#Tarot Readings
blueskiestarot · 2 days
Their Late Night Thoughts
Hi, guys! I have a new reading for you today. We're going to find out what your person is thinking about you late at night. I didn't intend for this to be a super spicy reading but I was going to let your person take me wherever they wanted to take me, even if it did get spicy. So, some piles may be spicier than others. Just pick the image you feel called to and find your pile below! Love, Tara
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ashherahh · 3 days
what was your past life like together?
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Note: Please take it if it resonates, leave it if it doesn't. Meditate before making your decision. It's completely okay if you don't resonate with this reading. The collective is huge and I'm sure you'll receive the messages you need in due time.
🌕paid readings are open🌕
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pile 1
Cards: Four of Swords, The Lovers, The Fool Rx, Eight of Pentacles, The Devil, Temperance
You've shared a significant past life with this person. The connection was consuming in every possible way.
With this life, you feel like you might have a second chance again. In your past life, you and this person had planned to be together until death, to grow old together but it never got to that. Unfortunately, the person you feel so drawn to died before the two of you could live out your dream.
The urgency you feel to be with them, to speak to them, to always know about their days; it all stems from a longing a lifetime over.
You're perfect counterparts for each other, you match. Ying and Yang. At times, you feel like you're losing yourself in this person, that there is a darkness to this connection. Partially, you want to remove yourself from this. It feels so crazy, right? These feelings at times feel so foreign. They are remnants of a past love that never got to fully bloom.
Being with them would be like riding a bike, it'll be so easy and like you never stopped. It's entirely up to you how you want to proceed, sometimes we just need closure but if you want more, understand that you need balance in this relationship. Although you balance each other out, both of you are just as capable of creating an equal chaos.
Balance within is needed before anything else. To become lost in someone else, it's a prison we're often unaware of until it's too late.
pile 2
Cards: Three of Cups, The Emperor, The Moon Rx, Four of Wands Rx, Strength, The Star
They were your saviour.
In your past life with them, their presence alone brought an end to a horrible experience. In a way, you were kept from ever being yourself. You were always in the shadow of those around you. When you met this person, you stepped out of that shadow, you shed away the doubt and fear, and stepped into who you are.
They were a mentor, a companion, someone you could always depend on to see you and understand you. In turn, you were able to understand yourself and you were able to blossom.
To this day, you still feel this connection. You still experience how protective they are. This person still makes an effort to let you know how amazing they think you are. You can always count on them.
When you met them in this life, you were immediately comfortable with them. You immediately felt like you could be vulnerable, against your better judgement, you felt yourself feeling so at ease with them.
This is the kind of connection you'll experience in every incarnation. Even if they don't reincarnate with you, they will still be a guide of yours. They want to protect you and see you flourish, and so they'll be there anyway they can and anyway you need them to be.
pile 3
Cards: The World Rx, The Tower Rx, The Sun, Ace of Swords, Nine of Pentacles, Six of Cups
Your connection was tampered with in your past life.
There was upheaval and chaos and everything was at odds with your connection. Every time you tried to move forward together, you would find yourself being pulled away from them. Your past life with them took place during a time of war so there was never closure, but the feelings you had for each other have carried on into this life.
I'm seeing that in your past life, the two of you knew each other since a young age and in this life as well, you met as children again. There's the desire to spend as much time with one another as you possibly can.
This person is a soulmate, definitely. It felt like this connection in a past life was just never meant to be so the longing is still very much there. I'm really seeing that a lot got in the way of this connection. It seemed like the world was against it. How heartbreaking.
This life is an opportunity for a new beginning with this person, one where you both build the life you want. This person is going to be your best friend, someone your inner child feels comfortable and safe with.
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bitchy-craft · 3 days
PICK A CARD: What strangers think of you
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! In here I will give you a reading on what strangers think of you. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful!
Masterpost > Paid Readings > Subliminal Channel
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
Strangers think of you as absolutely ordinary. There are no wild assumptions or thoughts about you whenever people look at you, some might not even notice you. You don’t stand out in such a way that it makes people question or think about you in a negative light.
You simply exist, just like they do. They might see you, think a thing or two about your clothes, or simply notice something, and then continue as if nothing happened.
Pile 2:
Strangers don’t really have opinions on you, but when they do they have nothing to do with your personality. They can’t see what kind of person you are based on your looks, and therefore purely base their thoughts and opinions on your clothing. There are people who do not like your clothing choices; they find it tacky, cheap-looking, or not something that makes you look your best.
Others think you look cute, and that it makes you stand out in your own way; they can see that you picked your clothes because you like them and you find them comfortable; and that in itself is admirable.
Pile 3:
You might have a RBF and this reflects onto how strangers think of you. The more introverted and insecure girls might walk around you, trying to avoid you gazing upon them, scared you might judge or think something awful of them. Other people might think and assume you are a bitch, and will therefore not speak to you either, and when they do approach you very emotionally distant in order to put their feet in the water first to see if any sharks bite.
Some people think you are incredibly beautiful and attractive due to your facial features and your RBF together; some see it as you being incredibly confident, and that is alluring.
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k-tarotz · 1 day
PAC - What good things will come in October?
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Disclaimer; this is a general reading for everyone, please only take what resonates and leave what doesn't!~ from left to right 1-3. The pictures and dividers aren't from us, credits to the rightful owners.
Paid readings | masterlist | ko-fi | spells
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Pile 1:
First of all what I see is that some of you don't see immediate results in certain areas which can be a bit frustrating, especially if you are rather impatient but this could be a chance to step back and instead of trying to focus on finances or your goals - you should focus on yourself, your health, your mental health and the things you actually want to do to enjoy yourself whether that's taking a day off and spend it with your friends/family or just to be alone and do whatever gets your mind of like playing games or watching that movie/series that you really want to watch but didn't had enough time yet. Even if things may feel slow or even uncertain, things will turn out fine for you. You will find your peace within other things, it's time for you to relax and do a bit self care~
Pile 2:
October will actually be a really good month for you, you might even feel energetic and more confident - but maybe that's also because you are a fall person. This month will bring opportunities in your life - for some of you this is related to work or accomplishing a goal, for some others this is about attracting someone new into your life - that can be platonic but it could turn romantic as well. Another good thing coming is healing, if there has been any lingering hurt or emotional pain, October will be the time when you finally process and release it. It's about facing those difficulties but in a way it leads to growth and clarity. Once you do you will feel lighter and more at peace, ready to move on, without that weight on your shoulders.
