downtowndaegu · 4 years
Hi could I please request a collage ship with imfact? Tysm! I love to dance and rap. I’m a Sagittarius and INFJ. I’m super awkward/shy but with friends I’m weird and energetic and will do kpop dances in public. I’m really quiet/introverted at school and people don’t really talk to me because I look mean/cold but once you get to know me I’m the exact opposite. I never want to upset anyone and always try to put other people before me. My favourite colour/shade is black and I love animals.
I ship you with Ungjae! (◕‿◕✿)
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downtowndaegu · 4 years
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bf!Ungjae Moodboard
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downtowndaegu · 4 years
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[00:55 am] You don’t remember if you had ever seen Mark with such a bored expression stuck on his face lately. It seemed that pestering issues from work was constantly hanging at the back of his mind. The darkness under his eyes and upset eyes proved your thoughts exactly. It wasn’t like you were much better than him at the mental crowd department either. Shifting your gaze from the exasperated boy’s face back to your laptop, a half blank page waiting to be typed on looking back at you, a sigh left your lips. With constant clicking of a keyboard filling the quiet air in between, you moved away from the soft blankets on the bed to shuffle behind the tired man. You wrapped your hoodie covered arms around his shoulders and spoke the first syllables breaking the silence that had been lasting for longer than neither of you had intended. 
He replied quietly, not bothering to look away from the screen shining onto his face, perhaps not having the leisure to waste anymore time to finish his work. 
“Hi there.”
You placed your head on his shoulders, thoughtfully gazing at his rapidly moving fingers on the keys. Your wish to see his face again made you curiously twist your head to the side, now staring into his shining eyes. The artificial blinding light of his laptop made his cheeks look even more hollowed than usual, his cheekbones you always left pecks on seeming adorable as ever.
Mark made a humming sound when you started to comb your fingers through his messy hair, the low noise sounding louder than normal in the dead quiet room. You kept your hand on his hair, petting his head for a while longer and he finally parted his eyes from the screen first time that night. He rested back on the chair, lifting his head up and closing his eyes to enjoy your affections for some more time.
“Have a minute to spare, baby?” you wondered.
Yours and his eyes met, both mirroring the exhaustion in each others. Mark shook his head, as in to ask what you wanted. 
You pecked his half dry lips, making a small reminder at the back of your mind to help the man occasionally to a glass of water to keep him hydrated during his busy schedules. His eyes tracked your movement when you reached over the bed behind his desk to get your hands on your own laptop. He adored the tender smile starting to set on your lips when you pressed a bunch of keys on the device and lifted his brows when guitar riffs filled the silent room.
He felt your hand tugging him up and away from his chair, his whole body finally having a moment to stretch out of the uncomfortable position. You dragged him to the empty space in his room, smiling at his questioning gaze.
“What is this? What are we doing?” he asked, as you pulled him to your body and he crept his arms around your waist, already moving to the beat of the song without waiting for an answer from you.
“Shut up and dance with me, won’t you Marky?”
He watched you sway, shaking your head to the music. In this moment, at this late hour of the night, Mark could recall once again what he loved so much about you when both of your laughter bounced off the walls. No sign was left on his expressions of his previous fatigue. He spun you around him, not once looking away from your flushed face. A breathless chuckle left you when he pulled you closer to his upper body to sing the lyrics into your ear. 
“I felt it in my chest as she looked at me
I knew we were bound to be together,
Bound to be together.”
Sometimes life just seemed to move faster than Mark would wish it to. But now, dancing sweetly in front of him, he felt you almost slowing the time for him, savoring each second spent with you. 
He imagined you cheering him up in your days to come, with this lovely attitude of yours any time life’s burden felt too heavy on him. He imagined you kissing his sadness away, when he thought he had no one to share his pain with. He imagined you making his mornings livelier, encouraging him to be a better him everyday, never wanting to wake up without you one day.
Mark didn’t share these thoughts verbally with you, but he knew from your cheerful eyes staring back at him, you understood. And as he rested his forehead against yours, swaying you and him melodically, he couldn’t help but agree with this song. 
