downgoestheday · 2 years
"Every class in society save royalty, and especially British royalty, has through some of its members contributed something to the elevation of the race. But neither in science, nor in art, nor in literature, nor in exploration, nor in mechanical invention, nor in humanising of laws, nor in any sphere of human activity has a representative of British royalty helped forward the moral, intellectual or material improvement of mankind. But that royal family has opposed every forward move, fought every reform, persecuted every patriot, and intrigued against every good cause. Slandering every friend of the people, it has befriended every oppressor."
- James Connolly, on the Visit of King George V (1910)
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downgoestheday · 2 years
­­ — THE FIRST HOUSE: A lot of these people suffered bullying from a young age, most likely due to your appearance/something that was completely out of control. Feeling extremely isolated from others in your childhood, like you could never connect with the people around you and, because of that, you’ve learned to be independent and to never trust others. Now, it’s difficult for you to open up even to your closest friends, and you fear that you’ll always feel alone. You can’t stand feeling misunderstood and, because of that, you can be very obsessed with “studying” the trauma you experienced through astrology and therapy, and you feel very triggered when someone misunderstands your intentions and misconstrues your words. A feeling that the world is against you. Someone having “taken” something away from you - your freewill, innocence, power of choice. People who either get repulsed by you or obsessed about you when you’re just sitting there and being yourself, and it’s out of your control which. Having been stalked in the past. A compulsive need to be private and keep things to yourself, a fear that other people are going to take everything away from you, especially the ones you love.. that they’ll turn them against you. Being treated like a sexual object, being sexually exploited. A fear that you’ll never be able to let go of your need for control. A fear that you attract too much chaos/people who are very chaotic themselves into your life. The feeling that, at the end of the day, you’ll always be alone with your fears, sadness and experiences that you haven’t found the courage to tell others. A feeling that you’ll never feel safe or comfortable.
— THE SECOND HOUSE: You don’t understand your own emotions and that gives you a lot of frustration and anxiety. You might’ve struggled your whole life with an emotional intensity that had you swinging from being at your happiest and most cared for in one moment and at the depths of despair and distress in the next. Your sense of self-worth fluctuates with unpreditability and yo can go from being overly confident to extremely insecure. Your passions constantly change and, because of that, it’s hard for you to know what you want to pursue in your life. You might’ve experienced a lot of distrust from others from a very young age, especially when it came to financial matters. You were accused of stealing, lying, perhaps even committing crimes. You felt like you had to work twice as hard to gain people’s trust and your parents, the ones who were supposed to protect you, were the first to be suspicious of everything you did. It’s like people are waiting for you to commit any sort of mistake so they can lash out on you and blame you for everything. You can become unproductive and start procrastinating as soon as you start feeling sad, self-sabotaging your own success because you’re afraid of failure, of putting your heart to something and then, all your efforts going to waste. Fear of losing the ones you love so you become possessive over them, or you attract people who are possessive of you and treat you like their property, making you feel suffocated in relationships. The fear that you’ll never be financially stable because things always go wrong. Looking at life through a pessimistic lens. The fear that you’ll always have enough to just survive. Having to do immoral things for money that left you feeling disgusted at your own actions. People who invaded your privacy for their personal benefit.
— THE THIRD HOUSE: Having been bullied and possibly physically abused in your early school years. A feeling that you had to “survive” school, that it was a place for pain and anxiety instead of learning. This could have given you a tendency to procrastinate in school and to rebel against it, you might’ve missed classes and it was hard for you to focus on your daily schoolwork but then you got to the tests and you got the highest grade due to your intelligence without needing much study. You might’ve constantly heard that you’re wasting your potential and intelligence simply because you didn’t care for school. From a very young age, you might’ve always felt the need to escape your house and neighborhood, and you took every opportunity you could get to stay away, which could have been the source of a lot of arguments at home. You were painted as the black sheep of the family, misunderstood by your parent figures because they couldn’t understand how their toxicity drove you to want to stay away from them and how school brought you trauma and anxiety. Relationship with siblings could’ve been very troubled, parents you pit you two against each other, a feeling that you had to compete with your siblings for their love, that they were the golden child while you were the disappointment of the family. You can also feel a strong need to protect your sibling from your parents and in school, that you want to teach them and be their role model because they had no one to set the good example.
— THE FOURTH HOUSE: You wanted to take refuge in your home when the outside world got hard again, you wanted a place to retreat to and find peace and wisdom, but soon you likely found out that it’s inside your home that the monsters laid. Your parent figures can have been extremely emotionally manipulative, in a way that took you years to understand: they showed you they loved you, treated you like their pride and prized possession, but they also tried to control you, invade your privacy, leading you to feel like an extension of them. You might’ve witnessed toxic and abusive relationship dynamics in your childhood; relationships filled with power-struggles and betrayal, obsession and possessiveness, arguments and competition. A lot of these people had one parent who cheated, making them feel like they had to compete with the other person. The relationship with the mother figure might’ve been a very confusing one: on one hand, you were close to her to the point where you needed each other more than anything, but at the same time, she might’ve been toxic and tried to live vicariously through you, wanting you to live out the dreams she never could. Even if the family home was loving and instilled in you values of hard-work and passion for anything you got involved in, there might’ve been one (or more) particular event that left you traumatized, feeling robbed of your power and strength. The family home can be exhausting, as if your parents expect you to be the one to take care of them and solve their problems. You fear becoming like the ones who mistreated you, you fear never being able to protect others in the way you never were. There might be an inability to trust here; you feel like you’ll never be able to fully trust and be vulnerable with someone because you want to always guard your heart from anyone who has the potential to break it.
— THE FIFTH HOUSE: When you love something, you love hard and this itself can feel terrifying at times. You understand how loyal and devoted you can be towards your passions, and you fear putting your heart into something then watching it fail miserably in front of your eyes. Fear of rejection and failure. You tend to procrastinate and purposefuly avoid going after your passions because you don’t want to watch your dreams die in front of you. There might be a fear of having children here, a fear of raising your kids the same way you were raised or not being able to meet your own expectations, a fear of not being able to emotionally connect with them, a fear of them living through pain and traumatic events without you being aware of it. It can be difficult for you to have one-night stands because you get very emotionally attached to people even if you don’t like showing it. Relationships can be filled with drama, chaos, obsession and lack of boundaries/lack of respect for the others’ privacy. There might be trust and intimacy issues here, where you get involved in casual dating but suddenly you’re jealous of other people who your person is seeing. You try to manipulate your romantic partners in order to feel in control of the relationship, a way for you to subtly self-sabotage your chances at happiness. You might mistake having a big ego for loving yourself, covering your deep-seated insecurities under a cocky attitude. The intensity of your emotions can scare you at times. You compare yourself to others because you fear truly loving yourself. You fear stability, you’re so used to living alongside chaos that you don’t know who you are without it – just the mere idea of sitting alone with your thoughts for a moment of peace can feel scary.
— THE SIXTH HOUSE: A fear that there’s no stability and peace in your day-to-day life because something’s disruptive is constantly happening. Your health doesn’t normally get bad but when it does, it’s awful. A feeling that you live life on survival mode. The death of a pet of your that deeply scarred you. Parents who tried to control you and every little habit of yours in your childhood. being constantly criticized; a feeling that you had to fit a certain image to please others. Being expected to always be at your prettiest and calmest, to be the adult among children, to take on the mature role. A fear that you’ll never be enough in your own eyes, a constant striving for perfection that only leaves you feeling more pained. a fear that you will never cease your need for control. A voice in your head that criticizes everything you do - you have become your own worst enemy. A fear that you’ll keep getting stuck with looking at the world through pessimistic eyes, eyes that have witnessed its cruelty. A fear of losing hope. A fear of not finding a job that fulfills your immense passion, and that you’ll always work too hard without getting the recognition for it. Coworkers who try to gain control over you, who belittle you and see you as their competition, who try to make your life living hell and who, in turn, discourage you from pursuing your career. Being overly sexualized at work. The feeling that it’s going to always be you to solve others’ problems and to be their savior, but at the end of the day, no one will be there for you. It’s like people already expect you to be the strong one so they don’t even ask if you need help. Having parent figures whose health is fragile so you have to take care of them, the feeling that you have to forget your own needs to take care of them.
— THE SEVENTH HOUSE: Always being the therapist friend, the one who holds others’ lives together. Parent figures who had a broken marriage; witnessing toxic relationships in your childhood that left you with a warped sense of what love means. The fear of getting into a relationship that mirrors the ones in your childhood; the fear of becoming just like your parent figures. Betrayal comes from those closest to you – your family members, your best friends, your romantic partners. Associating love with pain and grief and loss. The fear that no one will match your level of intensity and devotion in love, that you’re always going to get involved with people who are flaky, inconsistent, who betray your trust and who try to control you. The fear that you always attract the wrong type of people, that all your relationships are filled with power-struggles, possessiveness, drama and obsession rather than pure, healthy love. In the past, it might’ve been very difficult for you to feel fulfilled in a stable relationship, you always need it to be all-consuming and passionate but then, when it ended, you couldn’t even remember who you were before that person and the pain the end of the connection caused. You might’ve lost yourself and your sense of identity in relationships, giving your 100% to a partner who could only take and never give. Fear of abandonment, rejection, losing the people you love the most. Having been emotionally manipulated in relationships, used in your most vulnerable state.
— THE EIGHTH HOUSE: The death of a loved one that deeply scarred you, fear of intimacy all while feeling a compulsion to engage in it. Sexual experiences could’ve been traumaziting and like the other person was trying to take control of you during the act. There might be a fear of sex due to a fear of surrendering to someone else. Feeling a strong darkness inside of you that threatens to engulf you with every step you take. Fear of your deepest thoughts. Fear both of change and of not changing at all, you might constantly feel stuck, like you’re still holding on to the past when you know you should let go of it and stop giving it the power to control you. A feeling that everyone is always trying to take something from you, to impose themselves on you. Your parents might’ve taken away your money and possessions. A fear of “revealing” yourself to others, and at the same time, that no one will ever truly know you. Fear of someone taking power over you. A strong connection with death, fluctuates between fear of death and fascination with it. A fear from a young age that you only bring destruction wherever you go. Always feeling the need to run away when you get too close to someone, scared of becoming emotionally attached because you know that your love and loyalty knows no boundaries. These people often tend to experience an almost debilitating feeling of powerlessness throughout their childhood and adolescence that can have them stuck in the mentality of “I’m weak and I won’t ever rise above this”, and it takes them a lot to come out of their shell, to accept and embrace their power.
— THE NINTH HOUSE: Having been raised in an environment that didn’t allow you to express your beliefs and personal thoughts; parent figures who tried to control you and mold you however they saw fit into their puppet, parents who enforced their philosophies on you even though you didn’t agree to them. Having your power taken away in your childhood, feeling imposed on, restricted from your freedom, which now makes you feel paranoid everytime someone tries to constrict you in any possible way. Going through life with a “I’ve only got me, I can’t trust no one else” mindset, fear of letting people in due to how much you long to stay independent. You’re at your most self-destructive when you feel that someone is trying to hold you down, control you and manipulate your thoughts. You had to fight for your freedom and individuality so now you can’t stand that being taken away, which can result in a feeling of claustrophobia when in a long-term relationship and sabotaging everything to make sure the other person will leave you so you won’t havee to trust them, rely on them. The fear that your life will never have a purpose and that unpredictable, traumatic experiences will keep happening that completely change your mindset and sense of direction in life. The feeling that the universe purposelly fucks up your life and makes you go through pain in order to change and evolve. The fear that you’ll never be in any way stable and reliable because you go through constant transformations when it comes to your beliefs and thinking processes.
— THE TENTH HOUSE: Being treated like a product and not a person. You might’ve experienced hostility from those in power, as if they’re threatened by your potential and go out of their way to make you feel like you’re less than them. In your workplace, other coworkers treat you like their competition and like you don’t deserve the success you’ve been given, spreading rumours about you or talking shit about you to the boss. You might’ve experienced aggression from “masculine” figures (it doesn’t have to be specifically from men but from those who are agressive, powerful, dominant; those who are older and more “mature”), people who want to take control over you and manipulate you for their benefit. In your career, you can be objectified and perhaps others make you feel like you got the job simply because you’re attractive and not because you worked hard for it, undervaluing you and your efforts. A period in your childhood where authority figures didn’t believe you and ridiculed you when they should’ve listened to you. Having your power stripped away from you in your earlier years, making you crave to have control again – now, you want to be in charge, you want understanding, you want to be in control of yourself; but this can have you trying to exert power over others, manipulate them before they have the chance to manipulate you. You seek control in everything that surrounds you and that heightens your anxiety every time something doesn’t go according to your plans. A feeling that tragedy follows you around, a paranoia that things are going to go wrong any second now. A fear that you’ll always have your talents and habilities underestimated.
— THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: Betrayal from friendgroups, your earlier years might’ve been traumatizing when it came to friendships. It’s like people got close to you for the sole purpose of destroying your self-esteem, of discovering your secrets just so they could air them out to everyone you knew, or spreading rumors about you and wanting you to feel embarrassed/ridiculed of every step you took. It might’ve been very difficult for you to work on your self-esteem and it might still be an on-going battle, where you see yourself as worthless and like people will always use you as the butt of their jokes. Friends who invalidated your trauma, didn’t believe you and went out of their way to befriend the people who hurt you. You fear that you’ll never be able to fit in with the society where you live because your opinions are seen as too controversial and extreme when most of the time they can simply be progressive and open-minded. You might be surrounded by narrow-minded, prejudiced, conservative people. Your parent figures might ridicule your dreams and ambitions and make you feel like you’ll never achieve anything, that you’re too idealistic and delusional. You might feel like you had to disappoint your family in order to go down your own path because they didn’t support you and wanted you to follow in their footsteps. The suffering of the world might deeply affect you and you find yourself paralyzed by injustices that happened to other people as if you felt them in your skin yourself. You yearn for deep and intimate friendships but you might’ve been disappointed over and over again. You give yourself fully to the people in your lives to the point where they start taking you for granted.
— THE TWELFTH HOUSE: You notice even the subtlest changes in others’ behavior, how they said hi in a slightly different tone and what that might imply… being so perceptive of everything that’s going around you feels emotionally draining to the point where you’re left with your anxieties and paranoias of not being enough for others, believing you should be stronger, you should be more reliable, you should be easier to love. Your mind is your greatest enemy and when you sit alone with your thoughts, you hear all the self-doubt, guilt and fears that are threatening to destroy all chance for stability. You can have nightmares that fill you with stress, making you fear go to sleep and you can stay up all night because it’s the only time of the day where you can be by yourself without having to put a mask of happiness for others – during the day, you’re expected to take care of others, to save them, to put their needs above your own, but at night, you can finally breathe. Your childhood can be a blur of moments you can’t comprehend and things you’d rather forget, and you might’ve been ridiculed for your emotional sensitivity. You were told you’re too emotional, obsessive, stupid for giving your heart to the wrong people. You can be very self-destructive as a way to escape reality, wishing you could just turn your feelings off. You repress your emotions and bury them deep within yourself. You might’ve dealed with drug abuse and mental illness/people around you who struggled with it and it affected you deeply. You feel others’ pain as if it’s your own. You fear asking others for help, being seen as weak. You fear that you’ll never be in control of yourself, that your emotions will always be too intense. 
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downgoestheday · 3 years
Sun in the Composite Chart
The sun in a composite chart represents the ego of the connection. What is your guys goal together? Why does this connection exist?
->The composite chart works for all relationships (family members, platonic, romantic, work related, etc.). While there is potential with the energy, remember it is created mutually with time!
(ALSO! These are just my mere interpretations and observations as I have been researching/reading various com. charts of people I know!)
Aries: Aries sun in the composite chart is all about the thrill. This relationship exists because of the youthful energy you both possess when together. Your goal together is to seek fun and feel like a child again. I have noticed that this placement is found in a lot of younger siblings (with big families) or casual friends. This is a very lighthearted placement. There may be a tendency for the energy to burn out once the spontaneity ends.
Taurus: Taurus sun in the composite is all about comfort. This relationship exists to remind the parties to slow down and appreciate life. There is a very fond connection between the two, as well as mutual support. This tends to be a long lasting energy, even if people depart. These connections can become sensual as well.
Gemini: Gemini sun in the composite is all about friendship. This relationship exists because of the recognition each party has for the others quirkiness. Even in romantic relationships, this connection will be light and playful. There’s a lot of mental stimulation and exploration in these connections.
Cancer: Cancer sun in the composite is all about reassurance. This relationship exists so that both people know they have someone to protect them. There is a strong sense of comfort in cancer sun composites. The involved parties are very fond of each other and want to endlessly support each other.
Leo: Leo sun in the composite is all about the highest self. This relationship exists to boost the confidence of both individuals. With a Leo sun in the composite, the energy created is an illumination of the ego. Both people want to hype each other up and encourage growth. They want the best for each other.
Virgo: Virgo sun in the composite is all about lessons. This relationship exists to allow both parties to learn something new from each other. Ive noticed that there tends to be a comfortable distance between the two parties as they analyze each other. Nevertheless, they find the other intriguing and a topic worth exploring.
Libra: Libra sun in the composite is all about romance. This relationship exists to invite beauty and love into both parties lives. This is an ideal placement for romantic relationships, but it brings a sweetness to any connection. No matter what, both parties will always try to see the goodness in each other. They tend to be very flirty with their energy.
Scorpio: Scorpio sun in the composite is all about insight. This relationship exists to probe into the hidden areas of each other and heal. There is a raw vulnerability of Scorpio sun in the composite that brings comfort to the unknown. These people tend to share many secrets, but can sometimes keep things from each other on purpose. This occurs if one feels ‘taken advantaged’ of due to the inability to conceal darkness in these connections.
Sagittarius: Sagittarius sun in the composite is all about expansion. This relationship exists to remind the people of everything they overlook in their own life. The energy created appreciates the vibrancy of creation and new experiences. These people love to travel and try new things together. It’s an endless journey between the two.
Capricorn: Capricorn sun in the composite is all about ambition. This relationship exists to reach success and complete desired goals. These people create an energy of purpose that seeks to accomplish. This placement is very binding until both people feel that they have reached the desired goal. There are certain expectations in these relationships as they hold each other to a high standard.
Aquarius: Aquarius sun in the composite is all about acceptance. This relationship exists to express individuality and fully accept each other. There is a lot of zesty energy and the two may love to innovate/create together. There is rarely harsh judgement but rather encouragement to pursue grand visions.
Pisces: Pisces sun in the composite is all about healing. This relationship exists to ascend the parties into higher awareness. The people involved gain deeper understandings of themselves because of the other person. It’s like seeing right through any facade and nurturing the forgotten wounds. I have noticed, however, these relationships sometimes end with one person wronging or taking advantage of the other.
In the houses!
Composite sun in the first house deals with individuality. Appreciation for the others goals and egos is emphasized. Seldom do the parties attempt to change the other. This placement can sometimes indicate one person inspiring the other to create a stronger identity for themselves (if that makes sense lol).
Composite sun in the second house deals with security. There is a lot of power for one person to influence the other persons self-worth. The energy is steady and everlasting, as both people feel comfortable early on in the connection. The people involved can really raise (or hurt) each other’s self-esteem/confidence!
Composite sun in the third house deals with youth. Similar to Gemini sun in the composite, this placement is great for friendships. There’s a lot of communication and humor involved. These people don’t take each other seriously, but in the best way. I also find this placement indicates that the people involved begin to steal each other’s lingo/hobbies, it’s so cute.
Composite sun in the fourth house deals with family. This could indicate people that become apart of your family or who feel like family. Typically, these people care immensely for each other and the connection feels natural. The fourth house is the deepest part of life, so there is a chance to really open deep wounds (in a good or bad way).
Composite sun in the fifth house deals with creativity. The connections are great for working together on creative projects, or for creating fun memories. I’ve found that sometimes there’s comparison in the connection about clashing talents/egos. I’ve also found that the people appreciate the others talent. This placement reveals itself differently in all charts.
Composite sun in the sixth house deals with routine. It could be common for people to have composite sun in the sixth house to regularly see each other and work with each other. One thing I have noticed is a tendency for one person to put themselves above the other. It could also indicate one person helping another with mental or physical health.
Composite sun in the seventh house deals with lovers and enemies. This is such a powerful placement that manifests in such extreme ways. These people can almost feel like they’re supposed to be in a relationship. The people involved understand the others power and ultimately want to work with them or against them.
Composite sun in the eighth house deals with karma. There could be unexplainable reasons why you guys stay in a connection together, but you do nonetheless. This placement may indicate inheriting money from each other or feeling obligated to help one another. The people involved are probably fairly vulnerable with each other.
Composite sun in the ninth house deals with experience. The two will definitely learn a lot from each other, but especially through physical experiences! They will probably ask a lot of questions within the connection and have a goal of expanding their mind. A lot of teacher-student energy created. One person may try to get the other to do a lot of new things out of their comfort zone.
Composite sun in the tenth house deals with accomplishment. This placement is common in a lot of public/famous couples. Your guys connection will be hard to keep secret, and could involve a lot of other people. Being together may manifest an energy that boosts your own image or success. You guys may create a lot of grandiose goals together.
Composite sun in the eleventh house deals with awareness. This placement may bring many new thoughts or wishes into the pair’s life that they disregarded before. This is the one placement I couldn’t find a lot of physical examples for, which was interesting. However, expect growth with the energy of this connection and a newfound appreciation for humane and hopeful things.
Composite sun in the twelfth house deals with the subconscious. This is personally my favorite placement for the sun (in platonic & romantic relationships). A spiritual and everlasting bond ties the two together. This allows for intense healing and revaluations for both people involved. These two people tend to understand each other in a way others can’t, which is very powerful and intimidating. For the brightest planet that surrounds the ego to be placed in the darkest house that rejects ego is very symbolic and intriguing to me. This placement is definitely unforgettable. I’ve found that this placement in celebrity couples leads to a private relationship, but successful.
I hope these were insightful! I think using composite charts to see how certain relationships can work out (work, siblings, parents, friends, etc.) is really interesting! I’m not 100% good with this type of chart yet, but I have been doing a lot of research :)
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downgoestheday · 3 years
Composite Chart (Moon signs)
Composite charts help us understand our relationships more as it is set in the midpoint of two people’s individual charts. You can find out yours and your partner’s here: https://astro-charts.com/tools/new/composite/
The Moon sign helps us delve into the relationship’s emotional aspect and how you two seek and feel emotional satisfaction from each other. Disclaimer: these are generalized descriptions and some other planets/aspects may influence your chart. If you want a personalized reading of a composite chart, book a reading with me!
Aries Moon
“Do not be afraid to get close to me, I can hold you with so much love and passion.”
For the two of you, feelings are expressed fiercely and openly. It feels like there is no need to cover up or hide emotions from one another, like you can just tell each other what’s on your mind or what you really feel. There is a tendency to be too subjective towards each other and matters of the relationship are not taken lightly. You feel deeply about certain relationship matters and will always want to be openly communicative with each other. This emotional closeness may be apparent in others too.
Taurus Moon
“We could build a mansion or live by the sea. Baby, we can have it all.”
With this placement, there is an emphasis on values and pleasures. You are a sensual couple and enjoy the finer things in life. Since this is the house and sign of values, both of you may focus on gaining possessions that give you the stability and security you long for. There is the desire to accumulate wealth together. Just try not to base your feelings of comfort and security too much on the things you both own. There is likely a common ground in beliefs, if not, the two of you find ways for individual views to align.
Gemini Moon
“Tell me all about the things your heart longs for.”
Both of you love delving into topics of any sort, so your emotions are most likely communicated and expressed. You love conversing with one another, exploring, and satisfying your minds’ curiosities. There is a rational/logical way of viewing both of your emotions, you both try your best to intellectualize or make sense out of the feelings and events that happen to the both of you and this causes two of you to be overwhelmed. Emotions are meant to be felt anyway, thus there must be balance between rationalizing and leaning on the raw emotional side.
Cancer Moon
“You feel like home to me and I never want to leave.”
The moon is at home here thus feelings are felt deeply for the both of you. Matters of the relationship have great impact on the two of you. You desire to explore one another’s emotions and thoughts to be able to nurture and take care of each other. There is a sense of comfort and ease when together that you instantly and genuinely feel at home in each other’s arms. Sensitivity is one of the relationship’s qualities, watch out for moodiness and passive aggressiveness. Hopefully, the two of you learn how to handle these and learn to be direct.
Leo Moon
“Let’s not get caught up in the craziness of this world. Instead, let’s be our own little crazies.”
Comfort is felt most when both are able to express emotions freely and authentically. Creative expressions must be met for the two of you to feel that you’re in touch with your emotions. There is just this lighthearted energy when the two of you come together; you are able to let loose and just have fun. Doing activities or spending trips together are things both of you are fond of. Together, you may not mind being the center of attention and both love to socialize with others. Just do not get caught up in caring too much about what other people say about your relationship.
Virgo Moon
“Let’s do life together—the fun and the mundane”
You both find comfort in going through life’s day-to-day activities. You find it fulfilling when you help each other complete life’s daily demands. Acts of service may be the main love language. There is definite emotional satisfaction when routine and work are integrated in both your lives. You may also find yourselves working together to help others or fulfill the same goal/s. Avoid being too focused on the details that you start being overly critical of each other.
Libra Moon
“You are my peace and comfort in this very complicated world.”
There is emotional satisfaction and comfort just by being in the relationship. Together, there is an innate desire to keep the relationship working and at peace. You both balance the situations and problems you face and this helps in arriving at a common ground. Outside the relationship, you are both diplomatic and friendly to others. You are both concerned about the relationship’s success or failure and this may cause emotional distress if one is not putting the same effort as the other.
Scorpio Moon
“You are the subject of my deepest desires, the love I will always long for.”
Things are never light in the relationship as everything is taken into its deeper level. It is an emotional bond that can keep ties strongly connected and felt. There is emotional intensity always present and that may give you the assurance that the relationship is going to last or at least will overcome whatever challenge is to come. Emotional boundaries may not be felt or made as both of you are interested in knowing each other at one’s core. Since emotions are always felt at the extremes, this may cause emotional distress when the couple experiences challenges and will make you overprioritize the relationship. Avoid being overprotective and controlling of each other and the relationship.