Pile 3:
First what comes through for you is that you will have more courage in this month, you will start standing your ground instead of letting other people cross your boundaries or take advantage of you. Therefore people will finally stop taking you for granted and start appreciating you more, which will be something you enjoy. You will handle things your way so lots of you will definitely feel more independent especially in your actions. Now there may still be some tension or disagreements but the good thing is; you will know exactly how to handle them. You won't get pulled into unnecessary drama or conflicts. Let go of what isn't worth your energy. You'll be successfully able to avoid unnecessary stress this month.
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feistyvirghoe · 1 day
I’ve been M.I.A.
Didn’t expect to take this long of a break
But it’s needed….i learned some new things, esp about faith
It doesn’t need to be so complicated
And the higher power loves us regardless of our flaws and it took me so long to realize and comprehend this 😣
I matter, I and worthy, and as long as I’m on this earth my existence matters !
I was put here for a reason, to help, and I want to, I want to help and be of service
I get so nervous trying to bring up being paid for my services, I’m doing this for free but I’ve been thinking of opening myself up and letting people in
I’ve done readings for my mom and not even knowing her situations regarding her work and she said that I’m fucking gifted with it, why is it so hard for me to believe 😭
I even see you guys commenting on my posts and liking and reblogging, so I must be doing something right haha.
I’m working on my self-doubt…
Thank you guys though, for being there and sharing and just being so so so kind!! I love you <3
Here’s the preview to the next PAC 💋
So u can pick ur pile now hehehehehhehe, I’m so nervous to do this ahhhhh but I know it’s gon’ be good 😈😏🙂‍↕️
Spirit always got something to say so I’m ready lmao..
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shiningmystic · 2 days
Motivation for you (Timeless PAC)
Close your eyes and use your visualization skills; imagine 3 blank photos with the same golden frame. Whichever glows brighter or comes closer to your chest then that will be the one for you. It may visually be different in your mind on how it presents itself whatever feels correct follow that, you are your compass. May this reading find the one who need this message.
All messages are from your highest self, spirit guides, or spirit/the universe who only wants to see helpful growth for whatever you have the potential to become.
Ko-fi - Tip
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Here are the piles:
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Pile 1 🕊
The cards: crown chakra (crown center), 6 of cups, 2 of cups
Symbols of confirmation: Moths, love, swans and ducks (ugly duckling)
The mind is a powerful weapon and it can be a double edged sword. We get distracted and punish ourselves but we also triumph and overcome. I see you are reminiscing about times of love that have passed, let these memories fuel you or hold you back. Sometimes it all ends with a choice, make a choice instead of reaching for something that is gone. You have grown to radiate understanding and love; you are much more beyond then what you judge yourself to be. You attract kindness and opportunities that will make you shine because you do. You radiate light; Let your mind run free and create what may have been dormant for to long. I feel your energy to be a flower blooming so follow your bloom.
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Pile 2 🐞
The cards: The devil, 6 of wands, the hanged man, death
Symbols of confirmation: Dragonfly, bugs, wings, trampoline, trumpets, keys
Oh wow, you guys are really going through it but you’re gonna win. Don’t hold back! I feel your guides are riding this wave with you. Powerful energy, you guys are giving up on addictive unhelpful habits. This could range from drugs to coffee, like seriously anything can be addictive and hard to let go. It could even be a role you have been playing for to long and your breaking free; fantastic! I’m really feeling this energy guys, it’s a sacrifice you’re making for something good and you are transforming into what you choose to become. Even if your resisting this change (which most are not) you should be proud of how far you have come and accomplished even if it hasn’t been smooth ride. I’m honestly honored to channel this message to you. Keep rising to your highest potential and good luck, your guides are cheering for your next victory.
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Pile 3 👁️
The cards: 3 of pentacles, 3 of swords, base chakra (base energy center), 7 of cups, 7 of swords
Symbols of confirmation: Eyes, people, choices, reds and blues, masks
You could have chosen deception, manipulation and gone back to your old ways with yourself but you didn’t. You learned and stuck it out even from betrayal. You have been insecure and unappreciated a lot throughout your existence and you know what? You have the right to be angry at the people who have hurt you, the hand you were dealt and how you could continue the cycle of pain; but you didn’t choose that path. You have chosen one of renewal and moving on. Maybe not moving on completely but enough to change, to move in a different direction that is you. Have pride in that, maybe pride is a bad thing for some but sometimes we deserve recognition and you have earned it. True strength comes from within, you have endured deep sorrow, know that you are recognized and heard, stay true and you will be alright.
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Tarot Cards used: The Psychic Tarot Oracle deck by John Holland
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thinkingmystic · 1 day
How to deal - pick-a-card tarot reading
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Take a second to look at the three cards above. Does it feels like one has a message for you? Card reveal and message below the break!
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If you chose the first card... 1 of Water / Flow (Ace of Cups)
You may not like this message, but the best way to deal right now is to surrender. Not partially, not conditionally, no Ts or Cs - just surrender to what's happening and trust that the Flow of life will deposit you on better, happier, and safer shores. Surrendering, like meditation, looks passive from the outside. But if you've sat down for ten minutes to meditate, you know how much focus it takes; it's an active and engaging process. It's the same with surrendering, and surrendering is a key part of meditation.
Meditation and mindfulness will help to keep you in a flow state, and help you recognise those moments where you're trying to paddle upstream. No one doubts your determination. But for the moment at least, you've done what you can. It's time to let the Universe unfold its part in this story
If you chose the second card... 11 of Water / Imagination (Page of Cups)
When we're going through a difficult time, it can feel childish and naive to imagine that things may turn out better for us. We are pressured - or we pressure ourselves - to be more realistic. The ironic thing? When we throttle our imagination - which is really, fundamentally, an act of hope and faith - we stifle the exact energy we need to be drawn up from the depths of apathy, ennui and despair.
