dvsfctionl · 10 years
[ notice: I'll be taking a small hiatus until the next week, when I finish all of my exams and i'll be a little more free. this doesn't mean I'll drop threads or leave, I'll be back the next friday so please wait for me and I'm sorry for making you guys wait so much for my replies, but studies come first ; ; I'll make sure to do everything next weekend, slowly, now I'm just too tired to write. I'll be back and get things working again, I promise, wait for me! ]
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
     To say that this wasn't creepy, it'd be a lie. The stranger was surely kind enough to help Patch out but now that he came back to his senses, he honestly had no idea.. could he trust him fully? He'd rather pass getting slayed or hurt even more but the stranger felt safe, somehow, despite his bloody attire and all of him. Patch was sure that if he washed and changed his clothes, he'd look like a decent human being but there was the next question: was he even human? Many weren't, whether Patch felt it or didn't and with his defenses so low just as his mood, trying to figure that out sounded too exhausting and energy-eating, so he'd go with the flow and trust him. Wincing at the other's words, he makes a face but gives a small nod of his head. "I'll try. Stitch it up like.. like, you know, stitch it up while I'm awake?"
     The mere thought of a needle passing through his skin, it made Patch's stomach hurt and his hands pressed flat against it. Disgusting, simply disgusting to see someone stitch your wound, to feel the needle pierce through your skin-- anesthesia should be required for it but he doubted the guy had such things, such equipment to use on Patch. "Seems like it, man. I'm not even sure how can you handle being dressed with clothes drenched in blood.. Ewh." A little of sarcasm here and there but something told him that this man was used to it, the angel didn't dare ask further questions or make more comments on it. Not everyone was.. stable mentally, so who knows what this guy did at night when people were supposed to sleep. Maybe he did go around slaying random innocent people.
     Well, his cheeks do heat up when the other notices his gaze on the porn but it was innocent, he happened to see it while looking around the place. Huffing under his breath, a light chuckle leaves his chapped lips. "Please, I'm not interested in porn. I'm bleeding and porn's the last thing I can think about now.. I'd much rather masturbate when this thing heals." He's grumpy as he points at the wound, groaning slightly. "Thanks, I get that told a lot." Not really but he likes to be arrogant about it so why the hell not? The other didn't need to know everything. This was pretty awkward already so he decides to stay quiet, lips pursed while he follows the stranger.
     He's sitting down yet and it truly hurts, the effort does. Patch inhales, exhales and repeats the process various times because he needs a good minute or two to breathe properly and not cry out in pain. It would heal, of course it would, but it'd take time. Teeth sink into his lower lip and he blinks when the other's undressing, a bright pink visible on his cheeks again but it disappears quickly. He's used to scars, Patch too has them. White lines all over his chest, arms too even, then the biggest and uglies ones which were the ones from his wings so he's used, he knows the pain and how it feels to dislike yourself for them but each scar had a meaning. Whenever he was scars on other people's bodies, he wanted to trace them and get to know the reason behind each one. His hands almost reached out but he stopped himself, he'd be stupid to give into the temptation of doing such thing.
     How many times have his nail scratched across his scars and how many times had he looked into the mirror and realized how not perfect he was even if he's been told otherwise? What was perfect about a sinner, about someone whose body suffered more than you could imagine, about someone tainted like Patch? Nothing. He shook his head, letting out a weak sigh but a smile graced his lips. Ramen sounded good and he was honestly hungry, fuck how would he even go home in that state where his legs could barely hold himself up? No way he'd risk getting into trouble again.
     "Right." Well not everyone was bad. Even if his clothes were covered in blood, he was a decent human being, letting Patch (a total stranger) stay in for the night, even giving him food. It made him grin once again for himself then he took in a deep breath, scratched at the side of his long neck and gazed down at the male, then at his wound. "So..stitch it up? Then it would be a pleasure to share food with you, Robb. Mind if I call you that? Let's say that my stomach is anticipating something.. eatable, so to speak. I can feel it jumping happily after you mentioned food."
     Split lips crack a boyish grin in response to the lovely remark. His amusement grows when he sees the look of aversion on the male’s face while looking Robbie over. It’s normal, ‘cause like shit— Robbie looks like the iconic psychopath from a slasher film. Anyone would be tense with apprehension of being approached by a stranger like him. But he has no intention to throw people in a basement to torture (he only does that on Friday to Sunday nights). All he could want right now is a nice shower, and a welcoming pot of ramen. For now, Robbie examines the stranger’s injury. It’s not the kind of thing an ordinary civilian should have unless this guy’s being messed with the wrong part of Seoul. Or just the recipient of unfortunate chance. “I can stitch it up, but don’t touch it, and don’t move that area around too much. Wouldn’t want the wound to open up even more.”
