eatsandetcblog · 4 years
Easy Puppy Chow Recipe
Dishing up a last-minute Valentine's Day Treat on the blog!
Puppy Chow Aka Muddy Buddies is one of my favorite treats. It’s one of those desserts that I’ll keep saying to myself, “Just one more bite” as I continue to reach in the bag.
I love picking up this treat on a road trip, but it’s also really easy to make at home. I also love that you can make it festive for any holiday or occasion by adding sprinkles or colored chocolate candies, like M&Ms.…
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eatsandetcblog · 4 years
Super Bowl Snacks & Apps Roundup
When it comes to Super Bowl parties, I go for the food. If you're like me, you need to check out my recipe roundup on the blog.
If I were attending a Super Bowl party this year, I would 100% be wearing a shirt that said here for the food! Unfortunately, I’ll be traveling this year, and I don’t own a shirt like that, but the point is I love the snacks at a party.
In honor of the big game, I’m rounding up my favorite recipes from the blog that will be sure to please Super Bowl Partygoers.
Cheese apps 3 ways
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eatsandetcblog · 4 years
Dupe or Dud: Elf 16HR Camo Concealer vs. Tarte Shape Tape
Talking about the beloved Tarte Shape Tape dupe on the blog! Give this post a thumbs up if you want more beauty content on Dishing Up Chic.
I want to get back to posting more beauty on Dishing Up Chic since it’s been a while. To kick things off, I thought it would be perfect to start with a Dupe or Dud.
Now, these two products, Elf 16HR Camo Concealer and Tarte Shape Tape have both take the beauty community by storm. Many people have compared the two, and swear they are dupes. So this post is anything but groundbreaking still, I…
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eatsandetcblog · 4 years
Drugstore Hair Care Routine
The dish on my hair care routine is live on the blog. I'm sharing my favorite drugstore hair products! Learn more below.
I love hearing about the hair and beauty products people use in their routine. It gives me the chance to hear about new products that I might want to try and steps that I might want to add to my routine.
Lately, I’ve been using the same few products on my hair pretty consistently, so I figured it would be a good time to share my routine.
I try to wash my hair about 2 times a week, 3…
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eatsandetcblog · 4 years
Introducing The Plant Corner
Talking about my #plantparent journey in my new post!
I started Dishing Up Chic to share my passions with the world. When it began, I had just fallen in love with cooking and wanted to show off the recipes I was making. At that time, I was also a huge makeup junkie, my friends were always asking me for beauty advice, and I wanted to create a place for them to go.
As time has gone on, I’ve continued to share the things I love on this site,…
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eatsandetcblog · 4 years
No Spending Challenge
Kicking off 2020 with a no spending challenge! Check out the rules and my goals in my new post!
Now that it’s a new year, I want to get back on track with my budget. I used to be very good at tracking my expenses, but over the last few months, I haven’t recorded much as far as my spending. Most months I don’t go overboard, but there have been times when I’ve gotten my bank statement and have been like, “Who spent all this money?! Oh wait, that was me…”
But here’s to new beginnings,…
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eatsandetcblog · 4 years
Holiday Traditions
Talking all about my favorite holiday traditions on the blog! What are your favorite holiday traditions? Leave a comment!
Throughout the year, everyone has their own set of traditions. My favorite season for traditions is the holiday season. There are so many ways to celebrate the holidays, and so many chances to get together with family, my favorite.
As I get older, I look back at all of the things I’ve done with my family over the years around the holidays, and my drive to keep our traditions alive continues to…
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eatsandetcblog · 5 years
Spreading Holiday Cheer - Blog Roundup
Rounding up my favorite ways to spread holiday cheer this season!
Now that’s officially December, I’m super excited to get into the holiday spirit. To be honest, I decorated a lot earlier this year than I normally do. I must admit, it is true what they say about decorating earlier bringing joy. I love lighting my favorite winter candle (Marshmallow Fireside from BBW), turning on my Christmas tree and other light-up decorations ,and cozying up on the couch.
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eatsandetcblog · 5 years
The Dish on Nashville
Dishing on my Nashville trip on the blog.
Last month I took a girls trip to Nashville for a friend’s bachelorette party. I had been there before, but for a much shorter time so, I was excited to go back and do some of the things I wasn’t able to get to the last time. 
You might have heard, Nashville has become the bachelorette capital, and it did not disappoint. 
Where we stayed: 
We stayed at the cutest AirBnB off-Broadway.…
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eatsandetcblog · 5 years
Change of Season Closet Tips
Sharing my tips for seasonally switching out your closet.
Living in a small apartment, I don’t have the best closet space. Currently, I share my bedroom closet with my boyfriend, and by share I mean I take up most of the closet, and I give him a small corner in the back. Regardless, I don’t have enough room to keep both my spring/summer clothes with my fall/winter gear.
When the seasons change, I have to reorganize. I pack up my spring/summer…
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eatsandetcblog · 5 years
Cheese Apps 3 Ways
Sharing 3 easy recipes on the blog! Let me know which one is your favorite.
