ebonysable · 28 days
Stack them up neatly, put something sturdy underneath and something heavy on top (but not touching the left-hand edge), and then paint that left edge thoroughly with glue to turn them into a notepad. Or you could use the top edge if you prefer, but that's less book-like.
I've seen it done, but I'm afraid I don't know what glue they were using for it. It has been quite a few years, and I don't think I thought to ask.
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Well, there's Doom. All 550+ pages. It is more than a ream of paper, printed double sided, full of 1s and 0s.
I haven't figured out how I'm gonna store it yet. While a binder makes some sense, hole punching all of that is daunting and I feel like I would end up destroying them little by little. I might put a few pages at a time in a small binder and tear them out as they're finished. That would make it portable, which is ideal for me, since I commute on the train.
I knew the prep on this project would be significant, but there was a lot I did not consider. I'm excited to get started!
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ebonysable · 1 month
I always thought he was more of a chicken, and they can live 5~10 years, with the oldest on record being 16.
But also, animals in fiction live a lot longer than in real life, simply because the writers tend not to think about them dying.
How is Az still alive ?
He is a bird close to a sparrow not a parrot
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ebonysable · 3 months
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TiL (click to go to the thread, which probably has more interesting tidbits I missed).
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163K notes · View notes
ebonysable · 3 months
No mention of (Dofus Age) Tylezia, aka the Red Death, mother of Dreggons, daughter of Terrakourial, and her girlfriend Oyukipoca, aka Night-That-Roars, the goddess of Bow Meaguars? They had the Vulbis Dofus together, which hatched into their son Tyzerion.
A current list of every confirmed LGBTQ+ characters in the Krosmoz.
The characters are placed chronologically by their era NOT by their names ‼️
Genesis Era
Sadida (Asexual) : has applied photosynthesis to produce ten Sadida dolls, his children.
Feca (Bisexual) : became a man so she could procreate with a woman and make Otomaï.
Sacrier (Bisexual) : became a man so she could procreate with a woman and make Lupa.
Great Dragon (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Enutrof (Agender) : he takes the form of a dragon, so he also applies to Tot’s tweet.
Aerafal (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Aguabrial (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Dardondakal (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Grougalorasalar (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Terrakourial (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Ignemikhal (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Shinonome (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Balthazar (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Grougaloragran (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Adamaï (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Efrim (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Phaerys (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Dofus Era
Jahash (Bisexual) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Julith (Bisexual) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Simone (Lesbian) : you can see her dating a female ecaflip by the name of Julie in “The Treasures of Kerubim” Dofus series.
Julie (Lesbian) : she fell in love at first sight with Simone and has been seen dating her in “The Treasures of Kerubim” Dofus series.
Alibert (Gay) : his sexuality has been confirmed in the webtoon Les Tranches de Vie de Wakfu where he had been kissed by a man on the cheek and liked it.
Gustavio (Gay) : he appeared in the webtoon Les Tranches de Vie de Wakfu where he wrapped his arms around Alibert’s neck and kissed his cheek.
Every single eliOtrope (Lesbian by default) : eliOtropes are copies of Yugo and feel what he feels. female eliOtropes are no exceptions.
Otomaï’s unnamed mother (Bisexual) : she has slept with the goddess feca and had a feeling that the “man” was a divine being.
Larentia (Bisexual) : she has slept with the goddess sacrier who was disguised as a man.
Atone (Non-binary) : just as they died, Oropo told them to rest in peace: “you were a sister, a brother, it didn’t matter.”
Marline (Gay) : had a VERY huge obsession with Khan Karkass, a popular Boufbowler player. has been confirmed by Tot on a tweet that he was a character who specifically confronted Khan’s toxic masculinity.
Wakfu Era
Queen of Bonta Astra (Lesbian) : was seen sitting next to another queen of Bonta.
Astra’s unnamed wife (Lesbian) : was seen sitting next to Astra who was already the queen of Bonta.
Canar (Gay) : his character was based on Albin and Renato from La Cage aux Folles.
Renar (Gay) : his character was based on Alvin and Renato from La Cage aux Folles.
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ebonysable · 4 months
Do unto otters as you would have otters do unto you.
