dragonsnz · 29 days
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what happens when you combine a niche kink and a niche hyperfixation? Something like this, I guess.
I'd say who the character is, but he's from a decade old game that very few people remember and I'm paranoid about vanillas finding my art lmao. But if you wanna know...just ask. also if by some miracle you do recognise him hmu
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dragonsnz · 29 days
Sneezing While Hiding: The Game RELEASE
Here she is! One of the craziest projects I've ever undertaken... and I can't wait to make more!
Disclaimer: This is my first-ever attempt to develop a game... I've literally never done coding or anything before, and this was created in Scratch... that means this is FAR from perfect. There are glitches and issues that I am aware of, but it's at a point where I'm happy releasing it. None of the issues should be game-breaking, but please let me know if you run into any serious problems! Minor glitches though... yeah
ANYWAYS! The game itself is pretty simple. You're hiding in a closet but you have to sneeze. You can choose to stifle, muffle, or holdback your sneezes, but you have to watch the clock and avoid letting your nose get too tickly while keeping quiet enough to stay hidden. There's a brief tutorial option in the game that explains the mechanics in more detail!
This game features nearly 100 sneeze-related sound effects, hand-drawn animations, and a lot of time/effort, so I really hope you enjoy!
PS... I had some super expensive vet bills for my beloved kitty last week, so I'm opening up a ko-fi. Don't feel ANY pressure to donate, but if you want to thank me for my time or commission a custom video check me out: https://ko-fi.com/disastersnz
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dragonsnz · 1 month
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Hello everybody!! I know I haven't been very active in the community or on this blog in a while... I did kind of start a YouTube channel but didn't really promote it here (if anyone's curious, this is me).
ANYWAYS! Over the last few weeks, I've been dicking around trying to create a snz game, because I just feel like we don't have any and that's so lame.
So consider this a preview of my game--I've worked pretty hard on it and it's almost finished (nothing crazy. I'm making it in scratch because I do not know how to code at all lmao, but honestly, I enjoyed this experience, so I will be looking into more serious engines).
The game itself has several animations I created and a library of sounds (which I recorded because I wouldn't want to use someone else's voice obviously).
The main objetive of the game is to avoid getting caught before time runs out. You have to balance several variables, such as the need to sneeze, the tickliness of your nose, and how loud each action is. There are also some randomized events (which I'm still working on. My overambitious nature is the reason this isn't already finished haha).
Anyways! I just wanted to share what I've been working on and see if anyone had any thoughts :) Hope ya'll will actually want to play it because I've invested too many hours into this project ngl.
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dragonsnz · 1 month
it feels like every day lately I've had to excuse myself to the bathroom to have a fit, good lord. I have somewhat of a mental block even in front of my girlfriend who knows and is fine with me, but the moment I'm alone and can try and induce the itch out I just lose control.
Man, allergy season is wild, y'all live like this?
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dragonsnz · 1 month
"The world is harsh and cold and ruthless" WRONG!
"Hae'ghhshiew! Eh'ghziew! Hrrgshh! Rrnghshh! Hah-ig'tchiew! Heh'gshiew! Ah'gsshiew! hhh... hh Hah'gsziew! Hrr-ng'tchiew! Ah-k'shhiew! Heh-g'tchiew! Hahh'shieww! Hng'kt...!
... chiew. A-Agh.. Fuck." Ok, bro? Now chin up.
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dragonsnz · 1 month
Is this the time for me to make an account, so I too can get allergies?
yes, absolutely, it will manifest. But know this: I felt a monkey's paw curl when I got mine, it is more than you bargain for. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the benefits, but sometimes not being able to breathe or having a scratchy throat is pretty annoying.
If you're still willing to try to summon them despite the warnings, then know that I will manifest it for you lmao
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dragonsnz · 1 month
Imagine a guy getting fucked from behind while he has a huge, tickly allergy attack. Face down against a pillow, he hitches wildly but can't stop the sneezes from bursting from his nose. He's sneezing so harshly and rapidly that his whole body keeps jerking forward and back with each desperate sneeze.
His partner barely has to thrust their hips as he sneezes and fucks himself against their cock 😊
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dragonsnz · 1 month
I cannot get over the fact that I developed allergies right around the time I made this account, like I really manifested it
That said, god they're real bad today, I cannot stop sneezing. It's like every sneeze only makes it itch more, I'm just trapped in a cycle of build-ups, and it's driving me insane
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dragonsnz · 2 months
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In the middle of a mission, the Cunning Hares found themselves in a dangerous situation, since the package they must deliver to the client is being guarded by the PubSec officers, plus they must be careful inside the Hollow, so stealth is of utmost importance to be able to recover the package and escape without being detected.
And that's why ladies and gentlemen, you can't count on Nicole if you need silence, because her nose will oppose the idea, no matter how hard she tries to hold back her breathe or stifle her sneezes (she can't do it).
Note: The sneeze audio is from the beta of the game.
