dreamy-divine · 8 years
I’m getting to this super late, sorry man
January: Cassiopeia/ Queen of Fire
In the myths Cassiopeia angers Posiedon by bragging abut her daughter Adromeda. In order to avoid his wrath and save their people, Andromeda is chained to a rock by the sea as a sacrifice. In the end however in the end she is saved by Perseus. This card tells a tale of rebirth and breaking free. In this case you are both Cassiopeia and Adromeda. In January you may have found yourself chained to your routine. The best way to deal with this is to evalute what you’re doing in day to day like that doesn’t make you happy that you can change. Do subtle things to make your life different each day so you don’t fall victim to your routine.
February: Corona Australis/ 4 of Earth
This card is based on the Chinese constellation The Black Tortoise of the North. It tells the story of a Taoist deity. He realized in order to achieve enlightenment and become a god, he neded to purge himself of his sins. To do so he washed his intestines in a river, turning it black and creating a black tortoise that terrorized a nearby town. He then had to tame the tortoise to right things. This card tells us that to achieve your goals, you must take strong actions. However such drastic measures may have some unexpected results, don’t panic. Even if things feel like their going all wrong, you can turn the mess into a positive with a little effort and the right point of view.
March: Sagitta + Idus/ 6 of Fire
This card is based on two separate constellations, and as such, it brings up two different points. First you have Idus, the proud archer with bows in hand. This constellation is based on Lautaro, a Mapuche warrior who had to defend his village from invading Spaniards. He warns that in March you may find yourself having to stand your ground a lot. You’ll likely have the displeasure of having to defend your decisions, thoughts and ideas, or emotions from others judgments. It’s uncomfortable but you’re strong and you’ll be able to handle it. Then you have Sagitta, the arrow. Arrows hold a very important symbolism. In order for an arrow to go anywhere it needs to be pulled back until it can’t be pulled any more, only then can it be released to soar forward. Similar, March will really weigh down on you. You’ll feel like you’re only going backwards and are going to hit a breaking point. It’ll be just before that that you’ll spring forward and do things you never imagined. Just hold on.
April: Sextans + Octans/ 2 of Earth
In April the year will finally calm down a little bit. Sextans and Octans were tools used for navigating that lead to many scientific discoveries. This card stresses the importance of knowledge and learning. In the month of April, take some time to learn something knew. Whether it be a knew craft, reading up on something you’v always wanted to learn about, or just doing more research on a current hobby or interest. Read and Learn and Enjoy yourself.
May: Mensa/ High Priestess
I suggest you take it slower in May, cause it’s gonna be a weird month.  The Mensa card references the constellation above Table Mountain near Cape Town. It’s an oddly flat mountain, covered in fog who’s magnetic pull le.ads ships astray. So yeah, needless to say if this is the card your month is based on, it’s gonna be strange. You’ll likely feel lost in a fog for the month, like you can’t make any decisions and you don’t know what direction to go in. It’ll be okay. Just make sure to think things through and ground yourself and you won’t crash.
June: Columba/ Page of Water
June is going to be a great month for you. Just super peaceful. Columba is the constellation based on the dove that told of the ending of the flood in the bible. This card is quite literally a symbol of peace. There’s not much to recommend in June. Just relax and enjoy yourself, it’s really not too good to be true, enjoy it.
July: Horologium/ 8 of Earth
Horologium, the celestial clock. Time will play an interesting part in July for you. The past and the future will dance around your mind. You’ll find yourself looking back on the past often. But just as often you’ll be wistfully look towards the future. In July you’ll need to remind yourself that the here and now are a gift and everytime you’re worried about the past and the future, precious seconds are ticking away.
August: Gemini/ The Star
Gemini is the astrological sign of the twins and is often described as being “two faced”. In truth this is not wrong, but it’s also not right. Gemini reminds us that there are multiple sides to a person. I recommend taking time for self reflection in August. Look at all your sides, your good ones and your bad ones and figure out how to bring about a harmony among them. Focus on how you can take the things you are unhappy with and channel them into a positive. Along with learning how to communicate with all sides of yourself. August is a good month to practice better communicating your needs with others. You’ll come across as less “moody” to others if you aren’t afraid to tell them what you want and need flat out.
