dutchcallihan · 10 months
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I may have a slight crush on Gretchen growing up. Wanted to play around with her hairstyle, and so fair I like it.
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dutchcallihan · 10 months
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Medals: (Highest Rank to Lowest) Medal of Honor, Victorian Cross x2, Distinguished Flying Cross, Legion of Merit, Order of Merlin - First Class x2, Bronze Star Medal, Atlantic Campaign Medal - Bronze oak leaf device, European Campaign Medal,
It's February 14th, 1975. A dark glimpse night on Valentine’s day in Arnhem, Holland. Members of the Order of the Phoenix fighting Death Eaters in the streets along with members of the Danish Auros, up in the night skies, both sides took a moment to look up in the clouds, all they hear the engine sound of a Bristol Pegasus 30 from a Swordfish MK II chasing after Death Eaters in attempting to shoot it down. A black and dark blue coating can be seen on the bird as it swoops down to the building’s top-level as it continues the chase. Dogging charms, jinxes, and curses in the attempt of hitting the bird down, from both grounds and behind, was surpassed by the tail gunner’s dual 30 cal. Her name inspired the admiration of dread, and it’s heard on everyone’s lips. A name that holds as much fame and respect from the Order of the Phoenix. She was an ace beater of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, rejected joining the Order ten times, descendent from a military family, and was among the highly decorated daredevil pilots of the 101st Bomber Regiment earning a Medal of Honor. Her name was Diana “Kelly” Tim.
Born on July 10th, 1960, in Ottawa, Canada, she was raised in a middle household. Her real name wasn’t Diana; it was Madeline Karmigel. Her father, Stijn Karmigel, was a veteran pilot for the RAF, joined the Dutch Air Force at the age of seventeen and a half while lying about being the age of eighteen, he was able to pass flight school on his first try having a passion of flying the new monoplanes the Hawker Hurricanes and the Supermarine Spitfires; instead he was placed in gunner of a B-17 the “Flying Fortress” part of an exchange program he volunteered to be sent over to the RAF in the upcoming bombing to support the landing of Normandy. After the war, he oversaw the Berlin Airlift operation of ensuring no cargo was left behind before take-off and had enough fuel to make the entire trip back. During the war, he met and married a radio operator Annabella James. They both met in a bar in London while Stijn was on leave; they both got along very well after Annabella found Stijn drunk and passed out at the bar table after drinking just one bottle of spirits. She took him to her house for the night; the following day, Stijn woke up on the couch as Annabella came over to feed him breakfast. They got married on December 24th, 1944, in Ottawa, Canada, where they both stayed there for the rest of their life. Annabella had a miscarriage at the age of twenty-two; she didn’t get pregnant again till in her mid-thirties; she gave birth to Madeline Karmigel on July 10th, 1960. That date was referenced to the first day of the Battle of Britain. And a year later, have a sister named Isabella Karmigel on December 7th, 1961.
Throughout her childhood, the parents decided to move back into London when Madeline was just five years old, by the time she reached the age of six; she attended St Michael’s Primary School throughout her childhood; teachers described her as “Too over-eager and aren’t very ladylike” Madeline would show off her acrobatic skills on the playground one her stunts was balancing herself on top of the monkeys’ bars on the sides, when the teachers confront her, she front flip on the ground in front of them, and was later taken to the deans and have her parents called which they didn’t seemed to mind. Madeline started to develop strange feelings; she began to pick up objects with just her index finger and turn her mom’s water into red wine from red wine to a rabbit; it was then she was approached by Dumbeldore and told her that she was preselected of becoming a Witch and attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
In her first year at Hogwarts, she was sorted into Ravenclaw, where she met Amelie Lacroix and Rachel McCaffrey. She took up Potion and Flying Lessons, taking on deadly stunts when she was told not to, “apparently” knocked out a Slytherin boy after calling one of her classmates a “Mudblood'' on her broomstick; she was noticed by Madam Hooch of trying out for Ravenclaw Quidditch Team as a Beater, being the first youngest Beater to be part of the Quidditch team. She was given the nickname “Hitter Helen'' by her team, known for beating her opponent with a quick dive with a blunt to the head, making them have a head concession. A year later, she was able to pull some strings from her couch of letting her sister become a beater. Still, Madam Hooch insists on having Isabella join after Isabella showed off her standing on her broomstick as if she was surfing on it and dodging pixies fairies at her by her classmates. Within two weeks before Madeline and Isabella’s first Quidditch match with the Ravenclaws faced Gryfindore resulted in a defeat after Amelie broke her arm after James Potter forced her broom to crash to get the golden snitch. The three girls stayed up all night watching and reading up on WW2 fighter tactics that involved using Basic Fighter Maneuvers, training their minds on situational awareness for incoming Bludgers or Quaffle balls by renting the Quidditch Stadium for practices every Friday after school.
