edgierthanmost · 3 years
hahaha I dleeted amino a long time ago. I'm on discord so @ me
cata come back I miss you
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AAAA hewwo! If ur referring to coming back to amino I probably won't, unfortunately. It was bringing up bad memories ;w;
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edgierthanmost · 4 years
This DLC includes a new map, as well as a new killer.
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Makekrh Rhogggot was a creature of Lovecraftian origins it would appear ; however, it didn't possess the godly powers of what a Lovecraftian creature would have. A runt, some would say. For such a pathetic display, it was banished to Earth. Only a small creature no bigger than 2'5", an explorer named Richard Stevens found the runt, taking them in. Worried the explorer became when the beast began growing, to match the height of a 6'5" man. It seemed to copy his appearance when he was around ; and return to their blank self when he was not in their view. It was not until the acknowledgement of this creature by the government, did this go wrong. The creature was taken from the explorer, who was shot for his unwillingness to cooperate. Drove away, and then sent into a lab where they were confined by a glass cell, the creature became unresponsive, sitting in the corner most of the days when there was people there. This happened for weeks, months, maybe even years. There was nothing left to report on the creature ; so they were going to put it down to avoid it hurting anyone. Going into the cell, the scientists were attacked. What was strange about this, was that they were attacked by themselves. The creature masked as one of the scientists slaughtered them. Followed by the breaking of the glass cell's front. Alarms were sounded off, security arrived, but they were no match for themselves. Knowing everything they were doing-- because it was like looking through a mirror. When police finally arrived at the scene ; every one of the faculty were lying on the floor bloodied by what seemed like human fingerprints. When tested ; it only came up like it was them who did this to themselves. Examining around more, looking at the cameras.. It appeared the creature just vanished, a fog surrounding the room and clouding the cameras. No one knew what that thing was.
• An unpredictable killer ; able to take on many forms to confuse their prey and use powers of the forms he takes on. •
• Difficulty : Hard •
• Mirror, Mirror •
The Thing is able to conjure up forms of different killers ; being able to use their powers.
When first activating Mirror, Mirror ; you will have a brief startup time before you transform into a random killer. If you use this while staring at a survivor, it will not work and the Thing will be stunned for a short period.
When the Thing is taking a random killer's form, it can be taken out of by a survivor flashlight stunning them. The only way to tell that it is the Thing, and not the killer it's imitating, is by the sound it makes. It will still play the Thing's stun sound, and "breathing" sound.
When the Thing starts a match, pictures of killers will be scattered throughout the map. Without any addons, the Thing will not be able to see their auras and must find them on their own. When staring at one of the pictures, the Thing will take the form of the killer in the picture with a slightly longer startup time. The picture will then be torn, if the picture is torn/used too much, the Thing will not recognize it and it will become unusable.
When taking form of The Shape, half of the Evil Within I meter will be filled. When taking form of The Oni, you will start with 0 blood. When taking form of the Wraith, you will start invisible with an audio cue.
Mirror, Mirror will be on a cooldown of 1 minute before you can acquire another killer's form. The cooldown will be reduced to 30 seconds if the Thing was stunned either by pallet drop/flashlight stun.
When Mirror, Mirror is on cooldown ; The Thing will shrink in size, and grow back when the cooldown has ended.
Blood Bag (UnCommon)
When the Thing takes the form of the Oni, they will start with 10 blood.
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Family Photo (Ultra Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of The Shape, you will immediately start in Tier II.
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Dog Collar (Common)
The cooldown of Mirror, Mirror is reduced.
Richard's Note (UnCommon)
The startup of Mirror, Mirror is reduced.
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Decapitated Teddy Bear (Rare)
The cooldown of Mirror, Mirror is reduced considerably.
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Makerkrth's Drawing (Ultra Rare)
See the aura of photos within 32 metres.
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Trapper Sack (Common)
When the Thing takes the form of the Trapper, start with one extra bear trap.
Setting Tools (Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Trapper, considerably increase the speed at which bear traps are set.
Award Winning Chili (Very Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Cannibal, chainsaw acceleration is tremendously increased. Considerably increases time penalty of bumping into objects.
Primer Bulb (UnCommon)
When the Thing takes the form of the Cannibal, moderately reduce the Chainsaw startup time.
Leather Knife Sheath (Very Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Ghostface, moderately increase speed when crouched.
Willow Wreath (Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Hag, reveal a survivor's aura when they trigger a Phantasm trap.
Rusty Attachments (Very Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Pig, Reverse Bear Trapped Survivors suffer from the "Mangled" status effect.
Iridescent King (Ultra Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Doctor, Survivors suffer from effects of Calm, Restraint, and Discipline.
Nancy's Masterpiece (Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Nightmare, moderately decreases Dream Projection cooldown.