     The boy looks up, eyes flickering at the inquiry about a possible killing spree. “Yep. Went around hacking people up like a maniac.” And then he laughs. “I’m kidding. I just castrated a dude. It’s a marvel how much blood can spew out of a cut off dick, but I’m used to it by now.” Both of his claims sound so outrageous that they could easily be lies. But the latter is the truth. Word is going around Seoul that there’s a vigilante with such a hatred for the male populace, trademark method being castration. It cracks Robbie up every time he reads the news. Not like he sets out to be a serial castrator, but he’s learned more often than not that men will fucking talk once you chop their dick off with a knife, and/or put a bullet into their balls. In his opinion, it’s a cheap trick, but hey— it works, so fuck it. 
     Once they’re at his hideout and crossing between the shelves of the leftovers from this location’s past businesses, Robbie sees the male eye the porn warily. “Don’t touch any of it. Probably radioactive by now. Just kidding. It’s legit vintage shit, but I haven’t seen it. Could probably sell it online for some big bucks, so if you’re interested in that, feel free to take all of them.” Robbie leads him into the bathroom. He just laughs in good humor at the man’s remark accompanied by a wink. “Well, aren’t you just the charmer.” But he doesn’t know what else to say. He’s not used to people even hinting that he’s attractive, because Robbie doesn’t see it in the mirror. He’s so self-apathetic about where he stands in the attractive scale. All he sees in his reflection are the worst parts of himself amplified. So, how could others not see that as well?
     Robbie sits down on the cracked bathroom tiles, so that he’ll be at a better angle to treat the man’s injury. “Nice to meet you, Patch,” he replies, then reaches for the suture kit. He looks up, blinking curiously at his demand for Robbie to not question what he sees. Instead of answering right away, Robbie pulls off his black t-shirt. The blood soaked fabric sticking to his skin was fucking annoying. But his exposed torso reveals an array of scars. He’s proud of the ghost scars— the oldest ones, fading over time from a part of his life when he was with Thunderbird. Robbie was their stunt Wonder Boy, the youngest member. And yet…what would the team think of him now? He knows that they’re still desperately trying to contact him, but Robbie can’t let them into his life. Not when he’s become a danger to everyone. Now, his body has become the living freak show exhibition of years spent in The House. Out of all the linear lines from blades, burn patches, and odd grooves from chains, Robbie hates the serial code branded into his left arm. Best visual representation of being objectified into a commodity. The hatred is shown in the ugly scar running diagonally over the brand. Sometimes, he’s tempted to just cut that portion of skin off.
     He’s not showing his body as if to outdo the other. He rarely shows his body at all— especially after living in a Hell where his body was exploited day in and out. But he hopes Patch will feel a little more at ease. There can be comfort found in being in the presence of someone whose body is a battleground. Although Robbie sees himself as just…damaged. That’s what he sees in the mirror.
     "You should stay. I’m going to make ramen." He smiles at him. Somehow, he’s still able to smile in a painfully genuine and kind way. It’s tempting to surrender himself to cynicism, but whether it’s naivety or foolishness, Robbie still believes, still hopes. And tonight, he’s not going to think about how his life is being set on fire. He just wants to help this stranger, give him a home for the night. "Better than eating alone, right?"
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
[ a thread where x muse finds patch all tearing up and wow, it would be cute but heartbreaking 'cause poor baby's sad and i need this. ]
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
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「☩ ━ 」↠ His head tips to the side, he's very confused as in why she'd tell him this. "Uh.. Is death a beautiful woman? I'm sure I know the reason they see you that way now, I can even explain, if you wish."
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{ ☠ } —— ✘ ✘ ✘ “People sometimes look at me as if I’m death’s personification and I don’t know what to do about such annoying thing..” Oh, the irony in her words was too much.
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
«◆»     They killed each other like idiots, how stupid were humans, really? Patch made a face after hearing the new notice, lately many deaths have been produced by someone that was smart enough to make themselves pass unnoticed. He felt sick in the stomach, knowing that the person ran out there free and kept doing this, killing other innocent people. Patch shook his head and wanted to look for things himself, it was impossible for someone to do such a clean job- they had to have dropped something and he wanted to find it but then, then someone noticed him and he froze in place. Damn, this could go either good or bad and he felt like it would go bad in no time. Maybe he'd lie he was a cop, why not? If it worked, it worked.
   ❛No, I.. I actually came to uh, look for proof, see if I can find something against the criminal?❜
     Nervousness was obvious in the tone of his voice and the way he adverted his gaze, Patch was a bad liar in those situations. Fingers pushed his dark locks back and he hoped there would be no further questions. Funny how for a killer himself and a fallen angel-- a sinner, he wanted to do justice to some poor soul.