Deep in her eyes, I think I see the future.
He pressed his lips to yours for a second. Then closed his eyes and touched his cheek against yours, whispering the rest of the lyrics into your skin.
“This woman is my destiny.”
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downtowndaegu · 5 years
Hi! Can i have a collage ship with monsta x please? I have been told that I smile a lot, a perfectionist and i get stressed out so easily, im warm and friendly but I’m also closed off It takes me a long time to open up to a person. I tend to be considerate of others and I understand people so well, Im pretty smart and good at studying, so clumsy sometimes and I always hurt myself without noticing, I blush so easily and then get teased for it… i can be so stubborn sometimes and i put my pride over everything. I usually dont show my true feelings -I’m probably a tsundere lol- so there’s a few who say that im a cold hearted.. but I’m Pretty emotional & sensitive. I like trying/learning new things! Can cook but too lazy, i have childish and playful side but I only show it to my close friends, im usually quiet but when im happy or excited I get very talkative and annoying! People usually say that im Kind, feminine, reliable, helpful, and polite.. I love sweets, singing, traveling, winter, and nature! Thank you so much~
Here is your moodboard! x
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downtowndaegu · 5 years
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Bf!Kihyun Moodboard
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downtowndaegu · 5 years
Hello! May I please have a written ship with BTS and Seventeen? I'm a smart and responsible person. Probably the most responsible out of my group of friends. I'm very friendly and everyone (as far as I know) loves me. I have absolutely no enemies and I tend to be kind, even if my kindness isn't deserved. I used to be depressed, but now I have found the brighter side of life and try to stay positive not only for myself, but for those around me. Thanks and tell me if I break any guidelines!
From BTS
I ship you with Yoongi!
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From Seventeen
I ship you with Seokmin!
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downtowndaegu · 6 years
Could you do a.c.e reaction to their s/o being needy like they have been really busy lately and she needs some attention? Thank you! ^^
yeah no, we aren’t dead. x
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downtowndaegu · 6 years
A.C.E Reaction: s/o being needy
Prompt: A.C.E has been neglecting to give their s/o for some time due to their busy schedules. Their s/o wants some attention though.
raises his head only to see you acting cute and all,,
for the sake of getting a reaction...
you’re working hard to get his attention and his attention only
which makes him cocky and he tries to conceal it
keyword: tries
he’s pretty smug and it’s obViOuS
starts smirking and teasing cause,, really,, how many times in his life will he come across you acting this cute??
will let you smother him with kisses and hugs
“ew get off me Y/N, you’re way to needy,,”
he lyin’,,
honestly he is pretty content with your affection,, it warms him up inside
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quietly stares at you while you are trying your best
doesn’t even spare a glance at you
just to be an asshole tho
will wait until you get frustrated and leave him,,
sitting on a couch with your arms crossed
and then he will reach you from the back to give you a hug
don’t try to give him the silent treatment or try to push him off you
cause he ain’t joking around when it comes to cuddle-business
will climb on top of you and stay there for hours
“Sorry for neglecting you baby, I’ll make it up for it.”
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he’s sitting with the members, probs talking about work and promotions,,
and you sit in the corner,, bored
it seems with his busy work schedule you guys never have the time for each other
but on a day like this, on Sehyoon’s off day, you wanted to be closer to him
not with his bandmates around tho
so you just sat away from them, listening to the convo with sad eyes
Sehyoon must have taken notice as he smiles at you and waves you over
you sit next to him and he immediately puts his arm around you and pulls you into him
“I know you want to hang out together but I promise we will be done in a while.”
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(you be jun)
ignores all your pleading for attention
keeps working on whatever he was doing
tries his best to not laugh at your baby voice demanding a hug,,
but cracks a smile at last and motions you to come sit on his lap
cuddles you till you get bored of him
“I’m sorry Y/N, but wasn’t this what you wanted?”