Emotions that numb us cannot alchemise change. So when we feel like we are stuck in a particular emotional rut, imagination becomes the light and the process of helping us find the energy and focus to get us moving again.
If you chose the third card... 19 of Spirit / Joy (The Sun)
In my mind's eye I'm seeing one of those videos where they drag a strong magnet across what looks like plain sand, only for fine filaments of iron to be drawn out. Joy is like that. Ma Deva Padma talks about how Joy arrives without fanfare, and so we often miss it. One of the ways to "magnetise" ourselves so we can draw out grains of Joy from life, especially when we're having a difficult time, is through being grateful for the good things we do have, even if they feel miniscule compared to the good things others seem to have, or what society says we should have or be.
It's a cliché, but comparison really is the thief of joy. I suppose that's why it's a cliché because it's so true. Focus on yourself and your own life and the small things that shine light into your dark moments. Look for small ways to do the same for others, to light up their lives - and you may find the darkness decreasing rapidly.
Deck: The Sacred She Tarot
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brujaluas · 23 days
How will your spouse see you after you start dating/get married with them?
(I have to say that I'm obsessed with the whole aesthetic of Nosferatu and The Phantom of the Opera, besides being completely fascinated by the films I've seen, I'm fascinated by the talent and beauty of the actresses, I want to live that lol)
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pile 1
they will love your free and adventurous spirit, you are the same, but you are at different stages of life, one is more mature than the other, but the two of you will be a perfect match, it is as if your spouse were singing that song "Is somebody gonna match my freak?", and you answer "I definitely will", some of you here were more stuck in themselves, but you will give the person the opportunity to understand that they can also have fun, go to parties and things like that, you will become a very lively and friendly couple <3
pile 2
we have the obsessed ones in this pile, but not in a bad way, they will see you as the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars in their sky, they are very romantic and devoted to you, it reminds me of the song Religion by Lana del Rey, the moon can be important here, I don't know why, maybe they would ask the moon for giving somebody like you, and they got! they will want kiss your skin under the moonlight, as mentioned, they see you almost as a religion, and they are still very proud of you, that you may be younger than them or somehow have this more youthful air than them, and you will achieve so many things and they will be happy for you, it also reminds me of those old couples in love that we saw in funny cartoons.
pile 3
as the queen of their lives, regardless of gender, it is as if you rule their lives, some may idealize you too much in some way and put you on a pedestal. you are in the same moment in life, but you have different personalities and ways of dealing with things, and they like that, it is as if the difference that you have from each other made them more passionate and enchanted, sometimes, for the most part, differences drive people apart, but in this relationship it will only add up.
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tarotwithlucien · 2 months
𝓨ou in the eyes of your future spouse | pick a pile
Hello everybody! Welcome to my first PAP on this account – it's also the first time I've done one about "future spouse", so I hope you like it and that it resonates with you! ♡
┈─★ Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only and shouldn't be taken seriously or used as a substitute for medical and professional advice. It's also a general reading, so it may or may not resonate with you.
┈─★ How to choose: Close your eyes, take a deep breath and choose the image that catches your attention the most – trust your intuition.
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── .✦ PILE 1
Shufflemancy: Moonlight/Sunrise - Rope and Ladder, It's Not The Same Anymore - Red Orange County, To - The Neighbourhood, Love Songs For The Haters - FLEECE & Maintain The Madness - The Jane Austin Argument.
Without a doubt your future spouse loves you – otherwise they wouldn't even marry you lol – and they are a protective partner towards you, so in general, they see you as someone they should protect and care for. Therefore, they can act as your knight in armor when you need it, as they are always ready to protect and defend you from all those who try to hurt you.
They also view your relationship dynamics as if you are the sun and the moon – for some of you reading this pile, you are more the moon and your future spouse is the sun or vice versa. Your future spouses see you as a beautiful and attractive person – as if you were a mermaid who mesmerizes them with your enchanting beauty. And one of the physical features they love most about you in general are your eyes because, in the eyes of your future partner, they shine in a way that they have never seen before with anyone. Not only do your eyes shine, but in your future partner's vision, you light up their entire life. Before you met and were together, they saw life in a gray way due to the adversities they faced on a daily basis and, thanks to you, they felt life gain more color, they felt love and it was as if their eyes open themselves up to everything they had never experienced before in their lives.
You probably met early and one of the things they love most is being able to look at old photos you took – whether it was when you first met, when you started dating or just photos of you together in general – and admire how you used to be and they probably compare themselves to the old version of themselves in the photo and it's really funny because you could be looking at your photos together and they laughs, points to their face in the photo and says something like “wow, I was weird ” and it’s a really cute moment between you two. They feels nostalgic in these moments and really misses that time, because unfortunately it doesn't come back and all that remains are memories – and fortunately they are good.
In the eyes of your future partner, you are going through a difficult time in your life. It's not just your partner who is a nostalgic person, you are too and you probably remember the times when your life was easier and compare it to the difficult life you have now – like when you were children, for example. They also see that you are tired and stressed about the way things in your life are – for example, you may work long hours at jobs you don't like just so you can pay the bills at the end of the month, you have to put up with people you hate and it even seems like you let people step on you so that problems don't occur (you can be people-pleasers too) and your biggest victory of the day is going home and sleeping, all while repressing what you're feeling and putting on a fake smile. Your future spouse is your family and they can tell when you are feeling bad and they think that you are being too hard on yourselves and that you may not want to admit it, but you need to seek professional help. So, if this is your case, don't be afraid or ashamed to ask for help! This is destroying your mental health, pile one, please take care of yourselves!! Stop bottling up your feelings, process them, let them go, and then stand back. Do this for yourself.