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
「☩ ━ His first kill was his best friend, that poor person who didn't even harm Patch badly but the fallen angel felt the need to end him off, to stab into his chest until there was nothing but a breathless body lying on the floor and as sick as it sounded, as sick as it made him, that made Patch feel alive. Maybe there was something dark inside of him, something that pushed him to do those horrible things but God, did they feel good. To have someone at your mercy, to be able to take their last breath away if you wanted.. it gave him an unexpected pleasure, it made Patch feel powerful and his grip onto the other's neck was stronger now, fingers digging into the flesh while he squeezed more, added more pressure and that smile of his that would usually be genuine, that would usually mean he was happy.. it turned sick all of sudden. If he were to look into a mirror, Patch for sure wouldn't reconoize himself.
     ❛You would, wouldn't you..❜ humming under his breath, he shakes his head. He sees the other male as pathethic like this, not able to even speak properly just from a little of pressure-- pathetic & weak, that's how they all were. Patch wasn't going to kill him, but only scare him a little. ❛I almost feel bad for you. We started with you being a little bitch on me and here we are.. You look so pathetic and powerless. I pity you.❜
[ ♔ ——— His intention hadn’t been to mock Patch, but there were those pieces of him he couldn’t hold at bay. & at being threatened he knew no other way to respond but with hits below the belt. He didn’t underestimate him because he didn’t underestimate anyone. He just saw something stronger in himself. Something much more dangerous. Unlike Patch he wore his darkness on his sleeve for the entire world to see. Which made him a much more formidable opponent when tossed in the ring. He wasn’t going to stop for sake of being up against something or someone who could finally go toe to toe with him. If anything he welcomed that challenge. The blood shed. The sheer violence that erupt after such an offer. Which is why he grins even with fingers around his throat threatening to tighten until nothing but crushed bone and blood remain.
"Do it. I’d—-l-l-love to see you give into that." He can hardly get the words out, but his fingers come to wrap around Patch’s outstretched arms and he attempts to pull him in. He antagonizes with the sort of reckless abandon that follows someone like him. He may not know what he is exactly but he knows that angels fallen or not are powerful and that death is a welcome notion. If only just this once.
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
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spunky action baby
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
[MSG:] Okay, so next time, maybe use a tighter knot?
   [ мѕɢ ] that sounds like some kinky shit and..   [ мѕɢ ] I'm not sure what to say or.. wrong number?   [ мѕɢ ] I don't remember tying anything up lately, uhm.   [ мѕɢ ] but it's fine, if you're into that!
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
"Just like me, they long to be, close to you."
     They were stranger, Patch knew nothing about the other guy, not even his name or.. where did they meet? Maybe a random meeting in the bar, at night where he was most probably a little tipsy and the guy told him his name but Patch didn't care much to memorize it? No idea. Bored, out of his mind, his chin was resting into his palm while the boy looked around. Patch needed and wanted a new job, he wanted to start over and try to make his life a little better (whatever it meant and whatever it would take him to) but had no idea where to start. A job.. jobs were complicated to search for and to find, his nose scrunched up at the mere thought. Attention shifting back to the stranger, he waved a hand in dimissal, humming.
     "And how is that? Why would anyone long to be closer to me?"
I'm a tainted soul, I'm no good nor should I get to close too people, they'll only hurt.
     "No one has ever told me that.. it's weird, you know? Give me a good reason and we might talk it out."
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
Send a $ for a sentence.
Over 100+ starter sentences based on Lana Del Rey lyrics. (death cw, sex cw, drugs cw, alcohol cw) —— Feel free to tweak sentences for ease of RP.
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
[ I want to apologize for being so slow and dead tbh, but school and my motivation just.. looks out of the window and into the darkness.. it disappeard. so like, I’ll try to catch up tonight cause I give up on trying to do anything productive… uh-huh. like this for a starter? I need new threads and Patch needs friends, it doesn’t matter if we already have one going on, I just need.. that uvu. ]
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
141116 → 141123
here are the prompts of the week! don’t forget to like/reblog if you will be taking at least one of these. the new tag is #e:141116.
vocabulary [ portend ]
emotion [ self-conscious ]
setting + situation [ in a bar + your muse is caught in the middle of a fight ]
headcanon [ If your muse were to describe any colour in the world, to someone who knows nothing about colour, which colour would your muse choose, and how would they describe it? ] submitted by monochrome-jongdae
happy roleplaying!
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
   [ мѕɢ ] Idk you don't seem that nice but you're really cute.. so you like plushies? Ducks are cute tho.    [ мѕɢ ] You do not. I doubt you'd make pink clothes look good..    [ мѕɢ ] 'Okay looking' is not what I aim for. I aim for being hella sexy, so sexy the panties drop.    [ мѕɢ ] You're not but you know who is great? Yes, exactly, meeeee.
