tell a friend to tell a friend... hes baaaack 😈
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Please put your nsfw work under a cut /srs
i genuinely wasnt aware that was possible on mobile, im very sorry, i'll edit everything. thank you for telling me.
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i dont know every single piece of the lore so sorry if i get something wrong lmao
i might make a part 2 out of this, depending on how its received,,
also i haven't written in a while, this is kinda my ease back into writing fic, so sorry if this is bad or if you catch any errors
pairing: michael afton x male reader x william afton
warnings: smut, non-con, homophobia, reader and michael are both 18
dont like this kinda stuff dont read it lmao, keep your negative comments to yourself.
tick. tick.
you pulled your pillow over your face and shifted onto your side. why couldn't you sleep? you had such an exhausting day yet your eyes felt too heavy to let you rest. you could still feel the cool hardness of the floor under you, probably doing some damage to your spine. the blanket separating you from it was doing a horrible job at keeping you comfortable.
and that damn clock. how could michael fall asleep without it driving him crazy?
you should've accepted his offer to sleep on the bed next to him. it wasn't weird, you two were best friends after all. girls do it all the time, why would it be weird if you guys did it too?
you shifted again, frustration bubbling in your stomach. michael was a heavy sleeper, you could easily sneak onto the bed and finally get some rest without him even realizing you were there. but what if he woke up before you and thought you were creepy for doing that? no, he was the one who made the offer in the first place.
the fucking clock wouldn't stop.
as quietly as you could, you rose from the pathetic makeshift bed under you and made your way around michael's sleeping form. the soft light that seeped through the gaps of his door was resting on his face.
you desperately tried to fight against the nervousness ravaging your body as you climbed onto the soft bed. when you saw he didn't move, you let your body fully sink into it.
god, you should've done this sooner.
you turned so you were facing away from him and closed your eyes, ready for the darkness to take you.
your eyes shot back open but your body completely froze as you felt an arm wrap around you.
heart racing, you let michael pull your body back until you were flush against him, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest on your back.
what the fuck was he doing?
you shut your eyes again. he had to be sleeping, there was no way he'd do this consciously. yeah, everything was fine. maybe he was just dreaming about a girl or something.
slowly, you let the tension dissolve from your body. his embrace was so warm and comforting, you found yourself pressing further into it.
it was nice, being held like this. especially by him.
your mind gave you no time to fight back against that thought as it finally shut down to rest.
were you flying?
no. whose arms were these? they were so cold. uncaring. they swung your body around like you were nothing.
a bed. you were being placed onto a bed. weren't you just on a bed?
what was going on?
"michael?" your voice was small and met with silence as your eyes finally cracked open. there was a man above you. he resembled michael a little too much.
the realization hit you like a train.
"mr. afton? whats going on?" you tried to rub the sleep from your eyes but your hands couldn't move.
he was holding your wrists above your head. his other hand was under your shirt, sliding along your abdomen.
"mr. afton, what are you doing?" panic was rising into your throat, making your words sound horribly weak.
his face was set in a glare as he watched his hand roam your torso. "i can't let you turn my son into a fucking queer." his grip on your wrists tightened. "walking in here looking like that. are you trying to deceive him with that pretty little face? are you trying to provoke me?"
you could feel tears begin to sting your eyes. this could not be happening.
"wh-what are you saying? i'm not trying to do anything, i'm only his f-friend, i'm not-" your voice gave out as you felt his hand reach the top of your pajama pants.
william laughed. "don't bother with your lies. keep quiet and be still or i'll make sure you never see michael again." you didn't have time to figure out what his threat meant before he pulled your bottoms down with one tug. you shut your eyes, not wanting to see his face as his fingers dragged along your underwear, right over your cock. you shivered as he pet it absent-mindedly, feeling the first stream of tears rush down your face. his touch was repulsive.
"what's wrong, doll? don't act like you don't want this, i saw the way you looked at me earlier at dinner." you erupted into violent sobs as he pulled off your underwear. he didn't bother trying to soothe you, instead gripping your cock in his fist and pumping it to life.
"stop it, please."
your body reacted naturally, betraying you as you stiffened in his hold. "come on, open your eyes." his voice made you feel sick.