Sagittarius Moon
“Hold my hand tight and tell me how you’d like to explore this world.”
This couple loves freedom and explorations. There is a desire to learn about all the things that keep you both interested and curious. Together, having new experiences and learnings keeps you emotionally satisfied. You travel, you learn, and you discuss about a lot of things. This makes you a very active and on-the-go type of couple. There is also a fun and lighthearted energy. Emotions may not be delved into and instead the couple may be focused on other things. It is important to have open communication and be emotionally available, because the moon in this placement can be challenged and feelings may be disregarded.
Capricorn Moon
“No matter what happens, we will make this work.”
You both feel responsible of each other and feel that is a duty to take care of each other and the relationship. Both find it easier to complete tasks and work hard when both are together or in a partnership. Both work hard to fulfill long-term goals and visions. This may even be a very public relationship, like a lot of people know about your relationship. With the two of you, emotions may go unnoticed or even ignored as both of you want to make things work as much as possible, but emotions are supposed to help in nurturing your relationship. Both must try to feel and process the emotions that may come, be open to the emotional aspect of your relationship.
Aquarius Moon
“I have found both a lover and a best friend in you.”
You both feel loved and emotionally satisfied because two of you accept each other’s individualities and aspiring qualities. You may find that there is a sense of ease and positivity when together, this lets the both of you enjoy the friendship  that was naturally built, even though lovers. There is freedom to express oneself here and the boost to help each other fulfill one’s dreams. Emotional detachment is something to look out for, both must learn to open up about feelings to the other to avoid confusion and miscommunication.
Pisces Moon
“Darling, you look so delicate and ethereal to me.”
This is a very emotional relationship and it is felt on both sides undeniably. There must be open communication at all times because the Moon here means that you may not always see each other eye-to-eye. Even though you feel sensitive towards each other, you may need to put extra effort to understand each other and be on the same page as things or feelings may be expressed vaguely. This makes for a dreamy and romantic connection, one that feels almost like a miracle to you. Spiritual healing and bonding may be experienced with this placement.
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downgoestheday · 3 years
Aspects to the Ascendant
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🟤Conjunct Sun: People full of charisma, who project themselves with great confidence. They are success oriented and full of ambition. They tend to attract attention wherever they go. They have a strong temperament and are people with a lot of ego. They naturally shine in whatever field they are interested in. They may be similar to the father in terms of body or personality.
🟤Conjunct Moon: Their appearance is soft, sweet and tender. Their gaze is usually melancholic, they have expressive eyes and round features. They are very sensitive people, their childhood could have marked them a lot. They have a tendency to live in the past. They are very attractive people with a high possibility of being popular. They may resemble the mother either in personality or body.
🟤Conjunct Mercury: Attentive to what is happening around them. Excellent and skilled communicators. They know a lot about different subjects and enjoy learning as much as they can. Nervous or restless mentally or physically. They are naturally curious and inquisitive people. They’re very observant people and are characterized by being rational, sometimes more than they should.
🟤Conjunct Venus: Graceful, kind, polite and charming. They can connect very quickly with people. They are usually surrounded by people wherever they go. They are very attractive and romantic people. They resent being in an environment full of fights and drama. They may like art or have a great sense of fashion/aesthetics. They are often perceived as elegant. They take great care of their appearance.
🟤Conjunct Mars: Sexy appearance and vibes, somewhat intimidating and a very intense way of being and behaving. They exert a lot of energy and passion. They are very sexual, active people with a very strong temperament. They can be very impatient and easily irritated. They are excellent leaders and impose a lot of self-confidence. An ease to catch other’s eyes easily.
🟤Conjunct Jupiter: Very philosophical, charismatic people who have the perfect balance of sociability and loners. They seek deep meaning in life and like the idea of ​​travel, either physically or to places within themselves. Wise and introspective nature. They have an amazing sense of humor. They are usually tall, have a long face and nice, long and attractive legs. Sparkling when they trust you.
🟤Conjunct Saturn: They are serious, calm and rational people. Tendency to be too realistic and reserved. They are reliable and very persevering people. They could have had a complicated life, which made them develop a lot of maturity. Great self-control, a lot of discipline and a mind oriented to professional and personal success. They keep a lot to themselves. They enjoy being alone.
🟤Conjunct Uranus: Constantly changing their appearance. They seek to leave their mark on the world and do things their way. They are quite creative and seem to have a lot of ideas. Curious people with restless minds. They seek to be independent from a young age. They interact easily with others, but they don't mind being alone. They are not afraid to challenge authority if it is being unfair.
🟤Conjunct Neptune: Tendency to strong identity crises. Kind, empathic and very intuitive people with others and what happens around them. Daydreamers who dream big. They tend to project themselves in very different ways depending on the people with whom they interact. They are people of ethereal beauty, they can have sleepy eyes and have moles or specific marks.
🟤Conjunct Pluto: Imposing, strong, somewhat intimidating and very observant. They may have had a tense or troubled life. Attract a lot of attention constantly, even if they want to go unnoticed. They are very perceptive people and it is very difficult to fool them. They can experience great transformations and changes throughout their lives. Karma is a very determining thing for them.
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🟤Opposite Sun: People see them very differently than they really are. There are sides of their personality that they repress. They don't like to see themselves as too self-centered. They like dominant and self-confident partners. They’re loyal and generous people in their connections. They tend to be very critical of themselves. People tend to compare themselves with the native often.
🟤Opposite Moon: They tend to rationalize a lot what they feel and distance themselves from their feelings, but they’re attentive to other’s feelings. They’re very affectionate, attentive and sweet in their relationships. Friendly, polite and tender people attract their attention. They seek a deep emotional connection. They may distance themselves from their family, especially the mother. They don't like asking for help.
🟤Opposite Mercury: They always have something to say and stand out for being very intelligent. It is easy to talk with them. They are people who analyze other people a lot before becoming very close to them. They can be a usual point of criticism and gossip. Smart, playful and cunning people attract a lot of attention. They are naturally very dual and adaptable people.
🟤Opposite Venus: They are charming in the eyes of others, but they don't see themselves that way. They are very romantic but sometimes repress their desire to have a partner. They are very committed people when it comes to having a relationship. Demanding with themselves. Self-esteem issues. They tend to attract very attractive and romantic couples. They may have difficulty saying no.
🟤Opposite Mars: Don’t get angry easily, but when they do, it’s scary. They tend to repress their anger and impulses. Premeditated in their actions. People with initiative, leadership skills and strength attract their attention. Attract attention because of how graceful they are. People are competitive with them. They resolve problems diplomatically but find it difficult to resolve their internal problems.
🟤Opposite Jupiter: They fear being seen as unrealistic and immature, but people see them as very mature but enthusiastic. They can be favored after marriage. People from abroad tend to attract them. They are people who feel motivated and happier after spending time with other people. Always victorious over their opponents. An ease to be liked by others and having popularity.
🟤Opposite Saturn: They don’t usually have many relationships throughout their lives. They mistrust people's intentions. They seek long-term relationships and have trouble opening up. They are very responsible and demanding people with themselves. They project a strong and powerful image. Mature, constant and reliable. They walk away from situations that they don't like or disturb their peace.
🟤Opposite Uranus: They feel that they should not depend on others and always project themselves as independent and self-sufficient. They shock others with their abilities and eccentric personalities. May fear being too close to other people and always put their distance between themselves and potential partners. They’re naturally funny and witty. Somewhat restless and seem always on the move.
🟤Opposite Neptune: People tend to perceive them in very different ways as they adapt to the people with whom they interact. They tend to feel distant from other people. They earn the sympathy and approval of others easily. Tendency to attract two-faced people who treat them well but do not feel the same inside. Identity crisis. Easy to read people and their true emotions.
🟤Opposite Pluto: They are very intense people internally and others see them as very powerful. They are very suspicious of the intentions of others. They seek meaningful, deep and passionate relationships. Tendency to repress your flaws, or negative emotions, such as anger or sadness. They are very loyal to those close to them. They could have had a life that was too intense and somewhat difficult on an emotional level.
🟤Square Sun: Self-esteem problems and fear of being under the eyes of many people. They are very doubtful of the prestige they may have, they do not know how to accept compliments and they can hide sides of their personality. They attract attention easily and are very charismatic people. They tend to have identity crises and can project themselves in a different way than they really are.
🟤Square Moon: They have difficulty connecting with their emotions, accepting their vulnerability and meeting their needs. They can care a lot about the family, or on the contrary be distant with it. They can become popular but they can attract envy. Tense relationship with some women. They prefer to be alone and are usually very reserved. Melancholic and focused on the past, their childhood marked them a lot.
🟤Square Mercury: They may have a tendency to be very quiet or think things through before they say them, even before they do them. Fear of the future. People can misunderstand what they say. Prone to people gossiping about them. They doubt their intelligence and abilities. They may have many differences with siblings or neighbors. Likely to have intrusive thoughts.
🟤Square Venus: Attractive, but they don't see themselves that way. Natural charm when dealing with people. People often put high expectations on them. They instinctively perceive the needs of others and know how to make everyone happy easily. Self-esteem issues. A constant feeling of little balance in their lives. They have a hard time feeling that they really connect with others.
🟤Square Mars: Great willpower, but find it difficult to feel productive. They don't like arguments but can get involved in several without knowing exactly how they got there. They seem to be very sure of themselves, but internally they doubt and analyze every step they take. Their early environment could have been somewhat tense, having many arguments or forcing them to learn to defend themselves.
🟤Square Jupiter: They tend to give good vibes to others easily. They have a desire to keep growing, but they may feel that they are not enough. Tendency to pessimism and to have little faith in themselves. Tendency to isolate yourself from others. Introspective and calm nature, but fun once you break the shyness barrier. They can distance themselves from others consciously or unconsciously.
🟤Square Saturn: Demanding with themselves, they have a hard time accepting compliments and recognizing that they have achieved enough. Sensation of not being enough and constant loneliness even if they are accompanied. Loyal, sincere people who always seek and care for those they consider important. They may look tired. Sensitive to stress and prone to bone pain.
🟤Square Uranus: Constant feeling of not belonging, especially in the family. Feeling like the black sheep. Very intelligent, capable, talented and highly skilled people. They are somewhat afraid of showing themselves to the world as they are, especially emotionally. They seek to be different from the rest. They don't judge other people. Tendency to be restless, both physically and mentally.
🟤Square Neptune: They feel the need to meet, they can feel an inner emptiness and a lack of identity. People put a lot of expectations on them. Dreamers, sensitive, empathetic, very intuitive and with a tendency to absorb the emotions of others. Desire to be taken into account and to be in a place where they feel noticed and safe. Spiritual and see beyond the obvious but there are things in their surroundings that they don’t realize.
🟤Square Pluto: Feeling of having to be alert all the time and not being able to trust anyone. They grew up with many fears. They have a hard time forgiving and forgetting. Intuitive people, willing to defend themselves, those they love and what they have had a hard time achieving. Attract envious people who are intimidated by them. They hide their emotions and do not show vulnerability for fear of others taking advantage of them.
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🟤Trine Sun: Easy to attract attention, to be successful in many areas of your life. Talent for acting, leadership and dealing with the public. They are usually very popular, very loved or highly respected by the rest. They radiate joy and positivity and people feel very comfortable in their presence. They know how to work in a team and independently. Their body is beautiful and many can compliment it.
🟤Trine Moon: They earn the affection, protection and sweetness of others no matter how cold other people are. Loving, considerate and protective nature. Their features are very soft. Talent for dealing with the masses, having satisfying relationships, nurture and making others feel better. Their presence is comforting. Welcoming and familiar vibes, people connect easily with them.
🟤Trine Mercury: Incredible communicators, quick learners, multi-skilled and have a tremendous desire to learn. Talent for writing, drawing and even public speech. They think things through before doing them but can also be very spontaneous. Creative, witty with a great sense of humor. Easy to relate to others and connect with very different people due to their versatility.
🟤Trine Venus: Great attractiveness, magnetism and ability for social interaction. Easy to charm the people around them. Endowed with diplomacy. Very talented in arts, especially drawing and design of any kind. Ability to resolve conflicts and make people feel comfortable and happy. They may have many admirers throughout their lives, many people could easily crush on these natives.
🟤Trine Mars: Fearless people who always seem to be doing something. They seem very confident in themselves and that confidence makes them appear very attractive in the eyes of others. They usually have a very sexy body or features. They attract attention. They may have skills for sports, dance, and leadership. Easy to motivate others.
🟤Trine Jupiter: Ease to teach, inspire and bring joy to others. They are very interested in other cultures and this can help them develop the ability to learn languages. People like them easily and they spread good vibes wherever they go. Great sense of humor and very witty with their comments. Very intelligent, they learn easily. They usually have a healthy and strong body.
🟤Trine Saturn: Disciplined, reasonable, rational people with a lot of self-control. Great leaders with an excellent work ethic and the possibility of being very successful. Ambitious people who set realistic goals and meet them. Something reserved at a glance. So mature that they seem older. The more time passes, the more attractive they become. People trust them easily. Give off boss vibes.
🟤Trine Uranus: A unique and refreshing attitude towards life. Endowed with grandiose ideas and a great talent to make them a reality. They don't care much what others say about them and they always stay true and true to themselves, which makes others feel drawn to them. They inspire others to be themselves and not be afraid to show their differences. They respect opinions different from their own.
