drawingelisa · 10 years
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Current Work 5/5
This is my final piece I titled "Inside Out." This work is about the layers and stories that we all have within ourselves, which take time and patience for others to learn. This work seeks to replicate the experience of meeting someone new for the first time and the lengthy process it takes to gradually learn all of their deeper, innermost stories. This work is a silent piece that replicates this experience and takes time itself to read and understand. Inside Out is a wooden plinth painted white with a rectangle cut out of the front of it. There are also five sheets of plexiglass within the plinth with writing cut into them. There is a light within, which illuminates onto the writing on the plexiglass. Some stories are easier to share than others, and it is those stories that we are only willing to tell the people closest to us that are told through Inside Out.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
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Contemporary Artist 10/10
This piece is called "Reverse of Volume" by Yasuaki Onishi. I chose this artist because many of my pieces are placed either on the ground or on the wall and this artist creates work that are completely unconventional and this artist made me realize that the ceiling is a viable place for art too. A few of his works are like the one above where he reverses the way we view landscapes and hangs his works from the ceiling. I think for next semester I might venture out of my comfort zone and possibly do a ceiling piece or come up with a work that makes people think differently about an everyday object. I really like how this work is translucent as well and how the light flows through it. I'm really interested in light and translucency, as can be seen in my box piece and I possibly would like to use those things again in another piece.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
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Contemporary Artist 9/10
This work is done by Shawn Kardinal in collaboration with Troy Gua called "Bloom and Collapse." This work incorporates both light, plexiglass and a white box, which are the same materials my box piece uses. It's really interesting how they used the same materials and yet this work is completely different and really makes me think about the entirely different possibilities that those materials possess. it's cool how they created a pyramid through cuts in the plexiglass and light flowing through it. I did something similar with the cut text and the light behind it, which I really like the effect of. It also resembles in a way the work that I wanted to create with a pile of different colours of paper in that this work appears similar to a pile of paper with the way the plexiglass pieces are piled on each other and are similar in shape to paper.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
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Current Work 4/5
I'm in the process of figuring out how to perfect the text on the plexiglass. I thought that it would be pretty simple to use the CNC to cut text into plexiglass, but I was very wrong. After six really long attempts, I'm almost there... There were still a few hiccups that occurred with the plexiglass moving while the text was being printed the last time, but I'm hoping resolve that and hopefully the next time it will come out perfect (fingers crossed). Since I've tried quite a few times already, I think I'm either going to try one last time with plexiglass and/or try a different clear material to cut into because the plexiglass keeps melting some of the words and they aren't coming out clear (as you can see in the plexiglass in the top image with the white splotches where text should be). Other than the text, which I'm working on perfecting, I really like how the box turned out overall though. I also think it looks kind of neat without the light inside the box too since the writing on the plexiglass really pops.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
Contemporary Art Essay 3/3
This essay discusses modern, contemporary art and what makes the work successful. It contains a list of the things that are considered when an artist creates modern art, such as participation/audience, site/place of the work, whether it is cinematic and medium. It goes into depth about the popular methods and mediums of contemporary artists today and what is most successful. I found this article useful in figuring out what kinds of work are being produced in the contemporary art work and it helped in trying to situate where my works would fall in the modern art world and how I could create work that interests viewers.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
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Contemporary Artist 8/10
This photo is a detail of “Bibliophylum,” (books, wax, pins) by Jessica Drenk displayed at Adah Rose Gallery of Kensington, Md. I think I want to do some more works using text and I like how delicate this piece looks and how every piece she attached to the wall is so unique and the shadows created add to the piece really nicely as well. It's interesting how the text is so obscured and almost unreadable and yet we understand as viewers that it is text.I find the pins she used so simple and yet so effective in a piece as delicate as this one. I also like how the pieces appear almost soft and partially glossy because of being coated in wax. This is yet another material that I will keep in my repertoire for using in future works.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
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Contemporary Artist 7/10
This work is by Becky Hunter called "Hipo Real." I chose this idea because I needed inspiration on what plexiglass can do. It's a medium that I have been recently intrigued with and I'm still new to what you can actually do with it. Hunter uses plexiglass in a unique way. Her works are small and ask the viewer to crouch down and take an intimate look at the precise, small cuts she has made into them. She also uses light to create interesting shadows on the floor and on the work itself, which I am also wanted to do with my box work.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
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Contemporary Art 6/10
This work is by Liam Gillick and it is part of an exhibition in Berlin called "Revenons a nos moutons." I've been analyzing text recently because of my box piece with the text cut into plexiglass and I've been looking for inspiration on how to display text and choosing fonts. I like how this piece incorporates text and sculpture, which is what my work deals with as well. I like the text font he used as it seems to work well with the sculptural aspect. I also find what he actually wrote interesting since it tells a snippet of a story and just enough to make you think. I think I'm going to play with text and stories in my work and I'm really interested in continuing with it and I plan on using this for some inspiration.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
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Contemporary Artist 5/10
