dungeonthedragon · 4 years
I've never thiefed a person before!
Our party’s rogue when he failed to break us out of prison
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dungeonthedragon · 4 years
Somewhere Along the Way Pt. 1
She turned the key and opened the door. Stepping inside, she slipped the key into her bag of holding. Theodyn stopped shortly after she spotted Aldern, who she killed not even a week ago.
“You’re dead aren't you?” Flint asks from the doorway, confused.
Aldern was sitting in a lounge chair adjacent to a large set of double doors. “No, I'm very much alive,” he said while setting the book he was reading on his lap.
“Theodyn,” whispered Flint quiet enough so Aldern couldn't hear, “his head.”
She reached into her bag of holding and pulled out his head that they had gotten at Foxglove Manor. “Oh dear, what happened there?” Aldern asked coyly.
“That's your head.” Flint enunciated each word very clearly as he spoke. Theodyn put his head back in her bag.
“When is the last time you have been to Foxglove Manor?” Theodyn asks.
“Oh, must be a few weeks now. I'm doing renovations there.”
Flint hasn't moved from his spot in the doorway which trapped Valkyrie outside with Damakos. “We’re going to need to detain you and bring you to Sand Point for questioning.”
“I don't see why that is necessary.”
“I should just shoot him with an ice spike, shouldn't I?” Flint said under his breath.
Theodyn turned to Flint and said irritatedly, “No. Not yet at least.” She turned back to Aldern. “Do you even remember us?”
“Well I have met a lot of travelers in my day; we went boar hunting together didn't we? I must apologize though. I don't remember your names. I'm bad at them you see.”
“You still need to come with us back to Sand Point,” Flint repeats.
“Let me explain a little. We need to ask you some questions because there were a string of murders in Sand Point and the leads we got pointed to you. Specifically, you wanting to kill Flint. So we headed there and long story short, found you. You attacked Flint and we killed a ghast version of you.”
“Oh, now I can understand why you would want to question me. Aisha is making dinner and it should be done shortly, so why don't we eat first then leave.” Flint started looking for traps. He didn't trust this man, especially after the events in the past week. Aldern was visibly offended. “I understand you might not have the most trust in me, but to think I would resort to silly traps under the rug is just a little far fetched.”
Theodyn tugged Flint back. “I think we should just go along with it.”
“Are you crazy? It's a trap. We should fight him now.”
“Remember at the manor though? Aldern attacked you right away, this version of him seems to not have any idea that it happened. He hadn't even been to the manor when we were there and he's still alive.”
“That's true, but he could poison the dinner or something.”
“He's agreeing to come with us after we eat, and he doesn't look as dilapidated as he did at the manor.”
Flint sighed and gave in. “Fine.”
Theodyn turns back to Aldern and gives him the news. “We’d love to stay for dinner.”
“Wonderful!” he stood up and opened the double doors. Behind them was an elegant dining table with six chairs surrounding it. Everyone gathered in the dining room except Damakos, who was keeping guard outside. “I'm going to make some tea for everyone.”
When Aldern returned he threw the pot of boiling water onto Flint. Aisha was with him and stabbed Theodyn with a longsword. Flint changed into a tiger and launched himself onto Aldern. Theodyn was in so much shock that when she stood up Aisha was able to slice her again. Theodyn was the most caught off guard and the one who felt the most betrayed. She tried to take her adamantine longsword out and stab Aisha, but missed. She tried a second time and was able to make a small gash on Aisha's arm. Suddenly an arm tried to grab Theodyn's sword. Aisha was able to hit Theodyn again while she was dealing with the mysterious arm. Once she got her sword out of
the arms grasp she quickly grabbed the symbol in her necklace and a faint green glow came from it as some of her wounds closed. Theodyn tried to swing again but the hand came back and distracted her. She took another hit from Aisha and felt weak. Theodyn noticed Aisha looked tired and had bags under her eyes, something that was new. Valkyrie must have used his magic on her. Finally. Theodyn took a step back and tried to protect herself but knew it was useless. She was scared. Aisha held her sword up and was preparing a swing. Theodyn closed her eyes and was prepared to say goodbye even if she didn't want to. She had never been scared of dying until this moment because it didn't seem possible. Normally she was the one who would come out the strongest, but now, she wouldn't even be able to see what would happen. A loud ear piercing roar caused Theodyn to open her eyes. A bright white tiger was in front of her, protecting her from Aisha. Flint had just saved her life.
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dungeonthedragon · 4 years
Flint’s Backstory
Far north a small child walked alone in a blizzard, desperately searching for someone or something to save him. His dark hair was nearly frozen and his gray eyes filled with tears as he wandered the wilderness alone with no knowledge of what happened or why he was there. He wandered for days in the frozen tundra, trying to remember who he was.
He eventually found himself on the side of a mountain: hunger lived deep within his empty stomach, and thirst dried his tongue like parchment. He had walked many miles, but it only took a few more feet to knock him unconscious—face first in the snow. An older elf man, who was walking to a peaceful place to meditate, stumbled upon this young gnome collapsed near the edge of the village of (cool name of village).
The young gnome’s natural ability to use magic allowed him to copy the Druidic spells the elders were using. By showing promise and by proving he was useful to the village, he was allowed to be imbued with magical energy in a ritual that the elders prepared. To welcome him to the tribe as a member, he was given the new name ‘Flint.’ His eyes changed from a grayish hue to a vibrant blue because of the new Druidic magic flowing through him. He lived his early years as an apprentice to one of the elders and his savior Ogun irontree. He studied diligently, in hopes to someday be like his new father figure.