With the holidays right around the corner I thought it was good time to share these 3 easy cheese appetizers. They have very few ingredients and don’t take very long to prepare; making them the perfect addition to any holiday spread. Whether you’re attending a work potluck, a get-together with neighbors, or celebrating with friends and family these won’t disappoint. Goat Cheese Log with Honey,…
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eatsandetcblog · 5 years
Sweet and Spicy Meatball Meal Prep
Your tastes buds will thank me: Sweet and Spicy Meatball Meal Prep
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Whenever I see this meme floating around, I giggle to myself. We’ve all been there, trying to cook a recipe by following directions from a blog. Isn’t it so frustrating when you get locked out of your phone, and you have scroll and scroll and scroll to get back to the directions? That’s why I try to get right to the point on Dishing Up Chic.
So, let’s get to it.
Here’s what you’ll need:
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eatsandetcblog · 5 years
This is my second fall in my apartment, wow time flies. Even though I got a ton of stuff last year to decorate, I had to make some additions this year because let’s be real I can’t resist the Target dollar section or Michaels for too long.
I have so many DIYs I’d like to do for fall, but I am sadly running out of room, and I don’t have much an outside space. I look forward to having a home one day where I can really expand my fall decor collection.
These days my color scheme is greens, golds, and creams. I keep this theme throughout the year, so when the holidays come, I can complement the decor that I already have in my apartment, except for my kitchen that I do in reds and warmer hues.
I like to keep all of my decor pretty budget-friendly, check out my favorite places for seasonal decorations in my post Fall Decor Finds. You can see how I decorated things last year, in that post as well.
Here are some of my updates below:
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      Check out my updated fall decor on the blog! This is my second fall in my apartment, wow time flies. Even though I got a ton of stuff last year to decorate, I had to make some additions this year because let's be real I can't resist the Target dollar section or Michaels for too long.
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eatsandetcblog · 5 years
Recently I found myself with more onions in my kitchen than I knew what to do with. I don’t like wasting, so I set out to find a recipe to help use them up. I came across this skillet chicken and creamy balsamic onion sauce recipe that I knew I had to share! IT’s restaurant quality, plus, it’s a one-pan dish, my favorite!
4 small boneless, skinless chicken breasts (chicken thighs could also work)
salt and pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup chopped onions
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 teaspoon of thyme
pinch of red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup heavy cream
***If you want more sauce to cover rice, veggies, etc., I recommend doubling the ingredients from the onions down. 
 Season chicken breasts with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Heat olive oil in a large skillet and cook chicken on medium to high heat. Once your chicken is cooked all the way through you can set it aside.
 Next, turn the heat down to low and cook your onions in the pan with some butter to caramelize them. As you stir the onions, they’ll pick up leftover chicken flavor. You’ll know your onions are “caramelized” when they are soft and brown.
 Add thyme, red pepper flakes, sugar, and balsamic vinegar, let the vinegar cook out for a couple of minutes.
Slowly add chicken broth while whisking, this will help deglaze your pan. Raise the heat back up to high and let your sauce thicken for a few minutes.
After your sauce thickens, lower the heat before adding your cream.
Let everything simmer for a bit and add your chicken back in.
Serve hot with some yummy veggies. I opted for asparagus and some mash potatoes and drizzled this yummy sauce all over.
***For leftovers, if your sauce gets too thick adding some more chicken broth will thin it out!
See the evolution of the sauce below!!
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  NEW dish: One-Pan Chicken and Creamy Balsamic Onion Sauce! Recently I found myself with more onions in my kitchen than I knew what to do with.
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eatsandetcblog · 5 years
Work-Friendly Breakfast Ideas
Dishing up my favorite work-friendly breakfast ideas today. What are yours?
No matter how hard I try, I’m always rushing out the door for work in the morning. Even when I’m on top of my game, waking up early to make my bed or workout, somehow time still gets away from me. And of course, there are the days when I can’t get enough of that snooze button. Either way, I typically don’t have time to eat breakfast before work.
So, I bring make-ahead breakfasts. Here are some…
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eatsandetcblog · 5 years
Mother’s Day is just around the corner! In honor of the upcoming celebrations, I compiled a list of recipes that can be perfectly added to your Mother’s Day brunch spread.
Caramel-banana cinnamon roll casserole
This one is a crock-pot recipe that can cook while you’re preparing other things. So easy and yummy.
Lemon cheesecake crescent rolls
A light dessert that is perfect for springtime.
Shrimp and macaroni salad 
Of course, I had to share one of my mom’s recipes for Mother’s Day. This dish is always a big hit.
Mom-osas (mimosas) 
I shared this recipe for Christmas, but mimosas are perfect any time of the year. Just swap out the cranberry juice for orange juice!
Lightened up pasta salad 
Pasta salads are so easy to make for when you’re having some guests over. They make the perfect side.
Fruit Salad 
Another easy recipe for a light dessert.
I love this sangria recipe for spring and summertime. It’s so refreshing.
Goat cheese and apple crostini 
This is one of my favorite apps.
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Thanks for reading! I hope you have a great time celebrating the women in your life! Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mamas out there!
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Dishing up some Mother's Day brunch ideas your mom celebrations next week! Mother's Day is just around the corner! In honor of the upcoming celebrations, I compiled a list of recipes that can be perfectly added to your Mother's Day brunch spread.
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eatsandetcblog · 5 years
Burger Bowl Recipe
Check out this yummy burger bowl recipe!
Ok, so I have to admit when I first heard of the burger bowl idea I was a little skeptical. Skeptical, but still intrigued. I was all on board for a healthified burger in a bowl sans the bun.  The one thing throwing me off though was the pickles. I mean, a burger bowl is basically a salad, and I didn’t feel right putting pickles in my salad!
But I decided to give it a shot and it was so good! If…
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