dravaniancatte · 6 years
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Equilibrium- Kazekyou
I meant to post this last month, but with moving and all i had to balance my time.
Here’s Goddess Sophia! and with it, the launch of my Patreon! 
If yo’d like to support my content, feel free to become one of my souls~
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dravaniancatte · 6 years
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ZUHAIR MURAD at Couture Spring 2019
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dravaniancatte · 6 years
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Super Blood Wolf Moon 2019 ✨
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
Great for gifting, better for self-indulgence!  Art is great.
KJD - Commissions Open!
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Click here to have a look around the gallery!
Commissions Are Open!
Contact and Process!
In order to hire me, please contact me through email at [email protected]. I will only accept commission requests through this method, but I’ll answer questions through tumblr and Discord (Valyria#8146) as well!
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, or are interested in nabbing a slot.  If I agree to the commission, you will be put in one of them; if my slots are full, I will add you to the waitlist and then contact you when they open again!
Terms & Conditions Under the Break
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
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Help Me Make My Mama’s Room Her Paradise!
My mother isn’t doing well - but that’s been the case for a while now.  This is not about medical bills or making her healthy again.  This is about giving her something she both wants and needs to be happy while personal funds are being filtered into making her better.  
For the full story, visit the GoFundMe of #WoWMomT!
Your love and support are appreciated, as well as your signal boosts to be sure the world has a chance to see this amazing, World of Warcraft playing, sick-but-trucking-through-life-like-a-champ person’s world get just a little brighter every day.
Thank you!! ♥
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
Shameless self promotion, go!
Commission Status: Open
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Commissions Are Now Open!
It’s been a long time coming, and I am finally ready to open my artistic doors for you lovely folks!  Straight from my digital studio to you comes the opportunity to snag a slot for some custom artwork.  Got a character you want to see brought to life visually?  Someone you know been down in the dumps, and you feel like giving them something that will lift their spirits?  Have no reason whatsoever other than just needing some art like right now?  I’d love to help you out!  Hop on over to my gallery and thumb through seven years of my best work, then navigate to my handy-dandy commission info page to get started.
Thanks for your time, and I look forward to working with you!
- K. J. Drakonis
Click here to have a look around the gallery! 
Full commission details (pricing, payment method, etc) can be found here.
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
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RainDancer by BeaGifted
Featured on Cyrail: Inspiring artworks that make your day better
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
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“Dear, sweet Littlefoot… I’ll be with you, even if you can’t see me” “What do you you mean I can’t see you? I can always see you.”
“Littlefoot, let your heart guide you. It whispers…so listen closely.” Mother? Mother??
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
Day Seventeen
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What’s your character’s desk/workspace look like? Are they neat or messy?
Φ In Character  Φ
Fingers that supported her head lifted away as she expressed confused annoyance in the flattening of her ears and wrinkle of her nose. “I am organized enough to know where everything is when I have need of it. 'Tis highly advised that you keep away from my chambers regardless of curiosity, though. Uninvited, what my workspace does or does not look like would matter little.” The woman's eyebrows lofted high, as if expectant for understanding. Someone has something to hide.
Φ Out of Character  Φ
It would be picturesque to say that civilization has taught her the importance of organization. But instead, Lyria’s workspace is a conglomeration of half-finished ideas scrawled on far too many pieces of parchment, pinned up along strings and haphazardly crumpled balls strewn this way and that. Reagents find themselves in various places other than their appointed ‘spots’; spots darken the wood where ink has spilled, but never cleaned up; and books adorn both desk and floor, in various states of ‘open’. The only things she seems to keep in order are the various herbs and elixirs she has bottled up on shelf upon shelf.. It has taken her almost no time at all to transfer the entirety of her collection into her permanent quarters at the Ayla Fener Barunak.
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
Day Sixteen
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Are there any blood relatives that your character is particularly close with, besides the immediate ones? Cousins, Uncles, Grandfathers, Aunts, et cetera. Are there any others that your character practically considers a blood relative?