(Thief of Time, Terry Pratchett)
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ebonysable · 5 months
how to find literally any post on a blog in seconds (on desktop)
there are so many posts about ~tumblr is so broken, you can’t find any post on your own blog, it’s impossible, bluhrblub~
I am here to tell you otherwise! it is in fact INCREDIBLY easy to find a post on a blog if you’re on desktop/browser and you know what you’re doing:
url.tumblr.com/tagged/croissant will bring up EVERY post on the blog tagged with the specific and exact phrase #croissant. every single post, every single time. in chronological order starting with the most recent post. note: it will not find #croissants or that time you made the typo #croidnssants. for a tag with multiple words, it’s just /tagged/my-croissant and it will show you everything with the exact phrase #my croissant
url.tumblr.com/tagged/croissant/chrono will bring up EVERY post on the blog tagged with the exact phrase #croissant, but it will show them in reverse order with the oldest first 
url.tumblr.com/search/croissant isn’t as perfect at finding everything, but it’s generally loads better than the search on mobile. it will find a good array of posts that have the word croissant in them somewhere. could be in the body of the post (op captioned it “look at my croissant”) or in the tags (#man I want a croissant). it won’t necessarily find EVERYTHING like /tagged/ does, but I find it’s still more reliable than search on mobile. you can sometimes even find posts by a specific user by searching their url. also, unlike whatever random assortment tumblr mobile pulls up, it will still show them in a more logically chronological order
url.tumblr.com/day/2020/11/05 will show you every post on the blog from november 5th, 2020, in case you’re taking a break from croissants to look for destiel election memes 
url.tumblr.com/archive/ is search paradise. easily go to a particular month and see all posts as thumbnails! search by post type! search by tags but as thumbnails now
url.tumblr.com/archive/filter-by/audio will show you every audio post on your blog (you can also filter by other post types). sometimes a little imperfect if you’re looking for a video when the op embedded the video in a text post instead of posting as a video post, etc
url.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/croissant will show you EVERY post on the blog tagged with the specific and exact phrase #croissant, but it will show you them in the archive thumbnail view divided by months. very useful if you’re looking for a specific picture of a croissant that was reblogged 6 months ago and want to be able to scan for it quickly 
url.tumblr.com/archive/filter-by/audio/tagged/croissant will show you every audio post tagged with the specific phrase #croissant (you can also filter by photo or text instead, because I don’t know why you have audio posts tagged croissant) 
the tag system on desktop tumblr is GENUINELY amazing for searching within a specific blog! 
caveat: this assumes a person HAS a desktop theme (or “custom theme”) enabled. a “custom theme” is url.tumblr.com, as opposed to tumblr.com/url. I’ve heard you have to opt-into the former now, when it used to be the default, so not everyone HAS a custom theme where you can use all those neat url tricks. 
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if the person doesn’t have a “custom theme” enabled, you’re beholden to the search bar. still, I’ve found the search bar on tumblr.com/url is WAY more reliable than search on mobile. for starters, it tends to bring posts up in a sensible order, instead of dredging up random posts from 2013 before anything else
if you’re on mobile, I’m sorry. godspeed and good luck finding anything. (my one tip is that if you’re able to click ON a tag rather than go through the search bar, you’ll have better luck. if your mutual has recently reblogged a post tagged #croissant, you can click #croissant and it’ll bring up everything tagged #croissant just like /tagged/croissant. but if there’s no readily available tag to click on, you have to rely on the mobile search bar and its weird bizarre whims) 
70K notes · View notes
ebonysable · 6 months
I started developing symptoms in my mid teens. I wasn't diagnosed until my twenties, when, after years of shame and worsening symptoms, I asked my psychiatrist if I might have OCD. And of course, the answer was yes.
Not being diagnosed because you never thought to bring up the symptoms is not fun. But there was nothing out there in the media telling me that my symptoms were a problem, and I'd learned that being different in any way was something you got punished for, so I did my best to hide my symptoms from those around me.
Washing my hands a little more often than normal and keeping my distance from rubbish bins didn't seem so bad, but now it's at the level where it's difficult to leave the house, and I don't trust anything that anyone else has touched. And yes, my living space is a pigsty.
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Greetings bugs and worms!