In their fifth year at Hogwarts. During their Quidditch match. A tampered Bludger knocked Isabella off her broom, aiming for her head and falling to her death. Madeline was shedding tears as she hugged her dead sister into her arms Dumbeldore and McGonagle tried to calm her down, but they didn’t want to provoke her. The entire school shared their condolences to Madeline with a wreath on her casket inscribed in “To our gallant and worthy Beater.” James, Remus, Seirus, and Peter came up to Amelie, McCaffrey, Elizabeth, Cathrine, and Madeline two weeks after the funeral. James told Madeline that he wanted to “clear” the air and wanted to go on a date with her; Amelie snapped and slapped him across the face. The girl walks away. In the following months, Madeline developed deep depression by going to the Three Broomsticks every Friday to get drunk on butterbeer, staying up late during curfew on a Sunday, two sudicel attempts were made yet failed after McCaffrey was able to come to her senses.
The following fall, Woodrood has sent an Aide-De-Camp at Hogwarts to recruit potential JOCS Candidates; Woodrood picked their loyal officer for the job, Lieutenant William Tim, a Senior Guardsmen of the 229th Royal Guard, and soon to be war hero of the Devil’s Brigades, known for his leadership and being the 7th Generation to become an Officer. He was looked upon dimly by the schoolgirls in his Class A in his crusher caps. Despite all the girls asking him to go on a date, William kindly accepts every gift and love letter yet discards the letters into the fire, taking it as hospitality from them. But one letter he kept was from Madeline:
“With my regard, Lieutenant. Most of my classmates when they first laid eyes on you in your Class As it reminds me of my parents, during their time in the Second World War, father was a RAF bomber crew, yet had experience flying Spitfires during the Battle of Britain, me mom was a radio operator. Though she may have “kidnapped” my father when they first met (story for another time) I've been through hell and still am after the death of my little sister during Quidditch and decided to write a narrative, still haven't worked on a title yet. I'll send you a copy, if I can come up with a title… Best wishes, Madeline Karmigel.”
Touched by William, he decided to write her back by setting up a meeting in his office next to the staircase leading up to Dumbledore’s office. Amelie and McCaffrey had her dress picked out, but Madeline didn’t want to be fancy, so she wore her regular Ravenclaw school uniform. Madeline and William had a good time talking about the Royal Guard histories from the beginning, even the Royal Guards defeating Durmstrang in 1912 with the help of the 17th Royal Hussars, led by Captain Erika Von Miller. The following months. William called Amelie, Madeline, and McCaffrey to Dumbledore’s office.
William asked the three if they wanted to enlist as a commissioned officer, McCaffrey objected as she pursued becoming a potion specialist, Amelie and Madeline signed up for three months of JOCS courses the following summer. After graduation out of the 88th Cadet Corp in 1975 she decided to try out the Royal Guards as Lieutenant in the 17th Royal Hussars, being fitted in cavalry uniform, she enjoyed her time in office, change of pace from Hogwarts and getting to know Prince Connie on her off-duty and made her a member into the Royal Household, an honorary tile in Canada.