“I’m not letting you go Y/N, keep trying...”
lmao he be choking you to death with cUdDLeS
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laughs at you when you run at him,
he finds your cry for affection incredibly funny
you: “What you laughing at, huh?”
chan: “lmao Y/N have you seen yourself”
also very smug about being your centre of attention
will tease the hell out of you and won’t even bother to return your hugs
you will probably spend the whole night hanging from his arms
it’s not that he hates you or he’s an asshole, chan’s using his attitude to conceal his actual feelings
ʜe's ᴊᴜsᴛ sʜʏ
worry not tho, he won’t leave you hanging for too long, 
he likes cuddling you too
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downtowndaegu · 6 years
Hello, Neighbour!
GENRE: Fluff, Neighbour!au
PAIRING: Shownu x (Gender Neutral) Reader
WORD COUNT: 754 --what a shame,,
SUMMARY: You know how they say if you’re afraid of spiders, you’ve more likelihood to end up finding one in your apartment? Well, unfortunately you’re afraid of them; fortunately you have a neighbour like Shownu.
-Admin Lara
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Between all the sheets and assignments, which were due to a couple of days later, sat you, bored out of your mind. The weather wasn't helping either since it was probably the hottest day of June. You decided to take a quick shower, thinking that melting into a human puddle wouldn't do you any good. You left your tableful of papers and made your way to the bathroom. 
The water was right at the temperature you wanted, it was soothing your skin as it ran down your body, you could feel it bringing your senses back to you. After a while of standing under the showerhead, you wrapped yourself in a towel. Right as you were getting out to change into the spare clothes you brought into the bathroom, something caught your eye. A tiny, black something with long legs. 
See, normally, a person who's much much bigger than a teeny-tiny spider wouldn't be that terrified as they either reached for something to kill it or set it free. You, on the other hand, had an unavoidable disgust towards these little animals that made your skin crawl. With mass panic and stress you looked around and proceeded to the best option you had in your hands: running out of your bathroom and all the way to your front door to hysterically knock at the door of your neighbour Hyungwoo. Your hectic knocks on his front door must have scared him as he answered the door as out of breath as you were. He didn’t have to ask you anything before you started to explain yourself as “understandable” as possible. God knows how he understood what you were blabbering about anyways, but being the good neighbour he is, he didn’t hesitate to rush into your house to investigate whatever you were so afraid of.  
If he had to be honest, he could easily say that what he was expecting to see in your bathroom that day was much worse; like an intruder, or a snake, or who knows —maybe something like a leaking pipe of sorts. To put it in another way, a spider was not what he was expecting. He thankfully decided not to question your fear of spiders and instead asked you for a glass and a piece of paper to set it free —fortunately, no spiders were harmed that day.
Now that the issue had been fixed, it was respectfully obligatory for you to thank your neighbour for their help and do the neighbourly custom of offering them some tea or cookies or whatever normal people did. But only when you turned around to thank him did you notice that you were still in the towel you had wrapped yourself in minutes ago (God bless that towel for hanging on you for that long). Now that you were standing in front of Hyunwoo practically naked, you realized the most personal you have gotten with him was a chat about his indescribable love for Sailor Moon that took place on your way to your flats.
You hadn’t known Hyungwoo for way too long. You met a couple of months ago when he moved into your apartment complex. On very rare occasions like arriving at your houses at the same time, you managed to squeeze in some small talk during the awkward and cramped up elevator rides. He had told you that he previously lived in a flat with a bunch of his closest friends, which he dared to call, “a handful of adults who’re still not over their puberty”. He also added that the reason he moved out was to have a bit more privacy and quiet space for himself. So you automatically assumed the lively and cheerful guys who were constantly over at his place were the blue-age adults he was trying to run away from.  
A blush coated your cheeks as you faced him once again. It was painfully obvious on his face how hard he was trying to not make you feel embarrassed, Hyunwoo only managed to get a stiff cough and a “You’re welcome— I guess I’ll see you around,”. Then he power walked back to his flat with you following within a safe distance behind him to shut the door after. By looking at how flushed you both were, you could’ve sworn that this day would have been the last time you saw Hyunwoo. That was unless you hadn’t seen his little smile and pink face and heard him say “Nice towel,” before shutting his door.