Your future spouse knows you better than you know yourself – they know what to do or say to make you feel good and are careful about what not to do or say to avoid hurting you or making you feel worse. In their view, sometimes you can end up projecting your problems onto them, but they continue to love you regardless of your flaws – just be careful that this doesn't become a toxic trait that will affect your relationship. They may have met many girls/boys before meeting you, but none of these people compare to you! This whole time in their lives, they never needed anyone, they never felt the need to have someone by their side – on the contrary, they used to be the type of person who went out to a party/bar and flirted with people just to feel good/attractive. But, from the moment they met you, things changed completely and seemed to turn upside down. Just being away from you makes your future partner's heart sink. You make them feel good.
That was all, pile one! I hope you enjoyed it and that this reading resonated with you. Don't forget to take care of yourself and seek professional help if you need it, otherwise your future partner will hit you lol
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── .✦ PILE 2
Shufflemancy: Room - Ethan Tasch, Ode To a Conversation Stuck In Your Throath - Del Water Gap, Epiphany - Stained, 976-Evil - Deftones & Tulsa Jesus Freak - Lana Del Rey.
In the view of your future spouses, you are a person who doesn't like to fight in your relationship and who tends to avoid conflicts so as not to cause major problems. You may even end up staying quiet instead of taking a stand on something that bothered you and your future partners also think that you can't express yourself very well through words. It's okay not to want to fight in a relationship, because who does? But, you must understand that some conflicts are necessary and need to happen, so don't run away from them, position yourself and choose your battles well – you don't need to fight over stupid things either lol.
In the eyes of your future partner, you are a disorganized person – the type who leaves their clothes scattered all over the floor or easily forgets where their left their things because everything around them is just a mess – and they think this is just a reflection of how you are feeling inside and how your mind is going. In fact, they may think that your inability to communicate effectively in the relationship is due to problems such as depression or anxiety. Regardless of what your case may be, your future partners notice this and care about you, they accept you exactly as you are and they will not leave you in this difficult time. You may be facing mental health problems, which leave you tired and without energy to do basic tasks like tidying your room and that's okay, just don't forget to take good care of yourself and, if necessary, seek professional help as it will be very beneficial for you!
For some of you reading this pile, before you finally became a couple, you and your future partner were best friends and all this time they tried to convince themselves that you were just that, but deep down they wanted to be tying you to the bed 🤭. They really wanted you and things are no different now. You also seem to be a popular couple who attract the attention of other people wherever you go, as if you were a celebrity couple or just people who are very loved by others.
In general, your future spouse is very jealous and possessive of you, so they want to be the only ones who can touch you in this way and just imagining people other than them touching your body the way they love to touch you so much chills down their spine lol. Just like in pile one, one of the physical features they love most are your eyes and they love just looking at them. One of the activities they love to do with you is traveling – in fact, any time they can spend time with you makes them happy. Your future spouse is so cute, because in the moments when they notice you are down, they do everything they can to make you laugh or just smile. In their view, in moments when you're feeling bad, you tend to walk away just to calm down - and for some reading this pile, this could apply to your future partner.
That was all, pile two! I really hope you enjoyed this reading and that it resonated with you. Just like in pile one, don't forget to take care of yourself and seek professional help if necessary 😠
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── .✦ PILE 3
Shufflemancy: White Roses - Greyson Chance, Nervous Young Inhumans - Car Seat Headrest, I'll Follow You Into The Dark - Miya Folick, Uzumaki - Softcut & Dancing In The Moonlight - alt-J
Your future spouse is totally devoted and blind with love for you, pile three! In the eyes of your future partner, they can't live without you and they can't even imagine what their life would be like if they didn't have you by their side. It seems like from the first moment you met, just by looking at you, they felt attracted and didn't waste any time, they went to ask you out on a date lol. Just like the future spouses in pile two, your future partners are also jealous, the only difference is that they seem to be more jealous than the partners in the previous pile, because just seeing you going out, having fun with your friends without them around your side already makes them jealous.
The future spouses in this pile think that you still don't know all sides of them even though you are together. They may have red flags that you haven't noticed or ignore, so it's good to be careful. They may have addictions like alcohol or drugs, they may have bad habits, they may be overly possessive/jealous, controlling, aggressive or end up giving you the silent treatment or distancing you from them when you fight or there is a problem going on in your life as a couple – and maybe that's why you feel the need to walk on eggshells in your relationship to try to prevent your partner from acting that way towards you, which isn't cool. If for any reason you are uncomfortable, they disrespect your boundaries or you simply no longer want to be in the relationship, don't be afraid to walk away!
Because of what I mentioned above, your future spouses see you as someone who doesn't raise their voice in a fight, who doesn't point the finger in their face when they're wrong - they see you as someone who basically never showed their bad side to them. In their view, you understand them. Your future partners may also be individualistic and not have a black and white view of life – that is, they do not follow concepts such as “good” and “bad” and usually only do what is beneficial for them. Furthermore, they usually give back to others what they first received or what they think others deserve. But when it comes to you, it's different. It seems like they control themselves and use the power they have to give you what is good – they know they can affect your life, so they choose to affect it in a positive way. In my opinion they are weird, ngl lol.
Even though I think they're weird lmao, they would be willing to go through hell with you if necessary. They would be with you in times when no one else would be and they would be your refuge, ready to hug you and comfort you.
