honey-sweet goddess of the fluttering eyelids!
Grant me victory in this contest and arrange my song.
I shall remember you and another song as well.
(trans. by Apostolos Athanassakis)
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beadelmare · 2 days ago
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laurusamystic · 15 hours ago
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Happy Venus Day Valentine’s Day. Hail Aphrodite!
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starluvglitter · 21 hours ago
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happy Valentine's + Aphrodite's day! <3
thank you for always being with me, Lady Aphrodite, for showing me love. For guiding me through my healing and self love journey. For always knowing how to help me feel better about myself. I thank you everyday for the beauty you've given me, both of body and soul
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thrashkink-coven · 21 hours ago
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Happy Valentine’s day AND HAPPY VENUS DAY!!!✴️
My bf bought me this beautiful statue of Aphrodite at the antique mall the other day and some roses for Valentine’s day :)))
also wanted to give a huge thank you to everyone who’s reached out about commissions!!!! Selling my art is genuinely a dream come true. You have no idea how special this is to me 🖤
I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine’s day regardless of who you spend it with. Get yourself a little treat and enjoy your day! :)
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dirtwormpile · 2 days ago
im an aphrodite devotee, of course i encourage self love.
im an aphrodite devotee, of course i love others.
im an aphrodite devotee, of course im always there for my friends.
im an aphrodite devotee, of course i try not to judge others via looks.
im an aphrodite devotee, of course i admire the sky.
im an aphrodite devotee, of course i collect seashells in her honor.
im an aphrodite devotee, of course i dont do anything harmful to my body.
im an aphrodite devotee, of course i love gardens.
im an aphrodite devotee, of course i love her.
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her-little-dove · 4 months ago
PSA: Aphrodite isn't just romantic love, the ancient Greeks had 7 words for love!
eros: your typical love, romance, sex, all that. typically what Aphrodite is known for.
philautia: self-love (which is SO SO important!)
storge: parental love, the bond that parents and children have with each other.
ludus: playful love - banter, teasing, flirting as a joke with your friends.
pragma: longstanding love, that is built upon trust and respect for one another. can be any type of relationship.
xenia: hospitality, a love and care for strangers and the people around you.
agape: true, unconditional love. the love everyone should aim to feel for others and to let others feel for them.
Lady Aphrodite is all of this! She tends to like hearing about relationships (in my experience), and She's always willing to lend some advice!
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the-purvashadha · 1 year ago
When you step into sunlight, you honor Apollo. When you admire the moon, you honor Artemis. When you admire cloud shapes, you honor Hera. When you smell petrichor, you honor Zeus. When you laugh at a joke, you honor Hermes. When your body twitches to dance at a particularly upbeat music, you honor Dinoysus. When you enjoy the first bite of your breakfast, you honor Demeter. When you choose your peace over any conflict, you honor Athena. When you warm yourself up by sheltering yourself in blanket, you honor Hestia. When you listen to Ocean sounds, you honor Poseidon. When you smell flowers, you honor Persephone. When you admire the coolness of first day of Autumn, you honor Hades. When you wear your favourite jewellery, you honor Hephaestus. When you smile, you honor Aphrodite. When you exercise, you honor Ares. When you light a torch in a dark room, you honor Hekate.
Your body is a shrine to Gods, your being an act of devotion for them. You, by yourself, are enough for them.
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skively · 8 months ago
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— Aphrodite is iridescence, like the shimmer of pearls and seashells, like glittering jewels in the sea
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rose-by-the-sea · 2 months ago
Aphrodite loves sex workers and victims of sexual assault and intersex people and people who are insecure about their body/self harm and nonwhite people and queer people and fat people btw. pass it on
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spirits-child · 4 months ago
You can find Aphrodite when you gush over romcoms. You can find Zeus when the rain pours and soaks your hair. You can find Hera when you're loyal to your friends and partners. You can find Ares when you argue with your parents over the causes you believe in. You can find Apollo when the sun caresses your cheek.
The gods are everywhere—you just need to know where to look.
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thefloweredblade · 1 year ago
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Vintage wlw will forever own my heart. We have been here for ages, and we won’t leave.
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childofapollo888 · 8 months ago
aphrodite 🐚 offerings / devotional acts
◇ shells ◇ ocean imagery ◇ swan/dove/sparrow/goose imagery ◇ angel/cherub imagery ◇ heart imagery ◇ valentine's day gifts ◇ imagery/paintings of her ◇ roses/rose imagery ◇ rosehips/rose thorns ◇ rose quartz, amethyst, blue lace agate, ruby, moonstone ◇ skincare/hair care/body care ◇ perfume/cologne ◇ hair brush ◇ mirrors ◇ makeup ◇ water (moon/salt/sea water) ◇ honey ◇ wine ◇ hot chocolate/any chocolates ◇ apples ◇ strawberries/raspberries
devotional acts
◇ give compliments to strangers ◇ dedicate a glass of water to her ◇ collect all types of pretty things ◇ plan your outfits, wear things that make you feel like you ◇ wear jewelry that reminds you of her ◇ create a skincare and body care routine ◇ watch romantic movies or read romantic books ◇ listen to music that makes you feel good, dance to it if you are able ◇ give yourself love, forgive yourself for any mistakes ◇ wear perfume/cologne dedicated to her ◇ fall asleep to sounds of ocean waves or birdsong ◇ take a bath devoted to her ◇ spend time with your loved ones ◇ pour your heart out to someone, or pour your heart out in a journal ◇ donate to women's shelters ◇ create a Pinterest board ◇ eat foods that she likes (strawberries, chocolates, apples, & raspberries) ◇ write poetry about her ◇ talk to her ◇ create a playlist dedicated to her ◇ have a chapstick/lip gloss dedicated to her ◇ paint or draw something that reminds you of her
these are just a compilation of a lot of things i have read, as well as some things that work for me :)
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witness2caesar · 6 months ago
This is just a quick reminder that this blog is not a safe place for you if you are a terf. Especially if you try and push the fucked up idea that Aphrodite does not love trans women. I am trans myself and won't tolerate my sisters being disrespected by miserable radfems. Ty.
Lady Aphrodite loves everyone. Including trans people.
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amor-areia · 8 months ago
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I just love them so much!
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adharaantheia · 3 months ago
The Gods love you.
Even when you spend days without lighting up their candles.
Even if you don't have an Altar.
Even if you don't feel their presence yet.
Even if you're not good at tarot.
Or doesn't have prophetic dreams.
They still love you. And you know why?
Because you're you. And that's enough for them, your presence, your devotion, your well-being, is what truly matters for them.
So don't you feel pressured or sad, lovebug 💜💜
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