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dragonsnz · 2 months
I feel like I don't see enough talk of characters with a sneeze kink and the situations they'd end up getting themselves into because of it. So I would like to present the following ideas, feel free to imagine your faves with these if the situations apply:
-Using a fluffy tail to induce (either themself or a partner) -Someone they don't know that well teasing them about their sneezes, causing them to blush harder than they ever have around them -Thinking they have some alone time and deciding to sniff some chhinkni, only for a surprise visitor to knock at their front door -Inducing in the shower by using a specific type of shampoo or body wash that they know will set them off -Choosing not to take allergy meds and regretting it later, perhaps needing to take an important phone call or getting called into a meeting -Other people being surprised at just how well they're handling being sick, like it doesn't seem to bother them as much as it should -Opening their phone to show a picture to someone and realising the last thing they opened was a wav
That is all. Have a good day
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dragonsnz · 2 months
You guys. The most amazing thing happened!!!
My partner... wrote snzfic/sickfic for me! 🥹🥰
And I'm feeling very normal about it. 🙂
Jk, I'm feeling feral! 🥵🥵🥵
Background info: He's a really gifted writer, but unfortunately can't really motivate himself to write. All stories he's written during the past few years have been gifts for me! Like, the motivation of writing it for me is the only way he can get himself to write, and I love his stories and his OCs so much!
A while back, I sort of joked about him writing on-topic (as in: sickfic) for me. He knows I've written loads of it myself, but I never let him read it.
Anyway, I wasn't fully serious, because I also figured it might be too awkward. I'm super shy in this regard.
So what he did was... write a "sneak peek" (sneeze peek, heh) for me, i.e. just the beginning of a story. And he said I could tell him whether I like it or whether it's too awkward, and he'll either finish the story as a sickfic or rewrite it without illness.
And at first I was feeling soooo shy once again, not sure whether I'd like it, but goddamm, I am ✨️ OBSESSED ✨️
I've already reread it so many times. He thinks it's funny that I have, like, half of it memorised at this point. 😅
Without me fully explaining my niche to him, he's captured it to a T?!! But I guess it makes sense, because I love realism, casualness, understatement... So the way he writes it, as a vanilla, is pretty much perfect?!
Just... yeah. Had to share. He's the best. How did I get this lucky?? ♥️
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dragonsnz · 2 months
I wrote my first ever snzfic but it's for a character that is so obscure I would be genuinely stunned if a single person knew who they were lmao maybe I'll post it anyway who knows
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dragonsnz · 4 months
hiii…not sure if u take requests but. could a simple girl humbly request vince deadpl4te snz? i luv ur art he’d look so good like cmon. chef. spices. its almost too easy i think and i need it so badly /nf
aye aye captain 🍽️🫡 (anon,, your mind >>>)
seen scenarios of sneezes humbling/cooling off angry people, and since we know from the stove incident (iykyk) that Vincent has absolutely no patience for even the smallest mistake, I thought this would fit. Also bc of his well-put-together personality, I pictured him as an elbow sneezer.
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(highly recommend checking out this horror game if you haven’t seen it yet - whether that be watching gameplays or downloading the game and playing it for yourself - but keep in mind it contains themes of cannibalism, light gore, & toxic relationships)
and PLEASE for the love of all that’s good, DO NOT use the actual d3/4d pl/4t3 tag (without the slashes & numbers) for this,, or I will spontaneously combust!! (/neg)
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dragonsnz · 4 months
i always hear about big noses but…. may i present to you: small noses? how do you fit so many tickles in that tiny little nose, bunny? so delicate, so sensitive. all those nerve endings bunched into tiny nostrils. imagine taking a feather to them…
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dragonsnz · 4 months
SNZ STATLINE: 7/10 wetness, 3/10 mess, 10/10 pitch, 6/10 volume
beyond girly; extremely high pitch, especially given her voice
might be due to spending so much time around Durins
usually sneezes in twos, but can sometimes get away with singles. two or three seconds in between
feels a strong tingle around ten seconds before it happens, they never sneak up on her. she usually only prepares a second or two beforehand though
may or may not announce beforehand ie. "Ohh, I'm going to sneeze..."
bobs head down when she sneezes--does it more out of habit than anything, sometimes does it out of sync with the actual sneeze
pinches nose while she sneezes
draws her hand to her face slowly and removes it quickly
most of the spray is caught on the edge of her sleeve and/or the inside of her wrist given where she has her hand while sneezing, so they appear drier than they actually are
she probably doesn't really understand that the spray is mostly from her mouth? like she hates sneezing "uncovered" because she thinks they get wetter when she can't pinch her nose
whatever makes you feel better i guess. we all got that useless thing we do girl
carries a handkerchief, but only uses it to blow/wipe up after
sniffs and sighs after
blesses herself if she sneezes four or more times at once
doesn't really mind sneezing in front of other people so much as she minds interrupting herself and others
cannot stifle. pinching her nose shut just makes it all come out her mouth instead
can't really hold back either; it just leaves her with the tingle and they always sneak their way out eventually so she just doesn't bother
years of living underground in comfort left her with a mild allergy to just about everything, so she's decently naturally sneezy
alcohol makes her nose sensitive AF which is a small part of why she doesn't tend to touch the stuff
spending time in cold temperatures gives her a runny nose. she refuses to drink while its cold out
nasty combination
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dragonsnz · 4 months
A partner that, when they feel a sneeze coming, urgently scurries around the house to find their snz kink SO, knowing what it will do to them to watch and that they would be devastated if they missed it
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dragonsnz · 4 months
semi-regular reminder that if you engage in IRL non-consensual contagion, go ahead and block me ✌️
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