🟤Trine Neptune: Ethereal and almost magical in appearance, people find themselves fascinated by the natives. Talents for any type of art, especially music, as well as a powerful intuition. Delicate, charming personality with unique qualities to win people's hearts. They are compassionate and considerate of other people and their needs. They inspire you to follow your dreams. People may get addicted to them.
🟤Trine Pluto: They have a lot of magnetism and easily catch the eyes of others. Intense, mysterious and powerful personality. They achieve everything they set their mind to and stand out for being very imposing, brave and strong people. Unwavering in appearance, these natives allow themselves to be guided by their intuition, which is often correct. They endure everything that life throws at them without a victim complex.
🟤Sextile Sun: They have a healthy level of confidence and know how to accept and recognize the talents and abilities of others. They are very generous and detailed with the people around them. They like to share their happiness and have a naturalness to lift up the mood of others. They enjoy relating with others, but they do not generate dependency on being with someone.
🟤Sextile Moon: They are aware of their emotions and like to probe with them. They seek emotional balance and express their emotions gracefully and calmly. They enjoy quiet lifestyles and tend to seek experiences that make them feel safe and comfortable. They are very warm and approachable and have a good reputation. They connect easily with women and people open up emotionally to them constantly.
🟤Sextile Mercury: They are excellent when it comes to conversation, they know a lot about various topics and they like others easily due to their way of communicating. It is very important for them to maintain constant communication. They talk a lot, but they know how to listen. They are very intelligent and it is something that many notice easily. They need mental stimulation and always seem to be busy.
🟤Sextile Venus: They seek balanced relationships, and are usually very equitable in their relationships. They have a healthy level of self-esteem and are quite kind when it comes to their dealings with other people. They are in touch with their emotions but do not allow themselves to be dominated by them. They treat people how they would like to be treated. They’re very attractive.
🟤Sextile Mars: They are productive people, with initiative, a lot of courage and self-confidence. They are usually very good at debating and solve problems directly and assertively. They need to be in constant movement, they can easily connect with men or understand them very well. They know how to set their own boundaries and they higly respect others'.
🟤Sextile Jupiter: They have a realistic vision of life, but they always have some faith. They really like to travel and meet different people and places. They respect other people's points of view, always staying true to their own. They are fair people who seek to do the right thing in every situation that arises. They like to provide a positive perspective when others are sad or have a negative mentality.
🟤Sextile Saturn: They know when to get serious, they never run away from their responsibilities and they accept when they are wrong. They are very noble and humble people. They care about doing their job well and are quite efficient. They always try to maintain a realistic mindset and do not allow themselves to be dominated by impulses or emotions.
🟤Sextile Uranus: They make friends or acquaintances easily and their quirks make them stand out. Strange and unbelievable things are likely to happen to you. They face many changes throughout their lives. They like to wear different styles. These natives have great physical resistance and a willful temperament. They have leadership skills and they have a charming way of addressing themselves.
🟤Sextile Neptune: They are quite calm people, very creative and perceptive. It is difficult to hide something from them, since their intuition is very sharp. They feel a very great attraction towards the mystical. Their appearance is delicate, mysterious and out of this world. If they have the opportunity to help others, they will do so without hesitation. They like to disconnect from reality sometimes. Daydream a lot.
🟤Sextile Pluto: Powerful willpower, great concentration, analytical skills and great courage, along with enormous self-confidence. Here we find a born leader and strategist, with a lot of initiative. Fighter and competitive, who bravely faces the challenges of life and achieves great influence and ascendancy over the environment that surrounds them. Appealing, charismatic and eye-catching.
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downgoestheday · 3 years
few synastry observations!
-mars conjunct moon may indicate attraction to one's energy, however there might be some irritations between the two because the intensity
-venus conjunct moon may sound something beautiful, but if one of the planets or both overlay the another's 12th house (even then the 8th sometimes, especially when the negative zodiac signs cancer, virgo, taurus, pisces, capricorn, scorpio are involved) the relationship may not go down that well because some of the heavy insecurities that might arise.
-even if aspects between two charts might look promising, house overlays can change things so much, same goes with the composite chart.
-do. not. underestimate. the. power. of. uranus and neptune. in. synastry. tense neptune aspects -> sweeping things under the rug, avoiding to confront serious things even the two don't have pisces placements. tense aspects to uranus -> detachement in areas represented by the planets that are in aspect to uranus. also, if there are tense aspects to both these planets, the uranus and neptune person might feel irritated with the other, so they end up being detached and in the end the other will feel irritated about the detachment
-jupiter is also a powerful planet in synastry maybe the most, especially if venus is involved. jupiter is a planet of expansion, and venus is the planet of love. beyond the fact that this aspect is beneficial for a relationship, it can change the venus person's view on love because the jupiter person's influence.
-saturn~jupiter aspects are also powerful because they reflect how two handle responsibilities, how they commit to each other. in some cases, the saturn person can help jupiter be more realistic.
*again, these r just my thoughts and may not be 100% accurate. if the aspects aren't very tight, they may not work.
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downgoestheday · 3 years
-Hey yall!!
-I am back with yet ANOTHER series talking about the North Nodes through the SIGNS. This post we will discuss what it is like to have a North Node/South Node in the signs of ARIES-VIRGO. But of course, like everything else on this blog, let's talk about a little background of what nodes mean.
-In astrology the North Node is also known as the lunar or Moon Nodes. This is because (from my research) that the Nodes are the two points of the Moon that intersects with the ecliptic (also known as the Sun's path, but realistically it's the path of the Earth's orbit around the Sun). These are two opposing axes that intersect this path, so in astrology that is why your natal South Node is automatically opposite of your North Node in sign and house.
-Also, the North Node is what we should aspire to for our highest purpose in this life while the South Node is what we should lean away from, as that energy will hold us back. The North Node can even go as far as telling what kind of career you can take up that may be your life purpose in this life. Reaching the energy of your North Node is harder than we think sometimes, esp since I have read that the South Node is the energy we had from a past life (according to karmic astrology), meaning it is easier to lean on the energy of the South Node. I will link the source that talks a bit of that below.
-So, we will talk about the North Node/South Node axes in this form: what you are tasked with achieving vs. what you need to lean away from. Without further ado, let's get started!!
With an Aries North Node, you are tasked with achieving:
Forging your own path.
Possibly being the first to achieve something (could also be in respect to your family)
Being confident in your own decisions.
Learning to defend yourself and stand on your own two feet.
Taking more risks in life to get what you want.
Developing your leadership abilities.
Not taking shit from anyone.
Not needing anyone to make things happen for you.
Making yourself be heard.
Possibly being self-employed or a boss in a company.
With a Libra South Node, you need to lean away from:
Being too dependent on your relationships.
Being too passive about your boundaries.
Being too accommodating and putting your needs on the back burner.
Focusing too much on how you may come off to others.
Always trying to negotiate and use respectability to get what you want. Sometimes you just need to put your foot down and let it be that.
Shying away from leadership positions.
With an Taurus North Node, you are tasked with achieving:
Living with material comfort.
Finding a sense of stability in life.
Not letting people pressure you to make decisions before you're ready.
Possibly may have a career that involves the arts or is very sensual to you.
Living as simple as possible.
Not dealing with others who try to change you.
Focusing so much on the metaphysical and focus on what is right in front of you.
With a Scorpio South Node, you need to lean away from:
Not being worried what others are doing or who may or may not be against you.
Focusing so much on the metaphysical and focus on what is right in front of you
Using resources from others (since Scorpio is the natural ruler of the 8H) to minimize people trying to hold that over your head.
Possibly occult practices (you may just feel this rather than actively trying to move away from it)
Trying to overanalyze every situation that you are brought into. Not every situation is a means of "I am now going to go through a tumultuous 6 month process of thinking of what this situation meant for me and how should I painfully grow and learn from it." Learn to just be :)
With a Gemini North Node, you are tasked with achieving:
Learning through means that may not be from traditional academia.
Always wanting to learn more about the environment around you and staying curious.
Using your knowledge and intelligence in your day to day life.
Making great connections and learning the purpose of community in this life.
Not being afraid of changing your thoughts and opinions once you learn something new.
Being lighthearted, comical, and carefree.
Exploring multiple paths in this life and not feeling tied down to one path. Possibly may have multiple careers.
With a Sagittarius South Node, you need to lean away from:
Overtalking others and/or not respecting their philosophical beliefs.
Winging it in your everyday life settings.
Not being concerned with the details.
Not being as open to beliefs that may challenge your own (Sags yall kinda infamous for this)
Trying to be a know it all before you do know it.
Being concerned with things going on outside of your immediate environment (as you may have already felt like you have been there done that in a past life)
With a Cancer North Node, you are tasked with achieving:
Finding a sense of stability, especially in terms of making peace with your childhood and early life.
Possibly having a career that involves domestic activities (childcare, homemaking, etc).
Making sure you are always aware of your aura and making sure you are energetically okay. Have a NN ruled by the moon means your path could be sensitive to how you feel energetically. You need to be in a good space as much as possible.
Loving the people are the things around you.
Being empathetic and in touch with your emotions. It's okay to feel and you're meant to show the world that.
Understanding that your privacy is important (Cancer is ruled by the 4H = privacy)
Putting your feelings first before nurturing others.
Not letting people put a cap on your emotional capacity.
Loving being in your own comfort zone.
With a Capricorn South Node, you need to lean away from:
Being worried about how the world may perceive you.
Not leaning on your support system. They are there for a reason.
Being so harsh on yourself.
Feeling like life should always have such strict rules and regulations to live.
Being more concerned with your professional life. Dedicate more energy to your private life.
Not feeling your own emotions.
With a Leo North Node, you are tasked with achieving:
Being seen!!!
Loving who you are aloud and all the way.
Surrounding yourself and aligning yourself with best in life.
Having relationships that make you feel good.
Having an extremely high sense of self-worth.
Loving life and not letting people dim your shine.
Knowing that presentation is key.
Possibly being a performer as a career in this life.
Being influential (if you desire that). At the very least learning to be okay with taking center stage and being loved in public.
Not letting people tell you who the fuck you are.
Being offended when people don't appreciate your power.
Being extravagant, extra, and not dealing with people who mean you no good.
With an Aquarius South Node, you need to lean away from:
Trying to rebel.
Feeling like you need to be "different."
Being more concerned with the greater good ( you may already feel this as this was probably your past life)
Not following the trends. It's okay to fall into the hype, at least for your time.
Always picking about what is "wrong" with society.
Being detached in your relationships.
Doing things so unexpectedly (Aquarius = Uranus = the unexpected)
With a Virgo North Node, you are tasked with achieving:
How to be more analytical and discerning.
Applying the knowledge that you learned in this life into your daily life.
Having a life purpose that involves service to others.
Being more critical with what life has to offer you.
Being more organized and serious to your approach in life.
Leaving chaos behind.
Caring more about your health.
Not missing the details in life.
Possibly take up a career in the sciences or writing.
Being more careful with the steps you take in life.
With an Pisces South Node, you need to lean away from:
Not having strict boundaries.
Losing the balance of being practical AND spiritual.
Being too altruistic and selfless.
Escaping when life may get hard.
Not seeing things for what they truly are.
Letting people take you for granted.
Source Link: https://astrofix.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/The-Nodes-by-Sign-and-House-AstroFix.net-Edition1.pdf
-Love yall
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downgoestheday · 3 years
The Ferality of Mars
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Feral: “Existing in a wild or untamed state”
When I think of Mars, I think of the Greek god, Ares. I think of the heart pumping blood throughout the body to keep it alive. I think of passion, ferocity, and rawness. Mars is the planet of emotion, similarly to the moon but with a more sinister twist. Mars wants you to feel everything and create with that energy, Mars wants you to be overwhelmed with emotion, so much so it consumes and guides you. Mars wants you to feel everything. It is known as a Malefic Planet because of its inability to be tamed and controlled but Mars isn’t about having control, its about intuition and allowing yourself to be guided by the invisible force that encourages you to nuzzle into your most primal and authentic state and honor that part of you. 
[Yes I will be using Hozier lyrics that represent the ferality of each sign]
Aries Mars [Mars in 1st]
When I picture Aries Mars at its most feral state, I visualize a forest fire consuming everything in its path, absorbing nature to feed as fuel. With Mars in its rulership, Aries Mars has no issue releasing, guided by their heart throughout it all to overcome whatever may stand in their way. They move quickly and harshly, striking first and questioning later. You mold life into what you want it to be so there is no need for you to even plan right? As an unstoppable force, you have to let your heart take control. 
“There’s no plan, there’s no race to be run
The harder the pain, honey, the sweeter the sun
There’s no plan, there’s no kingdom to come
Sit in & watch the sunlight fade, honey, enjoy its getting late
Theres no plan, theres no hand on the reign,
…As Mack explained, there will be darkness again”
Taurus Mars [Mars in 2nd]
When I picture Taurus Mars at its most feral state, I imagine a bear tearing its way through a beehive, grasping at the honeycombs and devouring it in a matter of seconds. With a venus-ruled mars or mars in detriment, you all look for the sweeter things in life and insist that you are worthy of goodness and don’t mind taking it for yourself. Conflict is stupid to you because you have your own morals and studies and firmly believe in what you desire and if anyone steps to you, you have the power to throw it right back in their face. You are the raging bull, undefeated once you’re committed. But you represent the tamer, earthy side of Mars.
