dxsciz · 11 years
I have to say that when my sister showed me this, I thought it was going to be some stupid boy love thing. Which I hate.
But it's actually a really awesome story of two bros. And even though I would personally love to choke the living shit out of that dumb ass red head, this kind of animation makes me really love cartoons and the stories they tell.
So naturally, I have to reblog this from you!
Anyone who hasn't looked at this should consider it. Very nice style and interesting quirks to the story.
The Reward, fantasy bromance, I feel like I have to share this everywhere, PG 13 with animated nudity and violence
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dxsciz · 11 years
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And behold! My T-shirt Designs for my Engineering Department!!!
Finally completed! And much better quality than I originally expected from myself. That's because I can get lazy and scatter brained when working for others. Hence why I am not in the career of Graphic Artist, lol.
Each of the people above is an Engineer I work with, or was placed in our Department Trailer. I tried to incorporate inside jokes or their mannerisms into the drawings so they would be more personalized.
Several have expressed amazement and nothing but enthusiasm about this project. I think they aren't used to having an artist amongst them, lol.
Below is also an example of how the Design is to sit on the T-shirts I'm getting ready to order.
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dxsciz · 11 years
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I took a break between finishing my T-shirt project (which I will be uploading later) and decided to have some fun. My sisters and I have several races that we have in a story called Rebirth. I have two, The Garcans and Antaresians. Well, we wanted to see them compared to one another, so we sat down and drew them out.
The two pictures here are of both the average male and female of my races. The Garcans, as I have mentioned before, are a war loving, semi-barbaric society that live in a harsh desert. The Antaresians are a money lusting capitalist culture who leech off of the land and move on when done with it. I really like both of them, but I made them so that's kind of a given.
You can see a MAJOR difference between the muscular Garcans and the thin Antaresians. Which was the point of making them the way they are. I wanted to be able to enjoy the extreme differences of body types.
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dxsciz · 12 years
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This picture is due to my recent work on one of my stories called Absence. My character, Niclan (the blond), is thought a mentally crazed criminal due to a bunch of crap. Basically he murdered his whole Settler Ship...er....'allegedly murdered'. Just kidding, he really didn't.
Anyway, my sister's character Aoly is a coward and whenever she meets Niclan, it'd go very poorly. This picture was as a joke of how innocent he really is and how people view him.
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dxsciz · 12 years
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Scribbles for an Antaresian in the desert. Trying to make him a Garcan friend, but I have been failing so miserably on character design as of late...
No inspiration and an art block.
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dxsciz · 12 years
Minor Update
So little activity on here....
Well, I have very little to post due to my time being spent on God knows what. My days seem to be devoted to eating, sleeping, and working anymore. Going to try and work some more on important stuff! Like my current T-shirt project! Which I will post some of once I finish the art.
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dxsciz · 12 years
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I found this on my computer while updating my tumblr. It's an older picture I did, but I really enjoy it. It wasn't perfect, due to my avatar on GaiaOnline wearing the Troll face, but it makes me laugh and looks artistically fine outside of that.
Just wanted to share it since I feel it's a positive addition to my gallery.
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dxsciz · 12 years
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I can't recall if I uploaded this before or not (didn't see it in my Archive). But I apologize if I have.
Anyway, this was just some scribbling of Gunner. I enjoy the piece because I was trying somethign different, but I am aware my attempts aren't the best. But if you don't try new things, how will you ever grow?!
Gunner was trapped in a collapsed building. This is him dusting himself off after surviving the partial collapse that traps him in the lower levels.
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dxsciz · 12 years
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Just some fun with shapes and such.
Sort of a representation of the Antaresian God Omega and his bestowing of intelligence upon his people.
Antaresians value wit and resourcefulness so they believe their God does as well. Hence the 'mural' of it as a gift.
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dxsciz · 12 years
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This should be everyone's wallpaper now.
Lol, no it shouldn't. But there is something so amazing that attracts me to my race of Antaresians. Maybe it's their tall thinness and creepy boney limbs? Or their plain fun to draw in this noodle style with their knife noses and smug expressions. Whatever the cause, here I present a doodle of my Antaresian characters in the story Rebirth thus far.
