nixus-nitor · 10 years
The male his eyebrows raised when he suddenly felt something in his neck. Teeth..? He frowned lightly in confusion as he shifted his gaze to the female, not saying anything as he then simply raised one eyebrow. He stayed silent for a moment before he chuckled lightly. "Okay? This is not what i expected when i walked in here."
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translucerez · 10 years
"Excuse me, can I borrow a pen of yours? It'll be quick, I promise."
Shrugging her backpack off her shoulders with such haste, Lucia shoved her hand into the jam packed mess -- blindly searching for said item. "'Course, I have a selection in here somewhere..." She murmured, fingers brushing against unidentifiable bits and bobs. It took her just over a minute to locate one; a grin of victory as she pulls it from the clutter crammed into the bag, waving the luminous green pen in the air. "Here the bugger is!"
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txrschlvsspanik · 10 years
"You seem exhausted. Are you alright?"
(✥)— His shaking knees and his unsteady breathing were a proven fact that he was indeed somewhat exhausted, his gaze wandering around almost absently as the others words echoed through the cold air of Seoul; the wind mercilessly blowing snow into the peoples faces meanwhile they were minding their own business. And even though Junhyuk had reached his limits, he still had energy left to offer the other a small sheepish laugh. “I.. maybe I overestimated myself” he explained, his gaze glued on the stranger. “Could you do me a favor?” he asked, slowly leaning back against a wall, noticing that he felt heavier, his sight going to be blurry soon, if he wouldn’t get water to drink.
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refinedimpurity-blog · 10 years
'Behind the scenes'
Jongup: I wanna go explore that dark alley there
Typist: For mato's sake, you'll get yourself killed! Absolutely not.
Jongup: B-but..I wanna gooooo /does the thing with his eyes
Typist: Aish...fine then....but don't do anything stupid.
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jshins-blog · 10 years
shvpeless started following you
Ah, I was wondering if you'd like to get something to eat with me-- I'm Jasper, by the way.
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ximpvlsive-blog · 10 years
"Do I… know you from somewhere?"
"Do I... know you from somewhere?"
Strands of light brunette tresses cascade over the shoulders, her head tilts to the left the slightest bit and she finds herself eying the other without thinking too much about whether or not she is familiar to the eye. Well to a few handful, they mistaken her to be an old college friend in the past to someone who they noticed in pages of magazines so either one can go. Or it’s just accidentally and they were tapping her shoulder to see how she looks in the front rather than the back of her head. She still stands, demeanor was calm and there was no need to feel rather nervous about anything in particular when she hasn’t done anything too reckless lately.
❝Depends.❞ Sungkyung starts off, feet pressing onto the pavement. Left, right and repeat until the bottom of her shoes create the imprint on the sheen layer of porcelain white that was layered in the early morning. Cylinder stick snatched in between peach nude lips, a faint aroma of the cigarette resting in the frostbite air and she doesn’t really know how to approach the situation. ❝Tell me a location and time you’ve probably seen me and maybe I’ll confirm whether it is me or not.❞ Seems like a fair deal, right? She just wants to resolve this the best way she knows how. Gathering information without her speaking too much in the conversation.
0 notes
translucerez · 10 years
*hugs you real tight* Would you please send this to the first ten people on your dash to keep it going? Make someone’s day with a hug!
( ` squirming away from the others embrace, her eyes narrow in sucspicion ) What kinda hippy-dippy shit is this-- You try'na sell or something?? You better keep your hands off me unless you want 'em broken. 
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txrschlvsspanik · 10 years
[ shvpeless ]
(❅)— A grin directed back towards to its first giver, Hayden’s eyeballs squished slightly as she returned the friendly gesture, her hands receiving the warmth of the mug, a tender gesture holding it tightly, embracing the cozy feeling of that simple mug, who seemed to warm up hearts and souls, maybe just hers, but it certainly would give away a lot of smiles. “It’s nice to get a warm and cozy drink like this once in a while, not many can make drinks as special as these. Probably the festive mood already rising through the people makes them feel as if these have a special meaning, I don’t know. But it feels much more warm than any Starbucks out there, no matter how sweet these are. And, nice to meet you, Hyosung, I’m Hayden. Pretty much a babbler.” Hayden extended her hand, nodding and grinning towards the acquainted stranger.
(❈)— The Angel nodded a few times as the other mentioned that the mug was just the perfect treatment for this kind of weather, making it obvious that she had the same opinion. "ah yea it just seems like a meaningful ritual for this season. Its great" she laughed lightly, nodding lightly to her own words. "Its nice to meet you too, Hayden. I enjoy people who like to talk, its much easier to hold a good conversation" she said with a chuckle, her smile growing to a bright grin as her hand reached for Haydens to shake it lightly as greeting; letting it drop as soon as they were done. "Despite the cold weather I really enjoy this season. I don't know, the snow is pretty and seeing the people roaming around hunting for christmas gifts already..." she said with a shrug. "makes me happy to see that the others think of making their friends and relatives happy for at least once a year"
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5wxs-blog · 10 years
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Xinyuan looked at the picture, observing it carefully before smiling lightly. "I must admit that I appreciate the fact that you work out to look good.  Though you can put a kilo or two, you seem a little bit skinny.Maybe we should go for a lunch sometime? Oh, yeah, I like your tattoo."
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