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downtowndaegu · 6 years
Anemone | Pt.3
GENRE: fluff i guess? MEMBER: Hoseok SUMMARY: and now we’re both sorry.  -Admin Kay
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That was what you wanted.
But seeing him again, you weren’t so sure. 
Life was great, you were happy. You’d come to terms with everything and you were no longer heart-broken over him, until you saw him again.
You’d forgotten how handsome he looked with his hair slicked back. 
He looked over to you, before he smiled and walked over.
“Hi, I’m Hoseok.” He said, reaching out to hold your hand, and give it a kiss.
You laughed, pulling your hand away from his, “I’m Y/N.”
“How funny! I once dated a girl with the same name as yours.” He laughed, before he started to walk towards the door. 
“What a coincidence. I once knew a boy similar to you.” 
The two of you walked out, chattering between yourselves about how the past half a year had been. 
“I have to be at the studio in 2 hours, do you wanna catch a drink before then?” He asked. 
“I have a better idea, shall we recreate old memories and head to our McDonalds?” 
He agreed. It’d be nice to turn the last memory of being there with him into a good memory, instead of it being one where you up and left him. 
If it was up to you, you’d go back and change that to one where you stayed. Where would the two of you be now? 
You get in to the car and he drives, heading to the place where you both began and ended. Everything about tonight was so similar to how you first met. But also how you two ended. 
Once you get there, the two of you eat in again. Somehow, he still remembered your orders. You wished he remembered you in the same way. 
The time at the McDonalds is filled with the two of you chatting away again, catching up like old friends and not as exes. You always liked that about him. How easy he was to get along with and how every conversation with him was new. 
You missed him. 
“Alright, I guess I should leave now if I want to get back in time.”
“Let’s meet up again?” You looked up at him and smiled. He didn’t say anything back, just gave you a smile before leaving. 
There was no doubt, Hoseok was one of the sweetest boy’s you’d ever met, but you weren’t going to meet up again. You guess it still hurt, even though you were over each other. What you two once had was special, but maybe it was fated to turn out the way it did.
You wish you hadn’t listened to your doubts and fears and just carried on, what would have become of you two? Would the doubts have been silenced?
As you get up to leave, you notice a napkin left on the table. You recognised Hoseok’s writing. Around the main body, which seemed to look like lyrics, you noticed the annotations. 
It said: 
“x marks the spot, where we fell apart he poisoned the well, i was lyin' to myself i  knew it from the first old fashioned, we were cursed we never had a shotgun shot in the dark”
The annotations said:
“this mcdonalds, you were perfect, I was cursed, We never stood a chance.“
And wrapped in the napkin was an anemone, of lavender colour. 
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Y’all im so sorry the ending was so shit lmfaaoaooooooooo
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downtowndaegu · 6 years
Anemone | Pt. 2
GENRE: Fluff (Angst towards end) MEMBER: Hoseok SUMMARY: Nothing good starts in a getaway car (but something great started in ours) - Admin Kay
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3 months later, the two of you were inseparable. Hoseok and Y/N. Everyone who knew you two also knew how perfect you were together. They called you guys the lucky ones just because of how good you were together. 
“Are you ready?” You heard Hoseok at the door. He’d stayed the night because the two of you had planned to take a trip together. Just to another city to explore. 
“I am. I’m coming down now!” Giving yourself one last look in the mirror, you fixed your jacket and headed down. 
“You look beautiful, as always.” He said. He never failed to tell you that whenever you got ready for your dates, and you hoped he never would. 
“Thank you,” you grabbed your bag and put on your shoes, “Shall we head out? if we leave early we’ll have enough time to do everything.” 
He agreed, and with one last look-around to see if you’ve forgotten everything, you followed him out to his car. 