This comic is a little different than what I usually do but I worked real hard on it—Maybe I'll make more infographic stuff in the future this ended up being fun. Hope you learned something new :)
If you are still curious and want to learn more about OCD, you can visit the International OCD Foundation's website. I also recommend this amazing TED ED video "Starving The Monster", which was my first introduction to the disorder and this video by John Green about his own experience with OCD.
The IOCDF's website can also help you find support groups, therapy, and has lots of online guides and resources as well if you or a loved one is struggling with the disorder. It is very comprehensive!
Reblog to teach your followers about OCD
(But also not reblogging doesn't make you evil, silly goose)
61K notes · View notes
ebonysable · 6 months
All the Firstborn have the same mother and father, and were laid in the same clutch. So they are very definitely all siblings. Additionally, the Next had to come from somewhere...
Back when Islands of Wakfu was canon, we knew Chibi and Mina were a couple, and people theorised that Yugo and Nora were as well. I remember someone pointing out that that would make Glip and Qilby a possible couple, which would explain why Glip blamed himself so much. But it's very possible, over the lifetimes, with them being different ages at different times, that the couples switched around every so often. Either way, Mina and Nora are the only possible mothers of the original Next.
Admittedly, being the children of a Dragon God and a Goddess, they might not have been genetically related enough to worry about incest problems, but the incest is definitely still there.
Anyone else remember that one piece of Wakfu lore that said Chibi and Mina were dating even though they’re(or at least see each other as) siblings? I mean imagine going through one life acting like siblings then the next life you’re going on romantic dates.
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ebonysable · 6 months
Rules for a fantasy world?
I found a battered list of instructions among my belongings. The handwriting is mine, but I have no recollection of writing them. Various signs suggest I wrote it while in high school. Did I go on some sort of isekai adventure (not the death sort, the amnesia sort)?
[line too damaged to read]
Never turn your back on a [???], [???] or dragon.
Don't turn your back on a mirror you can see your reflection in. Don't close your eyes or look away either. Definitely don't sleep.
Always be polite.
Never interrupt.
Never walk away in the middle of a conversation.
Never take anything between worlds.
Never kill a spider.
Never trust a pirate at night.
Collect clovers with four leaves.
Always keep promises.
Do not be rude to a child.
Always pat cats.
Beware of dogs.
Never speak ill of the dead.
Leave no traces.
Never lie.
Never assume.
Never wear all black.
It's rude to whisper.
Avoid cameras.
Never walk under a ladder facing east.
Never leave hair, nail clippings or blood where they can be found.
Always sleep with the windows closed or not under a willow tree.
Don't stare at the sun.
Never touch a flame.
Never walk under a pair of shoes.
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ebonysable · 7 months
Definitely good information everyone who likes this little blue-clothed person should know.
Random Joris Lore Titbits Nobody Except Me Should Care About
+ AKA random bullshit that won't fit in any other post.
>Joris might literally be legally adopted.
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(source: Dofus MMO site, "The Case of the Butcher of Brakmar")
And they may have still had the paperwork to prove it 200 years later, since this was noted down in an official case file investigating temporal anomalies. Cute.
>Joris has known his surname is "Jurgen" way before the events of the movie.
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>Joris and Kerubim have distinct handwriting.
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Kerubim writes in quick, but at times indecipherable, cursive.
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Baby Joris writes in very messy cursive, while adult Joris writes in plain, blocky letters.
(source for all of this: the 20th anniversary map, scans not available online. I'll make a post trying to write down as much lore as I can from using YouTube unboxing videos later)
>Joris birthday and Zodiac lore
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As is known thanks to the studio timeline, Joris was born on December 32nd. This makes sense, considering the year changes when Jiva defeats Djaul every year.
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This also means that, unlike the rest of the series, the final episode of Aux Tresors takes place in the spring of 398, and Joris is 8 years old.
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He was pretty much born on the Krosmoz equivalent of a leap year. Poor guy.
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In real life, it would make his zodiac sign "Capricorn".
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But in Krosmoz's in-universe zodiac system his sign is "Seadragon".
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One interesting aside is that, it is entirely possible to triangulate Joris's Chinese (pandawa?) zodiac sign, since we know 1. what year he was born in, and 2. That 654 was the year of Dragon.
