dumbfrickinlit · 4 years
valdrin q&a 1
After a life-changing trek through the harrowing and deadly Gedrith Hold, Valdrin Calmyrak reveals almost all in this shocking one-time interview! (Post BD1, Pre BD2)
"How would you describe the drow race and your relationship with them?”:  "The most fearsome creature of them all; especially the females. They are cruel, oppressive, and hateful. The only respect they have is for themselves; and I find this extremely debatable, considering the treatment of males. All of my life among them I felt like I lived within a double standard; there was a demand to be strong of body and mind, yet also an expectation to appear submissive and weak so that I would appeal to a potential (female) mate. I pity both men and women drow for their service to Lolth. She is a cruel malignant god, whom in youth I accepted blindly. In later years, however, I found my faith slowly collapsing. I was never honest to others with my feelings on the Queen after they changed, as such would mean my death, but there were some I assume that saw through the facade... I was always an outcast within the drow, ever since birth. I had little friends as I was perceived by many to be too weak, too stupid, too trustworthy. And I didn't help my case by involving myself with other men. Considering how children must be born to continue the lineage, and the status of men as subservient to women, it is both taboo and exceedingly frowned upon to have any sort of romantic or sexual relationship with another man. Women engaging with women is more or less accepted, but these relationships are generally sexual, not to mention rare considering the drow's competitive nature.
On top of everything else, as I grew up there was a strange magic that was developing within me - magic I could not control. There were times when - what I now understand to be "magic surges"- would trigger and cause chaos at unintended times. This didn't help with a variety of my social relationships. And although magic is not unfamiliar to drow, there was a fear of my powers because they were not learned from books, as they usually are. Rather, they were innate and utterly untamed. For these reasons, I didn't particularly mesh well within the community. And so I suppose you could say I don’t connect with them rather well -- both back then and now, obviously."
"What is your sexuality? How has your understanding of it changed over time?”: "I suppose now I identify completely with having an interest in men, women, and whatever between... but this was not always the case. During my days in the Underdark, I rarely found myself connecting with or being interested in those of the “fairer” sex. There were many who were beautiful, of course, and in the back of my mind I had always felt as though there was a desire to copulate with one of them, however I could hardly ever bring myself to look past their cold, callous demeanors. While perhaps there are outliers, the social norms of the drow are strictly upheld, and so it seemed to me that every woman I encountered had always had that same heartless, prickly demeanor. And so underground my relationships were almost entirely with men. There were a rare couple relationships that brought me happiness, but they never lasted long. Many of these relationships or advances upon myself led to more ridicule and rumors about me. But regardless of my upstanding, I could only bring myself to engage with the same sex at the time. It wasn't until after I had escaped the Underdark, introduced myself to society on the surface, and learned how different women are above than they are below that I accepted that I was not exclusively homosexual. Sune as well has allowed me to accept and appreciate the beauty of women. Though what beauty drow women (or even the men, to be fair) may have - if any - I have yet to see." "How do you understand the idea of “love?” What does the concept mean to you?”:  “Love? Perhaps before this recent adventure of ours through Gedrith Hold I would have asked if I had ever experienced such a thing. No... “Love” which I have known for so long had always come with... attachments.
Do you love your friends? Then stop causing trouble with your magic. Do you love your sister? Then stop getting in her way so she can succeed. Do you love your father? Then be a man and help spy on our enemies. Do you love your fiance? Then listen to everything she says. Do you love your mother? Then stop being who you are. Always, this notion of “love” seemed to come with some demand or another. But I had known for many years it to be wrong -- this feeling of poison in my veins when I think upon the word “love” in relation to my life in the Underdark. No, it wasn’t until I had read many forbidden texts stolen away from the surface and used as tools of manipulation that I realized how wonderful and divine love can be... In fact, I spent much of my time reading what famous texts I could on love and romance. Some tragic, some heroic, but all inspiring. What a wonderful thing love can be, I thought... But as time carried on I started to wonder if love was only a fairytale - an unrealistic concept which my soul would never know. And I had almost completely given up on it. ...Well, I think until I’d met Lady Igrene. Until I’d met Miss Eurwen and Sir Cameron, my two other dearest friends. Our time together has been so short thus far... but yet I can feel it -- the absence of attachments. Love for me for myself, in spite of what I may or may not offer or how much of an inconvenience I may be... No, I may not yet understand completely what “love” feels like... but I believe I have a better idea now than I have in decades.
"Were you once actually arranged to be married? Who was your fiancé? How did it get broken off?”: "Yes, I was actually engaged at the time I fled the Underdark. To everyone's surprise, especially my own, there was a woman who desired to court me. Though I recall that during the time leading up to her introduction I had been trying my absolute hardest to blend in, so perhaps that explains it. Anyways, after numerous rumors of my relations with men had spread I was under even more pressure by my family to adhere to societal standards. I think this is what finally allowed an engagement to happen... Her name was Nenne. She was not as cruel as my mother, but she had her moments. I had little choice in my mate regardless; this was the first woman to have shown serious interest in me in all of my life, and my family - even I - was desperate. At that point I had wanted so badly to forget everything I'd ever read about the surface... everything I'd ever dreamed in vain of doing, and finally, finally have a normal life among my brethren. More than anything I wanted to feel accepted. I wanted to belong - and I was ready to give anything and everything up to do so. 
But then, my father died. The day after, I returned to Nenne. I hoped she would comfort me - even side with me against my mother - but in the depths of my heart I knew to expect nothing. What a received was far worse. She did not need to speak. The moment I brought the subject up, I saw it. The look in her eyes... in her face, I saw the reflection of my mother in that moment - the moment she told me she had "rid herself" of my "worthless" father. I remembered that chilling moment as I looked into the eyes of my betrothed. And I realized that I could be subject to that very same fate -- the very same betrayal. In Nenne's visage I remembered that I was disposable... And so, I fled."
"How has living on the surface been? What was it first like to set foot above ground?”: "Life on the surface has been a blessing. It has not always been easy... It still isn't. But I would take my worst day above ground over my best day in the Underdark without hesitation. Of course, there are those who discriminate against me for my heritage -  and I do not blame them - but after getting to know me a little, most seem to ease up. Or at least laugh a little. I think being an entertainer helps in this, haha. Regardless, I really do enjoy life under the sun. I feel like I can truly be myself. Initial integration, however, was an alien process. My first interaction with surface-dwellers was the caravan that caught me on the road. I only asked for directions to the nearest town, but I could see the weariness in the eyes of the passengers as they looked up and down my twilight-colored body. I offered the driver one of my family trinkets in return for the information, but then he told me to simply board the wagon for passage. Perhaps he realized how tired and lost I was. And so I traveled to Redwater where I spent the night at the local inn. I bought myself a new outfit and cut from my head my long locks of hair... Then, I had thought that it may hide me from any pursuers, but looking back on it now... Well, I realize how foolish such a thought was, for not many drow exist above the earth, haha. Still... perhaps this was something I felt appropriate for the start of my new life. Regardless, I rested that night and left by foot as the sun broke the next morning. Those were the days when I was first teaching myself to rise and set with the sun. -- And of course it was difficult, for in the Underdark, it was always night... but I can be stubborn - and it was something I convinced myself I wanted to do... But anyways, that morning I traveled further north, putting as much distance as I could between myself and the mine from which I stumbled out of. Eventually I reached the city of Cressela, where I live now."
"What was it like witnessing the Festival of Turnfyre for the first time? How did it inspire you to become a performer?”: "Without match, it was beautiful.  As I made my way through the gates of Cressela for the very first time - as I pushed myself through the sea of people - I did not expect the sight that my eyes would meet. There was a parade. Costumes upon costumes composed of vibrantly-colored cloths. Men on stilts. Jugglers, jesters, tumblers... Long, twirling banners and confetti that showered like rain. And in the markets and spilling out into the nearby streets were booths lined with richly glazed pots and delicately crafted jewelry. It was absolutely wondrous, and its merriment was like nothing I had ever glanced upon before. There were smiles everywhere. And I had seen smiles in the Underdark, yes -- but they were sick, warped, malicious... Every single one, always tainted. These were smiles of pure content. Joy. It was the height of the Festival of Turnfyre, Cressela's weeklong celebration in honor of the arts. As merry men, women, and children danced past me, so too did I feel my anxiety - my fears - sweep away with them. There was poetry and song, as well as a play that very evening. With rapture I took all of it in. I don't remember if I even stopped to eat that night, I was so entranced, haha. And at the end of the play, as sets were taken down and actors ushered away to their homes, I with fluster asked a straggling performer where - and if - I could join them. He explained to me that the festival was put on by the local performer's guild, and that those who paid their dues may join and learn the craft. I had come to Cressela with little thought as to what I would do, but then, all of a sudden, I had found my direction. I begged the guildmaster for my acceptance. She was curious... yet cautious. She knew I had no money nor inheritance with which to pay my admission. And, again, my drow ancestry caused another to look on with fear. ...And yet she accepted me. Of course, it was not in charity; I was given many errand tasks and cleaning duties to pay my dues, but this was of no detriment to my spirit. I had a new bed, a new room, a new home, and - for the first time - an ambition: to become an entertainer, so that I may live within a world where others always smile."
"When did you decide to leave the Underdark for good? What was that journey like for you?: "It was the moment I greeted Nenne post my father's death that I knew I had to leave. To an extent I could reason with myself my father’s fate.. To an extent. But rather, his death was something that I wanted to rationalize -- wanted to accept. Because as I have said before, at this time I had been trying to blend in -- let go of myself to become more like my fellow drow.  ...But my eyes awoke when they met Nenne's that day, and they could no longer stay closed. And so I quickly made an excuse and hurried to my room to separate myself and devise a plan. By then I had been aware of an expanse of caves, though we were not to travel into them. It was fairly obvious to me by then that these caves likely were the way to the surface; and even then, if they weren't, they would at least lead me far from my home. After gathering supplies (water, rations, rope, weapons, and the like that would support me in my escape), I stole into the night. I traveled as fast as I could, for as long as I could. I had hardly the courage to stop once I had left, for fear that others may find me and try to bring me back, if they decided not to simply kill me on the spot for my abandonment. Luckily, I was met with little opposition outside of bugs and rats. The journey lasted a small number of days - though after a while it had become hard to tell. Eventually, I stumbled into a small, decommissioned mine. And on tired feet I eventually stepped out of the rocks and onto grass... and it was then that I saw the sun for the first time, just as it was setting on the horizon. It was bright - almost unbearably so - but to my fortune it soon set. I wandered in the night, and then long into the next day, virtually blind as the sun rose higher and higher. Now and again I would trip and fall, but each time I picked myself back up. I had been traveling along a country road when a caravan rolled up from behind me. After talking with the driver he let me aboard, and later I found myself in the town of Redwater... There were times, I admit, as I gathered supplies, snuck away into the darkness, traversed among the caves, even riding down the caravan road, that I wondered if what I was doing was right. To be honest, I was scared -- almost enough to give up everything and turn back. I didn't know who or what I would meet on the surface. There could be many dangers - both of beast and of men - that might be unbeknownst to me. I thought that I very well could be running to my own death. But each time I reminded myself that certain death was what I was already running from -- that is, if not death of the body, then surely death of the soul."
“What is the name Valdrin Calmyrak? Does it mean anything?”: "The name I first gave to that caravan driver, and the name I continue to live by. I hadn't given it any thought about it then when I gave it to him; it wasn't until later had I realized how silly and perhaps revealing the name was or is. 'Val' means 'dark' or 'darkness.' 'Drin' means 'rogue/stealer.' To me, it brings thoughts of stealing the darkness away for cover as I made my escape; or perhaps how I "stole" myself from the Underdark...  'Cal' as well means 'noble' or 'lord,' and 'myr,' 'bones'; though 'myr' also can mean 'lost' among females, so... 'Lord of Bones?' 'Lost Lord?' -- I suppose that one isn't as contrived as first name. The '-ak' was more or less just a lilt on the end. 'Calmyr' doesn’t sound quite right to me -- to me, it sounds incomplete. But to my knowledge 'ak' doesn't mean anything... But yes, 'Valdrin Calmyrak' is the alias that I have lived by for years, and luckily I respond to it just as I would a real name now. As far as I'm concerned, it is my real name. I shall admit though... 'Valdrin' is not without his problems, I’ve come to realize. As I continued my work among the Performer's Guild, I grew a greater and greater lust for attention and admiration. So yes, 'Valdrin' can be haughty, stubborn, and attention-seeking, but he is also passionate, honest, and - somewhat - confident; and that can be seen as - at the very least - an improvement over the person I once was."
"So if you are Valdrin Calmyrak now, who was Elend'il Ven'arluth? What does that name now mean to you?”: "A remnant of a sordid past, and a name I would rather forget. ...The mere thought of it brings clouds over my bright skies. It is a sea of isolation and misery that washes over me in my remembrance... Elend'il was a man born into a foreign world. He was a son brought up in an ill-fitting family. He was a lover with no other half. When I think about Elend'il I see no future, no happiness... nothing except for wasted tears and promises of a short life on countless pairs of lips. Elend'il was always clutching at something; only to return his hand with nothing. Elend'il fought, surrendered, wept, let go, pretended... but never did he get anywhere. He followed long-forgotten trails that he believed would lead him home, only to find that he was still endlessly, hopelessly lost. To me to be Elend'il was to be absent."
"How do you feel about Eurwen Honeyscroll?”: "There are feelings for her that I can't quite admit. She is, of course, beautiful; it would be a slight upon Sune not to admit so... However, there is something, some part of her that sometimes finds it way to the surface that I find equally tantalizing. I don't want to believe it is just lust. But whatever the case, for now we remain only friends. There have been moments during her visits where I've tried to divulge with her my deeper feelings, but always it ends misconstrued... Perhaps I can't phrase myself correctly under such stress... More likely is it that though that she does not return my feelings. She must be simply content with making suggestive jokes and letting the moment pass."
"How do you feel about Lucius Cameron?”: "It's a small disappointment that he didn't return my interest, but it's to be expected, haha. I have had my fair share of rejection. I hold no ill-will for Cameron because of what he does or does not like. He is an admirable friend; warm, kind, and actually quite humorous at times as well. His strength reminds of me some I coupled with in the Underdark -- however his is a strength to protect and do good; not to manipulate or threaten. Anyways, I hope that we can be friends for many years to come."
