#Fall Rally
lorryicious · 1 month
think I just saw u on Alex Hirsch’s insta story. saw someone holding a sign that looked suspiciously similar to ur Bill teehee
YES I WAS THERE!! I have wanted to get involved with the union so bad and HAD to go!! :DD THATS SO COOL U PROBABLY DID SEE ME
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raincandyyy-u · 2 months
Hi, all. There’s an animation rally going on in Burbank right now. I can’t be there physically so I’m sharing Dana Terrace’s statement on it.
Here is the poster with the details
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edit: I forgot to include the website. Here it is! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/stand-with-animation-rally-tickets-962329341967
Fuck AI, stand with Animation.
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judasisgayriot · 5 months
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Patrick + blood (YBC)
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llamasofchaos · 5 months
Everyone believing Alex in season three makes me feel so many things because ever since Ian died no one had believed him without proof. Even Jack and Tom took convincing in both season one and two before they believed him.
And in season three after he gets manipulated by Scorpia and is about to fall off the deep end, his friends, and Jack, and the department believe in him. And it just breaks my heart how he didn't believe them first because in the past when he came to them for help he always had to prove he was telling the truth but after Scorpia they don't even need to know what happened to believe him.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
A quick reminder that when people say, "we were all for pride until they Went Too Far," what they often mean is, "I was never 'for pride' until it became a little more socially acceptable to say so without facing consequences."
Growing up (at least for myself), when gay marriage was still illegal, the same people who pretended they were always "for pride" were the same ones who'd've said, "But a child needs a mommy and daddy! Homosexuality is unnatural because of that!!" as an 'argument' as to why gay marriage deserved to stay illegal.
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britney-rosberg06 · 7 months
halfbaked and basic landoscar fic concept where Lando tends bar at a struggling pub recently passed down to Logan and Alex, who reaches out to Logan’s childhood friend Oscar to help save the bar and over the course of several weeks/months/however Oscar and Lando grow closer trying to do their best to save the pub while Sargbon try to set them up
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sevenangrybees · 7 months
On one hand I'm so so excited for more people to meet mithrun in the anime and go nuts over him.
On the other I am so worried about folks not being cool about their bad ass fucked up fave needing caregivers.
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fungus-no69 · 4 months
Imagining pc coming out of the woods covered in sticks and mud and sweat (maybe tears too) and everyone’s just like ‘yeah they do that all the time’
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tomorrowusa · 5 months
« Donald Trump is the first former US president to be tried for paying hush money to an adult film star who said his penis is shaped like a mushroom. » —Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy Kimmel on Monday also had a few words about Trump falling asleep in court.
But the best part of this segment was his focus on Trump's rally in Pennsylvania last Saturday.
After watching that, I think that nobody this year should be granted a high school diploma without first transcribing 5 minutes of Trump speaking at a rally. New voters need to experience Trump's total incoherence in a concrete way.
BTW: While I miss the Midwest, one thing that makes me happy to be in New York right now is this...
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That's the top of Page 1 of the 34 count indictment against Trump in the hush money case. It's a great feeling to be one of the "People of the State of New York" in whose name this prosecution was brought about. Eat your heart out, Colorado!
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sammythesheltie · 11 months
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Two full days are behind uns - much work but we had lot of fun.
Baking cakes and cooking soup at early morning for our rally-obedience competition at the dog club.
At midday to the dog club, cleaning, decorating (it was st. Martin themend) and building up the competition field.
Since it was a competition at our dog club and I am the Obfrau (person who is not only trainer but resposible at events etc. for this dog sport too) it was hard but fun.
It was a long and hard day but so so so super good.
I walked with Sammy in class 3 and we got 78/100 points - I did two big mistakes but Sammy was so super good.
My mom walked with Fox in senior class and got 99/100 points - I cried so much because I am so happy for them.
I train Pino and told my mother (it is her dog but I train him) she is ready to walk his first beginner class with him and they did so well - my mother did some mistakes but they did so super well 75/100 points.
And Luc walked with Sammy his first rally-obedience competition AND THEY GOT THIRD PLACE.
They did so super well together, 91/100 points.
All in all I am just so so so super proud of everyone, I am really happy ❤️.
(Luc is totally okay that I show this picture, he is so proud too - I surely asked.)