{ text to > [ Name not Identified ] } I’ve been so nice to you thus far.
{ text to > [ Name not Identified ] } It is, and again I make everything look good.
{ text to > [ Name not Identified ] } I s’pose you’re okay looking. 
{ text to > [ Name not Identified ] } Let’s face it, I’m great.
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
I want the k and it better not be a pearl necklace..
21: Oral Sex
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dvsfctionl · 10 years
     He didn't believe that the other had no idea what Patch was, were the vampires' senses so weak and bad? Couldn't the male detect that he was in front of a fallen angel? An eyebrow raised, arms crossing over his chest. Something told him that this guy was new into all the vampire thing, he didn't seem very experienced or so and jumping like that in public? No vampire in their good mind would, people would suspect them. And the guy was paler too, so it said a lot, more proof to prove Patch's point: he was dealing with a vampire, a 'newborn' maybe or however they'd call the ones that turned recently. He was too sure about it.      The boy was lacking, his excuses were lacking and Patch felt that too, if anything it made the male more amused, even more when he noticed the other's pupils dilatate, it was strange and Patch didn't move the slightest. His brain felt a little funny, his mind wandering around until he took in the other's words. It was true, he did look like a normal plain person if you looked better and vampires didn't exist- yes, true again, vampires burnt in the sun and couldn't go outside when it was day. "You... yeah, you're right. You'd be burning if you were a vampire.. And you do not look like one either, it was my ba.." Words cut off by himself, he shook his head and frowned. This was compulsion, the other was using compulsion on him and Patch.. Patch too owned that skill, that power, the only one left from his previous self as an Archangel. His compulsion was weak but it was there. Rubbing at his forehead, Patch heaved a sigh and glared at the other make, stepping dangerously closer and lowering his gaze to him.      "You little.. how dare you try to compel me?" The question was simple and a little stupid, why wouldn't he try to compel Patch? Vampires would do anything to get away with their.. things, doings and so on, he didn't like this situation. "I observe because I can and want to. You're no one to tell me what to do and what not to do. Now.. stop denying it, we both know what you are so there's no use in trying to hide it and giving me a headache." Scrunching up his nose, he shoved the other backwards a little. Picking a fight wasn't the most intelligent thing but nonetheless, he didn't care if they fought or argued. It'd be fun and amusing, something more exciting than passing time in a bar and playing billiard. "You're a vampire, recently turned maybe? You can't control yourself, can you." With a playful grin spreading across his features, Patch purposely tipped his head to expose his white and long neck. "I'm sure you'd like having a taste, wouldn't you? Tsk.."
           Eyes pierced into the taller male coldly, Shane didn’t dare to change his expression at all. For a newbie, he couldn’t do much. Yet he found it quite impossible for someone of normal standards, skills or even breed to spot him like he was spotted. At first he thought he was careless with the jump and the way he composed himself again, yet he was quite convincing, despite the lack of muscles of his and so as his skinny figure which would plot against him on a matter of facts. Shane had no way of changing it, less than a month has passed since his neck got snapped so his control wasn’t the best. He wasn’t the best with excuses either, so what he had left on his sleeve was something that could easily get ruined. But he had to try it for his own defense. I’ve got to try out this.            For someone who clearly didn’t master his whole new self, Shane was good at compulsion since he has always been fan of hypnotic techniques and others of the same sort, but it wasn’t still perfect. He was strong willed, and he knew he could do it, as it wouldn’t be the first time. His pupils dilated and he tried to approach the other with a smooth conversation, not sure if convincing or not as the other could be under any sort of measure anti-compulsion, however humans managed to do it. “Look. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just some plain normal sad emo kid as you’d call it. I mean, do you really believe in vampires?” He chuckled in a slightly annoyed manner in between, his momentous acting running out of its basis, as his eyes and dilating pupils kept growing wider and moving back to its natural size, against the disturbing light. “Don’t vampires burn in the sun? I mean, explain me. Why the heck would I be one of those?” It was some lame acting filled with cliches, but aren’t vampires filled with these on the folk stories we are presented?            Shane didn’t like talking too much, and being annoyed made him open his mouth wide enough to let a few truths or convenient facts — made up or not — out in the world. Yet he had self control, or he tried his best in order not to drain someone in public. He has always had a hell of a temper, and now that hell sent him back to life, he was enjoying, eternally as a 19 year-old college freshman. Running away from New Orleans not to have himself tracked after a car accident was enough reason for him to keep in the shade for himself, wouldn’t it be? Not all people reported as dead wander around everyday. But in his case, he’d better keep himself and his coven protected. “Believe in what you feel like believing. I like privacy just as any other person. I don’t like being observed without my consent as any other person.”
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