That was all, pile three! I really hope you enjoyed it and that the reading resonated with you. Be careful with emotional dependence, don't be afraid to set boundaries and, if necessary, let go of relationships that no longer serve you! Until the next PAP ♡
© tarotwithlucien - don't copy, redistribute or edit my content | DIVIDERS
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astrologylunadream · 2 months
How Your FS Handles Conflict With You 🗣💬💢 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream🩷 Let's see your future spouse's energy and approach to conflict and how they would wish to handle it!🤭💭 hope you find your message💌
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your future spouse, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~💍🩷💋
Pile 1💦
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Pile 2💢
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Pile 3🗡
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Pile 4💧
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 🎀
Pile 1💦
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Sign energy: Quiet place, Run, Away, 11th house, Wedding, Jupiter, Libra, 2nd house, Pisces, Leo,🫥♨️💎🫢
👤Your Future Spouse's energy: So lets first look at the energy of your fs which is very sweet🥰 Some things that may resonate for you is their kindness and consideration, your fs has unique charms I'm hearing.✨️ Possible Aquarius, Sagittarius, Libra, Taurus, Pisces and Leo placements in their chart, they could have specific Jupiter placements/Jupiter-Venus aspects, such venusian energy to them as your future spouse😩💞 Pile 1 your fs is sooo pretty!! You could be in separation from them right now, one of you is distant from the other take what resonates. There is strong absence in this connection with your future spouse, maybe it took a long time of you both apart from eachother before finally being together😭💓 This person is so precious to you pile 1's! They are more so soft spoken with you and have a really attractive voice omg, silently charming🤫 You will find them sensually hot and attractive, I'm not kidding they are one of a kind lucky pile 1🤭🎀 I'm seeing that your future spouse is liked by many, also they look good in photos. Specifically getting selfie poses are their thing😘 Ahh it's so cute, wedding came out for confirmation and I think your wedding will be very dreamy and "unrealistic" with this person some might call it like it will literally be a fairytale👑 Haha for some of you this spouse buys nice things, they look expensive and alluring. Could make money from online, also they wear jewelry/accessories. They have a big house/place they live in, or you will live together somewhere really nice🏠✨️🏷 They are artistic and take care of their appearance/self care, some of you might have manifested them. Interest in beauty products, also touching your future spouse is irresistible I'm hearing lol. They have a soft delicate aura but also hot at the same time, your future spouse is attractive in every way I'm hearing "blessed with beauty" like they are your real prince/princess congratulations pile 1!😍👏💝
💢How They Handle Conflict With You: Mall, Find, Defy, Telepathy, Rose, Neptune, 8th house, Chiron, Pluto, Juno,🩰🪑🔋😚
I didn't think this could get any cuter😭 Pile 1 your fs handles conflict with you so well it's almost unsettling??😂 Like there is this vibe that if you have an argument, your future spouse will somehow oddly understand you as if you two share the same mind🧠🖤 You two share a deep bond I'm hearing, this person prefers not to go against you or defy you they are just so intuitively understanding with you pile 1😭 And I'm getting something super sweet, so like if you two have an argument your fs is the type to give you flowers to make it up to you!🌹💐😫💝 Most likely they will resolve the conflict with you by getting to the bottom of things. I'm getting such good energy they give you when you're in a bad mood, like you literally cannot stay mad at this person🤭💞 They will constantly take your side, It's just so cute I feel like your future spouse is really good at defusing any tension between you guys. Also when you're mad they get all lovey dovey with you omg like "please baby don't be upset with me"🥹💋💋💋 quite a charmer, also they get kinda handsy with you if you guys ever have conflict🫣❤️‍🔥 They will smooth talk you out of whatever made you angry/sad, they don't like seeing you that way. I think they might even be a little naughty for some of you, like instead of getting mad or arguing with you they would rather get back at you a different way??🥵⛓️ Take what resonates and leave what doesn't my pile 1's! They will literally make you forget what you were angry about so easily omg😂 Like they're so romantic with you guys if you ever have conflict, they will never try to hurt you only make you feel better I'm hearing.🌹💞 Your future spouse is only gonna treat you how you deserve cuz I'm getting you are SO precious and sweet in their eyes🥰
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the splash emoji~💦 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 2💢
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Sign energy: Threat, Chaos, Flower, Collab, Forward, Saturn, Fire, Earth, Pisces, Juno,🗣🌊🧳🎧
👤Your Future Spouse's energy: Okay your future spouse gives off very stern vibes, they are direct in their communication which can come across as intimidating or scary to some people, but lmao why am I getting they act like a completely different human being when they are with you pile 2??😂😳 Like at work they aren't afraid to step on some toes but when it comes to you, they are the nicest most delicate and sweet person ever!💝 You two will "work well together", this could be someone you collaborated with for a project or you will definitely compliment eachother. A true partnership I'm hearing.🥰💍 Earth, fire and water energy and saturnian vibes for your future spouse, also maybe Capricorn or Pisces for some. Could be pisces juno or saturn in a fire sign/house. For some of you this person could have a very chaotic work ethic, might be disorganized sometimes but very passionate about their work.💼 They are fierce and just their presence makes others nervous, your future spouse might carry a briefcase or suitcase often. They could be very deadset on marrying you lol so cute like they won't give up🙌💐 I am definitely seeing the courting phase with this person is gonna be so amazing, like they will make it extremely clear how much they want to commit to my pile 2's omg. Their love language may be words of affirmation, they will keep telling you they want you and no one else.🫵✨️🏆 Ahh pile 2 they will be very forward about their intentions with you, also they speak so softly when they're with you omg💖 They are a reliable and dedicated spouse to you, also they will make sure nothing bad happens to you ever like they won't let anything slide😭👏 Your future spouse treats you like a disney princess/prince! They might get in heated arguments with people who don't respect you/them, and often raise their voice but never at you🥺💗