"How do you feel about Igrene Gedrith?”: "I would say she is the most important woman in my life. She is a wealth of beauty and serenity, but also sadness and despair... I hope to relieve her of such ailments through our new life together. Now that I think of it, though, there are many ways we are similar... Suffering under the cruel punishment of selfish women... Family taken from us by those we trusted... Left alone to endure in silence for years upon years... Oddities that make us hard to fit within modern society... And yet we both must also share that same hope for a better tomorrow. ...Yes, that is what I believe binds us the most. Sure, there are many that think we are an item, but I love her as friend and mentor first and only. Through her I may shed the selfish nature 'Valdrin' has adopted... And through her I hope to learn better how to make others smile." “How do you feel about Takako Taiki?”: “...Must I be asked such a question? Ah... what even is there to say? I feel deeply for what happened to her -- it was an awful, retched curse that that axe put upon her... But even so, was it entirely the axe...? I suppose we might never know. But really, I... I do feel awful for that whole affair. But what was I to do?? It was obvious to me that if she didn’t... you know... that she would come back and try to kill me. There was something awfully wrong and vicious about her. And for all the destruction she caused in such a short time span... Well, I felt as though there was no going back for her. It was either then, or the gallows... And to me, it seemed like a mercy, then... ... I do wonder from time to time though about how else that situation could have resolved... All I can say is that as I knew her - before that incident - she seemed to be a loyal person and a strong fighter... perhaps even a friend. Perhaps. But it’s obvious my feelings are quite mixed on the matter. I should say though that wherever her soul is, I do hope it is resting peacefully. ...For her sake, and for mine, admittedly.”
"How do you feel about Tomas Eldrydyn?”: "Tomas Eldrydyn.... A name only amongst a few others that chills me to the bone. Never had I thought that I would be met with such opposition in my entertainment career. I mean, certainly I have encountered many an irritated audience member -- not to mention those in the Guild who still meet me with apprehensive gazes...  But a thoroughly-trained and well-renowned assassin with nothing less than a deathwish for myself? Even now it is still impossible to fathom. Perhaps only I could garner the attention of such an erratic individual. Regardless of the case, I cannot deny the immense effect the man has had on me. When I... 'dream' at night... When I close my eyes for just a moment too long... When my illusory fingers rest on the delicate strings of my harp just before I begin a performance... the ghostly image of him is there, plaguing me. -- Glaring down upon my lonesome figure from the far back of an enshrouded theatre. Each time is a reminder of that singular moment: the moment that I believe I could have saved him. The moment where I failed him, myself, and Lady Igrene. For - as I can understand it - there was no reason for him to die. -- No reason other than I was simply not good enough to motivate him to continue to live. ...And that, to me, is failing as an entertainer. 
...You know, as strange as it might be to admit, I truly feel as though he was the better one. - The better entertainer, that is. Because as I begged and pleaded with him to reconsider his actions... as his last breaths escaped his dying body... I remembered something - something I'd long forgotten as I began to devote myself more and more to being a performer. For so long did I let myself become wrapped up in the idea of being an entertainer - of being loved and admired and accepted - that I forget what I had originally became one for. Because of Tomas Eldrydyn, I remembered that it wasn't about me. It wasn't about my fame or my recognition. It was always about them... The audience. Other people. And in my own haste to finally feel accepted and loved by others... I forgot what mattered most. To make people smile... even when it’s been a long day at the docks. Even when your lover has decided to leave you. Even when the cost of war rests heavy on your shoulders. To live in that world full of smiles... I wonder how close you were to that goal, Jester Thomas?”
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dumbfrickinlit · 4 years
griffin - diary #8
XX/XX/XXXX, 2:24 pm Oh, Dear Diary, Griffin has another story to tell you again... Grr... How Griffin is so tired of this pesky Violet Flame! It all started the other morning when Myra told Griffin and everyone that rats seemed to be eating all of the food in the hold... 
To get more food, Myra took Griffin and Astraea and Keryth fishing out on the ocean. Astraea and Keryth caught the biggest fish!!! But Griffin only caught a tiny sardine... It was still tasty though, hehe. It’s been a while since Griffin has fished, they supposed... So once everyone caught enough fish, Griffin and everyone returned to the Steed for the day... Well later that night, before Griffin went to sleep, they heard it... the sound of rats in the hold!! Griffin’s had to shoo more than a few rats when they lived in the tower, so Griffin remembers the sound well. So, Griffin went downstairs to the hold and looked for them. And Griffin found them!! Two rats, fighting each-other over scraps of food... It made Griffin sad. Well, Griffin tried to set a trap to trap the rats! Cut a big piece of fish off and set it underneath a crate with some wood and string... But it didn’t work. The rats got the fish and kept fighting! Griffin got frustrated. Scared them off by making a mean giant rat noise with their beak! And Griffin managed to separate them... Played them a little song on their viol. The rats seemed to be calm. So Griffin cut the piece of fish in two and gave them each one, made them a bed, and went back up to their bedroom to sleep... The next morning, Griffin went to tend to Mint Julep’s body first-thing, like they always do. Well, Griffin was mad when they went, because they saw that one of the straps to Mint Julep’s box was gnawed off! Griffin was so mad and worried... Worried that the rats would try to eat her! And just as Griffin made sure Mint Julep was okay, Griffin saw one of the rats sitting on the stairs... watching them. Quiet. Griffin yelled at the rat. Told them that Mint Julep was not food! But the rat kept sitting there... staring. Sitting. Quiet. Well, Griffin snatched up the rat. Went up on deck and cut another big piece of fish for them. Then Griffin and the rat went back down to the hold to find its friend.
But then... Griffin saw it. The other dead rat was dead on the floor... bloody and gross. Griffin was really upset... Thought the other rat had killed its friend! And so Griffin threw the fish to the floor and went to the stairs to leave... And woosh. That’s the noise Griffin heard! Woosh. Rats don’t woosh, Griffin thought. Magic? Magic goes woosh. A magic rat? Griffin was confused... Especially when Griffin turned around and the rat was gone... So Griffin went and looked for the rat. Waited, listened... and found it.  The rat was hiding behind boxes, all the way in the back. And next to it... One of the lizard people. The lizard man that Hexala had killed... Griffin was so confused. The lizard man had died on Mr. Razerback’s ship! He should have been in the water, not here... Before Griffin knew what happened, the rat died too. And then they saw it... that same purple flame. The Violet Flame...!! It flickered, flickered, flickered into the lizard man... and then the lizard man was moving!! Griffin was so scared -- knew the situation was bad. So they ran upstairs to get help! But the lizard man got in front of Griffin at the stairs, tried to block the way... But Griffin is smart! Griffin remembered the scroll of Fog Cloud they had picked up so long ago! And so they used it to sneak past the lizard man and up to the deck of the Steed! There Griffin found Astraea and Captain Isaac, and they helped Griffin to fight the lizard man! Though Keryth and Myra were far away fishing again... they rowed as fast as they could!! Soon enough, Astraea stabbed the lizard man and stopped him! But it only got scarier... the Violet Flame got away... went over to one of the boats nearby, where they had just caught... a giant whale...!!! So the Violet Flame went into the giant whale and made it alive again! It broke free off the boat and swam into the water, back towards the Steed...! It even hit the boat Keryth and Myra were on! Turned the tiny boat into pieces of wood! Well, the whale swam away! Down, down, down into the water... And Astraea dived in!!!! Griffin was so amazed...!! But also so sad because they couldn’t help...!! Well, they helped Keryth to get back on the Steed, but just as that happened... A big, big shadow appeared over Griffin and Keryth... The giant whale...!! It had teleported above the Steed...!!!! Griffin remembers it coming down, and then... Well, Griffin got knocked out again, they think... Remembers hearing a voice. Xerus’, they think. Something about... friend. Well, they woke up later and heard that the giant whale was dead, and that bad Flame had gotten away again! Grrr!! But as long as the Flame doesn’t try to hurt everyone anymore... Now the Steed is all broken... Not sinking, but broken. Need to get to Silver City to get it fixed, Captain Isaac says. And there’s gross whale bits everywhere now... Griffin will be busy helping clean the next two days... Griffin hopes they’ll get to Silver City soon. Save Mint Julep, fix the Steed, and... Oh, yes. Griffin needs to see if they can learn about the Violet Flame too. Astraea’s mark got bigger... Lots bigger. Said that she talked to Mr. Dorian in a dream... Grr... Well, Griffin will do all they can to learn about how to remove that nasty curse! Silver City has a library, Griffin remembers hearing about... Maybe that will have information. Anyways, Griffin really needs to get back to cleaning... Bye for now, Dear Diary. - Griffin
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dumbfrickinlit · 4 years
griffin - diary #7
XX/XX/XXXX, 9:41pm Hello again, Dear Diary. Griffin has kept busy, yes, but Griffin has not forgotten about you! Busy busy is all Griffin is it seems lately, but Griffin will take time to write again! Many things have happened in two days -- starting with an island Griffin and everyone ran into after setting sail from Twilight Atoll! A desert island, filled with traps and dungeons and skeletons and treasure!
Griffin and everyone had noticed as we sailed lots of boats ashore on an island nearby! One of them was even stuck on the sand bar. -- But it wasn’t just any boat! It was Captain Razerback’s! Captain Isaac didn’t want to go, but Griffin and everyone knew they were probably in trouble, so right away everyone set course for the island! Once there, Griffin and everyone found Captain Razerback. Said Derrick and Derm had gone off to find food! But they’d been gone for a while... So Griffin and Astraea and Keryth went to go find them. Griffin and everyone snuck around the big sandy hills of the desert island... and found Derreck! But before everyone could meet, everyone was attacked by giant rolling skeleton balls...!! Griffin had never seen anything like it! After defeating them, Griffin and everyone had no choice but to flee into a nearby ruin... And there Griffin and Astraea and Keryth found even more friends. A bunch of lizard people, and a cleric named Ozmandias (but Griffin and everyone calls him Mandy, hehe)! But they were fighting... The cleric said the lizard people were pirates who had killed his friends... his other clerics of the Raven Queen (a god of death... scary, Griffin thinks....) ... So they didn’t get along. Well, after they were done fighting, Mandy told Griffin and everyone that Mr. Dorian (grr! Griffin hates that guy!) had came and turned his cleric leader friend into an undead, and that he was responsible for all of the monsters on the island...!!! And so to fix everything and make it safe to leave, Griffin and Astraea and Keryth and Mandy teamed up so that we could stop him! So then Griffin and everyone traveled further down into the old ruins on that island... there were lots of old dusty rooms (yuck, Griffin would never let a room get so dirty) and some treasure... Griffin wonders how long it’s been abandoned. But anyways, Griffin and everyone made it down, past some monsters and traps and underwater paths and finally found Mandy’s friend... The cleric man was undead, yes, but possessed by the Violet Flame, definitely... The cleric man tried to convince Astraea to join him, but Astraea is good and so so strong -- she’d never lose to Mr. Dorian’s stupid Flame! And so Griffin and everyone fought him... even as the room began to flood with water! Soon the water got too high, though, and Griffin and everyone had to escape before destroying the Flame inside him... back through the well and up the stairs and out of the ruins... Griffin tripped and a monster almost got them, but somehow Griffin managed to get out...! Thanks to Keryth, Griffin thinks. (Keryth is such a nice friend to Griffin!) Eventually Griffin and everyone met up with Captain Razerback and Derrick and Derm and escaped onto their boat! Everyone had gotten a little ways back out to sea when... she arrived. Admiral Hexala, the Pirate Queen, and one of the people who tried to kill Queen Emma...!!! Grr, Griffin’s feathers ruffle just thinking about her! “Queen”... Huff! Hexala is no Queen! -- No Queen like Emma, that’s for sure! But anyways... Hexala climbed up on our boat and asked where Emma was. Well, Griffin wouldn’t have it, so they attacked her! But then Hexala cast a spell on Griffin - made them slowly freeze into ice... Griffin thinks they almost completely turned until Griffin remembers being flung across the deck and opening their eyes to see... Emma there. Griffin was really scared to think what Hexala would do to Emma. -- Kill her, Griffin thought... So Griffin fought Hexala, and everyone joined! But... Hexala was too strong... And Griffin and Astraea and Keryth were still tired... and so Griffin and everyone lost. So then Hexala made her demands: Griffin and everyone go to Silver City and kill Ingo the Deserter. Do it, or Hexala would take Emma away, back to the Southern Empire where there was a bounty on her... Griffin and everyone didn’t want to agree, but they had no choice. Griffin and everyone agreed to go to Silver City and kill Ingo... but we didn’t mean it. No, Griffin and Astraea and Keryth just wanted Hexala to go away (and finally she did, which made Griffin happy). Griffin and everyone will try to find some way out of it... Griffin hopes. Even Captain Isaac said Ingo was a bad man... Griffin wonders how true that is. Griffin wants to see for themselves first. And so Griffin and Astraea and Keryth and everyone else all travel to Silver City now... to save Mint Julep and to kill Ingo the Deserter. Griffin is a little nervous... but they will find a way... Maybe. But all is not bad for Griffin! No, Griffin has a new friend now! A friend named Xerus. -- An eye of a golden dragon! In a jar too. Convenient for carrying on Griffin’s belt, hehe. Xerus is really, really smart! Smart like Master! Maybe Xerus has read lots of books too? But Xerus knows a lot... And will help Griffin as much as they need! -- Just as long as Griffin brings Xerus’ eye back to him. Of course Griffin will! But until then, Griffin will be happy having a new friend to talk to! Nice to meet you, Xerus! Let’s be friends...!!! For now, Griffin sleeps. Griffin is really tired... Until next time... Goodnight, Dear Diary!
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
griffin - diary #6
XX/XX/XXXX, 9:07am
Wow, wow, Dear Diary. It’s been so long, Griffin almost forgot about you! So much happened since Griffin last wrote. But Griffin supposes that’s as usual, yes?
Today Griffin sails on the Steed again towards Silver City on a new mission. But why, Dear Diary asks? Well, it has to do with Griffin and everyone’s trip to Twilight Atoll...
... Pretty city! Up to the north and east.  A long ways from Bronze Bay... From Chimera Pass and the Surian Empire...