Paint Thinner (Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Nightmare, replace Dream Snares with Dream Pallets.
Spiked Boots (Uncommon)
When the Thing takes the form of the Hillbilly, moderately increase Chainsaw sprint steering.
Dead Rabbit (Uncommon)
When the Thing takes the form of the Shape, moderately decrease terror radius in Tier Evil Within II, moderately increase terror radius in Evil Within III.
Cold Dirt (Very Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Legion, considerably decrease cooldown of Feral Frenzy.
Fuming Mixtape (Ultra Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Legion, using Feral Frenzy ; you can determine how much the generators have been repaired.
Oak Haft (UnCommon)
When the Thing takes the form of the Huntress, moderately reduce the time between hatchet throws.
Mew's Guts (Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Demogorgon, slightly reduce the cooldown of missed Shred attacks, adds 1 portal.
Forgotten Videotape (Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Executioner, moderately reduce Rites of Judgement recharge time.
Bad Man Keepsake (Uncommon)
When the Thing takes the form of the Nurse, the aura of survivors healing or being healed will be revealed within 28 metres after hitting the survivor with a successful post-Blink attack.
Warden's Keys (Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Deathslinger, moderately reduce Speargun Reload time.
Thick Cork Stopper (UnCommon)
When the Thing takes the form of the Clown, moderately decrease Reload time.
Potent Tincture (UnCommon)
When the Thing takes the form of the Plague, moderately decrease cooldown of Vile Purge.
"All Seeing" - Blood (Very Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Wraith, see the auras of survivors within 12 meters when cloaked.
"Swift Hunt" - White (Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Wraith, considerably reduce the reappearance time.
Bloody Hair Brooch (Very Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Spirit, considerably increase Yamaoka's Haunting activation charge rate.
Yamaoka Sashimono (Rare)
When the Thing takes the form of the Oni, moderately increase Blood Fury duration.
×Broken Bonds×
" I love you, little buddy. Don't you ever forget it. " -Richard Stevens
When survivors are together, their auras get revealed for 2/4/5 seconds. Has a cooldown of 6/5/4 minutes.
×Hex: Perception Check×
" This thing's got my head spinning.. " -Dr. ?????
Your deception is unbounded, every time you trick your prey, your hunger only grows.
At the start of trial a hex will spawn, this hex totem is a fake. When cleansed it would say that the hex curse is gone, when infact it isn't. Ontop of that, when a copycat totem is cleansed, all generators across the map suffer a 20/25/30% regression penalty.
Hex: Perception check will only be activated when another hex perk is active, and does not work with no one escapes death.
" Woah, what is this? Some. . sort of alien? " -Richard Stevens
Being kicked out of your home because you were different. . It broke something in you, didn't it?
Everytime you get stunned either through pallet drops or flashlight stuns, you gain a token.
1 token - 2/3/5% speed boost
2 tokens - 2/3/5% missed attack recovery
3 tokens - 2/3/5% stun recovery
4 tokens - 2/3/5% attack recovery
(Maxs out at 4, depletes slowly after 60/80/90 seconds.)
The Thing turns into it's victim, jumping on them and grabbing a sharp rock laying nearby. The Thing would proceed to stab the survivor several times, before transforming back into its original form and ripping the survivor's arm off using it's mouth.
•New Map : Enclosure (Buckland Lab)•
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The very place where they took Makekrh, blood stains and bodies still lay in there and as a reminder of what happened that day.
If you turn into the Pig, and someone has a reverse bear trap on when you exit that form, the trap will disappear.
If you turn into the Doctor, and have madness levels on people, they will remain after you transform back but it won't mean or do anything. It will go away if you turn into Freddy.
The Thing is more child-like than anything, being banished and not really taught anything kept them naive.
Though Makekrh has no gender, they like to identify as male, and use male pronouns. This is because of how his rescuer-- Richard Stevens-- was male. He learns things from other people.
There are currently two achievements for The Thing ;
Adept Thing : In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with the Thing using only their 3 unique perks.
Complete Copy : Copy all of the killers as the Thing.
In his small state, he stands below average, in his tall state he is, well, tall.
The Thing currently has 2 skins.
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The Thing has a reduced lunge range in his small state.
(Any addon that does not have a picture is a canon addon ; and Tumblr has a 10 picture limit.)
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edgierthanmost · 4 years
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Nintendo you cowards let him smash
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edgierthanmost · 4 years
Here's my new story blog!
Character Introductions - Prologue
At th beginning there were two, creation. . and destruction. They were left to their own devices to create a world they could look over together. However. . no matter how hard the Creation lord tried, he couldn't get through to Him, Iqugo.
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He didn't to create, he only wanted to destroy. Destroy everything that he could see, even if that ment having to destroy his own brother. In a violent arguement between the Creation lord and Iqugo, to prevent chaos from destroying everyone and everything. . He sealed Iqugo's soul within his.