September: Auriga/ King of Earth
September is gonna be a month that puts you through some work. It won’t be negative. But you’ll find yourself very busy. September is gonna remind you again that it takes a lot of effort to achieve your dreams. This will be the month to work on making any changes you want to see in your life or to work towards any large goals you have. Your life will be hectic and full but it won’t feel bad. You’ll find yourself feeling acomplished rather than overworked.
October: Sculptor/ Ace of Fire
October is gonna be another quiet month for you. The sculptor is the artist and shows creative vision. She shows that your life is entering a period where your creative energy will be at a high. Take advantage of this. In October you should work with the arts. Write, paint, sculpt, design. Connect with the creator inside yourself and allow it to empower you. If you do, you’ll be able to carry the aspect of the creator into more important areas of life as well. Teach yourself that you “sculpt” your own life and you can shape things how you want them. You’re not helpless to fate or others wishes.
November: Phoenix/ The World
Through out the year there have been different points where growth was stressed. November is gonna be the culmination of all of those points. Like the phoenix dies and is reborn from the ashes, in this month you too will transform into someone new. It may not be quite as dramatic. But you’ll likely find that if you look back on who you were at the beginning of the year, you’re a different person. It will be exciting, embrace it. You’ve grown so much by this point, be proud of yourself.
December: Canis Minor/ Page of Earth
December could end on a bitter note for you if you allow it to. Canis Minor is the under dog constellation, often times over shadowed by Canis Major. You may feel like you too are an under dog in December. It’ll seem like nobodies acknowledge how hard you try, or that everyone is simply paying more attention to someone flashier than you. Don’t let it drag you down. Instead remind yourself of how proud you are of your accomplishments as your opinion of yourself is the most important. Then surround yourself with people who make you feel seen and validated. Don’t be afraid to tell people if you feel like you’re being pushed to the side. It’s okay to ask for attention.
Challenge for the year: Pictor/ Temperance
Pictor is the easel of heaven. Despite being the easel, it’s actually depicted as horses that pull a chariot. Although they seem unrelated, the do have similarities. The artist can’t paint without an easel and the chariot cannot move without horses. Over the year you have trouble learning to ask for assistance of your own. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that you need some help.
Lesson to learn with year: Hydrus/ Ace of Water
Hydrus is a water snake; elegant and completely in his element in the water. This card hold a lot of symbolism in it. You have the snake which represents wisdom and flexibility. The water which is used to represent our emotions, and the lotus flowers to depict mind and spirit. In 2017 you’ll need to learn to find emotional clarity. You’ll have to learn to reflect on your emotions and how they affect your body and soul. But more so then that, you have to become comfortable with them. You can’t change how you feel, learn to accept your emotions and become at home with them.
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dreamy-divine · 8 years
I wanna say sorry to everyone who’s still waiting on their new years readings almost four months in. I know I said it might take a little while, however this is ridiculous, even for my standards. I’m getting to them now. Thank you for your patience everyone.
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dreamy-divine · 8 years
can you do my a 'year in preview' reading please? :0 thank you!
January: 7 of Cups Reversed
This card tells me you’ll likely get off to a running start, but that’s not necessarily a good thing. The 7 of cups reversed warns of being too caught up in dreams and becoming stuck in the clouds. With the new year starting we all tend to make a whole slue of resolutions and plan how we’re going to change our life completely. It’s very easy to join in on this trend. Instead it’s advised to take things slower, focus on making goals you know are achievable, and then do the work to achieve them
February: 10 of Wands Reversed
February is going to be a little bit more difficult for you. You may find yourself taking on burdens that aren’t yours to bear. You’ll feel like you’re dragging through the month. All hope is not lost though. 10 of wands reversed can also let’s us know that the burden doesn’t last forever. In February you would do well to spend time identifying the things in your life that cause you stress. Then either cut them out, or if not possible, find ways to help you combat that stress so you don’t feel such a weight on your shoulders.
March: Ace of Pentacles
March is going to be a period of blessings for you. Ace of Pentacles is indicative of a new and prosperous beginning in your life. This month would be a particularly good month to focus on financial aspects and your career. Otherwise it’s also a key time to let your creativity flourish. March will just feel like a really positive time filled with growth for you.