Griffin and everyone was rich after visiting Stone Star Island, so everyone decided we would go next to Twilight Atoll to see the pretty casino and play games! (Griffin found out games are really expensive, though...)
When Griffin and everyone got there, we visited the pretty tea shop! The tea masters couldn’t cure Astraea... but Griffin supposes it would be hard to do. 
At the tea shop Griffin met Mint Julep. Mint Julep is a scholar. From the Emerald Tower! Griffin hasn’t visited there in a long time... Remembers times when Griffin would go to borrow a tome or two for Master...
Mint Julep told Griffin that she traveled to Twilight Atoll to find a special ring made of silver and ivory. Said one of the casino “bosses” had it. Well, eventually Griffin and Mint found it...
But before then, when Griffin and everyone was walking around the Strip in Twilight Atoll, Griffin caught something! Caught the drowned lady from before - from the lighthouse - trying to spy on Griffin and Astraea and Keryth! Well, the lady didn’t know, Griffin could spy on her! They used their Clairvoyance to watch her as she watched up! Even saw her float through a wall... It was kind of scary, Griffin thinks. A ghost! Eek!
Well, the ghost lady followed Griffin and everyone for a while, maybe. Griffin doesn’t know. Everyone went to the casino next and played games. It was fun! Griffin likes the pretty spinny things. “Slot machines”, Griffin thinks they were called? And the horse races! Griffin had a lot of fun. But Griffin lost 200 gold... oops, ehehe.
There at the casino Griffin and everyone met Oceanis! Oceanis is a sea elf. Works at Starlight! Gets to play the game “blackjack” all day. Wow! Griffin is really jealous...
So, Griffin and everyone was having fun playing games at the casino... until Skaggs, one of the casino “bosses” came. It was too fast for Griffin to see, but Keryth saw that the big chandelier was going to fall... and Keryth tried to save Skaggs... but couldn't. Mr. Skaggs got crushed by the chandelier. Griffin thought it was really awful...
And Mr. Skaggs wasn’t the first casino boss to die lately. Griffin and everyone heard from others that another boss, Mr. Larry Loomis, had died earlier - was found with black fog pouring from his mouth - before Griffin and everyone had arrived...
So Griffin thought to investigate what was happening in Twilight Atoll. Maybe Griffin could help the people there, they thought! And so Griffin and everyone looked around at the scene, but could only find the chandelier’s rusty chain. Rusty chain? Normal, Griffin thinks. But not the way the chandelier’s chain was rusted. No -- the chain was pretty gold and sparkling everywhere else. -- Only one tiny section of rust...
So Griffin and everyone decided to go to Mr. Larry Loomis’ house, where he died. Maybe Griffin and everyone could learn more about these mysterious deaths, they thought. So Griffin and Astraea told a little fib to get inside... That Griffin and everyone was with the “Silver Armada” (hehe). It actually worked! Everyone got inside the house. And in there we found... not much. Except Astraea found more rust! In Mr. Loomis’ window! Very peculiar, Griffin thought. definitely not a coincidence. Maybe not accidents, but murder.
Well, some time passed, and everyone heard an announcement that there would be a meeting at the casino. The meeting was for anyone to come and protect the last two bosses: Mr. Silverscale and Violo. So Griffin and everyone went - to protect them, and maybe to learn more about what was happening...
When Griffin and everyone reached the top floor of the casino, there were so many people! Lots of guards, but lots of different people too. There was Mr. Y, Mr. Nikita, Mint Julep... Detective (an actual detective! With the Silver Armada!) Crimson too. Even Mr. Bean (who Griffin and everyone met earlier when Mr. Skaggs died), the chief of security, and the Hammer was there! Not to mention Mr. Silverscale and Violo.
After Griffin and everyone there settled in, everyone split up... Mr. Nikita and Mr. Y wandered off, and Mint Julep... went down to the vault with Violo. Because Mint Julep saw that Violo wore the special ring she was looking for...
(Griffin wonders if only they would have stopped her then.)
So Griffin and everyone looked around, trying to find clues. And Griffin did find something: a bunch of pages on a desk in the penthouse. But Silverscale caught Griffin looking... But again, Griffin was smarter! Griffin used Clairvoyance again to look -- saw the accounting sheets and how the bosses had been making shady tradings...
But Griffin thought it was nothing. Maybe the bosses just did bad things sometimes when no one’s looking. Griffin thinks most bosses do. So Griffin and Astraea and Keryth looked around the hotel until everyone got to the vault...
And found Mint Julep dead. With Violo gone. Killed by “dancing shadows” who had run away -- gone upwards.
Well, Griffin and everyone raced back upstairs to Mr. Silverscale to see if he was okay. Took the elevator up... but then it stopped. Opened up, and Griffin and everyone saw something scary: shadows, standing over dead guards... and then the shadows turned into Griffin and Astraea and Keryth! And Mr. Y, Mr. Bean, and the Hammer saw...!
The elevator closed, but as it was going up, weird ooze came inside through the vent...! It was Mr. Y! And he attacked Griffin and everyone!
Astraea defeated Mr. Y, but Griffin made sure Mr. Y didn’t die. And then, the elevator opened again, and the Hammer was there.
Griffin convinced the Hammer that Griffin and everyone didn’t kill the guards. And so the Hammer and Mr. Y (Griffin healed him, they think) defended Griffin and Keryth and Astraea from Mr. Bean as everyone ran upstairs.
Well, everyone finally got to the top, and Mr. Silverscale was really badly hurt... and Detective Crimson was just standing over him. Really weird, Griffin thought...
Detective Crimson talked a little, Griffin thinks, but then soon Mr. Bean was back! But he was really hurt... collapsed on the floor. Griffin healed him, but Mr. Bean still thought Griffin and everyone was responsible...
Violo even came back! Popped into existence on the couch. Said Griffin and Astraea and Keryth were the bad guys!! There was no way it was really Violo, Griffin thought! It had to be another shadow playing tricks!
So Griffin tried their best to convince Mr. Bean that Griffin and Astraea and Keryth weren’t bad... and he still didn’t listen. Griffin told Mr. Bean to look hard at his boss Violo for proof that Griffin was telling the truth! And so Mr. Bean did...
And it really was Violo.
Then Griffin realized Violo wasn’t a dead good guy.
Griffin realized Violo was an alive bad guy.
Everyone fought then. Even the ghost lady who had been following Griffin and everyone. What happened, well... Griffin doesn't remember much. Griffin got touched by one of Violo’s scary shadows. Felt really, really tired. Then Griffin got hit -- knocked out. When Griffin woke up, Violo was tied up, Detective Crimson was dead, and Mr. Bean was recovering.
And so then with Violo tied up Griffin asked him why he did it -- why he killed the other casino bosses and Mint Julep. And Violo said it was because it was about Twilight Atoll. How it’s a place for other people to go. People like Mr. Y, an assassin, or the Hammer. A place for people to start over -- get a second chance.
Well, Violo was mad that the other bosses weren’t starting over. -- The casino bosses were still being bad people, making shady deals, doing shady things. Violo realized they didn’t change at all. So Violo killed them. To send a message to people who came to Twilight Atoll and were still bad.
... Griffin doesn't quite understand it. Well, Griffin does, but they don’t. Starting over is good. Being good is good. But killing people is bad. Doesn’t that mean Violo didn’t start over either? Hmm. Griffin thinks it's stupid. Griffin thinks Violo is stupid. Stupid and bad.
So that was what happened in Twilight Atoll. The next day, Griffin and everyone got our reward for protecting Mr. Silverscale. Got to say goodbye to the Hammer and Mr. Nikita and Mr. Y.
Griffin misses them. Mr. Y and Mr. Nikita were so funny. Maybe someday Mr. Nikita will smash and bash with Griffin again. And maybe Mr. Y can... be Mr. Y with Griffin again. The Hammer.... well, Griffin hopes the Hammer can find his “second chance.” As for Violo... To be honest, Griffin couldn’t care less. Violo doesn’t deserve a second chance. And Griffin hopes he hates it in jail. It’s what Violo deserves, anyway, for killing Mr. Skaggs and Mr. Loomis. For killing Mint Julep.
And so after talking to Violo and the Hammer and Mr. Bean and Mr. Nikita and Mr. Y, Griffin and everyone were going to leave. Griffin had gotten Mint Julep’s belongings and was going to deliver them to Emerald Tower. It was all that could be done. But then...
But then Griffin heard something amazing! No, impossible! At the tea garden! The tea masters said that there were special clerics in Silver City who can resurrect people!
... But it had to be within ten days!
So Griffin and everyone rushed to the morgue, was able to convince Oceanus (oh, Griffin forgot to mention - Oceanus was actually a secret detective of the Bronze Armada! Wow!) to give Griffin Mint Julep’s body. 
...So that’s everything until now, Dear Diary! Griffin and everyone are sailing towards Silver City. Griffin was worried that the Steed could make it within ten days, but Griffin was very, very lucky! Found a special spell in Mint Julep’s spellbook! “Gentle Repose”! Stops bodies from decomposing! Really lucky, right? Griffin is so thankful! Now Griffin should be able to get Mint Julep’s body to Silver City safely!
... But Griffin has to wonder. If only Griffin had found Master... maybe they could have taken him to Silver City too... Griffin wonders where he is right now. Watching over Griffin, they hope. Maybe that’s why Griffin has been so lucky lately.
Well, Dear Diary, Griffin is going to do their best to get Mint Julep to Silver City, no matter what it takes! Griffin will undo that nasty Violo’s wrongdoings! They’re sure they will! Griffin will save Mint Julep! Just you wait and see! - Griffin
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
last day
The rising sun breaks between the curtains that drape the stone tower’s iron arch window, and by habit the crumpled mess of feathers atop the opposite bed spurs to life. The figure tosses and turns and eventually manages to dismount the bed - although a bit awkwardly due to their short height. On the cold wood floor now stands a pair of sleek bird feet.
Sparing no time, the figure pitter-patters downstairs and makes it way to the kitchen. They swipe up some ingredients from the nearby cupboards and set them down on the dining table before kindling a fire in the small wood stove. As the flame grows brighter and the pops and crackles of the tinder increase slowly in frequency, the little attendant gets to chopping their colorful vegetables into small, bite-sized pieces. A cauldron is set on the stovetop, and when its water begins to boil the feathery figure pours their prepared vegetables into the steaming pot.
Time seems to pass slowly - too slowly - like this, the figure thinks, and more often than they’d like they find themself staring down at the reflection in the kettle’s water.
It’s been maybe four days, they think. Four days? No, that didn’t sound right. Maybe it had been 3, but then again they’d come back from Bronze Bay this past Tyrday and --
A sharp sizzle of water hitting the stove jolts the bird from its train if thought.
“Griffin needs to pay attention,” the feathered figure mumbles to themself.
The rest of the meal is prepared without interruption. For all of their hard work, Griffin is rewarded with a roasting pot of stew — and they are rather pleased by the quality of it.
They ladle the stew and toast some slices of bread, setting the table for a nice morning breakfast. But then Griffin stops, and they stare down at the spread they’d thoughtlessly laid out.
Two bowls. Two plates of toast. Two glasses of water.
Griffin suddenly feels like collapsing to the floor, or perhaps evaporating into thin air. Preferably both, if it were possible. But instead, they only stand there.
“Griffin, I’ll take breakfast in my study,” a ragged, deep voice calls out. The words alone seem like a suggestion, but the tone of the voice makes it sound more like a demand.
“Yes, Master!” Griffin responds with enthusiasm. They find a nearby tray and pile it with the still-hot food and scramble up the winding staircase to the third floor.
The bird opens the oak door with a creak and behind it lies the more-than-familiar room filled with books, scrolls, and stuffed notebooks amongst other things. Same as it ever was.
Griffin strolls over to the messy desk on the other side of the room. They shift some papers out of the way until they can see a fair amount of actual desk space before setting the breakfast tray down upon it.
“Thank you, Griffin,” the deep voice says tepidly.
The bird smiles, humming happily to themself. Hopefully Master was pleased with how breakfast tasted. Griffin knew it was his favorite.
“Griffin wonders if they go to New Laveau still?” the kenku asks, curious. “Master needs more notes on alchemy, yes?”
“You’ll stay home today, Griffin,” Master replies firmly. “You’ve still got plenty of work to do here.”
Griffin shrinks at their master’s tone. Have they been slacking? Perhaps the kenku hasn’t been giving it their best...
The bird looks down shamefully at the floor. “Griffin apologizes if Master isn’t happy. Griffin will clean the tower spotless by sundown,” the servant pleads.
“I wasn’t implying that I was unhappy, Griffin. However, cleaning the tower would do us some good. Get on it then, will you?” the dark voice asks again, its words tumbling effortlessly out from Griffin’s beak.
Griffin stares at the empty chair in front of them for a long time.
“Why...?” the kenku’s voice cracks. “Why did Master Saronin have to die...?” 
A mournful silence fills the hopeless, empty room and everything seems to gradually slip away as time becomes so impossibly still...
“Griffin, just what are you doing?”
The words resonate from someplace, somewhere... from someone. Not Griffin. And the bird’s blood runs cold as their eyes dart hurriedly around the room.
Nothing. Nothing but the overflowing books and strewn-about scrolls and stuffed notebooks and the empty chair.
No one. Not at the desk, not at the bookshelves, not in the doorway...
Nobody. Just Griffin.
Those words never left the passerine’s beak.
Or did they...?
The kenku stumbles backward on shaky legs - and before they realize it, they’re sprinting.
Far away from the tower, never to return.
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
griffin - diary #5
XX/XX/XXXX, 11:54pm Adventure seems to follow Griffin and everyone everywhere, Dear Diary. Even on the stormy seas! Can Dear Diary believe it?
Griffin and everyone were sailing away towards Twilight Atoll (a pretty island where people go to gamble) when a storm hit! Black and dark like midnight, and wavy waves that shook the Steed around lots... (Scared Griffin... Griffin isn’t used to being shaken around...)
So Griffin and Keryth and Astraea who had been in the lower deck of the Steed raced to the top to help Captain Isaac and Emma with the boat!
But then... Griffin and everyone saw a big bright light.
...Griffin can’t remember much after that. Griffin only remembers the big bright light. Wanting to get close to it...