This is dubious lore based literally on a single post on the Dofus site, announcing a holiday event. I am only including it because I'm insane.
Anyway, here's some math:
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Because Joris was born in 390, we know that 264 years had passed since his birth, and to the already mentioned year of dragon, 654.
In real life, 264 years ago, it was 1760, (which really puts Joris's age into a perspective, and a scary one at that,) and it was...
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Here is some info on the Dragon sign of the Chinese zodiac:
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And to be specific, 1760 (and by that logic, 390) was a "Metal/Gold Dragon" year...
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I hate how well it fits, with his, uh... [gestures vaguely] his everything? Especially considering it was completely unplanned by Ankama.
I will go into a river now, never to be seen again, or something. This is too much.
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ebonysable · 7 months
I'd heard about the Wakfu les Gardiens DS game starring Eliane, but I somehow missed hearing about the Joris game!
What do we know about Joris le Sans-Pouvoir (Joris the Powerless)?
Aka, addressing the "cancelled Nintendo DS game"-shaped elephant in the room.
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While this blog has gone deep into the show and character dissections, I think it would be remiss to proceed without addressing the elephant in the room — the game, the myth, the legend, Joris le Sans-Pouvoir.
There isn't a lot that is known about it, and all the data in this post comes from two developers.
The only videos of it we have available are uhhh......,
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...Please say "Thanks Ronik!" for this video in particular.
I spent hours trying to convert these two SWF animation video files, — which demonstrate how the game was supposed to look, — to something actually viewable. There were many issues, with at least seven different programs.
I suffered for crepinjurgenology studies, but I did it.
Instead of recounting the story in my own words and omitting anything on accident, I will simply present to you, what the portfolios of two different developers say (these two pages are the source of all the images, gifs, and gameplay):
Joris Le sans-Pouvoir is the main character from a feature film Ankama due in 2013. It’s a new character IP situated in the DOFUS universe. I had the chance to work on a platform game prototype that was all about delving into of the character’s backstory. We wrote a lot of background and had a lot of fun designing and developping a cute and quirky platformer with a hint of metroidvania elements and a dash of Grow¹ gameplay elements in-between levels. It also was a great opportunity to work with Jono Takeshi-san of Radiata Stories fame who worked with me on the art direction. (SOURCE)
Joris was the first Nintendo DS project developed at Ankama (in partnership with Magic Pockets). I began working on the project as narrative game designer, then took on the role of Lead Designer and Project Manager. Game design on this project involved boss fight, level design, minigame design, UI… I also designed an original collecting system where collectible items were used in a minigame inspired by the “Grow” series. The developpement has been put on hold to match the release of the animated movie with the same character (scheduled in 2013). (SOURCE)
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But neither the movie nor the game, survived their development, due to circumstances. (shorthand for: I have no idea what happened, man. Maybe one day I'll write a post about the history of the movie, and truly open that can of worms, but god, not right now. I don't want to spend more time on this.)
Eventually, The Wakfu film turned into three OVAs instead, and the Dofus film changed its plot a bunch of times, and became Livre 1 : Julith.
...For some reason, in some version of it, Joris had a tail. Yeah, I don't know what that's about either. Cool clothes, though!
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We don't know anything about its plot, and unlike cancelled projects Dofus Donjons and Welsh et Shedar (which was cancelled for years, until its recent resurrection), the lore of this game carries no relevancy in modern canon.
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The name, Joris the Powerless, as well as the log-centric gameplay, both seem to reference the early concept that Joris had log-based powers, — and that without his "magic wand," he couldn't do much.
(Joris and his weird fucking "magic wand" were, in turn, borne out of the idea of a warrior who had a woman's voice. Which makes me chuckle.)
(The following quotes are machine-translated and may contain errors)
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This is, by the way, the reason why I personally headcanon Joris to be so bad at huppermagic, that he dropped out of the Huppermage Academy, — that his awful skill in magic is the reason why he almost never uses it in combat.
(Yes, there is an actual reason why I headcanon Joris to be godawful at magic, besides just projecting my neurodivergencies onto him. Projecting onto Joris is a rite of passage for us, crepinjurgen-heads, — but this one didn't just come to me in A Vision.)