Life changed suddenly when a dark shadow flew over the village with evil intent. As a white dragon descended over the town, death and chaos ensued and all was hopeless. Corpses littered the town, and the only survivor wandered the street looking for any signs of life. The survivor was a gnome teen: his hair white as a new fallen snow from the stress of watching helplessly as his newfound people were slaughtered in front of him. Flint walked to the nearest village in search of help from anyone; he begged warriors to help him try to save whatever lives they could. He brought them to the village to help, but they deceived him. They nearly killed him, and they stole and picked his people clean of any and all wealth they had. Taking on the name of his master, he swore revenge on the dragon who ruined his life and the warriors who stole everything.
Alone with nothing yet again, he buried any remains he could find of his people. Broken and alone with his new hatred for man and dragon, Flint began his new life searching for the dragon and the band of adventures who betrayed him. His search in the north was fruitless: years and years of his life went by and he had nothing to show for it. Eventually he decided that he should travel south and rebuild what was lost. He came to terms with what had happened and turned to the goddess of fate to seek redemption and find a path to follow. He decided to become powerful and establish his own tribe to keep his people's knowledge from going to waste. He would never be able to forget the horrors that he saw and his white hair would always be a reminder of the horrible things he had seen.
Months later, Flint found himself surrounded by man once again—in the center of some kind of festival. Fed up with all the noise, he was about to leave when a scream silenced the happy chatter of the people around him. What followed the scream was some kind of horrible singing….in the city of Sandpoint, a goblin attack was underway. He knew that there was only one thing he could do. Fight
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dungeonthedragon · 4 years
Theodyn’s Backstory
Theodyn's father was born and raised on Mordant Spire, his name was Meirkian Ludithas. Theodyn's mom was born and lived in Crying Leaf, her name was Verišiel. During one of the bimonthly trips to Magnimar to trade goods, Giseil Voslil stopped at Crying Leaf for a couple days. Meirkian met Verišiel in the woods nearby on the first day they stopped there. She was hunting using a bow. When Meirkian introduced himself, there was an instant connection between the two. For the next two days they got to know each other and wanted to be together. Verišiel wanted to go back with Meirkian but couldn't because the elves at Mordant Spire didn't like outsiders. They had to settle for writing letters for the next four years while Meirkian convinced Giseil that she could be trusted enough to live there. During this time Giseil had some of his connections back in Crying Leaf watch over Verišiel to see if she was trustworthy. Eventually he gave in to Meirkian’s requests and Verišial was able to move to Mordant Spire and live with him. They fell in love and had a child, Theodyn.
Theodyn didn't have a fun childhood because she had too many duties to attend to. She also was different from the other Elven children. She didn't look like them because her mother was from Crying Leaf. She looked like a regular Elf, not like the grey Elves that were all around. She also had to learn to fight and protect the secrets that Mordant Spire was trying to hide from the world. Her father was strict and forced her to become a fighter so she may learn the ways of the sword. She didn't like that and didn’t understand what was so important that only the Elves on the island could know. She wasn't old enough or mature enough at this time to learn the secret. She was very mischievous child. As she grew older, and into an adolescent, more and more responsibilities were forced upon her by Meirkian. He wasn't an evil Elf but could take things too far. If Theodyn refused her responsibilities or didn't take them seriously, which she did too often, Meirkian would scream at her and punish her. She was scared of him and would sneak out and roam the caverns nearby to escape his wrath. Late one evening when she left to hide from her father she ran into an male Elf who looked around her age named Kazé. They started talking and eventually became best friends. The met up in the caves often, talking and venting about the life that they lived and what they planned for the future. Kazé was the only one Theodyn trusted, more than her parents.
On Theodyn's 80th birthday, her mother gave her her first bow. The bow was a wooden hunting bow that Veršiel had been given by her mom on her 80th birthday. The bow had the Ranger class symbol carved on it with her mothers initials, V. K., carved in the paw print. Theodyn was so happy and loved the bow, but that didn't last long. When Meirkian found out about the bow he promptly took it away. Theodyn went to the cave that night and talked with Kazé about wanting to run away. They spent a day together in the cave before Theodyn went back, knowing that her father would be mad. She went along with whatever her father had to say and pretended to be completely okay with this future at Mordant Spire.
A few years before Theodyn was an official adult in the Elven community, her mother died. Veršiel died while fighting a group of outsiders, wizards, and got caught in their fiery blaze. Theodyn couldn't stand living with her father and his ideals. She had planned to run away and nothing would stop her. She packed a bag, and snuck into her fathers room late at night to steal the bow. She ran to the cave to say goodbye to Kazé. He didn't want Theodyn to leave and even confessed his love for her to try to get her to stay. As much as she cared for Kazé, she had to leave. She wanted to travel and didn't like being confined to this small area and the future her father has planned out for her. She kissed him goodbye and snuck onto a boat headed for Magnimar. She then went to Crying Leaf and stayed there for a few years. She learned and got better at using a bow while being a fighter. The bow eventually broke because it was old and she had to get a new one. Since then, every bow that Theodyn gets, has a mashup of the Ranger and Fighter class symbol with V.K. in it to symbolize her and her mothers bond before her death. Theodyn eventually left because she wanted to travel more and went to Sand Point. She stayed at The Rusty Dragon where she met and worked part time for Ameiko, taking jobs that were posted and hunting.
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