On October 1st, 1975, Queen Jessica declared war on Voldemort after an incident on the UoM campus triggered a lockdown and captured the suspect of a Death Eater spy as a Muggle college student attempting to kill the Muggle governor of Minnesota Wendell R. Anderson. Colonel Silaeva Vadimovna founded the first All Women 101st Bomber Regiment to carry out night raids attack in Swordfish MK II; she didn’t hesitate and signed up after being requested an transfer from the Guards to honor her father's time as an fighter pilot. With the control and stealth tactics she was made Wing Leader of the 401st, during her first mission on a night raid assault on Fjeld Consultant dock she was to lead her wings to staff the dock with rockets and machine guns. She didn't see this as a raid operation; it was vengeance. Flying at high speed, her wing women swoop down onto the dock targeting the docked ships and dock workers of Death Eaters and elves unloading stolen cargos. Madeline’s navigator spots an oil spill that leads to an oil tanker refueling on one of the docked ships. Madeline hands her a flare gun and aims at it with a precise shot setting it on fire; her spotter and gunner were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross on that day. Madeline and William continued their relationship while at Hogwarts while on leaves grew even closer than before, continuing writing her legacy with a fitting title of her memoir and members of the 101st: No Bullets Fly.
She was approached by Lily Potter asking her to join D.A, “Like hell, I’d join.” She said, calmly rejecting her. Sirius Black later asked her, same response but throwing oil grease at him, gets court martialed for getting into a fight with the first two got cleared thanks to Amber being her lawyer, James Potter tried to apologize to her for the second time and asked her to join the D.A, she asked him to go on “recon” out in the city later taking James on a dangerous stunt by flying upside down causing James to pass out and dropping him safely out her plane over London on top of Big Ben. She adopted and changed her name to Diana, meaning beautiful, known for wearing her Class As off-duty. Later, she found out having quarter-veela attracting men on base, Silaeva punished them by working overtime for flirting with her ace pilot.
Amélie received a letter from her boyfriend at Hogwarts; Gérard, after finding out who’s behind her sister’s death. Lucius Malfoy. She was enraged, which fueled her to kill every Death Eaters she sees in every sortie from Norway to northern France racking up kills, 18 Death Eaters, 21 Snatchers, in total of 39 confirmed kills but this changed on her leave in France till she drove passed down Death Eater. Still in anger, she gets out, pulls out her pistol and aims at the wounded with a pistol in her hand as she walks up to the injured, the Death Eater took off her mask revealing a resemblance of her dead sister. They both have their moment. The Death Eater reaches into her pocket while Diana pulls the hammer back of her pistol till she pulls out a photo of herself before she becomes a Death Eater. She was a dropout at Durmstrang Institute and made a horrible mistake joining Voldemort’s cause; she was fifteen at the time. Helped her by getting her into a nearby town. She checked the Death Eater into a Muggle hospital and stayed by her side till she recovered. A few weeks went by as they played chess by her side, yet never exchanged their names once; she was already in trouble with Colonel Silaeva Vadimovna forgoing over her leave; she replied, saying, “Aiding a downed foe and a friend.” Silaeva kept it a secret from the other pilots. Madeline checked herself out, leaving the Death Eater asleep to rest. Returned to base where Mad-Eye Moody approached her; he inferious with her of aiding a “thug” and should be punished to Azaband. She shouted back, saying, “What if she and I have something in common? We could’ve had things for sewing, talking about boys, and marriages. You DA are nothing but a damn fool!” Followed by some “colorful language” she gets slapped by Moody and leaves the base by flying on his broomstick. At least she did the right thing. Flying after sorties after sorties she racked up more victories for her plane. Totaling to 10 victories, 80 Death Eaters and 65 Snatchers on Broomsticks with some being shared from her tail gunner’s.
After the war, she got a job at the Ministry in the Statue of Secrecy, working with the Canadian Secret Service and the Office of Strategic Service on a fourteen-year investigation regarding Project Tears, Catherine, and the possible scandal has been set from the Ministry and at Hogwarts. During her time, Diana and William got married and gave birth to a boy named Charlie Tim. William thought it'd be best to give their son what he wanted, but she kindly objected to him because they didn’t want to raise a spoiled baby in later life. They move onto 4th Privat Drive, about behind the backyard of the Dursley, William starts getting to know them, what they didn’t know, William and Diana were tasked by Dumbledore to keep an eye on them. They continue taking part in Canada's winter offensive in Europe, while Gerard and Amelie babysit Charlie while taking care of their own daughter, Gretchen. After a security breach in the 2nd Wizarding Republic, the OSS and the CSS lead by Director Amber Markle, launched an operation of finding and killing Corban Yaxley and Travis, both double agents for Voldemort who has fully blended in working as an Operative in the CSS. Yaxley fed the information to Lucius about Project Tear, a project that can give Witches and Wizards the ability to open a portal to spawn or go into from anywhere at any time beyond their dreams. Lucius decided to go after both Charlie and Gretchen because both Diana and Amelie were the people that were tested during the war. McCaffrey did more tests on both Charlie and Gretchen till she realized, Gretchen may have the ability to open Tears but Charlie dosne’t as part of the DNA were genetically modified that only can see the Tears but can’t open, she figured out it has to be from Project Tears, she came to the conclusion that if the opposite sex loved one of another, granting them immortality meaning Charlie or Gretchen have to be in a relationship with each other.