But then Griffin woke up. Griffin was really confused. Lots of sailors in the water, swimming towards the big bright light. And Keryth too! Swimming faster than anyone! Griffin didn’t know that Keryth could swim that fast. And in the middle of a storm... Keryth is really amazing.
But everyone was swimming away... At least everyone but Griffin and Astraea and Captain Isaac and Emma... Captain Isaac was worried, Emma too. Everyone was worried about the others leaving, so Griffin and Astraea got into a boat - a small one - and paddled towards the big bright light while Captain Isaac and Emma stayed behind.
Griffin and Astraea paddled and paddled after the others... and it turns out the big bright light was a lighthouse! On an island! (Is that normal?) And so Griffin and Astraea went inside the lighthouse to find the others.
Inside it was dark and scary and cold... No one had used the lighthouse in a long, long time, Griffin thought. And Griffin wasn’t sure where everyone went, but Griffin’s keen hearing heard footsteps going up the stairs to the top of the lighthouse. So Griffin and Astraea followed them...
At the top of the lighthouse it wasn’t one big spinny light spinning around, shining its big bright light on Griffin and everyone... It was 5 tiny spinny lights, like orbs. But not magic, maybe? Griffin can’t remember.
Griffin hit the glass the spinny lights were in with their staff and the spinny lights flew away. Went... somewhere. Then Keryth and the sailors woke up, which made Griffin really happy! So then Griffin and the others decided to look around the rest of the lighthouse. Maybe see where the spinny lights went...
Eventually Griffin and Keryth and Astraea went down a hatch. Icky and dark, filled with water up to Griffin’s chest... But there was another light down there. Not spinny or white like the others. Bigger and purple, and like a beam... Griffin doesn’t know anything about it. It was really pretty though, Griffin thinks. Would Master have thought it was pretty too? Maybe Master would have wanted to study it...
But in front of the big pretty purple beam was a lady - another fish-person, like at Bronze Bay! But she wasn’t friendly either... Saw Griffin and everyone and got up, talked in a scary language even Griffin doesn’t know... Then attacked everyone!
And there was a drowned lady too, from before... Griffin remembers seeing them earlier in the lighthouse. She came back to hurt everyone too. So Griffin and everyone fought the fish-lady and the drowned lady.
Griffin and everyone eventually won, but Keryth got hurt a lot that fight... Worried Griffin, but Keryth was ok, so Griffin is happy.
The purple light went away after that. And after Griffin and everyone left the lighthouse and returned back to the Steed, a new person was there.
Griffin... Griffin really hates that person.
Tall. REALLY tall. Slimy. Scary. Not undead. Not human, too, but kind of looks like one. Some kind of sea aberration...
A giant man named Mr. Dorian.
Griffin hates Mr. Dorian.
Mr. Dorian was standing on the Steed with the spinny lights and the pretty purple beam in a tiny lantern... Griffin didn’t understand any of it. But then Mr. Dorian flew up in the air and called more fish-people to attack Griffin and everyone... Even made a big hole in the Steed with a Fireball!! Ugh...
Griffin and Astraea and Keryth had to rush down to fight the fish-people and fix the hole then. But there weren’t fish-people when Griffin and everyone got down there. Even worse... A giant frog monster that ate the fish-people and then tried to eat us...! But Griffin and everyone were stronger! And so Griffin and everyone beat the giant frog and went back upstairs to make sure Captain Isaac and Emma were okay.
But Mr. Dorian was still there... Griffin tried to hurt him, get him to come down, but they couldn’t... And then Mr. Dorian... Mr. Dorian put some curse on Astraea. Gave her a purple mark on her neck. Purple, just like the beam... Said Astraea was the “keeper” now... But Astraea didn’t want to be the keeper! But he made her, and then flew away to Crimson Tides... 
Griffin’s so upset... Griffin tried to stop Mr. Dorian. But Griffin can barely do anything... Griffin had to just let Mr. Dorian fly away. Even Captain Isaac and Keryth said Griffin and everyone weren’t strong enough to fight Mr. Dorian... But Griffin doesn’t care. Griffin wants to protect Astraea and Keryth. Griffin doesn’t want anything bad to happen to them...
So Griffin has a new purpose, they think... Griffin will still help people, yes, but Griffin will also become smarter and stronger, to beat Mr. Dorian and save Astraea. Maybe not as strong and as smart as Master, and maybe not with Master’s magic... but Griffin will do it. 
Griffin will get stronger, find Mr. Dorian, and beat him no matter what!! That’s what Griffin has to do!
- Griffin
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
babbydunjun chapter 1 summary
Foreword: This is an exceptionally cut-and-dry summary, as any of my future summaries will also be. I have, as a courtesy, added bits of seemingly inconsequential information here and there to help provide context and narrative weight, but I should make it clear that the true purpose of this summary is to act as an ultimate archive of events. -- That is why there are blunt, humdrum descriptions such as the names of spells used, items picked up, and so on. Dialogue is left out entirely unless I deemed it necessary or appropriate to add in.
I apologize if this makes for a flavorless retelling of this campaign’s chapter, but I wrote this with the intention of being able to look back and quickly reference the order in which events unfolded, minor details, etc. This is very much written for myself and my group more than anyone else. That being said, the summary is also composed straightforwardly enough that anyone who has an interest in understanding the happenings of BabbyDunjun Chapter 1 will be able to do so.
That being said, let us begin.
Our story begins with the meeting of four intrepid adventurers at the Adventurer’s Guild in the city of Laus, in the country of Orllewin. There had been numerous fliers scattered around nearby cities advertising the local ruin, Gedrith Hold, had recently been opened, and likely contained copious amounts of treasure. This call brings forth Valdrin Calmyrak, a drow entertainer of debatable renown, Eurwen Honeyscroll, a half-elven wandering thief, Lucius Cameron, one of Laus’ own grizzled city guardsmen, and Takako Taiki, a half-oni with an aptitude for combat.
After forming their collective Eurwen, Cameron, and Takako depart for the Bacchant Bastard, one of Laus’ few inns, where they spend the evening socializing. Coincidentally, Valdrin was also to be found at the tavern, and he makes a rather lackluster performance on his trusty harp. After finishing, the drow is given a tip by a rather vacuous but friendly harpy by the name of Hiori. The tip itself is a platinum piece - a considerable amount - with which seems to aggravate the previous performer: a jester by the name of Tomas. As Valdrin rejoins the group and the night progresses, the jester disappears, and eventually the team all settle into their respective inn rooms for the night.
The next morning the group awake uneventfully, spare for the note scribbled “HACK” that Valdrin finds daggered to his door. The drow puts it in his pocket and rejoins the group, where-then they travel to Gedrith Hold.
The Hold itself is a sprawling maze strewn with corpses of previous adventurers who had attempted to plunder its depths. Takako, Cameron, Eurwen, and Valdrin all make their way into the Hold’s sparring room which sits at the very front of the ruins’ long opening hallway. There, they find a shield that can be turned to raise a narrow wall and reveal a locked wooden door, which is promptly broken open by the half-oni.
Beyond the door is the dungeons of Gedrith Hold, and the group is immediately met with the fearsome sight of a giant, undead gaoler. With little help from Valdrin, the adventurers manage to fell the beast in satisfactory time. After a short investigation of the prison, the wanderers find a blind woman who quickly reveals herself to be the lady of the hold.
The woman, Lady Igrene Gedrith, discusses a short few things with the group. She discloses that she had in-fact locked herself within the prison and that her husband was suffering an “illness” with which she hoped the adventurers (or others who entered the Hold) may alleviate. In addition to this, she offers her healing magic for if the group should later come into dire straights. After this discussion and some bonding between the borderline flirtatious (much to Eurwen and Cameron’s exasperation) Valdrin and the peculiar Lady Igrene, the group departs from the prison to explore the rest of the Hold.
From there they move to investigate a pitfall along the main hallway. Takako secures a rope and descends into the shaft with the rest quickly following behind. In the midst of the impenetrable darkness, Cameron is attacked. After a brief scuffle, lights are made to reveal two identical Camerons. The group then commences a comically-cliched interrogation of the clones in order to determine which is the real one. After one of the knights fails to recall the tip that Valdrin was given by Hiori, the group singles out the doppelgänger and defeats him, although this leaves Valdrin and Cameron gravely wounded. With a quick trip back to Lady Igrene the party is healed completely, and they continue on their expedition.
The adventurers travel along a path that leads them to a blood-stained door. With a swift use of Mage Hand, the door’s guillotine trap is activated without causing any harm. Thereafter, the group hears the faint whispers of a disappointed woman.
Beyond the guillotine door is a large storage room, already pillaged save for three chests that sit against its far wall. In them, the group finds a set of jester’s clothes, a bloodied katana hidden beneath a pile of severed heads, and an ivory plaque engraved with a sword-and-aquila emblem that rests upon a pillow. The group collects everything and makes its way to a large gallery.
Within the gallery are numerous, beautifully aged paintings of various people, including which is Lady Igrene. With little else to discover, the group breaks down yet another door and finds themselves in the Hold’s shrine room.
As the adventurers take in the sights and smells of the lavish shrine, they notice a small book sitting near the altar. Nosy, Valdrin retrieves it. As he begins to leaf through its pages a key falls out from between them, which the drow secures in his pocket.
Valdrin returns to reading the book, only to discover it is a diary written by who appears to be Lady Igrene. The diary details the growing relationship between its owner and Dulam Gedrith, the Lord of the Hold. More grimly does it also detail the owner’s gratification in carrying out the prison’s executions. On the very last of the pages is the entry “It looks like I won’t be needing this anymore,” with the outline of the dark onyx key that fell from the journal's pages. Valdrin shares all of this information with the rest of the group, much to everyone’s dismay. They decide to carry on exploring the rest of the ruins before returning to Igrene to confront her.
Traveling down yet another hall, a body of a mauled woman rests not far from a scavenger who lays dying. He warns the group of a gathering of undead in the room at the other end of the hall. Aware that the man will die without further aid, the group carries him reluctantly back to Lady Igrene, who heals him. The man thanks the adventurers before heading out of the Hold.
Just as the wanderers are about to leave Lady Igrene once again, Valdrin notices an abnormality: as he bows his head silently to her, the blind woman in return bows back. The drow begins to dismiss this when the Lady asks for the key to the prison - something she absolutely should not know that he possesses. Immensely suspicious, Valdrin lies to her, claiming he has no idea what she is talking about. The woman does not prod any further and the group leaves the prison once again, troubled by this odd series of events.
The adventurers return to the hallway where they discovered the battered scavenger. Continuing further down, they once again hear the echoes of a woman - this time laughing - as they approach the door at the end of the hall. Behind the door, the group is greeted by a large band of undead skeletons.
After a long and arduous battle, the adventurers come out victorious. What remains afterward is one skeleton, Clab, who was charmed by Valdrin during the middle of the fight. The drow determined that the skeleton is sentient in some capacity and proceeds to drill him with questions using telepathy. From this he is able to reveal a few things: 1) Clab had also previously seen a jester within the Hold, carrying something rather large, 2) there was a betrayal of some sort involving Lady Igrene and the Hold, and 3) Clab and his fallen comrades are being held by a curse put on by “the Lady of the Hold.” Following this discussion, Clab leaves to join Lady Igrene, telling Valdrin that she may be able to help.
The group, wounded by the fight, settles down to rest, and Valdrin explains everything for the others. Going back to the diary, the drow further discovers that its owner managed to charm Dulam away from his lover at the time. The group at this point determines that Lady Igrene is absolutely not to be trusted. After a short discussion on the jester’s possible presence, the adventurers get ready to carry on with their journey.
A large banquet hall is where the group next finds themselves wandering into. There they find the company of Sir Maxime, a butler, who is also able to corroborate that a jester has indeed been slipping around the Hold. From there he points the group in two directions: the throne room to the north and the ballroom to the south. Just before the team heads in any particular direction, Sir Maxime discloses that the Lady of the Hold is also in the throne room, along with Dulam. Worried, Valdrin then asks how long ago Lady Igrene went to join him; to which Sir Maxime gives a confused non-answer before dissipating. This causes a realization to strike Valdrin: Lady Igrene may no longer actually be the recognized Lady of Gredrith Hold, and instead may have had her throne usurped or taken by an imposter. After discussing this with the others, however, the drow realizes that there is still a possibility of Lady Igrene being the owner of the diary. Addled and anxious, the adventurers give in to Valdrin’s requests to return to the prison once again in the hopes of confronting Lady Igrene… Should she still be there.
And indeed, the woman still is. Valdrin shows her the diary, to which Lady Igrene reacts with latent despondency. After an emotional conversation, the drow finally gives the dungeon key to Lady Igrene, believing that he can trust her - and that she is, in fact, the victim in all of this. The woman responds gives her heartfelt gratitude, giving the drow a blessing and shedding a few stray tears. Valdrin offers for her to join them on their journey to the throne room, but learns she is tethered to the confines of the dungeons until her husband is freed. With everything settled, the group leaves once more, the drow promising Lady Igrene he will meet her again.
Deciding to save the throne room for last, the adventurers make their way to the ballroom. Upon opening the doors, they find the room to be pitch black. — That is, until the room illuminates itself to reveal a giant beholder staring them down. Valdrin can do little more than wet himself before the monster fires a death ray into his chest.
Before the drow can be vaporized into oblivion however, the beholder disappears, proving to be a mere illusion. The adventurers hear echoes of the seemingly omnipresent woman again - cackling this time.
The moment passes and the group continues onwards into the barracks of Gedrith Hold. There they find three men who immediately appear defensive. Tensions rise as Takako intimidates the group and Valdrin takes it upon himself to try and charm the group in an attempt to de-escalate the situation. The drow manages to charm two of the men, Raleigh and Murdock, which alarms their commander, Roartz. As Roartz begins to become hostile, Valdrin makes the split-second decision to attempt to charm Roartz once again, which aggravates him further. He shoots Valdrin in the chest with a firearm, causing Takako and Eurwen to retaliate. Far from a fair match, Roartz is killed almost instantly. Immediately following this, Valdrin is overwhelmed by a vision of dark eyes piercing into his mind, and a feeling of immense disappointment - Lady Igrene’s disappointment, he realizes - washes over him. Distressed and listless, Valdrin orders the still-charmed Raleigh and Murdock to leave the Hold, not wishing for them to be present when the spell wears off.