💢How They Handle Conflict With You: Previous, Clue, Fan, 3rd house, Regret, Taurus, Capricorn, Sun, 8th house, Venus,🫥🛑👩‍🎤💪
So there is confirmation on how calm they are with you, definitely a loving and chill energy from your future spouse.😌🌷 I think they're well aware of your capabilities and so if you guys ever have any conflicts this person may get concerned by your mood or intensity. They don't want to ever have to cross you, because they know they will regret it haha🔪 Some of my pile 2's may be scorpio/plutonian placements🤭 Your future spouse just knows not to make you upset, so they rather put a stop to any argument.✋️ I am getting a certain energy, that for some of you this person may tend to become cold or distant if you two have an arguement, like they might act as if it doesn't affect them emotionally whatsoever but deep inside they feel hurt and bad for it.😢 They might just back away from the conversation with you if things get hostile, this person has a very strong mentality and they don't feel the need to get the last word or anything petty like that. Your future spouse just knows immediately when you need space and lets you cool down without fueling the fire🧯✔️ Yeah they're very chill just respectful and not aggressive with you at all.👏😘 If they are ever upset about something they will be real and let you know what bothers them, I can see too for some of my pile 2's your future spouse will dote on you if you are in a bad mood and like buy you things and spending on you to make you feel better.💸🛍 Spoiling you with anything you want if you got mad at them, lol I think they want to show you they can provide for you and that you shouldn't stay mad at them🥺❤️‍🔥 Specific message for some here, they might take you somewhere real expensive like a concert for a singer you're a fan of or pay for any merch or items you want just to make it up to you.🤭💫 For this pile I think your future spouse is more mature than you and for some older, they are very dependable and accommodate for all your needs pile 2.😍❤️
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the anger emoji~💢 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 3🗡
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Sign energy: Height, Clingy, Hands are tied, Mean, Wild, 4th house, Water, 3rd house, 11th house, Eros, 🙇‍♀️🦇🫤✨️
👤Your Future Spouse's energy: Woww okay this pile is already feeling cute haha so pile 3 your future spouse may be taller than you, like they just look like they could pick you up and cuddle you oml😭💞 For some of you they could be shorter and so your future spouse will be very huggable and you just want to scoop them up in your arms <3 also their hands will be noticeable so look out for those!🫶 Cancer energy or 4th house placements, also Mercury signs (Virgo or Gemini) in their chart, Water energy, Aquarius is there too and possibly 3rd or 4th house in a water sign for some. Your future spouse is very affectionate and they love touching and holding you.🤝✊️💖 I see lots of hand holding, tight hugs, their love language may be phsyical touching. They are clingy and very lovey-dovey with you. Now as sweet and innocent at your future spouse sounds, there is a side to them that is wild and fun.🔥🚀 Their caring nature may turn you on, the way they make you feel so comforted and nurtured.🥰 Happy home life! They can be a little crazy sometimes, like they try new things and expiriment a lot. Bats may be significant, ohh now I feel like they're always "batting their eyes" in front of you lol what.😂 Like I think this person looks at you like you are the best thing in the whole world. You know what I think it's funny this pile is represented with the sword emoji which can symbolize communication and I feel like that really came out for your future spouse, their way of speaking is unique and noticeable.💬✨️ I am hearing shiny nails, they take good care of them💅 Some of you may have started as friends with your future spouse, there is a vibe of playfully teasing eachother. Like I'm getting one or both of you make fun of the other as a way of flirting and it gets wild sometimes🤪 You will feel like you can be yourself with them, weird or crazy. You will talk a lot. I can picture you two giggling together, something about your relationship is very youthful.☀️💕 You guys are so cute!!!
💢How They Handle Conflict With You: College, Unknown, Performance, Extreme, Cage, Sun, Pisces, 4th house, North node, Capricorn,👣🏃‍♂️🏆🚀
Interesting so there could be avoidance or walking away from the situation if you have conflict with them, your future spouse may choose to ignore tension or seemingly "run away" from any conflict with you.😭 I think they are very sensitive, there is a lot of energy of just escaping the problem or avoiding it.💬🫥 I do think your future spouse may have the tendency to do this, but it sounds like they want to make an effort and do the best they can as your spouse.🌟💍💞 If you ever have arguements with them, there may be times they feel trapped and don't know what to do. I'm seeing your future spouse wants to be strong emotionally and be able to face conflict without running away from it, this may be something they work really hard on.🔨💦 If you are upset with them they may even cry without letting you see them, because they don't want you to think they are weak or pathetic😭💔 They hide to protect themselves I'm hearing, this could come from their childhood but as always take what resonates my pile 3's. Your future spouse might feel like you are too extreme in your arguements with them, since college came out it could be for some of you this person feels like you sort of lecture them or they just feel incompetent compared to you.🥺 Yeah your future spouse may be a little intimidated by you, also they might feel unheard in their side of the arguement. It sounds like you win the arguements with them, and they won't try to prove you wrong or anything. I think they care so much for you they would never say anything mean or terrible and I think they would just want you both to hug eachother and not fight🫂💞 Yeah I think conflict with them would be very emotional and intense, and they really don't like if you got angry or yell at them for something, it would make them very hurt. So I think they try really hard not to do anything you wouldn't like and always make sure you are comfortable and cared for.💖 They will meet every of your standards in a spouse if you need them to. My pile 3's your future spouse will try so hard to make you happy!🥹☀️ This energy is extremely gentle and kind, they will never hurt you. They really love you and genuinely care about you.