“I have never known peace like the damp grass that yields to me.
I have never known hunger, like these insects that feast on me.
A thousand teeth, and yours among them, I know.
Our hungers appeased, our heartbeats becoming slow.” 
Gemini Mars [Mars in 3rd]
When I picture Gemini Mars at its most feral state, I picture the rebirth that spring offers. The energy of this mars sign matches the intensity of the rising sun and falling rain that causes the flowers to blossom and fill the earth with its aroma. It is quite impossible to stop a determined Gemini, they want to leave their mark on this earth and do so in many different ways as they are indestructible, powered by the combination of their mind and their heart which creates an explosion upon collision. To get in the way of this placement is to stand in the way of the changing seasons, impossible. 
“Each day you’d rise with me, know that I would gladly be the Icarus to your certainty.
Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight.
Strap the wing to me, death trap clad happily, with wax melted, I’d meet the sea,
Under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight.”
Cancer Mars [Mars in 4th]
When I picture Cancer Mars at its most feral state, I visualize the crumbling of the earth into itself, only to grow back in a healthier form. A resilient placement that can have the worst thrown at them and come back only more beautiful. In the introduction, I discussed how both Moon and Mars share a common goal but the Moon goes about it a different way, as Cancer Mars goes about martian energy in a different way as well. With mars in fall, Cancer takes the soft approach to ferality, embracing the harsh energy and converting it into tenderness. 
“And I love too, that love soon might end, 
be known in its aching, shown in the shaking,
Lately of my wasteland, baby. 
Be still, my indelible friend, you are unbreaking,
Though quaking, though crazy
That’s just wasteland, baby.” 
Leo Mars [Mars in 5th]
When I picture Leo Mars at its most feral state I see a blinding white-hot light overcoming anyone and everyone in its path, forcing others to bend to its will simply by doing what it does naturally. As a fixed mars, Leos energy is continuous and bold, quite difficult to escape if a Leo Mars has you in their eye line. They are everywhere, they rule the heart so they rule ferality in a way, diving back into their lion roots and fully delving into the fact that they are the rulers of the jungle and rulers of the world.
“Be love in its disrepute, scorches the hillside and salts every root 
And watches the slowing and starving of troops
And, lover, be good to me.
Be there and just as you stand or be like the rose that you hold in your hand 
That will grow bold in a barren and desolate land
Oh, lover, be good to me.”
Virgo Mars [Mars in 6th]
When I picture Virgo Mars at its most feral state I can clearly gaze upon an open field, a deer nosing at grass only to be pounced on by a random predator, yet Virgo represents both the predator and the prey, enforcing balance and really honoring nature fully. Virgo Mars is one of the most ferocious and determined martian placement because they understand how to use the life around them to their advantage. Failure is impossible because they are always ten steps ahead of everyone else. They understand balance, both aggressiveness, and peacefulness. 
“With the war of the fire, my heart moves to its feet
Like the ashes of ash, I saw eyes in the heat
Feel it soft and as pure as snow, fell in love with the fire long ago
With each love I could lose, I was never the same
Watch it still live in roofs, be consumed by the flame
I was fixed on your hand of gold, laying waste of my lovin’ long ago”
Libra Mars [Mars in 7th]
When I picture Libra Mars at its most feral state, I see a person walking into a mossy lake only to never come out again. There is a slight underestimation when people first get to know the Libra Mars.  This martian placement matches up with tricky Aphrodite, Libra mars has secrets they dont want unturned, they have a hidden past that they want to be kept to themselves because they are never the people they were a few moments ago. They are evolving and healing, rubbing soil on their open wounds to grow into a new version of themselves. 
“I had a thought, dear, however scary about that night, the bugs and the dirt.
Why were you digging? What did you bury before those hands pulled me from the earth?
I will not ask you where you came from, I will not ask and neither should you. 
Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips, we should just kiss like real people do.” 
Scorpio Mars [Mars in 8th]
When I picture Scorpio Mars at its most feral state, there is a black burning tree in the middle of the falling snow, crackling and popping and falling to the pieces onto blankets of snow only to keep burning. Mars takes a different approach in this rulership, it is calculated, ready, and sure of whatever move is to be made as if it has been practiced for quite some time. There is no defeating a Scorpio mars, only succumbing, bending to its will, and praying that they will take mercy on your soul. 
“If I was born as a blackthorn tree, I’d wanna be felled by you, held by you
Fuel the pyre of your enemies.
Ain’t it warming you, the world gone up in flames?
Ain’t it the life you, your lighting of the blaze?
Ain’t it a waste they’d watch the throwing of the shade?
Ain’t you my baby, ain’t you my babe?”
Sagittarius Mars [Mars in 9th]
When I picture Sagittarius Mars at its most feral state, I see the serpent in the garden of Eden sliding on its belly and offering an option of freedom, going against the grain of submissiveness. Sagittarius Mars tends to ooze this raw sex appeal that stems from their confidence & their need to question the life around them, never satisfied by what is given to them, instead they leave their own mark on the world before them by embracing individuality and moving along their own path. 
“I’d be the voice that urged Orpheus when her body was found. 
I’d be the choiceless hope in grief that drove him underground.
I’d be the dreadful need in the devotee that made him turn around.
And I’d be the immediate forgiveness in Eurydice,
Imagine being loved by me.” 
Capricorn Mars [Mars in 10th]
When I picture Capricorn Mars at its most feral state, I imagine the fall of an empire, a civilization, a society, forced to come to terms with the fact that its reign has come to an end. Mars in exalt, arguably one of the most powerful placements to have in the natal chart, there isn’t a way to prevent the energy of a Capricorn Mars, they are backed by Saturn, two malefic energies combining to create an unbeatable power and manifesting as strength in the native who claims this energy. 
“It’s the light, and it’s the obstacle that casts it
It’s the heat that drives the light, It’s the fire it ignites,
It’s not the waking, it’s the rising.
It’s not the song, it is the singing.
It’s the heaven of a human spirit ringing.
It is the bringing of the line, It is the bearing of the rhyme
It’s not the waking, it’s the rising.”
Aquarius Mars [Mars in 11th]
When I picture Aquarius Mars at its most feral state, I visualize a group of nude women, dancing around an intense fire, the full moon shining only for them as they howl out into the wind. Aquarius Mars is a placement that understands how to honor their roots and get back in touch with themselves to move to the future. They use their past to propel them into new opportunities and to become a higher version of themselves. There is no obstructing this futuristic placement, eyes steady on the prize that remains up ahead. 
“When you move, I can recall something that’s gone from me
When you move honey, I’m put in awe of something so flawed and free.
So move me, baby, shake like the bough of a willow tree,
You do it naturally, move me, baby.” 
Pisces Mars [Mars in 12th]
When I picture Pisces Mars at its most feral state, I envision a floating sailor, sinking in with each song that leaves the siren’s voice only to realize that it is too late as the last of air leaves their lungs and they now become one with the siren. Pisces Mars has the gift of “innocence” that people project onto them and they understand how to use it to their advantage and come out on top. Deception is a mastered tool but doesn’t negate the fact that they are simply seductive and persuasive and hold power that many are unaware of. They should continue to move carefully and use their “faults” to their benefit. 
“Feeling more human and hooked on her flesh, 
I lay my heart down with the rest at her feet.
Fresh from the fields, all fetor and fertile
It’s bloody and raw, but I swear it is sweet. 
In leash-less confusion, I’ll wander the concrete,
Wonder if better now having survived.
The jarring of judgment and reason’s defeat. 
The sweet heat of her breath in my mouth; I’m alive.”
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downgoestheday · 3 years
­­ — THE FIRST HOUSE: A lot of these people suffered bullying from a young age, most likely due to your appearance/something that was completely out of control. Feeling extremely isolated from others in your childhood, like you could never connect with the people around you and, because of that, you’ve learned to be independent and to never trust others. Now, it’s difficult for you to open up even to your closest friends, and you fear that you’ll always feel alone. You can’t stand feeling misunderstood and, because of that, you can be very obsessed with “studying” the trauma you experienced through astrology and therapy, and you feel very triggered when someone misunderstands your intentions and misconstrues your words. A feeling that the world is against you. Someone having “taken” something away from you - your freewill, innocence, power of choice. People who either get repulsed by you or obsessed about you when you’re just sitting there and being yourself, and it’s out of your control which. Having been stalked in the past. A compulsive need to be private and keep things to yourself, a fear that other people are going to take everything away from you, especially the ones you love.. that they’ll turn them against you. Being treated like a sexual object, being sexually exploited. A fear that you’ll never be able to let go of your need for control. A fear that you attract too much chaos/people who are very chaotic themselves into your life. The feeling that, at the end of the day, you’ll always be alone with your fears, sadness and experiences that you haven’t found the courage to tell others. A feeling that you’ll never feel safe or comfortable.
— THE SECOND HOUSE: You don’t understand your own emotions and that gives you a lot of frustration and anxiety. You might’ve struggled your whole life with an emotional intensity that had you swinging from being at your happiest and most cared for in one moment and at the depths of despair and distress in the next. Your sense of self-worth fluctuates with unpreditability and yo can go from being overly confident to extremely insecure. Your passions constantly change and, because of that, it’s hard for you to know what you want to pursue in your life. You might’ve experienced a lot of distrust from others from a very young age, especially when it came to financial matters. You were accused of stealing, lying, perhaps even committing crimes. You felt like you had to work twice as hard to gain people’s trust and your parents, the ones who were supposed to protect you, were the first to be suspicious of everything you did. It’s like people are waiting for you to commit any sort of mistake so they can lash out on you and blame you for everything. You can become unproductive and start procrastinating as soon as you start feeling sad, self-sabotaging your own success because you’re afraid of failure, of putting your heart to something and then, all your efforts going to waste. Fear of losing the ones you love so you become possessive over them, or you attract people who are possessive of you and treat you like their property, making you feel suffocated in relationships. The fear that you’ll never be financially stable because things always go wrong. Looking at life through a pessimistic lens. The fear that you’ll always have enough to just survive. Having to do immoral things for money that left you feeling disgusted at your own actions. People who invaded your privacy for their personal benefit.
— THE THIRD HOUSE: Having been bullied and possibly physically abused in your early school years. A feeling that you had to “survive” school, that it was a place for pain and anxiety instead of learning. This could have given you a tendency to procrastinate in school and to rebel against it, you might’ve missed classes and it was hard for you to focus on your daily schoolwork but then you got to the tests and you got the highest grade due to your intelligence without needing much study. You might’ve constantly heard that you’re wasting your potential and intelligence simply because you didn’t care for school. From a very young age, you might’ve always felt the need to escape your house and neighborhood, and you took every opportunity you could get to stay away, which could have been the source of a lot of arguments at home. You were painted as the black sheep of the family, misunderstood by your parent figures because they couldn’t understand how their toxicity drove you to want to stay away from them and how school brought you trauma and anxiety. Relationship with siblings could’ve been very troubled, parents you pit you two against each other, a feeling that you had to compete with your siblings for their love, that they were the golden child while you were the disappointment of the family. You can also feel a strong need to protect your sibling from your parents and in school, that you want to teach them and be their role model because they had no one to set the good example.
— THE FOURTH HOUSE: You wanted to take refuge in your home when the outside world got hard again, you wanted a place to retreat to and find peace and wisdom, but soon you likely found out that it’s inside your home that the monsters laid. Your parent figures can have been extremely emotionally manipulative, in a way that took you years to understand: they showed you they loved you, treated you like their pride and prized possession, but they also tried to control you, invade your privacy, leading you to feel like an extension of them. You might’ve witnessed toxic and abusive relationship dynamics in your childhood; relationships filled with power-struggles and betrayal, obsession and possessiveness, arguments and competition. A lot of these people had one parent who cheated, making them feel like they had to compete with the other person. The relationship with the mother figure might’ve been a very confusing one: on one hand, you were close to her to the point where you needed each other more than anything, but at the same time, she might’ve been toxic and tried to live vicariously through you, wanting you to live out the dreams she never could. Even if the family home was loving and instilled in you values of hard-work and passion for anything you got involved in, there might’ve been one (or more) particular event that left you traumatized, feeling robbed of your power and strength. The family home can be exhausting, as if your parents expect you to be the one to take care of them and solve their problems. You fear becoming like the ones who mistreated you, you fear never being able to protect others in the way you never were. There might be an inability to trust here; you feel like you’ll never be able to fully trust and be vulnerable with someone because you want to always guard your heart from anyone who has the potential to break it.
