echshosa · 7 years
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echshosa · 9 years
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echshosa · 9 years
Welcome new HOSA Officers!
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echshosa · 10 years
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Here is Arianna Fournier and Caitlyn Foster on stage as 1st place in Health Career Display at GA HOSA State Competition! They will advance to HOSA Nationals in California.
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echshosa · 10 years
Congratulations! Arianna Fournier and Caitlyn Foster won 1st place at GA HOSA State competition in Health Career Display. They did Orthopedic Surgeon and will go to HOSA National Competition in California this summer!!!
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echshosa · 10 years
Going to GA HOSA SLC! Wishing good luck to all the competitors!
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echshosa · 10 years
HOSA Member Meeting tomorrow after school!!!!!!!
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echshosa · 10 years
Payment deadline for HOSA SLC is on Jan 23!! Pay your $85 if you want to go to Mrs. Neurath by Friday!!
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echshosa · 10 years
Attention! Member meeting coming up on Jan 22!! After school in room 601!
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echshosa · 10 years
New Meeting Dates!
Member meeting dates are:
January 22, February 19, March 5, April 16
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echshosa · 10 years
Successful people dare to fail but refuse to be defeated by failure
(via aslam1)
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echshosa · 10 years
HOSA State Conference! $85 due by January 25 if you want to attend! See Mrs. Neurath for details.
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echshosa · 10 years
ECHS HOSA Region Competition testing on January 15th!!! See Mrs. Neurath for time!
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echshosa · 10 years
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Entire Screen of One Game
Gaming experiment by Tom Murphy for the Ludum Dare competition is a simple platformer with a recursive twist - the screen continually shrinks to the size of your playable character, becoming the character itself, and the other screens are stuck in the level as well. It makes more sense when you play it …
Try it out for yourself here
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echshosa · 10 years
Christmas Party on Dec 18! Sign up in room 601 and plan to bring a wrapped dollar gift.
We have food and games planned out. Let's have a fun Christmas party!
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echshosa · 10 years
Region Competition, sign up and $10 due on DEC 19!!!!!! Sign up in room 601
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echshosa · 10 years
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Beautiful sunset! Time to go home HOSA members!
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