Φ In Character  Φ
A sea of piercing, ethereal blue considered the questioner for a long moment, the silence reaching a deafening pitch beneath the crackle of flame against wick. To put such thought into an answer.. It must have meant much to her. “Long ago, an oracle in my tribe told me I would not be with them until the Fatessaw fit to close my eyes for the last time. A vision came to her of an orb of pitch, floating above a vast and endless sea. Like an immense egg, it fractured, and from the break flew dragons of many sizes, scales colored like gems plucked from rainbows and edged with a razor gleam, with teeth and claws dipped in molten metal, streaking across the heavens like summertime comets. The silver-blue dragon she always saw as symbolizing my spirit launched after them, and became one with the curtain of glittering stars. ‘A new family,’ she called it.” Arctic eyes were glassy with the exploration of her memory. A few batting blinks saw her consciousness restored to the present, and like a gargoyle regaining animation, her head tilted a fraction to roll her gaze back toward the questioner with what she hoped was an amenable smile. “I am convinced the vision was of the Midnight Pearl. While I am not particularly close to any of them, I consider them more impactful and important than any of my birth tribe proved to be.”
Φ Out of Character  Φ
Lyria’s relationship with her extended family in the tribe was nonexistent beyond the necessary interactions pressed upon them by community events and rituals. Those whom she works with now are more familiar to her than the Dravanian hedgewitches ever were. None of them hold a deep sway with her yet, save perhaps for C’kyza, Cotota, and Khenbish, for each of whom she holds a unique regard beyond professional associative courtesy.
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
Day Fifteen
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Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl?
Φ In Character  Φ
“Mmn.. ‘Tis largely dependant on the hour my eyes finally close. I have no structured schedule to speak of, nor do I enjoy either early mornings or late nights more than the other. Unless there is something particularly delightful to look forward to, of course…” This led to thoughtful silence with the claw of a thumb drawn across her jaw, examining her thoughts for a more definitive answer. “I suppose my spirits favor events more than hours.”
Φ Out of Character  Φ
Never mind the fact that she will often make a point to be awake for the rising of the sun, found in a loose-fitting silk robe with a steaming cup of more-cream-than-coffee, watching the morning sun paint its latest masterpiece in the sky.
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
Day Fourteen
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How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold?
Φ In Character  Φ
The light from one of the few fire lamps in the room played off of her teeth as she grinned, expressing again her humor. “You do ask many strange questions. I am the daughter of earth and water, the scion of air and fire. One can be certain the extremes of nature are but one more aspect witches of the wilds embrace. But, we are none of us spared the wrath of shiver or sweat.”
Φ Out of Character  Φ
While not immune to the extremes of temperature changes, Lyria does have an advantage: as long as she is conscious, she can use magick to fight off the more bitter discomfort of less than ideal climes. Even so, she will still bundle up or dress down as necessary in an effort to conserve her metaphysical strength.
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
Day Thirteen
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What does your character’s bed look like when he/she wakes up? Are the covers off on one side of the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep?
Φ In Character  Φ
A brief moment was taken for the feline to arch forward, and retrieve from the table her glass of water, previously untouched and beaded with sweat. “I am a forestborn Dravanian: anything and everything that might bear my weight is subject to being a ‘bed’. In terms of honest furniture, though? I keep the bed very tidy. ‘Twas part of my education on manners in my later teenage years, to issue the respect of keeping my footprint as subtle as possible on the hospitalities of my hosts. Naturally, I rebelled until I found a certain comfort in awakening every morning only to start off my day by making something perfect. In honesty, it really is a fantastic way to get one’s mind off on the right foot.” She reclined comfortably in her chair, taking a sip of her water and waving a hand with a flourish at the wrist, inviting the conversation to continue.
Φ Out of Character  Φ
Lyria has a very broad definition of ‘her bed’ in that she will usually sleep wherever she eventually loses steam in her room. This can be just about anywhere, from the mattress, to the floor, to among her books, or on top of her sturdy partitions. (One spot is even woven through the canopy of her bed, as she enjoys reading there and will occasionally fall asleep so doing.) When she does take her repose like a properly civilized being however, she makes sure the bed is pristine in the morning before she does anything else.
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
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Hag stones by NatasaIlincic
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dravaniancatte · 7 years
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green witch aesthetic
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