— THE FIFTH HOUSE: When you love something, you love hard and this itself can feel terrifying at times. You understand how loyal and devoted you can be towards your passions, and you fear putting your heart into something then watching it fail miserably in front of your eyes. Fear of rejection and failure. You tend to procrastinate and purposefuly avoid going after your passions because you don’t want to watch your dreams die in front of you. There might be a fear of having children here, a fear of raising your kids the same way you were raised or not being able to meet your own expectations, a fear of not being able to emotionally connect with them, a fear of them living through pain and traumatic events without you being aware of it. It can be difficult for you to have one-night stands because you get very emotionally attached to people even if you don’t like showing it. Relationships can be filled with drama, chaos, obsession and lack of boundaries/lack of respect for the others’ privacy. There might be trust and intimacy issues here, where you get involved in casual dating but suddenly you’re jealous of other people who your person is seeing. You try to manipulate your romantic partners in order to feel in control of the relationship, a way for you to subtly self-sabotage your chances at happiness. You might mistake having a big ego for loving yourself, covering your deep-seated insecurities under a cocky attitude. The intensity of your emotions can scare you at times. You compare yourself to others because you fear truly loving yourself. You fear stability, you’re so used to living alongside chaos that you don’t know who you are without it – just the mere idea of sitting alone with your thoughts for a moment of peace can feel scary.
— THE SIXTH HOUSE: A fear that there’s no stability and peace in your day-to-day life because something’s disruptive is constantly happening. Your health doesn’t normally get bad but when it does, it’s awful. A feeling that you live life on survival mode. The death of a pet of your that deeply scarred you. Parents who tried to control you and every little habit of yours in your childhood. being constantly criticized; a feeling that you had to fit a certain image to please others. Being expected to always be at your prettiest and calmest, to be the adult among children, to take on the mature role. A fear that you’ll never be enough in your own eyes, a constant striving for perfection that only leaves you feeling more pained. a fear that you will never cease your need for control. A voice in your head that criticizes everything you do - you have become your own worst enemy. A fear that you’ll keep getting stuck with looking at the world through pessimistic eyes, eyes that have witnessed its cruelty. A fear of losing hope. A fear of not finding a job that fulfills your immense passion, and that you’ll always work too hard without getting the recognition for it. Coworkers who try to gain control over you, who belittle you and see you as their competition, who try to make your life living hell and who, in turn, discourage you from pursuing your career. Being overly sexualized at work. The feeling that it’s going to always be you to solve others’ problems and to be their savior, but at the end of the day, no one will be there for you. It’s like people already expect you to be the strong one so they don’t even ask if you need help. Having parent figures whose health is fragile so you have to take care of them, the feeling that you have to forget your own needs to take care of them.
— THE SEVENTH HOUSE: Always being the therapist friend, the one who holds others’ lives together. Parent figures who had a broken marriage; witnessing toxic relationships in your childhood that left you with a warped sense of what love means. The fear of getting into a relationship that mirrors the ones in your childhood; the fear of becoming just like your parent figures. Betrayal comes from those closest to you – your family members, your best friends, your romantic partners. Associating love with pain and grief and loss. The fear that no one will match your level of intensity and devotion in love, that you’re always going to get involved with people who are flaky, inconsistent, who betray your trust and who try to control you. The fear that you always attract the wrong type of people, that all your relationships are filled with power-struggles, possessiveness, drama and obsession rather than pure, healthy love. In the past, it might’ve been very difficult for you to feel fulfilled in a stable relationship, you always need it to be all-consuming and passionate but then, when it ended, you couldn’t even remember who you were before that person and the pain the end of the connection caused. You might’ve lost yourself and your sense of identity in relationships, giving your 100% to a partner who could only take and never give. Fear of abandonment, rejection, losing the people you love the most. Having been emotionally manipulated in relationships, used in your most vulnerable state.
— THE EIGHTH HOUSE: The death of a loved one that deeply scarred you, fear of intimacy all while feeling a compulsion to engage in it. Sexual experiences could’ve been traumaziting and like the other person was trying to take control of you during the act. There might be a fear of sex due to a fear of surrendering to someone else. Feeling a strong darkness inside of you that threatens to engulf you with every step you take. Fear of your deepest thoughts. Fear both of change and of not changing at all, you might constantly feel stuck, like you’re still holding on to the past when you know you should let go of it and stop giving it the power to control you. A feeling that everyone is always trying to take something from you, to impose themselves on you. Your parents might’ve taken away your money and possessions. A fear of “revealing” yourself to others, and at the same time, that no one will ever truly know you. Fear of someone taking power over you. A strong connection with death, fluctuates between fear of death and fascination with it. A fear from a young age that you only bring destruction wherever you go. Always feeling the need to run away when you get too close to someone, scared of becoming emotionally attached because you know that your love and loyalty knows no boundaries. These people often tend to experience an almost debilitating feeling of powerlessness throughout their childhood and adolescence that can have them stuck in the mentality of “I’m weak and I won’t ever rise above this”, and it takes them a lot to come out of their shell, to accept and embrace their power.
— THE NINTH HOUSE: Having been raised in an environment that didn’t allow you to express your beliefs and personal thoughts; parent figures who tried to control you and mold you however they saw fit into their puppet, parents who enforced their philosophies on you even though you didn’t agree to them. Having your power taken away in your childhood, feeling imposed on, restricted from your freedom, which now makes you feel paranoid everytime someone tries to constrict you in any possible way. Going through life with a “I’ve only got me, I can’t trust no one else” mindset, fear of letting people in due to how much you long to stay independent. You’re at your most self-destructive when you feel that someone is trying to hold you down, control you and manipulate your thoughts. You had to fight for your freedom and individuality so now you can’t stand that being taken away, which can result in a feeling of claustrophobia when in a long-term relationship and sabotaging everything to make sure the other person will leave you so you won’t havee to trust them, rely on them. The fear that your life will never have a purpose and that unpredictable, traumatic experiences will keep happening that completely change your mindset and sense of direction in life. The feeling that the universe purposelly fucks up your life and makes you go through pain in order to change and evolve. The fear that you’ll never be in any way stable and reliable because you go through constant transformations when it comes to your beliefs and thinking processes.
— THE TENTH HOUSE: Being treated like a product and not a person. You might’ve experienced hostility from those in power, as if they’re threatened by your potential and go out of their way to make you feel like you’re less than them. In your workplace, other coworkers treat you like their competition and like you don’t deserve the success you’ve been given, spreading rumours about you or talking shit about you to the boss. You might’ve experienced aggression from “masculine” figures (it doesn’t have to be specifically from men but from those who are agressive, powerful, dominant; those who are older and more “mature”), people who want to take control over you and manipulate you for their benefit. In your career, you can be objectified and perhaps others make you feel like you got the job simply because you’re attractive and not because you worked hard for it, undervaluing you and your efforts. A period in your childhood where authority figures didn’t believe you and ridiculed you when they should’ve listened to you. Having your power stripped away from you in your earlier years, making you crave to have control again – now, you want to be in charge, you want understanding, you want to be in control of yourself; but this can have you trying to exert power over others, manipulate them before they have the chance to manipulate you. You seek control in everything that surrounds you and that heightens your anxiety every time something doesn’t go according to your plans. A feeling that tragedy follows you around, a paranoia that things are going to go wrong any second now. A fear that you’ll always have your talents and habilities underestimated.
— THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: Betrayal from friendgroups, your earlier years might’ve been traumatizing when it came to friendships. It’s like people got close to you for the sole purpose of destroying your self-esteem, of discovering your secrets just so they could air them out to everyone you knew, or spreading rumors about you and wanting you to feel embarrassed/ridiculed of every step you took. It might’ve been very difficult for you to work on your self-esteem and it might still be an on-going battle, where you see yourself as worthless and like people will always use you as the butt of their jokes. Friends who invalidated your trauma, didn’t believe you and went out of their way to befriend the people who hurt you. You fear that you’ll never be able to fit in with the society where you live because your opinions are seen as too controversial and extreme when most of the time they can simply be progressive and open-minded. You might be surrounded by narrow-minded, prejudiced, conservative people. Your parent figures might ridicule your dreams and ambitions and make you feel like you’ll never achieve anything, that you’re too idealistic and delusional. You might feel like you had to disappoint your family in order to go down your own path because they didn’t support you and wanted you to follow in their footsteps. The suffering of the world might deeply affect you and you find yourself paralyzed by injustices that happened to other people as if you felt them in your skin yourself. You yearn for deep and intimate friendships but you might’ve been disappointed over and over again. You give yourself fully to the people in your lives to the point where they start taking you for granted.
— THE TWELFTH HOUSE: You notice even the subtlest changes in others’ behavior, how they said hi in a slightly different tone and what that might imply… being so perceptive of everything that’s going around you feels emotionally draining to the point where you’re left with your anxieties and paranoias of not being enough for others, believing you should be stronger, you should be more reliable, you should be easier to love. Your mind is your greatest enemy and when you sit alone with your thoughts, you hear all the self-doubt, guilt and fears that are threatening to destroy all chance for stability. You can have nightmares that fill you with stress, making you fear go to sleep and you can stay up all night because it’s the only time of the day where you can be by yourself without having to put a mask of happiness for others – during the day, you’re expected to take care of others, to save them, to put their needs above your own, but at night, you can finally breathe. Your childhood can be a blur of moments you can’t comprehend and things you’d rather forget, and you might’ve been ridiculed for your emotional sensitivity. You were told you’re too emotional, obsessive, stupid for giving your heart to the wrong people. You can be very self-destructive as a way to escape reality, wishing you could just turn your feelings off. You repress your emotions and bury them deep within yourself. You might’ve dealed with drug abuse and mental illness/people around you who struggled with it and it affected you deeply. You feel others’ pain as if it’s your own. You fear asking others for help, being seen as weak. You fear that you’ll never be in control of yourself, that your emotions will always be too intense. 
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downgoestheday · 3 years
chiron: how trauma occurs in your life
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- in 1st: In a way the wounds become visible to others, either in the way the person is presented outwardly or in relation to appearance or even health issues. Trauma can occur either emotionally, mentally or physically. Sometimes you feel inadequate in relation to your personality or even your body. You may magnify in your mind the problem of a defect which you may have as a physical characteristic, e.g. that you don't have the perfect body proportions and to consider that this imperfection is the reason why others reject you. Usually the trauma has started from your childhood. You may have been neglected or marginalized in your family environment. You learn to survive by satisfying others and not yourself. Many times the your identification with the injured therapist is particularly visible, as you assume the "role" of the therapist towards family and friends and can lead to the decision to make a career as a therapist (doctor, nurse, psychologist, etc.). It is a childhood trauma that is always obvious, it stays there deep inside you growing up. Sometimes in the course of your life you learn to hide or cover it, but you don't disappear it.
- in 2nd: Somehow in your life you may have felt insecure in your home or you may have experienced something that threatened it's existence. Of course, the sign in which Chiron is, could show how the trauma came about. A Pisces Chiron, for example, may indicate a parent who has had an addiction (eg, alcohol), is away from home, or has his or her own psychological issues. Many times the problems have been created due to an unstable financial situation or a financial disaster. Insecurities can be emotional in nature or even financial in nature. You may feel helpless and unprotected mainly inside. Many times you may not have experienced tenderness and felt that you didn't deserve to be loved. Thus you grow up with low self-esteem, feeling unable to properly evaluate yourself and completely insecure, both in your relationships and in your values. You may be trying to control your physical condition in an almost neurotic way. Many times you end up on the opposite. That is, you begin to develop self-destructive tactics, both financially and in terms of health and fitness. Even in your relationships, you follow either the pattern of possessiveness and control, fearing not to lose the object of your desire or show a completely detached attitude, so as not to become emotionally attached and in the process get hurt if the relationship does not go well.
- in 3rd: Chiron here shows traumatic situations and difficulties in matters concerning communication, in the expression of speech orally and in writing. You may have difficulty expressing or communicating with your environment or feel that your voice is not "heard". Usually two different approaches are observed with the specific position of Chiron. Either you have a square logic, you trust only your mind and thoughts having a complete distance from his emotion or you express only with instinct and emotion without any logical approach. Sometimes this position is also associated with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Thus the trauma can be born even in the period of preschool age. This position may indicate a different way of perceiving things, a different way of thinking that may be innovative, but instead of rejoicing that you have an unconventional and different way of thinking, you're often afraid that these differences from others they will isolate you.
- in 4th: With Chiron in the 4th house, the trauma seems to be born in the family environment or by people who played an important role in the period of your development in your childhood. Somehow the house failed to be the safe harbor that you need to feel fullness and security inside. In some cases, one parent may have been absent, either because he or she died, or because the parents divorced, or because he or she was present who was substantially distant emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. The result in these scenarios is that you actually struggle to feel that you "belong" somewhere. And whenever something shakes up family issues (usually love affairs are what shake these traumas) to feel intense despair or utter loneliness. Many times this position shows either addictive stressful relationships or avoiding relationships in order to avoid a trauma like the one you experienced as a child. So in your personal life, even if you're in a difficult or abusive relationship, you find it difficult to separate. It may still be difficult for you to set boundaries. Because it is a very "sensitive" position, you may have a natural talent to "catch" the wounds of others. This means that you can become an excellent healer of others. By offering healing to others you heal yourself.
- in 5th: Somehow you may hide or be afraid to expose your talents because you're afraid of being accepted by others. You are afraid of being rejected in love, you're afraid to rejoice, to have fun, to play, to be yourself. It is always like judging yourself harshly and never allowing yourself to relax. Maybe in your childhood you faced rejection when you tried to express your creativity. Or maybe one of the hobbies or the ones you did, did not find acceptance from your family environment. For example, you may have wanted to get a tattoo because it symbolized something about your adolescence, this was reprehensible to the family. Or you may have grown up in a harsh environment where play, sports, carelessness were considered a waste of time. This in the process becomes a trauma that follows you in your later life. You may be afraid to show your creative work, talent, if you don't first make sure that they will not make fun of you or accept you warmly. A rejection of a flirtation in adolescence may even have left its mark on your heart. Many times the position of Chiron is associated with difficulties in obtaining offspring and usually the reasons are deeply psychological. It is as if there is a connection with your childhood and especially in the case of a woman - who may not have felt safe, protected and cared for at an early age - her subconscious may say that it is not safe to give birth to a child.