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I suppose that, even at this time, Joris was meant to be an owner of a store (...the gameplay loop involves going from boutique, to missions, and so on.)
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And these two pieces of concept art involve the boutique section, and showsl the vague figure of a female character saying «Pas mal, boss !».
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In my opinion, it might be this character. Proto-Simone, perhaps?
Since the store seems to be the centerpiece, I would assume that the plot involved Joris going around and finding artifacts for it, which would explain the gifs with the concept art of him adventuring.
(Though, the adventuring would probably just be the inciting incident/a vehicle for plot development. Nintendo DS games loved using the jobs characters did, for that purpose.)
This is the extent of what I can surmise about the plot.
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The developer portfolios also included these example documents, but the image quality is too bad for me to make sense of or upscale. I am including them here solely for some French people who are very good at reading blurry text. (If you learn anything, let me know, okay?)
Overall, my verdict is that this game's cancellation was both a blessing (Joris without Kerubim and Atcham is like tea without water and a cup. How am I meant to drink leaves? Are you stupid? Why are you giving me leaves with nothing?) and a curse (THEY CANCELLED A GAME ABOUT MY BLUE-COLORED YOINKY SPLOINKY (who has a THIN, GRABBABLE WAIST)????? FUCK!)
Hope this was a fun read!
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ebonysable · 1 year
If Atcham knew that their mother loved only him out of all her sons, he would’ve held it over Kerub’s head. I think it’s fair to assume he has no knowledge of her or what she looks like.
I can’t speak about the novels, I haven’t read them, but Ankama’s lore isn’t always 100% consistent. The timeline in the Dofus manga doesn’t add up at all when compared with later media that mentions dates, although Ankama definitely has a lot planned way in advance - there were hints about Ouginaks being a potential class before 1.29, and Ouginak being Ecaflip was hinted at when the Tarot system for Ecaflips was first released in Wakfu. Heck, I even found incomplete sprites for Ilyzaelle in the 1.29 Dofus files!
They do change things as they go along, though. The WLG background document talks about how the Eliatropes were imprisoned in their Eliacubes, which suggests that the voice that spoke to Nox in season 1 of Wakfu may have been meant to be Qilby, not Nox’s insanity. Which makes me suspect that Oropo may have been invented to take Qilby’s place as the overarching villain, but that’s just speculation.
The Crepin-Lore Manifesto.
Part 1: The Background
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It is the end of the semester, and I have assignments due, finals to get ready for... So, obviously, I wrote the longest trio of posts in my blog's entire history.
In this little (lol) character analysis/information compilation, I will try to show you that:
1. That something really indescribably weird/evil is going on with Kerubim Crepin and Atcham Crepin's history, because really, we don't know a lot about their childhood, but what we do know, doesn't paint a pretty picture.
2. They are very fascinating characters, especially Atcham, and their story is underappreciated, or entirely unknown in the greater fandom.
Besides that, I also to make some obscure info, from side-media, more accessible.
However, this part of the analysis will be about common misconceptions and background information that will inform the rest of the analysis.
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"Are they really full-on brothers?"
When I was rewatching Wakfu last year, I asked this, since I hadn't really thought about it.
The answers I got were very... diverse, and more confusing than anything. Most wikis listed them as "brothers or half-brothers", which added to the confusion.
However, 3-4 rewatches of Dofus + getting deep into the franchise later, and I know the answer.
Yes. They are full brothers, without any ambiguity on the question.
They share both a father - God Ecaflip, and a mother - an unknown mortal woman who's last name was Crepin.
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Atcham's full name is Atcham Crepin. He does not contest it, and Dardondakal has no reason to lie.
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And, as a second, slightly more ambiguous piece of evidence, Kerubim implies here that he and Atcham come from a different litter than Ush. Litter being a word that describes a group of kittens born to the same mother, at the same time.
Because Kerubim talks of his past life in the Dofus MMO, we know that ecaflip demigods keep their memories of past lives, so it is his first-hand knowledge, and not something that was told to him.
[Dofus MMO - Quest: Du rire en barre / Laughing Matter]
(Both original and translated dialogue, for posterity.)