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the sword emoji~🗡 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 4💧
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Sign energy: Union, Recover, Love, Boundaries, Shine, Moon, Mercury, North node, Eros, Taurus,✨️👖🎲🐾
👤Your Future Spouse's energy: So first off you may very likely meet this person during a taurus moon!!🌙💕 Very interesting, for some of you this person could also he a taurus moon or moon in 2nd house, even moon-venus placements. Love and north node is such confirmation that this is your future spouse and your future with them will be full of love and happiness😊🌈 This person shines, like there is a lot of imagery of sparkles here. They have so much beauty, also they could have soft or round features. Their voice is so comforting to you omg it's so relaxing and calm, and hot🗣💌 Signs for them may be Taurus, Cancer, Gemini or Virgo placements, Moon-Mercury, Also for some of you they could have Mercury conjunct north node or Eros. This person is very attractive, for some reason I am getting a vibe your future spouse is into beauty products.🛍✨️ Now your future spouse has very set boundaries, they have self respect and I think that is one of their best traits. They don't let just anyone touch them, others may have tried to touch them and they are just like "Nah."🙄✋️🚫 They have such a strong presence about them, classy and luxurious vibes. I think they will be more comfortable with you than any others, like they will only trust you to touch them or allow you to be close to them.👥️💋 Also they are very open to you about their emotions, definitely loyal to my pile 4's romantically. They could be an animal lover or you two may take care of pets together!😍💞 You may notice how well they dress and they might have designer clothes or just look fancy✨️👜👞 I think this person doesn't feel comfortable in conversations with most other people, but they feel so safe and loved when they talk to you. Your future spouse is very charming and cool, also they may be close to their mother or nurturing parent. You will inevitably grow closer with this person, and they are just so kind and caring towards you💖 They look good in gold, jewelry may be their thing! Your future spouse is so sweet, also I can them shopping with you and eating out at nice restaurants.💫
💢How They Handle Conflict With You: Love letter, Yandere, Interpretation, Be yourself, Perfect, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Taurus, Leo, Jupiter,🐦‍🔥☔️💎🤩
This pile got intense😳 So conflict with your future spouse is difficult because it's very hard to resist them😭❤️‍🔥 You might be mad at them for something but then they give you that look and you just rather be doing something else with them🥵🔞 Wtf this pile is getting wild but I'm trying to keep it light for this reading. They're the kind to act so naughty with you when you're upset with them, like they can't stop smirking and joking about making out with you??🥲 That kind of thing, I think they like to get on your nerves a little. They like seeing your dark side, you could be yelling in their face and they will literally find everything about you perfect.🖤 Your future spouse gets entertained and even excited if you two ever have conflict, because they like seeing different sides of you that you don't show often.🎭🔥 I am hearing "You know pressure makes diamonds"?? Oh but also need to mention they will purposefully try to turn you on during arguements like all the sudden they're speaking in a seductive tone and getting handsy🥵🥵 I'm seeing hands on someone's throat with consent what. You two are wild together... My pile 4's your future spouse will charm the hell out of you.😭 They will tell you how special you are, like they don't even care if they were angry about something, just the tension gets them excited.😈❤️‍🔥 I think no matter what your future spouse will have intense love and devotion towards you, even if you guys fight they will want to be close to you.💋🖤 "Look at me"... I see lots of touching and grabbing, they will view your arguements as an invitation to show you their love. That's actually so romantic omg, very passionate and a little obsessive with you take what resonates. Also they are quite possessive over you, so if they feel you aren't happy with something they will do everything in their power to keep you pleased with them👀♨️ Your quarrels could get intimate pretty fast, so much fiery energy and intensity. For those who are interested, they will fulfill all of your phsyical desires💍 Very naughty with you, but also they will keep letting you know they love you if you're upset.❤️ Wrapping you up in their arms and whispering in your ear how beautiful and perfect you are wow that's how they handle conflict with you.🤯❤️‍🔥
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the teardrop emoji~💧 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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blueskiestarot · 1 day
What Is Opening Up For You At This Time?
Hi, y'all! In today's reading, we're going to see what path is currently opening up for you at this time and where you'll soon start seeing progress. So, pick the image you feel called to and find your pile below!
Love, Tara
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ashherahh · 1 day
tarot masterlist
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Welcome y'all! This is my current tarot readings masterlist. I figured it's time I start putting them all in one place.
about me • paid services • rules + tags
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a love letter from your future spouse
your first date + first interactions with your future spouse
what was your past life like together?
your next major relationship
how your future partner matches your freak +18
your first time with your future spouse 18+
messages on the way forward
what messages you need right now
messages from your inner child about your childhood
how you shine
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bitchy-craft · 5 months
PICK A CARD: Something you should hear
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! I will give you a reading on what it is you should hear right now. I hope you guys enjoy and find this interesting.
Masterpost > Paid Readings [NEW]
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
You are worth all it is that you want. All those dreams you possess but are too afraid to vocalise are all dreams you are deserving of having, deserving of achieving. It doesn’t matter if you’ve made mistakes in life or not; everyone has and everyone will continue to make them.
You are worthy of love, you are worthy of achieving your dreams and be proud of your accomplishments. You are such an amazing person, and you should continue to tell yourself that; especially when things are tough. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it yet, that is alright. Just look yourself in the mirror for at least once a day and repeat over and over again all the things you are deserving of, all the things you want to achieve and why you are worthy of achieving them for (and when something like that is difficult, realise that there are no reasons for you not being worthy of achieving them).
Pile 2:
You are so beautiful, and it hurts to see you don’t always believe that, that you don’t see it. You are beautiful inside and out, all it is that you seem to dislike about yourself are the things the people around you love. You are pretty, you are beautiful, you are intelligent and unique; you are amazing and you must learn to see that yourself.
Whenever you are having a hard time and you are too afraid to reach out to friends, reach out to your spirit guides; ask for a sign to give you comfort; ask for a sign that shows you are worthy of love, and you will be surprised how quickly those signs will come to you, how someone always listens to you even if you aren’t aware of it.
There are people who truly believe you deserve everything in the world; and therefore you must start to believe it yourself as well.
Pile 3:
It is okay to take breaks, to not do certain things if you simply can’t do it (or don’t want to). It doesn’t make you a bad person, it doesn’t mean you are lazy or dirty. It simply means you need some more time to yourself, some more time to get everything back on track. You are too hard on yourself; and many of you will have people surrounding you who are too hard on you as well, or feel like people around you have achieved so much more than you have that you must constantly keep up.
You don’t need to have done certain things before a certain time or age, you don’t need to do things just because others do so; you are meant to create and follow your own path. Everyone has their own timeline that they follow. You aren’t late, you aren’t early; you are right on time, just like you always have been and always will.
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st4rtar0t · 16 days
Random messages from your future spouse
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to receive messages from your future spouse through telepathy? I often find myself thinking about this, which is why I’m excited to share another post on a topic that's been on my mind lately.
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Masterlist ◉⁠‿⁠◉ paid services
This is a general reading, so it may or may not resonate with your situation. Keep what resonates and leave the rest.
Purchase now to get a 10% on all my readings 💞
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"Together, we will redefine what love means"
"I feel your presence in my heart already"
"You don't have to know everything about me . When we meet, you will know without any doubts or fears"
"I will always choose you, no matter what"
"I am searching for you in every person I meet but I can find you"
"I am working on healing myself so I can give you the love and care you deserve"
"I see you and I love all of you, don't hide anything from me"
"I will kiss you like it's the last time, every single time"
"I will make you breakfast in bed and then keep you in bed a little longer" freaky
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"I have been reflecting on what really matters, and surprise- it's you!"