Once you both were in, he said, “I’ve got snacks just in case you’re hungry or we got stuck.” He looked over to you, smiling as you saw him laughing at you, “Hey, leave me alone! I’m just prepared!” 
Hoseok couldn’t help himself though, your laugh was contagious and soon he was laughing too. Through his laughter, he started the car up and drove off, taking you to a faraway place, (literally the next city, 40 minutes out) to do beautiful things, (eat dessert) and celebrate a special evening together, (Hoseok’s track with Agust D and RM being released).
The city was rich with culture, everywhere you guys went Hoseok made you stop and take a picture whilst saying,“Stop here, Y/N! You’ll make these lights even brighter with your pretty smile,” or “Look, the flowers are so pretty but you’re so much prettier!” 
And with all that picture-taking, it had come to late evening and the two of you were on your way back. 8PM and suddenly, the two of you were starving. The snacks you had on your little tour weren’t enough to fill you guys up.
“You know, it was a bit stupid of us to not eat at the city.” Hoseok said, one hand running through his hair as he gave you a quick glance and smile. 
“I know... What do you wanna do now?” 
“Well uh, the little restaurant with the little burgers that are overpriced? We could go there?” Hoseok suggested.
“Not really, it’s overpriced. And I know we’re celebrating your first track release but like, no?”
“Okay fine. I suggest you and I celebrate our style, we’re even wearing the right clothes to eat-in this time.” 
“I think I’m thinking what you’re thinking...” 
The two of you looked at each other before you both said, “McDonalds?” 
It was a tradition the two of you had. Your dates, majority of the time, always ended at the same McDonalds he took you to on the first night you met. Whenever you talked about going out to eat with him, your friends were always almost certain that you would have gone to the McDonalds. 
“Are we gonna get the usual?” Hoseok asked once the two of you were seated. 
“Of course.” Hoseok walked over to order and you watched him go. 
You couldn’t believe how perfect your life had been these past 3 months. It was like everything had finally fell in to place. Every time you looked at the pictures he took, or thought about how he makes you feel or him, in general, you could see your future laid out in front of you. 
An apartment together with kids and dogs, you had it all planned out. And you know he did, too. You talked about it enough when he spent the night over and you were laying with your head on his chest. 
Hoseok and Y/N are inseparable, everybody knows that. It’s like everything was set in stone once you guys met, you didn’t like the feeling back then, but as time went by you started to get used to it.
“Hey, I’m back, they’re always so fast! I’m so glad we picked here to become our place.” He said as he sorted the food out. 
You looked at him, smiling. He was beautiful. You’ve thought it a million times before and especially after spending time with him. He always made it feel like you were flying, wherever you went, whatever you did. 
But somehow, that feeling didn’t come today.
It’s like you had become immune to the feeling. Was it because everything felt so routine now? Because you two were so ‘predictable’ that everything just comes and goes now? Every feeling just becomes a memory that once was, but is no longer? 
This wasn’t what you wanted. 
You wanted those feelings to stay. You wanted to fly every time you saw him. To feel butterflies every time he smiled at you. 
You couldn’t drag this out any longer. 
He looked up at you, mouth full of french fries. “Yes, babe?” 
“I think.. I don’t know, I’m just-” 
“Are you okay? You look flustered..” He replied. Concerned, Hoseok reached out to grab your hand in his, you pulled away.
It was like the first time you met, except, this wasn’t leading anywhere anymore. 
“We should end this.” 
“No, we can’t... You can’t end us like this. We’re perfect, we’re th-”
“That’s just it, Hoseok! We’re perfect. It’s like everything was put into place just for us to meet. It’s like since we met, all we have is each other. We can’t live like us anymore!”
“That’s because our lives are together, Y/N! You can’t break something so special. You can’t break it so nonchalantly.” 
Hoseok was torn, he’d never thought you two would ever end. But seemingly, you had other plans. 
“Hoseok, I can’t explain this but I just... I miss the feeling of flying, I miss the butterflies, I just mi--”
“You miss the feeling of freedom?”
