dreamcxtcherz · 2 years
if my face was skinnier i think id be happier
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dreamcxtcherz · 2 years
My legs are much worse
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dreamcxtcherz · 2 years
Not that bad- for now
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dreamcxtcherz · 2 years
Dear Tumblr,
I feel like saying dear Tumblr is better than dear diary since technically I'm not using a diary, but then again I kinda am, except it's in the form of a Tumblr post..
Anyways, Here is my first entry! I guess describing myself wouldn't be too bad since it's my first, but I'm not even sure if anyone will even take their time to read this.
Anyways, Hi. My name is Aaliyah. (I don't know why, but I honestly hate my name) I'm from the states, I'm not specifying where for obvious reasons. My favorite color is black (I'm emo shut up-) and I love reading Wattpad fanfictions.
I'm honestly not that interesting. I have 3 best friends, my favorite kind of music is alt rock and pop-punk, (ex: green day, p!atd, all time low, & 5sos) and I live a very fucked up life.
For this entry I won't be venting since it's my first but if anyone sees this then welcome!
That's all for now, Bye.
(sorry if I made any mistakes, I haven't slept in 2 days..)
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dreamcxtcherz · 2 years
This is my first post on this account. I'm doing this because I'm bored and I have no life other than cutting myself and starving myself, so yeah. So I'll be posting my Diary entries on here since my mom thinks it's normal to go through my real diary. So, Yeah. :)
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