"just pretend i'm michael, alright?"
your eyes shot open in pure disbelief, and a surge of indescribable rage consumed your body.
he was obviously caught off guard at your instant reaction, and you managed to wrench your wrists from his hold because of it. you scrambled off the bed and made contact with the floor, your body buzzing with adrenaline. you just had to reach the door, you were almost away from him. you stumbled your way towards it.
hands grabbed your waist and dragged you backward just as your hand made contact with the doorknob. your scream was muffled by william's hand, and he bent you over the bed violently.
"i'm done being patient with you. be quiet and fucking still or i'll tell michael how much of a whore you are, coming onto his father like this." one of his hands pulled your wrists behind you and the other moved away from your mouth to remove his belt. "he'll never believe you, you know that right? he'd believe his father over a replaceable pretty face in a heartbeat."
you didn't reply, letting tears streak down your face and choking back a sob as you felt his tip kiss your hole. the way he leaned over you was unbearable, but worst of all, you heard hints of michael's voice in his.
the thought threatened to rip an agonized scream from your throat.
you clawed at the bedsheets as you felt william push past your entrance. it burned horribly, despite the spit he tried to use to ease into you more smoothly.
you could hear william panting above you, muttering about how tight you were and how excited he was to use you. his voice faded in and out of your recognition, your mind trying to rip you away from your horrible reality and replacing it with images of michael. his smile, the flattering way he parted his hair, the warmth of his embrace. just him, and his voice telling you everything was going to be okay.
the illusion was shattered as william thrusted into you, and you pressed your face into the bed to muffle your yell.
how could a person so kind be offspring of the monstrosity above you.
"you feel... feel so amazing. who knew a boy's insides could be this soft. this warm." he could barely get the words out between his thrusts, and you wanted to vomit.
he was plunging into you and at a speed that made the room spin, and you tried your best to fight back the sparks of pleasure that went straight to your dick. the hand that wasn't still tight around your wrists was digging into your hip, pulling your body onto his cock with each of his thrusts.
you couldn't stop yourself from letting out a few breathy moans, the way he was filling you becoming too much to handle. he wasn't doing much to contain his, after all, so you hoped he wouldn't notice.
he did of course, but he was too focused on the way you squeezed his cock to acknowledge them.
"i might have to keep you around, doll, i don't think i'll be able to get off again without you."
his hand released your hip to push your back onto his chest, allowing him to practically impale you with his dick. the new angle gave him direct access to your prostate, and only a few more thrusts made pure pleasure erupt from your cock and travel through your body. you shook in william's hold, your hands grasping onto the arm pressing you to him for some kind of support.
william fucked you through your high, groaning into your neck when your hole clenched even tighter around him and coaxed the cum from his cock. it shot up into your insides, and you couldn't help but lean into its warmth. the only warmth you felt since you left michael.
william kept you pressed against him, letting his cock soften inside of you until he felt your breathing slow.
"clean up and go back to sleep. i expect to see you here more often." he pressed a kiss to your jaw and pulled out of you, letting your body slide off the bed onto the floor.
you quietly opened the door to michael's bedroom and shut it behind you. he still seemed to be sleeping, his arms outstretched as if reaching for where you were sleeping next to him.
you heard him wake with a sigh as you settled onto the bed next to him.
"where did you go?" he asked, pulling you into the same position you two were before.
"bathroom." you replied gently, running your fingers along the rough skin of his hands.
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Square Guard x Male Reader
warnings: smut, noncon, bottom male reader
pairing: square guard x male reader
note: i promise ill get some requests done soon lmao. not proofread as always, expect nothing less from me
You could hear the guard's labored breathing though his mask.
It was muffled, filtered out as tv static against your ear. Its sound made the man pressing you against the wall of a dimly lit space less human.
You could feel the pink guard's erection through the thin fabric of his suit. It pressed right up against the back of your thigh, rolling upwards with the guard's hips as he grinded against you.
You could do nothing but try the best you could to struggle against his unyielding grip, one that kept your cheek pressed to the wall by your neck and your ass pressed back up against him. You heard him let out a frustrated noise behind you as he tried to keep you still.