“No, that’s not i--”
“That’s exactly it, Y/N.”
The two of you were quiet. Both in your own worlds. 
How can you leave without it being so cruel?
“You don’t like the routine we have. You don’t like how we’re so set in place with each other. You don’t like that we know what’s coming next. You want to go back to the place where every date felt new and exciting.”
He looked at you, heart break in his eyes. 
“Am I not exciting to you anymore? Do you not get that rush whenever you see me smile? Because, trust me, I still lose my mind over your smile. Do you think I take these pictures for fun? No. I’m not a photographer, but for you, I’d become one. I’d give up the world for you if you’d asked. You’re stunning, and you’re mine, you--”
“I was. I was yours.”
That was it. You’d said what you needed to.
“Hoseok, we were good together, we-”
“Nothing good starts in a getaway car, Y/N.”
It was quiet again. This wasn’t Hoseok and Y/N anymore.
You got up, ready to leave, “I see.”
With that, you left. 
And this time, he watched you go, knowing you weren’t coming back anymore. 
Hoseok felt like everything he’d worked for was fruitless. He’d always imagined it to be ‘Hoseok and Y/N’ not, ‘Hoseok was once with Y/N’. 
He grabbed a napkin. Maybe Agust D will let him write a love track. Because this time, it’s not hopeful, it’s broken and torn and ripped into pieces. 
And maybe, whoever listens to the song will know that it was about a girl, who once held the world in her hands and had every firefly shine in her eyes. Whose smile made the stars dim and whose presence made Hoseok feel like he was the king. 
Maybe she’ll know, maybe she’ll come back. 
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downtowndaegu · 6 years
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hobi + favorite looks (part 1)
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downtowndaegu · 6 years
Anemone | Pt. 1
GENRE: Fluff MEMEBER: Hoseok SUMMARY: There’s sirens in the beat of your heart.  - Admin Kay 
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The candlelights flickered throughout the room. All the guests were dressed in pretty ballgowns and immaculate suits. Men with their hair slicked back and women with their hair in updos. It was a Great Gatsby ball set in the modern day. And frankly, you were tired of it.
Every year, the same people invited the same guests to the same-themed party. You were bored of it, but your family wasn’t. They loved the socialising and the drinking and the bragging, whilst you loved the going home and the removal of your hair pins and the commencement of your Friends marathon.
Somehow though, this year, there was one extra guest. You, along with everybody else knew because the hosts bought him up, announced him and made a toast towards him. 
Hoseok, they said. That was his name. And he was utterly gorgeous, his smile, his walk, his voice, his eyes, his everything. He was the talk of the ball, and the talk of your current conversation.
“My god, would you just look at him. He’s simply beautiful. What I wouldn’t give to have him look at me, and only me.” One of the girls said in a hushed whisper to the rest of you. 
You couldn’t help but chuckle, “You know, it’s just the party that’s set in 1920′s, it’s not us physically.”
“Oh hush, Y/N, you can’t say a single word, he’s been stealing looks at you this whole night and you haven’t even spared him a glance.” 
“I’d spare him a glance if I knew where he was, thanks. I’m not denying his looks, I just can’t seem to find them.” 
“If you turn around, you’ll find him directly behind you. The only thing separating you would be the 10-feet distance and the candlelight holders.” 
Turning around, you could see him walking towards you. His pace slow. You walked over to him, far enough from the girls so they couldn’t hear your conversation. 
“Hi, I’m Hoseok.” He said, reaching out to hold your hand, and give it a kiss.
“I guessed as much,” you laughed, pulling your hand away from his, “I’m Y/N... Care to tell me what the big fuss was about at the start?”
“Yeah, my um... sorry I meant I just landed a bigshot job as a producer with the infamous Agust D, so my dad, along with my relatives have been over the moon. They just wanted to boast about it, I guess.” He smiled sheepishly, before continuing, “I’d rather take our conversation outside though, if you don’t mind?” 