- in 6th: Chiron in the 6th house indicates an injury that may be related to a health problem, either of the person during your childhood or of a family member who may have had to be cared for. Perhaps because of this illness (especially if it was a parent) you had to take on disproportionate responsibilities for your shoulders. Sometimes it can show that due to the hard work of the parents you were deprived of their presence for several hours during the day.Usually, the problems that you face in the course of your life have a lot to do with the concept of responsibility, work environment and health issues. Maybe from a young age you were forced, instead of enjoying the carelessness of youth, to have to work, maybe you followed your parents in family work or some other job, in order to contribute to the family expenses. As a result, you acquire a stifling sense of responsibility even in old age and is afraid of losing control in everyday life, almost never relaxing. Instead, you burden yourself with the responsibilities of even others at work, finding a host of reasons. So the fear of losing control begins to incarnate many times and mental or physical health to suffer. On the other hand, there can be a perfectionism to such an extent that you refuse to do something for fear that it will not be perfect. You may don't like surprises, you want everything in your environment to be in an order as you have it in your mind and you rejoice when there are no unpredictability in your daily life. Many times, especially if you grew up with some health sensitivity, you can acquire obsessions with perfect diet and exercise. In the opposite direction you can help others to acquire healthier eating and exercise habits and you to skip your own.
- in 7th: Chiron in the 7th house can show an environment of disharmony between your parents or the people who may have raised you. This is how you begin your life with a rather problematic picture of relationships with the opposite sex, which until you mature and work more in this area either prevent you from having a relationship or even feel that you are not worth a good relationship. Many times you try with your choices to reproduce the conditions that prevailed in your family. So if in your hildhood or adolescence may have experienced a divorce or quarrel and tension in your home, your image of marriage or relationships may be your own wound. It may even be difficult for you to make the decision to get married or start a family, because there is an inward fear that you will relive the same disharmony you experienced then. Or you may be afraid that something will happen and your relationship will be ruined. Thus, you may enter into the relationship with a lack of trust and suspicion or you experience the relationship somewhat distant and cold, so as not to be hurt in the future if something happens. The result is that your partner feels neglected, feels this distance and can actually leave the relationship or marriage. Thus you confirm your phobias, although what you acted from the beginning was in fact your subconscious, which undermined the relationship from the first moment. Another manifestation of Chiron's position in the 7th house is to attract into your life people who themselves carry a personal trauma or an incurable wound, whether it appears on a psychological, spiritual or physical level. Your need to be loved, to be accompanied, is so intense that many times you can beautify things in order not to see the truth of a relationship. Many times, too, the fear of rejection or loneliness leads you to serve the needs of others to the detriment of your own needs.
- in 8th: A trauma, which is born out of deep emotional relationships with others or shows a trauma related to a loss or even a traumatic sexual experience. And although it is a difficult position, on the other hand it is considered the best position if you want to become a therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist or surgeon. In your childhood or adolescence you may have experienced the loss of a loved one or even a beloved pet, which left deep marks on your soul. This early contact with the greatest truth of our lives, which is decay and death, it is true that at a tender age it is more deeply imprinted and plays a catalytic role in our development, if not treated properly. If treated properly, then you gain enormous power knowing that it is something inevitable in our mortal state and helps you overcome your phobias. If not treated properly, then it can develop several phobias, which of course are under the umbrella of this supreme phobia of death. You can be valuable to others because you know how to guide them on the paths of the subconscious and help them overcome their own fears. It is the position of the "shaman", you can possess almost magical healing properties in your hands. When you know and have experienced "pain", you can recognize it in others and help them overcome it or learn to live with it without negative consequences in their lives. With this position there can be a fear of abandonment in your love life and this can often make them very possessive in your relationships or develop obsessions. Injuries also related to your sexuality can be found in this position.
- in 9th: Perhaps you grew up in an environment where there may have been specific political, ideological or religious beliefs, which were somehow imposed in your childhood creating a distortion in the way you see things, causing you to often lose faith in people, in life or even your optimism. You may have grown up with the notion that the world is hostile and should have been permanently suspicious of others, or that if you did the a, b, c, which deviated from his family's "morality", you would be punished by "God" and this created phobias for you. Or on the other hand, you may have isolated it if you had a different way of thinking and other beliefs. Thus, you may have experienced a tremendous sense of loneliness in your life as a vague spiritual edifice grew that could be supported. Or you may have had the feeling that nothing is going well in your life and nothing is going to come your way, sinking into the impression of an unhappy life. On the other hand, you may have had "big ideas" and expectations for yourself, but there was always or there is an agent, and usually an external one, that forbids you to implement them or go further. Possibly at some point in your life you challenged any belief or ideology if it did not meet your needs. You may, for example, have asked God for something and because what you asked for did not come, you may have felt frustrated and questioned the existence of God and abandoned your attempt to believe in something higher. Many times this position of Chiron shows traumas in relation to immigration. Your parents or ancestors may have been in a foreign country with a different cultural background or believed in a religion that was not the official state of the country to which they were forced to emigrate.
- in 10th: Another angular Chiron that deals with injuries that are born in the family environment, whether the parents are to blame or not. Our attitude towards the "world", the figures of power, is directly related to our relationship with the mother. Her own unfulfilled or unconscious ambitions may have influenced you. With Chiron in the 10th house, you may have difficulty setting clear goals or achieving them or even feel like a member of the society in which you grow up. You may change jobs one after another or pursue a variety of career paths, until later in life you find what will satisfy you completely. Again, you may find it difficult to feel respected. Sometimes you set yourself such high goals that you find it difficult to meet or any obstacle that appears to be the last, until the next obstacle comes and thus leads to failure unconsciously. Sometimes you may be forced to work in a family business that don't want. Maybe you start something and leave it along the way, starting something new. Or even helping others by supporting them at work and receiving ingratitude. This position of Chiron is statistically considered one of the most common in the horoscopes of people who have chosen as an object in their career one of the professions of Chiron. In other words, they became counselors, therapists, psychologists, astrologers, etc. It is a great position, because you have a magical way of helping others find their own place in life, their own goals and possibly the right career orientation.This does not mean, of course, that by helping others you take on their own burden. You are there as a consultant only. The responsibility lies entirely with others for how they will use your contribution to their lives. Also, you have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself.
- in 11th: With Chiron in the 11th house, your trauma may have come from a rejection either at the level of social groups or even at the level of friendships. At some point in your life, and especially at a younger age, it is as if you felt that you belonged nowhere perhaps because of your own "strange or eccentric" interests, ideas or temperament. You may have felt that others were putting "labels" on you and marginalizing you. Or on the other hand, in order for you to feel that you belong to a group and not to risk a distance, you may sacrifice your own perceptions and adopt ideologies, perceptions and beliefs, without even believing them deep inside. With this position you can develop a phobia to express your own ideas, for fear of being ridiculed by others. Sometimes you may appear to those around you as a "revolutionary", as you have your own unique way of managing things or reacting to the "system". And although you can do everything in a better way than others, this difference and your superiority can be ridiculed or even pressured to conform to the established perception.
- in 12th: With this position you find it difficult to find your "self", to find your destination in this life and many times you lead yourself to the margins. The trauma may have been born even in the womb of your mother, if for example it may have been an unwanted pregnancy or a pregnancy at a difficult time for the mother. Maybe you feel on the margins of society or can consciously lead yourself there with your actions. Sometimes the trauma is "invisible" in your life and you find it difficult to realize it. This has to do with a tendency to idealize the past. No one wants to believe that his parents or those who contributed to his development were not good people. Thus you weave in your mind a fictional story, which is between reality and dream or nightmare. Because in this house Chiron finds it difficult to build strong boundaries between realism and the dream, you can confuse your childhood memories if you really lived them or saw them in a dream. You're afraid of loneliness, you're afraid of victimization and usually don't even realize that there is a wound that leads you to make wrong choices in life. You can see this more intensely in your love life. Because you fear emotional abandonment and betrayal, you can develop addictive relationships, even with people who do not really suit you. You prefer to be next to someone even if you dream of someone else than to be alone. The fear of abandonment, of course, can lead to the diametrically opposite scenario. To be isolated, not to go out with friends, not to accept people to your house. On the other hand, because you're a hypersensitive person with developed empathy, you often become the willing "ear" and the victim of the toxicity of others, who approach you to take advantage of your willingness to help.
written with love, Ellie<3
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side note: you can talk about your wounds or everything you want here, i'm here if you need me
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downgoestheday · 3 years
✨🌠 astrology: the basics [masterpost, pt2] ✨🌠
the astrological houses indicate WHERE the direction of that energy / influence of the planet is going. it is basically where you will feel the planetary manifestation occurring most intensely.
Houses meanings
1st house (= ascendant): self-image, the first impression, how you show yourself to the world, how people tend to see you, temperament, your body (physiognomy). ruled by the sign of Aries.
2nd house: how you earn and deal with money, personal possessions and values, material and earthly issues, what are your material values. ruled by Taurus
3rd house: how you learn and teach, how is your communication, your thinking [pattern], your mind and how to process things. ruled by Gemini
4th house: origin and roots. bases of a person’s emotional. where emotional traumas took place, such as childhood. home, family and internal world. ruled by Cancer.
5th house: creativity, all forms of self expression, pleasures, leisure, love, art. ruled by Leo.
6th house: how you see and get involved with work, routine, and how you take care of your own health. ruled by Virgo.
7th house (or descendant): relationships, marriage, how you see and treat others, partnerships and relationships in general (dating, flirting too). ruled by Libra.
8th house: death and rebirth, transformation (of oneself and things), how one sees and deals with one’s own intimacy, connection to sexual issues: sex and sexuality. secrets, inheritance, personal unconscious, what is hidden. what are your most abstract and spiritual values ​​in relation to a different plane from the terrain / earth. ruled by Scorpio.
9th house: expansion, deep knowledge, higher education (university), travel, diverse studies, human diversity, language, culture, philosophies of life, spiritual knowledge. ruled by Sagittarius.
10th house: profession. how you see and how you seek your success, how you can seek your personal and professional success, what is your public image and relationship with the public, reputation, the image lived abroad, outside. ruled by Capricorn.
11th house: friends, co-workers, how you react to the collective and social. collective conscious. aspirations, goals, society, causes. social awareness and criticality. ruled by Aquarius.
12th house: empathy, spirituality, personal unconscious and collective unconscious, charity, introspection, interior. fears, suffering, escapism, mysticism, altruism. ruled by Pisces.
What are the aspects?
aspects are interactions between two or more planets. they are formed by specific angles that represent the relationships between the planets. the aspects can mean several things: they strengthen, collide or create harmony.
What are the meanings of the aspects?
major aspects:
🍃 sextile (60º) 🍃 harmony, luck, skills, opportunities, “fertile ground”, natural talents, agreement, sympathy.
✨ trine (120º) ✨ harmony, expansion, growth, potential, facilities, happiness.
😶 conjunction (0º) 😶 it depends, because it is a “neutral” aspect in which there can be the presence of harmony or disharmony. in some cases, there is an urge to work hard, but the reward is felt earlier; there may be disharmony, but more easily than in the aspects below.
😒 opposition (180º) 😒 tension, conflicts, difficulties, setbacks, restlessness, shocks, attraction-repulsion, repulsion.
💔 square (90º) 💔 tension, resistance, disharmony, stress, bad luck, intense work, escape, friction, dislike, insecurity, hidden weaknesses, blockages, crashes.
minor aspects:
🤔 semi-sextile (30º) 🤔 less harmonic than sextile, but it can still help you become more aware of your potential abilities.
😵 quincunx (150º) 😵 faults, unconscious tension, little awareness of problems and what needs to be developed, little conscious energy directed at it.
🔒 semi-square (45º) 🔒 irritation and stress, but less than one square causes
🌪 sesquiquadrate (135º) 🌪 conflict, aggravation, irritation.
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downgoestheday · 3 years
Grammar of Astrology: How to Actually READ a Chart
Hi all, it’s been a while! Two years, actually, since I’ve posted anything. I’ll spare you the details of why my relationship with astrology changed (perhaps another post sometime) but since I’m no longer going to be doing anything professionally with astrology, I figured I’d pass along my best tricks to y’all. You can skip to the end if you’d like to see my hand little cheat sheet rather than read all my explanations if you like.  Here we go. 
Take this scenario:
You start off by reading about your sun sign. So far, things seem pretty accurate. This astrology stuff seems pretty cool, so you dig a little deeper and perhaps discover your rising sign or moon sign. You look up as much info about your sun, moon, and rising as you can find. Perhaps there are pre-made interpretations for having a certain sun and moon together, perhaps even with your rising sign. So far, it seems like all your astrological questions can be answered by a google search.  As you get deeper, however, you start seeing things like your house placements and other planetary influences. You are likely able to find what all these influences mean individually, but suddenly, there aren’t any interpretations for having your Moon in the 4th House in Cancer squaring your Sun in the 7th House in Libra while your Pluto in the 5th house in Leo forms a semisextile to your Uranus in the 6th House in Virgo.  How do astrologers add all these things up? And how did they make those interpretations you found on the web, anyways?