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myanimediary · 3 months
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Gunsmith Cats
ENG Title: Gunsmith Cats
JP Title: ガンスミスキャッツ
Action・Comedy OVA・3 Episodes Year: Fall 1995 Studio: OLM Character: Rally Vincent ( ラリー・ビンセント )
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ynbabe · 2 months
This was a Danny ric rb to renault move I fear 😬
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seagulley · 10 months
@ dogblr
Does anyone have any tips for building distance in a back up? We need both distance away from the handler (3-5m), as well as distance in the back up itself (approx. 3m).
For context, these are the rally signs we're working on:
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(In 422 the dog remains in position according to the previous sign while handler walks 3-5m away, turns around and then cues the back up.)
I trained Kaija's back up using a rear foot target, but I may not have faded it correctly. With the target we were able to work up to the necessary distances. But without the target she'll back up ~1m (maybe a bit more), then pause and wait for a second cue; if I repeat the cue, she'll back up some more. She also tends to back up crooked and overall just seems kinda unsure about the whole thing.
I'm thinking we need to first go back to the rear target and just work on muscle memory to help her stay straight. But how to then fade the target without losing some of her understanding? Or maybe targets aren't the best way to teach this at all? 🤔
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tariah23 · 5 months
I went into the boys tag for the first time (a big mistake lmfaooo) and I just have to say that white people fall for propaganda so easily especially when wrapped in a thin veil of that same whiteness that they value more than anything else in the world, even when a series like the boys is sort of an obvious social commentary on that kinda stuff 😭……. They’re calling Homelander their girl…. Their BABYGIRL, nigga, he is a fascist sksjsjaja.
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subwaytostardew · 7 months
Ingo and Emmet are technically celebrities back in Unova, or at least Nimbasa, it would make sense if a paparazzi or journalist or someone from the news came from Nimbasa to see and report back to the city what the twins are doing. They're nosy and you know what sells? Whether or not the celebrity is dating, it could be the husband protecting the farmer from bad publicity or them being super proud of their spouse! It's not a date per say but it'd be an interesting event give or take.
Kade and I were talking about this, but anything to do with paparazzi and publicity will probably have more to do with Elesa. We don't want to stray too far from canon, so most celebrity antics will be more to do with being associated with her.
They're technically celebrities... but not quite! They don't exactly have much star-power of their own in canon. When you disembark on the Battle Subway and talk to the other random NPCs, pretty much everyone hates them; they all say stuff about how Ingo and Emmet are suspicious or weird (I remember that vividly because it honestly made me feel a little sick and I had to put down the game for a couple of days ;;;>.>). Few can appreciate their autism. 😔
The competitive battling scene isn't particularly big in Unova (outside of Blueberry Academy but... that's pretty contained). Dedicated battlebrains like Hilda and Hilbert don't make up a significant amount of their passengers. Most passengers are just average people on their commute to work. Most people challenge the Battle Subway for the sake of it (a bit of a tourist attraction like the carnival area nearby), lose really badly, get discouraged, and never come back unless if they need to use the subway to get somewhere.
In the railfan scene, they usually aren't even special guests at train conventions! They're regular attendees who had time to befriend Cilan at their leisure. He's probably the only person who does their stamp rally!
Being a Battle Facility Head doesn't necessarily constitute celebrity status. Lenora has a perfectly normal husband and marriage with no drama whatsoever! All the Unovan Gym Leaders have other jobs and lives of their own; similarily, submas are just conductors first and foremost. It wouldn't be so absurd for a middle aged train conductor to settle down with some farmer.
They're just some guys. They're even worse in Stardew as regular old train conductors; there's no battling scene to draw in challengers and the scenery itself doesn't even have much worth visiting! It's a sad truth, but most people wouldn't notice if they went missing *cough* they will. The "main plot" for them is how their relocation cough bringing that to the spotlight had a bit of a toll on them mentally.
On a sillier note, I do like the thought that most people were interested in them (superficially). Ingo did end up winning first place in a Unova sexyman poll for being tall, dark, and handsome. Emmet's still bitter about being voted third place despite being his identical twin. The Battle Subway got busy when people were under the impression that Ingo was a edgy, brooding, gentleman but that perception was quickly turned around the second he opened his mouth. The hype died down for them after a year so now they're back to being just some guys.
Anyways... Probably the closest thing we have to a "paparazzi" event on our itinerary so far is just Cilan being submas' number one fan (one and only fan?) as usual.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
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girlhorse · 7 months
been seeing. a lot of posts lately that r more than toeing the line between being anti-Israel gov & downright antisemitic 😷 but not sure what to do. like almost every one of these posts ive seen straight up has comments of support from very unsavory and disgusting white supremacists. like the amount of antisemitic memes ive seen shared on these posts and very alarming comments is making me feel a bit ill lol
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