The group spends the night within the barracks. When Valdrin awakes from a restless trance, he finds he still cannot shake his despondency. Forced to carry on, the adventurers travel through the ruins’ supply room.
In the supply room is a large amount of barrels filled with alcohol - one of them labeled with the sign “Has a bit of a kick.” Feeling adventurous, the team’s alcoholic, Eurwen, goes to fill her flask with the drink. Upon flipping the nozzle, the barrel immediately explodes on her and Takako. Both gravely wounded but still alive, the two manage to be revived by Valdrin and Cameron. After some groaning and complaining on the half-elf’s end, they pick themselves up and continue their ransacking. One item that Valdrin discovers is a translucent jade bottle labeled “Poison.” The rest of the group pockets their own found items and with the supply room spent, they move to the next area.
Upon opening the large, wooden double-doors, the adventurers are met with a spacious library, filled to the brim with various tomes. Any promise of a peaceful moment is dashed by the dark figure that stands atop a statue at the center of the room.
The figure quickly reveals himself to be Jester Tomas, the very same performer from the Bacchant Bastard only a couple nights before. He indeed carries a large something - a sack almost as large as his body - as the others had foretold. Straight to the point, Jester Tomas gives an extensive and maniacal monologue explaining his historied distaste for Valdrin and his infuriation at the substantial and undeserved tip he received from Hiori. Jester Tomas then reveals a massive lance, and an intense battle begins.
Vowing to redeem himself in Lady Igrene’s eyes for the tragedy in the barracks, Valdrin makes several attempts to persuade Jester Tomas to end the fight - all of which fail. After a near-fatal blow to the drow’s chest, he realizes that the man cannot be persuaded, and Valdrin joins his friends in an attempt to render the jester unconscious. As the tides of battle begin to turn in the enemy’s favor, an enigmatic woman joins the fight, helping the adventurers to defeat Jester Tomas who falls incapacitated, but alive.
Valdrin, still determined to end the battle without any casualties, restrains Jester Tomas until he is certain that the man will cause no further harm to himself or others. As soon as the drow releases him however, Jester Tomas pulls a knife on himself, threatening to end his life if Valdrin doesn’t play a song that “drives him to tears.” Having no other choice, Valdrin takes out his harp and gives the best performance his nerves can muster. Upon completion, Jester Tomas mutters, “Beautiful. Absolutely,” and falls back, collapsing onto the floor with a beaming yet tearful smile on his face. Valdrin scrambles to him and discovers a small, incision on his wrist where toxin has been self-inflicted. Unable to reverse the damage, Valdrin can only watch as Jester Tomas’ breathing slows until it eventually stops. Completely devastated, the drow can only manage to sob for several minutes afterward.
As the dust begins to finally settle, the mysterious woman who had intervened mid-fight steps back in to clear the air. She explains that the jester, Tomas Eldrydyn, had lived a double-life as a prolific killer within the Orllewin Assassin’s Conclave, but had disappeared from the role a number of months ago - the reason for which was rumored to be a mental breakdown. Beyond that, however, the woman offers little more explanation.
Valdrin, realizing that there is nothing more that can be done, picks himself and rejoins his comrades in exploring the library. There they find a collection of interesting books and rare items. Minor shenanigans ensue, most notably including when Valdrin, attempting to make an emotional rebound, makes a disastrous and rather embarrassing effort at wooing Cameron. Needless to say it spectacularly backfires, and the group returns to its investigation of the library. Eurwen discovers a number of knowledgable tomes, including a demon bestiary with a page curiously ripped out. Valdrin coincidentally finds a note that reveals his bottle of “poison” to be a temporary invulnerability potion.
Meanwhile the unknown woman, after performing her own comb-over of the area, is about to leave when she mentions the book she’s taking is of the Gedrith family history. Valdrin stops her and begs to see it, to which she reluctantly obliges. From the tome, the group learns that Lady Igrene was indeed replaced by another woman - though by who is indiscernible. Valdrin returns the book to the woman, who then parts ways with the group - but not before revealing her surname: Damlas. With that, she then disappears into the depths of Gedrith Hold.
Deciding it’s time to move on, the group makes way for the far side of the library where a locked door is found. Eurwen opens it without a hint of trouble and parts the large doors to reveal a vast treasure room. Here, they find a spread of valuables including a beautiful saber, a gruesome greataxe, a pike with a forked tip, and a majestic greatsword with a snaking blade. In the corner they find a large sack overflowing with coin and precious jewelry. As Eurwen opens one of the large chests however, it reveals itself to be a mimic and attacks her. A fight breaks out and the monster is quickly defeated. Upon opening the remaining chests, Eurwen discovers an onyx plaque, similar to the ivory one she found earlier in the storage room. Takako, entranced by the unique appearance of the greataxe, claims it for her own.
With the treasure room exhausted, the adventurers make their way back to the banquet hall, where Sir Maxime is once again present. He informs the group that Lady Igrene is in the audience hall just ahead. Not sparing any time, Valdrin dashes forward, the rest of the group rushing behind after him.
Passing quickly through a command room, the drow and company reaches the audience hall, where Lady Igrene can be seen amidst a pile of bodies, her robes stained with blood. Bewildered and overwrought, Valdrin unsheathes his rapier and demands that she show him the item he “gave her earlier” to prove her identity. Lady Igrene pulls out the very same key Valdrin gave her, which only causes further confusion. The Lady then explains that the bodies are a result of both failed attempts to gain entry into the throne room and from acts of “dissent.” She points the group to the other end of the hall where a set of doors lie - one obsidian, the other alabaster white. Finally making the connection, Eurwen realizes that the plaques are the keys to the final area. She sets them inside the recesses of the doors and its mechanism unlocks. Knowing what will come, Lady Igrene casts yet another healing wave over the group and sits down to rest. With a final plea, she begs the group to free Dulam once and for all.
Resolute, the adventurers open the doors to the Hold’s final area.
On the far side of the throne room is a small mob of undead soldiers, two more fearsome guards, a shambling knight, and a woman who sits on the throne beside him, impeccably beautiful but unbecomingly dressed. She cackles with derision as she taunts the group. When the adventurer’s fail to believe the woman’s lies, she resolves to flinging her small army of undead onto them.
Valdrin, bolstered by a fervent wish for justice, fearlessly downs the bottle of “poison” to start off the battle. With his new invulnerability, he makes a beeline for the throne, blasting out various shockwaves along the way. His in the meantime his comrades are forced to tackle the undead mobs head-to-head.
As the drow nearing ever closer to his target, the woman sends forth her guards in defense. Realizing Valdrin is invincible, one of them opts to grapple him, which is successful. With the rest of the party still held up by the horde, Valdrin is helpless as he is dragged forcefully towards the throne. When they reach the steps, however, the drow is able to pull off one final thunderwave which frees him from his restrainer.
In the meantime, the rest of the group manages to slay the undead army. No longer preoccupied, they join Valdrin in his fight against the two elite guards. Unfortunately, just as soon as the drow is freed he is quickly grappled once again. With the help of Eurwen, Valdrin is released for a final time and the two guards are defeated.
With one last body to shield her, the woman, who calls herself Daemevera, sends her last guard forth: Dulam Gedrith, undead. As he steps forward, Daemevera shifts into her true form: a fearsome succubus.
Dulam moves to engage Cameron in a duel as Daemevera ascends. With a wave of her hand she charms the half-oni, Takako. In the midst of swords clashing and arrows flying, a familiar voice calls out.
“DULAM! COME BACK!” Lady Igrene cries from the entrance of the throne room. The succubus, amused by her vain efforts, taunts her before bearing down on her with vicious claws. Lady Igrene, virtually defenseless, falls to the ground, unconscious and bleeding out. Upon seeing this Valdrin panics and howls at Dulam, berating him for his alliance with Daemevera and for his inability to see that Lady Igrene still loves him.
Finally coming to his senses, Dulam charges over and attacks the vile succubus. Following behind him is Valdrin, Cameron, and Eurwen, who manages to blind Takako while she is still charmed. Together, they inflict enough damage to cause Daemevera to retreat back into the air. Trying to regain control of the fight, she releases Takako from her charmed state and forces Dulam to bend to her will instead.
Under the influence of Daemevera, Dulam then strikes down upon Cameron and Eurwen while Valdrin makes his best effort to drag a resuscitated Igrene to safety. With the Lady as safe as she can be, Valdrin rushes back into the fight and manages to pierce the succubus with two thrown silver daggers. With a final shot from Eurwen, Daemevera plummets to the ground.
Alive but only barely, she commands Dulam to kill. Only able to obey, he strikes a furious blow to Cameron who falls unconscious. At the end of her rope, Daemevera makes one desperate, final move.
Rushing in, she grabs Valdrin and forces him in a single, devastating kiss. It drains at his very life force and threatens to take every last ounce of his soul. — But by the grace of some god or another - or just sheer luck or pure willpower - Valdrin Calmyrak survives and delivers the final, killing blow.
Daemevera collapses, and Dulam Gedrith falls to his knees, only managing to hold himself up by his shield.
Lady Igrene crawls to his side and murmurs something to him, and he pulls her into a long embrace. The two sit like that for a very long time.
“I. Am. Sorry.” Dulam manages to force out before he fades away, his body crumbling into dust.
Igrene holds his sword in her lap as Valdrin, fatigued but still standing, sits down next to her and comforts the woman. The deed finally done, Lady Igrene explains that she had kept Daemevera and her husband imprisoned within the throne room for over two millennia. Frustrated by years and years of torture, Lady Igrene treads over to the body of the succubus and proceeds to stab into her corpse again and again, cursing Daemevera’s name as she does. When the woman finally exhausts herself she pierces the demon’s head with the sword and falls to her knees, sobbing. After a long moment passes she manages to stand once again.
Lady Igrene, ready to leave the Hold once and for all, is stopped momentarily by Valdrin, who asks her to accompany them. The Lady accepts and he takes her hand in his as they make their way out of the harrowing ruins.
After the injured Eurwen is both dropped by a well-meaning Cameron and thrown into the ceiling by an overcompensating Takako, the group finally reaches the entrance of Gedrith Hold. The group basks in the morning sunlight for a brief period before gearing up and heading back to Laus.
In a day’s time, the adventurers return to Laus and opt to head straight back to the Bacchant Bastard, still plenty worn from their battle with Daemevera. Not daring to push themselves any further, they retire to their inn rooms for a night to recuperate.
The next morning arrives and Cameron, Takeo, and Valdrin regroup in the main hall of the inn. As they reflect on everything that happened, discussion comes up about Takako’s bizarre behavior during the fight with the succubus. Valdrin reminds her of a particular moment where she had hit Cameron - a moment long before she was charmed by Daemevera - but Takako cannot seem to remember doing so. The two men drop the topic when it fails to lead anywhere.
Lady Igrene then joins the rest as they discuss what next to do. The woman offhandedly mentions the sun, which reminds Valdrin to finally ask her if she can actually see, regardless of the fact that her “eyes” are merely empty sockets. Igrene then explains that she has the ability to see all things around her within half of a mile, which resolves many issues the drow was still confused on. Realizing the implications of this fact, however, Valdrin realizes that she witnessed a number of things, including the catastrophe that occurred in the barracks with Raleigh, Murdock, and Roartz. Ashamed, he finally apologizes to her properly for disappointing her. It is then that Igrene points Valdrin to a pair of hooded individuals sat near the entrance of the inn.
Realizing who it is, Valdrin begins to panic. After taking a moment to get some guidance and reassurance from Igrene, he realizes that the best thing he can do is apologize to the two as earnestly as he can. Swallowing hard, the drow gets up and makes his way to the pair’s table.
As Valdrin approaches, one of them kicks his chair out and swipes at the drow with a halberd - stopping only just before hitting his head. It then becomes obvious that it is indeed Raleigh and Murdock as they pull back their hoods. Tensions begin to rise as Takako, eager for a fight, begins to intervene in Valdrin’s attempts to make amends. After a difficult intervention from Cameron, Eurwen, and the inn’s own bouncer, Takako finally steps outside. As Valdrin turns back to face Raleigh and Murdock, Eurwen and Cameron make their way out of the bar to check on the half-oni.
A semblance of peace restored, Valdrin returns back to the matters at hand. He takes off his signet ring - his personal arcane focus - and sets it on the table near him before prostrating himself on the floor. The drow gives the most heartfelt apology that he can, which ultimately seems to satisfy the two men.
Raleigh and Murdock leave the Bacchant Bastard peacefully but only find further trouble outside. Takako, not ready to let insults go unpunished, taunts the two men, insulting their dead companion. Unable to accept this berating, a fight between Raleigh, Murdock, and Takako breaks out.
The oni cleaves into Raleigh with a mighty swing of her greataxe. The voice of a small elven girl seen flittering around the inn a handful of times cries out in alarm, and in the next instant, a black blur dives into the mix, slashing at Takako. As she regains her stance, the rest realize the blur is none other than Damlas, the woman from the library. She gives Takako one last chance to surrender, a chance she does not take.
Valdrin bursts from the inn and, as a last-ditch effort to stop the violence, attempts to charm Takako - an attempt that is successful. Suspecting a curse of some sort at work, Valdrin commands Takako to drop her greataxe, which she does reluctantly.
Guards arrive at the scene and get to work shackling Takako. A cleric and more guards arrive in order to deal with the assumedly-cursed axe, though they are not able to purify it then and there. As the restrained oni is being led off, she exits the axe’s field of influence, which causes her to go into a blind rage, breaking Valdrin’s charm. In a frenzy Takako tears herself from her shackles and vows revenge on the drow she now vehemently despises for his cowardliness.
Valdrin tries to put as much distance between the oni and himself as she comes barreling towards him, killing both the cleric and Raleigh in her wake. As a number of guards deal blow after blow to the Takako she staggers, finding Eurwen between herself and her target. Eurwen, not willing to let her reign of cruelty continue, strikes the final blow that renders Takako incapacitated. As the oni lays unconscious and bleeding the adventurers gather around her, wary of what to do next. When Murdock refuses to kill her, Valdrin is left unwilling to stand around idly as she lays dying and in a moment of mercy, or perhaps reserved anger, makes a decision. He unsheathes one of his daggers and slits Takako’s throat, ensuring her death.