Astrology has a very definite grammar that’s relatively easy to learn once you know what it is. Most astrologers learn this sort of intuitively over time, but I’ll break it down for you.  PLANETS act as our VERBS. Planets are WHAT ACTION we are doing. 
SIGNS act as our ADVERBS. They tell us HOW we do what we do. 
Say you have a Sun in Aries. To be honest, that really doesn’t tell an astrologer much. All you have is a verb and an adverb. We know that in something that you do, you’re a pioneer of some sort and have found a niche. But without the rest of the parts of the sentence, it’s just a fragment. That brings us to…
HOUSES act as our NOUNS. They tell us WHAT PART of us is doing the action. Note, houses also include our rising sign. More on this later. 
Someone with a Sun in Aries will exhibit ONE PART of them where they are very determined. The House determines which part. A Sun in Aries in the 10th House is likely to have original entrepreneurial ideas and be a real type A personality, while someone with a Sun in Aries in the 4th House is more likely to be a mama-bear type.  But how does this interact with the rest of the chart? Those two examples I just gave, despite having 3 layers to the interpretation, are still watered-down, cookie-cutter descriptions at best. To know what state our Noun, Verb, and Adverb, are in, we need…
ASPECTS act as our ADJECTIVES. There’s a sort of mathy reason for this, as things can only be described by their relative placement to each other, but all you really need to know is that aspects tell you whether two NOUNS interact in ways that support each other or not.  Once you get a feel for how each sign operates, what each planet does, what each house is, and how each aspect interacts, you can read a chart with combinations you’ve never seen and make your OWN interpretations of what they mean.  In short… Planets = Verbs
Signs = Adverbs
Houses = Nouns
Aspects = Adjectives
Happy reading :)
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downgoestheday · 3 years
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🎠The Planetary Aspects🎠
The Personal/Inner Planets ~
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars🌟
The personal planets are also the inner planets as their orbit cycle is closest to earth causing the most effect in our behavior & personality.
The Social/Barrier Planets ~
Jupiter and Saturn💫
The social/barrier planets are the middle in between the inner & generations planets. They're outer planets too as they're outside the asteroid belt, however they represent the transition from personal feelings and experience into transcendence and outside knowledge. This is why I also view these two planets as our teachers. Because, they give us challenges and benefits helping us grow from our first phases onto the next.
The Collective/Generational Planets ~
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto✨
The Generational Planets effect an entire generation and take around 7 - 30 years depending on which generational planet and their motion. Uranus is around 7 years, Neptune is around 14 years & Pluto can be from 14 - 30 years. Because their influence is on an entire generation most people will have Pluto in scorpio and sagittarius right now. However their influence is still very important as they can make aspects to our personal/inner planets that impact us heavily.
The Outer Planets ~
Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto🌠
The Outer Planets are the Gas Giants and Pluto because they lie outside the asteroid belt. The social/barrier planets (Jupiter/Saturn) can be considered outer planets however are NOT generational planets.
Types of Aspects ~
Aspects are from 0 - 9° because that's when they can "activate" each other and make an actual aspect. Any degree further and the planets won't be touching or activating each other🪐
When an aspect is referred to as tight it's 0-4° & when an aspect is exact it's 0-1°🎠
Harmonious Aspects : Conjunctions, Trines & Sextiles🥀
Harmonious Aspects are two planets who work well together blending their abilities & energies together for beneficial results. They tend to have similar energies and often enhance each others qualities.
Conjunction : This is the most concentrated harmonious aspect as the two planets are joined together and merging their energies. However, this aspect isn't always pleasant if harsher planets make conjunctions to themselves or other planets, "(Mars,Saturn,Uranus,Pluto)". And, as a result could cause more tension in the house it's placed in. However, you will be aware of the energies these planets form in your chart as it's the strongest harmonious aspect you can have. However, depending on the degree between the planets a trine could have a stronger effect in your chart❤
Trines : These are considered the luckiest aspects as they bring the positive qualities from the two planets involved and we are aware of how to use them. However, because the talents and gifts of this aspect comes so easily it can cause laziness and ignorance to further develop the talents gifted from this aspect. It is characterized by the two planets being in the same element forming a 120° triangular aspect. Think of it as Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn trine each other. Although, it's two planets aspecting withing the degrees 0 - 9° and could be in different elements/signs depending on the planets degrees💖
Sextiles : This is the most gentle aspect. Often we are unaware/unconscious of the planets effects through this aspect into our behavior and talents. The sextile is a very nice aspect as it is characterized by a 60° aspect between similar elements (Fire & Air/Water & Earth). Again this may not always be the case as degrees play an important part and if a planet is at 29° in an earth sign it could sextile a planet at 2° in an Air sign. Because of this aspects influence on us that goes unaware, I have noticed we tend to have certain things we're just good at or talented in that feels like daily life to us without giving it a second thought. Where as a Trine we are gifted with a positive quality yet we're aware of it and use it. A sextiles qualities will naturally flow through and translate into small things within our daily life🔮
Hard Aspects : Oppositions & Squares⛓
Hard Aspects are what drive us to improve ourselves through the challenges imposed on us by the two planets involved. These aspects tend to cause the most amount of tension in our chart and motivate us to develop ourselves and the planetary traits. However a common misconception is that Hard aspects are scary and seen as awful in chart, this is extremely wrong!!! Hard aspects are what push us to achieve our dreams and become better people! We are forced to face these challenges through these aspects🖤
Oppositions : Although this is the most concentrated hard aspect I personally don't believe hard aspects can be prioritized the same as Harmonious aspects due to the intense tension within hard aspects and the degrees. But this aspect is known as the strongest hard aspect because it's characterized by two planets at a 180° opposition from each other where two planets and their energies are heavily clashing against each other. This creates unbalance as the planets energies are working against each other and creating a push & pull effect where you may internally feel at odds not knowing which direction to choose when it comes to expressing the planets energy. This is why balancing and developing these qualities is very important for an opposition💜
Square : The reason why I think personally squares and oppositions can't be compared in terms of being stronger and worse, is because the squares effect is much more immediate & tense creating a very decisive and immediate decision to go one way or another expressing the planets energies. The square is characterized by a 90° angle between two planets which results in problems feeling never ending and blockages when it comes to expressing the energy🌵
Prioritizing The Aspects ~
First of all I don't believe we should necessarily prioritize the aspects in our chart as each can play a significant role. However, there are some aspects that show up stronger than others and you will notice to have a bigger impact in your life🪐
The tightness of the degrees matter so so much!! A square could easily be felt stronger than a conjunction if the square is at a 0° orb and the conjunction is at a 7° orb. Therefore, before I show the list, the degrees definitely have a huge impact! However, I wouldn't say the same applies to minor aspects & asteroids such as Lilith and Quintiles🐅
The tight degrees often enhance the effects of the planets and create more concentrated energy into our lives. Therefore, the strongest degree would be 0° as the alignment between the two planets are exact! The next strongest degrees would be 1 - 4° this is where the planets energy is still tightly aligned aspecting one another, however they aren't isn't exact like 0°. I have noticed 4° to be of significant importance however. This is an observation and not a fact but I personally have found super noticeable/strong aspects usually being 0 or 4° and I believe it's because 4° orb is a tight orb yet in the middle causing tension almost like a 90° angle if that makes sense. I'm still trying to dig into this LOL so I will update yall on that but for know I've listed the universal facts above🍧
Finally the type of aspects!! The strongest aspects are 1. Conjunctions & Oppositions, 2. Squares & Trines, 3. Sextiles. This is ordered due to how directly the planets energies are affecting one another and how concentrated the energies are🧚‍♀️
Movements of the Planets ~
🌟Sun : Moves through each zodiac sign around 30 days each.
🌙Moon : Moves through each zodiac sign around two and a half days each.
🧚‍♀️Mercury : Moves through each zodiac sign around 14 - 30 days each depending on if its direct or retrograde.
💖Venus : Moves through each zodiac sign around 28 days - 2 months each.
🔥Mars : Moves through each zodiac sign around 1 and a half months each.
🎉Jupiter : Moves through each zodiac sign around 1 year each.
🪐Saturn : Moves through each zodiac sign around 2 and a half years each.
🌩Uranus : Moves through each zodiac sign around 7 years each.
🔮Neptune : Moves through each zodiac sign around 14 years each.
🌑Pluto : Moves through each zodiac sign around 14 - 30 years each.
Soft & Harsh Planets ~
Soft planets : Moon, Venus & Jupiter
These planets tend to bring out the soft, nurturing & caring side in us💖
Harsh planets : Mars, Saturn & Pluto
These planets tend to bring out the harsh, challenging & stressful side in us☄
Neutral planets : Sun, Mercury, Uranus & Neptune
These planets can swing between being soft or harsh as they can embody both qualities. Although, I will note Uranus leans more on the Harsh side. And Neptune leans more on the Soft side⚖
Aspects that don't exist ~
Sun opposite/square/trine/sextile Mercury : This is because Mercury can't be more than 28° away from the sun sign. Therefore, the only big aspect it can make is conjuncting the sun.
Sun opposite/square/trine/sextile Venus : The Venus sign is within 48° of the Sun sign therefore the only big aspect it can make is a conjunction.
Mercury opposite/square/trine Venus : Because Venus has to be within 48° of the sun sign & Mercury has to be within 28° the only possible aspects to form with one another are the conjuction and sextile.
🌟Main Masterlist
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downgoestheday · 3 years
Natal aspects and synastry aspects
Easy Aspects: (sextile, trine, conjunct) lack of focus, will, desire for activating and enhancing these qualities. A natural competence or ease can create a sense of comfort that leaves these energies in a low mode of operation
Hard Aspects: (square, opposition, conjunct) an explosive collision of conflicting energy at equal pace generates internal tension, stress, and oscillating responses that demand attention and the adequate focus, exertion, resilience, and inner conflict resolution that activates the higher possibilities and potentials that the planetary contact has to offer
Easy Synastry Conditions: (sextile, trine, conjunct) too many similarities and the sense of having done this before can turn down the heat, the stimulation, and the magnetism of the unknown. there can be a lack of will or desire to work at the relationship or repair the cracks when they begin
Hard Synastry Conditions: (square, opposition, conjunct) a cosmic explosion can provoke the more visceral and reactive sides of each partner. there can be an equal magnetism and tension that make the experience engrossing, enthralling, inflaming, and enraging, something that you don’t want to imagine your life without anymore
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downgoestheday · 4 years
Question about deity work
I was reading a post and it said taking a bath is great for Imbolc. But I was wondering how that would honour Brigid? Like I can see giving food to your god/goddess or lighting a candle or creating something for them. But how does doing stuff for yourself like having a bath or doing something you love honour them? And if they’re the god of poetry, like Brigid is, is just writing poetry enough to honour her?
Anyways, that’s all. Thanks guys 🙂
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downgoestheday · 4 years
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Tarot Spread For The Upcoming Year, Two Ways
First, a simple overview, shown above. Shuffle while concentrating on the upcoming year. If you have a particular type of concern for the days ahead (career, romance, finances, etc), focus on that and ask for guidance. If not, ask for general guidance or predictions and deal as shown. These cards represent:
Overall theme for the year
Message for January
Message for February
Message for March
Message for April
Message for May
Message for June
Message for July
Message for August
Message for September
Message for October
Message for November
Message for December
Read upright/reversed based on their relationship to the center of the wheel; center is the bottom, the rim is the top, so, for instance, card 2 is in a normal orientation, while 5 is on its side with the top to the right.
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Alternately, you can take a more comprehensive look at the upcoming year. As above, shuffle and concentrate on the kind of overview that would fill your needs. Last the cards as shown. These cards represent:
A lesson you will bring with your from the past year into the upcoming year (will help you deal with the coming year)
Overall theme for the new year
Overall struggle/adversary for the new year
A lesson you will need to learn in the coming year to prepare your for the following year
Message for January
Message for February
Message for March
Message for April
Message for May
Message for June
Message for July
Message for August
Message for September
Message for October
Message for November
Message for December
Struggle/adversary for January
Struggle/adversary for February
Struggle/adversary for March
Struggle/adversary for April
Struggle/adversary for May
Struggle/adversary for June
Struggle/adversary for July
Struggle/adversary for August
Struggle/adversary for September
Struggle/adversary for October
Struggle/adversary for November
Struggle/adversary for December
Read upright/reversed on the monthly messages as indicated with the first spread. The struggle/adversary cards (3 and 17-28) should be read holistically; the upright or reversed meanings may be most appropriate to be aware of. Use your intuition. Be aware that these cards often have advice for how to deal with that struggle.
The struggle/adversary may be a person, situation, mindset, etc.
I suggest reading each month as a pair (its message and struggle/adversary together). You may find that a month that has a negative message may carry advice on the struggle for how to get through it, for instance. It is surprising how these cards interact sometimes.
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downgoestheday · 4 years
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Simple explanation of Natal chart houses!
By themodernastrologer.com
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