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Recommended books for Sha'ban by our sister Zainab Ismail
With the blessed month of Shaban soon upon us let us irrigate the seeds planted in Rajab with seeking forgiveness (istigfar), goodness and seeking knowledge. ——————————— Here are a few books our teachers recommend to purify the heart, soul, and our intentions. ——————————— 1. The Beginning of Guidance, Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali 2. The Book of Assistance, Imam Abdallah Ibn ‘Alawi Al-Haddad 3. The Book of Intentions, Al-Habib Muhammad bin Alawi Al-Aydarus 4. Key To The Garden, Habib Ahmad Mashhur Al-Haddad 5. Purification of The Heart, Hamza Yusuf 6. Treatise on Discipline In The Path of The Seeker, Imam Abdullah bin Alawi Al-Haddad ———————————————–Please note: it is ideal to read the book with a qualified teacher that has a chain of transmission (sanad/isnad). If a qualified teacher isn’t available some of these lessons are available on SeekersHub, YouTube, and or SoundCloud. ——————————— “Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave.”
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Visit our Webpage - RevertHelp Team
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Made some fanart~
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I want to live somewhere I can look up and see the stars. I want my future husband and I to take our children out on a summer night and teach them to admire nature, and the beauty God made in the sky. I didn’t get to see it nearly enough growing up, but in those moments I truly realized how small I am in the context of the universe and I was at peace with that. 
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The growing book collection :') Allhamd~
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standing here waiting
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“If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.”
— Rumi
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Sabr: patience, endurance, self-control
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I shall bear all sufferings by starting with the name of Allah.
I will own them with happiness if my plight is in accord with your will.
- Khawaja Ghulam Farid رضي الله عنه
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One of the greatest benefits of sending salawāt upon the Prophet ﷺ is that Allāh will remove all anxiety from you. All three classifications, as a psychiatrist friend told me, of mental illness relate to various degrees of anxiety. And here we have an extremely practical way to prevent—and to remove once we’ve been afflicted with it—anxiety in all of its different forms. One of the things that I found...I have never seen anyone who sends abundant salawāt upon the Prophet ﷺ that’s not a happy and cheerful person, personally; I have never met someone who I know has a strong connection with the Prophet ﷺ and sends abundant salawāt upon him ﷺ except that they tend to be the lightest of spirits; they tend to be the most jovial and cheerful people—from the blessings of our Prophet ﷺ.
— Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
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Where the Quiet Things Are
prints | tutorials
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Arabic calligraphy – Alhamdulillah
الحمد لله
All praise is due to God
Source: a-realm, via IslamicArtDB
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When others are outgoing, be ingoing. Look within, feel and just be.
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People look at our forms, so we beautify ourselves to appeal them; but Almighty God looks at our hearts, therefore we should be more concerned about how our hearts look and adorn them before God with the best of qualities.
— Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
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