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(So, yeah, cough-cough. Kerubim and Atcham are, pretty much, all but confirmed to be fraternal twins. Just like Flopin and Eleley.)
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"Twins... Are you sure that God Ecaflip didn't just have multiple kids with one woman?"
This is certainly a possibility, especially with Atcham repeatedly calling Kerubim his older brother... Perhaps the litter line is more figurative.
However... It would be pretty out of character for Ecaflip, with the information we have from Wakfu Raiders.
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...Listen, I knooow, It's a discontinued mobile game, but you have to understand, it's the only thing we have to judge Ecaflip's treatment of his lovers, ok?
The important thing is that he doesn't seem to care about them, after he's done. Neither does he seem to care about the demigods that result from his romantic exploits, when we look at his treatment of Yakusha, Atcham, and, yes, even Kerubim.
And even if he cared, he still wouldn't stick around. Mortals don't live long enough to get attached.
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All of Ecaflip's love for Kerubim stems from one fact - he's entertaining to him.
His love is deep, but it's not parental. It doesn't depend on who his mother was, or if he's happy. It depends on the fact that Kerubim obeys him, serves him, is a good person and a hero, and takes any punishment or attention he gives him, while being fun to sometimes torture, test and play with.
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Even if Ecaflip's treatment of him is horrifying, he can't help but be proud of it himself. Especially when this tough love had taught him some things.
But, despite the sugarcoating he applies to his feelings while raising Joris - because his son doesn't deserve the misfortune of knowing all that - it's pretty obvious that even though he loves Ecaflip back, not all of his feelings towards him are warm.
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...But before any of that that, Kerubim was simply one of many orphan demigods without a home, a family, or a mother, about all of whom Ecaflip cared just as little.
It's pretty likely that he probably wouldn't even recall that woman's name.
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"About the family - what about the time Kerubim said that he was the last Crepin in his family?"
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Okay... Nobody would ask this. I am certainly THE only person on this planet who even cares. But, I do have an answer to this.
Anyway, here's a giant, seemingly-unrelated-at-first-glance tangent:
Kerubim Crepin, and the 30-40 instances of accidental Cluster B coding.
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To preface this section, I am perfectly aware that it is a bit selfish, to shove my personal headcanons and interpretations of him having comorbid BPD and HPD, something that is entirely unintended by the writers, and simply my observation of his personality, into my analysis of lore post. And neither am I a psychologist.
However, even without these two headcanons, I cannot write this analysis without ever mentioning this - because I am going to be discussing his canonical, unhealthy behavior patterns, coping mechanisms, and emotional turmoil.
They all go unnamed, but they are present in the show, down to it's core. My headcanons are, at best, me putting a name to his struggles.
Kerubim Crepin struggles with being blind to other people's emotions, having very low cognitive empathy.
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His emotions are intense to the point of dissociation. He often has wrong ideas of how close his relationships to people actually are.
Besides that, he's prone to impulsive behaviors that damage those already shaky relationships.
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His defense mechanism is splitting, switching at a moment's notice between idealizing and devaluing someone.
It happens, in some ways, with pretty much everyone he loves.
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And most importantly, Kerubim Crepin is terrified of being alone, of being abandoned.
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His struggles are, no doubt, rooted fully in his childhood trauma, which I shall discuss in the next post. But until then, a very broad assessment of his mental health and personality issues is good to keep in mind.
Whether you agree with my headcanons or not - these are simply his character traits, which I had based said headcanons on - and, even without them, these facts are important facets to understanding him, no matter what you name them.
With this, I had finally established the foundation for the next part, where I will discuss the actual Childhood bits of his backstory, and get started on talking about Atcham.
...And yeah, the reason why he would say that he's the last Crepin, is because with how broken their relationship is - Atcham is dead to him, as much as he is dead to Atcham.
But where do all these issues, these struggles, and pains come from?
I will discuss that in the next part.
[PART 2]
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ebonysable · 1 year
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We celebrate the purported geniuses who discovered the cure--but we don't acknowledge that discovering a cure means nothing unless and until we get the cure to the people who need it--an enterprise we've failed at to a remarkable degree over the last 70 years.