He led the way to the front yard. The venue was spectacularly decorated, as always, but something about it seemed more beautiful today. Maybe it was because the flowers were in bloom, or because the man beside you looked like an angel in the fairy lights. 
“So... a producer? That’s amazing! Have you released anything publicly yet?” You asked, walking towards one of the flowers.
“Not as of yet, but me, Agust D and another rapper by the name of RM have a track in the making, I’m real excited about it.” 
You started to pick at one of the flowers as he spoke, thinking of pulling them out, but also not wanting to because you didn’t really know what to do with it after. 
“That’s so cool! What’s it called?” You asked, smiling. 
You noticed his eyes strayed to where you were holding the flowers, before he looked back up to you and replied, “We don’t have a name for it officially, but we’re thinking of either Cypher or Ddaeng... But I see you’re excited about other things.”  He smiled and pointed towards the flowers.
“Yep, I really like these. They’re called Anemones. They symbolise a lot but my favourite meanings are forsaken love and anticipation.” 
Hoseok laughed, “Don’t tell me our ending before we even begin,” he pulls out a flower, a lavender colour. 
“I’d tell you that I picked this out because it matched the colour of your dress but really it’s because Crayola Crayons used to have a crayon called Lavender and it used to be my favourite, but I couldn’t figure out why... Now I’ve realised, it’s because it’s the colour of your eyes...” 
“Bitch, my eyes aren’t purple.” 
“Leave me alone, I tried.” 
The two of you laughed as he led you to where the cars were parked. He didn’t give you the flower, just dropped it along the way. Hopefully a lucky girl will have that flower given to her by her prince charming. 
“So, this is my ride... Do you, maybe, wanna go for a ride?” He said, stopping at the passenger door. 
“Go for a ride with a random guy I only met five minutes ago? Sure!” You knew you were probably making a bad decision and he could end up as a serial killer, but you also knew that there was no point staying at the party any longer and maybe he could get you a McDonalds on the way.
“But... only if you get me a McDonalds on the way,” you said.
“It’s a deal.” He replied, and because chivalry has somewhat died, he crossed over to the driver side and got in.
As you were getting in, he started the car up, “So, Y/N, which McDonalds?” 
“The one just outside of the mall, it’s usually less crowded, so they give quicker service.” 
Hoseok hummed in agreement, and started to reverse the car. But he went a little too fast and ended up hitting the car behind. It was just a slight touch, however, the owner didn’t think so, and soon, Hoseok was speeding out of that parking space whilst you were screaming, “Go, go, go.” 
The McDonalds sure wasn’t a place for you both to go into with your fancy clothes but their drive-thru sure was, and whilst Hoseok ordered, paid and got the food, you took down your hair from the monstrous hair pins. 
Turning towards you, Hoseok hides his smile. Your hair was a mess but you were truly one of the most stunning girls he’s ever seen. 
“Hoseok, you’re like my getaway car driver... Taking us away from that party and buying me McDonalds? Ha!” You laughed, giving him a quick glance before carrying on with sorting out the food. Eating in the car was hard, but it was fun. 
Hoseok was lost. His mind filled with plans of you two together and his heart beating with the sound of sirens. 
He didn’t know if they were good or not. He didn’t know if you two would be good or not. But he knew all he wanted at that moment, was you. 
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downtowndaegu · 6 years
hey hey guyyyys, please get ready for a new 3-part fic that I’m hopefully gonna release either late today or tomorrow!!!! Its fluff/angst, and the member featured is 180294 ;) 
it’s also inspired by Taylor Swift’s Getaway Car so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh woop woop
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downtowndaegu · 6 years
ayo guys wassuuuuuuuuup
admin kay, is, back!!!!!!!!!!
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downtowndaegu · 6 years
a.c.e mtl to like pretty lingerie ?
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there you gooo ;;))) I hope that’s what you wanted cause I wasn’t really sure what you exactly meant with pretty lingerie;; tell us if that was not what you had anticipated for!
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downtowndaegu · 6 years
A.C.E MTL: To like cute lingerie on S/O
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