"Stop struggling, slut. I'll fuck your corpse if I have to."
His hand released the back of your neck and came to rest on your shoulder as he pulled you around to face him -- or rather, his mask, which was adorned with a bright white square that seemed to illuminate the room.
His other hand grabbed a fistful of your hair and dragged you down to your knees. You hit the ground with a yelp, your hand latching onto his wrist in an attempt to relieve the pressure.
"Open up, pretty boy. If you're good I might let you live."
You could hear the smirk in his voice.
He pried your lips open with the barrel of his gun, which you just realized he had on him. You could feel your heart beating in your ears as it pushed past your tounge and almost hit the back of your throat. He could pull the trigger at any moment, and despite facing death multiple times in the while you'd been here, the thought still terrified you.
The guard looked down at you, watching the tears well up in your eyes as he shoved the weapon deeper. Seeing you in such distress awakened something in him that he had fought to keep dormant his whole life. It was only fair you be punished for it.
Finally, after a while of him admiring how you disheveled you looked, he pulled the gun from your mouth. Your violent coughing drowned out the sound of the guard unzipping his pants, and by the time you recovered his cock was pressed to your cheek.
You were about to protest, and he sensed it. The click of his gun was enough to shut you up for good, and you stared down at your knees, watching your tears make dark blue spots on your teal uniform.
"Bite me and I'll fucking kill you." He warned, rubbing the part of his dick that didn't touch your skin.
Your body trembled as you glanced up at his mask, and he swore he could cum from your expression alone. You looked so hopeless, so pathetic, he wanted to face-fuck you and maybe let you have a little extra dinner afterward.
"Be a good boy for me, yeah? I won't hurt you unless you make me." His shift in tone was nauseating, conjuring up a cloud of uncertainty in your mind.
After a while of staring up at his mask, trying to find the smallest ounce of humanity left in him, your hand reached up to wrap gently around his dick, just as he was getting more impatient.
He shifted his position so the head made contact with your lips, and your ran your tounge over the slit hesitantly, making the guard's breath hitch.
"That's it. Don't tease me now, use all of your mouth."
You took the head completely into your mouth, sucking on it lightly and lapping at its underside, his warning repeating in your mind as you struggled to keep your teeth from grazing against it. You'd never done this before, after all.
The guard pushed himself deeper into your mouth, and you already felt too full, even with only a little over halfway in. You tried to pull back but his hand found its place in your hair to keep you still.
"Don't fucking move. 'Guess I need to be rougher with you."
You could only whimper in response, feeling him completely slide himself into your mouth and down your throat. You closed your eyes, feeling more tears run down your cheeks.
His groaning was gradually becoming louder as he split your mouth open with each thrust, and his grip on your hair didn't let up one bit. He had seemingly remembered he needed to get this over with quickly or else they might notice he's missing.
He might have gotten a little carried away.
You were beginning to feel lightheaded, only able to take shallow breaths in between his movements. The way he shoved himself down your throat had become more frantic, and you noticed, only being able to hold onto his thighs for support.
Eventually you decided to help him finish quicker, just to get him out of your mouth faster of course. Your let your tounge slide against his cock each time it entered you, and sheepishly began sucking. His body reacted almost immediately.
You heard a soft "fuck" through his mask and knew it was working, feeling almost proud as you felt his thighs begin to tremble subtlety against your hands.
"I knew you could be good for me."
With a final thrust, he pushed himself farther than he'd ever reached previously, and released with a broken moan, his harsh pulling on your hair dissolving into gentle caresses.
You couldn't help but swallow around him, feeling his warmth travel down your throat. It hurt.
He stood there in your mouth for a few seconds, then shoved you off of him. You fell back against a wall, and now you were more uncertain then ever. Was he gonna kill you? You'd done what he asked, surely he'd let you go.
The guard zipped his suit back up and turned away from you, opening the door into the brightly colored labyrinth you traveled each time before a new game.
"Get up, slut. Let's go."
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Bruh do yall take requests for the walten files bc- 👁👁
i do, though im not up to date with the website stuff or anything really after bunnyfarm!