From right to left: Jaques, a Coyote smuggler outcast; Faustinus, a traveling famous psychic and his man servant Bernard, a Protection Charmer in training; and Bruno, the second richest man in the Antaresian country.
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dxsciz · 12 years
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I have been trying to get a good reference picture of Mel out and yet, I keep getting stuck. On what, you may ask. On tattoos. Why? SLEEVES. How am I to draw two full arm designs of a man's life when I have just made him? Curses! So basically, I am trying to push through this and get his sleeve designs out. It's very difficult because I almost have to know his life story in order to do anything. But I have a good start: The Garcan religion. While not openly religious, Garcans have a deep connection with their religious culture and tend to have references to it in their tattoos.
Several of my characters actually have their gods represented in their tattoos. So I figure why not start there for Mel? The fellow above.
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dxsciz · 12 years
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I don't know what it is about this headshot, but I enjoy it's plainness and personality. Maybe I like simple, I don't know.
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dxsciz · 12 years
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So My sister's and I have been working on our races here and there. It was mentioned that we didn't really work on the children of the races. So we each sat down and sort of drew ideas for each other. Then we took those ideas and tweaked them to how we liked them and viola! Children from our races.
I have the Garcan boy and girl and the Antaresian boy and girl. Garcans don't differentiate between genders, so I wanted to show that in the children. Each dresses in practical play clothes.
Antaresians have a very strict social class system and so I wanted to display the middle against the rich. It's very difficult to compare the two children due to the extreme difference in genders, but you get the idea that the lavish and white clothing is rich and the dingy earth tones are poorer.
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dxsciz · 12 years
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Was playing with some ideas for a Profile Background. I am obviously terrible with such layouts, but this simple little thing is something I really enjoy.
Contains an OC I have been working with here and there who is going to be an Imaginary Friend dubbed The Tall Man.
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dxsciz · 12 years
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Everyone else has Pokemon Fanart, especially pairings. So I jumped in on it. ; D
Oh Hugh and Liepard~
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dxsciz · 12 years
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So I have been hanging around this Breadables/Changables Pet Shop on GaiaonOnline called Sidekick Academy. It's a super hero based one with people. Any who, I am debating joining and if so, who to go for.
While I was in there, Chibi mentioned how she'd love to see the existing characters dancing the Oppan Gangnam Style dance. At first I didn't think anything of it, but then I had this urge to draw it.
I don't really know any of the characters in SA, so I was actually just going to draw some of my and some friends characters dancing, but laykein has Avalbane in there so I decided she'd be funny to draw.
Then I just decided to throw Faustinus in there. Because why not? But I was talking to Shnazz in the thread and I wanted to draw for them, so I went and found their character and did a solo of him dancing.
Unfortunately, what I was trying came out less Gangnam Style and more BeeGees Staying Alive, lol. But whaddayagonnado?
The crazy thing is, when I drew these, I did not sketch. Just drew all the linework on one layer and worked with it. Which was fun. Just flowing. I then colored it on a different layer, but only one. Normally I sketch out on 1-3 layers and then use a different layer for each part of the person.
Example: Sketch 1, Sketch 2, Sketch 3, Skin, Pants, Shirts, Hair, Extras, Patterns, Lines
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dxsciz · 12 years
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Working on Omega's Wendigo form inspired me to make Violence, A Demi-God I have, a Wendigo form. However, I decided against it seeing as Violence already has a Lion form. So instead I took up one of my yet to finish projects to finish all of Violence's forms. His natural one is the one you'll see often in my earlier posts. And here is both his Human form Concept and his Lion form final.
I drew up the Lion form three different times on paper, each time it changed drastically. But this time, I really enjoy what I came up with, so it's staying.
With his human form, this is the first attempt and so I'm unsure of how it will go or what I will change. But right now, I enjoy it. I hope to have more of his human form drawn together with the other 'Sins' human forms.
I also still need to put his horse form on a PSD file and color it. But we'll see where that goes.
Here is a good post to compare his and the other Sins true forms.
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