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The Creation lord, Sharvias, was the only person strong enough to confine his own brother. He suffered centuries, trying to keep Iqugo's mind games and attempts at bay. When he got the idea to transfer half the soul to someone else, lessen the burden.
And so he did, he made another. .
In the shape of a small goat boy, he transfered half of the soul.
His name was Abad.
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Sharvias didn't want the soul to become whole again, he wouldn't be able to fight it like he'd done for many centuries. . now that the burden's been lessened.
He stayed away from Abad, and Abad took it as no one liked him, no one wanted to be with a runt like him. . Small and weak, seen as Sharvias' bad side. . So one day, Abad decided to leave. This leave wasn't welcomed with Sharvias, and so punishment arose. He took Abad's soul, which was made by merging one soul with another's, and banished it to an eternal silence. A prison Abad couldn't escape.
Until one day, a ray of hope had appeared for the goat who had been awaiting decades. A man. . Who he felt he had a connection with. .
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Droch. Droch Diavulu, it turned out the two were related by bloodline. They were supposed to be brothers.
They spoke, and spoke, until Abad could finally break out of his cell, possessing his would-be brother.
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He became known as the creator of Hell, Satan. Though he didn't use that name. . Abad was enough for him. He created hell, as an escape from Sharvias.
And that leads to how it all started.
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edgierthanmost · 4 years
I MEAN.....
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I had to make this. I mean it’s obvious Yandere-kun is an exact rip off of Kizami Yuuya haha
Also sorry for the horrible quality of the picture on the right. Couldn’t find a better one, but you get the idea of the meme.
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edgierthanmost · 4 years
Why I deleted the Zombierune blog
Okay so, just now I deleted the Zombierune blog. Why? Why after I tried so hard to revamp it did I delete it?
The answer is simple :
I left the Deltarune because it was boring.
Some people can take a canon character and revolve a whole blog around them, just with a twist. They've grown stale without any real Deltarune content coming out, I can't live on an un-finished story forever, which brings me to my next point ;
I don't want Deltarune to define me.
I have so many ocs, and an expanding story. To have that ignored only to look at some fluffy goat guy would be crushing, and is one of the first reasons why I decided to drop it. Will I return to it? Who knows, but I don't wanna hold empty promises saying it's still being updated.
Zombierune actually drove me into a depressive state.
At one point, I was in a state of mind that wasn't healthy. I tried desperately to please people -- be noticed for my art skills. I kept comparing myself to artists who had cleaner art, /better/ art some would say. I kept trying to be relevant with something I wasn't passionate about, it made me cry several times a day because I thought about it so much.
So, what now?
I will be posting original content and fanart on the side -- things that I feel passionate about. I already feel a big burden being lifted off my back with the removal of that blog, I will possibly be making another blog dedicated to my original story that hasn't a name yet.
Thank you for sticking with me.
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edgierthanmost · 4 years
little 5'8" little mousy boys who live in the wall and crawl around for cheese
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edgierthanmost · 5 years
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ok so babey
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edgierthanmost · 5 years
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edgierthanmost · 5 years
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edgierthanmost · 5 years
everyone CHECK OUT my friend's blog or I will eat your toes
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i got miitopia like a couple of weeks ago and i absolutely love it, it's so cute ajsbai
it also gave me big art inspiration so!! i decided to make a miitopia au for the ocs i used (i might have to recast my genie for this au bc he's just... will smith at the moment lmao).
anyways here is my main hero; uri the energetic mage! canonically he's a full god child (due to how god mechanics work in my actual story) but in this au he's a demi-god. he's just a kid that wanted to have fun in miitopia but got roped into an adventure, and he's just going with the flow at this point.
that's really all for now? i currently want to draw out his main team so there'll probably be some more info later
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edgierthanmost · 5 years
You're certainly most welcome! You wouldn't mind if, when the book is read, I try and stretch my future journalism skills to review it?(as in video and text form?) I wanted to ask this first to see if you were comfortable with it-- by the way, keep up the good work! I'm interested in seeing more original content from you in the future!
Hey, @theblueskyphoenix, thanks for the book!
I got interested by the audio dramas and just had to snatch one up.
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edgierthanmost · 5 years
Hey, @theblueskyphoenix, thanks for the book!
I got interested by the audio dramas and just had to snatch one up.
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edgierthanmost · 5 years
I love him
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Krobus from Stardew Valley loves you unconditionally!!!
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edgierthanmost · 5 years
😤 roger ily please
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edgierthanmost · 5 years
me : why am I so tired
me also : hehe I look at tumblr for 50 minutes after I promise to go to bed....
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edgierthanmost · 5 years
😤 I love this
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I drew a Little Funtime Foxy
(i tired)
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