McCaffrey informed Amber about Project Tears that they need Charlie and Gretchen alive, she agreed to help and dispatched her own bodyguards of 1SSF and 1st Raider Detachments. William and Diana went to Gerard and Amelie’s house to find them both almost broken and the crib were empty, both Charlie and Gretchen were missing. Diana took out her anger on Bellatrix after Elizabeth and Cole told them that Alice and Frank’s house were being attacked by Death Eaters. The kids were found unharmed, the stressed mothers and legendary pilots can lay rest After many days of disappearance.
Every year, on her dead sister’s birthday, she visits the grave of Isabella to lay a poppy flower and would spend the whole day grieving and wanting to be by her side when it is time; she’d continued visiting her grave since Charlie started Hogwart. She began to wonder what happened to the Death Eater that she saved all those years ago as a Night Bomber; during her search, Diana was diagnosed with Tuberculosis after showing symptoms of coughing out a lot of blood, passing out during court hearings and some of the official meetings to the point she had to be taken to St Mungo's Hospital for her treatment, it became contagious the nurses didn’t have enough resources to contain it. Still, they had McCaffrey giving her a serum to make her life just a bit longer before it wears off. In 1994 Diana received a letter from a Witch named Lyudmila Kaloyanova Ileva. She explained that she was the Death Eater that Diana saved. They met on the same day as Woodrood’s unofficial arrival at Hogwarts after Durmstarng and Beubaxtion arrived two weeks earlier, soon the stories of their encounter grew that caught attention of the Daily Prophet and the Daily Bulges were going head to head, which they wanted to have a chance to get a slice of the interview. Lyudmila and Diana decided to have both of them do the discussion but on one condition. It has to be a truthful and not a fake story about their meeting. They all went down to the Three Broomsticks to their discussions; everything was going well till Rita Skeeter asked Diana, “What made you think making friends with a Death Eater was a good idea?” Diana snapped, got up, grabbed Rita by the hair, and threw her into the snow leaving just the Daily Bulges; prior to the interview, Gretchen already had blackmail on Rita and wouldn't hesitate to expose her as an unregistered Animagus to the Daily Bulges, which Rita of course being Rita she is. Goes on slandering Diana's exploit. After the interview the Daily Bulges would publish both Diana and Lyudmila's story to the world, the Daily Prophet would get slander letters not just from their own people but also got the American, Canadian even the Queen of Wizarding Prussia got involved calling Fudge "Fat walrus taking the fame and respects for the respected pilots of doing the right thing" followed by letters of hateful language and even one letters was sent to the Head of the Daily Prophet with a mustard gas also in a package which was sent by both Julia and Cindy in retaliation but they were never traced back to them. Minister officials even Fudge himself battered Diana for making friends with a Death Eater calling her out as a “Traitor.”
Diana shot back with similarities of Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler’s encounters. Fudge had a reality check afterward and went to the Three Broomsticks to get drunk. After the backlash, Diana gave Lyudmuial her finished book with an special inscription that said: “In 1975, I lost my only sister during a Quidditch match, but during my leave. I have a chance to save a down Death Eater resembling my dead sister. I may not earn a Prefect or become Head Girl. I got something even better. Your sister, Diana.” The following day, she, Amelie, Charlie, William, Princess Connie, and now retired Silaeva Vadimovna presented her the Medal of Honor in front of the whole school during dinner at the Grand Hall. What happened, during the last day of the war, she stopped a hijacked train in Holland carrying the Muggle Prime Minister by firing her plane at the engine boiler, forcing it to stop and strafing the Death Eaters, knowing it was a suicide run might potentially hit the Prime Minister. She and Lyudmila were invited back into Holland for a memorial ceremony of the 101st Bomber Regiment in Arnhem, Holland, the exact spot where both DA, 101st Bomber Regiments, and the Danish Auro fought Voldemort’s Followers in a deadly four weeks of hell. But most of the credits went to the 101st for being forgotten of the heroes of the Wizarding World.