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If only you'd met before
warnings: smut, infidelity, dubcon?, slight somnophilia, bottom male reader
pairing: Ali Abdul x male reader
note: lack of ali content ive been able to find is atrocious
this is kinda trash bc as always I'm writing this at 1 am after a random burst of inspiration
Ali knew this was wrong. So, very wrong. He was married. He had a child. But god, you were so pretty, and as he slipped his dick into you the guilt was swallowed by excitement.
After being sent by the group to check on you, Ali found you seated on the toilet, albeit fully clothed, but the tension you summoned in him the night before took him over and needed to be released.
Your lingering touches, passing glances, the beautiful way your body pressed up against him when you climbed into his bed for 'safety,' and the pathetic way he fucked his hand behind your sleeping form. He tried to use all of it to justify this. It was you who was seducing him, and therefore who could blame him, right? It was only natural.
So here he had you, squeezing around his cock. Before he could remind himself that you needed a second to adjust, his grip on your hips tightened and you were slammed further down onto him. His chin came to rest on your shoulder and he whimpered into your ear at your tightness.
You, on the other hand, let out a borderline scream. This was happening too fast, the bathroom stall was growing too hot, and Ali hadn't spoken a word since he cornered you in the stall. Still, you could feel him trying to hold back, his hips kept stuttering up against you every so often. Those gentle movements were slightly more pleasurable.
Your racing heart slowed as he reached up to pet your hair.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Please try to hold still."
Ali pressed your back flush against his chest and placed soft kisses on your neck, trying to soothe you.
"Please forgive me. I know this isn't right."
When Ali felt you begin to relax into him, he returned his hand to your hip for leverage. Your hand flew to cover your mouth as his hips snapped up into you. You had almost forgotten about the guard standing outside the bathroom door, and Ali seemed to have as well as he continued thrusting steadily into your ass.
He masked his own sounds the best he could with more kisses and bites to your neck and shoulder. Yet eventually he let a groan escape, because fuck, the way you felt around him was intoxicating. You were so warm, so perfect, Ali wanted desperately to look into your eyes. His hand pressed you against him by your lower abdomen and he angled his hips to move deeper, eventually feeling you clench impossibly around his cock and scream into your hand.
His movements became sloppy and erratic as thoughts of you raced across his mind. From what he'd known of you, you were a beautiful person, both in appearance and soul. As amazing as anyone stuck in this situation could be. Maybe he could've built a life with you, if only you had more time. If only you'd met before -- in a different place.
How unfortunate.
Ali hugged your body as he came in you, fighting the tears welling up in his eyes. You felt his hair tickle your shoulder when he hid his face against your back.
Suddenly the stall door swung open and you stared up in horror at the masked man before you.
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warnings: smut, oral sex
pairing: jeremy heere x male!reader
note: im not an active member of this fandom anymore but im still in love with this guy, i also apologize for any mistakes im very tired
"Are you sure this is okay?"
You paused, looking up at Jeremy from your kneeling position. Your hands rested on the band of his boxers, threatening to pull them down at any moment.
"What, are you having second thoughts?" you replied. Jeremy couldn't meet your eyes, seemingly finding the floor a lot more interesting. His face was a pretty shade of red and his skin radiated heat.
"N-no! I mean, I want this, but I don't wanna force you into anything - please don't feel pressured to-" You suddenly licked him through the cloth, successfully shutting him up. You felt his legs begin to tremble slightly with want.
"I promise it's not that serious, Jeremy. This doesn't really mean anything, right? I'm just... helping you out." You smiled up at him, missing the disappointment in his eyes. It was no secret that this boy was madly in love with you, but you pretended to be oblivious just to see him stammer and blush whenever he'd try to make an awkward move on you.
It was probably mean, but seeing him light up when you 'unknowingly' made an affectionate remark at him was worth it.
He felt you were unattainable then, but here he had you now, about to blow him. Just the thought made Jeremy squirm.
You slid down his boxers and Jeremy whimpered nervously, afraid you would comment on his size. He was about average, maybe a bit bigger than you, but you knew better than to say anything about it.