Following the untimely passing of the oni, Valdrin and Eurwen see to it personally that the cursed greataxe is destroyed. Exercising every caution so that such a disaster will not happen again, they take the greataxe safely to Laus’ cathedral where it is purified, and then the local blacksmith where it is melted down beyond recognition. As the sun begins to set in Laus, the two return to the Bacchant Bastard to check on Lady Igrene and Cameron.
As they arrive they find Cameron finishing a round of questioning with another local guard who leaves, satisfied. They enter the Bacchant Bastard, opting to start a night of well-needed drinking, only to find Igrene missing. Valdrin panics, but Cameron convinces the drow to let him search for the Lady on his own while he and Eurwen relax.
The two discuss things over drinks, heavily at first but then lighter as the alcohol starts to set in. Soon enough Cameron returns, though Lady Igrene is not with him. He informs the two that he couldn’t find the woman, but had run into someone who had: Hiori. The harpy settles at the group’s table, much to the dismay of everyone. The bird girl recites a message from Lady Igrene, saying that she will be back tomorrow morning. Satisfied, the group decides to let Igrene be as she digests things on her own.
Not willing to let the night fade away, the group gets back to their drinking, though not before Hiori requests Valdrin to play his harp for the inn once again. Still traumatized from his encounter with Jester Tomas, the drow is reluctant to do so. With a bit of reassurance from his new friends, however, Valdrin is able to muster the courage to take up the stage again. What follows is a masterful performance which spurs tears in the eyes of some, and joy in others. As Valdrin finishes, the inn, which has now filled with even more people than when he started, erupts in applause.
The group converses late into the night and eventually turn in for bed.
The morning comes and the group finds Igrene, safe and sound in her inn bedroom. As Valdrin, Eurwen, and Igrene discuss things idly, Cameron heads to the Adventurer’s Guild on his own to warn other adventurers. A while later the three head there themselves in order to meet up with the knight one final time.
The four (and Hiori, who idly stood by) discuss their plans as it becomes time to part ways. Eurwen shrugs, having no real plan, and Cameron is not much different besides making sure his brother doesn’t “drink himself to death.” Valdrin explains that he’ll be traveling back to Cressela, his hometown not far from Laus. Upon mentioning it, the drow gets the idea to offer Lady Igrene to accompany him and settle there, to which she surprisingly agrees. With loose ends finally tied, the three adventurers part ways, vowing to visit each other in the future - and their journey, for now, comes to a close.
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
#griffin - #seven isles character
In the northern mountains of the Surian Empire dense rainfall cascades through a thick canopy of leaves sewn together by thick, towering oaks. One by one, little droplets manage to find their way between the gaps in the foliage and onto the curled form resting on the forest floor.  An observer would naturally think it is an instinctual recoiling from the cold drizzle that the tiny feathered body twitches with a recurring frequency, however the frantic, growing murmurs that escape the raven’s beak would hint towards something different altogether. “Master,” the passerine cracks, voice puny and desperate, the cry quickly lost in the downpour happening around them. Warmth. A comfy bed. A crackling fireplace. Worn carpets and strewn about books. A descending, circular staircase and walls lined with stone. The enticing aroma of the day’s first freshly-cooked meal. Approaching footsteps. Contentedness, quickly encroached upon by a building sense of unease. A towering, yet petite frame. Long, pointed ears and flowing cerulean hair. An austere expression punctuated by folded hands.  A familiar face which feels so painfully foreign now. The closing of a door. Anxiety of a troublesome promise. Scurrying of feet. A fumbling of a doorknob.
Desperation. Hope. Despair. And then, nothingness. Still, nothingness. Forever. ... ... ... “Griffin.” The unmistakable realness of the haunting voice rouses the raven from their sleep with a violent jolt. And quickly alight with bursting expectation, the bird’s eyes sweep between the nearby trees feverishly looking for that one, singular person. No one. Still Griffin, and Griffin alone. The beating heart within the kenku grows undeniably heavy once more, and a sudden, terrifying realization chills Griffin to the bone more than the rain ever did. Stumbling to their feet, the exhausted crow brings a clawed hand to its mouth and begins dragging themself, eyes sunken and damp, further north. Further away from that place they can no longer consider home.
Griffin. Agender. 12 years old. College of Lore Bard. Cloistered Scholar background. Kenku. Neutral-Good alignment. Character strengths: friendly, eager to please, happy to help others, knowledgable. Character flaws: anxious, sometimes awkward, clingy, and they seek validation from others.
Griffin and my experience playing them.
Griffin is my latest character and who I play in the #Seven Isles campaign run outside of my usual group. And discarding the fact that I don’t consider this character’s dilemma to be especially creative or new, Griffin has a lot of characteristics and circumstances that separate them from my previous experiences playing other characters.
First off, Griffin is an agender/genderless character who is referred to using they/them pronouns. This is very new for me, as previous characters I’ve made have always existed within the gender binary. I’ve had an interest in creating transgender characters in the past, but my concerns with portrayal and lack of personal experience have kept me from doing so. Griffin is the exception however, because I myself can relate in part to the agender definition. As a result, Griffin has become an opportunity of sorts to explore this side of myself.
Secondly, Griffin is a kenku, which breaks my long-running streak of characters who have been exclusively human or humanoid. Playing a kenku is not exactly a game-changer. Most of the actual gameplay doesn’t change at all -- it’s almost entirely flavor. But it’s a different experience! And I enjoy the idea of Griffin expressing themself with birdlike mannerisms.
And thirdly - and most importantly - Griffin is my first character played live! 
Yes, instead of being able to hide behind a keyboard and edit my dialogue and performance at will, I instead roleplay live over a voice call! ...How anxiety-inducing!
Ok, all joking aside, it’s not that terrible. Sort of.
I’m not exactly used to this sort of thing. I acutely remember stumbling through my one and only audition for Drama Club in high school. And no, I wasn’t cast in anything. (It’s probably for the best, to be honest.)
But it’s been a long time since then and I’m not nearly as terrible as I used to be. I understand the concept of “getting into character” now. It’s become less of an “oh no this is embarrassing” or “what if I’m bad” endless train of thought and instead comes much more naturally now.
That is, in front of a keyboard.
I struggle quite a bit with doing live, voiced roleplay, if I’m honest. Stage fright and a very active hatred of your own voice doesn’t couple well. I’m also very inexperienced in the art of voice acting, creating character voices, etc. and while I don’t feel like doing these things are NECESSARY, I do believe that they add a lot to the overall experience. 
So when I fail to perform to the level I want and expect of myself, I flounder a bit. Then it makes the uphill climb of getting better even worse, considering acting is something that requires confidence first and foremost, in my opinion.
It’s been bumpy. At the time of writing we’ve had had several sessions of play, and I regret to say that it’s still incredibly hard for me to get “into it.” It’s just not quite comfortable for me. My confidence is lacking. And perhaps what I fail to admit is that the tone of the campaign is much more light-hearted than what I’m used to. Which is not a bad thing! It’s an interesting change of pace. I do enjoy a bit of gravity to my campaigns; I like heavy and serious things that can create really intense emotional responses in myself. But this just isn’t where the DM plans to go with things, and I’m totally ok with that. I’ll admit it does get a bit emotionally exhausting when things are too grim... I should be thanking the DM for saving me some added stress, probably, haha. So between my ineptitude for live roleplay and the DM’s own intended direction for the campaign, I’m not sure Griffin will ever see any sort of super-intense character development. Well, I think. You can’t exactly predict a campaign you don’t control.  So who’s to say? But either way, I know it’ll be fine.
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
dusk before dawn - arandel prologue
The setting sun washed over a war-torn field along the western coast of Andor. Two men stand together, surveying the land.
Just a few days prior a fearsome battle against the Orcs had been won, forcing the brutes to retreat momentarily to the north. While the hard-fought victory was sweet to many, the hundreds — no, thousands of bloodstains painting the valley spoke to just how high of a price the victory was. The Andorian army was wearing thin, and the tolls of a lengthy war were finally amassing into a reality that could no longer be ignored. It wouldn’t be long before remaining resources left to Andor’s military ran dry.
Yet still, the older of the two men remained steadfast. Perhaps it was because he himself did not have to witness the brutality of war firsthand. Not a drop of his blood coated the grass outstretched before them, nor was it his companions’ bodies that littered this dale or any other before it.
And in spite of everything, he asked the younger man a question.
“Will you continue to fight for the people of Andor?”
A pause.
“We’ve fought so hard for this — this rich, beautiful land filled with its wonderful people. All I ask is if you will continue to fight for it.”
There’s a prolonged, heavy silence before the younger man ultimately nods his head. “Of course. Until I breathe my last breath.”
From a few steps behind them a small pair of eyes widen slightly.
The older man nods as well with a short, satisfied grunt. “Good. Let’s go, you two.”
A man - now older - sitting pensively at the end of his bed shuts the ragged pages of an old journal. Maybe it was time to go back to that place.
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
griffin - diary #4
XX/XX/XXXX  1:44 pm Dear Diary, Griffin finally gets to writing in you again! It’s been so so long, and yet it hasn’t? Not even one day, but so much has happened...
Griffin didn’t get to finish yesterday’s writing. Too busy. Too tired! Keryth eventually came back and Griffin and everyone had to rush back to the saloon to meet with Mr. Floyd. But Mr. Floyd was gone! Actually, Griffin still doesn’t know where Floyd is... Uh... But when Griffin and everyone went to knock on Floyd’s door, no answer! The door was locked. And Griffin isn’t very good at lockpicking... But Griffin was smart! Got our rooms right next to Floyd’s! So Griffin and their friends climbed out our window and into Floyd’s! But Floyd was gone... Attacked. And everyone still needs to find him... Griffin will have to bother the Astraea and Keryth about it after writing this. Keryth found a paper, Griffin thinks. Something about Floyd’s sister, Francine. With the Bronze Armada? Something like that... Francine. Ah! Everyone hasn’t found Francine either! Maybe at the manor... Please, please, at the manor... Griffin hopes they aren’t hurt. Anyways... Floyd was gone. Everyone was very tired. Stopped to finally rest for the night. Griffin was half-asleep already, admittedly. Griffin and everyone considered going to the saloon to try and break out Mr. Westward. But everyone didn’t. Too tired. Too risky. The next morning Griffin and the others traveled to the manor to meet with Mayor Hardin. Get Griffin and everyone’s job. Also not seem suspicious... Mayor Hardin asked Griffin and everyone to go in the mines and find out what was causing tremors on Stone Star Island... And take care of it. So Griffin and the others did. Weird metal ball thing. Earth elemental, Griffin thinks. Almost killed Griffin! Ugh. And there was still a tunnel that Griffin and everyone left alone... Griffin wonders what’s down there still... But after defeating the big metal rock ball the tremors stopped. So the job was done, yes? So Griffin and everyone returned to the manor and told Mayor Hardin. Mayor Hardin was... disappointed? It was strange then, yes, but makes sense now. Griffin thinks the Mayor must have wanted Griffin and the others to die in the mines... How cruel. Well the mayor isn’t much problem anymore... Ah, but Griffin is getting ahead of themself. Griffin and everyone got their reward for the job. Lots of gold. But Griffin wasn’t satisfied. Too fishy, Griffin thought. So Griffin lied a little (sorry, Master) and went off to the bathroom. Disguised as the Mayor’s pretty bodyguard lady, Ma-Rose. Griffin started peaking around different rooms... Found the Hammer’s. The Hammer had notes on how to control elementals using a fancy bracer... Griffin might have borrowed those... But then Griffin tried opening another door. Lockpicking. Broke the lockpick! Well, Griffin said they weren’t good at lockpicking... And then someone inside heard. Ma-Rose! And started walking towards the door... Griffin got scared and ran back to the bathroom. Jammed their stupid claw in the door! (It still hurts...) And then Ma-Rose saw Ma-Rose -- Griffin, as Ma-Rose... Very awkward. Very scary. Griffin closed the door and hid in the bathroom, but Ma-Rose came after them! Griffin didn’t want to get caught, so they jumped out the window... Barely escaped Ma-Rose. Ah... Griffin thinks how bad that could have been. Then as Griffin was running away, spotted the goblins’ hole into under the manor - to hide the black gunpowder. Griffin got under the manor... and found two goblins. The two goblins that ran away at the tavern! And Griffin was still dressed as Ma-Rose... but then Griffin dropped their disguise. Yelled out “It’s Griffin!” a little too loudly... and the Hammer heard Griffin. Next thing Griffin saw was a huge fist punching through the floor boards... Griffin about fainted. But then Mr. Westward showed up! Mr. Westward tried to blow up the manor (not very considerate as Griffin and everyone was still inside...!!!), said that the gunpowder was beneath the manor... But Mayor Hardin was smarter. Said he moved the gunpowder to the mines, where the other goblins are. Where Dreamcatcher is. Oh... Griffin never said what Dreamcatcher is. A big stone giant? Some kind of deity to the goblins... Griffin doesn’t quite get it. Anyways, Mayor Hardin was going to blow Dreamcatcher up! And the rest of the goblins...! So Mr. Westward and the other two goblins ran off... and Griffin and the others were stuck fighting Ma-Rose and the Hammer... It was a big fight. Griffin really wishes they could have done more, but they’re still too weak... Had to hide. Griffin is really thankful that Keryth and Astraea are so strong... Able to kill Ma-Rose (Griffin feels bad that she died...). But at least Griffin managed to knock the Hammer out. Griffin never thinks killing is necessary. Well, most of the time... So then Griffin and everyone rushed to the mines after they took care of Mayor Hardin’s guards. Oh, and there were some other guards that showed up. Myra  blew them up. Saved Griffin and everyone a lot of trouble. And Griffin was so impressed!  Keryth led Griffin and Astraea to the mines. Found Dreamcatcher. Also found Mr. Westward... held hostage by the machine man, Kidd! Astraea and Keryth tried to reason with the machine man... but nothing. Griffin got frustrated - got an idea. Griffin threw their dagger at the machine man, trying to jam its clockwork. And it worked! Mr. Westward was able to take advantage and escape! But everyone was still in trouble... Kidd could still set off the gunpowder. Blow up the mines. Blow up everyone. But Griffin is good with words, sometimes. Good today, at least. Managed to convince the machine man not to do it. Kidd listened. Griffin and everyone were very relieved. Tied Kidd up and began going back to the manor to take care of the Mayor... Enough was enough! But the Mayor was already there... waiting for everyone. With the fancy bracer Griffin had read about. And so the Mayor brought a big, big thing. Like a humongous pile of ooze, but fire. Very scary, and very dangerous. Fire elemental... The fight was tough. Tough. Griffin was scared if everyone would make it. But eventually, Keryth got the best of the Mayor. Killed him. And the big fire elemental stopped moving. It was finally over. Griffin’s troubled, but relieved. Mayor Hardin and everyone... they were a band of thieves, everyone found out. It’s not so bad that thieves died. Still... part of Griffin wonders if it was right. Is Griffin being too soft, Master? Anyways...  Mayor Hardin is gone. The goblins are free now. Many people in town are already going to boats. Leaving. Griffin is a little happy that Mr. Westward and his family won’t be bothered anymore, Griffin admits. Maybe they can be happy now. Stop causing so much trouble.