"I have been judged and I've learnt, now I am ready to show you how good love can be"
"I promise to annoy you forever"
"I love watching you do things you love"
"Every time I see you smiling I feel like I have been reborn"
"white looks great on you, just like how it'll be on our wedding day"
"I will convince you that pineapple on pizza isn't a crime"
"I will love you with all my heart and never let you win at Mario kart"
"say the strange thing that you have been holding inside"
"I will listen to you, look after you, care for you and love you forever"
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"I want to be the first and last person you think about when you wake up and when you go to sleep, I know it's selfish but that just how i am"
"You should not be guilty of spending on yourself"
"You look like a squirrel while eating, I find it cute"
"I will always be by your side unless we are playing UNO then its 1-1"
"I promise to love you forever and always"
"It took forever to find you and I am never letting you go, no matter what happens'
"Its you, its always you"
"You make me fall for you every day just by being yourself"
"I am not scared of losing myself but you"
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sayhoneysiren · 13 days
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What’s Your Attraction Point
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Welcome Sirens! This reading is for entertainment purposes only based on the downloads I receive. Do not attack me if the message doesn’t resonate. Keep in mind this is a collective reading, not a individual one. With that being said, enjoy!
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⸻⊱༺  ♰  ༻⊰⸻
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When people come into contact with you, you connect them back to their inner child. Your youthful nature is captivating and rubs off on everyone around you. You also can make others feel desired and unconditionally loved. Similar to the Charmer archetype in The Art of Seduction, you make people feel at home with you. With your fresh appearance, natural beautiful mixed and light-hearted personality, you are like an angelic presence to others. You make others forget about all their problems and seek comfort in your warmth. You seek to be high spirited and your loved ones enjoy how they can laugh and have the best time with you. You bring them back to their childhood days of no worries. For many of you, you’re only accessible for a limited time or for specific people. Despite your warmth, your cut off game is strong but your detached nature is a strong charming point to others. It's the fact that you are not available for just anything that makes you irresistibly seductive. Many of your past lovers can't help but to reminisce about the pleasant times that experienced with you.
⸻⊱༺  ♰  ༻⊰⸻
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You can read people like a psychic and you may dabble in here and there in divination. Your artistic side is strong and you draw many people in with this. You resemble a work of art. Many of you can be musicians, dancers, painters, writers, etc. If you are an artist, you can create compelling stories through your art form. Your speech can be smooth, poetic and seductive to others. You could also be an enchanting singer. People are addicted to the way you loose yourself in music, dance and your art expression. (They can also loose themselves regarding you). Being around you is like being put under a spell or floating on a cloud. You are eccentric in some way and different from the norm. You could have big dreams about being famous or in the spotlight in some way. Also your connection to the moon is significant and your aura is spiritual. Your mysterious nature draws people in and it is an irresistible charm of yours. You like to go with the flow and never seem to be in a rush. Your movements could be slow and sensual and this can immediately arouse others.
⸻⊱༺  ♰  ༻⊰⸻
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People fantasize intensely about what it's like to give you love, affection and being in a relationship with you. They strongly seek your approval. You are definitely marriage material and highly valued in romantic relationships but you are not easily accessible and this charm is irresistible about you. You know how to play the perfect damsel in distress. Many people want to come to your rescue and save you. Others enjoy pouring into you and giving you gifts. You may put yourself on a pedestal or be labeled bougie. This makes others treat you like a Queen or King. You know how to manifest abundance therefore you are never in lack. Your high standards makes others want to work for you in order to access your warmth and love.
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tarotwithavi · 6 months
What are your attractive qualities/ features
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
Paid services
Pile 1
Hello! welcome to your reading, the first message i got while channeling is that you guys may have a slim and long neck, you may not be aware of this yet but a lot of people find that attractive, your long neck makes you appear more confident as it makes you look taller. And your upper body is also really attractive. The way your body is shaped attracts a lot of attention from others. Another things is your straightforwardness, the way you are able to communicate clearly without stumbling over your words and your assertiveness makes people want to follow whatever you say. I am also picking up on the message that you guys have a contagious smile, and a lotof people find your smile really attracttive, the way you smile with your entire face makes you appear really adorable. You guys are really pure and filled with love, others can feel it in your energy and it makes people want to stay in your circle as long as they can but you may attract a lot of energy vampires, so be extra careful of who you let into your circle. You guys have really pretty hair, you may like to experiment a lot with your hair and i am mostly picking up on flowy long hair. You may like to put really clips and bows in your hair. You exude soft girl energy.
Pile 2
Heyyyy! The first message i am picking up on is that you have a great sense of style, a lot of people may try to copy your signature style which may annoy you a lot. I am also gettting that the way you walk attracts a lot of attention. People may compliment the way you walk or they may ask you if you are a dancer because of the way you carry yourself. I see that you are really in tune with your higher self or universe whatever you wanna call it, and people can sense that. People can feel that you are meant for something great in this life. I am also getting that you are really lucky, everything seems to work out in your favour. people feel like you have an easy life. You may have north node in your 10th house. I am also getting that you guys have a really prominant nose and people love your side profile. if you wear nose ring people find that really attractive. I am also picking up on the message that you have really pretty handwriting. you can literally open a youtube channel for writing. I am also picking up on the message that you may like swimming? or surfing, idk but it has something to do with ocean and a lot of people find this attractive.
Pile 3
Welcome to your reading pile3! I see that you guys are really artistic and dreamy. A lot of people find you otherworldly and ethereal. i see that you may have really pretty eyes or watery eyes. Your eyes make you seem really innocent and naive. Your another attractive feature is your fun loving personality, I am getting the message that you have a bubbly personality and just by being in your circle people feel uplifted. However, I also see that you may attract emotionally distant or unavailable people who dont want to deal with their emotions. Your energy is really addictive and people may get obbsessed with having you by their side but not wanting to put efforts you deserve. You also give off really rich vibes. People may think that you come froma rick family or you yourself are really sufficient. Your feminity is your attractive feature, the way you take care of people, the way you are always ready to offer love and light to people. Alot of people may see you as an angel. Another message i am picking up on is that you guys are quite intiutive and others can feel your high vibrational energy. Your eyes are your most attractive feature.
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