These works are done by the artists Komar and Malimid and they are a part of a series they created called "The Most Wanted Paintings." They create works based on a poll they took on the things that people like seeing in painting and things that they don't. The painting at the top incorporates the thing the majority of people in the United States like seeing in painting and the bottom incorporates things that they don't like. From looking at the paintings in comparison it is prevalent that U.S. prefers the traditional painting rather than the abstract. I chose these artists because my work that I wanted to do with the small business cards has a similar concept, where I would create a physical graph to figure out what the most popular colours are and then possibly create a work based off of that.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
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Current Work 3/5
I did a few landscape paintings over the summer and this is of them. I really like painting and I also like the look of plexiglass so I'm thinking of maybe painting onto plexiglass for an assignment next semester for drawing. I'm planning on testing out some designs and possibly making a series. I'll have to do some experimenting to come up with a creative concept and design, but I plan on doing that over the break.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
Contemporary Art Essay 2/3
This article discusses how new artists are making themselves knowledgable about art from the past in order to seek inspiration for their contemporary works. The article say that many young artists these days have an "artist-archaeologist tool kit," which comprises of photographs and film used as references. The article also talks about how some artists are even drawing on the theories of Sigmund Freud, just as artists in the 20th century did. I find that when I do my own work I am in a way influenced by work of the past too since the majority of my classes consist of learning about art from the past.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
Contemporary Art Essay 1/3
This exhibition is based on the art performance by Coco Fusco and Guilermo Gomez-Pena in 1993 called "The Couple in the Cage: A Guatinaui Odyssey" based on the the "Human Zoos" that were created in 1914 in Europe where Europeans brought back people from their colonies as "specimens" and displayed them for other Europeans to see and "study." It was a low point in human history and the two performance artists recreated the zoo by displaying themselves in cages and having viewers come and see them. The catch was that they did not tell people they were artists and not really the 'specimens' they were pretending to be. I watched a video on their performance and it was interesting to see the reactions of the viewers, there were some who were seemingly fine with the people being caged and took pictures in front of them like tourists and then there were others close to tears about the injustice. Thus, I was interested when I found this article saying they were going to recreate this performance in Norway and did so back in May. They are wanting to bring about awareness and how poorly non-European people were treated back then, it's a very interesting concept for an art exhibition. It forces people to face a tragedy that happened in the past.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
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Current Work 2/5
This was the preparatory work for another piece I was working on this semester. I wanted to create a work that acted as a physical graph to find out what the most popular colour was, which is why I sorted the colours into piles. The idea is that viewers would take a card and then the lowest pile would indicate the most popular colour. I was then planning on using that information to possibly create another work that deals with the most popular colours. This is a work in progress and I may return to it depending on how things go. I'm struggling with coming up with a design that will influence people to take a card with them after seeing the piece, so it's something I have to figure out still.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
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Current Work 1/5
Some of my preparatory sketches, the very start of my project. I planned on creating a work using plexiglass and I wanted to expand on the projection piece I did last year for drawing. These are the first sketches I did to think about designing the plexiglass part of it. I wanted to write on plexiglass and have light project through the writing onto the wall. I also really wanted to create a work with a material that I was unfamiliar with, which was plexiglass.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
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Contemporary Artist 4/10
This work is by Felix Gonzalez Torres and I like how it is a pile of paper that viewers can interact with. I'm attempting to create a work around a similar concept where I allow viewers to take sheets of paper in order to create a physical graph. I like how all that is on this work is text too and I think I might use texts for future works as well. the fact that the words are cut off and continue on the line below and that the text looks almost spray painted is intriguing too. It makes me think about the most effective text fonts for works and how to choose text that is most effective for particular pieces. I plan on using text for my white box piece so this work makes me think about that.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
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Contemporary Artist 3/10
This work is called "Furnishing Positions" by Adrian Blackwell, which is exhibited in the Blackwood Gallery at UTM. I had the opportunity to actually have a lecture while sitting on this piece of architecture (the seats get really uncomfortable after two hours, but it was still cool to get to sit on the art while talking about it) and I had the opportunity to meet the artist on another occasion. This work is one that changes over the course of it's time in the gallery. Every few weeks the artist changes the positioning of the seats in order to create different moods and interactions among viewers. I feel this would be an interesting concept for my work as well, being able to create one interactive work that changes over the course of being exhibited in order to change the way people think about it and interact with it. I also like creating sculptural pieces and I this was one I really liked seeing.
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drawingelisa · 10 years
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Contemporary Artist 2/10
This work is called "Moma Poll" created by Hans Haacke in 1970. This work is interactive and requires viewers' participation, this is precisely what I seek to do with my works. I really want to create work that I start and have viewers interact with in some way in order to affect and change it. I really like how this work by Haacke is both art as well as qualitiative since it actually gains information about what viewers are thinking depending on how they "vote" in this artwork. 
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