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ebonysable · 1 year
I got a laptop with Windows 11 for an IT course so I can get certified, and doing the first time device set-up for it made me want to commit unspeakable violence
Windows 11 should not exist, no one should use it for any reason, it puts ads in the file explorer and has made it so file searches are also web searches and this cannot be turned off except through registry editing. Whoever is responsible for those decisions should be killed, full stop.
Switch to linux, it's free and it's good.
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ebonysable · 1 year
I want to say that with trans folk now being at risk of the fucking death sentence in Florida....
The time for community is Now. The time to start planning and organizing how to get our rights back is NOW. bring it up at your local LGBT craft events or book club or support group or whatever. Tell your friends. Spread the word. And maybe see which ones will have the safety and resources you'll need should a Lavender Hunt happen in your area.
And on the scarier end of reality....
This is fucking terrifying. Lots of people are at risk. Personally, I'm terrified this rhetoric will spread much like Trumpism did. I'm scared for my gf and I'm fucking scared for myself because we know historically that it isn't just trans folk on HRT or drag performers that they go after.
And you have every right to do whatever you need to protect yourself.
I'm not going to shame folks who quit HRT, who take the rainbows out of their bio, the people who start saying partner instead of revealing a gender, or anyone else taking a few steps towards the safety that the closet provides. WE shouldn't.
I fucking love you. And we'll be okay as long as we're together, okay?
We keep us safe
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ebonysable · 1 year
According to Dofus Dungeons (which last I heard was on the backburner), Ecaflip was actually married to one of his disciples, named Varvara. All his heirs (legitimate sons) are from their marriage, including Kerub, Atcham, and Ush. It hasn’t been explained why each litter has a different last name. They also had a lot of legitimate daughters, but they aren't counted as heirs because Ecaflip is sexist or something.  Domino (Dofus, in Ecaflipus) is one of these daughters, posing as a son in order to be counted. Ecaflip fell head over heels for Varvara because she was completely hairless, and had the most beautiful skin. However, he had a major wandering eye problem - so Varvara tried gambling that he loved her more than he loved his freedom to have flings, and lost. The marriage broke up, and the plot of Dofus Dungeons was going to be that Varvara plotted to become the Goddess Ecaflip in his place. Because of the marriage breakdown, Varvara developed a hatred for all her sons, except her favourite, the one that inherited her skin - Atcham. Apart from Atcham, she only loves her daughters.
The Crepin-Lore Manifesto.
Part 1: The Background
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It is the end of the semester, and I have assignments due, finals to get ready for... So, obviously, I wrote the longest trio of posts in my blog's entire history.
In this little (lol) character analysis/information compilation, I will try to show you that:
1. That something really indescribably weird/evil is going on with Kerubim Crepin and Atcham Crepin's history, because really, we don't know a lot about their childhood, but what we do know, doesn't paint a pretty picture.
2. They are very fascinating characters, especially Atcham, and their story is underappreciated, or entirely unknown in the greater fandom.
Besides that, I also to make some obscure info, from side-media, more accessible.
However, this part of the analysis will be about common misconceptions and background information that will inform the rest of the analysis.
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"Are they really full-on brothers?"
When I was rewatching Wakfu last year, I asked this, since I hadn't really thought about it.
The answers I got were very... diverse, and more confusing than anything. Most wikis listed them as "brothers or half-brothers", which added to the confusion.
However, 3-4 rewatches of Dofus + getting deep into the franchise later, and I know the answer.
Yes. They are full brothers, without any ambiguity on the question.
They share both a father - God Ecaflip, and a mother - an unknown mortal woman who's last name was Crepin.
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Atcham's full name is Atcham Crepin. He does not contest it, and Dardondakal has no reason to lie.
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And, as a second, slightly more ambiguous piece of evidence, Kerubim implies here that he and Atcham come from a different litter than Ush. Litter being a word that describes a group of kittens born to the same mother, at the same time.
Because Kerubim talks of his past life in the Dofus MMO, we know that ecaflip demigods keep their memories of past lives, so it is his first-hand knowledge, and not something that was told to him.
[Dofus MMO - Quest: Du rire en barre / Laughing Matter]
(Both original and translated dialogue, for posterity.)
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(So, yeah, cough-cough. Kerubim and Atcham are, pretty much, all but confirmed to be fraternal twins. Just like Flopin and Eleley.)