And Griffin and the others have a manor now? The Mayor’s manor. Kind of strange. But nice. Home, maybe? But not now... Griffin and the others have the Steed. Captain Isaac. Emma. More jobs. More helping people, maybe. Griffin liked helping people. Maybe that is Griffin’s new purpose...? Hmm. Griffin will have to think on this. Until next time, Dear Diary. Griffin will make sure to tell you where Griffin heads next. - Griffin
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
griffin - diary #3
XX/XX/XXXX, 10:27pm
Griffin greets Dear Diary again! Hello, hello. It already feels so long since Griffin has wrote in you. It’s been a really long day -- and not even over yet.
Stone Star Island! Griffin is on Stone Star Island. With everyone else! Except for Captain Isaac and Emma. They are still on the Steed.
Griffin and everyone arrived at Stone Star Island today and lots and lots of things have happened, so much so that Griffin isn’t sure they’ll remember them all. But they’ll try.
What did everyone do when we first got here? Yes, that’s right - we went to the “saloon.” Griffin had never been to a saloon before. Very big. Like normal taverns but with swingy doors.
But there was a fight at the saloon! And Griffin supposes they started it... but did they? Mr. Westward certainly ruined Griffin’s book... No matter. Griffin is getting ahead of themselves.
Griffin and everyone entered the saloon and talked a little bit to the mayor - Mayor Hardin - when many goblin people arrived. They wanted to kill Mayor Hardin, and their leader was another goblin. Mr. Flint Westward.
If Griffin has to admit it... they weren’t sure what to do then. They weren’t sure if they should join or not.
But then Mr. Westward shot Griffin’s book.
“Never disrespect a book,” Master always said...
... Not to mention Griffin was renting this book. (Hmph. Does Mr. Westward even know how costly library fines are?)
And so Griffin and Keryth and Astraea helped the Mayor beat the goblins. Bam! Griffin put some of them to sleep. Some of them even ran away! But the goblins were defeated, and the Sheriff came and arrested Mr. Westward.
After that, Griffin and everyone went and looked around town. We went inside Reginald’s Curio Shop (there’s another one here?) and fought another goblin - although this one was possessed. By some rod, Griffin understands? Made the goblin say “nilbog” a lot. Griffin doesn’t understand. Goblin speak? Maybe Griffin will borrow a Goblin dictionary next time they find a library.
When the nilbog goblin woke up, he said he lost his memories. Goblin remembered his name at least: Nert. Griffin thought maybe Nert is one of Mr. Westward’s allies. Griffin invited Nert goblin to follow us to the jail to see Mr. Westward (Griffin needs repayment for the book Mr. Westward damaged).
Everyone went to the jail then, and we found Mr. Westward locked in a jail cell, trying to get out. Griffin tried talking to Mr. Westward to get their reparations back, but Mr. Westward didn’t want to listen. Got mad at us for working with Mayor Hardin. Told us that Mayor Hardin was killing goblins. Then the Sheriff showed up, Nert ran away, and without thinking Griffin tried to put the Sheriff to sleep... It didn’t work. Griffin got scared and left, and so did everyone else.
After all of that, Nert was gone, and Astraea took everyone to the weapon shop. There we saw a funny machine man and Myra. Another man too, Floyd, who was looking for his sister. Machine man said that he didn’t know where she was. Floyd left.
While Griffin and everyone were there, we heard from the machine man that the goblins had stolen lots of gunpowder. Griffin is smart, sometimes. Griffin knows that gunpowder makes big explosions. Griffin is worried what goblins plan to do with so much gunpowder.
Griffin asked Myra if she can sniff out the gunpowder to find where it went. Myra said yes and led everyone to the north of Stone Star Island. But then Myra couldn’t smell it anymore. Griffin thinks it can only be one of two places: the “Foundry” or Mayor Hardin’s house. So everyone decided to go to the Foundry while Myra went back to the Steed to talk to Captain Isaac and Emma.
When everybody got to the Foundry, Mayor Hardin was there. Ma-Rose too. (What a strange name.) Talked to Griffin about not trying to put the Sheriff asleep. Griffin was scared, but at least they didn’t get in trouble.
After a while, Mayor Hardin and Ma-Rose left, but two guards still kept the Foundry shut.
Now, Griffin doesn’t try to trick people, but if they have to, then they can - and will. And Griffin thinks today they had to. 
Griffin used magic to make themselves look just like Mayor Hardin, and Griffin couldn’t believe how well it worked. Griffin supposes that their talent for mimicry helped too.
Griffin led the guards inside to help find a “cigar box” (a lie) that “Mayor Hardin” had left there. While Griffin and the guards looked, Keryth snuck inside too. Sneaky Keryth! When the guards looked away, Keryth was able to go into a door that Griffin wasn’t able to go through (the guards were acting weird about “Mayor Hardin” going through there...).
Instead, Griffin looked in Mayor Hardin’s office. Griffin couldn’t find anything, unfortunately. Tried to unlock a drawer in the Mayor’s desk but couldn’t. Griffin was never that good at those sort of things. Much easier to use disguises or crawl through holes and such. Griffin could have broken the lock but Griffin isn’t very strong and Griffin worried that the guards would hear. Mayor Hardin might also be suspicious if he found a broken lock... So Griffin had to give up.
Griffin left the Foundry (Keryth is still inside which worries them) and is now waiting outside with Astraea. Griffin wonders what was behind that secret door... “Them,” the guards had said. “I don’t think you’ve visited them today.” Goblins?
Griffin hopes Keryth comes back safe. It’s been so long now. Everyone will have to meet with Floyd at the saloon, soon.
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
a discussion over dinner
A silver fork is rested gently on the fabric of a finely woven place-mat. It’s dinnertime for the Gallens -- a common, late-night affair between the two. Between the chaotic bustle of running and maintaining the Lefevre household day-in and day-out, this daily tradition served as their escape, and their time to reconnect after a long day of work.
Barnaby politely wipes away the drippings of their meal - a bloodied rare steak - before replying.
“Yes, Mother.”
There’s a twinkle in her eye - has been all night - as if she’s been waiting to tell him something. The steward has a sneaking suspicion as to what that may be - but he quickly dismisses the thought, not wishing such a thing to be the case. No, perhaps this is just another silly story of hers from her younger days with the Madame. It always perplexed Barnaby to hear about the trouble she would drag his mother into (unknowingly, of course). But alas, as soon as his mother speaks his hopes of hearing another bygone tale are dashed.
“I received a letter from your father today,” Mariette reveals. The smile on her face is joyed - and markedly so by his mother’s standards. It’s obvious to Barnaby that she expects him to mirror her same level of excitement at the news. He does not, however. “Ah,” the steward replies nonchalantly as he returns to his steak.
There’s barely a pause before his mother replies. “Well…?” she asks, her wide grin beginning to fade.
Barnaby swallows a bite. “What does that matter?” he asks, matter-of-factly. He rests his hands against the table as he looks her in the eye, face serious.
Mariette blinks - doesn’t know how to process her son’s lack of enthusiasm. As his words set in she scoffs, shaking her head with an unbelieving smile. “Does your father’s well-being mean nothing to you?”
The steward takes no time in responding. “Yes. We’ve discussed this.” Barnaby looks away dismissively as he takes a small sip of wine.
His mother’s brows begin to furrow now, her upset becoming very apparent on her face. “No,” Mariette corrects, “We haven’t. You pouting with nary a word scarcely qualifies as a discussion.” Frustration growing, her hands begin to ball into light fists in her lap.
“I have little to say,” Barnaby replies flatly.
“That’s not true,” Mariette snaps. “Every instance I bring your father up you look as though on the verge of saying something. Why don’t you just say it -- whatever it is?” Her meal goes altogether cold as she waits intently for her son to respond.
Barnaby closes his eyes. He ought to let it go and leave it be like he always did, he thinks. What good would it do to say how he truly felt? It would only upset his mother; something which he was not keen on doing. And yet he was so frustrated - driven to wit’s end at her constant prattling - that he felt that if he finally spoke his mind, it would put an end to the madness - her madness - once and for all.
The words begin tumbling out of his mouth before he can even realize it.
“Say what, Mother?” he asks. “That he’s a filthy, good-for-nothing adulterer with whom I owe nothing to for my upbringing? That he is a loveless scoundrel with no amount of concern for you - the woman he “loved” - nor I, the child he so carelessly brought into the world?” Barnaby’s stares coldly, directly into Mariette’s eyes as he continues. “Or perhaps you elude to my shock and displeasure that he has yet to give up the ghost and finally relieve us all of his worthless existence?” “Must I reiterate?” Barnaby asks, his eyes narrowing and his hands folding delicately in his lap. “Yes. My father’s life means nothing to me. It never has, and it never will. And I am loathe to hear any future dialogue on the matter.”
Mariette sits back in her chair, eyes wide in silence. She can hardly believe her ears - can hardly begin to process her own son’s scathing remarks about the man she loved, and still loves. — The man he ought to adore and respect too, she thought.
Words fail her. The few she can manage are an incredulous, breathless exclamation: “B-….Barnaby Oscar Gallens…!”
The steward stands from his seat, finding no more interest in finishing his meal, nor the conversation. “Let him go, Mother,” he says plainly as he pushes in his chair before making his way to the exit. “He is valueless codger but a mere few months from his deathbed.” He reaches the door, placing a hand on it before pausing.
“Speaking of which,” Barnaby adds, his body turned away from her. “I’m certain you’ve offered the nightstalker’s gift to him once more. -- He declined again, didn’t he? Rejected an eternity to be spent with you, in your interminable reverence?”
There is only answer he receives is silence. And though his mother will never see it, the look on her son’s face darkens.
“… I thought so,” Barnaby replies, frigid, before shutting the door behind him.
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
griffin - diary #2
XX/XX/XXXX, 9:42pm
Hello, Dear Diary. Griffin writes in you again. It’s been two very long days -- very exciting, too busy for writing. Griffin gets time to write in you now. Where does Griffin begin with what’s happened?
Dear Diary last says that Griffin and the others went to talk to people, get information. Griffin and their friends found Private Garett and talked to him about the ghost ship, and about the Goose -- the broken ship. Then Griffin and everyone went to the Goose and looked around. It was really strange. Really.
The crashed ship had all sorts of slashes and stab marks, and even some shark teeth marks, Griffin realized. The Goose was moving general things, lots of things, but Private Garett said that that stuff wasn’t taken. But normal things were? Chairs and tables and things of the like. Why take normal things, Griffin wonders? When Griffin has - had - to steal, Griffin is always taking special things. Magic books, scrolls... those stuff. Doesn’t make any sense. And then Private Garett said that no people or bodies were left from the ghost ship. Maybe the people were really ghosts, Griffin had thought. But they weren’t, everyone found out.
Private Garett talked about a lady, Admiral Hexala, “The Pirate Queen.” She was on her ship a while ago when she was attacked by fish people. The Private says that Admiral Hexala also fought all of them by herself. How strong, yes? When Griffin heard this, Griffin asked where Admiral Hexala was, but Private Garett said she was away, outside of Bronze Bay. Queen Emma and Captain Isaac also seemed weird too when we talked about her. Then Captain Isaac told Griffin and the others that Admiral Hexala was one of the people sent to kill Emma. Captain Isaac, the Admiral (who is also a Triton - a land-sea person - apparently), and Argor, a minotaur. A strange team, to be sure. Captain Isaac said that they were all pirates in the Bronze Bay Armada before then. Then they went to kill Qu Emma, Griffin supposes. And Captain Isaac was the only one who didn’t want to kill her. Maybe that makes Captain Isaac the only good one? Hmm.
Anyways, Griffin and Astraea and Keryth and Captain Isaac and Emma and Captain Razerback and everyone else waited and got ready for the ghost ship to arrive. Eventually it came, and Captain Razerback drove his boat next to it so Griffin and everyone could get on.
After that, everything happens so fast. Griffin finds it hard to remember. There was fog -- really dense, almost impossible to look through -- and then... fish-people. A handful of them. And they attacked Griffin and the others. Astraea and Keryth and Captain Isaac were really strong, but Griffin...? Griffin wasn’t really strong at all. At some point Griffin remembers running into the fog because Griffin was frustrated and couldn’t do anything else -- wanted to help save everyone. But then Griffin got knocked down... once, twice maybe, they think. 
Griffin remembers feeling close to Master. As if a few steps more and Griffin would see him again.
So near.
But then Captain Isaac woke Griffin up. And eventually everyone beat the fish-people. And Captain Isaac’s ship was safe.
Griffin’s memories are a little mixed up after that. Griffin thinks that after the fight, everyone returned to Bronze Bay. Griffin and the others stayed at an inn, and we all took a bath to wash off the gross fish-people goop. Keryth and Captain Isaac drank a lot -- wagered money on it. Wagered for what, Griffin wonders? Because Keryth got sick, then lost his 25 gold. Not a good deal for Keryth, Griffin thinks.
Eventually Griffin and the others slept and the next morning Griffin and everyone returned to Captain Isaac’s boat, the Steed. The Captain’s ship was still gross with goop, so Griffin volunteered to help clean, and then everyone did, so Griffin and the others all helped to clean it up, even Qu (Griffin really must remember to stop calling her “Queen”) Emma.
