What do you think would happen if in Koujaku’s bad end Toue died and Shiroba took over his company. Do you think he would continue following Toue’s agenda, or do you think he would let someone else take charge as long as they agreed to not interfere with him in any way?
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I’m not saying I’m loud when having sex but I sure did quite a Noiz last night.
Aoba probably at some point (via incorrectdmmd)
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Dear queue. Why dont you like staying full? Or listening to me?
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Aoba once walked in on clear and noiz naked on noiz's work space. Clesr was very embarassed but all Noiz said was that he wanted to test the functionality of clears dick.
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Mink once took clear swimming and was highly alarmed when he sunk like a rock.
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At first clear always got in trouble when ever he waited for aoba on his roof. Now the neighboors know that just that blue haired guys weird boyfriend
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Sei has a massive vouyer kink.
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When sly was in control, he would boss around vitri to the point of making them do things like change his clothes, carry his things and even bathe him. Being the vitri they are, they loved it.
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Aoba used to worry about leaving tae alone in the house, that is until one day he came home to find two men tied up and getting a stern talking to.
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Mizuki manscapes.
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When the group gets into an argument over whose the strongest, they usually use aoba as a competitive weight. The highest record is mink with 50 Aoba bench presses.
( clear would have easily won but he just  hugged Aoba and laid there)
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Noiz would test some of his programing on clear when ever he came for maintenance. Aoba never knew until one day clear came back crying because he couldnt stop speaking german. 
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cooking for the group would go as such: Aoba would be awful. seriously he'll burn and undercook everything at the same time. dont ask how, he will find a way. Sei is good at following a cook book so he isnt too bad in the kitchen but he doesnt have the endurance to make anything more than a pb and j. Mizuki isnt a cooker at all and would get all of Aobas mistakes while he waits for Sei to save him Koujaku and Mink are actually very proficient at cooking. Mink incorporates alot of different spices to his food while Koujaku tries to make it look pretty (even at the cost of some taste.) Clear is Clear. seriously this man can make a ten course traditional meal with a modern flare in any outfit is there any more to say on that? Noiz just throws a (still) frozen chicken sandwhich on the plate and calls it a day.
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Mink with a flip phone is my favorite thing ever.
( seimun is happy with this anon)
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Koujaku can't understand Seis hair. He tries to curl it, flip it, give it some volume with his best techniques but by the end of the day it returns back to being near striaght. It drives him crazy.
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Everyone has different taste in tech Aoba always has the most current, thans to rens alerts Mizuki follows aoba but only with the more neccesary upgrades. Koujaku usually waits till the current version starts giving him problems. He also complains everytime he has to get a mandetory update seeing as 'nothing was wrong with the last one!' Noiz always has some weird tech (which is 90 percent his own design) And always uses clear to test out certain upgrades (against aobas wishes) And Mink. Mink has a flip phone.
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Noiz is pretty damn adapt at applying makeup He doesnt wear any, he doesnt even own makeup but he can hook any one up in a pinch.
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