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"Twins... Are you sure that God Ecaflip didn't just have multiple kids with one woman?"
This is certainly a possibility, especially with Atcham repeatedly calling Kerubim his older brother... Perhaps the litter line is more figurative.
However... It would be pretty out of character for Ecaflip, with the information we have from Wakfu Raiders.
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...Listen, I knooow, It's a discontinued mobile game, but you have to understand, it's the only thing we have to judge Ecaflip's treatment of his lovers, ok?
The important thing is that he doesn't seem to care about them, after he's done. Neither does he seem to care about the demigods that result from his romantic exploits, when we look at his treatment of Yakusha, Atcham, and, yes, even Kerubim.
And even if he cared, he still wouldn't stick around. Mortals don't live long enough to get attached.
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All of Ecaflip's love for Kerubim stems from one fact - he's entertaining to him.
His love is deep, but it's not parental. It doesn't depend on who his mother was, or if he's happy. It depends on the fact that Kerubim obeys him, serves him, is a good person and a hero, and takes any punishment or attention he gives him, while being fun to sometimes torture, test and play with.
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Even if Ecaflip's treatment of him is horrifying, he can't help but be proud of it himself. Especially when this tough love had taught him some things.
But, despite the sugarcoating he applies to his feelings while raising Joris - because his son doesn't deserve the misfortune of knowing all that - it's pretty obvious that even though he loves Ecaflip back, not all of his feelings towards him are warm.
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...But before any of that that, Kerubim was simply one of many orphan demigods without a home, a family, or a mother, about all of whom Ecaflip cared just as little.
It's pretty likely that he probably wouldn't even recall that woman's name.
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"About the family - what about the time Kerubim said that he was the last Crepin in his family?"
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Okay... Nobody would ask this. I am certainly THE only person on this planet who even cares. But, I do have an answer to this.
Anyway, here's a giant, seemingly-unrelated-at-first-glance tangent:
Kerubim Crepin, and the 30-40 instances of accidental Cluster B coding.
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To preface this section, I am perfectly aware that it is a bit selfish, to shove my personal headcanons and interpretations of him having comorbid BPD and HPD, something that is entirely unintended by the writers, and simply my observation of his personality, into my analysis of lore post. And neither am I a psychologist.
However, even without these two headcanons, I cannot write this analysis without ever mentioning this - because I am going to be discussing his canonical, unhealthy behavior patterns, coping mechanisms, and emotional turmoil.
They all go unnamed, but they are present in the show, down to it's core. My headcanons are, at best, me putting a name to his struggles.
Kerubim Crepin struggles with being blind to other people's emotions, having very low cognitive empathy.
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His emotions are intense to the point of dissociation. He often has wrong ideas of how close his relationships to people actually are.
Besides that, he's prone to impulsive behaviors that damage those already shaky relationships.
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His defense mechanism is splitting, switching at a moment's notice between idealizing and devaluing someone.
It happens, in some ways, with pretty much everyone he loves.
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And most importantly, Kerubim Crepin is terrified of being alone, of being abandoned.
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His struggles are, no doubt, rooted fully in his childhood trauma, which I shall discuss in the next post. But until then, a very broad assessment of his mental health and personality issues is good to keep in mind.
Whether you agree with my headcanons or not - these are simply his character traits, which I had based said headcanons on - and, even without them, these facts are important facets to understanding him, no matter what you name them.
With this, I had finally established the foundation for the next part, where I will discuss the actual Childhood bits of his backstory, and get started on talking about Atcham.
...And yeah, the reason why he would say that he's the last Crepin, is because with how broken their relationship is - Atcham is dead to him, as much as he is dead to Atcham.
But where do all these issues, these struggles, and pains come from?
I will discuss that in the next part.
[PART 2]
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ebonysable · 1 year
Get yourself a fabric store that will light your fabric on fire for you
No but legit I asked what the fiber content of something was and the guy didn’t know so he cut a chunk off and lit it on fire and felt the ashes and was like. Yeah this is mostly cotton with a lil bit of silk. And that was the moment I knew. This is it. This is the fabric store for me. Also that guy is marriage material. Not for me but damn some person is gonna be so happy with him.
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