April: 3 of Swords
April is going to be another challenging month. 3 of Swords is a warning that you may face some heavy emotional blow. You’ll face sadness, or betrayal, or loneliness. Some uncomfortable feeling that we try to avoid. In this time it’ll be important to focus on letting your emotions out and allowing yourself to feel and grow from those feelings. And while the bad feelings are passing through, try to remember the positive and joyous things in life.
May: 8 of Cups
You’ll be focusing on growing and transitioning during this month. May is going to be a time of reflections. What makes you happy? What are you doing that’s just not working for you? In this month you should really look within and try to figure out what you want from life. Then use that knowledge to work on transitioning from where you are stuck to where you will feel happier and more spiritually fulfilled. Embrace opportunities to change for the better whenever you can.
June: King of Wands Reversed
This card again warns that you may have a tendency to set yourself up for failure by expecting too much of yourself. You may find yourself making plans or having expectations for yourself and continuously see yourself failing to meet them. To counter this, try to take it slower in June. Allow yourself to just relax once in a while, and if you don’t meet all of your goals, don’t punish yourself too harshly, you can always try again.
July: Page of Swords Reversed
This card tells me that July is going to put you in a bust mood. You’ll have loads of energy that you don’t know what to do with. Try to find balance. Because if you just charge forward without thinking, you’ll burn yourself out. And if you hold back to much, you’ll never get anywhere. In July you should definitely explore new things and work towards your goals, but think carefully before making any big decisions.
August: 4 of Pentacles
In August you will be faced with a reminder that you need to be willing to change. The 4 of Pentacles indicates a stubbornness, you have how you do things and will be hesitant to change. This is not a healthy way to be. We are meant to constantly change and grow. In this month it’s important to focus on being open minded and willing to find some flexibility in life. This may be about letting others teach you a different way to do or see things, or it may simply be about accepting that they world around you is changing and learning to change along with it.
September: King of Cups
The King of Cups puts a very positive outlook on September. It shows that this month will be a period of emotional balance for you. You will find yourself feeling sound in your emotions and how to deal with them. Because if this you may find it easier to face challenges in September. When trouble comes your way you will be able to find the maturity to face your issues and solve them with grace. Over all it will likely just be a very calm month.
October: 6 of Wands Reversed
October will be an emotional low point for you. You’ll find yourself feeling very discourage during this month, either because you still feel you are not meeting your goals and expectations, or because you feel others are failing to recognize what you have done this year. All you really can do to combat this is to just remind yourself of all that you have done and that there is still time for you to do more. 
November: King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles indicates completion of long term tasks. This card tells me that at this point, if you’ve stuck with them, you will see yourself completing many of the tasks you set for 2017. It will be a very fulfilling month where you’ll finally be able to see all the great things you’ve done through the year. Your hard work and dedication will pay off.
December: 8 of Swords Reversed
December will come as a finale sort of wrap up to the year. It shows that you will have gotten through difficult times and grown from them. You will be able to focus on the challenges you have faces and the changes you have chosen to make and will see that you are the leader of your own life.
Over all Challenge of the Year: Queen of Cups Reversed- Over all this year you will really need to focus on finding a balance to your emotions, as well as removing factors that effect you negatively so you can find satisfaction in where you are in life.
Lesson to be learned from this challenge: 3 of Pentacles- You won’t really learn a lesson from the challenge you face, for you it’s more about what overcoming this will mean for your life. You’ll find that you will be able to take risks and have them pay off as you will now have the tools to achieve your goals.
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dreamy-divine · 8 years
Start to 2017 Tarot
To kick off 2017 I will be offering two new Tarot readings from December 31st to January 7th.
For one week only I will be offering A Year in Preview a 14 card spread with 1 card for each of the 12 months, a card for what your greatest challenge will be this year, and a card for what your greatest lesson will be this year. Alongside that I will also be offering Reasons for the Seasons, a smaller 8 card spread with 1 card for what lessons you should learn in each of the 4 seasons and 1 card for a positive you will face in each of the four season
To request simply message me asking for either of the spreads by name
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