In 1995 both firm now friends went on their final flight just months before the Second Wizarding War broke out, she fought a woman named Bellatrix Lestrange at the Department of Mysteries; before the fight, she became very sick as she went over to her desk to take out her service pistol, Kingsley tells Diana to stand down and stay behind but she said that'll be her last fight and ready to die, during the fight, she was coughing till she sees Charlie was about to be hit with the killing curse, she threw herself in front of Charlie and fell into the portal. Diana Tim died at the age of thirty-six. Amelie, Gretchen, and Charlie go to Lyudmila’s house and tell her that Diana’s life is taken away. She snaps and goes after Igor for being a death eater by suffocating him in his sleep. Lyudmila cornered Bellatrix in an alleyway at Knockturn Alley, raised her wand, and then a flashing green light can be seen reflected in the sky. Lyudmila became the next victim to die. Lyudmila was also thirty-six.
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dutchcallihan · 10 months
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Rachel McCaffrey:
Age: 36
Hogwart Houses: Ravenclaw
Occupation: Head Potion Specialist, Part-Time Hogwarts Therapist, O.S.S informant.
Strength: 5/10
Prescription: 6/10
Endurance: 6/10
Charisma: 8/10
Intelligence: 9/10
Agility: 6/10
Luck: 5/10
Note: Motherly figure to Hogwarts Student, no filters when dealing with Fudge or Umbridge, the type of person that'd reads all the plaques at the museum till closing and the same person she'd throws the disruptive out, and gives out chocolate bar as an coping device.
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dutchcallihan · 10 months
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Info: The 131st, 506th E Company was heavily influenced by the 101st Airborne Division, 506th, Easy Company A.K.A “Band Of Brothers.” In 4th Year, where the Goblet of Fire takes place, we’ll meet the Wizarding “Band of Brothers” newcomers in the upcoming Second Wizarding War. Like in the book, they would start out accepting volunteers from 1st year and go through vigorous training until the end of the year; if they pass it, they will be placed into the 131st Airborne Division. They would be the first to use Muggle vehicles such as C-47s, Gliders, and Jeeps into battle, still using WW2 weaponry, same as the other Divisions such as 62nd, 82nd, and 221st This is a tribute to the original members of Easy Company who fought in the darkest night of Normandy to Hitler’s Eagles Nest at the end.
506th Paratrooper Infantry Regiment
Regiment Logo: Adopted logo from the original
Motto: “Currahee"
506th, Easy Company
Company Executive Officer: First Lieutenant Charlie Tim [Richard “Dick” Winter] (Promoted to Captian after his fourth year)
1st Platoon leader (702nd Greyhound Regiment) First Lieutenant Julia Kirth.
Company members:
First Lieutenant Aliyah Woodward [Carwell Lipton] (Female, Irish-Minnesotan, Muggle-Born, 4th Year)
Technical Sergeant Andrea Mann [Bill Guarnere] (Female, Minnesotan, Muggle-Born, 4th Year)
Sergeant Royal Shield [Joseph Liebgott] (Male, Irish-American, Half-Blood, 4th Year)
Technician Fourth Grade York Lane [Geroge Luz] (Male, French-Canadian, Muggle-Born, 4th Year)
Corporal Skye Bourne [Eugine Roe] (Female, French-Canadian, Half-Blood, 4th Year)
Private Nova Till [Darrell Power] (Female, Minnesotan, Muggle-Born, 2nd Year)
Private Lila Roth [Edward Heffron] (Female, Irish-Minnesotan, Muggle-Born, 2nd Year)
Private Marie Shiftwell [Markley] (Female, Irish-Canadian, Pure-Blood, 2nd Year)
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