Emma helped clean up the boat with magic - even with one of those invisible servants Master has told Griffin about before. Griffin was amazed. Emma is so powerful, just like Master. And Griffin told Emma that -- a little too late, Griffin realized when they said it. And then Emma asked who Griffin’s master was... 
And Griffin told her... but... Griffin didn’t say... 
They lied. 
They lied, yes? To withhold the truth is to lie? 
Ugh. Griffin doesn’t know. Griffin didn’t mean to lie -- didn’t mean to not tell the truth. To not tell Queen Emma that Master Saronin is --
...Griffin is sorry, Queen Emma -- sorry that Queen Emma will never get to see Master Saronin or learn from him. Griffin is sorry. And Griffin apologizes for lying. When Griffin and Emma talk again, Griffin will try to tell the truth. Griffin promises.
But anyways... after everyone cleaned the ship, Emma showed everyone her pretty star map, and Myra gave Emma her strange bump-map. Brayel, Griffin thinks they called it? It has bumps so that Emma can read it -- Emma can read bumps, Griffin supposes. Not anything Griffin has ever learned about, but Griffin finds it interesting.
Everyone talked for a long time and eventually Griffin and everyone decided that we would sail towards Stone Star Island -- a land filled by “territorial” goblins. But there was something about a merchant who has traveled there and domesticated the goblins? Strange. Griffin supposes they will see when they get there.
Griffin is getting tired. Maybe it’s time they settled down for bed. Griffin will write again later when they can.
For now, goodnight, Dear Diary.
- Griffin
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
griffin - diary #1
XX/XX/XXXX, 12:37pm
Griffin says hello! This diary is Griffin's now. It's very nice. 5 gold. And it came with this pretty black ink too! And a sparkly gold one. Griffin loves this journal a lot.  Griffin thinks they'll use it now to write about their adventures. Weird. Griffin... is an adventurer now? They guess? It's very peculiar. But Griffin is doing something.
Griffin travels with Keryth and Astraea and Captain Isaac and Queen Emma now. It's lovely and... strange? Company. Griffin finds it kind of nice. Griffin's never had friends. Well... besides Master. Maybe Griffin can be friends with everyone?
Griffin and the others have finally gotten through the gate at Chimera Pass and have made it to Bronze Bay. Bronze bay is very lovely -- very pretty. Griffin always liked visiting here, though they never stayed long... Hmm. Maybe Griffin will stay longer someday.
For now, Captain Isaac checks on his boat -- the Steed? It's good that the Steed wasn't the crashed ship on the coast. But the Steed is a... ghost ship? And the ghost ship made the crashed ship on the coast? Even stranger. 
What would Master think of a ghost ship? Griffin wonders if Master would have known what to do...
Griffin is getting sad again. But Griffin can't think about being sad now. Griffin wants to help Captain Isaac and Queen Emma.
Captain Isaac has gotten the help of a... friend? Captain Razerback, Griffin thinks. Captain Razerback and his nephews, who are curiously enough the two hunters that Griffin and the others have fought with before. Derreck and Derm? Griffin thinks that's their names. It's kind of weird. Oh, and there's Myra. Myra Rot...fuse? Myra looks very cool. Like a hyena-person.
Griffin and the others are going to talk to some people to get information about the ghost ship. Then Griffin and everyone can help Captain Isaac. After Captain Isaac gets his ship back maybe Griffin and the others will... go sailing? But to where? Griffin doesn't know yet. Maybe it doesn't matter. As long as Griffin goes somewhere. Does something.
- Griffin
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
#sircius - #mainquest character
The sun has long since set when the frail figure hunched over the cluttered desk finishes paging through his 9th book for the evening. It’s another tome on rare herbal medicines, and it was no more helpful than the last one he’d barreled through roughly 30 minutes ago. 
The elderly man - a tiefling named Sircius - fidgets in his chair and moves to seize the next book atop the tall stack sat on the floor next to him: an encyclopedia on rare and extraordinary curses. He spares no time as his hands move quick to peel open the pages and his eyes begin to fly across the text, intently observant of every key word or phrase which may be of interest to him. 
While his eyes scrutinize the book’s contents, his concentration wanders elsewhere; and as if to punctuate the thought at the forefront of his mind, a ragged breath cuts the potent silence, and Sircius instantly turns his head to look at the younger man laying on the bed just a few feet from him. 
His son’s face, as dormant as ever, greets him in return. And although his son, Malerus’ stirring has changed his appearance none, Sircius cannot help but worry if the brief disturbance - uncommon for his son -  is a sign of something worse.  
Something, he's beginning to worry, he may not be able to stop. 
Sircius Emberos. Male. 69 years old. School of Divination Wizard. Sage background. Tiefling. True-Neutral alignment. Character strengths: incredibly loyal and protective of those he truly cares about, lets knowledge and reason dictate his actions, cautious, intelligent. Character flaws: cold, distant, stubborn, holds a general disdain for those less intelligent than him, holds no regard for laws or morality when it comes to his interests and the safety of his loved ones.
Sircius Ebmeros and my experience playing him.
There’s perhaps more to Sircius Ebmeros and what he means to me than what lies on the surface.
He was my first-ever character - both for D&D and as a genuine “OC” for me to put actual time and effort into - and with him I really wanted to break the mold, as I knew he would make the first impression for what I could do as both a character conceptualizer and a roleplayer.
My honest perception is that most people gravitate towards starting with and/or playing characters who are very close to themselves in their own personality (which is not a bad thing at all; it offers a transition into roleplaying for those uninitiated to it, and for those with no priority or interest in roleplaying, it’s simply more fun for them); this is very much something I did not want to do. So instead of making my first character an unexciting, passive, amicable, and all-around-cooperative young human female - a definite and obvious reflection of myself - I decided to make Sircius: a temperamental, demanding, isolate, unsociable old tiefling -- who, on the upside, is incredibly smart and cares deeply about family. I decided when making him (and as I do for all characters I create) that every character has a problem, and Sircius’ would be his incredibly ill son. And as the campaign was already lacking a genuine problem to unite our characters, this gave our first chapter a goal: to find Sircius’ son Malerus a cure to his inscrutable disease. Along the way, Sircius Fireball’d a fellow party member, was shot in the kneecap by another, and was threatened more times that I can count about how he needed to behave and play nice with everyone else. So it probably goes without saying that playing Sircius can be exhausting. I constantly have to shut everyone out, turn away help, and pretend to be fine on my own when as a player and a character I know very well that I’m not. It’s difficult sometimes to remain true to Sircius’ character and instigate disagreements within the party, but I have always tried to do so with taste, and never so frequently as to call into question Sircius’ place in the group. Sometimes this means on the rare occasion sacrificing the integrity of the character (i.e. making a call that I’m not wholly convinced Sircius would do), but I find it absolutely necessarily for the continuation of the story. At the end of the day we are all here to play and adventure with each-other, and I would much rather try to reason Sircius into doing something he wouldn’t normally do than leave the party fractured or disbanded because I wanted to stay ~true to the character~. I mean, what kind of story would that be? Not a good one.
So I’m left playing a totally hard-headed, widowed husband, whose only family remaining is his deathly-ill son and a grandson hundreds of miles away from him. And as ridiculously painful as that might sound to play... I actually enjoy it. -- Most of the time, I really do. Some of my most cherished memories I have of D&D are the few deep conversations I’ve had as him with other characters. When someone has finally managed to crack Sircius’ shell it’s incredibly cathartic to let his more compassionate, vulnerable side show. And I’m immensely thankful for those moments because they make him feel like a genuinely likable character despite his obvious flaws - and not just some anal-retentive asshole that everyone has to put up with. Over time, Sircius became more and more palatable as a character as the events of the story unfolded. Eventually Sircius and the party obtained the “miracle cure” that they had sought out. They then returned to the tiefling’s home to revive the ill Malerus. Things did not work out as planned, however, as although the cure resuscitated his son, it also left him both in an essentially vegetative state and made him completely unreceptive to magic, basically making his new condition unquestionably and emphatically incurable.
Now, let me clear up before continuing any further that the result of the miracle cure was never intended by any of us or the DM to be what it was. The cure was always meant to succeed, but as a bit of fun on the DM’s part (I believe), two side-effects were added via rolling on Orrex’s Net Libram of Random Magical Effects. What was rolled was possibly the most depressing and horrifying result I can think of. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t cry when this all happened. Quickly realizing how grim of an outcome this was, the DM set to rectify this.
The unfortunate effects of the cure were kept canon (a reroll was never done, which in retrospect I would have appreciated), but instead of leaving Malerus (and by proxy, Sircius) to his exceptionally dark fate, a cleric - the father of one of the other party members, Eleniel, in fact - gave up his life in order to restore Malerus’. While I can appreciate this as it added drama to the story and changed Sircius’ character and his relationship with Eleniel, the unfortunate rolls on the Net Libram still leave a bad taste in my mouth to this day. It’s something I try to forget about - and often I leave it out of conversation concerning Sircius and the campaign because of how exceptionally dark it is. It’s a little to “real,” and for reasons that I’ll get to later, was very hard for me to accept when it originally happened.
But all of that aside, those events helped shape Sircius into who he is currently. With the full revival of his son, Sircius’ temperament cooled substantially and allowed him to possess and practice gratitude towards his fellow companions. It also gave myself narrative reason to keep Sircius in the story, which worked especially well in Chapter 2 when the party reunited to help Eleniel (whom Sircius now obviously owed after the sacrifice of her father). Because of this his character has developed and established itself well in my mind.
So, it’s probably crazy for me to say now that all of this - Sircius’ story and everything that he has theoretically ever been through - might change in the future. Crazy, maybe, but not unwelcome. 
Mainquest is being heavily considered (and by “heavily considered” I mean basically approved but pending until we get around to it) for a “reboot” down the line. Various reasons have been cited; the most pertinent being the inconsistency of the party and DM (this is a campaign that’s seen 3 different players come and go and also had a DM switch starting in Chapter 2). The DM also seeks to refine and revitalize the story. For us, it’s the campaign that’s seen the most mess, so there’s an innate desire to redo it “right.”
Will this change Sircius as a character? Possibly. Will this change the events that shape him? Likely. But I’m ok with that. Actually, I’m looking forward to it. I enjoy the idea of getting a chance to play as Sircius again and to re-experience and refine his transition from unsociable recluse to.... well, someone tolerable, haha. I would even be up for a more somber take on Malerus’ arc.
You see, what I have neglected to acknowledge leading up to this point - and I suppose if you’ve bothered to read this far you have earned the right to know - is the inspiration for Sircius’ plight; something completely unintended by me until I realized it far too late.
And this is where it gets almost unnecessarily heavy, so feel free to back out here.
During the time I created and played Sircius, I was dealing with problems in my own life -- problems of a kind which I had never faced before. 
I was struggling to cope with a friend’s (the very best friend I had at the time and perhaps will ever have) diminishing medical condition. ALS. We didn’t know at the time; a diagnosis was never made clear until months and months after things started unfolding. To us, she was just slowly losing her ability to do everything for no apparent reason. And it was exceptionally painful for me -- losing her, like that. Being there, but not. I couldn’t fathom the thought of people dying who were important to me -- especially someone who was so important to me as she was. 
So it’s too disgustingly easy now for me to see the overlap between my life and Sircius’. The only thing that really separates us is how the story ends. Malerus got to live, and my friend eventually passed away. -- I guess Sircius was always meant to be the fantasy I could never have in reality.
Since then I’ve learned to cope, to appreciate my best friends’ life for what it was, and to try and let go. -- Very different from Sircius’ experience. But I’m starting to think that an alternative ending to Malerus’ story - with him passing away - wouldn’t be as bad as I originally thought. Would it be a hero’s story? No. Of course not. But Sircius could then serve as a conduit for something more important, I think. 
Maybe. Maybe not. It could be an absolutely terrible idea. -- Also a hell of a lot of pressure on me and my DM to make it work. But I’d at least like to make note of it here: I am not so opposed to anti-stories as I once was.
And so that is my long-winded experience playing Sircius Ebmeros: the grouch of a tiefling who turned out to be something a little bit more. Perhaps he will change in the future in story and/or character, but for now, this is how he remains.
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
character bio masterpost
Active Characters
#SIRCIUS - Sircius Ebmeros - here. #VALDRIN - Valdrin Calmyrak - here. #ROLAND - Roland Grey - here. #GRIFFIN - Griffin - here.
Inactive Characters
#GRIFFIN - Griffin - here.  #BARNABY - Barnaby Gallens - here. #MELLIA - Mellia - here. #DEREKA - Dereka Halghilde - here. #YAZGASH - Yazgash - here. #ESYAE - Esyae Erfina - here. #LYNDARRA - Lyndarra - here.
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dumbfrickinlit · 5 years
Me and this blog
#ABOUT ME / #BIO - Posts where I talk about myself. #INFO - Introduction post to this blog. #TAGS - Posts concerning tags. #CHARACTER MASTERPOST - Masterpost of character bios.
Type of post
#SUMMARY - Summary of a chapter of a campaign. Meant to be archival. #CHARACTER BIO - Biography of a character. #DRABBLE - Short works/stories/excerpts. #DIARY - Diary entries from a particular character. #Q&A - In-character Q&A session/interview with a particular character.
#MAINQUEST - The story of Sircius, Phecda, Roc, and Eleniel. #BABBYDUNJUN - The story of Valdrin, Eurwen, Cameron, Takako, and Takeo. #ARANDEL - The story of Caeli, Abigail, Jalnira, and Roland. #SEVEN ISLES - The story of Griffin, Astraea, and Keryth.
Active Characters
#SIRCIUS - Sircius Ebmeros. Male. 69. Tiefling wizard. #VALDRIN - Valdrin Calmyrak. Male. 121. Drow wild-magic sorcerer. #ROLAND - Roland Grey. Male. 29. Human barbarian. #GRIFFIN - Griffin. Agender. 12. Kenku bard.
Inactive Characters
#BARNABY - Barnaby Gallens. Male. ???. (Human) Vampire rogue. #MELLIA - Mellia. Female. 20. Human druid. #DEREKA - Dereka Halghilde. Female. 27. Human paladin. #YAZGASH -Yazgash of the Gunaakt. Female. 37. Half-orc cleric. #ESYAE - Esyae Erfina. Female. 80. Wood elf bard. #LYNDARRA - Lyndarra ???. Female. ???. High elf ???.
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