Jeremy's heart felt about ready to beat out of his chest. He bit his lip as your hand gripped the base of his dick gently. Fuck, he was losing his mind. He couldn't believe he had a pretty boy like you between his legs pleasuring him. You kissed his tip, and he instinctively bucked his hips up towards your mouth.
"S-sorry!" Jeremy's voice cracked, and you chuckled, making the redness on his face double. Your let your tounge run slowly across his tip, and he whimpered again, wanting so badly for your mouth to take him completely. You had decided it would be fun to tease him.
You held Jeremy's thighs down against the bed and continued to lick him, dragging small, wet stripes against his dick. Jeremy was becoming a bit more vocal, desperately chasing the warmth of your mouth. Your gentle licks and kisses would have probably been enough to get him off, but he wanted more. It took everything in him to not grab your hair and throat-fuck you.
"[name], please." Jeremy's voice was incredibly needy, and you felt something stir in you at his tone. His erection was becoming painful, your mouth being the only thing that could relieve it.
You gave in. You took him in all at once and he let out a moan, resting his fingers in your hair. He would've asked it it was okay to touch you, but the sensations your mouth was giving him made him forget being courteous.
Your tounge gave special attention to his tip as you moved up and down, making Jeremy's fist close around his stained bedsheets. His eyes were shut and he let his hips move in sync with your mouth.
"fuck, that feels really good..." His mind was still struggling to grasp what was happening. Masturbating didn't even come close to how you were making him feel, and the feeling of his climax approaching was magnified.
Jeremy tried his best to burn this feeling into his mind, it being the first of its kind. He couldn't stop himself from letting out embarrassing noises at this point, too focused on how good he felt. It was becoming too much.
Jeremy tried to pull you off of him, afraid you'd be upset with him if he released in your mouth, but you stayed put.
"C-can I? Are you sure?" His voice was shaky, and you felt him twitch. You closed your eyes and continued to pleasure him until you felt his cum hit the back of your throat. What was too much to stay in your mouth spluttered back out, landing in white spots against his bedroom floor. You pulled away from him and let the rest fall along with it.
He did not taste good by any means, especially since his diet consisted of Doritos and soda.
Jeremy let himself fall back onto his bed, panting rather heavily. You laughed, then lifted yourself off of the floor and made for the bathroom to clean up.
You returned to Jeremy sitting up, watching you expectantly.
"I like you." Jeremy again averted his eyes to study the floor, a red blush returning to his face. "I-I have for a long time, and I know this meant nothing to you but it did to me... I want to be more than just 'your friend' or 'the guy you blew that one time'-" you cut off his rant with another laugh, sitting down next to him on the bed. He met your gaze hesitantly.
"I like you too, but I should probably go now." You reached for your phone, cringing at the number of missed calls from your mom. You hadn't told her that you weren't going directly home after school.
"Wait, but I didn't... I didn't get to..."
"Don't worry about it, you can return the favor some other time." You ruffled his hair before standing up.
Jeremy watched you leave, a sudden wave of fatigue ravaging his body.
He slept through the rest of the day.
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what have you done?
warnings: smut, intoxicated sex, anal sex, spoilers for the walten files kinda??
pairing: felix kranken x bottom!male reader.
note: this isn't proofread and is just me being horny for felix. i know hes a bad person and all but god would i let him build k-9 over my grave.
A door slam from across your shared house with Felix ripped you from your uneasy rest. You sighed, letting the worn blanket replacing your husband for the night pool at your lap as you sat up.
You could hear him stumbling, knocking objects over and grabbing at ledges to steady himself.
He was intoxicated, you assumed. Again.
When you heard a strangled cough sound from the kitchen, you left the warmth and comfort of your bed in search of your husband.
He promised you he would stop, or at least try to. It wasn't fair that he could leave you without warning to drown his senses in alcohol. What was he trying to shut out? What did he need to escape from?
Despite your own promise to stay by his side for his recovery, you couldn't help but begin to feel your relationship with Felix had become strained. Sure, you loved him, but this wasn't healthy for either of you.
Your vision adjusted to the warm lights of the kitchen comfortably, muting your thoughts for just a moment. You whimpered softly and hugged Felix, who you hadn't realized until now was hunched over the sink.
He was also shaking. Rather violently.
Before you could question him, he gripped your face and planted his lips harshly against yours. The burning taste of alcohol invaded your mouth.
His hands roamed your body frantically as he cornered you against the kitchen counter, sliding up your soft shirt and running along your sides. You pulled away from his lips, at which he groaned and tried desperately to connect to you again.
"Felix-" your words caught in your throat as he began kissing and biting at your neck, eventually grabbing your left thigh and lifting it to press himself against you.
"Please don't, I just... I just need you right now," he almost whimpered, moving against you frantically to try to get himself off. "I-I don't want to think of anything else right now. I can't."
It would've been extremely arousing to see him in this state in any other situation, but you were still worried. Felix was drunk, clearly upset, and trying to fuck you as a distraction.
Yet you still couldn't help letting the warm, familiar feeling collect at your stomach and flow down to your crotch.
Felix captured your lips again and pulled down your boxers, which slid down with ease and gathered at your ankles. His cold hand closed around your shaft, pumping it slowly as he watched your body react. His free hand removed his own pants and boxers. Your eyes missed the dirt that coated parts of the pants as they fell onto the floor.
Felix gripped your hair and suddenly you were slammed over the counter, feeling his cock prod eagerly against your ass.
"I didn't... I didn't mean to..." his breath fanned against your neck.
"what...? Felix, what happened?" you tried to face him but his hold on your hair tightened and you were pushed harder against the marble countertop.
Your thoughts immediately landed on infidelity. Who could blame you? Your husband stumbled drunk off his ass into the house and started speaking in vague apologies. It was the only plausible explanation, right?
Your mind blanked for a moment as he pushed into you. A high pitched moan left your mouth, mostly out of pain. Felix hadn't prepped you.
"W-wait... fuck," you breathed out, feeling him shove more of himself inside of you. "Felix, what were you talking about? Why are you acting like this?"
He breathed heavily against your neck, clearly enjoying your tightness. "I-I can't. It was all my fault... im so sorry."
Once your body had allowed him appropriate entry, he began thrusting into you. You whimpered and moaned against cold marble, trying to push away the pleasure forming in your gut in favor of continuing to question him.
"s-shit... please tell me what happened," Felix was letting out quieter moans behind you, trying his best to drown out your voice and focus on your warmth.
"You can tell me," your voice broke away into a moan as he began hitting your spot. Your fingers curled around nothing.
"I'll still love you, Felix. Even if you cheated on me. You know that, right?"
"I-I didn't! I didn't do that... fuck you feel so good," His movements continued to steadily speed up, building the pleasure inside of you.
Your body jolted as you suddenly heard something beyond moans and slapping skin.
A ring.
Felix stopped moving.
"What is that?"
"Felix, what have you done?"
Without warning Felix continued to plunge into you, significantly faster than before. His movements where panicked, sloppy, either due to the proximity of his climax or pure fear. You weren't sure.
The ringing of the phone continued to blare into your ears, becoming the only thing you could hear as your vision faded to white and you released against the counter.
After a few more thrusts, Felix let out a strangled noise and came inside of you. The feeling of his warmth filling you was almost enough to make you forget your situation.
But you couldn't. The phone wouldn't stop.
Felix kept your form close to him, hiding his face in your neck. He desperately wanted to believe your warmth could protect him.
But it couldn't.
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hi hello im anarchy
i wanna start writing some shitty male insert fics because we've been starved of them for so long lmao,,
ill only write male readers, and ill also be doing nsfw sometimes so uhh minors dni!
i also dont really know how to make asks anonymous so if you want me to just quote yours ill be happy to, just let me know
anyway here's some of the things ill write for, you can request something else too i didnt list everything(! = preferred, * = only certain characters.):
- beastars
- castlevania
- demon slayer
- *mha
- *bojack horseman
- detroit become human
- haikyuu
- *the originals
- devilman crybaby
- squid game
- the walten files
- *bmc
- fnaf
- !aot
- !overwatch
the only things i wont write are female readers, and uhh bodily fluid k1nks,,
assume anything else is on the table. ill always put a cw's before particularly dark stuff dw
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